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Group Members: Sababa, Arisha, Samreen & Sitat

1. Information of the Sport your Choose:

➢ Rules
Teams: There are 2 teams in volleyball, and there are 6 players each team
playing on the court.
Scoring: A point is scored on every serve and is scored when a team manages to
land their ball at the other team’s court and when the rally ends.
Serve: Players have to serve standing behind the service or boundary line to the
opposing team’s court.
Rally: A rally is when both teams keep passing the ball and make sure it stays in
the air until it lands on one team’s court.
Touches: Each time is allowed to hit the ball only 3 times before sending it to
the other team’s court.
Rotation: Players have to rotate clockwise with the server staying on the back
Net Violation: Players are not allowed to touch the net during the game. Also,
they are not allowed to cross there body on the centerline under the net.
Scoring System: Volleyball is played in sets. A set is up to 25 points and the team
that wins 3 out of 5 sets wins the match.
Substitutions: Teams are allowed to make substitutions during the game but
they have to maintain the serving order.
Out-of-Bounds: The ball is out if it goes outside of the court border. However, if
it touches the border lines, it’s considered a point.

➢ Basic Skills
Serving: Serving is a very important skill in volleyball. There are various
techniques for serving, including the underhand serve, overhand (or overhand
topspin) serve, and jump serve.
Passing: Passing also known as the bump is an essential skills to receive and set
up for attacks.
Setting: Setting is using your fingertips to control the ball and pass to the
shooter. This skill requires soft and accurate touches to set up a successful
Hitting (Spiking): Spiking or hitting is the skill of hitting the ball with enough
force to send it to the other team’s court..
Blocking: Blocking a technique used to stop the opponent's attack at the net.
This skill requires good timing, technique, and teamwork with your teammates.

➢ Strategies (offense and defense)

Offensive Strategies:
Quick Sets: This offensive needs to set the ball quickly to the shooter (usually
done by the middle blocker) before the opposing block has fully formed. Quick
sets are needed to catch the opposing unprepared and disrupt their block. Quick
sets need precise timing and coordination between the teammates.

1-2-3 Attack Sequence: This is a diverse offensive strategy and it involves three
back-to-back attacks to tire out the opponent's defense. It starts with a high and
strong attack ( 1) to push the defense back. The second attack is a quick set or a
back-row attack (2) to ruin any creation in the block created by the first attack.
Finally, the third attack (3) is a powerful or forceful spike designed to score a
point. This strategy causes the opponent to get afraid and confused to
eventually score a point.

Defensive Strategies:

Block and Cover: Blocking is a basic defense strategy. When the opposing team
is attacking, the blockers need to block the ball at the net. If the block is not
successful, the back-row defenders must be prepared to cover the area behind
the block. This strategy ensures that even if the block is unsuccessful, there are
defenders ready to control the ball.

Rotation and Shifting: Players in defense have to adapt to the offense’s strategy.
A strategy commonly used is to rotate and shift the team based on the guessed
attack. For example, if the opposing team has a strong right-side shooter, the
defense may move more players to the right side of the court. This technique of
guessing the attacks help the team to defend better according to the offense

2. General Drills and Training to develop performance in chosen sport

Cardiovascular Training:
❖ Jump Rope
❖ Sprint

Strength Training:
❖ Squats
❖ Lunges
❖ Push-ups
❖ Planks
❖ Russian twist
❖ Leg raises

Speed and agility:

❖ Cone drills
❖ Ladder drills

Ball control drills:

❖ Wall passing
❖ Partner practice

3. Impact of Training and Playing your chosen sport on Wellbeing

(Social, Physical, emotional and intellectual)

Physical Benefits:
Cardiovascular Health: Volleyball is a physically demanding sport that requires
a lot of physical movement and activity. Regular playing can help improve
cardiovascular health, strengthen the heart, and enhance overall endurance.
Muscle Strength and Endurance: The sport involves various activities, like
jumping, running, and hitting the ball, which help to work different muscle
groups. This can lead to improved muscle strength and endurance, especially in
the legs, core, and upper body.
Balance and Coordination: Playing volleyball requires good hand-eye
coordination, quick reactions and accurate movements. Playing this sport can
improve your balance and body coordination.
Bone Density: The impact of jumping and landing can help to increase bone
density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures in the future.
Flexibility: The different motions and stretching involved in volleyball can lead
to improved flexibility, which can reduce the risk of injuries and increase overall

Emotional Benefits:
Stress Relief: Engaging in physical activity, including volleyball, releases
endorphins, which can help reduce stress and improve mood. And because this
is a team game, it also helps to improve team work.
Teamwork and Social Connection: Volleyball is a team sport that promotes
teamwork. Being part of a team and working together to achieve common goals
can boost self-esteem and create strong social connections.
Confidence Building: When players play in a team, and improve their skills and
help their team win, it can cause a boost in self-confidence and self-esteem that
can help in other areas of life aswell.
Problem-Solving Skills: When playing volleyball, you have to make quick
decisions, therefore it is beneficial to any teams and can help you doing any
other problems.

4. Area of improvement related to your performance in your chosen

➢ Your Performance
I think I have many aspects of my performance where I need to improve.
For example, I am good at serving and receiving but I wish to improve in
my overall team performance and be a good team player. I also think that
even though I can receive, I have to learn how to do it better. I also want
to learn blocking and how I can block my opponent’s shots.

➢ One of your peer’s performance

I have been observing my peer’s performance, I have noticed that she is
good at locating the ball however her aim needs to be better and she
needs to practice her aim more. Also I want her to improve her blocking
and her skills as a group instead of focusing on serving all the time.

5. Training Plan to work on YOUR OWN areas of improvement.

➢ The output of the plan should be 20 minutes including warmup

-Drills /Exercises -Cooldown
➢ Apply relevant drills/exercises to work on your areas of
Emotional/Mental and Physical/Skills

Sl Name of Repetition How to perform Describe the Impact of

no. drill/exercise Drills/Exercises/Activities
/activity on

1 Jump Rope 2 minutes Use the rope to do some To improve footwork and
(warm-up) light jumping agility

2 Dynamic 2 minutes leg swings, arm circles, Loosen up muscles

Stretching high knees, and butt kicks.

3 Light Jogging 1-minute Jog on the spot To help prepare your body.

4 Passing Drill 5 minutes Chose a partner or use a To practice passing. And get
wall to practice forearm better aim and accuracy
passing. Try to focus on
proper technique and

5 Setting Drill 5 minutes Set the ball back and forth Practice setting and practice
with a partner, focusing on teamwork and hand
setting the ball accurately movement.
to your partner.

6 Static 3 minutes Stretch major muscle Perform this to improve

Stretching groups, including your flexibility and reduce muscle
(cool-down) legs, arms, shoulders, and tension.
back. Hold each stretch for
20-30 seconds.

7 Deep 2 minutes Practice deep breathing to This is to lower your heart

Breathing & relax your mind and body. rate and promote recovery
Relaxation from the practice.

6. Training Plan for YOUR PEER to work on their areas of

➢ Based on your application of Plan 1; modify and create Plan 2.
➢ For each modification; explain reasons and causes of change
➢ The output of the plan should be 20 minutes including Warmup
-Drills /Exercises-Cooldown

Sl Name of Repetitions How to perform Describe the Impact of

no. drill/exercise Drills/Exercises/Activities
/activity on

1 Light Jog 2 minuites Light jog around the To warm up your muscles
(warm-up) court or any area

2 Dynamiz 2 minutes leg swings, arm circles, To increase mobility and

stretching hip circles, and walking flexibility
(warm-up) lunges.

3 Jumping jack 1 minute Light jumping jacks to To engage your whole body
(warm-up) get your body ready

4 Standing 2 minute Stand with your feet Essential skill for blocking
vertical shoulder-width apart and spiking
jumps and jump as high as you
can, reaching for the sky

5 Box jumps or 4 minutes Set up a box or hurdles. Increases balance and

hurdle jumps Jump onto the box or muscular coordination in
over the hurdles, lower body.
focusing on a quick
takeoff and a soft landing
6 Spike 4 minutes Practice your spike This will help stimulate a
approach and approach with a jump. real life situation and help
jump increase reaction

7 Static 3 minutes Stretch your legs, arms, To improve stability and

stretching shoulders, and back. decrease muscle tension
(cool-down) Hold each stretch for
20-30 seconds.

8 Deep 2 minutes Take slow, deep breaths, To calm down and refresh
Breathing and visualize successful your mind after practice
and plays and movements in
Visualization the game.

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