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Rebecca Fashola

14 Brimpsfield Close
Abbeywood SE2 9LR
Zebedee Chambers
Spring Square

Dear sir/ madam

Your top ranked law firm is based upon the legal fields that I am most interested in and
yearn for what my future aspirations to be. I came across this opportunity provided by your
firm in an careers talk held by the university I attend which also included other top legal
firms. Therefore, I believe that your three-day mini pupillage would push further my skills
and qualities in becoming a highly independent barrister. Zebedee allows their members
and advocates to balance their time between courts and in the office which would be a huge
beneficial practice for me.

As an aspiring barrister, this particular chamber is of high interest to me. Zebedee has a
complex and demanding nature of the firms work, which however is all for a good cause. I
would describe myself as having a strength of effective communication which allows me to
be able to discuss complex legal matters with those around me as well as listen to the needs
of others. A quality like this reflects the work of barristers I would be shadowing if I was to
be chosen for this mini pupillage.

Zebedee chambers pledge to hold organisations and public sector bodies to account
therefore gives clear evidence that the firm take pride in providing the best service to their
clients. Working at three part time made me realise that excellent customer service is very
important. However, I would be honoured to grow my customer service in the legal sector
especially with cases. Adapting to new environments could be described as a breeze to me
hopefully settling to shadow a barrister would also be a breeze.

The opportunity to become a private tutor and mentor is one that I will always be proud
about. This was a result of witnessing first-hand the importance of education and how all
students should use it to overcome all their limitations in life. Especially during the
pandemic. The opportunity of helping low ability children made me realise that providing
help for those in need is important to me as it also prepares me for my future clientele.

Thank you for taking the time to read and contemplate upon my application. If I am
successful, I am available to be contacted through email or telephone. Please ensure to
contact me with any queries

Yours Sincerely,
Rebecca Fashola

Preliminary to hearing about the advertisement for the three-day virtual mini pupillage at
Zebedee Chambers, I was adamant that the particular field I wanted to branch out in was
criminal law. This was influenced by reading many books such as ‘The Secret Barrister’ and
‘In Your Defence’. As well as watching many criminal law related series, for example ‘How
To Get Away With Murder’. Although the firm has been top ranked for its criminal fields, I
am more determined that both matrimonial and children family law are what I would be
honoured to work in due to the chamber having more respected clienteles. By just being
part of this particular leading legal firm, I’d be able to assist the barrister I would be
shadowing with note taking and participating in legal research. In which I can use insights
from my past shadowing experiences at a solicitor law firm Pennington Manches. Being able
to have the opportunity to shadow various solicitors, in a completely different field to family
law. However, during my shadowing, I did learn about the role of barristers outside of a law
firm and their significance in cases, as they’re the ones arguing them in court.

Family law, in my opinion is looked down upon, compared to any other legal fields in the
legal system. Therefore, it has been a sort of main priority that I gain more knowledge in this
particular field. I began to become a lot more captivated with family law related cases by
reading and watching documentaries about them. Research of cases provided me the
insights of how to tackle various types of family issues in the future. I also believe that
working with Zebedee will ensure that I learn different approaches barrister's use with any
family case such as discussion, dispute, and resolution. Generally, I have always been
interested in becoming a barrister, hence why I decided to reject the two other options
(Dougal LLP and Florence LLP) as the solicitor route is not what I'm passionate in. It is
evident in my CB that I am in innovative thinker, which I like to work for myself and be
independent. These are qualities that are looked for in a barrister. As well as being
argumentative, another quality is having advocacy meaning standing up for your clientele
and getting your point across. Lastly, the ability to vocate, which ensures barrister's have the
opportunity to provide the specialist knowledge that can assist a client. My personal
experience a few years ago on a school trip to the Royal Courts of justice furthered my
decision to want to apply for the pupillage. The reason being, I got to discover first-hand
how barristers are in court and took notes on how barristers were dressed and their body
language. Both are examples of how our despite to be in the near future.

Having the ability to be multilingual is another key skill I take pride in. This skill enables me
to be able to speak Yoruba (from Nigerian origin), Spanish and English. Is an asset in a law
firm office, as well as chambers, as I can deal with many individuals from various ethnic
groups, such as clients and other solicitors. Also, interacting with more people will allow me
to possibly help more people in the future.
Conclusively, the skills I have adapted with my past experiences, my commitment, and my
perseverance are reasons I believe I should be considered the exemplary candidate for the
mini pupillage role. I can affirm that I can handle any task given to me that will be beneficial
to Zebedee Chambers.
I am thankful for you, taking time out of your day to read my cover letter and self-reflective
statement. I hope to receive a response from you swiftly.
Yours Faithfully,
Rebecca Fashola

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