Reflection What Makes A Human

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There are 3 things that make us human.

First is language, human language is a form of

communication that is unique in the natural world. Our language an take the form of oral,
visual, gestural and even tactile, it’s very interesting and it’s helpful than the other animal use
their own language to communicate but the human all over the world can communicate with
everybody with only one language like English. Second is Self-awareness, the human is very
different from the animal that they can awareness what is right and what is false. The human
can decide what they want to do in the best way but the animal can’t do it, they just can think
about something and do it. Third is imagination, Imagination is a natural element that make us
human, human needs the imagination to plan or build something so that thanks to our
imaginations, we have evolved as a society. Human is more unique that the animal. Firstly, we
can think, awareness what is right and what is false. Secondly, we have bigger parts of the. The
Human special anatomy and abilities, such as big brains and opposable thumbs, have enabled
the human to change the world dramatically and even launch off the planet.

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