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Chapter 1 Force Formulas

(1) Moment of force = force × perpendicular distance of force from a given point
(2) 1 Nm = 10⁷ done cm
(3) 1 gf = 980 done cm
(4) At equilibrium, sum of anticlockwise movement = sum of clockwise movement
(5) Force = mass × acceleration, F = ma
(6) Centrifugal force=(mv²) /r,Where, m – mass of object,v – velocity of object,r – radius of circular path
Chapter 2 Work , Energy and Power Formulas
(1) Work = force × displacement of the point object in the direction of force,W = F × S
W = F S cos θ, Where, θ – angle between force and displacement
(2) Components of force along direction of displacement – F cos θ
(3) Components of displacement along direction of force – S cos θ
(4) Work = Components of force along direction of displacement × displacement
(5) Case 1: θ = 0⁰, cos0 = 1, Workdone = FS
If the direction of force and displacement is zero then there will be maximum work done.
(6) Case 2: θ = 90⁰, cos90 = 0, Workdone = 0
If the direction of force & displacement is perpendicular to each other then there will be no work done.
(7) Case 3: θ = 180⁰, cos0 = -1, Workdone = -FS
If the angle between force and displacement is 180° then there will be a maximum negative Workdone.
(8) Work done by force of gravity, Workdone = mgh.
Where, m – mass of object, g – acceleration due to gravity =9.8 m/s², h – height of object
(9) 1 joule = 1 Newton × 1 metre
(10) 1 erg = 1 dyne1 × centimetre
(11) 1 joule = 10⁷ erg
(12) Power = workdone/ time, P = W/t
(13) Power = force × average speed, P = F × v
(14) 1 watt = 1 joule /1 second
(15) 1 horse power = 746 watt = 0.746 KW
(16) 1 watt hour = 3600 Joule = 3.6 KJ
(17) 1 kilowatt hour = 3.6 × 10⁶ joule
(18) 1 kilo calories= 4180 J.
(19) 1 electron volt = 1.6 × 10-19 J
(20) U = mgh, Where, U – Gravitational potential energy, m- mass of object, g – acceleration due to
gravity, h – height of the object
(21) KE. = ½ mv², Kinetic energy = ½ mass ×(velocity)²
Where, K.E. kinetic energy, m – mass of object, v – velocity of object
(22) Gain in potential energy = final potential energy – initial potential energy= mgh2 – mgh1
Where m- mass of object, g – acceleration due to gravity, h2 , h1 – corresponding heights.
(23) Momentum = mass × velocity, P = mv
(24) K = p² / 2m, Where, K – kinetic energy, p – Momentum, m – mass of object
(25) Work Energy theorem: Workdone = change in kinetic energy.
W = ½ mv² – ½ mu², Where, W- workdone, m – mass of object, v – final velocity, u – initial velocity
(26) Mass energy relation:Energy=mc²,Where,m – mass of object,c –velocity of light in air=3 × 10⁸ m/s.
(27) Total energy = kinetic energy + potential energy, T.E. = K.E. + P.E.
Chapter 3 Machines Formulas
(1) Mechanical advantage = Load/ Effort, M.A. = L/E
(2) Velocity ratio = (velocity of effort) /( velocity of load), V.R. = VE /VL
(3) V.R. = dE /dL, Where, dE– distance moved by effort, dL – istance moved by load
(4) Work input = work done by effort
(5) Work output = workdone on load
(6) Efficiency (η) = (Work output/ work input) × 100%
(7) Input energy = effort × displacement of the point of application of effort
(8) Output energy = Load ×displacement of the point of application of effort
(9) Output energy = input energy.
(10) The relationship between efficiency mechanical advantages and velocity ratio.
Mechanical advantage = velocity ratio × efficiency., M.A. = V.R. × η
(11) L/E = FA/FB, Where,L – load,E – Effort,FB – load arm,FA – effort arm.
(12) M.A. = ( effort arm FA) / (load arm FB)
(13) Single fixed pulley: A) E = L/E, B) M.A. = 1, C) V.R. = 1, D) η = M.A./V.R. = 1 = 100 %
Where,E – effort, L – load, M.A. – advantage, V.R. – Velocity ratio, η – efficiency
(13) Single movable pulley: A) E = L/2, B) M.A. = 2, C) V.R. = 2, D) η = M.A./V.R. = 1 = 100 %
Where,E – effort, L – load, M.A. – advantage, V.R. – Velocity ratio, η – efficiency
(14) Combination of pulleys
I) One fixed pulley and other movable pulleys
a) M.A. = 2n , b) E = L/ 2³, c) V.R. = 2n, d) η = M.A./V.R. = 1 = 100 %
Where,E – effort, L – load, M.A. – advantage, V.R. – Velocity ratio, η– efficiency, n – no of pulleys
II) Several pulleys in two blocks
A. = n, R. = n, η = 1 = 100 %
Where, E – effort, L – load, M.A. – advantage, V.R. – Velocity ratio, η – efficiency,n – no of pulleys

Chapter 4 Refraction of light at plane surface formulas

(1) Speed of light (c) = 3 ×10⁸ m/s
(2) Refractive index: (sini)/(sinr) = 1n2
Where, 1n2-Refractive index of medium 2 with respect to refractive index of medium 1
(3) λ = v/f, Where λ- Wavelength, v – velocity, f – frequency
(4) Refractive index of medium with respect to air,
n = (velocity of light in air)/(velocity of light in medium)
1 2

(5) Refractive index of glass with respect water,

water glass = (velocity of light in water)/(velocity of light in glass)
(6) Deviation = (incident angle + emergent angle) – (r1 + r2 )
(7) Apparently depth = real depth/ (anm ), Where anm–Refractive index of medium with air.
(8) Shift = real depth × [1 –1/(anm ) ]
(9) Relationship between critical angle and Refractive index:
SinC = 1/ (ang ),Where,ang – Refractive index of glass with air, C – critical angle
Chapter 5 Refraction through a lens Formulas
(1) Lens formula: 1/v – 1/u = 1/f, Where, v – object distance, u –image distance, f – focal length
(2) Linear magnification = v/u, where u – image distance, v – object distance
(3) Power of lens = 1/focal length
(4) Least distance of distinct vision = 25 cm
(5) Magnifying power = 1 +D/f, Where, D – least distance of distinct vision, f – focal length
Chapter 7: Sound formulas
(1) fλ = v, Where λ – Wavelength, v – velocity, f – frequency
(2) f = 1/T, Where T – period
(3) V = (yp/d)1/2,, Where y- ratio of two specific heat,p – pressure,V – speed,d –density
(4) V= (T/m)1/2,Where V- velocity of transverse wave,T – tension,m – mass per unit length
(5) Speed of sound by method of echo: V = 2d/t ,Where v – speed of sound,d- distance,t – time
(6) Frequency of pendulum: f = 1/2π (g/l)1/2, Where, g = 9.8 m/s², l – length of string.
(7) Relationship between loudness and intensity.
L = K log10 I, Where,L – loudness, K – constant of proportionality
Chapter 8 Current electricity Formulas
(1) I = Q/t, Where I – electric current, Q- charge, t – time
(2) 1 Ampere = 1 coulomb /1 second.
(3) Q = ne, Where Q – charge,n – Number of charges,e – charge on electron = 1.6 × 10-19 coulomb.
(4) V = W/Q, Where V – voltage, W – workdone, Q- charge
(5) 1 volt = 1 joule /1 coulomb.
(6) Potential difference between point a and point b =Va– Vb = W/Q
(7) Ohm’s law,V = IR, Where V – voltage, I – current, R – resistance
(8) Conductance = 1/resistance
(9) Specific resistance: R = ρ l/a, Where R – resistance, ρ – Specific resistance of the material, l – length,
a – area.
(10) Emf= E = w/q
(11) Voltage drop in a cell = w/q
(12) Resistors in series
R = R1 + R2 + ——+ Rn
If R1 = R2 = ——= Rn = R
R (series ) = nR
(13) Resistors in parallel
1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + —— + 1/Rn
If R1 = R2 = ——= Rn = R
R(parallel) = R/n
(14) Workdone = vIt, Where I – current, v- voltage, t – time
(15) Electric power = voltage × current, P = v×I
(16) Electric power = I²R
(17) Resistance of the appliance in use = (voltage rating on appliance)²/ (power rating)
(18) Safe current = (power rating on appliance)/(voltage rating on appliance)
(19) Electric energy = power (kW) × time (hour).
(20) Cost of electricity = electric energy in kWh × cost per kWh
(21) Heat = I²rt
Chapter 10 Electromagnetism Formulas
(1) F = IBL, Where F – force on conductor, I – current, B – magnitude of magnetic field.
L – length of conductor
(2) Frequency of household current = 50 hZ
Chapter 11 Calorimetry Formulas
(1) 1 cal = 4.2 J
(2) Temperature in Kelvin = 273⁰ + t ⁰C
(3) Heat capacity = amount of heat energy supplied / rise in temperature
(4) Q = cmΔt, Where,C – Specific heat capacity,Q – heat,Δt–change in temperature
(5) Specific heat capacity = Q/(m ×Δt)
(6) Q = mcΔt, Where m-mass,C- Specific heat,Δt – change in temperature
(7) Heat lost by hot body = heat gained by cold body
(8) Specific latent heat (L) = Q/ m, Where Q- heat energy.,m – mass
Chapter 12 Radioactivity Formulas
(1) E = Δm c², Where, E- energy,Δm – mass,C- velocity of light = 3 ×10⁸ m/s
(2) 1 a.m.u. =931 MeV, Where a.m.u – Atomic mass unit, MeV – mega electron volt.

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