Chapter 6 Econ

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CHAPTER 6:  Cost of negotiating a price.

THE ORGANIZATION OF THE  Investments and expenditures required to facilitate

Types of “Hidden” Transaction Costs
Specialized investment
 an investment in a particular exchange that cannot be
recovered in another trading relationship.
 expenditure that must be made to allow two parties to
exchange but has little or no value in any alternative
Relationship-specific exchange
 occurs when the parties to a transaction have made
specialized investments.
 the two parties are “tied together” because of the
specific investments made to facilitate exchange
between them
Types of Specialized Investments
Site specificity
Determine whether the following transactions involve spot  when the buyer and the seller of an input must locate
exchange, a contract, or vertical integration: their plants close to each other to be able to engage in
1. Clone 1 PC is legally obligated to purchase 300 computer exchange
chips each year for the next three Physical-asset specificity
years from AMI. The price paid in the first year is $200 per  a situation where the capital equipment needed to
chip, and the price rises during produce an input is designed to meet the needs of a
the second and third years by the same percentage by which the particular buyer and cannot be readily adapted to
wholesale price index rises produce inputs needed by other buyers.
during those years. Dedicated assets
2. Clone 2 PC purchased 300 computer chips from a firm that  general investments made by a firm that allows it to
ran an advertisement in the exchange with a particular buyer.
back of a computer magazine. Human capital
3. Clone 3 PC manufactures its own motherboards and  In many employment relationships, workers must learn
computer chips for its personal specific skills to work for a particular firm.
computers.  If these skills are not useful or transferable to other
ANSWER: employers, they represent a specialized investment.
1. Clone 1 PC is using a contract to purchase its computer Implications of Specialized Investments
chips. Costly bargaining
2. Clone 2 PC used spot exchange to acquire its chips.  where transaction costs are low and the desired input is
3. Clone 3 PC uses vertical integration to obtain its chips and of uniform quality and sold by many firms, the price of
motherboards the input is determined by the forces of supply and
Methods of Procuring Inputs demand.
 Spot exchange  required to obtain the input.
o An informal relationship between a buyer and  no “market price” for the input; the two parties in
seller in which neither party is obligated to the relationship-specific exchange bargain with
adhere to specific terms for exchange. each other over a price at which the input will be
o when the buyer and seller of an input meet, bought and sold.
exchange, and then go their separate ways.  bargaining process generally is costly, as each side
 Contract employs negotiators to obtain a more favorable
o A formal relationship between a buyer and seller price.
that obligates the buyer and seller to exchange at Underinvestment
terms specified in a legal document.  required to facilitate exchange, the level of the
o a legal document that creates an extended specialized investment often is lower than the
relationship between a particular buyer and seller optimal level.
of an input.  lower than optimal, resulting in higher transaction
 Produce inputs internally (vertical integration) costs because the input produced is of inferior
o A situation where a firm produces the inputs quality.
required to Opportunism and the “hold-up problem”
 vertical integration  When a specialized investment must be made to
o When a firm shuns other suppliers and chooses to acquire an input, the buyer or seller may
produce an input internally attempt to capitalize on the “sunk” nature of the
investment by engaging in opportunism.
Transaction Costs Optimal Input Procurement
 Cost associated with acquiring an input that is in excess of  How should a manager acquire inputs to minimize
the amount paid to the input supplier. costs?
 Types of “obvious” transaction costs o Depends on the extent of the relationship-
 Cost of searching for a supplier. specific exchange.
Spot Exchange
 A most straightforward way for a firm to obtain inputs for
a production process is to use spot exchange
 Characteristics of the spot exchange:
 No relationship-specific investment.
 The absence of transaction costs, and many buyers
and sellers, imply that the market price is
determined by the intersection of demand and
 Opportunism
 Underinvestment in specialized investments

 Disadvantages:
o Managers must create an internal regulatory
Contracts o Bear the cost of setting up production facilities
 Characteristics of contracts: o No longer specialized in producing its output
 Use when inputs require a substantial specialized
 Typically requires substantial up-front expenditures.
 Specifies prices of inputs prior to making specialized
o Reduces likelihood of opportunism.
o Reduces likelihood to skimp on specialized
 Requires decision on optimal contract length.

Vertical Integration
 Produce inputs internally
 Use when inputs require
SPECIALIZED INVESTMENT AND CONTRACT o a substantial specialized investment.
LENGTH o generate significant transaction cost.
o complex contracting or uncertain economic
 Advantages:
o “Skips the middleman”
o Reduces opportunism
o Mitigates transaction costs

Managerial Compensation and the

Principal-Agent Problem
 The primary obstacle is the separation of ownership and
CONTRACTING ENVIRONMENT AND CONTRACT o Principal-agent (P-A) problem: if the owner is
not present to monitor the manager, how can she
get the manager to do what is in her best interest?
o Owners have to incent managers since they are
not present to monitor.
Managers’ Compensation Mechanisms
 Manager’s economic trade-off
o Leisure.
o Labor
 Fixed salary
o Receives wage independent of labor hours and show up, they will put forth more effort than they would
effort. otherwise since getting caught “goofing off” may lead
 No strong incentive to monitor other to dismissal or a reduction in pay.
employees labor hours and effort. Disadvantage of spot checks
 Adversely impacts firm performance.  occur frequently enough to induce workers not to risk
 Incentive contract getting caught shirking
o Tie manager wage to firm performance (like  entail some penalty for workers caught shirking.
profits).  in effect, through threat.
o Manager makes labor-leisure choice and is  Performance bonuses - work through a promise of
accordingly compensated. reward.
Incentive Contracts  These characteristics can have different psychological
 chief executive officer of a corporation receives stock effects on workers
options and other bonuses directly related to profits.
 A way to align owners’ interests with that of the actions
of its manager.
 Examples include:
o Stock option
o Other bonuses directly related to profits.
External Incentives
 Outside forces can provide manages with the incentive
to maximize profits, and include:
o Reputation
o Takeover threat

The Manager-Worker
Principal-Agent Problem
 The owner-manager, principal-agent problem is not
o A similar problem exists between the firm’s
managers and the employees he or she
Solutions to the Manager-Worker Principal-Agent Problem
 Manager-worker principal-agent problem solutions:
 Profit sharing
 Mechanism used to
enhance workers’ efforts
that involves tying
compensation to the
underlying profitability of
the firm.
 Revenue sharing
 enhance workers’ efforts
that involves linking
compensation to the
underlying revenues of
the firm
 effective when worker productivity is related to
revenues rather than costs
 Piece rates
 pay workers based on a piece rate rather than on a
fixed hourly wage.
 effort must be expended in quality control
 Time clocks and spot checks
 assist managers in monitoring workers

 Spot checks
o allow the manager to verify not only that workers
are physically present but also that worker effort
and the quality of the work are satisfactory
Advantage of spot checks
 reduce the cost of monitoring workers.
 Managers needn’t be in several places at the same time
because workers do not know when the manager will

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