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Submitted by:
1: Abdiaziiz Abdullahi Jimcaale
2: Abdikani Mohamud Ahmed
3: Abdishakur Mohamed Hassan
4: Meymuun Adan Ali
5: Mustaf Ahmed Shirwac


Faculty of Computer Science & IT

Department of Computer Science
March 2022


This chapter focuses on Introduction, whereas the background of the project, problem
statement, objectives of the project, Research questions, purpose of the project, scope of
the project, significance of the project and project organization.

1.1 Background of the project

Mobile POS or MPOS is a Mobile or Portable POS that can be moved easily without
affecting its functions. MPOS can be defined as a smartphone, tablet or dedicated
wireless device that performs the functions of a cash register or electronic point of sale
terminal. The mobile POS development is a POS machine that can record sales
transactions and easy to moved anywhere, where there is a sale transaction occurs and
have low power consumption. The implementation of mobile POS have several ways of
implementation ( IOP Publishing, 2018).

Sms notification is a communication system necessitates transfer of messages from one

party to another/others. Short Message Service (SMS) is a communication protocol that
creates room for exchange of short messages between mobile telephone gadgets. The
application is used in various practical world applications. For instance, in a study
conducted in Beijing on information dissemination analysis of different media towards
the application for disaster pre-warning, showed that out of the six media considered,
SMS is the most effective based on its high speed. The Cell phones are preferred because
they can disseminate more detailed information since verbal communication allows better
clarification of complex statements. In SMS communication trend, under Global System
for Mobile communications (GSM) network, communications for remote terminals can
receive/send short messages without any hindrance due to its accuracy in data
transmission along cellular channels. In terms of security, for further engineering on
information cycle, different organizations and running institutions have remote
equipment’s that require timely monitoring. The automatic functions of the
machines/devices include turning off/on, reporting captured data, notifying hazardous
events, secret information exchange, among others. This paper provides a parallel secured
automatic SMS notification application using GSM network or other, connecting remote
terminals to monitor or control over, hence forwarding secured notification contents to
Internet domains using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMPT). (IJISR, 2015).

In India there are various field equipment’s in blast furnace important for the stable
operation of plant. Any delay in the identification of the faulty equipment will lead to the
time for resolving the equipment as well. Now-a-days with the growing use of mobile
phones, a system can be developed that can communicate anything over Short media
message, if integrated with the desired application. Short Message Services commonly
known as SMS is a feature of second generation mobile technology which has emerged
as a popular tool for delivery of short messages over the mobile networks. Perhaps, the
SMS based system is most widely used method to communicate the information and also
broadcast the general communication to a larger group of peoples after phone calls and
mailing system. The reason for wider popularly of messaging system is that it not only
saves time but also increases the working efficiency in cases where the information is to
be communicated urgently without interacting the concerned team. The most powerful
solution is if SMS functionality is added to all the existing application. Thereby, user will
be able to receive SMS messages from the IT environment. In this way the
communication among different departments of company can be improved and can be
easily in touch, even with customers and business partners. Using SMS technology, it is
possible to forward information such as date and time of meetings, or custom
instructions. (IJSTR, 2017)

In South Africa SMS data collection relies on the principal of forward and backward
messaging of questions. From a technical point of view it is a rather simple process. Only
recently however SMS data collection has been considered more and more often when
conducting national representative studies due to several factors. With the higher
penetration levels of cell phones in developing countries and the decreasing costs of SMS
it can become a vital tool for national representative studies or at a later stage can be used
for panel building with detailed demographic parameters attached to it. In this research
the setup of a national representative study is outlined together with a discussion of the
results and a possible follow-up agenda with recommendations for further research.
(Broich, 2015)

In Kenya SMS messages are handled via a short message service center that the cellular
provider maintains for the end devices. The SMSC can send SMS messages to the end
device using a maximum payload of 140 octets. This defines the upper bound of an SMS
message to be 160 characters using 7-bit encoding. It is possible to specify other schemes
such as 8-bit or 16-bit encoding, which decreases the maximum message length to 140
and 70 characters, respectively. Text messages can also be used for sending binary data
over the air. Typically, specific applications on the phone handle messages that contain
binary data—for example, to download ring tones, switch on and off animation, exchange
picture messages, or change the look and feel of the handset’s graphical user interface.
The system can segment messages that exceed the maximum length into shorter
messages, but then it must use part of the payload for a user-defined header that specifies
the segment sequence information. SMSCs operate in either a store and-forward or a
forward-and-forget paradigm. In the store-and-forward paradigm, the system resends the
message for some period of time until it is successfully received. In a forward and-forget
paradigm, the system sends the message to the end device without assurance of receipt or
an attempt to redeliver in the case of failure. The SMS protocol stack comprises four
layers: the application layer, the transfer layer, the relay layer, and the link layer. Table 1
provides an example of a transfer protocol data unit. (Jeff Brown, Bill Shipman, and Ron
Vetter, 2013)

In Zimbabwe Edgars Stores Limited is a limited company incorporated and domiciled in

Zimbabwe whose shares are publicly traded. Its core business is the retailing of clothing,
footwear, textiles and accessories. The company aims at supplying its customers with
value for money by providing quality merchandise for the family at competitive prices. It
has as well devised a method of alerting customers on the due installment every month.
SMS has evolved into one of the most successful wireless data services in recent years
and had proven to be one of the best after-sale services activities (Yang, 2005). The short
message services (SMS) method is an improvement to the archaic and out dated
instalment by post statement which were to a great extent a disadvantage to the store in
terms of the late payments. Customers complained bitterly of the late arrival of the
statement therefore, failing to do payments in time. This was seen as burdensome to the
company which incurred losses through late payment of instalments. Edgar’s store is one
of the Zimbabwe’s market leaders in this field and the company resolves to remain so.
However, the challenge is that the company is losing market share due to stiff
competition from upmarket boutiques which are mushrooming everywhere in Zimbabwe.
Other competitors like Topics, Jet are increasing pressure by bringing in new better
products. Competition is also coming from informal sectors dealers who sell secondhand
clothes at lower prices. This has also increased the competition in the industry. The
number of active accounts has dropped to low levels by 109 186 from 203 728 that is
46.41% between 2014 and 2015 (The Edgars Club Magazine, 2016). To withstand this
pressure the company has intensified its efforts on customer retention through customer
satisfaction. The best strategy to intensify is to fully adopt an aggressive and efficient,
time saving and error free SMS platform for installment alert. Today market is a more
customer oriented in the sense that all the business operations revolve around satisfying
the customer by meeting their needs through effective service. After sales service plays
an important role in customer satisfaction. After-sale service is important because it helps
to ensure that customers are satisfied with their purchases and in case of any difficulty
installing or setting up equipment, they can receive help. More so, after-sales service is
commonly acknowledged as a potential source of revenue, profit and competitive
advantage in most manufacturing industries. After-sales services such as the short
message service (SMS) instalment platform can create sustainable relationships with
customers and contribute significantly to customer satisfaction. Short Message Service
(SMS) is the transmission of short text messages to and from a mobile phone, fax
machine, and/or IP address. Messages must be no longer than 160 alphanumeric
characters and contain no images or graphics. SMS is a relatively simple messaging
system provided by the mobile phone networks. In today’s competitive world,
differentiation is a significant factor in the success of the service provider. SMS provides
a powerful vehicle for service differentiation. If the market allows for it, SMS can also
represent an additional source of revenue for the service provider. SMS provides
guaranteed message delivery and at the same time delivering of messages to multiple
customers at a time. This saves time and money hence high profits to the company. By
offering different after-sales services during the various stages of the primary product
lifecycle, the provider can ensure product functionality and thereby customer satisfaction.
(Douglas Chiguvi, Collen Mahambo, Keofe Tender Kgetho, 2020)

In Somalia The notification system that can be used to overcome the limitations most of
our institutions of higher learning face in making the examination results and grades
available to students and notify any events of the university. The major advantage this
system offers is that students can receive valuable information on the fly, easily and
conveniently SMS play a major role in the implementation of this system. SMS and email
have become important services today due to their usefulness in conveying information
from one place to another in a very fast and easy way.” The notice board is a flat solid
object placed at strategic positions making it an object on which notices and articles are
being placed. In the professional college campus, notices spring up from different officers
bringing reminders, warnings, advice, results, and appointments to be placed on the
notice board. As these notices are being placed on the boards, some of the old notices are
not removed and with time the notice boards get filled up with relevant and irrelevant
notice messages, as a result of this, a person might not take caution of any new notice
being displayed as the person feels he cannot go through the stress of browsing through
the whole notice board searching for. (just, 2018)

Although SMS notification in Somalia is High, but there is no more researches that have
been conducted mobile point of sale application with sms notification Mogadishu

Presently, customers have to walk in to the company in order to buy items, instead
consumers want to shop from their own homes, And whenever the customer wants to buy
something he has to come to the company, This is how traditional businesses usually
operate. Another problem is that traditional businesses need with a good location there’s
likely to be high footfall in the area, giving them the chance to attract walk-in customers
and those areas with high footfall tend to cost more to rent. not having a Mobile POS
platform generates a lack of communication like informing the customers when new
products arrive, or informing them about discounts, promotions and new prices.

To overcome this, we discovered mobile point of sale application with SMS notification.
In comparison to existing systems, Mobile POS or MPOS application allows customers
to electronically purchase products with no boundary of time or distance. Clients can
check or order items they want at any time. They can use their phones to send the money
by using EVC-PLUS, ZAAD, SAHAL, MASTER CARD and so on. When the customer
buys something he gets notification about the items he bought, price, quantity, and the

Customers now don't need to visit the company to buy items; they can now do shopping
so while they are at their home, driving, and so on. And this is reducing the time required
the customer to come to the company.


To identify mobile point of sale application with sms notification Mogadishu Somalia.


 To investigate mobile point of sale application with SMS/MMS in Mogadishu-

 To find out mobile point of sale application with Push Notifications in
 To describe mobile point of sale application with In-App Messaging in


 What is mobile point of sale application with SMS/MMS?

 What is mobile point of sale application with Push Notifications?
 What is mobile point of sale application with In-App Messaging?


The purpose of this project is to have a well-defined mobile point of sale application with
sms notification using Mobile App based approach. Generally, this study aims to
implement mobile point of sale application with SMS/MMS, mobile point of sale
application with Push Notifications & mobile point of sale application with In-App
Messaging in Mogadishu-Somalia.



The time scope will be the time between January 2022 and July 2022..


The study will be conducted in Mogadishu, Somalia.


The study will focus on Mobile point of sale application with sms notification. The study
will be specifically concentrate on Mobile point of sale application with SMS/MMS,
Push Notifications & In-App Messaging to solve the current problem will be
implemented by using Android & flutter in mobile app.


This study will be useful for future researchers because it will act as a source of
information and also a guideline for them to follow in the subsequent studies related to
same problem under investigation.

The study will also be useful for institutions both public and private because it makes
them aware of the existing issues and also proper ways to come up with a long lasting
solutions for the researched problems.

The study will also be benefited by the local community because it creates conscious
awareness of the severity of a particular problem and also the urgency of the need for a

Chapter I - This chapter focuses on Introduction, whereas the background of the project,
problem statement, purpose of the project, scope of the project, objectives of the project,
Research questions, significance of the project and project organization are also included.

Chapter II - Comprises a review of related literatures of concepts opinions or ideas

authors and experts from previous work/existing system and gap analysis and also
chapter summary.

Chapter III - Deals with methodology which includes, research design, sampling
techniques, data source and type, data collection techniques, materials, analysis and
presentation, chapter summary.

Chapter IV – Mobile App design introduction, chapter summary.

Chapter V - Deals with Mobile App development coding phase and user documentation
and implementation, conclusion and recommendations.




The POS stands for point of sale which is a process where a transaction is made when
customers select some product and finalize it after checking out from the main window. It
is very useful for keeping the track record of inventory and the number of sales made per

There are many benefits of using this method including better user experience, retention
of customers, price customization of every product, and keeping the track record of the
previous purchase history of the customers. This process refrains you from using old
traditional methods of carrying out sale process in which cash registers were used.

The chapter will also highlight more specific topics which are included: concepts,
opinions, or ideas from authors/ experts, previous work/ existing systems and so on.



According to (Rosemary Paver, Oct, 2017 “A POS System and Inventory Management”)
a point of sale inventory management system is a step up from the use of a cash register.

Small, start-up businesses who sell services and not products may be able to survive with
just a cash register and a simple accounting system. If your business is product-based,
chances are you will eventually have to switch to at least a basic point of sale inventory
system. With a point of sale system, you don’t have to worry how much inventory you
have on hand. The point of sale system keeps track of that and you have the information
at a glance.
A point of sale inventory management system allows a business owner to have more than
one business location and adequately keep track of inventory at each without being
present. No more worries about employee theft or pricing inconsistency between one
location and another. The boss can be away and not worry about employee theft.
Employee efficiency can be maintained. Point of sale systems take care of those problems
that result when management isn't present.

Another issue with more than one business location and inventory management is that
point of sale systems help keep prices of inventory stable from one location to the next.

According to (Steven Aldrich, 2017 "QuickBooks Point of Sale and Inventory") these
systems have grown in popularity over conventional cash registers because they don't just
ring up sales. They amass vital, real-time information about your inventory and

At the core of these systems are standard-issue computers running specialized POS
software, usually with a cash drawer and receipt printer, and often with a bar code
scanner and credit card reader. Vendors often sell these systems pre-configured, or you
can add these peripherals on as your requirements grow.

Without a doubt, the biggest advantage is the ability to get an immediate, up-to-the-
minute, accurate assessment of your inventory. Each time you check out.

a customer, the goods you ring up are immediately subtracted from your inventory list,
which is maintained on the system's hard drive.

A good POS system can help, allowing you to set an alert that lets you know when a
given item is at the re-order point. When it's time to re-order, some POS systems tell you
both the most recent price you paid, as well as the average price you’ve paid in the past.
Both can help you strike the best deal with your suppliers. Off-hours, you can run a report
that gives you inventory activity for the day, week or month. To get the big picture, some
POS systems allow you to track your inventory year to year, allowing you to compare
this year's orders with those from last year. Doing so can help you anticipate where you
want to head in the coming months.
In addition to tracking inventory, a good POS system will help you know who your best
customers are and what they like. With the customer's purchase history visible right at the
cash register.

Everything now is becoming high technology, from manual to computerization In

computerizing system, it is easy to document and secure data. Especially in terms of
Sales and Inventory system, every day you are counting your products then reconcile it
with your sale while when you use the computerized system you can save more time
because it is automatically count and total the remaining item and the items that was
already both and sold. An additional benefit using a computerized inventory system is the
accuracy it ensures.

When an inventory list is maintained by hand, the margin of error widens with each
update. If one mathematical calculation is wrong or one typo is made, disaster may occur.
A small business operates most efficiently when its processes are executed in a consistent
manner. By using a computerized inventory system, a business owner can ensure that all
orders, reports and other documents relating to inventory are uniform in their presentation
regardless of who has created them.


Mobile point of sale application with SMS Notification is not a new or unique concept.
There are many pos application that have an android -based applications to be useful
for keeping the track record of inventory and the number of sales made per day.. We will
be analyzing Three different available applications that are on the market today, so that
we can possibly adopt and/or streamline an already working android-based Pos
application so that it will cater to our specified requirements.

The Three systems that had been used and exist around world so far are:

is an extremely popular free POS app that works with a variety of payment processors
worldwide to provide an excellent POS system that includes loyalty, inventory, and even
employee management. Its range of features rivals Square, and with a choice of payment
providers, you can find rates that suit you. However, Loyverse charges extra for in-depth
reports and integrations but it does not have most important feature that we are going to
solve it in our system that is to send the customer back a good feedback on sms.


Offers built-in age verification tools that make it a good choice if you sell age-restricted
items. Further, it works with multiple payment processors, which comes in handy if you
need a high-risk merchant account. Vend’s POS plans are more expensive than most on
the list, but it maxed out the score for general features and scored highly for popularity
and m POS functionality but does not have point of sell feature.


Is one of the top ecommerce solutions today, and also has great tools for in-person sales.
In fact, it’s our favorite multichannel POS system for retailers.

Businesses that do heavy online sales and need an excellent ecommerce solution and in-
store POS application will appreciate the strong inventory and customer management
tools. However, if you already have an ecommerce solution and are not willing to give it
up, look into PayPal Zettle or Square, which have free POS apps that integrate with
popular online stores.

In the existing system these Three systems we discussed above have great benefits to
these systems that used earlier yet there are more challenges and limitations that they are

However, we cannot summarize all the features missed by the Three systems and we
can’t list all their limitation but we focus the several aspects we think are most significant
points and drawbacks exist in the system.


Registration Yes Yes Yes Yes

Login Yes Yes Yes Yes
SMS No No No Yes
Provides upto No No No Yes
date information


In conclusion, this application will solve some problems or some features of an existing
pos applications.

The chapter II has discussed all the related literature review from previous study to
understand more about the issue surrounding Pos apps starting from presenting the
overview of the applications that basically includes several definitions, compare between
existing systems.



This chapter will also introduce the current system. It also talks about the software
development methodology which illustrates more points like the operational framework,
work break down structure, system requirements, problem analysis identification,
requirement gathering techniques, process modeling, data modeling, suitable solution
strategies of the proposed system, and system feasibility.


The operational framework of this new system will start Planning, Proposal, Introduction,
Literature Review, Software Planning and Analyzing, Software Design, System
Implementation, Conclusion & Enhancement.


Figure 3.1 Operational Framework



Mobile point of sale application


Figure 3.2 Work Break down Structure


System requirement is a characteristic or feature that must be include in any information

system to satisfy users. Since the Administrator and the user are the main target
collection of our system I will only concern about some important functions for the
admin and the user. The system needs Applications like web browsers safari, Mozilla
Firefox, Google chrome and internet connection. They include the following interfaces:
a) User Interfaces: The keyboard, mouse, menus of a computer system. The user
interface allows the user to communicate with the operating system.

b) Software Interfaces: The languages and codes that the applications use to communicate
with each other and with the hardware.

c) Hardware Interfaces: The wires, plugs and sockets that hardware devices use to
communicate with each other.

d) Communication Interfaces: medium communication a physical interface is the

interconnection between two items of hardware or machinery.


One of the critical success factors in the development of high quality software product or
website is the deep understanding of the user’s real requirement as opposite to their
perceived requirements.

User requirement is the process by which user desires, needs, and expectations are
gathered in order to establish what the users will actually use the software for, and
recorded in a way that will be meaningful both to the users and developments

Table 3.3.1 Software Requirement of the system


Operating System Windows 7, 8,10

Software’s Android, sql and flutter


The use requirements documents are written statement of what the system will do. What
the system does is directly supposed by its users either human user or other software

When an external system submitted a request of certain form, it gets particular response.

The main purpose of the requirement document is to serve as an agreement between the
developers and users on what the system will do.

User requirements are just what the name implies. They are requirements set by the end
user. These requirements express how a facility, equipment or process should perform in
terms of the product to be manufactured, required throughput, and conditions in which
product should be made.


Mobile point of sale application phases many issues that is possible to solve by using
new system.

The existing system is manual in filling cabinets. Managing every large of electric with
records on papers will be tedious.


Requirements gathering techniques are a process of collecting data from different

sources. Data or (datum in singular) is valuable pieces of information collected during the
research. Data can be divided in to two categories: primary data and secondary data. In
this research, the primary data comes from observation to the respondents. First, the
observation will be carefully evaluated and to ensure its validity and reliability by pilot
test (chimer, 1984).
There are various methodologies for gathering data as the following:


An interview is a formal face-to-face meeting, especially, one arranged for the

assessment of the qualifications of an applicant, as for employment or admission. A
conversation, as one conducted by a reporter, in which facts or statements are elicited
from another, the interview is the primary technique for information gathering during the
systems analysis phases of a development project. It is a skill which must be mastered by
every analyst. The interviewing skills of the analyst determine what information is
gathered, and the quality and depth of that information. Interviewing, observation, and
research are the primary tools of the analyst.
The interview is a specific form of meeting or conference, and is usually limited to two
persons, the interviewer and the interviewee. In special situations there may be more than
one interviewer or more than one interviewee in attendance (martymodel, 2017).

Interview has many advantages Such as:

❖ the interviewer may obtain full information and new insights.

❖ The interviewer to ask the respondent for additional information.

❖ the respondent is able to raise the issues she or he feels are important and express
ideas in.

❖ She or he own words.

❖ Interview has disadvantages here are some of them

❖ Interviews may be expensive and time-consuming to conduct and transcribe.

❖ Interviews may challenge with privacy.

The interview questions are the following:

A. How does the current system work?

B. What is the problem of the currents system?

C. How do you want the system to be developed?

D. Which system do you prefer; computerized one or manual?


The main disadvantages of face-to-face interviews are the geographically limitations they
may impose on the surveys and the vast resources needed if such surveys need to be done
nationally or internationally. The costs of training interviewers to minimize interviewer's
biases for example differences in questioning methods, interpretation of response are also
high. Another drawback is that respondents might feel uneasy about the anonymity of
their responses when they interact face to face interviews (somuiger, 1984).


An observation is a data collection method used to gather detailed information about a

situation or event. Observation data is used to describe the setting, activities, participants,
and the meaning of the observations from the observer's perspective. Observation in this
project will be based on facts which are both accurate and detailed, but left any irrelevant
or slight information that makes the description difficult to understand. This data allows
the reader to fully understand the situation.

Here are some of the advantages of observation:

a) Allows you to directly see what people do practically rather than relying on what people
say they did.
b) Observer’s document program activity takes time and cost gathering providing
documentation, rather than relying on recollections of the events (amilner, 1984).

Here are some of the disadvantages of observation:

a) Observer bias may occur. (Observer may only notice what interests him or her).
b) With participant’s observation, a skilled facilitator is needed to help participants present a
critical evaluation.


During the system requirements and design activity, systems may be modeled as a set of
components and relationships between these components. These are normally illustrated
graphically in a system architecture model that gives the reader an overview of the
system organization. System modeling helps to give more detailed system specifications
which are in form of graphical representations that can describe problem to be solved or
the system that is to be developed. Because of the graphical representations used, models
are often more understandable than detailed natural language description of the system
requirements. Examples of such modeling tool is DFD&UML.


Data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the “flow” of data through an
information system, modeling its process aspects. Often they are a preliminary step to
create an overview of the system which can later be elaborated. DFDs can also be used
for the visualization of data processing (Structured design). DFDs help system designer
and others during initial analysis stages visualize a current system or one that may be
necessary to meet new requirements. Systems analysts prefer working with DFDs,
particularly when they required a clear understanding of the boundary between existing
systems and postulated systems. The hierarchical DFD typically consists of a top-level
diagram (Level 0) underlain by cascading lower level diagram (Level 1, Level 2…) that
represent different parts of the system. In the late 1970s data-flow diagrams (DFDs) were
introduced and popularized for structured analysis and design (Gane and Sarson 1979).
DFDs show the flow of data from external entities into the system, showed how the data
moved from one process to another, as well as its logical storage. Figure 1 presents an
example of a DFD using the Gane and Sarson notation. There are only four symbols:

3.6.2 UML

UML is ‘language used for specifying not a method or procedure. The UML is used to
define a software system; to detail the artifacts in the system, to document and construct.
It is the language that the blueprint is written in. The UML may be used in a variety of
ways to support a software development methodology (such as the Rational Unified
Process) - but in itself it does not specify that methodology or process. In the event that
UML is opted, object – oriented analysis will be used to describe the information system
including the object modeling terms and concepts, like objects, attributes, methods,
messages, classes, and instances, use case diagram, class diagram, state and showing
relationships among objects and the concepts of inheritance through object relationship

Use case diagrams describe what a system does from the standpoint of an external
observer. The emphasis is on what a system does rather than how.
Here are the Symbols of UCD:-

Actor Connector Use case System

Figure 3.6 Use Case Diagram Symbols.

Use case diagrams are closely connected to scenarios Actors represent roles, that is, a
type of user of the system, Use cases represent a sequence of interaction for a type of
functionality. The use case model is the set of all use cases. It is a complete description of
the functionality of the system and its environment the

<<extend>> relationships represent exceptional or seldom invoked cases. The
exceptional event flows are factored out of the main event flow for clarity. Use cases
representing exceptional flows can extend more than one use case. The direction of a
<<extend>> relationship is to the extended use case the<<include>> Relationship an
<<include>> relationship represents behavior that is factored out of the use case. An
<<include>> represents behavior that is factored out for reuse, not because it is an
exception. The direction of a <<include>> relationship is to the using use case (unlike
<<extend>> relationships).
A) Admin Use Case







All orders

About us




Figure 3.5: Shows the role of admin login

Access the system

Enter username and password

Confirm by using send

Try again


Figure 3.5: Activity diagram for login to the system


Customer registration
Access the system

Add customer

Fill out the form and submit


Supplier registration
Access the system

Add supplier

Fill out the form and submit


Report view
Daily report
monthly report



Making Pos


All orders

All orders

View all orders



items Access system

Add item

Fill out the form and submit


Data modeling is the process and analysis of data and objects that are used in business or
other context and identification of the relationship among these data objects. Data
modeling is the first step in doing object oriented programming and involves professional
data modelers working closely with business stakeholders, as well as potential users of
information system.

3.7.1: Entity Relationship Diagram

ERD is a detailed, logical representation of the entities, associations and data elements
for an organization or business. ERD is a graphical modeling tool to standardize ER
modeling; the modeling can be carried out with the help of pictorial representation of
entities, attributes and relationships. The basic building blocks of ERD are Entity,
Attributes, Relationship and Lines entity is an object that exists and is distinguishable
from other object in other words.
An entity-relationship (ER) diagram is a specialized graphic that illustrates the
interrelationships between entities in a database. ERD show entities in a database and
relationships between tables within that database. It is essential to have one of these if
you want to create a good database design. The patterns help focus on how the database
actually works with all of the interactions and data flows, although another useful tool is
a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) which more directly describes this. ERD is a detailed,
logical representation of the entities, associations and data elements for an organization
or business. ERD is a graphical modeling tool to standardize ER modeling; the modeling
can be carried out with the help of pictorial representation of entities, attributes and
relationships (lucidchart, 2107). ERD Symbols

ER diagram is used to represent database schema, here are some symbols used to
represent ERD symbols:

Entity Relationship


Relationship is an association among one or more entities. This relationship can be

broadly classified in to one – to – one relation, one – to – many relation, and many – to –
many relation and recursive relation. The following table shows the symbols of the
different relationship types.

Table 3.2 Relationship Types

Relation Type Representation




Many-to-one Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Admin login customer

Mobile point of sale Products


Sms checking

Figure 3.12 Entity Relationship Diagram of the system



As we are reaching the development phase, this section would contemplate on other ways

project’s objectives can be achieved. As you may know, the system will be based on

Mobile Point of sale with SMS notification.


The feasibility study technical information and cost data to determine the economic
potential and practicality of a project. The feasibility study uses techniques that help
evaluate a project and/or compare it with other projects. Feasibility study is a part of the
system development life cycle, which aims to determine whether it is sensible to develop
some system.

Feasibility study is divided in to four types:-

 Technological feasibility
 Operational feasibility
 Economic feasibility
 Schedule feasibility


Technical feasibility is the measure of the practically of a specific technical information

system solution and the availability of technical resource to develop, purchase, install and
operate the system often new technologies are solutions looking for a problem to solve.
The assessment is based on an outline design of system requirements in terms of input,
process, output, fields, programs, and procedures. This can be counted in terms of
volumes of data, trends, frequency of updating, etc. in order to estimate whether the new
system will perform sufficiently or not. Technological feasibility is carried out to
determine whether the company has the capability, in terms of software, hardware,
personal and expertise, to handle the completion of the project. A Hardware feasibility is
shown in the below table.

Table 3.3 Hardware feasibility

No Item Description Quantity Cost Per Unit Amount

1 Laptop Core i3 1 $340.00 $340.00

Total $340.00

A Software feasibility is shown the below table

Table 3.4 Software feasibility

No Item Description Quantity Cost Per Unit Amount

1. Android and flutter 2 Free
Total Free


Operational feasibility register to measure of how the people are able to work with the
system. This type of feasibility demands if the system will work when developed and
Table 3.5 Operational feasibility
Activities Duration Expected Cost

Training Current Employee 1 Week $250.00

Training New Employee 2 Week $500.00

Total $750.00


Economic analysis is the most frequently used evaluating the effectiveness of proposed
system, more commonly known as benefit analysis. The benefit analysis is to determine
benefits and saving which are expected from candidate system and compare them with
cost. If the benefits are more than the cost, the decision is made to design and implement
the system. The cost and benefits may be direct or indirect and tangible or intangible. A
Economical feasibility is shown in the below table.

Table 3.6 Economical feasibility

Types of feasibility Description Expect Cost

Technical feasibility Hardware & software $562.00

Operational feasibility Training with best option $750.00

Total $1312.00

Typically this means estimating how long the system will take to develop, and if it can be
completed in a given time period using some methods like payback period. Schedule
feasibility is a measure of how reasonable the project timetable is. This involves
questions such as how much time is available to build the new system, when it can be
built , whether it interferes with normal business operation, number of resources required,
dependencies, can the system be developed in time etc. The project duration schedule is
explained in the following table.

Table 3.7: Schedule feasibility of the new system

Level Phase name Duration

1 Analysis phase 4 week

2 Design phase 4 week

3 Coding 4 week

4 Implementation and Testing 4 week

5 Operation and maintenance phase 2 week


In this chapter, we have discussed important points on the user requirement analysis of
the system starting from introduction of the chapter, Operational Framework, Work
Break Down Structure, System Requirement, Problem Analysis Identification, and
Requirements Gathering Techniques, Use Case Analysis, Process Modeling, Data
Modeling, suitable solution strategies of the proposed system, System Feasibility and
Chapter Summary.


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