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Workbook WIDER WORLD SECOND EDITION Ce Retina Ci a a Reena GRETA Te Cees aL Welcome to West Green Creating culture People and personality Animal life Karen and the Artist Cool tech! My place, my space Look after yourself The Olympic Promise Spending and saving Learning for the future It's only natural Round the World in Eighty Days Units 1-3 Units 1-6 Units 1-9 26 36 38 48 58 68 70 80 90 100 102 105 108 m1 VOCABULARY cna j Fomiy member |Posssions| Monts Possessve adjectives | Posts] rarigates [Free time activities [Sports| Have got| Ther istarewith some and any ‘school subjects | Skils and abilities Articles | CaniCan'tfor ability , Welcome to West Green [ERIULILED Possessive adjectives he | she | it we | they 1 you my | your) his | her its | our | their EEXELELED Possessives singular my brother's laptop / Lena's brother Regular plural my parents! car Irregular plural_ the children's parents Twowords Lena's mum’s mother / Alex and Marie's house FEED err +| ve gt have gota sister, She's got (has got) a guitar They've got have got act. = Ihaven't gota brother. She hasn't gota sister. They haven't gota dog 2 Haveyou got asister? Yes, have, No, thaven't. Has she got a brother? Yes, she has. No, she hasn't, Yes, they have, No, they haven't Have they gota pet? 11 Complete the definitions. 1. Your father’s sister is yourau nt. 2 Your father's sister's child is your « 3. Your father's mother is your g 4 Your nother and father are your pee E 5 Your mother’s son is your b_ & Yourfather is also yourd —_ unto @@> erat aul Possessi Be erecta deka 2. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives. 1. Hi, I'm Dave and this is my brother. name is Jim. 2. Hil My name is Petra and this is cousin name is Anna, 3. Penny and lare sisters. _surname is Brown, 4 Myparents have gota car, _car is blue. 5 Hills name Mark? Choose the correct option. 1 TheGoy’) boys name is Gary. My cousin’s / cousins’ names are Tina and Rex. My mum's / mums’ dog is Rusty. Pam is the children’s / chi'drens’ mum. Harry and Jan's / Harry's and Jan's house is in London. 6 Kai's brother's / Kais’ brothers bike is red. wan Use the prompts to make sentences with have got. 1 I/two pets 1/a cat and a guinea pig I've got two pets. I've got a cat and a guinea pig. 2. A: your cousin / a car /? B:no/he/not 3. we/not /a big house 4 A: you/a sister /2 Beyes/1 5 our teacher /a dog he / short legs 6 my aunt/not /a big family TUM) There islare with some and any Singular Plural + There's (There is) a notebook. There are some drawings = There isn'ta pen, There aren't any books 2 Istherea ball Ate there ay notes? Yes, tere i. Yes, there are. No thre isn't No, there aren't Articles © The fist time we tak about a pessonthing we use ‘azar, but the second time we use the. He's got a bag, There area lot of things in the bag, * Ifit's clear what person/thing we mean, we use the. Not’ in cve park with his fiends. Complete the definitions with the words below. biscuits bustticket drawings headphones notes sunglasses You eat these. biscuits You write these. You draw these. You need this to use a bus. You listen to music with these. You wear these, 1 2 3 4 5 6 Match words 1-8 with photos A-H. 1 [H) keys 5 2 6 3 {_|headphones 7 |_lapen 4 | Japhone 8 | |sunglasses 3 Make questions (?), affirmative (7) and negative (x) sentences. Use there is/there are. Is there @ TV in your bedroom? x books in the kitchen. posters in the classroom. trainers in your sports bag? keys on the table. ‘a game on the computer. a dictionary in the classroom. pen in your school bag? NS SVS 4 Choose the correct option. We have '@y the big house and 2a / the long garden. 3A /The house is very old. There’s “a/ the lovely big kitchen. °A/ The living room is my favourite room. There's ®a/ the big TV set in there, There are twa bathrooms. ’A/ The big bathroom is my parents’. 4 / The small one is for me and my sister. Near our house there's °a/ the small park. In a / the park there are lots of trees. There's also "an / the interesting museum and a / the sports centte. rite the dates in words. 11/02 = the eleventh of February. 15/06 = 26/11 re s 02/04 04/2 = - 2 a 13/09 2110 30/07 = ee 1 e@Vaurun~ag 2. match words 1-11 with phrases a-k to make 1 [e]listening a films 2 [Iplaying b_ photos 3 Lspending relatives 4 [Jtiaying d tothe cinema 5 [_] watching fe tomusic 6 [_Jaoing your bedroom 7 [_}doing ga book 8 [taking hi video games 9 LJvisiting i nothing 10 [_] reading j_ time online 11 [_Jseeing k friends 3 Complete the sentences with phrases from Evercise 2. 1 Lenjoy _ to find information about sports and hobbies. 2 Weilike and seeing the latest films 3. Mary doesn't enjoy her 4 Complete the opinion adjectives. 1 auawn | think this programme is boring | think this hook ise_c_t I think this film is t be I think this photo is g ks I think this game is _u I think this magazine is ee eee! 5 Match sports 1-8 with photos A-H. BUNS ®O volleyball 5 hiking swimming 6 tennis football 7. basketball running 8 eycing (ELM > Can/Can’t for ability + {an cook, He can speak Spanish = We can't (cannot) dance He can't (anno sing, Yes, | can.iNo, tan’ Yes, he canJNo, he can't 2 Can you sing? Can he speak English? F Look at the pictures. Complete sentences 1-8 with the verbs or phrases below. % g g ® g rive 3 car act cook dance play the guitar repair a computer speak Spanish swim 1. Dan can act 5 Helen 2 Joe . 6 Be 3 Ann 7 Michael 4 chs 8 Beth 2. Make questions and short answers for the Sentences in Exercise 1. ?.Can Dan act? Yes, he can, 2 BSaITL ITs) 10, Man) 118 9S SOS SEL 3 Choose the correct question words below to complete the questions. How old What Whattime When 1A: (our first lesson) What time is your first lesson? At 10.30. (your fiendnow) In the cafeteria our brother) ie en, He's fifteen. our favourite singe)? Sam Smith. (yourdad'sjob) He's a policeman. (your next holiday) —_ giaaee ae, In August Where Who 8 A 8: A 8 an 8: a 8: A 8 4 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. 5 Choose the correct option, 1 Have sixteen? | 2 Has / Have you got any brothers? 3 Are/s there a café near your school? j 4 Has /Is your mum got black hair? 5 IS/ Are there any posters in your room? 4 6 15 /Can your sister drive a ca? Qo (@tg=-] af nr4 11 © Complete the words in the sentences. 1. My friend Hannah is an excellent dance r.Shedances very well 2 Mysisterisagreat_u ii _. She plays the piano and guitar very well 3 Myfavouritew t__is CS. Lewis. He wrote The Chronicles of Narnia. 4 Mybrother’sap_o o rah He's got a cool camera! 5 I don’t really ike modern art, but | quite like old fs slike Leonarda da Vinci 6 I think Chris Evans is a very good _c He's in lots of great films. 2 © Complete the text with the words below. director guitarist painter poet singer HiZoe, Hope you are well. You asked about my famit well, everyone in my family loves art. My mother loves music, but can't play any instruments. However, she's a great "singer. Dad plays a lot of instruments and he is. az in.a rock band, He's really good, My grandmother is a famous 3 and knows many famous actors. She has a few awards too. My sister loves writing and wants tobe famous 4 one day. Me? Give ‘mea brush and canvas and let me paint all day. hope to become a famous «like Picasso. What about you and your family? Do you like art? Write soon! Tony Unit @ VOCABULARY People inthe ats | Cultural activites | Creative hobbies | News and entertainment GRAMMAR Present Simple: affirmatve and negative | Adverbs of frequency | Present Simple: questions and answers 3 © Write the words for the definitions. 1. You can see films in this place. cin e ma 2. There's no singing. c 3. This is a modern type of music. t fi 4. This isa type of film about the future. s fa _ 5 This is a funny film about love. raed cel c — 6 You can make these if youve got a video camera. a fi = 7. This is a classical type of dancing. b 8 You can read this. n = 4 © © Complete the sentences with the words below. ballroom dancing pep rap _rock salsa street dance Pop music is fun to dance and sing along to. 2. My little brother loves He Photographs dancers all the time! 3. Mary is taking lessons in because she likes old-fashioned types of dance 4 Ilove music, The words express problems young people have. 5 Joe loves loud music and he always listens to it in his room, 6 Iwant to go to Latin American dance! lasses. It's a great 5 © © Complete the sentences with the words below. don't hate interested into love really 1. ove dancing rumba. It’s cool! 2 Imnot in comics ~ | lke short stories. 3 I'm acting. I love to be an actor. 4a romantic comedies. ‘They're so boring! 1 like street art much 61 enjoy drawing, | love my art classes. 6 © (UEWRD match the sentence halves. 1 [d]|ltike reading —_a_pictures 2 [_Jtlike stening the guitar. 3 [_|!like drawing selfies. 4 [_Jilike playing d_ poetry 5 [_]Ilike watching eto hip hop. ei fect ere entesy tine 7 [Jilike acting g_salsa 8 | |Ilike dancing hin plays. 7 © © Order the letters and write the words in the sentences. 1 like watching (TWAGNICH) romantic comedies, but | prefer & n (NTOCAN films. 2. I'mreally into d g (NICNAGD) and I like to go to s t d (RTEETS NADCE) classes. 3 Mike t g (KINGAT) photos, but | don’t like s. g (RASHNGI them on social media. 4 love p. g (NAGLIPY) the 9 F(RAGTUD, 5 Ihated g (ORWGANI), but ike w g (TWICGAHN) films, | can talk about people in the arts, cultural activities, likes and dislikes. 8 Choose the correct option. Ea NOLL s short story at the moment. The writer / director is, an amazing “musician / artist too and the pictures: very love books and I'm reading a 2comic / are great. There's a film showing the writer's life and I want to see it at the Scinema / theatre. !m also Slove / interested in drawing and ’taking | making photos. But I'm ®in / into dancing in plays too, so maybe I can be a °dancer / photographer! Who knows? 9 Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets. | really like ‘dancing (DANCE) | love? (classi music and I'm not a bad ? (MUSIC). I can play the piano quite well. don’t ike 4 (READ) books much, but I like short stories because they're quick! And I'm interested in 5 (WATCH) films on TV ~ if they're about famous € (DANCE)! (PHOTOGRAPH) and I ike (TAKE) photos of my friends in dance I'm also into? 8 classes. Sees Se ee TS @ Unit 1 Present Simple: affirmative and negative | Adverbs of frequency + [love hip hop. She writes poemshwatches TWistudies classical music, We look the same. = [don't read much. ‘She doesn''t understand art. We don’t fike the same things. ‘Adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, ‘nevet) go after to be but before all the other verbs. 41 © Complete the sentences with the affirmative, form of the verbs in brackets. My sister likes (like) hip hop. We (go) to a café after school. 1 (play) chess on Friday. My teacher _ (write) beautiful poems. They ___ (speak) English very well My best friend (lve) in London, ounun- 2 © Complete the sentences with the negative form of the verbs in brackets. 1. He doesn’t read {not read) at night. 21 _ (not understand) modern art. 3 Carrie __ (not listen) to rock music. 4 My mum. (not read) romantic novels. 51 (not win) when | play with him. 6 We {not study) at the weekend. 3 @ Choose the correct answer. + ®We never go to the cinema b We go never to the cinema. 2 a read sometimes short stories. I sometimes read short stories 3. a My brother is in his room always. bb My brother is always in bis room, 4a I'malways interested in new songs b Always I'm interested in new songs. 5 Our mum usually goes to rumba classes. b Our mum goes usually to rumba classes. 6 a Weare bored never in Mr Ty's classes! b We are never bored in Mr Ty's classes! ‘unt @> | can use the Present Simple to talk about things Which happen regularly. 4 © Choose the correct option. 4. never does / do my homework before dinner. 2. My sister sometimes like / likes listening to techno. 3 They go always always go to bet at 10.30. 4 My favourite actor doesn’t / don’t act in comedy films. She never is /is never at home before 8.30. 6 We often play / play often games in our English class. » Order the words to make sentences. 1 like / Hannah 7 books / reading / doesn't f much Hannah doesn't ike reading books much, 2 football / with / often / friends /1/ my / play 3. understand // Spanish / don't 5 teacher / car/ drive / doesn't / our / a 6 never / for / Tom / class / late /is © © © Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, Joften "go (go) to the cinema with my friends at the weekend. We?__(not go) in the evenings because we > - (do) our homework then, Our teacher _ (not be) happy ifwe® ____ (not give) homework in ‘on Amel We sally © Covatch) action films. | like romantic comedies, but my best friend? __(not like) them, so sometimes 1® (watch) romantic comedies on the internet at home. My sister often (watch) them with me. It’s always nice to watch a film with someane else! Cultural activities 4. Read Mr Cooper's post. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false), 1. [__|Thisis the first day of the challenge. 2. [_]He wants his students to share a photo only. 3. [_]He often performs on stage. ‘Mr Cooper Good morning! This is day 1 ofthe #culturechallenge. Please post a photo of yourself doing a cultural cctivty and say something about itin the comments. This is me performing on stage in last year’s school play. | love acting, but | don't do it very often ike todo it more. 1 Kiara like photography, but I don't think I'm very good tit. | usually go out every day and toke photos Of things in my local area. Do you like this one? 2 Graeme Ilike creating new music. | play the keyboard, ‘and guitar and I often make new songs on my computer. | sometimes share my music online with other people, and they say nice things about it 3 Marina Ireally like writing short stories. Inever write poems because I think they're boring. But | love \writing short stories and | usually share them with my friends. Sometimes they dont lke them, but they usually love them and ask me to write more. Would you like to read one? 4 Marco like making shor films with my friend Don. We make litte models and toke lots of photos cf them in different positions. Then we put them together to make a film. Dan usualy creates the story andl make the models, but sometimes he helps me make them, | can understand a blog about cultural hobbies. 2. Read comments 1-4 in Exercise 1 and match. them with photos A-D. > d» — 3. Read the texts agcin and answer the questions. 1 Who does theirhobby in their local area? 2 Who would like to do something more frequently? 3. Who makes something with their friend? 4. Who shares something online with other people? 5 Who does something other people around them don't always lke? 4 QEEDIRIEN choose the correct option. 1 Hove @eating)playing art out of unusual things. 2 My brother often performs / makes on stage. He loves acting 3. I like taking photos on my phone and sharing / creating them on social media 4 I don't like performing / playing video games. | think they're boring, 5 Kyra shares / watches a lot of concerts on TV. Jenny often maies / plays short films. See ani nen 13 2) QUAD 2 | Do you goto West Green High?| Yes, I do,No, I don't * Does he workin London? [Do they live in Paris? Where do you come from? | I come from Pars What instrument does he play? | He plays the violin How often does she see him? She sees him every day. Time expressions (onceftwiceltiree tines a week/month) goat the end of a sentence. 41 © Write the questions. 1 @& Where does he live? A: He lives in London, Q: When school? A; [start school at 3.30. Q: What _ in the evenings? ‘A: They do homework in the evenings. : What reading? ‘A: My sister likes reading poems. @: How often dance lessons? A: We go to dance lessons twice a week. Q: What time _ finish? ‘A; The film finishes at 7.30. Make questions from the prompts you /like / modern art /? Do you like modern art? your sister / speak / French /? Mr Jacobs / live /in a big house /? Jack / play / an instrument /? your dad / work /in the city /? your classmates / listen to / rap music /? 3 © complete the short answers to the questions in Exercise 2, 1 Yes,1do, 4 No, eNO Mes 5G 3 Yes, 6 No, D> Present Simple: questions and answers Yes, he does.iNo, he doesn't. Yes, they do.No, they don't. Present Simple: questions and answers {can use the Present Simple to ask and answer questions about facts and routines, 4 © © Complete the dialogue with one ‘word in each gap. ‘A: "Do your parents work? B: Yes, ? do. My mum and my dad both work. 3____your mum work every day? Yes, she 4 She's a teacher. 5 she teach at your school? No, she § I'd hate that! 1 does she teach? She teaches at Garfield High School. Which school ® you go to? | go to Minchester Academy. : you lke it there? Yes, 1'° It’s a great school iY do you do in your free time? I play football and | listen to music. 2 often do you play football? About *_ or twice a week. And“ ______you play an instrument? B: Yes, 18 PEP RP Pr>erer Pere | play the guitar. © © © Complete the email with the Present Simple form of the wards in brackets. HiJenna, {'m really glad you're my online English friend, Please write and tell me something about yourzel! Where "do you ive (ve)? (have) any brothers and {theyiga} to (work)? (Youlisten to) music? What type of music © (ike? What magazines ” aa (usually read)? ® ___ (often go) to other countries on holiday? What are your favourite subjects at schoo'? And (speak) my anguage? Sorry to ask so many questions. m realy interested! Best wishes, Lucia sisters? 3 school too or # 5 —— ‘On the Portal, Extra Practice Activities: Lesson 1.4 fe Types of media 11 Match types of media 1-8 with photos A-H. 1 2 3 4 talk show 5 soap opera phone-in 6 talent show news headlines 7 game show documentary 8 weather forecast 2. Choose the correct answer. 1 eI | often make videos and publish them on my ‘a message board —_b sports pages ©vlog I like watching __. learn about the world. a current affairs « talent shows Before | go to the cinema, I read what other people think of them. b sports pages b weather forecasts so | know. ‘a news headline « film reviews Our schoo! has a things about school life. 4 sports page b message board ¢ blog | often watch funny a video clips game reviews We use it to discuss different online with my friends b documentaries I'm really into football! b sports pages | always read the a weather forecast c news headlines 1 can understand people talking about different types of media, *) 1.1 Read the survey. Then listen and match speakers A-E with questions 1-8. There are three extra questions. al] elic OL) eLJ Take. owe QUICK ONLINE survéy! Do you think teenegers are interested in current affairs programmes on TV? What's your favourite type of documentary? Does anyone in your family watch a lot of sport on TV? How often do you watch soap operas? Why do people like watching talk shows? (@ () @ Do you go to see Flms because of film reviews? lo (7) Days wont fo goon aTV game show? (822,70 enioy watching ttent shows? +6) 1.1 Listen again. Match speakers A-E with comments 1-6. There is one extra comment. aDeO cO eo ce | think people sometimes have the wrong idea about teenagers. 2. | ike learning about famous people. 3- | enjoy watching people who disagree. 4 | don't want people to laugh at me. 5 | argue about talent shows. 6 | think a programme can help people. rte rol Fe) 11) units Extra Practice Activities: Lesson 1.5 ‘Asking for and giving opinions 4. €)1.2 Listen and repeat the phrases. ‘Asking for and giving opinions ‘Asking for opinions Giving opinions ‘What do you think of In my opinion, the film is briliant this film? Ifyou ask me, it's boring How do you feel about | think it’s greavbriliantall right. that song? | think it's terriblefawfulboring. What's wrongithe I don’t think much of it problem with it? I's no good. | agreeldon't agree with you. 2. Match sentences/questions 1-6 with endings a-f. 1 [B] How do you ... a problem with ballet? 2 (Jithink its b fectabout-hip-hop? 3 [_JWhat'sthe... ¢ with you. 4 (Jinmy opinion, it's always the same. 5 (_|Idon't think ... e much of it. 6 [_Jlagree 4 exciting 3 Complete the dialogues with the words or phrases below. about ask | think its all right you mean wrong 1 A: dow do you feel ‘about this film? Be? the action film? A: Yeah, that's the one: Power Time 2. B: ? . but | prefer the first one. A: Really? * it's brilliant B: Idon't agree. A: Why? What's 5 with it B: Honestly? | think it’s boring. if you 5 me, it’s the same story as the first film, A; OK, let's watch something else. great much opinion think what with 2A do you think of classical music? B: Idon't think ? oft A Why? B: 1? it’s boring. | prefer techno, A: Oh, don’t agree # that. In my : , itall sounds the same B: Not to me. | think it’s © Vite) | cn 2: orang pons ¥ 4) 1.3 Complete the dialogues with the correct option. Then listen and check. 1A 8: A 8: A B c classical music? I think it’s boring, Do you like pop music? Yes, agree. It's great. \ agree. b I think it’s cool < How do you feel about 2A 8: >pere » Do you like this sitcom? ‘Yeah, that’s the one. What do you think of it? Really? I don’t think much of it. Honestly? | just don’t think it’s funny. a Why? What's wrong with it? b_ You mean King of Secrets? ¢ Idon't agree. If you ask me, it’s really funny. @ Ithink it’s really funny. On the Portal fe Extra Practice Activities: Lesson 1.6 A personal introduction 4. Read the information about Ella on her webpage. Then read her personal introduction and complete the informa Ella Totton, Southampton, England Romantic ¥ LIST OF STORIES >The red table Another Monday >Where are you? About me My name is Ella Myers and I'm fifteen. I'm from London and | live in Totton. It's a town near Southampton. I'm British. 1 have one sister and two brothers and | go to Totton High School. Hove Art, English and History. | like rock and pop music and my favourite band is One Republic. But | really love books. ‘My favourite books are The Fault in Our Starsand The Hunger Games. In my free time | play tennis and | write short stories. | write one or two pages every day. You ‘can read some of them on my webpage. Tell me ifyou like them! Name: Ella "Myers Ag 2 Famil 3 Lives in: = From: 5 Nationality: British Studies at: o Favourite subjects: 7 Music: Favourite band: ae =a Books: | San kee ay Likes: n playing tennis 2. Read sentences 1-5 and mark P (personal), H (hobbies/interests) or R (routines). 1 [P] have one sister and two brothers. [1 1g0 to school by bus every day. [11m into books. 2 3 4 [_]Ilive in Totton. 5 [71 pay tennis. 'm realy good at it 3 Complete the sentences with the words below. fevourite from home town into old outside 1 I'm fifteen years old. 1come __ London. 2 My is Totton 3. I'mreally books. 4 My hobby is writing, 5 school | like playing sports. 4 Match 1-5 with a-e. 1 [] school subjects [_ Jat the beginning of a sentence [__| names of people and places {_} countries and nationalities the personal pronoun wewn Ella, Totton, Southampton Art History, English Il My, It's, But, In, You, Tell British, London 5 Write a personal introduction for one of your friends. Prins ideas: aa . a ‘Make notes about their: * personal de * ‘avout schoo subjets. * interests and hobbies. Prian ani wite * Organise your ideas into paragraphs. Use Ella's text tohelp you. * Write a draft personal introduction. Vas * Check language: isthe speling (capital eters) corect? * Check grammar: are most vers in the Present Simple? © Write the final version of your personal introduction, ‘cane apesoainvoaucton. 3) Unit) eance My Language File ees People in the arts actor (9) artist (n) dancer (n) ‘musician (r) painter (n) photographer (n) poet (n) singer (n) writer (n) Cultural activities action film (n) animated film (n) ballet in) ballroom dancing (n) classical music(n) comic (n) fantasy film (n) z hip hop tn). novel (n) painting (1) Photo (r) picture (r) romantic comedy (n) _ rumba (n) salsa (ny - science fiction (sc film (n) short story (n) street art (n) street dance (n) techno (n) faa acc Liss Word friends (creative hobbies) actin a play actin a (short) film dance salsa a draw pictures listen to (rock) music play the guitar _ read poetry take selfies watch (fantasy) films —_ Word friends (cultural activities) create art eer make short films perform onstage play video games share something on social media _ watch concerts = watch videos News and entertainment Pe) current affairs (0) documentary (n) film review (7) _ game review (n) __ game show (n) ‘message board (n) news headiine (n) soap opera (r) sports page (7) ‘alent show (n) talk show (n) ‘video clip (n) vlog (n) weather forecast (n) Extra words awful (adj) _ be afraid of _ be interested in beinto be mad about brilliant (adj) _ cinema (n) ie cool (adj) creative work (7) culture (n) drums (n) enjoy) famous (adj) _ make animations news (9) newspaper (n) photography (a) programme (7) routine (n) share interests sing () = (Gocial) media (°) song (r) int aan ‘ake part in ‘take photos terrible (adj) theatre (o) Sounds good! mp . 1 Complete the words in the sentences, 1 My brother reads ¢ every day. He likes the artwork. 2 Jdon't enjoy ¢ music like Mozart or Beethoven, 3. My favourite a is Chris Evans. 4 Loften wateh r comedies where people are in love, 5 A lotof children fove watching a films like Minions o How to Train Your Dragon. 6 My sister wants to go to Cua to learn s dancing, Complete the sentences with the words below. drawing listening playing reading taking watching 1 We have a computer, but | hate games on it 2 My dad is really into __ to old music. (3 My mum doesn’t really like selfies. 4 like reviews about new films, 5 Ourfamily loves ___ soap operas together 6 I don't like _ __ pictures in Art at school. Chose the correct option. 1 I think phone-ins / soap operas are funny ~ you always hear some strange people calling! 2 You can post and find jobs on the message board / sports page. 3 Video clips / Current affairs programmes are useful ta learn what is happening in the world at the moment. 4 The talk shows / news headlines today are about the earthquake in Japan. 5 Let's watch the weather forecast / Soap opera before we decide on what to do tomorrow. 6 love watching soap operas / documentaries about wild animals. 7. Ian watch short video clips mews. headlines and dance for hours! 8 Ihate weather forecast /reality shows. They are boring, 4 Order the words to make questions, 1 you / where / live / do /? 2. work / day / your / every / dad / does /? 3. do/ many /have /lessons / English / a week / you / how /? 4 do/ you / Saturday / swimming / go / every /? 5. do/ how / photos / you / take / often /? 5 Match questions 1~5 in Exercise 4 with answers are below. a [_|Every day. d_[_|No, he doesn't. b | }¥es,1do. e (_]in tondon. ¢ (Jthree. 6 Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 1______ (not ike) documentaries. 2 _____{you/want) to go to the cinema? 3. My friend thot ive) near me. 4 Jack_____ {not speak) English and French. 5 Mrleeusually _____ Give) essays to write, 7 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap. aS __ do you feel about street dance? B: Oh, think it’s terrible! ‘A: Really? What's the? ____with it? 8: Well, inmy?__, it's just awful ‘A: J don't agree with you, if you* __me, it's cool 8: Well, | think it’s no 5 - | prefer ballet. ‘A; Yeah, it’s allright, but i's a bit boring. SOME Vocabulary: —/20 Speaking: _/5 Grammar; 15 Total: _/40 ‘On the Portal Extra Practice activities: Self-check People and yee are] ULaNy ci Ae ee Vira Clothes 1 © Complete the table with the words below. baseball cap bek coat glasses gloves handbag hoodie jacket necklace scarf sweater top tracksuit trainers underwear uniform Clothes hoodie belt Accessories 2 © Choose the correct answer. 1. Jusually wear at the weekends when I go ‘out with my friends, a auniform — b 2 fancy-dress costume ©jeans 2 I don't really ike wearing ___, but Ineed to wear one for my sister’s wedding, a tracksuits b dresses glasses 3. My dad works in a bank and he wears a white _to work, a hoodie b shorts. shirt 4 I've got two cool _ from the USA with my name on them. a shoes b Tshirts ¢ jeans 5 It’shot, sol need my _ a shorts b shoes —_¢ boots 6 {like wearing __ in summer to keep cool. a glasses bb hats, € costumes 7 'm wearing a Superman ___ to the party. a baseball cap b costume —_¢ handbag € Don't forget your _. It’s cold outside. a handbag bb necklace scarf nnee VOCABULARY Clothes and acessries| Adjectives to describe cathes and accesories | Adjectives with singred| Personality GRAMMAR Present Continuous | Present Simple and Present Continuous © © Write the words for the definitions. 1. You wear this to keep warm. sweater 2. You wear this round your neck. n 3. You wear this under your clothes. u 4. You wear this when you play sport. t 5 You often wear these on your feet t 6 You wear these in the summer when it’s hot. s © © Read the sentences and write the words. 1. [love wearing these in my ears when | go to a party. earrings | wear this round my neck, | can wear this over my shirt at work. ‘They keep my hands warm in winter. In the summer it keeps my head cool when | do sport 6 We wear these on our feet every day. © © Match sentences 1-6 with a-f. [e] This T-shirt is very baggy. [| wash these jeans a lot. [_| ike wearing this cotton top. [_| can | borrow your woolly gloves? [_]! don't want a striped jacket. These shoes are real leather. aunun I prefer a plain one. Now they're really tight. It’s cold outside, That's why they're expensive, It’s cool in the summer, saance 6 © © Choose the correct answer. 1. Which item can we NOT use with baggy? a trousers b sweater ©handbag 2. Which item can we NOT use with leather? a boots glasses belt 3. Which item can we NOT use with woolly? a trainers b sweater ¢ hat 4. Which item can we NOT use with striped? adress b top © necklace 5. Which item can we NOT use with tight? a Tshirt —b shoes earrings 6 Which item can we NOT use with checked? a glasses b shirt € jacket 7 © © Complete the crossword, Across 3 not plain or checked 5. It's pretty and you wear it round your neck. 8 It’s usually leather and you wear it round your jeans. 9 You wear them when you go running, 10 the opposite of baggy Down These trousers are usually blue. You wear it over a shirt. You can wear it when you train It's a warm top. Wear it round your neck when it’s cold. not tight @Vaane ‘can talk about clothes. 8 © © © Complete the words in the text. Do you want something new to wear at the weekend or for that special party? Come along to ournew shop in the Lake Mall forclothesand'ac ces sories. We sell everything from casual clothes like 2 es andT-shirts, to dresses and even 3__s__m__ forthosetun parties! Do you need sports gear? We sell comfortable 4_a__e s foryourfeetand 5s __s foryourtraining. Allour clothes aremodern-if* hk _d | shirts are in fashion you can find them here. We have both brightand” k colours. Perhapsthisyearit’s® + e_ jackets? Look forthem her=! Would you like some a h__ boots? We have them. Awarm®_o e forwhenit's cold and windy outside? We've got anice mM blueone and many others. | We've got lots. Pretty gold earrings ora silver 2) Pea Right her: ‘See you soon! | ‘On the Portal Extra Practice Activities: Lesson 2.1 Present Continuous (IAG Present Continuous + | I'm leaving now. He's making some toast. They/te looking at you. | 'm not laughing. | He isn't wearing a costume. | They aren't talking, “2 | Areyoucoming? | Yes, 1am,/No, 'mnot. | she going home? | Yes, he iso, he isnt. | Are they eating? Yes, they are./No, they aren't. | why are you laughing? | © Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verbs below. cay drink eat lie listen ride take talk 1 The woman is taking a photo. 2 Theman _ coffee. 3 Two children ‘their bikes. 4 The teenage girl __on her phone. 5 The old lady a sandwich. 6 Theteenage boy ___to music. 7 The dog on the ground & The baby _ it's hungry again! © Rewrite the sentences in the negative form. 1. I'm waiting for Paolo. 'm not waiting for Paolo. \'m waiting for Brad 2. They're studying French. They're studying Spanish. 3. She's wearing jeans. She's wearing trousers. 4 You're eating a chicken sandwich. You'te eating a tomato sandwich, 5 We're watching the news. We're watching a talk show. 6 He's going to town, He's going to work | can use the Present Continuous to talk about things that are happening now, 3. @ Order the words to make questions. new / wearing / dress / you /a/ are /? ‘Are you wearing a new dress? is / shouting / the / teacher / why /? the / what / doing / are / boys /? are / where / going / you /? us / Elise / here /is /meeting /? 4 © © Match questions 1-5 with answers a-e. 1 2 waw aance [2] where are you going? {| what are you reading? Marie isn’t coming with us. Why? ‘Are your friends swimming today? Why is your teacrer talking to Frank? He isn’t working very hard these days. We're walking-into town: No, they aren't. They're playing tennis. My friend's fashion magazine. She's waiting for Mike. 5 © © © Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the verbs below. do do eat enjoy shut watch write PRPeEP a That's a great ideal 17 Hil How are you? 1'm good, thanks. What "are you doing? Not much. I'm at my computer. z emails? No, Imnot.1? my History homework. It's boring. And you? 14 areality show on TV with cake, __ the show? my sister and we 5 : No, Im not. It's boring, Let's go for a walk after dinner. We can ride our bikes down. my computer now! Festivals 4 Read the introduction to the article and answer the questions. 1+ What do people celebrate in Argentina on 30 July? 2 What two things are people doing to celebrate it? aetna repeat miaeietececs carattantantk oenanratoay cerienaaaase a eco stay dry! ‘you want to stay clean then don't athe mame. tse fal el eae a onl re thronng cobued ponder ateverynein the set Thee are many diferent reson wy eagle Celebrate Hol, but t's mast to be happy about good things in the world. We're {laughing and having lots of fun. masa The pope ok teat to, tink ymin Albuquerque nthe USA, and today 'm at the huge balloon festa ‘with my frends, Los of people ae ‘throwing balloonsin the ait They ‘areal diferent shapes, sizes and ‘colours, The sk looks realy co0l” the Sen event olan te Sar ye Se ooking at a briliant way to spenc a summe ' can understand an article about festivals. 2 Read the article again and answer the questions, 1. Who throws water at peosle during Songkran? 2 What does Songkran traditionally celebrate? 3. How does Manisha describe what people look lke? 4. What is in the sky in Albuquerque? 5. What can people see on Bondi beach? Match comments 1-8 with sentences a-h. 1 [e]! don't sleep very well [This book isn’t interesting at all! Dit can hear a terrible noise outside. [| My computer isn’t working — again! (my dad is singing in front of my friends. (we're going on holiday. {_J1'm watching a documentary. [J 1'm just sitting in the sun with my book. wan 1s interesting. e Imrelaxed Tm embarrassed. It’s annoying, tied gm frightened. It’s boring. h t's exciting, Choose the correct option. 1. When my brother tells a joke it’s embarrassed /@mbarrassing) 2 James works from 6.30 a.m. until 7.30 p.m. His job is tired / tring 3. My sister often takes my clothes without asking. | get very annoying / annoyed. 4 ove the new horror film ~ i's very {frightened / frightening. 5. Jake doesn't like romantic films. He gets boring / bored when he watches one. ‘On the Portal fe Extra Practice Activities: Lesson 2.3 Present Simple and Present SELINUAS Continuous: Present Simple Facts, habits and routines usually have breakfast at lunchtime, © Present Continuous Things happening at the moment of speaking We are walking up a mountain. Things happening around now but maybe not at the moment of speaking. This week my parents are doing some work on the house. 11 © Decide if the verbs in the sentences show facts (F), a routine (R), something happening during a period of time (P), or something happening right now (N).. 1 LE) My mum works in a hospital. 2. [_]she always gets up at 6.30 and takes a taxi ‘to work. 3. [_JToday she isn’t feeling very well, so she’s staying at home. 4 At the moment she's sitting in bed and sending some emails. 5 [_]she has friends in lots of different countries 6 [_|she’s working with a new team of doctors this week. 7 [_]she usually finishes work at 6.00. 8 [_]Ohdear- the phone is ringing. Perhaps it's ‘the hospital. 2 @ Complete the sentences with the correct present forms of the underlined verbs. 1 usually have cereal for breakfast. Today, im having eggs and toast. 2. Mariah doesn’t always come to extra Maths classes after school. She this week because her marks are getting worsel 3 Italways when I'm on holiday and look - it's raining now! 4 1 know you often play tennis. _ you this week? 5 Myfriend to school again — she ‘walks to school every morning. 6 My brother usually watches game shows, but tonight he ‘a soap opera. | unite o> Pearse seca wht na Rapper end what is happe Present Simple and Present Continuous 3 © © Match the sentence halves. €| Cathy doesn't usually go to bed late, [_| she really enjoys soap operas, [| she knows a ot of languages, [_] she usually goes on holiday to Spain, {| she sometimes plays the guitar in a band, [| she doesn't often go out during the week, ausaunse but she hates game shows but she's staying in London this summer. but-she's-reading now and it’s midnight! but this week she’s playing the drums. ut she’s watching a film at the cinema now. but she doesn't speak Italian, a b c d e f Choose the correct option. 1 We(sually studyy are usually studying Maths on Mondays, but today we have / we're having a test. 2 Jenna's listening to music and / but she’s watching TV at the same time! How? 3. I don’t do/‘m net doing my homework at the moment because my computer doesn’t work /isn’t working. 4 | wait /'‘m waiting for my friend, but he is late. 5. Do you always have /Are you always having a big breakfast before school? No, I don't /'m not. 6 My sister usually wears / is usually wearing jeans, and / but today she wears /’s wearing askirt 5 © © © Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs below. enjoy not get have hear love play practise sing x2) My friend, Liz, is amazing. She's only fifteen, but she "has a brilliant weekend job. Every Friday and Saturday night she 2 a band. She's got a lovely voice. Her brother the guitar. They're both really good musicians. They* __a lot of money, but they 5____it. The band always §___in our classroom during the lunch break and | can 7___ them now. Mia ® an Adele song. | 9 their music! 19 now. On the Portal Etra Practice Activities: Lesson 24 4. Write the words for the definitions. 1 This describes someone who only thinks about himself or herself. se I f is h 2. This describes someone who is not afraid of new things or challenges. 3 This desctibes someone who is not polite. re 4 This desctibes someone who is intelligent. < 5. This describes someone who is always happy. c 2. Match the adjectives below with pictures A-F. bossy chatty funny kind lazy polite & 3 Choose the correct option. 1. My brother is so@hy)/ funny that he has very few friends. 2 lois very quiet / friendly and always makes new friends. 3. Carlais rather quiet / chatty. She never says much. 4 Paolo's room is never a mess ~ he's very tidy / lazy. 5 Mary talks too much! She's never helpful / quiet. | can understand people talking about their friends. “ Listening and Vocabulary ‘ Describing a friend’s personality 4 Complete the sentences with adjectives from Exercise 3, 1. Sara doesn't talk very much. She's very quiet. 2 Gary's very He's checking my computer at the moment because it isn't working very wel 3 My young sister is quite and she doesn't like meeiing new people. 4 Lthink Ym can talk about anything! 5. My brother's so He always does things that make me laugh. 6 I'mfeeling do anything, today. | don't want to 5 4) 2.1 Listen to dialogues 1-5 and choose the correct answer 1 Who is the boy’ssister? a Anna b sally © Alex 2. Where are the speakers? a intown binacafé in the park. 3. When is the git’s party? a Wednesday b Friday Saturday 4 What is Grace wearing to the concert? a dress b jeans « trainers 5 What is Tim doing? a eating his breakfast b dancing at a dub sleeping in bed 6 +4) 2.1 Listen to the dialogues again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 [_] The new student is in Class present nove 4 Itisn't raining at the moment. [_] The boy is giving the git! her birthday 4 [_] The students are planning to walk to the concert. 5 [__]Tim stays out late on Fridays. ‘On the Portal Extra Practice Activities: Lesson 25 Le Bonne 2.6 Sear 1 4) 2.2 Listen and repeat the phrases. Giving news 1'm learning (how to speak) Chinese. I'm spending alot of time with my fiendsfin the at club. {fm feeling annoyed because my phone isn’t working, I'm feeling excited because 'm going to the cinema 1'm working on a new project Helshe isn't feeling wel. Responding to news, Well done! Good for you! Awesome! Great! Cool! That'sterble! Whata shame! Poor you! Noway! I don't believe it! You're kidding! iving and responding to news 2. Match the sentence halves. 1 [2] fm learning (Jim spending My sister isn’t feeling 'm feeling excited i'm working 6 [_]1'm feeling very unwn a very well. think she's ill b_ because it's my birthday next week tired this morning. d_ on my dance moves at the moment. e how-to play the piano: £ alotof time with my cousin 3 Make sentences from the prompts that give news, 1. my sister / enjoy / her new job My sister is enjoying her new job. 2 I/learn /a new language 3. my mum / not feel well / these days 4 1/spend a lot of time / at school / at the moment 5 I'm/work / on /a new story 6 my dad / feel / worried because he / have problems / with his new car ‘unit2 @a> Pesrparesrcresrond tne Giving and responding to news 4 @)23 Complete the dialogues with one word in each gap. Then listen and check. done great kidding ne poor shame that’s 1. A: Mateo has stopped his English lessons! B: No way! 2. A: My Maths results are brilliant! B: Well! 3. A: My dog's ill. B: What at 4. A: This new shirt has got a hole in it. 8 terrible! 5. A: I've got lots of homework. Br you! 6 A: I'm learning Mandarin Chinese! Be 1 7: We don't have ary classes today! : You're Choose the correct response. 1. I've got free tickets for the concert! a What a shame! awesome! ¢ Poor you! 2. I can't go to Mike's party. a Great! b What a shame! © Good for you! 3 My dad's got a job in China ‘a Well done! b No way! © Good for you! 4 They're cutting down those lovely trees in Forest Road. a You're kidding! b Coolt € Poor you! 5 I'm feeling really ill today. @ Well done! b Coolt ¢ That's terrible! On the Pertal Extra Practice Activities: Lesson 2. A semi-formal email 2 Complete the sentences with one word in Welcome to eFriends! each gap. 1 I'm writing (o tefl you about me and my choose one of the people in the profiles ar a a Surin minceen ei serre m Pe Mecha! 2 Myfriends and ___usually go to a pizza place after schoo. aes 3 The school day ___at 8.30 and finishes ; nae or at 3.00. 4 I'm looking forward reading about you. 5 ____ wishes. 3 Complete the table with the words below. ‘autumn March Monday morning my birthday night New Year Sundays thewmenning 3.15 the evening 15 November the weekend 2018 Read the email from Phil to one of the peopie on eee * : the eFriends website and answer the questions. 1. How many brothers or sisters has he got? 2. What instrument does he play? 3. Does he practice with his band every day? 4. Does he like his school uniform? Rimes i 4 Choose one of the teenagers from the website and write an email to him/her. Dear Paulo, | Fic ¥ {'m writing to fell you about myself and my skies ed fei. | * yout family and fends, © anormal school day. My name's Phil. 'm fourteen and | have a brother ‘and a sister. My sister's name is Megan and URE ERSTE STA TETRA! she's twelve. She's really into photography. Wisin My brother Adam is nine. They're both nice and * Organise your ideas into paragraphs, Use P's funny. Our school is Forest Secondary School. email to help you. Witea draft email The school day begins at 9 a.m, and finishes _Witea ie 4t 345 p.m. | play the guitar in a band and we Ds Practise fief echiool og Wedhesca)s etc * Check language are the prepostions of time correct? the weekend. Most schools in the UK have © heck grammar: are most verbs inthe Present Simple a uniform, and we do too. I's uncomfortable and some inthe Present Continuous? and | don't ike it! | wear black shoes which are. * Write final version of your email tight and a horrible white shirt! Oo you wear € uniform at school? Write and tell me. 1'm looking forward to reading your reply! Kind regards, Phit {can write a semi-formal email @ Unit2 My Language File Clothes and accessories striped a ____ ee setts ae baseball cap(n) tight a) beard t Bee a ‘woolly (adj) bracelet (n) boots (n)______________ adjectives with -ed-ing. Sanita or oat) annoyed (ad) are dress () eee) feel) _ earrings @) Ree festival(n) (fancy-dress) costume (n) any Gd) footwear (9) glasses (1) arse ad getft —— gloves (n) __ embarrassing (adj) aa ge: handbag (ny) eect have fun et) eee erching tod) Mane a ODE) hoodie frightened lad) indoors (adv) Boe — frightening (ad) ed ) interested (adj) SM) oe look ccol interesting (ad F scar‘(n) ere outdocrs (adv) shirt (n) fesearg ch outgoing (ad) shoes f) tired fac) cere es STOCS (eee tiring (adi) person (n) sweater (n) pocket) top in) Personality adjectives protect from (v) tracksuit (9) bossy (agi) shopping trip (n) trairers(n) chatty (ad) __________snow boots (n) trousers (a) cheerful (ad) socks (n) Tshrt(n) clever (ad) ____________ spend time Underwear (n) confident (adi) style (n uniform (n) ‘friendly (adj) _ sume (n) Adjectives to describe clothes a, grees o) and accessories ; kind (ad) wear i —— lazy ad) wed ng (=) checked (ed) polite (adj) winter (n) cotton (ad) ‘quiet (ad) dark dj) —______________ jude qj) SS‘ Sunds good! leather (ed) selfish ad) See Nght ed) shy gy How's ite plinfad) —______________ tdyjaqy SC CHw'sit going? necklace (n) Ah) ‘My favourite words/expressions from this unit CPN ae 4 Complete the sentences with the words below. belt cotton earrings scarf) shorts trainers uniform 1 |weara to school = its blue. 2 |wear my leather When | play tennis. 3 like your - They really make your ears look nice. 4 Helen usually wears Tshirts in the summer. 5 Ineed a tight for these jeans. 6 When it’s cold, my brother wears a red woolly 7 It’s a lovely day today, so I'm wearing my 2 Choose the correct option. 1. Mylittle brother often breaks my things. It's so annoying / annoyed. I'm really tiring / tired after that long walk. 3. I don't lke that film. | really think it's boring / bored. 4. This book is really interesting / interested. I can't put it down! 5. Angela was so embarrassing / embarrassed when her dad came into school 6 The children are exciting / excited about their trip to the zoo tomorrow. 7 like listening to podcasts when | go to sleep. It’s very relaxing / relaxed. 3 Complete the sentences. 1. Myssister always cleans up. She's very eee 2 Maria talks too much. She is very ce 3 Becky always helps people. She's k 4 Tom always gets the highest marks in class. He's very ¢ 5 Nick never says hello to anyone! He's very ' © Mary says everybody what to do. She is very b . 4 Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Jacky — (wear) a blue skirt today. 2 Where (Mike/goy? 3 1 (not do) exercise 3 at the moment. 4 (Dan/drive) his dad's car? 5 John tnot work). He (sleep). 6 Jen (Si) next to Bill today. 7 Fran (not eat) fruit for lunch. 5 Choose the correct option. Hitva, What 'are you doing / do you do? I'm sure you're reading a book. You ‘are reading /read every day! {'m in my ranm 2t'm tying /1 try to choose a dross ‘forthe party tonight. 'm not wanting / don't want towear the red one. ‘lim always wearing / 1 always wear that one to partes. | need new clothes! ®Are you going | Do you go shopping this Saturday? We can go together. Anyway, |’do / am doing 2 quiz on fashion now. It's fun! Talk later! Jess 6 Choose the correct response. 1. I'm doing well at school ‘@ Good for you! —_b What a shame! 2 My computer isn't working, a Great! b Poor you! 3 We've got a lovely new dog, a Awesome! b That's terriblet 4 It's raining again. a You're kidding! —_b Well done! 5 I've got an expensive new laptop! a What a shame! Soman Vocabulary: _/20 mis b No way! Speaking: _/5 Grammar: Total: —_/40 Animal life GRAMMAR Past Simple: was/were| Past Simple: regular and irregular verbs VOCABULARY ‘Animals | Animal body parts Personality | Looking after pets Animals 5 write the names of the animals described in Exercise 4, 41 © Complete the names of the animals. 1 sha rk 2 bu y 3 ladyb_d 4g t 5 ka ° 6s e 7 tor se 8 le © Choose the correct option. 1 My parents gave me a pet(fortoise)/ gorilla for my birthday. 2. Polar bears / Owls lve in the Arctic where it’s very cold, 3. My friend has a very cute pet shark / rabbit which lives in her garden. 4 Ihave a cow / horse which | ride every weekend. 5. Aw, your donkey / guinea pig is so small and cute! 6 Bees | Ants can beat their wings very fast. © Decide if the animals below are insects ()), farm animals (F) or wild animals (W). 1 [Wsnake 6 [_]donkey 11 [_]cow 2 [)bear 7 [Jhorse 12 [_| bee . 3 (Jiadybird 8 [_|chicken 13 [_] kangaroo 4 [_]goat 9 (Jant 14 [_]gorilla a 5 [leopard 10 [low 15 [_ butterfly © © Match descriptions 1-8 with photos A-H in xercise 5. E] ts very stow [_Jitlives in the jungle. Itis black and tiny. Itis grey or brown. ee Z Ithas brown feathers. Itis black and white. Ithas big wings. Ithas very long ears. OVaunanunag Unit 3 co 6 © Choose the correct answer. 1 Which animal doesn't have a tail? butterfly b rabbit ¢ horse 2. Which animal doesn’t have fur? asnake gorilla tiger 3. Which animal doesn’t have wings? a bee b donkey ow! ‘4 Which animal doesn’t have feathers? a chicken b owl © goat 5. Which animal doesn’t have claws? aleopard —b cow polar bear Complete the sentences with the words below. beak claws feathers fur paws tals wings 4. Some birds have brightly coloured feathers 2. Dogs move their very fast when they're happy. 3. Bears have different coloured Sometimes it's brown, sometimes white and sometimes black 4 Ducks have a to eat with 5 Our dog has long to cut them from time to time. 6 The of a butterfly are usually very pretty. 7 Cats walk quietly on their which they use and we have © © Choose the correct option 1 Abee swims /ffies)and has (ings) claws 2. Aduck climbs / swims and has claws / feathers. 3 Acat climbs / flies and has feathers f< tail. 4. Atiger eats vegetables / meat and has long wings / claws 5 Arabbit jumps / swims and has feathers / fur 6 A shark walks / bites and has sharp claws / teeth {can talk about animals. 9 © © © Complete the email with the words below. Dbutterfies chickens claws goats Fabbits tails tortoise wings Hi Emma When you're on holiday in Lyndhurst you must Visit the Wildife Centre. I's brillant. They have a special room for beautiful ‘butterflies. They have very protty ? and there are hundreds of them flying all over the place. ‘Sometimes they land on your arm or head! Ifyou have your little sister with you, she can 90 to the pets’ farm, They usually have some baby animals there, She can pick up the baby : {heir others are out in the field eating grass! And there are a ot of ¢ with their little round white fluffy > She can pick them up, but be careful because their can be quite sharp! If you want a new pet, you can buy one to take home! The centre also sells their wooden houses to keep in the garden. The ? are really cute too, They tay eggs and make alot of noise! And there's a ® that is nearly a hundred years old at the centre too! It ives in a warm box in the winter, but in the summer you can see it walking very, very slowly across the grass! Have fun! Chris ‘On the Portal Extra Practice Activities: Lesson 3.1 Past Simple: was/were Past Simple: was/were + | Lwas out. She was excited, We were at the zoo. = I wasn't atthe shops. She wasn't shocked. ‘We weren't at home, 2 Were you at the shops? Yes, | was,No, | wasn't. Was it fun? Yes, it wasNo, it wasn't. Were they excited? _Yes, we were.JNo, we weren't Where were you? + there islare —» there was/were = there isn'varen't —+ there wasn’tiweren't Time expressions: last night/weekend, yesterday, this morning, two days ago, at ten o'clock 1 © Complete the text with was, wasn't, were and weren't. | wasn’t at schoo! last week because |? on holiday with my parents. We > in Spain, con the south coast. We * ina very expensive hotel because Dad wanted a cheap holiday! Butt 5___ nce and there §_ alotof teenagers there — cool for me! Our hotel”. i ‘onthe beach and |® __ inthe water every day! It®__very hot, but the sea "°_ quite ‘warm and good for swimming. There "an ‘aquarium near the hote and there "2 some interesting animats! There oiphins ~just small fish ‘any sharks or 2 © Order the word: questions. 1 Were you tired (tired/you/were) after football yesterday? brackets to complete the 2 ____yourfwere/friends) at the party? Ea __ (Marie/was/ctass/in) this morning? aie (shops/were/the) open yesterday evening? Sh __ (the/was/film) interesting? 6 ____ (was/at/Tim/your) house last night? unis > ait ees an were to alR abot the past ‘© Complete the short answers to the questions in Exercise 2. 1 Yes, |was. 4 Yes, 2 No, 5 No, 3 Yes, 3 6 Yes, » Choose the correct option. | wana the park this moring. ‘We were in / at the cinema last weekend. | was at in home this morning Were you at /in Rob's party? ‘They weren't in / at the classroom this morning, it was empty 6 Was she at /in the concert with you? waune © © Complete the dialogue with the correct words. A: Hil "Where were you after school? You? __at the café, B: No, 13 was 4 the park with my dog. The weather * lovely. There © a lot of rabbits and she was very happy! 7 Mark ® the café? A: Yes, he? He was with Sally from Class 5. Later they "° at the cinema together too! | was there with Jenny. B: What''___ the film about? 1A: Itwas an adventure film, Race Against Time B: Ahbh! 2 it good? Aa 0S: very good. | loved it! e © © Complete the questions. When were you in Switzerland? Last week. 2 Where _ they at luncttime? In the park. 3. Who you with after school? | was with Jane, 4 What the weather like in Italy? Very hot. 5 What time _ the film on TV? 7.30. 6 Who on the phone? Carl. (On the Portal Extra Practice ma Animals and their personality 1 Read the blog post quickly. Write the names of the animals in photos A. Asurprising day at the wildlife centre Last weekend | was at Oaktree Wildlife centre with my family for a day out. It was brilliant! There were lots of animals, but these were my three favourites. First there were lots of different monkeys. All of them were really playful and adventurous, but my favourites were the mandrils. Did you know that monkeys don’t eat bananas in the wild? Lots of people think they do, but they never really find bananas like we have in the supermarkets ‘anywhere, These animals eat other fruit and leaves, flowers, nuts and insects. Next was the reptiles. My favourite was the chameleon, People often think chameleons change their colour to match their surroundings. For example, they're brown on the ground and green in a tree. 2 Read the text again and choose the correct answer. 1. What does the writer learn about monkeys? a They never eat bananas. b They don't eat bananas in the wild. ¢ They don't like bananas. 2 Why do chameleons change colour? a Because of their mood. b To match their surroundings. Nobody knows. 3. What is the truth about blue whales? a They're aggressive to humans. b They're always sociable. ¢ They have different personalities. | can understand a blog about a wildlife centre. But this isn’t true. They actually change colour because of their mood. So, if they feel lively, they change to one colour, and if they feel sad they change to another colour. | really like them whatever their colour! There was also an aquarium at the wildlife centre, and my favourite znimal was there ~ a blue whale! Alot of people think whales are always friendly, but they can sometimes be aggressive. Whales, like humans have different personalities. Usually they are very sociable animals, though. + What's your favourite animal? + Do you know any interesting facts about it? + Tell me in the comments section below. 3. Match the highlighted words in the text with the definitions 1. Someone who has lots of energy and is very active. 2. Someone who is very happy and active and wants to have fun Not frightened of trying new things. 4. Someone who is friendly and likes being with other people, 5. Someone who is angry and/or dangerous. On the peal fe Extra Praice Activities: Lesson 3.3 Ques [EEEEEIEGD Past simple: regular and irregular verbs Regular verbs “regular verbs + Twanted'a bearded dragon. | went to the kitchen, ~ He didn’t want Rex |She didnt gohome, 2 | Did she want a pet? Did she go to the kitchen? | es, she didl/No, she didn't, | Yes, she did No, she di Why did he do that? ‘What did Mateo want? Past Simple verbs are iregular inthe affirmative form only. 1 © Complete the sentences with the past form of the verbs below. find help look walk want write 1 Olly wanted to be a vet when he was younger. 2 Jack me with my animal project last night. 3 We at some beautiful photos of Annie's pet cat at break this morning eal oa 5. Megan and Bree 6 The penguins at the zoo your dog in my garden this morning, __alletter to the Queen. ina funny way! 2 © Complete the sentences with the negative form of the verbs. 1. Ineeded some paper. | didn’t need a pen. 2. Harry found his book. He yours. 3. We studied vocabulary. We _ grammar, 4 They went to the beach. They to the park 5 saw Jenna at the party. | Karl 3 © Order the words in brackets to complete the questions. Then write short answers. Did he phone (did/phone/he) you yesterday? ‘Yes, he did. (answer'you/did) the teacher's ____ (walk/they/did) to the party? (lke/did/you) my pet guinea pig? _ (police/did/look/the) for the dog? ‘units 30) {can use the Past Simple to talk about past events. Past Simple: regular and irregular verbs 4 © © Complete the dialogues with the correct Past Simple form of the verbs. 1. (watch) ‘A: bid you watch the documentary about wild animals last night? B: No, | didn’t watch the documentary, but | watched a game show. 2 (phone) ‘A: When ___ Hannah? BI her at 7.30, but she wasn’t at home. 3 (isten) A ___ to Beyoncé’s new song? B: Yes, 1__ __to it last night. It was briliant. 4 Gee) A Helena last night? B: Yest her at the party 5 (draw) A: the artist a picture of the mountains? B: No. He a picture of some flowers. 5 © © © Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs below. ask change decide not finish go notgo look find promise A; Did you start the animal project last night? B: Yes, | did. | !asked Andy to help me. A: But he? to the cinema last night. B: He? plans. He to the cinema, He $ to help me instead! ‘A; That was very kind of him! B: I know. We 6 online and 7____ some interesting articles about wildlife in Africa. We ®_ buthe®___ to help me again tonight. ‘A: Lucky you! (On the Portal Extra Practice Activities: Lesson 3.4 Le UM ere Teva Looking after pets 4 (ETA match the sentence halves. 3 4) 3.1 Listen to five short dialogues. Match 1, [a]! spend time with dialogues 1-5 with pictures A-E. 2 [_]How often do you brush 3 [_]thave to put fresh 4 4 [_]When do you usually take 5 [Jifeed afl] Wevert oer) 7 [_]Where do you fe a my catin the morning. He's always very hungry! your dog for a walk? | my dog to do tricks, but he never does them! | 4 my-catevery-day.We play together: your dog's fur? E | £ buy food for your dog? g water in my dog's bow! twice a day | 2 Match sentences 1~7 from Exercise 1 with i pictures A-G. ® ® 4 4) 3.1 Listen again and choose the correct answer. } 1 What does Harry the dog usually eat? | a dog biscuits | b the same food as the family | € chicken 2 What's the weather ike? alt’sraining. b It'scold, —_¢ It's sunny. 3. How many lions were there when the girl was at the park? a none b two four 4 What did the gi NOT do? 2 give cat food to the cat b give food to the cat put water in the cat's bow! | 5. What is Gran’s new pet? a acat batortoise ¢ a parrot (On the Portal {can understand a conversation about pets. Extra Practice Actities: Lesson 3.5 1 *€)3.2 Listen and repeat the phrases. | TART Arotosising and responding [RARE to apologies Apologising Responding to apologies I'm (reallyiso) sorry. Never mind. I didn’t mean to do thatit. No problem. eel terrible. Don't worry. Honestly! That's allright. Just be more careful 2. complete the table with the phrases below. Don’t worry. Honestly! | didn't mean to do that. eel terible, Fmreatyise}-sorry Just be more careful Never mind. No problem, Apologising £m (reallyfso) sorry. Responding to apologies 3 Choose the correct response. 1. I'm sorry 'm late a I didn’t mean to do that b | feel terrible. ©No problem. 2. I'm sorry 1 dropped your book in the bath: a | fee! terrible. b it’s all my fault «< Never mind. 3 I'msorry | didn’t remember to bring your DVD. ‘a No problem. b I feel terrible, ¢ Just be more careful 4 I'm sorry | knocked your cup off the table. a I didn’t mean to do that. b I'm sorry. € Don't worry. 5 I'm sorry | burned the dinner. a I'm really sorry. b Just be more careful ¢ | feel terrible. it om eatfisske ane respond a spstocies 4) 3.3 Complete the dialogues with one word in each gap. Listen and check. 1 A: I'm sorry. Ive got tickets for the wrong concert. | feel terrible 8: | They were really expensive! 2 A: I'm sorry. I didn't finish my homework last night. 8: mind. You can give it in tomorrow, 3. A: I'm realy late for the meeting. 'm really B: No Jane's not here yet. 4. A: I'm sorry, but | have to leave early. | need to go to the dentist B: Don't _ its fine 5 A: Oops! I deleted your file, Sorry, | didn’t to do that. B: Really? Now I've got to write it all again! Just be more next time. 6 A: I'm really sorry. | showed Tommy a photo of you and your French friend in the summer. I feel 8: That's al On the Portal Extra Practice Activities: Lesson 3.6 A blog entry 4 Read the blog and answer the questions 4, Where was Jamie? 2. Who was he with? 3. How did he feel in the morning? COCO TTT TCL UL ieee Two years ago | "went (go) on holiday to Florida with my family. One day, we? (sit) a dolphin centre, 13 (be) very excited in the morning because it was my dream to see dolphins. When we ¢ (arrive), one of the trainers (speak) to our group. They ® (tell) us all about dolphins. We went to meet the dolphins, but at frst they? {not be) there, so I felt sad. ‘After a short while, the dolphins ® (swim) into the lagoon and |? (take) photos of them. When we " (meet) the dolphins close, some people were a bit ‘scared, but | wasn't. They" {not look) aggressive but beautifull One swam next to me. We 12 (have) an amazing time. It was the best experience ever! 2 Complete the blog withthe Past simple form of the verbs in brackets 3 Match 1-4 with and 1 [B] two years a photos. 2 iwas b ago— 3 Jitook © amazing time 4 []We had an 4. very excited 4 Match the items in Exercise 3 to functions a~c. One function has two items. Describe what happened and how you fet.2/ 'b Say when the situatior/event happened. © Say what you think about the situation/event. 5 choose the correct option. 1. We saw monkeys(@nd) or tigers at the safari park 2 I went to Orlando so / because | wanted to see the dolphins 3 ike cats, or/ but | don't ike dogs. 4. The park didn't have dolphins so /or sharks. 5 We didn't see any wild animals, so / because elt sad. 6 Write a blog entry about a special trip you made, Try to include an animal in your blog. WD rinsiccas Make notes about: > where you were * who you were with } * what happened. P rian ana write * Organise your ideas into paragraphs. Use the text in Exercise 110 help you * Wiitea draft blog entry Fereck © check language: ae the linking words (and, 0 50, but, because) corec? * Check grammar: dd you use a variety of verbs inthe Past Simple? © Wit the final version of your blog entry. Ican te a blog entry. @ units | Neer stecy{oe aL Animals Pi) poe eee a (oan EEE butterfly (n) chicken (0) Feoe (eee donkey (n) goat (n) gorilla (n) ‘guinea pig (n) horse (n) kangaroo (n) ladybird (9) leopard (n) ‘owl (n) parrot (n) polar bear (n) _ rabbit (n) shark (n) Animal body parts beak (n) claw (n) feather (n) fur(n) pawn) tail”) wing (0) Personality adventurous (ad) lively (adj) eis playful (adi) = ae sociable (adi) Word friends (looking after pets) brush his/her fur buy food for him/her feed him/her put fresh water in histher bowl spend time with him/her take him/her for a walk train him/her Extra words animal charity (n) aquarium (n) __ be frightened of bedding (n) behaviour (n) brown bear (r) cage (r) cat (n) catch) aa lean (v) colourful (adi) cute (ad)) dangerous (ad)) elephant (a) farm animal (n) food bowl (r) giraffe (n) hamster (7) insect (n) kitten (n) ive five animal (a) taard (@) look after a pet _ lovable (ad) monkey (9) penguin (n) pet fi) pick up (v) play witha pet raccoon (7) rescue centre (n) safari () scratch the furniture sharp (ad) skin (n) sloth (r) spider monkey (9) stripe (n) teeth (n) tiger (n) toe (r) ‘toucan (n) vet (n) volunteer (n) wild animal (r) ‘work with animais zebra (n) 200 (n) Sounds good! Good call Mind out! What a mess! 4 Choose the odd one out. 4 Insects: ant snake bee Farm animals: cow donkey polar bear Land animals: horse tortoise shark Large animals: horse chicken gorilla Flying animals: butterfly rabbit ladybird Animal skin: fur feather claw Animal body parts: fur paw tail Animal personalities: lively playful feathers e@vaunun 2. Complete the sentences with the words below. adventurous aggressive lively playful sociable 1. Someone who likes to fight and shout is 2. Someone who likes talking and meeting peopleis 3. Someone who is active and likes playing is 4 Someone who likes trying new things is 5. Someone who has a lot of energy and does lots of things is 3 Choose the correct option. 1. Ineed to buy / have food for my dog. 2 | take / brush my dog's fur every day. 3 My brother's job is to take / put fresh water in our dog's bow! in the morning, 4 It’s your tum to feed / food the cat. 5. You need to train / feed your dog not to sit on the sofa, 6 How often do you go// take your dog for a walk? 7 How much time do you take / spend with your pet every day? 4 Make questions (?), affirmative (7) and negative (x) sentences with the Past Simple form of to be. 1 ¥1____inbed early last night. 2a) your parents at the concert on Saturday? 3. X That programme very interesting. 4? Tom at your party? 5? What___ your favourite film last year? 5 Complete the sentences using the Past of the verbs in brackets. 1 When | was younger | ple form (not like) classical music. 2 Where (you/go) last night? 3. My dad (not work) last month because he was ill. 4 I phoned you yesterday, but you (not answer), 5 _ (the teacher/teach) some new grammar in class today? 6 Choose the correct option. 1. I wasn’t / weren't at home last night. 2 Why wasn’t / weren't Chloe at school today? 3. DO/ Did Michaela go to the cinema yesterday? 4 My parents weren't/ didn’t have a pet when they were young, 5. We stay//stayed at home last night. EU 7 Complete the dialogues with the words below. feel_mean mind no so 1 Atm sorry. | didn't to do that. B: Never vit’s OK. | 2A terrible. 8 problem. These things happen. Sees Vocabulary: /20 Speaking: _/5 Grammar: 15 Total: —/40 mere onthe cen satcher 2S | SpUUTIES Karen takes a picture and telephones for a taxi. She takes the taxi e to Bond Street and goes into an art gallery. The gallery is small but expensive. A woman is sitting at a table. She is reading a book ‘Hello; she says. “Good afternoon, Karen says. ‘Tye got a picture here, and T want to sell it ‘Who's the artist?" ‘The woman doesn’t Karen's job takes her to many places. She loves art, and in Rome she sees some beautiful pictures. But the artist can’t sell them and he has no money. Can Karen sell his pictures for him? look up. Antonio Brunetti? Karen says. ‘He's the woman starts to read her book again. ‘I don’t I'm sorry: T know that name 4 man comes into the gallery. ‘I've got a new Sherman for you!” he says. ‘It’s wonderful. ‘Who?’ the woman says. ‘Oh, you know him, the man says. ‘Sherman! He’s got an exhibition at the Galerie Saint Michel in Pa ‘Oh!’ The woman puts down her book. ‘Let's see. Yes, [like it ‘Sherman, you said? I can give you £800. Quietly, Karen goes away. She walks across the street and goes into the Astra Gallery Tve got a wonderful new Brunetti for you, she says to the man. ‘Look at this. ‘What? the man says. ‘Who's Brunetti?’ ‘Oh, you know him, Karen says. ‘He's got an exhibition at the Leonardo in Rome’ ‘Oh; the man says, ‘Show me’ He looks at the picture. G Very good, he says. ‘Brunetti, eh? At the Leonardo? OK. Karen is very happy, but she doesn't smile. “Hmm ...’ she says. “All right, £1,000, the man says. ‘OK; Karen says. ‘The man gives her a cheque for £1,000. ‘Thank you, Karen says. CEC) 1 Match places 1-4 with photos A-p. 1 study 2 art gallery 3 café 4 airport Nea 7 2. Look at the book cover and read the blurb. What do you think happens in the story? 3) RT1.1 Read and listen to the story. Mark ‘the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 [_]kares is an artist. z She travels a lot. 3. [_]she meets an artist in Rome. 4 [_] The artist she meets is very successful 5 |_| she tries to sell his pictures for him, 4 Read the story again. Number events a-f in the order that they happen. [JA man brings a picture to the gallery. [_] karen goes to an art gallery in Bond Street. [J the woman in the art gallery says she doesn't know the artist. The man sells the picture. f | |Karen goes to the Astra Gallery. a b [_]|karen sells the picture. d 5 Choose the correct answer. 1. The first art gallery is 2 cheap b beautiful © expensive 2. The woman in the art gallery thinks the artist is @ not very good b famous not famous 3 The man in the Astra Gallery __ Brunetti a doesn't know b doesn't like © knows 4. He buys the picture for a £900 b £1,000 £800 eae 6 Complete the sentences below. the prepositions across at away down into up She said ‘hello’ to me, but didn't ook 2 Aman came the art gallery. 3. Karen walked the road to another art gallery, 4 The man looked 5. The woman put table. 6 Karen went the picture the book on the and left the galery 7 Look at the text and write the adjectives for the definitions. 1. another word for fantastic: w. ae 2 the opposite of sad: h__ 3. not very big: s 4 when something costs too much: e 5 very pretty: b_ 8 (UTED complete the information about the story. Title: Pai " Type: crime story /love story / adventure story ‘Main characters: Important object: My opinion: yy vy vy vy vy VOCABULARY Cool tech! Technology 1 © Complete the words. 1 Blu etoo t h® sp e aker 2 i WG r 3 i s b 4 e so Sh s dot 6 ech 7h Bs w. 2 @ Match words from Exercise 1 with photos 1-8. 1 _ digital camera 2 3 4 5 6 % ~ 2 wo 2 ee 8 3« Digital devices | Using technology | Computer equipment | Phrasal verbs | Favourite websites | Computer problems GRAMMAR Used to| Verb pattems Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1 1 awN wearvanu My best present ever was a games console. It was very expensive, but I play on it a lot with my friends. Has anyone seen my ? My phone's dead. use my to talk to my friends everywhere | go. I've got a cool ringtone too, My aunt uses her to track her exercise when she goes running ove my Who needs cables any more? Let’s get the , $0 we can listen to music in the garden. My brother takes lots of photos and my dad got him a briliant for his birthday. ({EEDEEEIES complete the words in the sentences. 1 list e nto podcasts with my wireless earbuds. I It Id all the Ip le Im Ipia te k for information on my smartphone. photos with my digital camera. apps to my smartphone e. 1 friends with my smartphone. © secial media on my laptop. video clips on my smartphone. onlire games on my games console. 9 my phone with my phone charger. Ic ‘j Is k the time on my smartwatch an online class on Fridays. _d messages to my friends,

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