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Open a new world of possibilities with
a short course designed to introduce you to
the fundamentals in a field of your choice.
Table of contents
General Management............................................ 2 Procurement Management...................................................... 21
Advocacy and Lobbying Skills................................................ 3 Stores Management and Materials Control.............................................. 22
Project Planning and Management.................................... 4 Managing the Tendering Process & Contract Management............. 23
Project Monitoring and Evaluation..................................... 5 Procurement and Supply Chain Management.......................................... 24
Project Proposal Writing & Resource Mobilization.... 6 Logistics and Physical Distribution Management.................................. 25
Strategic Planning and Management............................... 7 Fleet Management Improvement.................................................................... 26
Management Skills Improvement....................................... 8
Consultancy Skills Development.......................................... 9 Financial Management............................................................. 27
Management of Cooperatives and SACCOs.................... 10 Financial Management & Accounting for Non-Financial Managers 28
Tax Management...................................................................................................... 29
Human Resource Management............................ 12 Budgetary Management and Expenditure Control................................. 30
Strategic Human Resource Management....................... 13 Risk Management, Internal Controls and Fraud Prevention............. 31
Training of Trainers..................................................................... 14
Effective Leadership, Mentoring and Coaching........... 15 Information Communication Technology (ICT)....................... 33
Database Management Skills........................................................................... 34
Marketing and Communications.......................... 16 Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS and Epi-info................................. 35
Digital Marketing......................................................................... 17 Advanced Spreedsheets........................................................................................ 36
Customer Experience Mapping and Management..... 18
Effective Communication & Presentation skills.......... 19 Public Administration and Governance................................... 38
Front Office Management.................................................................................... 39
Effective Administrative Assistant.................................................................. 40
Records Management............................................................................................ 41
Introduction to Administrative Law............................................................... 42
• Advocacy and Lobbying Skills
• Project Planning and Management
• Project Monitoring and Evaluation
• Project Proposal Writing and Resource Mobilization
• Strategic Planning and Management
• Management Skills Improvement
• Consultancy Skills Development
• Management of Cooperatives and SACCOs

• Societal Value systems and

Target group social behaviour

• Human Rights and Obligations
• Stakeholder Analysis
Project/programme • Designing Advocacy strategy
managers and officers,

and Implementation Plan
Policy makers and • Communication skills
community development • Negotiation Techniques

skills workers. • Lobbying Techniques

• Delivery of An Advocacy Message
• Research Techniques and Tools
For a long time, NGOS, • Building Alliances and Networks
public and private sectors
have utilised advocacy as Objectives: Training methods:
a strategy to influence policy Participants will be able to: Lectures, group discussions,
and its implementation in • Improve their knowledge, skills and case studies and role plays,
attitudes in advocating for the
favour of defined interests. videos.
weaker identify strength
The aim of advocacy is
• Enhance their advocacy and
expanding to include changes
negotiating skills
in attitudes, ethics and
practices. The purpose of this
• Improve their understanding of
their international and national
Tuition Fees
course is to provide
policy environment Ugandans: 480,000/=
participants with critical tools, • Enhance their insights into
skills and knowledge in International: $357
citizens’ rights and obligations
lobbying and advocacy.
• The Nature and Policy Contexts Duration: 2 Weeks
of Advocacy Policy Analysis and

• Participatory approaches to

Target group project planning and management.

• Project reports.
• Monitoring and evaluation.
Project/programme • Project cost structures and budgeting.
managers and officers,

• Project implementation scheduling
Policy makers and and the use of Gantt Charts.
community development • Introduction to computer applications

Management workers. in Project Management.

• Conflict Management in Development
Most organisations have • Managing the procurement process.
policies and plans for • Business/investment plans.
allocating available or Objectives:
foreseen resources to achieve To improve participants’ knowledge
Tuition Fees
certain objectives. This and skills in systematic identification,
involves decision-making preparation, appraisal, implementa-
regarding the best use of tion, monitoring and evaluation of
available resources. However, development projects. Ugandans: 480,000/=
some managers responsible International: $357
for decision making do not Content:
have the knowledge, skills and • Types of Projects.
inclination in project planning • The project cycle.
Training methods
and management. This course • Problem analysis and needs
Lectures, group discussions and
is intended to address assessment.
presentations, case studies, guest
this problem. • The logical/project framework.
speaker, and video presentations.
• Project design process/project
proposal writing.
• Project analysis/feasibility study. Duration: 2 Weeks

Monitoring and Evaluation

Target group Systems

• Establishing a Monitoring
and Evaluation System
Project/programme • Performance Indicators
managers and officers,

• Types Of Evaluation
Policy makers and • Baseline surveys
community development • Monitoring of Physical and

evaluation workers.

Financial Progress
Data Collection, Processing,
Analysis and Presentation
Monitoring and evaluation is an Techniques
important tool for optimizing the • Writing M&E Reports
Objectives: • Dissemination of M &E Results
use of limited resources by By The end of the Programme • Microsoft project
assuring efficient and effective Participants will be able to:
implementation of development • Identify and Formulate Critical
activities and enabling planners Performance Indicators
and decision makers to draw
lessons for the future. The role of
• Design a Monitoring and Tuition Fees
Evaluation System
M&E is increasingly recognized. • Design and Conduct Monitoring Ugandans: 480,000/=
Although planners and and Evaluation Studies International: $357
decision-makers may monitor and • Monitor and Evaluate Projects
evaluate development activities, • Produce Monitoring and
they may not be professionally Evaluation Reports
conversant with the concepts and
Lectures, group discussions,
processes involved in M&E. Content:
workshops, and case studies.
• Monitoring Control & Evaluation:
An Overview
• The Logical Framework as the Duration: 2 Weeks
Basic Tool for the Design of

Target group By the end of the training programme

participants will be able to;
Project Officers, Administrators,
• Write fundable project proposals

Writing and
Managers, Coordinators, • Mobilize resources for the
Economists, Planners, in the proposals
public, private and Civil

Resource Society Organisations. Content:

• Background and problem

• Setting objectives
• Developing strategies
• Project inputs and outputs
Managers at al levels are usually • Activity scheduling
good at identifying problems,
developing relevant solutions and
Tuition Fees • Developing monitoring and
evaluation indicators
new interventions, but they often • Budget preparation
Ugandans: 480,000/=
lack the knowledge, skills and • Writing capability statements
International: $357
attitude to present these ideas in • Techniques for mobilizing
the form required for funding. financial resources
• Business plans/investment plans
Therefore, it is essential that Training methods • Developing concept papers
managers become more Lectures, group discussions, • Meeting donor requirements
independent and self-reliant in workshops, and case studies. • Negotiation skills
writing proposals and approaching
potential financiers.
Duration: 2 Weeks

Participants will be able to:

Planning and
• Improve their knowledge in strategic planning & management.
• Improve their knowledge and skills in
environmental and intra-organizational analysis.

• Formulate and evaluate strategy.
• Enhance their skills in preparing effective
organizational reports and strategic

In today’s fast-changing, Content:

uncertain conditions, managers • Introduction to strategic management.
• Stakeholder analysis.
often need to respond quickly to
• Vision/mission statements & strategic
change. A tool box of strategic
planning and management
• SWOT Analysis.
procedures helps managers to do
• Identifying and formulating strategy.
just that. Strategic planning and
• Articulation of service delivery (core)
management involves formal areas.
techniques for setting an • Implementation planning and action.
organisation’s long-term course
in the light of internal and
• Management of change.
• Organizational values and ethics.
Target group
external circumstances (including • Corporate social responsibility. Managers in public,
the interests of key stakeholders)
and undertaking appropriate
private and NGO
action to reach those goals. sectors.

Tuition Fees
Ugandans: 320,000/=
International: $238
Duration: 1 Week

• Performance management.
• Time management and

Target group
• Speech preparation and delivery.
• Report writing.
Middle level managers in

• Assertiveness.
public, private, and NGO • Conflict management.
sectors. • Basic budgeting skills.

Attainment of managerial
positions needs to be backed
up by formal management
Tuition Fees
training, which helps to deploy Objectives:
Participants will be able to: Ugandans: 480,000/=
a wide range of management
• Effectively handle interpersonal International: $357
skills and techniques. This
course therefore aims at relations.
helping middle level managers • Make rational decisions.
to internalize management • Work effectively in teams. Training methods
concepts. It provides a • Delegate effectively. Lectures, group work & discussions,
• Appraise performance. case studies
condensed, focused
• Write effective reports.
introduction to the generic
areas of modern management.
Duration: 2 Weeks
• Communication skills.
• Decision-making and problem
• Effective delegation and team
• Negotiation skills.
• Leadership skills.

analysis and interpretation

Target group • Planning consulting

• Procurement procedures
(domestic and international)
Management consultants, • Managing a consortium
lecturers in management

• Costing consultancy proposals
development institutions, • Drafting expression of interests
managers in private and • Drafting expression of interests
public organizations, • Preparing curriculum vitae (CVS)
Consulting is recognised as NGOS and CSOs. • Evaluating proposals
a powerful professional • Writing reports and presenting
service for solving practical reports & selling recommendations
problems faced by • Different proposal formats (World
organisations and improving Objectives: Bank, European Union etc.)
organisational performance. Participants will be able to: • International bidding procedures
• Develop their capacity to carry
This course aims at
out consultancy services
sharpening consulting skills
efficiently and effectively
to provide clients with
superior products.
• Improve their knowledge and Tuition Fees
skills in preparing and costing
consultancy proposals Ugandans: 480,000/=
International: $357
• The consultancy environment
• Nature and type of management
Training methods
Lectures, group work & discussions,
• Preparing consultancy proposals
case studies
• Negotiating contracts
• Writing inception report
• Management consultancy process Duration: 2 Weeks
• Methods of data collection,

Objectives: cooperative business
• An introduction to the history and • Development of a business plan
principles of cooperative and • Financial management in cooperatives

and SACCOS SACCOS movement.

• Exploration of the legal, governance,
• Leveraging information technology

and finance issues unique to the
cooperative sector.
• Good governance practices for
cooperatives sustainability
Cooperative businesses exist many sectors
and represent a distinctive model for
• Preparation and presentation
of action plans Target group
organizing labour, capital, and knowledge to Boards of Directors, Staff,
produce goods and services. Studying Course content:
• Introduction to cooperatives/
members of Cooperatives
cooperatives aids understanding of all & SACCOs, Political Leaders
aspects of industrial structure and business SACCOs, trends in Uganda
• Transformational leadership and the General Public
organization, and challenges conventional engaged in trade or
in cooperatives/SACCOS
thinking about management. Fundamentally,
• Strategic Management and aspire to trade with
a cooperative firm represents a unique form
governance for cooperatives/ Cooperatives.
of business ownership where “patrons”,
SACCOs development
rather than financiers, are business owners.
• Cooperative social entrepreneurship
Despite the recognition of SACCOs in the
• Member Relations – Recruitment;
microfinance sector, their biggest challenge Management, Engagement, Internal
remains governance mechanisms due to
existence of volunteer board of directors and
• General Assembly & Meetings
Tuition Fees
staff. This course provides a platform to • Recordkeeping and Documentation
address the challenges and equip The Boards Ugandans: 480,000/=
• Supply and Logistics; Inbound International: $357
and staff with skills requisite in a modern & Outbound Logistics for members,
business environment. Storage and Stock Management

Duration: 2 Weeks
• Project evaluation and selection for
• Strategic Human Resource Management
• Training of Trainers
• Effective Leadership, Mentoring and Coaching

Strategic Target group • Selection and Recruitment

• Human Resource Development

Personnel/human Resource • Motivating for Improved
Managers, Function/Line Performance
• Performance Management and
Managers and Executives

responsible for the human • Budgeting for human Resources
Resource function in public, • Managing Change Processes

private and Non-Govern- • Formulating hR Policies
mental Organisations • How to make hR Effective in
• Career and succession Planning
The human resource function • Management Cultures
plays strategic role in today’s Objectives:
organisations. Linking human • Develop their strategic
resources to the business goals management skills
of the organisation is a key for • Conduct environmental analysis

Tution Fees
and make use of it for hR
competitive advantage in this
planning purposes
era. This therefore calls upon
• Enhance their knowledge and
human Resource practitioners
skills in human resource Ugandans: 480,000/=
to position themselves as
management International: $357
strategic partners. This course
• Develop capacity to integrate
provides a much-needed basis strategic management issues in
for this vital transformation. human Resource management Training methods
Lectures, discussions, group tasks,
Content: role-plays, and video presentations
• Strategic planning & hR: The Link
• Role of hR Department
• Strategic human Resource Duration: 1 Week

Target group
Training of
• Designing/implementing training
• Training methodology and
Lecturers, Managers, delivery skills (including adult

Trainers Officers and Administrators

in Public, Private & NGO
sectors, Human Resource
learning methods)
• Development and use of
appropriate use of training aids
As continuous improvements Development Managers, • Planning and budgeting for
become the mode of training
Heads of Department &
operations for many • Power point presentations
training managers in • Micro Teaching
organisations, employees co-operate entities. • Leading & organizing a discussion
must constantly update their
• Organisational learning
knowledge, skills and
• Monitoring & evaluation Training
attitudes to enhance service Objectives: • Evaluation and follow-up of
delivery. This demands Participants will be able to: training activities.
managers to train their • Improve their knowledge and • Communication skills
employees to meet the skills in identifying and assessing • Presentation skills
required standards. This training needs.
course equips managers and • Develop capacity to design and
trainers with training and implement training programme
facilitation skills. • Evaluate and devise mechanisms Tuition Fees
for following up training.
• Conduct training needs Ugandans: 480,000/=
assessment professionally. International: $357
• Human resource training/ Training methods
development policy Lectures, discussions, group tasks,
• Training/learning processes role-plays, and video presentations
• Training needs identification and
analysis Duration: 2 Weeks

matter? Leadership styles
Target group • The impact of leadership on

organizational performance.
Leaders, Political Leaders and • The Concepts of Employee
Coaching and Mentoring
managers, Private sector and

• The Difference between
Non-Governmental Coaching and Training
Organizations who wish to • Benefits of Coaching to the

and Coaching
improve their leadership Employee & the Organization
skills. • The Coaching Process: steps,
pre-requisites, follow up
• The Mentoring Process
Prominent management scholars and • Qualities of an Effective
practitioners have singled out leadership as Objectives: Employee Coach
the most important single factor that Participants will be able to: • Identifying Mentoring Needs
determines the success or failure in • Explore the leadership challenges • Evaluation of Mentoring
organizations. Whereas it has been argued facing managers in contemporary Programme
that some leaders are born while others are organizations • Structuring Mentoring
made, the fact remains that even born • Examine the nature, processes Programme
leaders can be made more effective through and impact of leadership on
carefully selected leadership - training organizational performance
programmes. This programme offers an • Identify different approaches to

Tuition Fees
opportunity to develop leaders in the employee coaching & mentoring
• Identifying mentoring needs of
contemporary organizations. This proposed
their staff
programme will also equip managers with Ugandans: 480,000/=
• Structure a mentoring programme
effective mentoring & coaching skills to
International: $357
enable them accomplish their managerial
functions effectively.
• The Concept of Leadership:
Essence and New Outlook
• Leadership: Does the style Duration: 2 Weeks
Marketing and
• Digital Marketing
• Customer Experience Mapping and Management
• Effective Communication and Presentation skills

The impact of digital
marketing and
communication is growing Objectives:
and influencing the way Participants will be able to:
consumers use the • Understand key concepts
internet to find surrounding digital marketing
information, communicate • Acquire tools used in digital marketing
and even transact • Develop and manage digital
business. There is marketing plans
potential for individuals, • Effectively measure and monitor
businesses and the other digital marketing activities
organisations to harness
digital marketing as a Content: Tuition Fees
marketing and • What is digital marketing?
communications channel • Factors affecting the digital Ugandans: 480,000/=
to attract and retain marketing environment International: $357
customers. • Key digital marketing and
communications tools
• How to develop digital marketing Training methods
content Lectures, discussions, group tasks,
• How to plan and manage digital role-plays, and video presentations
marketing campaigns
• How to measure and monitor
digital marketing activities Duration: 2 Weeks

Customer Target group journey to make the adoption of

customer experiences intentional

and sustainable.
Marketing or Sales
• Tools to monitor the voice of the
professionals, customer customer and voice of the
service personnel, brand

Mapping and
managers, CRM managers, • Organisation audit to identify
product managers, business areas for improvement

analysts & user experience • Learn how to implement a
professionals. customer experience framework
Strategy and Customer Journey
The defining feature of the • Measurement and how to create a
internet digital era is a shift in Research regularly confirms that customer centric culture
power from organisations to organizations are able to skillfully
manage the entire customer
customers. The customer journey
experience reap enormous rewards:
is likely to start with finding out
about a brand and end with telling
• Enhanced customer satisfaction, Tuition Fees
other people about it. The
• Reduced churn,
customer experience today is a Ugandans: 320,000/=
• Increased revenue and
powerful means of differentiating • Greater employee satisfaction. International: $238
one brand from another but many
companies have been slow to This course builds an understanding
recognise how fundamental the of the customer journey on the way
customer experience is to Training methods
to purchase and after.
business success. Lectures, discussions, group tasks,
role-plays, and video presentations
Learning Outcomes:
• The importance of customer
experience management
• Ways of mapping the customer Duration: 1 Week

Participants will be able to improve their

knowledge and skills in oral and written

& Presentation Content:

• Communication models

• Communication & inter-personal skills
• Verbal and non-verbal communication
• Barriers to communication
• Basic data collection & analysis methods
The ability to send and receive • Technical report writing
information accurately and quickly • Memo writing
is vital-particularly in complex • Business letter writing
organisations. Ineffective • Electronic communication
communication negatively • Public speaking & presentation skills
influences the behaviour of • Listening and feedback skills
• Power point presentation
colleagues, subordinates and
superiors and customers. The aim
of this workshop is to help the Target group
participants speak more confidently
and write more competently and Tuition Fees Marketing or Sales
appropriately in organisational professionals, customer
environments. Ugandans: 320,000/= service personnel, brand
International: $238 managers, CRM managers,
product managers, business
analysts & user experience
Duration: 1 Week
• Stores Management and Materials Control
• Managing the Tendering Process and Contract Management
• Procurement and Supply Chain Management
• Logistics and Physical Distribution Management
• Fleet Management Improvement

• Manage materials and supplies

and Materials
levels effectively
• Keep proper stock records
• Value stocks properly

Control • Produce proper stock accounts

• Apply best practices in materials

Stores Management is Content:

critical in all organiza- • Functions of stores
tions. It aims at enabling • Stock identification systems
persons responsible for • Stock taking
stores and materials • Stock recording
management to handle • Health environmental safety and
their tasks most security
effectively with minimum • Accounting for materials
losses. • Materials handling
• Stores operations management

Tuition Fees
• Stock control
• Planning, organization, motivation,
delegation, communication and
control Ugandans: 320,000/=
• Basic Computer applications in International: $238
stores management and materials
• Stock management and control
techniques (EOQ) models Duration: 1 Week

Objectives: Contract Management
• Describe the contracting • The contract strategy and

management process. cycle and the success criteria
• Explain the role of a Facilities Manager at each stage
• Assess confidently whether to • The different types of

keep services in-house or outsource specifications
• Have a greater awareness of the • The importance of the contract

procedures for outsourcing the manager’s role and managing
management of service the team
• Manage the service if retained • Understanding the legal

and Contract in-house

• Assess, let and manage external service
aspects, establishing the right
contract and incorporating

contracts to effect savings, allowing an relevant incentives & controls
organisation to focus on core activities. • Determining key performance
Course content: • Evaluating the cost/benefits
This programme provides a equation of in-house and
complete overview of the Managing the Tendering Process contracted out services
tendering process and • The legal framework surrounding the
contract management, tendering process – where offer and
highlighting and exploring the acceptance are perceived to be
key criteria through which – formation of the contract
contracted-out services need
to be managed in order to
• Incorporating the terms and conditions
of contract
Tuition Fees
achieve value for money for • Relationship between the Terms and
Ugandans: 320,000/=
the organisation. Conditions & Invitation to Tender (ITT)
International: $238
• Rules of the bidding process
• Handling bidders’ conferences
and/or site meetings
• Preparing the pricing schedules
and analysing prices and costs Duration: 1 Week

Procurement Target group Content:

• Overview to procurement and

supply chain management
Procurement managers and
• The terminologies used in the
managers of associated supply chain management

Supply Chain
functions, stores managers, vocabulary
supply officers, members of • Relating procurement with other
the contract committees,
organizational functions
and human resource • The procurement management
Managers process for goods, services and
• Procurement planning
The role of procurement and • Effective procurement plans,
materials management is very Objectives: specification and terms of
critical for the success of any Participants will be able to: reference
enterprise. A lot of money is • Describe the process involved in • Preparation of sound and
spent on procurement of the procurement of goods, acceptable bids/proposals for
supplies, materials and assets, services and works consultancies, suppliers
and therefore it is very • Draw effective procurement plans • Pre-qualification, short listing and
important that procurement is • Describe and apply the sourcing evaluation of bids
handled professionally and methods used in public and
effectively. This course aims at private procurement
providing knowledge, skills and • Conduct a supplier appraisal and
examples of best practices in evaluation exercise
• Recite the legal environment of
Tuition Fees
procurement and materials
management. procurement in Uganda. Ugandans: 320,000/=
• Prepare tender documents
• Administer and manage a contract International: $238
• Negotiate win-win contracts
• Describe the key INCOTERMS
applicable to procurement Duration: 1 Week

Logistics Target group Course content:

• Logistics management and physical

distribution management
Logistics managers and
• History of logistics management and
assistants, distribution, its contribution to the competitiveness

warehousing, operations • The key rights, processes, functions
staff, drivers, transporters, and trends of effective logistics
marketing people, police,
traffic officers • Skills requirements for modern logistics
and suppliers & physical distribution management

Management • Regulatory requirements that may

affect the movement of products or
services within and across
Objectives: international boundaries.
In the academic and business Participants will be able to: • Documents required in logistics and
world, there is a recognition that • Define logistics management and physical distribution management
maximum attention should be trace history of logistics management • Role that international trade logistics
given to the now strategic • Outline and describe the key rights, plays in securing competitive
functions of logistics and processes, trends and principles of advantage for a company
distribution management. logistics and distribution management • Roles that outside service providers
However, there is a general lack of • Describe the skills requirements for play in international trade.
skilled ‘competent cadres’ modern logistics and physical
specifically trained to manage the distribution management practitioners

Tuition Fees
two functions. This course • Describe documentation of logistics
therefore offers introductory skills and physical distribution management
and knowledge in logistics and • Explain the role that international
physical distribution management trade logistics plays in securing Ugandans: 320,000/=
for effective performance of competitive advantage for a company International: $238
organisations in public, private • Describe the roles that outside service
and NGO sectors. providers play in international trade
and in a company’s supply chain strategy. Duration: 1 Week

Fleet Target group • Service, maintenance and repairs


• Fuel Management
Transport managers,
• Introduction to Computers in Fleet
Transport officers, Logistics Management

officers, Administration • Company Car Allocation Policies
managers, Project managers • Outsourcing Transport
and all those who are • Vehicle selection (Technical
charged with managing Evaluation)
Managers who are organisation fleet. • Vehicle Acquisition (Financial
responsible for managing Evaluation)
organisational fleet need • Vehicle Funding
to have skills in managing • Replacement and Disposal Policies
Objectives: • Taxation & Case studies
the operations of the fleet Participants will be able to:
and making sure that the • Achieving Fuel Efficient Fleet
• Introduce participants to a Management
efficiency and effective- structured approach to managing
ness is adhered to so as • Fleet Reports & budgeting
vehicle fleets Guidelines
the make the organisation • Enable participants gain a deep
financially sound. understanding of the underlying
principles of managing a fleet
especially maintenance and fuel
Tuition Fees
• Introduce participants to the use Ugandans: 320,000/=
of information technology in fleet
management International: $238

• Managing human Resources in
Duration: 1 Week
• Vehicle and Fleet Costing
• Financial Management and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers
• Tax Management
• Budgetary Management and Expenditure Control
• Risk Management, Internal Controls and Fraud Prevention

• Prepare accountability reports for
resources under their responsibility

Management Target group



Middle level managers • General management functions and
in the public private and finance
NGO sectors
Accounting for
• Definitions, accounting principles, and
cost concepts
• Structure and composition of financial

Non-Financial reports (Statements)

• Generation of accounting data

• Preparation of financial statements for
profit and non-profit making
Objectives: organisations
Participants will be able to: • Basic principles of procurement and
• Internalise key elements of contract management
Sound financial management is
financial reporting and • Ethics and integrity in financial
vital for the success of any
management, cost analysis & reporting
business or organisation. This
control and accountability Application of IT in Accounting
ten-day course aims at assisting
• Develop skills in financial planning,
non- finance managers to
budgeting and management
contribute more effectively to the • Apply measures and procedures
success of their organisations
through greater understanding of
normally used to prevent fraud and Tuition Fees
misappropriation of money in an
the fundamentals of how money organisation Ugandans: 480,000/=
works in an organisation/business. • Describe the interrelationship International: $357
between the financial information
system and the total management
information system of an
Duration: 2 Weeks

• Components of employment
Target group income and exempt employment

• Components of property income
N0n Finance managers, and computation of tax
Enterprenuers, officers in • Tax exemptions/holidays
private and local • Tax deductions; PAYE, Corporation
Prudence in tax management government institutions Tax, Rental taxation, VAT
directly impacts on the bottom involved in tax collection • Non Tax revenues in public sector
line of all businesses institutions
and management.
irrespective of their size and • Withholding Tax
nature. Ignorance of tax • Filing of tax returns (online)
administration can cause • Tax Administration: Assessment,
serious loss to both tax payers Objections and Appeals
Objectives: • Local and International Customs
and collectors Business Participants will be able to:
executives need to equip laws and procedures/importation
• Understand tax administration and export procedures
themselves and their staff with • Create better relationships
both preventive and taxation between tax collectors & papers
skills to stay afloat and • Prepare reliable records
smoothly run their businesses.
The course provides knowledge
pertaining to tax management
and administration
Tuition Fees
and skills necessary to • How to handle non tax Ugandans: 480,000/=
minimise losses due to compliance issues International: $357
poor tax management.
Course content:
• Sources of revenue for central Training methods
and Local Government Lectures, discussions, group tasks,
• Sources of income; employment, role-plays, and video presentations
business and property
• Allowable deductions on
Business income Duration: 2 Weeks

Target group • Nature, scope and objectives of

planning and budgeting
Planning and Project • Relationship between financial
Officers, Non Finance planning & financial management

and Managers, Heads of

Departments and all staff
• Budget organisation and

involved in planning and • Managing & controlling working
• Forecasting

Control • The budget preparation process

• Types of budgets
• Budgetary implementation & control
Objectives: • Capital budgeting
Budgeting is an important Participants will be able to: • Current trends/challenges in
management tool that every • Improve skills in financial planning and budgeting
manager must be acquainted planning and budgeting
with. It is a tool which is • Acquire new techniques, steps
required in day-to- day and processes required for
operations of an enterprise,
department, section or unit. This
developing sound realistic plans
and budgets
Tuition Fees
course is designed to enable • Appraise investment Ugandans: 320,000/=
participants understand how to opportunities for better decision International: $238
prepare budgets and use them making
effectively in managing their • Use budgets as tools of control
enterprises or organisations. of expenditure and costs Training methods
• Prepare accountability reports Lectures, discussions, group tasks,
related to budgets role-plays, and video presentations
• Use budgets to motivate the
employees of their organisations
Duration: 1 Week

Target group
• Risk Management Strategies
• Internal controls and risk

CEOs, Accountants, HRMs, management in organisations
Loan officers in Banks and • Risk assessment in organisations
MFI’s, Auditors, School • Prevention and detection of

Internal Bursars, Administrators and

Investigators in the office of
frauds in organisations
• Cost control and management in

the IGG, CID officers, • Planning for profit maximization
Treasury officers,

and Fraud
Entrepreneurs. Internal controls & fraud prevention
• Basic Theories of Formulation of

Objectives: Internal Controls
Participants will be able to: • Internal Auditing and Controls
• Carry out risk assessment • Employee Fraud in Organisations
• Evaluate internal controls • Management of fraud in
Fraud could either be theft when • Design effective and efficient risk Organisations
organizational resources/assets management plans • How to detect and control Fraud
are stolen or it could also be in a • Develop skills in minimizing • Legal aspects of Fraud
form of misinformation about organizational waste
• Design effective and efficient
performance given to a
regulatory agency. So whatever
• Develop skills in fraud prevention
form it takes fraud is the cancer
of organisations and it must be
and detection Tuition Fees
• Take corrective measures if a
detected and prevented. This
fraud takes place. Ugandans: 480,000/=
course will develop the requisite
International: $357
knowledge, skills required to Course content:
overcome this.
Risk Management
• Identification of risks in organisations Duration: 2 Weeks
Technology (ICT)
• Database Management Skills
• Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS and Epi-info
• Advanced Spreedsheets

Database Target group • Creating a switchboard

• Creating command button control
Individuals involved in data Table relationships


processing in business, • MySQL and MSQL database
research, personnel

Skills changed to human resource

and documentation officers.
They should have basic Tuition Fees
Most individuals, computer knowledge.
organisations and Institutions Ugandans: 480,000/=
International: $357
have a problem with data
management. The course
covers effective ways of Objectives:
collecting, storing, updating Participants will be able to: Training methods
and retrieving data with great • Design databases using MS Lectures, discussions, group
flexibility, to produce ACCESS tasks, role-plays, and video
meaningful management • Create forms for data entry presentations
reports. • Query databases
• Manipulate data in databases
• Process reports using MS ACCESS\
Duration: 2 Weeks
• Overview of MySQL and
Microsoft SQL

• Database concepts and applications
• Database components
• Creating a Database in MS ACCESS
• Database forms and queries
• Database reports

Statistical Target group • Fundamentals of SPSS

• Summarizing data in SPSS
Individuals involved in data • Associations between categorical

Data processing in business,

research, personnel
• Associations between numerical

changed to human resource
• Describing variables in SPSS
and documentation officers.

using SPSS
• Computing descriptive statistics
They should have basic in SPSS
computer knowledge. • Testing Hypothesis

and Epi-info
Objectives: Tuition Fees
This course introduces one to Participants will be able to:
statistical programs such as • Use Epi for data capture Ugandans: 480,000/=
Epi-Info and Statistical Package for • Use SPSS for data analysis International: $357
Social Scientists (SPSS) for data • Produce reports based on data
analysis. Epi Info is a public domain analyzed
software package designed for Training methods
researchers, which provides an easy Course content: Lectures, demonstrations, practical
form of database construction, data • Data collection techniques exercises
entry, and analysis with statistics, • Principles of table/questionnaire
maps, and graphs. SPSS aims at design
• Principles of data processing
Duration: 2 Weeks
developing hands on skills and
knowledge in analyzing different • Introduction to Epi Info
types of data. • Designing data entry screens in
Epi Info
• Data entry and analysis in Epi Info
• Error control and editing in Epi Info

Advanced Target group • Linking & Consolidating Data from

multiple sheets (Using Ms -Excel for
Individuals involved in data payroll & financial management)

spreedsheets processing in business,

research, personnel
• Advanced Charts Formatting
• Statistical Data Analysis in Ms excel
changed to human resource
• Ms excel Functions (date/time,
A spreadsheet program and documentation officers. statistical)
provides one of the best They should have basic • Ms Excel Functions text, financial
Management Information computer knowledge. e.t.c)
Systems tools for policy • Ms excel Functions (logical i.e
analysis. The modeling nested If statements)
component of the course • Ms excel Functions (database)
enables participants using • Pivot Tables
Microsoft Excel to handle Objectives: • Exchanging data with other
financial planning, budgeting, Participants will be able to: applications
payroll management, project • Exchange Data with other • Protection & Security
cost projection, what-if application
analysis, cost planning and • Use MS Excel to produce budgets
regressions. The course aims and analyze financial and
at developing knowledge and Statistical data
• Create charts based on worksheet
Tuition Fees
skills in using advanced
features of Ms-Excel. Ugandans: 320,000/=
• Carry out simulations and modeling
International: $238
using spread sheets

• Ms -Excel formulae and functions Training methods
• Manipulating Data & Named Ranges Lectures, demonstrations & practicals
• Formatting & displaying data
Techniques Duration: 1 Week
and Governance
• Front Office Management
• Effective Administrative Assistant
• Records Management
• Introduction to Administrative Law

Front Office
Participants will be able to:

• Enhance communication techniques.
• Identify sources and types of information.
• List qualities and roles of a receptionist.
• Identify security hazards in the
office and handle them with care.
Effective Communication
• Answer queries and disseminate
greatly boosts an
information to the right people
organization’s image since
• Administer simple First Aid.
this office is normally at
the entrance of the
organization. The course • Office communication.
will equip participants • Sources and types of information.
with the necessary skills • Telephone techniques.
to manage the office to • Information handling.
the satisfaction of all • Qualities of a front office manager.
business callers. • Reception records handling.
• First Aid.
• Safety and security in the office.
• Personal presentation.
• Image Projection.

Tuition Fees
Ugandans: 320,000/=
International: $238
Duration: 1 Week

Participants will be able to:

• Acquire supervisory skills.
• Contribute more effectively to
organisation’s daily operations.
Target group
Assistant • Improve their knowledge and skills in
communication, interpersonal relations
and records keeping.
Senior Principal, Principal
Personal Secretaries,
A secretary, having Course content: Executive Assistants,
worked for several years, • Supervisory skills. Administrative Secretaries,
starts operating as an • Self-Development. and all Secretaries to top
assistant to the manager, • Records & Information Management. executives in Public,
doing the everyday • Team work. Private and NGO
routine running and • Assertiveness. sectors.
supervising juniors. • Planning Work routines.
She/he therefore requires • Human Relations.
basic skills in the new • Office Politics.
area to be able to relieve • Social behaviour.
the superior of most of • Internet and e-mail.
the routine running of

Tuition Fees
the office.

Ugandans: 320,000/=
International: $238

Duration: 1 Week

Records Target group

Participants will be able to:
• Identify the symptoms of poor

Management record management and the

ingredients of an effective records
management system.
Stenographers, Records
staff, Copy typists,
secretaries, administrative
• Be in a position to operate a staff and Clerks in Central,
Well-managed records are Records Management System Local Governments, Private
essential if governments and effectively and efficiently
organisations are to function
and NGO Sectors.
• Develop an Action Plan to improve
effectively develop policy, the management of Records
take decisions and manage /information in their organisation
projects successfully. There is including considerations
now increasing recognition for computerization.
that information is a vital Training methods
resource that needs to be Content: Lectures, group work, video
carefully managed in order to • Elements of a records management presentations and case studies.
achieve organisational improvement programme.
objectives. The course will
make it possible to impart
• Continuum of records.
• Current records.
Duration: 2 Weeks
skills in analysing, designing • Semi-current records.
and maintaining efficient • Storage. Training methods
Lectures, group work, video
records management system,
presentations and case studies.
whether these are
paper-based or electronic.
Tuition Fees
Ugandans: 320,000/=
International: $238

Participants will be able to:
• Understand a sound understanding

to Administrative of administrative law

• Conduct business, official and

personally in a legal way
• Educate the community about the
basic legal knowledge
• Understand government structure,
Ignorance of the law is no hierarchy and jurisdiction of courts
defence; businesses,
individuals conduct Course content:
themselves in many • Introduction to Law
transactions and activities • Sources of Law
that make them fall on the • Legislative processes
wrong side of the law and • Hierarchy and jurisdiction of Courts
sometimes get into avoidable • Recent legislation in business and
losses. This law course is administration
designed to equip the • Administrative authorities
participants with basic legal • Administrative process
knowledge and enable • Constitutional Law
officers/individuals carry out • Criminal Law and procedure
• Law of contract: Key highlights
Tuition Fees
their functions and exercise
their powers in accordance for Business Ugandans: 480,000/=
with the law. International: $357

Duration: 2 Weeks
0312 721 000 0704 252 325

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