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29 D
MOD U L S PM S ET 1 30 F
31 H
PAP E R 1 32 A
Part 1
1 B Part 5
2 A 33 B
3 B 34 A
4 A 35 F
5 B 36 D
6 A 37 couple
7 A 38 unknowingly
8 B 39 poverty
40 harm
Part 2
10 B Part 1
11 C
Question 1
12 C
13 A
14 D To:
15 C Subject: Parents’ 25th wedding anniversary
16 A
17 B Dearest sis,
18 C Great that you’re coming home after so
many years. Yes, 1st January is our parents’ 25th
wedding anniversary. Well, I did check out the
Part 3
gifts. A Gabrielle pearl pendant with a silver
19 A chain for mum while for dad, I’ve got him a
20 C silver tie pin. Both gifts are silver to celebrate
21 D their silver jubilee.
22 D I did discuss with Calvin where to
23 C celebrate. He suggested the Shangri-La Hotel
24 B in KL. He assures us that he’ll foot the bill.
25 A We should invite our paternal and maternal
26 C grandparents, uncles, aunts and their families.
Calvin also said he might invite Dad’s ex-
Part 4 classmates to give Dad a big surprise. Any
27 C other suggestions?
28 B

Modul SPM A–1 1119

Part 2 is one way to eradicate poverty.

Question 2 In addition, our parents can conduct free

cooking lessons for the woman folks. Another
Anne Frank once commented, “No one has alternative is by helping these people to do some
ever become poor by giving.” Handing out cash catering businesses. Also, the poor will be more
to the poor in one’s community is a worthy cause. motivated to work hard if we buy the produce
As the purse is emptied, the heart is filled. The they grow on their farms instead of buying them
giver feels happy and satisfied that he has done a in supermarkets. I am very sure all these will help
good deed for the poor. The receiver feels good the poor. As we help them grow, they are also
that now there’s some money to put food on the helping themselves to get out of poverty.
table or attend to some basic needs.
Part 3
I do agree that handing out money to the
poor is one of the easiest forms of help. Firstly, Question 3
the small amount of money the poor receives is
considered a lot. The money they received could Report on the first school annual magazine
help them go through the day to buy food, settle
house rental or pay for the utilities. It’s great if the Introduction
money is put to good use. Now, let’s look at the The aim of this report is to suggest ways to make
other side of the coin. Have you ever wondered the first school annual magazine appealing to
what would happen if the money is used for things students and parents.
other than basic needs? What about the mentality
of some poor people who grew accustomed to Regular features
receiving money? Every school magazine includes regular features
like the news page, activities and sports news as
There are cases where the head of the family well as students’ academic performances. These
refuses to lift a finger to look for a job. Why is features are important, but they should be put
it so? “Why worry? Why work? There’s money in the magazine using different approaches. For
coming in!” What about their social obligation? example, the news page. It is without a doubt
These people could be so dependent on money that every school magazine will include stories
handouts that they develop the ‘dependent that boast about their achievements. These stories
mentality’. They might even shirk their social usually concerning good students with good
responsibilities towards their families. If this academic results and excellence in other fields.
continues to happen, the poor community will However, I suggest that the school magazine
take advantage towards the helps laid upon them. should also include news or articles about the
weaker students. The magazine can feature the
As far as I’m concerned, I feel that handing student’s lifestyle or skills that they are good
out money is good if it is used to alleviate the at. By doing this, it would make them feel
burden of the poor. However, we can’t be giving appreciated and loved.
money all the while for the reasons mentioned
above. It’ll be great if the poor are empowered Besides that, include brain stimulation games
with some living skills to guide them on ways to such as puzzles and crosswords. These interactive
earn a living. As Mother Theresa put it, “We can games are great for both students and parents. By
do no great things, only small things with great adding this, parent-child relationship will be more
love.” Hence, for a start, the first thing to help engaging. Hence, it is strongly recommended to
the poor in our community is to give free tuition add this section to encourage parents to support
lessons in subjects we are good at to kids of the the school magazine.
less fortunate families. As we all know, education

A–2 Modul SPM

Inserting a problem page is a good idea too. rule of the Qing Dynasty in China. Zhou Ying, the
This problem page helps to improve students’ leading lady, is sold to the wealthy Shen family by
problem-solving skills. Turn it into a competition his poor father. Shen Xingyi, the young and spoilt
even though the magazine is already published. It master of the wealthy and famous Shen family,
would help to keep the magazine very much alive falls in love with Zhou Ying. Upon hearing that,
throughout the year. Zhou Ying plans her escape. She sneaks into Wu
Pin’s carriage and is brought to Wu’s courtyard.
Wu Pin is a wealthy merchant. He falls for Zhou
Articles Ying and they eventually get married. Married
Interviews with successful former students are life is blissful for the young couple, but sadly, Wu
the key feature in all school magazines. I suggest Pin was poisoned by some business rivals.
that ‘successful’ should also extend to former
weak students who are now successful in their Due to Wu Pin’s untimely demise, Zhou
chosen careers. For instance, publish an interview Ying takes it upon herself to keep the Wu family
with a weak student who has made his mark as going. She struggles through the turbulent
a successful hawker in town. It would definitely waters of a chauvinist society, which dominated
make the school magazine very appealing to all by conservative males. In the face of adversity
as it is inspiring. and life challenges, Zhou Ying finally builds
a business empire dealing in consumer goods.
Feature life-inspiring articles, write-ups or essays Despite being a successful and wealthy widow,
on real-life experiences to inspire students’ Zhou Ying donates generously to charity and sets
creativity. A way to make the school magazine up a school solely for girls.
more appealing to parents is to have parents
participate in this section. In the meantime, Shen Xingyi has turned over
a new leaf. He has become more matured and
Recommendation competent. He has never forgotten Zhou Ying.
I strongly recommend a mixture of school news, He confesses his love for her, but initially, she
parents’ participation and entertainment to be put turns him down. Zhou Ying finally concedes after
into the school magazine. Some parents can also seeing how loyal and genuine Shen Xingyi is.
join as committee members or even advisors for
the Editorial Board to share what features they Their love is very much tested as the
would like to see or read in the magazine. revolution to change China sets in. The reformists
are fighting for modernisation during the rule
Question 4 of Empress Dowager. Shen Xingyi leaves Zhou
Ying and joins the reform movement.
A Chinese drama series -
Nothing Gold Will Stay Will Zhou Ying ever see Shen Xingyi again?
What happens to Zhou Ying after Shen Xingyi
Would you watch a television series leaves? Find out more in ‘Nothing Gold Will
that incorporates romance with a historical Stay’.
background? ‘Nothing Gold Will Stay’ is sure to
keep you entertain throughout the 74 episodes. I highly recommend this drama series to
Each episode is coloured with excitement, love people of all ages and races. ‘Nothing Gold
and moral values. Don’t worry if you can’t read or Will Stay’ is about true love, life challenges and
understand Chinese as English subtitle is provided success. Throughout this drama series, viewers
for your convenience. will learn life lessons in a very captivating and
challenging way. Don’t miss ‘Nothing Gold Will
The story sets in the 19th century during the Stay’.

Modul SPM A–3 1119

Question 5 I was very curious as to how Nian Gao was
made. I peeped into the towering steamers. “Oh,
“Help! Help! Help! I’m sinking!” I shouted to my goodness! So many baskets of them!” I told
my brother, Salim and our friend, Jamal. Instead myself. I turned to my aunt and commented,
of running to my rescue, they were laughing and “Aunt, I don’t think the Nian Gao will be cooked in
playing joyfully. I couldn’t breathe any more. I this packed steamer!” My aunt quickly cautioned
couldn’t shout any more. The two boys rushed to me to stop talking.
my aid when they didn’t hear any sounds. Luckily,
they dragged me to the river bank on time. Jamal An hour later, my Granny was screaming,
pulled his heavy buffalo to the river bank too. “What happened to my Nian Gao? Has anyone
passed any comments?” My aunt looked at me
As a young child, a buffalo ride had always and I daringly owned up. I told Granny truthfully
fascinated me. One day, while Salim and I were at what I said, but I least expected that the Nian Gao
our grandparents’ house in the village, Jamal got would be that ‘sensitive’. Luckily, Granny only
me to mount his buffalo. “Don’t worry! It’ll bring gave me a warning and I was let off. Since then, I
you to the river bank where we are,” Jamal told kept my distance and zipped my mouth whenever
me. “You won’t fall. Just hold on to its horns. It’s Granny made Nian Gao.
easy,” Jamal added.
Looking at a photo in which I was in crutch,
I was as happy as a lark. Imagine riding on a there was a big berry tree in my aunt’s garden. I
water buffalo! I mounted the buffalo with the help used to climb up to get a fill of the sweet berries.
of Jamal. The water buffalo was too huge for me, One day, as I was about to climb down, my aunt’s
a small skinny boy. I only remembered Jamal’s dog started barking at me ferociously. I was
words so, I held onto the buffalo’s horns tightly. so frightened that I quickly grabbed a branch.
As I was about to reach the riverbank, I felt I was Unfortunately, it snapped and I came crashing
sinking. I gripped its horns even harder. Later down right on top of the dog. I broke my left
that day, Jamal told me that the water buffalo was leg and had bruises all over. Since that traumatic
angry with me. incident, I had never climbed any berry trees or
eaten berries.
I was too harsh, so in protest, it went deeper
into the waters. Jamal could read the buffalo’s I closed the album and went to sleep.
mind as he had been rearing buffaloes for years! I Tomorrow is another day but these childhood
regretted my action. I apologised to the buffalo as memories are here to stay.
though he could understood me.

As I continued flipping through the black

M OD U L S P M S E T 2
and white photos in the huge photo albums, more PAPER 1
memories of my childhood started flooding my
mind. You see, my mum is Chinese, so a month Part 1
before Chinese New Year, Salim and I would 1 A
accompany mum to Granny’s house. There are 2 B
always lots of relatives there. No, it was not a 3 C
reunion dinner. It was a time to get together to 4 A
make kuih kapit (love letters) and Nian Gao (sticky 5 B
rice cake). Granny made sure that everything is 6 B
done manually. 7 C
8 C

A–4 Modul SPM

Part 2 PAPER 2
9 D Part 1
10 B Question 1
11 A
12 A
13 B To:
14 C
15 D Subject: A second-hand smartphone
16 D
Hi Steve,
17 A
18 C
I have received your mail yesterday. Sorry
for the late reply. I was kept busy doing some
Part 3 household chores for Mum. Well, talking
19 A about the used smartphone that is sold online,
20 C I’m just wondering whether do you really
21 B need to get a new smartphone or not. If I’m
22 C not mistaken, your mobile phone is still
23 A very new. Dad bought you that phone a year
24 B ago. It might be a little outdated, but you
25 C only use it for text messaging, so I feel it is
26 C unnecessary. After all, you have a laptop for
your entertainment and school projects.
Part 4
Besides, the phone is only available online,
27 F
you can’t test it and there’s no warranty period.
28 G
These are all ‘tricks’. You never know when
29 A
the smartphone will break down or whether
30 C
or not it is a stolen item. Don’t regret buying
31 D
gadgets online. I don’t think Mum and Dad
32 E
will pay for the smartphone. As you know,
they are trying their very best to save as much
Part 5 as they could to further your studies next year.
33 F Ask yourself, “Which is more important right
34 D now – the smartphone or your education?”
35 A
36 E Do give it a second thought. I hope my advice
37 achieve helps!
38 struggling
39 motivate Take care.
40 confident Sis Eva

Modul SPM A–5 1119

Part 2 Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) Training
School, which is now known as Springfield
Question 2 College, Springfield, Massachusetts. That was
where Naismith worked as an instructor in
‘The Land of Snows’ or ‘The Roof of The physical education. Basketball has since evolved
World’ is my choice. Some people would shrug to what it is today and is played all over the world.
it off. Tibet? Yes, Tibet! Tibet is unique in its
ways. I feel that it’s very much different from Basketball is a team sport that most teenagers,
all the other places on Earth. Its rugged, remote boys and girls play during their spare time. The
and unforgettable scenery captures one’s heart. game is played at a basketball court and there
It’s lovely to view the snowcapped peaks of the is a hoop at each end of the court. The court is
world’s highest mountain, Mount Everest. Tibet’s basically divided into two main sections by the
beautiful and breathtaking landscape is even more mid-court line. There are five players in each
enchanting with its glacier-fed lakes. team. Each team tries to score points by shooting
the ball through the opponent’s goal, which is an
Besides its phenomenal landscape, Tibet’s elevated horizontal hoop and net called a basket.
unique culture is a force to reckon with. Five
colours paint the culture of Tibet. These five Why do most teenagers like playing
colours are blue, white, red, green and yellow. basketball? Teenagers like to stretch themselves
These colours appear on prayer flags, painted and be in the company of their peers. Playing
murals on the walls of temples and monasteries basketball helps improve motor coordination,
and even on certain buildings. It’s a sight to behold flexibility and endurance. It’s a sport that requires
and it definitely adds the charm to the country. much speed, agility and strength. Most teenagers
love these kinds of skills. On top of that, they
In addition, I would like to experience the love the positive effects of playing basketball on
lifestyle of the Tibetans. Life is hard there. The maintaining their weight and promoting good
Tibetans depend on farming and livestock rearing. health.
Most of them live on highlands and grasslands.
Tibetans are very good at making intricate pieces Through basketball, teenagers also manage
of artwork including rug making, handicrafts, to have a built-in social network. By this, they
textiles and more. Other than that, Tibetan feel a sense of belonging to a group and have the
monastic architecture is truly an enthralling piece support they need from their peers. This aspect
of work. Monks of young and old live in the many of social acceptance is of utmost importance to
monasteries found in Tibet. I can discover how a teenager. At that age, every teenager feels great
the monks live there. to be accepted by his friends or peers. Having a
positive relationship with one’s teammates can do
So, why Tibet? To sum up, its natural beauty wonders for a teen’s overall wellbeing. Not only
and the spiritual atmosphere make it very inviting! that, but basketball also helps teenagers to build a
healthy social network.
Part 3
Question 3 All in all, teenagers enjoy playing basketball
for the vigorous skills and to have friends around.
A Sport Teens Enjoy These two are the most important aspects of a
teen’s life.
Basketball is the only major sport that
originated in the United States. It was a sport
invented by James Naismith (1861 – 1939) around
1st December 1891 at the International Young

A–6 Modul SPM

Question 4 It is without a doubt that Tunku Abdul Rahman
National Park is the perfect holiday destination to
Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park: escape from your mundane life.
An Unforgettable Holiday Destination
Question 5
If you are an adventurous teen always looking
forward to trying something new, make Tunku “What is this nonsense! What’ve you drawn?”
Abdul Rahman National Park the place to get my Art teacher, Mrs Lee shouted at me.
your adrenalines going. This national park boasts
beautiful islands, pristine beaches and colourful “I have …,” I tried to explain, but Mrs Lee
coral reefs nestled just off the coast of Kota shut me off. Obviously, she was still very mad at
Kinabalu, Sabah. Outdoor activities await those me for not wanting to take part in the National
who are daring enough to try. Drawing Competition last month. I didn’t have
the time to as my grandmother was critically ill
Enjoy the stunning views of the islands and soon passed on. I tried my best to explain to
from the water while you swim and snorkel Mrs Lee but to no avail.
along colourful corals. When I was there, I tried
snorkelling. It was easy as it only required a pair It was the Art lesson that day. Mrs Lee had got
of goggles, a snorkel mask and a pair of swim us to draw trees. All my classmates drew beautiful
fins. I had the opportunity to see some beautiful trees and painted them green with a mixture of
coral reefs that rest on the seabed. I recommend yellow. As we were painting, Mrs Lee walked
teens to have a go when they are there! about. The minute she saw my greyish-black
trees, she blurted out. Fiona and Stella giggled
The most unforgettable experience at Tunku and looked at me. My class monitor commented,
Abdul Rahman National Park that every tourist “Oh, you grew black trees, Mei Lee?”
will attest to is the Coral Flyer Zipline. It is the
world’s longest island-to-island zipline. Its starting I kept my cool. My parents have always taught
point is from Padang Point on Gaya Island and it me to remain calm in any situation. But, I also
ends at Sapi Island. Imagine island-to-island and remembered my mum’s advice, “Girl, explain if
not the usual Tarzan style of tree-to-tree! I found you are right!” I did try to explain to Mrs Lee but
this to be the most thrilling experience of my life. every time I tried, I was shot down. She was very
Don’t worry about safety because professional fierce, but I still managed to contain my emotions.
guides are around to help you from A to Z, but
the experience is yours! Cascade in style between Just then, Principal Mrs Pang walked in. She
the Gaya Island and Sapi Island while basking in was on her usual round after recess. She walked
the view of the calm, crystal azure waters below around the class, looking at all the pieces of art.
you and the lush greenery surrounding you. The Then, she came near me and exclaimed, “Mei
wonders of nature abound in this very serene yet Lee, I love your greyish-black trees! They’re so
marvellous place. natural!” I looked at Mrs Pang and then at Mrs
Lee. Mrs Pang continued, “You’re very creative,
How about accommodation and food? No Mei Lee. Yours is a night scene, right?”
worries. There are many good hotels nearby with
excellent service and views. Entice your taste “Yes, Mrs Pang,” I replied.
buds with delicious Malaysian-style food served
at a local restaurant. At Padang Point, do tuck “Good, it’s something out of the ordinary!
in to a freshly-prepared a la carte lunch before Keep it up!” Mrs Pang left the class after passing
resuming your activities. this comment.

Mrs Lee was very quiet. The bell rang for

Modul SPM A–7 1119

the next lesson and she left the class. The next 31 F
day, Mrs Lee called for me. The minute I stepped 32 G
into her room, Mrs Lee apologised. She hugged
me. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. They Part 5
were tears of joy!
33 D
34 F
MOD U L S PM S ET 3 35 A
36 C
PAP E R 1 37 money
Part 1 38 aged
39 presents
1 B 40 wealth
2 A
4 C
5 A Part 1
6 A Question 1
7 C
8 B
Part 2 Subject: A Jungle in the City – Bukit Gasing
9 A
10 C Dear Sir/Madam,
11 C
12 D I just saw the advertisement regarding the
13 D hike at Bukit Gasing. I am writing to request
14 D further information concerning the hike.
15 B
16 B Firstly, I would like to ask when the next
17 D hike is and what time does it start? Also, how
18 C long will the hike take and what are the things
that we need to bring? My brother is 12 years
Part 3 old, while my grandpa is 65 years old. Can
they join the hike as well? I am wondering
19 D where the meeting place is and whether is it
20 B inclusive of meals?
21 A
22 C I look forward to hearing from you as
23 C soon as possible.
24 D
25 D Thank you.
26 B
Yours faithfully,
Part 4
Lye Sin De
27 E
28 C
29 D
30 A

A–8 Modul SPM

Part 2 I do agree, but are mobile phones really necessary
in schools? Most schools have computer labs and
Question 2 I believe some lessons are well-taught using the
Internet. The disadvantages of allowing mobile
No mobile phones in schools phones in schools outweigh the advantages, so, to
sum up, I say no to mobile phones in schools.
“Jeff, who sent you the answers?” “Aaron,
you did it?” “Harjit, did you?” This will probably
Part 3
be one of the scenarios when the use of mobile
phones is allowed in schools. The incidence of Question 3
cheating is very high because firstly, students
can look up materials to the questions asked in My Leisure Activity
the Internet very fast. Then, they forward these
materials or even the answers to their peers. At “You’re looking for Don? You can’t reach him
the end of the day, the school authority will face on his mobile phone? Well, I’m pretty sure you’ll
many problems and poor students who do not find Don at the school field playing hockey,” my
have mobile phones will complain of injustice mum would inform my casual friends when they
done to them. can’t contact me. My mum knows very well that
my first love is playing hockey during my leisure
There is no doubt that the revolution of mobile time. I suppose it runs in my blood. You see, my
phone has changed the way students are educated grandpa played hockey for Melaka. My grandpa
and how they interact with one another. With the was the state hockey captain. My Dad was even
advent of mobile phones, students have becoming better, he represented the country. Oh, I forgot.
smarter and more knowledgeable too. If they can My aunt played hockey for Infant Jesus Convent,
be up to their tricks at home, what more in schools her alma mater.
when they try their best to show off to their peers
their latest phone model. With this, students will I can’t say that I’m very good at the game,
be easily distracted in class. Their attention is but I’m picking up slowly. What I love is the
diverted to their friends’ mobile phones and not joy I get when I’m playing hockey. I’m not into
to the lesson in class. Therefore, we can say that representing my school or anything, I just love
a mobile phone is a distraction tool for students. the game. It’s fun playing outdoor hockey. I enjoy
Moreover, there might be cases of thefts among the company of my hockey friends. We usually
students or workers or whoever. That is another play hockey on Saturdays at the school field. I
problem added to the list of disciplinary actions love to chat and laugh with them. I remembered
in school. how upset I was when I didn’t do well in my PT3
examination. My hockey friends were the ones
While every education policy aims to produce who saw a drastic change in me and picked me up.
disciplined, focused and knowledgeable students, I cherish them and I appreciate their friendship.
I’m afraid the use of mobile phones might be So, for me, playing hockey is synonymous with
a ‘destructive mechanism’ to all these values. having these true friends around.
Furthermore, schools exist to provide a significant
platform for education integrity. With cases such Of course, I meet new friends through this
as cheating, thefts and other problems related leisure activity. I keep the old while making friends
to utilising mobile phones in schools, the entire with the new. I enjoy the fun of dribbling the
purpose of education will be greatly compromised hockey ball. I love this outdoor game for it makes
in the future. me feel more refreshed after much sweating.
After the game, it’s ‘teh tarik‘ time at the Mamak
However, some may argue that there are stall behind our school, so isn’t it relaxing, fun
advantages to using mobile phones in schools. Yes, and above all, keeping the friendship alive?

Modul SPM A–9 1119

Question 4 In addition, in order to look into the well-being of
the community, programmes such as health care
To : Mr Allan Goh Chee Siang, President and health screening should be arranged once a
of Community Centre, Taman Mayfair month. Potluck dinner, tournaments, competitions
From : Yee Min Ho and talent shows could be held at the Community
Subject : Community Centre, Taman Mayfair Centre to attract its residents, especially the
Report on the Community Centre, Taman
Mayfair Conclusion
To sum up, I believe that if the above
Introduction recommendations are looked into, our Community
This report focuses on some aspects of our Centre will be packed with its residents.
Community Centre, which need to be improved
in order to upgrade it and make it more appealing Question 5
to the residents, especially the youths.
A Visit
A community centre is a site where members of “Damnoen Saduak Floating Market!”
a community gather for recreation, chats, social Everyone was talking about it. According to
support, public information and others. It is, tourists, it’s a must-see when in Bangkok. So, my
therefore, a very important place for the elderly, aunt and I decided to visit the floating market. We
youths and students. There have been a few reached Damnoen Saduak after almost two hours
complaints saying that the Community Centre, on the bus. We then hopped onto a long-tailed
Taman Mayfair, does not look into this important boat, which I thought was ‘one of those traditional
function. boats’. “Wow!” I was in for some adventure when
the long-tailed boat cruised its way through the
New features long, narrow canals. I was fascinated by the
The Community Centre should look into some houses on stilts along the way.
new features in order to make it more appealing
to the residents. It is a known fact that the Internet Soon, we arrived at the entrance of the
has changed the ways people communicate and Damnoen Saduak Floating Market. Unlike those
get information. markets that we know of, this was very colourful,
A few computers should be made available at the vibrant and livelier. Our arrival was greeted with
Community Centre for students, especially when a pleasing aroma of food! Damnoen Saduak
they come in after their school hours or during the Floating Market is obviously every foodie’s
weekends to do their school work or assignments. paradise! There were old ladies in huge hats sat
Other than that, a discussion room, a computer in small wooden boats selling all kinds of food. I
room and a small café should also be included in couldn’t take my eyes off these boats laden with
the centre. tropical fruits, Thai meat, vegetarian dishes, sweet
treats and even fresh coconut juice.
A Community Centre should provide opportunities What my aunt and I enjoyed most was the
for residents to be active and to interact with one delicious Pad Thai. Pad Thai is a traditional Thai
another. They can organise programmes that dish. It is rice noodles stir-fried with bean curd,
involve residents, young and old, as a way to bring eggs and a sauce made with tamarind paste, fish
them together. For instance, games like chess for sauce, dried shrimp, garlic, chillies and a dash of
the elderly and friendly football or badminton cane sugar. The dish was simple yet – Hmm! No
matches for the young. words can describe how this dish tickled my taste
buds! “I’m craving for it now!”

A–10 Modul SPM

“But, those boats don’t just sell food!” I 29 D
exclaimed after guiltily devouring two bowls of 30 F
Pad Thai. “A silk shirt! A traditional straw hat! A 31 H
cloth bag!” It was really captivating to experience 32 A
the culture of the Thais only through the floating
market. We left the place promising to come back Part 5
for more.
33 D
34 A
MOD U L S PM S ET 4 35 C
36 B
PAP E R 1 37 discounts
Part 1 38 budget
39 regret
1 A 40 worth
2 B
4 B
5 B Part 1
6 B Question 1
7 A
8 C

Part 2 Subject: Save Our Environment

9 A Hi Adrian,
10 B
11 C Thanks for your e-mail. I’m doing fine. Doing
12 B something for our environment is a good
13 A thing. I’m thinking of creating an awareness
14 A among kids on the importance of a clean
15 A environment. Since you are a good artist and
16 C we’re computer savvy, why don’t we set up a
17 B blog? We can name the blog – ‘Green Alert!’
18 D What do you think of the name?
In this blog, we bring in the effects of
Part 3 not protecting our environment in a graphic
form, such as comic strips. People are more
19 C
attracted to graphics than words. We can also
20 A
write on ways to protect our environment. I
21 D
would also suggest that we do a question and
22 B
answer for our audience. At least they can
23 D
voice out their opinions or ask us questions
24 C
related to the enviroment in the comment
25 A
section and we can held a discussion later.
26 A
Write soon.
Part 4
27 G Bye!
28 B Ahmad
Modul SPM A–11 1119
Part 2 Yes, I do agree that living with an extended
family could cause tension and stress, but this
Question 2 unnecessary tension can be avoided by setting
some rules. For instance, both parties need to
Which Is Better – Traditional compromise and set a limit. It is to ensure that
Family or Extended Family? neither party will cross the boundaries. A lot
needs to be discussed to avoid tension. I agree that
“I’m very happy my mother-in-law is around! living with an extended family can be a wonderful
At least she could help me keep an eye on the maid resource for a family, but I still believe that it
and the children while I’m at work! The assurance is much better than a traditional family. When
made me focus on my work much better,” said certain matters are ironed out at the beginning and
Julie. limits are set, the extended family can live happily
without any issue. To sum up, an extended family
“Mum, could you please leave the children to is a better choice.
me? They have stolen some money, so they should
be taught some lesson. Please do not interfere!”
Part 3
cried Julie.
Question 3
The first scenario illustrates the advantage of
having an extended family in which there is child- Tioman Island - An Island Paradise
care support. Meanwhile, the second scenario
shows the disadvantage of having an extended A tropical island nestled in the state of Pahang,
family, in which grandparents tend to interfere Tioman Island not only draws the attention of
with the upbringing of the children, causing the nature lovers but also those who seek tranquility.
mother to feel frustrated. The stunning coral reefs in the crystal clear water,
golden sands, blue skies, lush and beautiful
So, which is better – a traditional family or tropical rainforests are some of what you can
extended family? I always believe that an extended expect here. Tioman Island promises the perfect
family is much better. Having an extended escape from the ever-bustling city life.
family in the house to look after the children is a
blessing. The parents could concentrate on their For adventurous travellers, there is a hike
work without worrying about their children and to Asah Waterfall. Trek through the pristine
house safety. In addition, there’ll be extra income jungle from Kampung Mukut. On the way to the
coming from a working mother in the family. In waterfall, take in the stunning landscape of flora
the event of any emergency, the extended family and fauna. Look out for Paya Beach, a great place
is always at hand to help out. Furthermore, it’s to relax after the long walk. Jungle trekking is
more fun to have more people in the house so they very popular on this island. Trekking routes on
can do activities together. the island caters to the needs of everyone who
prefers either the easy strolls or the heart-pumping
On the other hand, based on the second uphill hikes. Try climbing Gunung Kajang, which
scenario, there are always going to be conflicts staggers to a height of 1,038 metres at the summit.
when it comes to the issue of parenting. Most
people would say ‘privacy’ is their main priority. The water sports at Tioman Island are not-
They don’t want to have many people meddling to-be-missed as well. Salang is one of the best
with their personal life. They want to have a snorkelling places here. You can swim out to
peaceful family with their spouse and children. Coral Island to hunt for marine life. Besides that,
They prefer to meet their extended family every sea-kayaking is another popular water sport on
once in a while rather than having them in their the island. You’ll get a chance to see a myriad
house all the time. of amazing underwater life, such as the graceful

A–12 Modul SPM

turtles and back-tip reef sharks when you go only daughter. When his daughter is about twenty
diving in Tioman Island. years old, she storms out of the house when he
does not approve of her marriage.
Albeit its remote location in the middle of
the South China Sea, Tioman Island offers an Since then, ten years have gone and he has
abundance of duty-free goods to bring home. never seen her. The man knows very well that he
Shoppers can splurge all their money in Kampung won’t live long. He gives the doctor his daughter’s
Tekek, where they will find a wide selection of contact number. His only wish before he closes
cheap chocolates and cookware. his eyes for good is to meet his only daughter.

Besides being a holiday destination, Tioman The doctor is too happy to help. He leaves
Island is also a food paradise. Patrons are spoilt the man to go to the office to make the call.
for choice at Riverside Café, where there are When he returns, he finds the man has passed
cheap and tasty burgers, fried chicken and much out. The medical team tries to resuscitate him
more. Malay and Thai dishes are available here but all attempts are in vain. The doctor prays
too. Indulge in the fresh and exotic seafood serve very fervently telling the old man to hold a while
in the café. longer for his daughter. The team finally resorts to
electric shock. It doesn’t work either and the old
In conclusion, Tioman Island is a paradise man is pronounced dead. That very minute, a lady
for all. Bask in the panoramic view of the island rushed into the ward. It’s the dead man’s daughter.
and enjoy its exquisite beauty. Whether you are She staggers into the room and sobs with intense
looking for an adventurous getaway or a laid- pain.
back vacation, the island has it all.
I’d highly recommend this book to my friends
Question 4 and readers of any age. It’s worth reading for it
contains lots of values. The moral lesson is
The Dying Man’s Wish very well-portrayed – that of a father-daughter
‘The Dying Man’s Wish’ is a short story
written by a local writer who preferred to remain Question 5
anonymous. It’s written in simple language, so its
message is conveyed very vividly throughout the A Person I Admire
The heavy Mrs Soon charged into the
‘The Dying Man’s Wish’ is about a doctor classroom like a bull into the ring, scattering
attending to his patient, a pitiful elderly man in her students who had loitered in front of the
his seventies. The man has a stroke and his heart classroom to the safety of their seats. She threw
is weak. His condition is considered critical. The open the class register and dug into her handbag
doctor often notices this melancholic soul gazing for her pen. Then, she sat down. Sensitive to the
out of the window into the distance. He seems to danger in the air, the Form 5 Accounts II class
be lost in his thoughts and his world. It’s silent settled quickly into a motionless silence.
contemplation. The doctor has always wanted to
find out more so as to help him whenever he sees Once the attendance was taken, Mrs Soon
the poor soul wiping his tears away. started her lesson. With a click here and there, the
screen in front of the class was transformed into
Day by day, the man’s condition deteriorates. a scene about the Japanese attack on our country.
One day, the man opens up to the doctor, telling The class was soon engaged in a very interesting
him that his wife passed away after delivering his history lesson. Most of my classmates were

Modul SPM A–13 1119

interested to know what happened during the She’s a friend to those who confide in her. She’s
Japanese Occupation. It was a very enlightening a mentor to those who are weak in their studies.
lesson as we were allowed to air our views. This is ‘She’s everything to us!” one of my classmates
one characteristic I admire in Mrs Soon. Despite once commented.
her stern disposition and her attitude of ‘business
means business’, she engages us to perform to Recalling the past, if it had not been for Mrs
our level best. None of us ever left out in her Soon, I would be among the trash by now! I was
class discussion. She makes sure that our voice is most down when my parents got into a divorce.
heard. In this way, she encourages us to be more I was a crook among the gangsters in school.
critical and creative. When Mrs Soon came to know about it, she
sought me out. Slowly, through her warmth and
Form 5 Accounts II is well-known for its understanding, my trust in her started building
notorious acts at school – truancy, bullying, up. She even saved me from being expelled from
laziness and heaps of other disciplinary problems. school and being sent to a reform school.
Credit should be given to Mrs Soon for bringing
the class to their senses. I admire the different I owe much to Mrs Soon, my teacher, the
roles Mrs Soon play in our lives. She’s a mother person I admire most! She’s a rare gem and a
to my classmates who came from broken families. saviour sent by God to rescue the weak and the
She’s a father to those who need a fatherly figure. desolate.

A–14 Modul SPM

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