Action Items On Uk360

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Engineer Part need to be fixed and reviewed:

1. On new UK Report
Get remaining 13 clients mastered, so the data gets returned when selecting those client names (to
review ultimate cust id in the spread sheet that attach to the dashboard)

2.On UK 360 Revenue Tab, By Tree Business Line is only populating Null

3. Please provide mapping details for Fee Business Line & Fee Sub Business Line
We should not have so many Null & Not define

4. Opportunity Address & Zip codes are null way too frequently
EX: Client Aviva, Opp Name - 1 Liverpool street Address, city, zip is all null

We have this information in salesforce

5. At the moment we map the Opp Close date field from both JLL1 and Capforce to the 'Opp Close
Date' value in the databricks job.
This is then used to track when we 'won' the mandate on the new One JLL POC report.
However in Capforce they use a field called 'Engagement Date' field to track when they ‘Won’ the
mandate, so we really need to switch the logic to use that Capforce field rather than the current 'Opp
Close Date' value from Capforce for things to be consistent and for the correct Capforce data to
Can we add to list and see how long team will take to make that switch please?
We would like to get the Managed Services masterlist data exposed on the Client 360 report.

6. Standalone Pipeline – Priority

i. Confidential is not showing correctly.. You can see everything when filtering
by Opp stage
ii. If confidential it should be confidential…
1. Should show opp id, business line & sub business line
2. Opportunity Stage should not be confidential if confidential..
a. Need to show valid versus not valid confidential.. Just because
confidential, we still need to see opp stage in the event
someone is still in proposal etc..
iii. Cannot show totals with confidential at the bottom but the top is ok..

Dashboard part need to be fixed and reviewed:

1.On Stand-alone pipeline report Opportunity Details tab (nice to have)

Add export to excel button for the table

2.On UK 360 report Revenue, Opportunities, & pipeline tabs (nice to have)
Add export to excel button for the table

3. Create new UK Pipeline 2.0 Summary reports

The 1st (called ‘UK Markets Pipeline’ should be filtered to only return ‘Agency UK, Managed
Services, Central & Support and Consulting & Advisory’ Data.
i. The 2nd (called ‘UK Capital Markets Pipeline’) should be filtered to show just
‘Capital Markets, Valuation UK and Residential’.
b. Could we please create those. Report structure and design can remain as is.
(filter out by using fee business line)
4.stand-alone - Opp Stage should filter everything

Add apply all to filters on stand-alone pipeline

5. Master table list updated

There are lack of ultimate cust id in the master list. Now it got updated. Please fill the list and refresh the
dashboard (Will share more details in the meeting)

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