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View Lent
as a time to
prepare for the
Easter Triduum.

Refl e c t i on : P a r e n t s / C atec h i sts

:: LI ST ENI NG ::
“We know what love is because Jesus
gave his life for us. That’s why we must
give our lives for each other.”
(1 John 3:16)

:: R E FL ECTI N G : :
The season of Lent begins and offered his life for us as you will harvest destruction, but
on Ash Wednesday and ends a sacrifice that pleases God.” if you follow the Spirit, you will
(Ephesians 5:1-2)
before the Mass of the Lord’s harvest eternal life.”
(Galatians 6:7-8)
Supper on Holy Thursday
We begin to see the many
evening. Lent is followed by
trifles that occupied our Lenten Preface No.1 describes
the most important time in
thoughts throughout the year this time of change:
the Church’s year - the Easter
from a different perspective “Each year you give us this
Triduum (The Mass of the
when we let ourselves be joyful season, when we prepare
Lord’s Supper, Good Friday
touched by the Lord’s love. to celebrate the paschal
and the Easter Vigil).
This love, which poured out mystery, with mind and heart
through Christ’s sacrifice, gave renewed...
Lent is a time to ask ourselves,
us an enduring hope: union
“What must I give you, Lord, for As we recall the great events
with the Divine. Lent is a time
being so good to me?” (Psalm 116:12). that gave us new life in Christ,
to sow the seeds of love:
Paul exhorts us to express our you bring the image of your Son
“You cannot fool God, so don’t to perfection within us.”
thanks by the way we live:
make a fool of yourself!
“Do as God does. After all, you
You will harvest what you plant.
are his dear children. Let love
be your God. Christ loved us If you follow your selfish desires,
:: PAG E 1 ::

To d i s c us s Jesu s’ great love fo r us,

a s d e mons t ra te d by h is su fferin g an d death

Lead your child to understand Talk about what you did. Read the first part and the
what is meant by sacrifice. people’s part. Then discuss:
Why did you do what (Name)
Have you ever given away wanted you to do? Why did Jesus go to the
or given up something that garden after the Last Supper?
belonged to you? What was When you give up something (To pray)
hardest for you to give up? important to you for another
person, you are sacrificing Why did soldiers come to the
Why was it hard for you to give yourself for others. garden?
it away?
(To lead Jesus away)
You may give up something
Why did you give it away you like because you love
What happened to Jesus the
anyway? the person for whom you are
next day?
making the sacrifice.
When you give away (He carried a big cross)
something that means a lot to Look at Page 1 and find the
What did some people do
you, it’s like giving up a part of story that tells about the
when Jesus was on the cross?
yourself. greatest sacrifice ever made.
(They made fun of him)
Sometimes we give ourselves
by giving our time to someone. Let’s read aloud what the
people said.
Have you ever given up your (If you are the King…)
play time or TV time to help
someone? Was it easy to give
up play to do work?

Then why did you do it?

Did you ever give up doing

something you liked so that
you could make someone else

Adapted excerpt from the Roman Missal ©2010 ICEL

Read the last part and ask: sacrifices you have made for
others because you love them.
What sacrifice did Jesus offer
for us? Mothers and fathers also
(The sacrifice of his life for us) make many sacrifices for their
children. What are some of
What is a victory? them?
(To win)
These sacrifices show that
Jesus’ death was a victory mothers and fathers love their
because after his death, he children. All of these sacrifices
received a new and glorious are very good, because
life. He won a victory over sin through them, people help
because he made up for sin by others. But the sacrifice that
his suffering, dying and rising. Jesus offered was the greatest
sacrifice anyone ever made.
Because of Christ’s sacrifice,
Read aloud the next 4 parts Why do you think Jesus’
we too, can have a glorious
then ask: sacrifice is the greatest?
new life in heaven.
What do you think Jesus (Jesus offered his life to
Let us read the last three lines his Father for us. He gave
meant when he said, “It is
again. They tell us about Jesus’ everything he had.)
(Jesus meant he had finished
Jesus’ life is the best gift that
the work his Father had given Guide your child to can be offered to God our
him.) understand why Jesus’ death Father because Jesus is the
on the cross was the greatest Son of God. Sacrifices are
He had already offered himself sacrifice ever offered. offered with love. No one ever
to his Father at the Last
loved God our Father and
Supper when he said, “This is Jesus’ death on the cross was people as much as Jesus. Jesus
my Body, which will be offered a sacrifice. It was a gift of love gave himself on the cross to
up for you. This is my Blood, that Jesus gave to his Father. save us from sin.
which will be shed for you.”
Now Jesus was giving up his At the beginning of our
life by dying on the cross. lesson, we talked about some
:: PAG E 2 : :

To t r y to s how love fo r Jesus by makin g Lent

a t i me of s p ecial prayer an d sacrifice.

During Lent we remember Jesus’ great love by

offering him many sacrifices with our love.

What sacrifices might you make?

(Read through the suggestions on Page 2.)

The lines are there for you to add your own suggestions.

:: PAGE 3 ::

There is a drawing of a path for you to follow through

the days of Lent.

Each day that you try to do something in the way

of a sacrifice tick or mark in some way one of the
stepping stones on the path.

Each Sunday is represented by a cross.

Circle the cross on the day we go to Mass to show our

love for Jesus.

:: PAGE 4 ::

Use the Family Prayer as something

special for Lent.

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