Child's Lesson 7

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Mark 7:31-35

Jesus left the region and went toward Lake Galilee. Some people
brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk. They
begged Jesus just to touch him.
After Jesus had taken him
aside from the crowd, he stuck
his fingers in the man’s ears.
Then he spat and put it on the
man’s tongue.
Jesus looked up toward heaven,
and with a groan he said,
“Effatha!” which means
“Open up!”
At once the man could hear,
and he had no more trouble
talking clearly.

At Baptism God opened your heart to hear him.

Now God speaks to you every day.
He calls you to know him in everything that is.
He speaks to you in the Bible.

____ _____ ____ _______ ____.

John 6:68 (b)
God speaks to you in the Bible. We listen
to God’s Word in the Mass and at other
times when we read the Bible.
It is like a letter God has written to you.
When you read the Bible or listen to it
you can answer in your heart. You can
talk to God.
Read a passage of scripture slowly and
thoughtfully (eg. John 10:3-4, 11).
John 10:3-4, 11

Sheep know their

shepherd’s voice.
Think about these questions:
He calls each of
What does this tell me about God?
them by name and
What does this tell me about myself? leads them out.
Talk to Jesus about the verses you read. When he has led
out all of his sheep,
he walks in front
of them, and they
follow, because they
we pray... know his voice.
YOur Words, Lord are spirit
and life. You have the words of Jesus said:
everlasting life.
Gospel Acclamation, 15th Sunday Year C
“I am the good
Psalm 25:4-5 Luke 11:2, 4
Show me your paths and teach Father, forgive our sins as
me to follow; guide me by your we forgive everyone who
truth and instruct me. has done wrong to us.

John 20:28 Philippians 2:11

You are my Lord Jesus Christ
and my God. is Lord!

Hebrews 10:7 Hebrews 1:8

My God, I have You are God and
come to do what you will rule as
you want. King forever.

Luke 1:47 Matthew 8:8

With all my heart I praise Lord, I'm not good enough for
the Lord, and I am glad you to come into my house.
because of God, my Saviour.

With thankful hearts offer up

your prayers and requests to God.
(Philippians 4:6)
2 Timothy 3:16-17

Everything in the Scriptures is God’s word.

All of it is useful for teaching ___ _______ people and

for correcting them and _______ ____ ___ __

Look up each of these verses and fill in the spaces. Then pray them.
Ask Jesus to help you live them.

“God blesses those who “Treat others as you want “Love is ____
make _____” them to _____ you” and _______”
(Matthew 5:9) (Matthew 7:12) (1 Corinthians 13:4)

Whenever I listen to or read the
Bible, I remember that God is
speaking to me because
“Children ____ “Don’t _____ he loves me.
your parents” others”
(Ephesians 6:1) (Luke 6:37)

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