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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Sur
School I.D. 500346 - Mabilbila Norte, Santa, Ilocos Sur 2703

SY 2022 – 2023

NAME: _______________________________________DATE: _____________

SECTION: _____________________ SCORE: ________
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Shade the letter of the correct answer

1. It is the act of creating a business or business while building and scaling to generate a profit.
A. Entrepreneur B. Entrepreneurship C. Innovator D. Risk
2. A person who sets up a business with the aim to make a profit and creates a new business,
bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards.
A. Entrepreneur B. Entrepreneurship C. Innovator D. Risk
3. Which of the following is the French word of entrepreneur?
A. Entreprende B. Entreprendre C. Entrependre D. Enterprendre
4. It is the return or compensation to the entrepreneur for taking on the risk of developing an idea
into an actual business venture.
A. Profit B. Sales C. Market D. Product
5. It is a personality factor which means “doing things even before being told.”
A. Initiative B. Perseverance C. Persuasion D. Proactive
6. These are entrepreneurs who are to follow the path shown by innovative entrepreneurs.
A. Fabian B. Imitating C. Innovative D. Social Entrepreneurs
7. Entrepreneurship can be a long-term professional journey you may determine based on your
passions. Therefore, entrepreneurship can be a
A. habit B. career C. practice D. side line
8. It is simply an opportunity for employment.
A. Job Opportunity B. Career C. Passion D. Entrepreneurship
9. A person who has the overall responsibility for the successful initiation, planning, design,
execution, monitoring, controlling and closure of a project
A. Chief Executive Officer C. Product Manager
B. Operation Manager D. Project Manager
10. He is the one who assess and create solutions to help the company more efficiently meet its goal.
A. Fundraiser B. Sales Manager C. Business Reporter D. Business Consultant
11. It is someone who can write articles is in a prime position to take the lead on covering a local
business beat.

School: Mabilbila Integrated School

Address: Mabilbila Norte, Santa, Ilocos Sur 2703
Telephone Number: (077) 604-0254
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Sur
School I.D. 500346 - Mabilbila Norte, Santa, Ilocos Sur 2703

A. Fundraiser B. Sales Manager C. Business Reporter D. Business Consultant

12. They contact potential clients, make sales presentations, and maintain client accounts.
A. Advertising Sales Agent C. Product Manager
B. Operation Manager D. Project Manager
13. Someone managing all marketing for the company and activities within the marketing
A. Marketing Manager C. Product Manager
B. Operation Manager D. Project Manager
14. It is someone who raise money for a specific purpose and meant not to make profit but instead
for maintaining the organization or toward the purpose for which it was created.
A. Fundraiser B. Sales Manager C. Business Reporter D. Business Consultant
15. It is someone who write breaking news and business stories in unique and interesting ways.
A. Fundraiser B. Sales Manager C. Business Reporter D. Business Consultant
16. Which is NOT a career for an entrepreneur?
A. Business consultant C. Research and Development
B. Domestic Helper D. Sales

17. What is that written document describing the nature of the business, the sales and marketing
strategy, financial background and its projected profit and loss statement?

A. Blue print B. Term Paper C. Lesson Plan D. Business Plan

18. Which component considers the tradition and practices of the target group?

A. cultural C. interest and needs

B. competition D. personal similarities
19. What refers to as manufactured at a cost and is subsequently made available to the consumer at a
A. Promotion B. Product C. Place D. People
20. What type of a product has long interval in buying?
A. Durables B. Non-durables C. Service D. Merchandise
21. What type of distribution is used when selling happens between the manufacturer and the
A. Direct B. Indirect C. Intermediary D. Delivery
22. What type of distribution is used when a manufacturer utilizes a wholesaler or
retailer to sell their products?
A. Direct B. Indirect C. Intermediary D. Delivery

School: Mabilbila Integrated School

Address: Mabilbila Norte, Santa, Ilocos Sur 2703
Telephone Number: (077) 604-0254
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Sur
School I.D. 500346 - Mabilbila Norte, Santa, Ilocos Sur 2703

23. What refers to the amount of money that your customers have to pay in exchange for your
product or service?
A. Tip B. Prize C. Token D. Price
24. What part of marketing do you use to advertise or market your product?
A. Promotion B. Pricing C. Positioning D. Packaging
25. What marketing mix includes everyone who is involved in the product or service whether
directly or indirectly?
A. Positioning B. Promotion C. People D. Packaging
26. What is the marketer’s term for packaging?
A. silent salesman B. silent promoter C. silent ad D. silent commercial
27. What market concept outlines what a business should do to market its product or service to its
A. Positioning B. Promotion C. People D. Packaging
28. What is the name given by an entrepreneur to a particular product or service?
A. List B. Company C. Logo D. Brand Name
29. Which does not happen when you have the right branding?
A. drive revenue
B. stand out from competitors
C. steer people away
D. build equity
30. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an ideal brand?
A. easy to spell B. short & simple C. pompous D. updated
31. Which of the following refers to the human workforce involved in the manufacture of products?
A. Materials B. Method C. Machine D. Manpower
32. The 4M’s of production are as follows except ONE. Which one is it?
A. Management B. Manpower C. Method D. Machine
33. Which of the following refers to the marketing copy that explains what a product is and why it is
worth purchasing?
A. Prototype B. Product description C. Business Model D. Suppliers
34. It represents the final products from the production process and distributed to the customers.
A. Input B. Supplies C. Output D. Materials
35. It is a replica of a product.
A. Prototype B. Product description C. Business Model D. Suppliers
36. Which of the following refers to the system of organizations, people, activities, information, and
resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer?
School: Mabilbila Integrated School
Address: Mabilbila Norte, Santa, Ilocos Sur 2703
Telephone Number: (077) 604-0254
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Sur
School I.D. 500346 - Mabilbila Norte, Santa, Ilocos Sur 2703

A. Supply Chain B. Value Chain C. Business Model D. Prototype

37. Which of the following is the process or activities by which a company adds value to an article,
including production, marketing, and the provision of aftersales service?
A. Supply Chain B. Value Chain C. Business Model D. Prototype
38. It describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value in
economic, social, cultural or other contexts.
A. Prototype B. Product description C. Business Model D. Suppliers
39. It is an entity that supplies goods and services to another organization.
A. Prototype B. Product description C. Business Model D. Suppliers
40. Which of the following refers to the manufacturing equipment used in the production of goods or
delivery of services?
A. Machine B. Manpower C. Method D. Materials
41. It refers to the process or technique of converting raw materials to finished products.
A. Machine B. Manpower C. Method D. Materials
42. It simply refers to the raw materials needed in the production of a product.
A. Machine B. Manpower C. Method D. Materials
43. It is an important tool for you to have an idea about the future of your business.
A. Business plan B. Business Model C. Money D. Materials
44. It is a part of the business plan which is the first to be presented but the last to be made.
A. Introduction C. Management Section
B. Executive Summary D. Marketing Section
45. They are your business partners; without them your business will not live.
A. Supplier B. Manpower C. Laborer D. Market
46. Which office will you go to register your single-owned business?
A. SEC B. DTI C. BIR D. Mayor’s Office
47. Which office do you visit to register a partnership or corporation?
A. SEC B. DTI C. BIR D. Mayor’s Office
48. To secure a Tax Identification Number (TIN), which office will you go?
A. SEC B. DTI C. BIR D. Mayor’s Office
49. This is also known as the book of original entry.
A. income statement B. balance sheet C. g D. general ledger
eneral journal
50. This is also known as the book of final entry.
A. income statement B. balance sheet C. general journal D. general ledger

School: Mabilbila Integrated School

Address: Mabilbila Norte, Santa, Ilocos Sur 2703
Telephone Number: (077) 604-0254
Email Address:

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