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DATA ____________________

Fusha: Gjuhë Lënda: Shkalla: 4 Klasa:

dhe Anglisht VIII
Tema mësimore: Veprimtaria e të nxënit:
1. Writing- Film Review
2. Time out
Rezultatet e të nxënit të kompetencave të fushës sipas temës Fjalët kyçe:
- Writing film reviews
- Learn how to order them

Burimet: Lidhja me fushat e tjera ose me temat

Text book, Workbook, board, flashcards, etc. This topic can be linked with other
subject taught at school.
Metodologjia dhe veprimtaritë e nxënësve
Lidhja e temës me njohuritë e mëparshme të nxënësve:
Start your class asking students to talk about a film that they have seen recently and tell it to their
friend. Then ask them to look at the photo on page 66 and talk with each other if they have seen
the film and what do they think about it?
Ndërtimi i njohurive të reja
After that ask them to read the review of Avatar and decide whether it is positive or negative and
discuss that first in pairs and then as a class. Then match the paragraphs and match them with the
Prezantimi dhe demostrimi i rezultateve të arritura
In order to reflect on the learning of this class ask students to look at the linking words in blue in
the text and say which do we use for addition, contrast and examples.

I will evaluate based on observations, assessing answers, assessing group work and assessing
home work.
Ex. 5 page 66.

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