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Applied Machine Learning for Environmental Engineering (Elective Course)

Course Code

Lecture : 4 hr. per week Year :I/II

Tutorial : Part :II/I
Practical :

Course Objectives:
This course provides the introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. This course
provides hands-on skills using python to perform data analysis and understand use of common machine
learning to solve real word problems in the context of their application in environmental science and
engineering. By the end of this course, the student will be able to: Name common ML and summarize
their advantages and limitations, especially in the context of environmental science, Implement them in
Python (mostly using the Numpy, Scikit-Learn, Keras, and Tensorflow libraries in Google Collab
notebooks) and identify which algorithms are most appropriate for environmental applications they are
passionate about.
Course Contents:
1. Introduction [6 hrs.]
1.1 Artificial Intelligence and History of Artificial Intelligence
1.2 Techniques of Artificial Intelligence
1.3 Data Science and Machine Learning
1.4 Recent Trends and Application of Machine Learning in Environmental Engineering
2. Machine Learning [6 hrs.]
2.1 A brief history of Machine Learning
2.2 Types of Learning
2.3 ML Pipeline
2.4 Formulating a Hypothesis
2.5 Database Development and Processing Observation
2.6 Model Development
2.7 Model Evaluation, Optimization and Deployment
3. Data and Statistics [8 hrs.]
3.1 Data Types and Attributes
3.2 Data Pre-processing
3.3 Dataset Development and Handling of Data
3.4 Visualization and Exploring Data
3.5 Feature Selection and Extraction Methods
3.6 Dimensionality Reduction
3.7. Manipulating Data (Numerical and Categorical)
3.8 Statistics Concepts
4. Machine Learning Algorithms [16 hrs.]
4.1 Types of Machine Learning Algorithms
4.2 Linear Regression and Logistic Regression
4.3 Decision Tree
4.4 Naïve Bayes
4.5 KNN and K-Means Algorithms
4.6 Support Vector Machine
4.7 Hierarchical Clustering
4.8 Random Forest
4.9 Gradient boosting and AdaBoosting

5. Performance Fitness Indicator and Error Matrices [6 hrs.]

5.1 Need for Matrices and Indicator
5.2 Regression Matrices and Indicator
5.3 Classification Matrices and Indicator
5.4 Clustering Matrices and Indicator
5.5 Functional Matrices and Indicator
5.6 Beyond Matrices and Indicator
5.8 Spot Analysis
5.8 Confidence Interval
6. Computation and Optimization techniques [5 hrs.]
6.1 Gradient descent method
6.2 Nonlinear least squares methods
6.3 Evolutionary computation and genetic algorithms
6.4 Fuzzy Logic
6.5 Time Series Analysis
7. Neural Networks [5 hrs.]
7.1 McCulloch and Pitts model
7.2 Perceptrons
7.3 Multi-layer perceptrons (MLP)
7.4 Back-propagation
7.5 Radial basis functions (RBF)
7.6 Deep Learning
8. Applications in environmental sciences [8 hrs.]
7.1 Remote sensing
7.2 Oceanography
7.3 Atmospheric science
7.4 Hydrology
7.5 Ecology
7.6 Recommendations, Suggestions, and Best Practices

There will be lab exercises to provide students with hands on experiences on data analysis and apply
machine learning tools to solve real world problems
• Introduction to python
• Data Preprocessing and Analysis using Pandas
• Machine learning using Scikit-Learn
• Basics of Deep Learning Methods using TensorFlow and Keras
At the end of this course, students need to submit a project by developing a prototype by data related with
the Masters Program.
Evaluation Schemes
a. Internal Examination
Type Weightage
Attendance 20%
Tests and Assignments 50%
Project 30%

b. Final Examination
The question will cover all chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as indicated in
the table:

Units Chapters Marks

1 Introduction 6
2 Machine Learning 6
3 Data and Statistics 8
4 Machine Learning Algorithms 16

5 Performance Fitness Indicator and Error Matrices 6

6 Computational and optimization Techniques 5

7 Neural Networks 5
8 Applications in environmental sciences 8
Total 60

1. Machine Learning for Civil and Environmental Engineers: A Practical Approach to Data-
Driven Analysis, Explainability, and Causality
2. Machine Learning Methods in the Environmental Sciences: Neural Networks and Kernels.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
3. Machine Learning For Absolute Beginners by Oliver Theobald
4. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow by Geron Aurelien
5. Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition: A Hand: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to
Programming Machine Learning For Absolute Beginners by Oliver Theobald

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