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‭Clima y Desastres Naturales‬


‭ eather/climate‬
w c‭ lima‬ t‭ o evacuate‬ e‭ vacuar‬
‭air/wind‬ ‭aire/viento‬ ‭to plan‬ ‭planificar‬
‭rain‬ ‭lluvia‬ ‭to listen‬ ‭escuchar‬
‭snow‬ ‭nieve‬ ‭to be prepared‬ ‭estar preparado‬
‭fire‬ ‭fuego‬ ‭to be cautious‬ ‭ser cauteloso‬
‭tempature‬ ‭temperatura‬ ‭to take sheltter‬ ‭tomar refugio‬
‭forecast‬ ‭pronóstico‬ ‭to run‬ ‭correr‬
‭atmosphere‬ ‭atmósfera‬ ‭to hide‬ ‭esconder‬
‭climate change‬ ‭cambio climático‬ ‭to keep calm‬ ‭manterner la calma‬
‭natural disaster‬ ‭desastre natural‬ ‭to call for help‬ ‭pedir ayuda‬
‭emergency‬ ‭emergencia‬ ‭to help‬ ‭ayudar‬
‭warning‬ ‭advertensia‬ ‭to panic‬ ‭entrar en panico‬
‭alert‬ ‭alerta‬ ‭to rescue‬ ‭rescatar‬
‭hazard/danger‬ ‭peligro‬ ‭to stay informed‬ ‭mantenerse informado‬
‭relief‬ ‭socorro‬
‭shelter‬ ‭refugio‬
‭pollution‬ ‭contaminacion‬
‭precaution‬ ‭precaucion‬

‭Natural disasters‬ ‭Storms‬

‭1.‬ ‭hurricane — huracan‬ ‭1. thunderstorm — tormenta‬

‭2.‬ ‭tornado — tornado‬ ‭2. lightning storm — tormenta eléctrica‬

‭3.‬ ‭tsunami — tsunami‬ ‭3. sand storm — tormenta de arena‬

‭4.‬ ‭earthquake — terremoto‬ ‭4. hail storm — granizada‬

‭5.‬ ‭wildfire — incendio forestal‬ ‭5. blizzard — tormenta de nieve‬

‭6.‬ ‭heatwave — ola de calor‬

‭7.‬ ‭drought — sequía‬

‭8.‬ ‭cold front — frente frio‬

‭9.‬ ‭flooding — inundacion‬

‭10.‬‭volcanic eruption — erupciones volcanicas‬

‭11.‬‭avalanche — avalancha‬

‭12.‬‭landslide — dislizamiento de tierra‬


‭Sarah:‬‭Hey, Tom, have you ever been in a natural disaster?‬

‭Tom‬‭: Yes, I have. I was in a big thunderstorm once. It was so scary!‬

‭Sarah:‬‭I can imagine. What did you do during the storm?‬

‭Tom‬‭: We stayed inside and turned off all the lights. We listened to the radio for‬

‭updates and waited for the storm to pass.‬

‭Sarah:‬‭That sounds like a good plan. I've been in a flood before. Our neighborhood got‬

‭flooded, and we had to leave our home.‬

‭Tom:‬‭That must have been tough. Where did you go?‬

‭Sarah:‬‭We went to a shelter. They provided us with food and a safe place to stay until‬

‭the water went down.‬

‭Tom:‬‭That was fortunate. How can we prepare for natural disasters?‬

‭Sarah:‬‭It's important to have an emergency kit with food, water, and a flashlight. And‬

‭make sure your family has a plan for where to go and how to contact each other.‬

‭Tom:‬‭Thanks for the tips, Sarah. I'll talk to my family about it.‬

‭Sarah:‬‭You're welcome, Tom. It's always good to be prepared for the unexpected.‬


‭1.‬ ‭W hat natural disaster did Tom experience?‬

‭a.‬ ‭flood‬ ‭b. thunderstorm‬ ‭c. tornado‬

‭2.‬ ‭W hat did Tom and his family do?‬


‭3.‬ ‭W hat natural disaster did Sarah experience?‬

‭a.‬ ‭blizzard‬ ‭b. drought‬ ‭c. flood‬

‭4.‬ ‭W here did Sarah go?‬


‭5.‬ ‭W hat is important to have in an emergency?‬


‭6.‬ ‭Have you ever been in a natural disaster, how did you feel?‬

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