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San Jose Gusu, Zamboanga City

School Year: 2021-2022


Name: Rose Ann Celiz Date: 16/03/2022_____________

Course & Year: BSM-3RD YEAR_____________ Score: _____________

Directions: Select the best answer by circling the letter that corresponds to your choice.
1. The basic elements of wind turbines are:
a. Gears and blades c. blades
ⓑBlades, shafts, gears and generators d. towers
2. What is a disadvantage of wind turbines?
a. They do not pollute
ⓑThey produce noise and may harm some animals
c.They pollute the air
d.They are “green” energy
3. What is an advantage of nuclear energy?
a. No pollution c. radioactive waste
ⓑIt is the safest way to make energy d. we will never run out
4. What is it called when you generate electricity with a dam and water?
ⓐ Hydroelectric energy
b.Radiation energy
c.Geothermal energy
5. Nuclear energy uses ____ to turn turbines to power a generator.
a. Wind ⓑsteam c. water d. solar
6. All of the following are problems of nuclear energy except ____.
a. Pollution
ⓑ Natural disaster ( tsunamis, earthquakes , etc.)
c.Storage or radioactive fuel
d.Security concerns
7. Which of the following is not a fossil fuel?
a. Coal ⓑ alcohol c. natural gas d. oil
8. A windmill is really a turbine that produces electricity by running a
a. Shaft ⓑgenerator c. propeller d. pump
9. The energy stored in water comes from
ⓐHydrogen b. electrolysis c. wind d. sun
10.Hydroelectricity is most often associated with
a. Windmills b. nuclear power plants ⓒ dams d. geysers
11.Which of the following is a source of geothermal energy?
a. Hot rocks ⓑ dams c. wind d. biomass
12.The solid form of fossil fuel is ______.
ⓐCoal b. natural gas c. petroleum d. crude oil
13.Methane , a fuel gas, is produced from garbage by
a. Electrolysis c. photosynthesis
ⓑThe action of bacteria d. fermentation
14.Which of the following is a high- power fuel used in racing cars?
a. Ethanol b. hydrogen c. methane Ⓓ methanol
15.A method in which water is used to remove wastes from smoke is
ⓐScrubbing b. photovoltaic c. electrolysis d. fermentation

II- Answer the following as completely as possible.

1. Suppose you want to start a campfire, you have plenty of wood but no match.
How could you use a mirror to start the fire?
Answer: By using a mirror and the sunlight, focus the mirror in the rays of
sunlight so it will reflects on the woods and can provide a fire on the woods.

2. Why are hydroelectric power plants built at the bottom of a dam instead of at the
Answer: Water is allowed to flow through tunnels in the dam, to turn turbines and thus
drive generators. Notice that the dam is much thicker at the bottom than at the
top, because the pressure of the water increases with depth. Hydro-electric power
stations can produce a great deal of power very cheaply.

III- Solve the following problem ( Show your solution ).

1. A fishing boat has a speed of 4 km/ hr. Change this speed to.

a. Speed in km/s
Answer:4km/hr x 1hr x 1min =0.001km/s
60min 60sec

b. Speed in km/ min

Answer:4km/hr x 1hr= 0.0667km/min

c. Speed in m/s
Answer: 4km/hr x 1000m x 1 hr x 1 min = 1.11m/sec
1km 60min 60sec

2. The weight of a basketball player is 6 ft and 1 ½ inches. Change his height to:

a. Feet
Ft= 1.5 inches x 1 ft =1.5 =0.125ft
6+ 0.125 = 6.125ft
b. Inches = 6ft x 12 inches = 72 inches
1 ft
1.5 + 72 =73.5 inches

c. Centimeters

73.5 inches x 2.54cm = 186.69 cm

1 inch

d. Meters

186.69cm x 0.01m =1.8669m


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