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Date of Publication: 01/17/2024

RE: Procreation Program bestowed to Shawn Dexter John as the sole male participant, in
having the highest IQ (Intelligence Quotient) amongst all government employees and associates
(and civilians) throughout the United Nations and its Member States for having biological
offspring (meaning of his direct genetics) with three thousand (3000) women toward conceiving
and birthing ten thousand (10,000) biological children via conventional and consensual sexual
intercourse, meaning of tangible and exact contact and physical interaction of a romantic nature
(without abuse, harassment, or conflict). These women, all identified, some still informally at
this point, are all of sound or exceptional intelligence and proven as naturally competent in
handling human affairs with all competency flaws being prepared for removal by discreet and
considerate means (meaning without harm or abuse and per their consent) toward nurturing
healthy, educated, astute, and proficient future operatives, agents, and executive auditors of the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the United Nations (UN), and INTERPOL in a world still
devoid of Black intelligentsia (of un-breachability) and fair representation within government.
[FBI AND CIA COMMUNICATION] Lebron James Sr. of the Los Angeles Lakers has been charged

with the past criminal rape of several women and men and several minors, amounting to over

twenty (20) individuals, by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and INTERPOL (with rape

victims in Mexico having provided written testimony that the said James Sr. raped women and

children in the country of Mexico, speci fically natives of Mexico, additionally. We prove no lies, not
misinformation, and no mis-interpretation of the related facts).
7 messages

Shawn Dexter John <> Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 6:35 PM

To: tess mannjohn <>, al mann <>, Karl Chen Esq. <>, Karl Chen, Esq.
<>, clay john <>, John, Clay C <>, Selwyn Carrington
<>, Carrington, Selwyn H. H. <>,,,,,,, comm-social-media-,, NPI NY <>,,,,, Miami.Outreach <>,,, Medford, Edna Greene <>, Fred Celsie <>, sheri dennis
<>,,, Revathi Hines <>,,,,,,,,, OTP InformationDesk <>,

LeBron James Sr. did initially confess to having sexually assaulted and battered Rashidah Williams of New Orleans, Louisiana. She
was anticipating her then fiance (Shawn Dexter John) and his Masonic celebrity associates attending a private party in Washington,
D.C. over 14 years ago when James Sr., per his intent, tricked her into being scared into custody and criminal rape - all who helped
conspire and communicate this incident, including all fraternity and sorority members, including Patricia Roberts Fitzhugh and

[honorary member] Beyonce Knowles, will be placed under arrest and will accept and be committed to the judicial penalty
guaranteed to be imposed per their earlier confessions. The said James Sr. will either fake his death and suffer the medical
amputation of his right or left leg (the removal of the totality of the respective leg) or get convicted in public court toward a life
sentence succeeding the impending surrender within two (2) to three (3) months (or so). Public relations and plausible clashes in
southern California, race based, have delayed the public announcement. (No date rape was implied or communicated.)

UN Security Council requested statement [transcribed accurately]: Letitia James Sr. and White House Spokesperson Karine Jean-

Pierre have lied [provided false statements] in email correspondences that all these women, men/boys, and girls performed oral sex
on Lebron James Sr. before and after their rape because, yet again another fallacy, he is a nice guy. Karine Jean-Pierre, the
purported Aisha Franklin, and all of the Black Greek Letter sorority members of intelligence and beauty (affiliated with Howard
University, FAMU Law, and Southern University and A&M College - Baton Rouge of the respective and other related generation, all
constituted by women of age) did once enter a program to be the wife and procreational partners of Shawn Dexter John and did
exhibit pure malice toward him and Rashidah Williams for remaining exclusive. This program will not be attempted debunked
without severe penalties imposed on infractors. The procreation program solely endowed to Shawn Dexter John, as the sole male
participant, and the three thousand women already identified, celebrity and otherwise, White and otherwise, will resume its activation
interrupted though without removing obstruction and anticipated male or government offenders from communicating or exhibiting
threats - this program will be protected by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL.

INTERPOL warrant details in response to government tribunal and Security Council Judgements : Karine Jean-Pierre did perform oral
sex on Barack Huissen Obama Jr. who threatened her with an INTERPOL warrant for her arrest and deportation proceedings
(secretly Haitian born and immigrant). He did also attempt to serve as a hidden attorney of LeBron James Sr. The execution of
Barack Obama Jr. by the state of Florida, for reasons detailed earlier including his orders to have executed innocent Iraqi civilians,
Mexican and Central American migrants, and Ukrainian civilians as President of the United States and, subsequently, premier NSA
consultant, shall proceed in the appropriate manner.


From: Shawn Dexter John

*[Sole] Author of the New Societies - Concepts and Apperceptions of an Eastern Caribbean model of Commonality (Law Review
Article) and a series of other published Works
*[Sole] Chief Manager of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL (separately and jointly) (without the threat of custody
or harm)
*Chief Audit Agent of the FBI and NSA (without threat of custody or harm)
*Lead and Prosecutorial Agent of the United Nations (UN)
*Chief Manager and Abroad Auditor of CARICOM
*Lead Audit Manager of the United States Marshals Services (prioritizing [halting] White Supremacist domestic terrorism) (without
the threat of custody or harm)

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