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lular phones including some discussion on

the maintenance procedures. Chapter 12

(pp. 113-120) is a very brief chapter on the
future of wireless communication such as
digital cellular in time division multiple ac-
cess (TDMA), code division multiple access
(CDMA), and other related schemes and fea-
tures. There is a glossary on the abbreviated
technical terms at the end of the book to-
gether with an index.
The main theme for this book is to tell
the average consumer that all the new cel-
lular phones operate at very low power
with very little health risk and the price is
all very low, but one needs to watch for the
billing charges. For example, whether a
person makes most of his daily phone calls
within one cell zone may make a differ-
ence. On the other hand, there are reports
that in many parts of the country there is
no cell station, possibly because the local
communities object to the installation of
poles for the cell station; thus, there are
dead zones for cellular phones.
The author includes many illustrative
figures and tables, which may be helpful to
the readers, and the book’s presentation is
very clear and readable with nice printing.
This book is a useful guide for the average,
nontechnical reader and for consumers
buying and using cellular phones. There
are many earlier books that are mainly for
designers and installers, including a new
book on digital systems titled Handbook
of CDMA System Design, Engineering and
Optimization, by the members of the tech-
nical staff of Bell Laboratories. CDMA is
mentioned only by name in Chapter 12 of
this book as a future development.
—H. Hsu

By James M. Lee. Kluwer Academic Pub-
lishers, 2000.
As digital projects became more and
more complex, the use of a hardware de-
scription languages (HDL) for design re-
placed the “old fashioned” schematic
entry design method. This book talks
about Verilog (IEEE1364-1999), one of
the most used HDLs. Though not a com-


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plete guide to the standard [for this aim fined primitives, a way to incorporate spe- quick view of the most common modeling
you must use a language reference man- cial functions using truth tables. The usage errors and how to avoid and correct them
ual (LRM)], the book covers most of the of parametric modules to adapt standard is shown. Appendix A, primarily devoted to
commonly used constructs of the lan- modules to generic tasks is explained in the less-experienced users, shows the
guage, showing theirs practical use. Chapter 8 while Chapter 9 explains the gate-level details (Verilog truth tables) of
The reader is introduced to the language power of the state machine construct. the built-in primitives.
throughout the first three chapters. Basic The aim of Chapter 10 is to provide mod- The book comes with a CD-ROM con-
concepts and conventions together with eling guideline rules for both combina- taining both the examples used in the book
structural modeling techniques (intercon- torial as well as sequential circuits. and other examples to be use as starting
nections of blocks) and their use are pre- Selection of a suitable construct to model point for your exercises. In the CD-ROM is
sented. The power of the language can be a circuit and how this choice is reflected included the SILOS III simulator to be used
appreciated by the reader in the following both in simulation and in synthesis is ex- for a first approach to the language.
three chapters. Behavioral modeling is ex- plained in Chapter 11. The book is well written and gives the
plained, showing the usage of the basic The last step in HDL modeling and sim- reader a full view on the language, giving
primitives in constructing basic structures. ulation (i.e., the testbench construction) also to the novice a way to rapidly interact
The various built-in operators of the lan- is discussed in the last three chapters: with the language. Also, the advanced
guage are explained, and in Chapter 6, be- Chapter 12 shows how to design a reader can obtain benefits from the book,
havioral modeling is used to build and testbench and build a test program, Chap- which helps focus on the various tech-
stimulate real structures. The next three ter 14 explains some basic techniques and niques and constitutes a more readable
chapters deal with advanced Verilog con- strategies for applying them to profitably reference compared to an LRM.
structs. Chapter 7 explains the user-de- debug a Verilog code, and in Chapter 13 a —Flavio Ferrari CD■


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