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School Grade Level Kindergarten

Teacher Week & Day Week 2 Day 5

Date & Time Quarter First
A. Content Focus I do many things in school
A. Subject Matter
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Kindergarten Teacher’s Guide (KTG pp. 24-33)
2. Learner’s Guide
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from LR Portal
B. Other Learning

Blocks of Time Competencies Teacher’s Activities
Arrival Time Arrival routine
Meeting Time 1 School Map Meeting time routine
Competencies: Review of concepts learned the previous
Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang week/day
lugar sa komunidad Introduction of message for the day by
(paaralan) asking the guide questions below
Message (KMKPKom-00-3) We follow rules in school.
Questions / What rules do we follow in the other
Activity Name common parts of the school?
Transition to objects/things in the The teacher gives instructions on how to
Work Period 1 environment (in school, do the independent activities, answer any
home, and community) questions, and tells the learners to join
(LLKV-00-1) their group and do the assigned tasks.
Work Period 1 26 School Map (KTG pp. 25-26)
Name the places and the 1.
things found in the Assign the learners to draw each
classroom, school and place they visited during the campus
community (LLKV-00-8) tour.
Express simple ideas Put the places together in a school
through symbols (e.g., map on Manila paper. Label the
drawings, invented places.
Teacher- spelling) (LLKC-00-1) School Map

Learning Recall the places found in

Checkpoints the school
Independent (The teacher may choose 1 suggested
Activities activity or may employ differentiated
instruction in conducting all the
1.Charades: Class Routines 1. Charades: Class Routines
Nakapagkukuwento ng (KTG p. 26)
mga ginagawa sa paaralan
(KMKPAra-00-3) Procedure:
1. Ask one learner to choose a picture
Nakasusunod sa mga card from a bowl.
itinakdang tuntunin at 2. The learner will act out the block of
gawain (routines) sa time or do actions representing each
paaralan at silid-aralan routine.
(SEKPSE-IIa-4) 3. Other learners try to guess what
routine is being represented.
Materials: picture cards representing the
blocks of time

2. Spin the Wheel: Class 2. Spin the Wheel: Class

Routines/Rules Routines/Rules (KTG p. 26)
Nakapagkukuwento ng Procedure:
mga ginagawa sa paaralan 1.
(KMKPAra-00-3) Ask one learner to spin the arrow or the
wheel chart of class routines or class
Nakasusunod sa mga rules.
itinakdang tuntunin at 2.
gawain (routines) sa Ask him/her to say something about the
paaralan at silid-aralan routine/rule where the arrow pointed.
(SEKPSE-IIa-4) 3.
Each learner in the group takes turn in
spinning the wheel and discussing about
the routine/rule.
Materials: wheel chart of class

3.School Red Collage 3. School Red Collage

Naisasagawa ang mga (KTG pp. 26-27)
sumusunod na kasanayan:
pagpilas/paggupit/pagdikit Procedure:
ng papel (KPKFM-00-1.3) 1. Let the learners cut small pieces of
red art or construction paper (They
Nakapupunit, nakagugupit may also cut out red parts from
at nakapagdidikit sa magazines).
paggawa ng collage 2. They will paste the cut-outs on the
(SKMP-00-7) word SCHOOL or the name of the
Materials: big outline of the word school
(or the name of the school), red
art/construction paper, magazines,
scissors, glue

. 4. Writer’s Workshop: I can do many

4.Writer’s Workshop: I things in school (KTG p. 27)
can do many things in Procedure:
school 1.
Give one sheet of paper to each learner.
Nakapagkukuwento 2.
ng mga ginagawa Have each learner express his ideas
sa paaralan through freehand drawing and writing
(KMKPAra-00-3) about the things s/he can do in school.
Express simple Collate the pages into a book that can be
ideas through shared during Meeting Time or Story
symbols (e.g., Time.
drawings, invented Materials: paper, markers or coloring
spelling) (LLKC-00- materials

Learning Tell what they do in school

Checkpoints Express their ideas through
drawings and invented
Transition to The teacher reminds the learners about
Work Period 2 the time left in Work Period Time 1
around 15 minutes before Meeting Time
2. After 10 minutes, the teacher tells the
learners to start packing away the
materials they used and be ready for
Meeting Time 2. A transition song or a
countdown may be used.
Meeting Time 2
Questions / Recall the places in school using the
Activity school map.
Transition to The teacher commends the learners for
Recess the work they did in Work Period Time 1
and tells them to prepare for recess time
by washing their hands. Encourage
sharing especially if not all children have
Transition to The teacher reminds the children to pack
Quiet Time away the things they used in recess time,
clean up their eating area, throw their
trash in the trash bin, wash their hands,
brush their teeth, change their wet
clothes, and have their Quiet Time.
Quiet Time
Transition to While singing a transition song, the
Story Time teacher “wakes” the learners up and tells
them that it’s time to listen to a story.
When the learners are ready, the teacher
proceeds with the pre-reading activities
and makes sure that the learners are
listening attentively.
Story Time Theme: Any age and culturally
appropriate story about school rules.
Pre-Reading Define difficult words.
Motivation question: What are the
different rules in school?
Motive question: What do you think are
the different rules in school in the story?
During Reading Ask comprehension questions.
Post-Reading What are the different rules in school?
Why are rules important?
Transition to After the post-reading activities, the
Work Period 2 teacher gives instructions regarding the
teacher-supervised and independent
activities, answers any questions, and
tells the learners to join their group and
do the assigned tasks.
Work Period 2
Teacher- How Long It Is? How Long It Is? (KTG p. 28)
Supervised Competencies: Procedure:
1.Learners use the string or yarn to
Compare objects based on measure the common objects found in
their size, length, the classroom or in school.
weight/mass (MKME-00-2) 2.Let the learners cut the string or yarn
according to the length of the object.
Use nonstandard 3.Tape the strings or yarn on a sheet of
measuring tools e.g. length Manila paper. Label them with the name
– feet, hand, piece of of the object measured.
string, capacity – 4.Let the learners observe the differences
mug/glass , mass – stone, in length of the various objects.
table blocks (MKME-00-1)
Nakasusunod sa mga
itinakdang tuntunin at
gawain (routines) sa
paaralan at silid-aralan
Identify sequence of
events (before, after, first,
next, last) (MKSC-00-9)

Learning Compare lengths and

Checkpoints distinguish what is shorter
or longer
Independent (The teacher may choose 1 suggested
Activities activity or may employ differentiated
instruction in conducting all the
1.Block Play: Different 1. Block Play: Different Areas in the
Areas in the School School (KTG p. 29)
Nakikipaglaro sa 1.
dalawa o tatlong bata Learners use table or floor blocks to build
gamit ang isang laruan structures representing the different
(SEKPKN-Ig-2) areas in the school (e.g. school,
classroom, learning centers, playground)
Naisasagawa ang mga 2.
sumusunod na While building structures, learners are
kasanayan: paglikha ng encouraged to talk about what they are
mga modelo creating.
pangkaraniwang bagay Materials: table or floor blocks
sa paligid (KPKFM-00-

2.Construction Toys 2. Construction Toys (KTG p. 29)

Nakikipaglaro sa dalawa o Procedure:
tatlong bata gamit ang Provide learners with a set of
isang laruan (SEKPKN-Ig-2) construction toys. Fitting things together
and taking them apart provides children
Naisasagawa ang mga with both spatial challenges and a sense
sumusunod na kasanayan: of accomplishment. Through trial and
paglikha ng mga modelo error, persistence and repetition, children
pangkaraniwang bagay sa gain first-hand experience with putting
paligid (KPKFM-00-1.6) things together, taking them apart, and
twisting and turning them.
3. Same and Different
(KTG pp. 29-30)
3.Same and Different Give each learner a pair of objects.
Describe objects based on 2.Ask the learner to describe each object.
attributes/properties 3.Ask the learner to identify similarities
(shapes, size, its use and between the two objects.
functions) (MKSC-00-4) 4.Ask the learner to identify the
differences between the two objects.
Group objects that are Materials: assorted objects or materials
alike (MKSC-00-5) that can be found inside the classroom

4. Junk Box Sorting (KTG p. 30)

1.Give the learners the idea of sorting in
play. Try sorting out all the red blocks to
4.Junk Box Sorting make a tower, sorting coins into piles of
Sort and classify objects different denominations, putting all the
according to one shapes in one field, all the different in
attribute/property (shape, another.
color, size, function/use) 2.Keep a box full of small objects like
(MKSC-00-6) buttons, paperclips, beads, dried beans,
coins, nuts and bolts.
3.Let the learners sort the various objects
by providing trays, boxes or containers
where they can sort them into.
Materials: box of a variety of objects
(make sure these are objects that are
exactly the same and those that have
similar characteristics – color, shape,

5. Measure It (KTG p. 30)

1. Learners use the different non-
standard measuring tools to measure
5.Measure It the common objects found in the
Compare objects based on classroom or in school.
their size, length, 2. Let the learners compare the length
weight/mass (MKME-00-2) by counting the cubes, popsicle sticks,
-- stones, paper clips or blocks used that
big/little represented the length of a particular
-- object.
longer/shorter 3. Let the learners record the length of
-- the the various objects. (e.g. book –
heavier/lighter The book is 10 cubes long; The book
is 15 clips longs; The book is 3 sticks
Use nonstandard long)
measuring tools e.g. length Materials: variety of objects found inside
– feet, hand, piece of the classroom, non-standard measuring
string, capacity – tools e.g. inch cubes, sticks, stone, table
mug/glass, mass – stone, blocks
table blocks (MKME-00-1)

Learning -Use the blocks to build

Checkpoints structures or models to
represent different areas
in school
-Use the construction toys
to build structures or
-Describe each object and
identify similarities and
differences between two
-Sort various objects based
on one attribute
-Record the length of
various objects using non-
standard measuring tools
Transition to The teacher reminds the learners about
Indoor/Outdoo the time left in Work Period Time 2
r around 15 minutes before
Indoor/Outdoor Games. After 10
minutes, the teacher tells the learners to
start packing away the materials they
used and be ready for Indoor/Outdoor
Games. A transition song or countdown
may be used.
Indoor/ Teacher May I? Teacher May I? (KTG p. 32)
Outdoor Games Competencies: Procedure:
Nakasasali sa mga laro, o 1.
anumang pisikal na gawain Stand a few feet away from the group of
at iba’t ibang paraan ng learners facing you.
pag-eehersisyo (KPKPF-00- 2.
1) Tell them that you are going to give each
of them a command (Example: “Caloy,
Naisasagawa ang mga make five baby steps”) but before the
sumusunod na kilos learner can obey, s/he has to ask
lokomotor sa pagtugon sa permission first by saying “Teacher, may
ritmong mabagal at mabilis I?” then waits for teacher to answer,
(paglakad, pagtakbo, “Yes, you may” before proceeding with
pagkandirit, the task assigned.
paglundag/pagtalon, 3.
paglukso) (KPKGM-Ie-2) The learner who forgets to ask
permission loses his/her turn to move
Nagagamit ang mga kilos forward. Likewise, the learner who
lokomotor at di-lokomotor proceeds without waiting for teacher to
sa paglalaro, pag- grant him/her permission, also loses
eehersisyo, pagsasayaw his/her turn to move forward.
(KPKGM-Ig-3) 4.
Listen discriminately and Call out the learners’ names one by one
respond appropriately, i.e., and give them a command (Examples:
speak loudly/softly when “Carisa, make four giant steps.” or
asked, asked to adjust “Celina, make three frog hops.”).
volume of television/radio 5.
(LLKAPD-Id-6) The learner moves forward as s/he obeys
the commands accordingly.
The first to reach the teacher wins and
gets the chance to be the next “Teacher.”
Learning Follow directions and perform gross
Checkpoint motor movements
Transition to The teacher tells the learners to help
Meeting Time 3 pack away the materials they used in the
Indoor/Outdoor Games time and get
ready to do the wrap up activities in
Meeting Time 3. A transition song or
countdown may be used.
Meeting Time 3 Learners recall the routines of the class
Wrap Up The teacher acknowledges the learners’
Questions sharing and encourages them to come
back so they can still learn more.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% of the
formative test
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter with my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did
I use / discover which
is wish to share with
other teachers?

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