Unusual 1

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Stage hypnosis can engage volunteers in unusual

behaviors like pretending to be chickens or singing
Elvis, assuming they have imaginative
suggestibility, allowing them to perform these
actions without hypnosis.
Hypnothic Analgesia

Refers to the reduction in pain reported by clients after

they had undergone hypnosis and recieve suggestions
that reduced their anxiety and promote relaxation.

Posthypnotic Suggestion

This is given to the subject during hypnosis about

performing a particular behavior to a specific cue subject
comes out of hypnosis.
Posthypnotic Amnesia

This is not remembering what happened during hypnosis

if the hypnotist suggest that, upon awakening, the person
would forget what took place during hypnosis

Age Regression

This refers to subject under hypnosis being asked to

regress of return in time, to an early age, such as early
Imagine Perception

This refers to experiencing sensation, percieving stimuli,

or performing behaviors that come from one’s
Licit Drugs

Legal substance that a government agency

approves to treat medical conditions

Example: coffee, alcohol, and

Illicit Drugs

Illegal substance
affect the body in different ways and can
cause serious problems

Example: mariajuana, herion, cocaine, and LSD

Plotnik and Kouyoudjian identified stimulants including
cocaine, amphetamines, caffiene and nicotine, increase
activity of the central nervous system and result in
heightened alertness, arousal, euphoria and decreased
appetite. Dose for dose, cocaine and amphetamines are
considered powerful stimulants because they produce a
strong effect with a small dos; caffeine and nicotine are
considered mild stimulants.
Methamphetamine is an illegal substance, a “super “
stimulant used mainly as a recreational drug. It is
methylated twice making it faster acting, more potent
and more dangerous. This, in turn, increase blood
pressure and may result in death. Long-term use of
MDMA reduces serotonin production and may lead to
depression. MDMA/Ecstasy is sometimes considered a
hallucinogens drug as well as a stimulant.
Cocaine which comes from the leaves of the coca plants,
has a psychological and behavioral effects very similar to
to those amphetamines. Illegal substances that blocks the
reuptake of neurotransmitters such dopamine, serotonin
and norepinephrine.
Caffeine is the most used drug in the world. It affects
adenosine, a central nervous system neuromodulator that
has receptors to slow a person down and induce
sleepiness. Caffeine acts as an adenosine-receptors
Nicotine imitates acetylcholine by attaching to a type of
acetylcholine receptors (AChR) called a nicotine receptors.
This receptors connect to the nucleus accubens. making a
smoker feel good. In low doses, nicotine improves
attention, concentration and short-term memory.
Opiates are drugs that reduce neurotransmission and
temporarily lessen pain and anxiety. They work by
reducing GABA , the inhibitory neurotransmitters that
normally slow s rhe release of dophamine in the nucleus
accubens. Without that controlled release , the btain
releases more dophamine creatibg a euphoric feeling.

These are psychoactive medications that can cause

weird and unexpected perceptual, sensory, and
cognitive experiences that the user sees or hears but
knows are not real. Such non-reality-based
experiences are referred to be hallucinations.
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) strange experiences
such as visual hallucinations, perceptual distortions,
enhanced sensory awareness, and powerful psychological
sensations are produced.

Psilocybin low dosages create pleasant and relaxed

sensations; medium doses produce perceptual distortions
in time and space; and high doses produce perception and
body image abnormalities, as well as hallucinations.
MDMA or Ecstasy resembles both mescaline
(hallucinogen) and amphetamine (stimulant). MDMA
heightens sensations, gives a euphoric rush, raises body
temperature and creates feelings of warmth and empathy.
(Plotnik &Kouyoumdjian, 2011,p.180-181)

Alcohol (ethyl alcohol) is a psychotropic substance

classed as a depressant, which implies it reduces central
nervous system activity. Alcohol seems to be a stimulant
at first because it lowers inhibitions, but it later depresses
numerous physiological and psychological reactions.
Marijuana is psychoactive drug whose primary active
ingredient is THR (tetrahydrocannabinol) which is found in
the leaves of the cannabis plant. Low doses produce mild
euphoria; moderate doses produce perceptual and time
distortions and high doses may hallucinations, delusions
and distortions by body image (G. R. Hanson et al, 2002).

Withdrawal Symptoms
MEDITATION is a method of focusing concentration away from thoughts
and feelings and generating a sense of relaxation. in its simplest form,
meditation involves assuming a relaxed or lying position and breathing
deeply, slowly and rhythmically (Vaitl & others, 2005; Walsh & Shapiro,

Attention is exclusively oriented toward diaphragmatic breathing motions,

and all other thoughts and feelings are softly suppressed from
consciousness. Although challenging at first, and if you do not put too
much pressure on yourself, this becomes simpler with practice.
References :


AMSCO Advanced Placement Edition Psychology

Book (Second Edition)
Thank you !!

Prepared by: Prences Dhevora S. Medrano


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