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Name: ____________________ Grade/Sec: 5____

Subject: Ethics Worksheet Date:____________

Lesson: 03 Generosity

Read the story of Khalil.

The boy’s name was Khalil. But people Karim, the confectioner,
did not know him by that name. Many who owned the grocery
people called him Limpy, making fun of his store where he worked.
injured leg. In fact, he would go days without He felt relieved and
hearing his name. As the taunts would not wiped away his tears.
stop, Khalil became very sad. Dusting himself down, he
said, ‘Every day they
He lived in a poor area, working hard at the
chase me, beat me and
grocery store to make his living. The streets
eat my food.’ He reached
were full of homeless children, fighting over
for his bag and started
scraps of food, money and shelter.
picking up the scattered bread, which was
Whenever Khalil saw these kids, he would
now covered in dust. Frowning, Karim said,
try to run away despite his painful limp.

One day, the mean homeless boys grouped

around him in the neighborhood and started
pulling his hair. One of them grabbed hold of
his injured leg and hit it with a stone,
laughing at him. ‘Limpy! Limpy! They all
taunted him. Suddenly, a man passing by
shouted at them threateningly. They all ran
away in different
‘Leave them. I will give you food.’
Khalil raised
his head out Khalil raised his eyes, happy to hear that but
of the dirt. His wondering how to pay for it. Karim
eyes were full understood his worries and said, ‘Stand up!
of tears and Don’t think about paying. I will give you food
he was in for free. I’ll teach you and help you to
pain. He saw overcome your injury!’

Name: ____________________ Grade/Sec: 5____

Subject: Ethics Worksheet Date:____________

Q: Fill in the blanks.

1. Many people called Khalil, that Limpy making fun of his injured leg.
2. Khalil lived in a poor area, also working hard at the grocery store to make his living.
3. Once, the mean homeless boys grouped around Khalil in the neighborhood and started
pulling his hair.
4. They all taunted him.
5. Karim said, I’ll teach you and help you to overcome your injury!’

Q: Choose the best option.

1. Suddenly, a man passing by ______________at them threateningly.

a. shouted b.laughed c.played

2. Karim said, “I’ll teach you and help you to __________your injury!”

a.fix b. overcome c. escape

3. He reached for his bag and started picking up the scattered_______, which was now covered
in dust.

a. bread b. fruit c. coins

4. He lived in a _________area, working hard at the grocery store to make his living.
a. rich b. poor c. clean
5. His eyes were full of tears and he was _______.
a. in pain b. happy mood c. excited

Answer these Questions.

Q1: How did the boys treat with Khalil?

Ans: One day, the mean homeless boys grouped around him in the neighborhood and started
pulling his hair. One of them grabbed hold of his injured leg and hit it with a stone, laughing at
him. ‘Limpy! Limpy! They all taunted him.
Q2: How did Karim help the poor boy ‘Khalil’?

Ans: Karim understood his worries and said, ‘Stand up! Don’t think about paying. I will give you
food for free. I’ll teach you and help you to overcome your injury!’
Name: ____________________ Grade/Sec: 5____

Subject: Ethics Worksheet Date:____________

Lesson: 4 Helping Other People

Show empathy and provide practical support and care for others,
including people, such as the elderly, and other vulnerable groups.

How can we help other people without hurting their feelings? Read Neha ’s
story about her attempts to help her friend Sara.

Neha is a kind-hearted and don’t know how to. If I give her a

present, she might feel she has to buy
intelligent girl. She is generous and
me something in
always willing to help others. One day,
return and she can’t
she noticed that her friend Sara was
really afford it. If I
wearing a pair of glasses that were
give her money, it
broken and had been stuck together by
might hurt her
her father. Most days Sara comes to
feelings. So, how
school without any money, and if she
shall I help her?’
gets any allowance it is usually very
Neha ’s father was
little. Neha knows that Sara comes
very pleased that
from a poor family. She wanted to help
his daughter was so
Sara but she couldn’t think of a good
considerate. He kissed her and said,
way to go about
‘You are such a good girl, Neha ! I am
it. She decided to
proud of you. Let’s think of how you can
ask her parents
help your friend without hurting her
for advice.
feelings.’ Then Neha ’s brother, Sami,
That said, ‘Why do you have to help her? You
evening, while shouldn’t get involved in other people’s
everyone was sitting in the kitchen, lives! Everyone should live according to
Neha said, ‘Dad, I have friend at school their means.’ Neha said, ‘Well, I don’t
who doesn’t get much of an allowance agree. I think we should all empathize
from her family. I want to help her, but I with other people and help them as
Name: ____________________ Grade/Sec: 5____

Subject: Ethics Worksheet Date:____________

much as we can in times of need.’ Sami out all the money between us. I’ll put a
said, ‘I don’t want to help anyone. lot of money in every day so Sara gets a
Everyone is responsible for their own lot of money by the end of the week,
lives and how they live them. I am only without knowing where the money
responsible for myself.’ Sami’s father comes from. That way, we won’t hurt
looked at him and said, ‘No, you are her feelings because she’ll put in a
wrong. We should be ready to help share of her own allowance every day,
others. At the same time, helping other even if it is not very much.’ Neha ’s
people makes us happy because we are Father smiled and said, ‘That’s a great
making them happy.’ Suddenly Neha idea! You are a special girl because you
jumped up and said, ‘I’ve got it! I’ve got think about other people and want to
it! I’ve got a great idea! I’ll take a box to help them. I’ll help too, by giving you
school and make it into a money bank. some money to put in the money bank.
Then I will ask Sara and my other Look, Sami your sister is really happy
friends to put some of their allowance because she is helping a friend. There’s
in it. At the end of the week, we’ll share a lesson for you to follow them, Sami!’
 Fill in the blanks.
1. You are a special girl because you think about other people and want to help them.
2. ’ Sami said, ‘I don’t want to help anyone.
3. Everyone is responsible for their own lives and how they live them.
4. Neha is a kind-hearted and intelligent girl.
5. I think we should all empathize with other people and help them as much as we
can in times of need.
 Question/Answers

Q1: Compare the attitudes of Neha, Sami and their father. Whom do you agree with? Why?

Ans: I strongly agree with Neha and her father because they both are having good and same
intentions to help other, on other hand I disagree with Sami as he has no such intention to help
others who are in need.

Q2: What do you think society would be like if everyone acted like Noha? What would society
be like if everyone acted like Sami?

Name: ____________________ Grade/Sec: 5____

Subject: Ethics Worksheet Date:____________

Ans: When we extend kindness to others, we experience a boost in mood, reduced stress levels,
and increased overall life satisfaction. Moreover, if everyone will act like Neha then a society built
on kindness would prioritize mental health.

If everyone will be acted like Sami, it would affect the relations of people within the society.

 Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.

 How can we help old people?

Ans: There are lots of ways you can do your bit to help lonely or socially isolated older people in
your community. A good start is simply to stop and talk to an older neighbor if we pass them on
the street and by giving our time to them we may help old people.

 How can we help our class fellows/friends?

Ans: There are plenty of ways to get involved in school life and lots of things to do in the
classroom and outside too, but by sharing our belongings to them is a good way to help our
friends during school time.

 ‘Be kind to someone’ is a kind of helping others? How?

Ans: Yes, being kind to someone is the great way to help others. When we have intentions to be
kind with other, means we are not trying to hurt others’ feelings.

 How can we help our parents, while being at home?

Ans: We can help our parents by:

Organizing school work, making our bed, setting the table for dinner, feeding and walking the
pets, watering the plants, taking out the trash, doing a load of laundry and many more ways can
be there to help our parents.

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