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We, the officers and members of Northern Mindanao Association of DOST-SEI Scholars
(NMADS), acknowledging the supremacy of the Almighty God, cognizant that the NMADS
Constitution and By-Laws is established to promote the academic excellence, welfare, liberty and
integrity of scholars within and beyond the region, to appreciate the diverse cultural and religious
backgrounds of our members, to contribute to the development of science and technology for the
country, to ensure that democracy is practiced through prioritizing the values of justice, equality,
discipline, transparency, and accountability, and to uphold the authority of the Laws of the Philippines
and the statutes of DOST-SEI, do hereby declare and promulgate that we and the future generations
shall duly abide by this Constitution and By-Laws as the governing law.


SECTION 1. Name. This organization shall be called the “Northern Mindanao Association of
Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute Scholars or Northern Mindanao
Association of DOST-SEI Scholars.”

SECTION 2. Scope. The NMADS shall cover all the DOST-SEI Scholarship Related Organizations
as well as the aspirations of its constituents in Northern Mindanao-Region X as stipulated in the Art.
V Section 4, that directly and indirectly concern their rights and welfare such as academic and
scholarship related matters as well as various engagements.

SECTION 3. Domicile. The organization shall have a permanent office within the premises of DOST
Regional Office No. X, Borja Memorial Hospital, Masterson Ave, Cagayan de Oro, 9000 Misamis


SECTION 1. Vision: By 2027, the Northern Mindanao Association of DOST-SEI Scholars

(NMADS) shall be the eminent student scholar organization of all DOST-SEI scholars in Region X –
Northern Mindanao that promotes professional excellence, social responsibility, and servant leadership
towards the betterment of the community, the city, the country, and of the world through science and

SECTION 2. Mission: As an organization, the NMADS shall mold, lead, and unite all DOST-
SEI scholars within the Region X – Northern Mindanao to become an intellectually empowered,
volunteer-driven, and competitively proactive scholars by means of advocated and socially grounded

SECTION 1. Objectives

1.1 To provide programs and activities that aims to strengthen the academic competitiveness,
sense of volunteerism, and servant-leadership capabilities of the scholars.

1.2 To constitute and provide avenues for dedicated holistic development for the overall
wellbeing of scholars as well as to assist them in terms of addressing their scholarship-related

1.3 To establish a good rapport with the organization's members and motivate them to realize
their full potential as national patriot leaders.

1.4 To foster collaborative engagement that upholds and develops the connections among
various DOST-SEI scholarship related organizations, colleges and institutions, community, as
well as the world of work and industry.

SECTION 2. Core Values

2.1 Professional Excellence – scholars are ought to exhibit an intrinsic knowledge of the
difference between right and wrong, shows the courage to act upon that knowledge, and
embodies the ethical characteristics.

2.2 Social Responsibility - scholars are accountable for fulfilling their civic duty, and their
actions as an individual must benefit the whole of society.

2.3 Servant Leadership – scholars as leaders prioritize serving the greater good.

SECTION 1. The organization seal manifests proactive and engaging scholars.

SECTION 2. The official seal of the Northern Mindanao Association of DOST-SEI Scholars
as approved and adopted shall be used in all documents as required by these by-laws and in accordance
to the NMADS Branding Guide.

SECTION 3. Parts of the Seal and their meaning;

3.1 Flow of Lines: The continuous flow of lines and curves in the logo signifies the
interconnectedness of DOST scholars from Region X — though we come from different places,
backgrounds, and upbringing, we are interconnected through our shared goals and beliefs.

3.2 Curves: Heavily inspired by circles, the curves making up the logo stand for the
organization's aim to mold scholars into well-rounded individuals. Unlike sharp and tight
corners, the organic shapes found in the logo allows for a more "approachable" look.

3.3 DOST SEI Triangle: The gap between the letters "m" and "d" in the logo is bridged by the
DOST SEI logo, symbolizing the important role of the department (DOST) and the institute
(SEI) in unifying and mobilizing scholars from all over Region X to create positive changes in
society. Simply put, DOST-SEI has been instrumental in bringing scholar-leaders together in
pursuit of a common goal.

3.4 Gradients: Smooth gradations in the logo's coloring denote the dynamic nature of the
organization, while also symbolizing the transformations that may occur as the organization
develops. Furthermore, the fluid transitions between colors represent harmony and adaptability
— that we can respond to the changes the future might bring, whether in light or darkness.

SECTION 1. This Constitution and By-Laws shall be known as the Constitution and By-
Laws of the Northern Mindanao Association of DOST-SEI Scholars.

SECTION 2. Definition of Terms

2.1 RA 7687 - Republic Act No. 7687, also known as the “Science and Technology Scholarship
Act of 1994”, provides for scholarships to talented and deserving students whose families’
socio-economic status does not exceed the set cut-off values of certain indicators. Qualifiers
must pursue priority fields of study in the basic sciences, engineering, other applied sciences,
and science and mathematics teaching.

2.2 MERIT - The DOST-SEI Merit Scholarship Program, formerly known as the NSDB or
NSTA Scholarship under RA No. 2067, is awarded to students with high aptitude in science
and mathematics and are willing to pursue careers in the fields of science and technology.

2.3 Junior Level Science Scholarship Program - The Junior Level Science Scholarship (JLSS)
Program aims to: provide scholarships that will finance the education of talented and deserving
students in their third year of college and who are pursuing degree programs in the areas of
science and technology; and ensure a steady, adequate supply of qualified S&T human
resources who can steer the country towards national progress.

SECTION 3. The NMADS shall acknowledge the Department of Science and Technology-
Science Education Institute as the primary scholarship sponsor and to adhere to its mission.

SECTION 4. The officers and members of the Northern Mindanao Association of DOST-SEI
Scholars (NMADS) aim to establish a supportive environment, and unite DOST-SEI Scholars who
come from various organizations in their respective universities, state colleges, and higher education
institutions in the Northern Mindanao-Region X. Namely:
• USTP DOST-SEI Scholars Guild (UDSSG)
• MSU-IlT DOST Scholars' Association (MIDSA)
• Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan DOST Scholars' Organization (XADSO)
• CMU DOST Scholars' Society (CDSS)
• LDCU Empowered Assembly of DOST-SEI Scholars (LEADS)
• BukSU

SECTION 1. The NMADS shall govern in a democratic way and shall follow the tenets
promulgated under the policies of the DOST-SEI and the 1987 Philippine Constitution.

SECTION 2. The NMADS shall be the highest governing body for all DOST-SEI Scholars
in Northern Mindanao-Region X and shall have the power to govern the entire DOST-SEI Scholars
under its jurisdiction.

SECTION 3. The NMADS shall uphold and adhere to the Department of Science and
Technology-Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) Mission Statement: To accelerate the
development of S&T human resources of the country by administering undergraduate and graduate
scholarships and advanced specialized trainings; promote S&T culture and develop innovative science
education innovative programs. The DOST-SEI’s Mission Statement shall serve as the model for the
scholars, in working to serve the best interest of the entire DOST-SEI Scholars in Northern Mindanao-
Region X. The NMADS acknowledges the authority of the DOST-SEI in implementing its mission

SECTION 4. The NMADS shall uphold the principles of Justice, Freedom, Love, Equality,
and Peace for the betterment and sustainability of every DOST-SEI Scholar. Thus, they are also
expected to contribute to nation-building.

SECTION 5. The NMADS shall be committed to putting these values, principles, and ideas
through academic and civic activities or programs and individual character which may be manifested
in perception, words, and deeds.


SECTION 1. The main power of the NMADS shall emanate from its constituents, which will
be from the DOST-SEI scholar students in the Northern Mindanao-Region X.

SECTION 2. The NMADS shall have three divisions namely the Executive Board,
Legislative Council and the Administrative Cabinet.

SECTION 3. The Executive Board. The Executive Board (EB) shall be the executor division
of the NMADS on the rules, amendments, decisions, and guidelines.

3.1 The EB shall be composed of the Director, Deputy Director for Internals, Deputy Director
for Externals, and General Secretary.

3.2 The Director shall be the head of the organization and of EB.
SECTION 4. The Administrative Cabinet. The Administrative Cabinet (AC) shall have
jurisdiction of the different committees may they be permanent or ad-hoc in nature that is promulgated
through the power of resolutions. The AC shall make certain that the resolutions and executory orders
from other divisions of the NMADS have been fully implemented.

4.1 The Deputy Director for Internals shall be the head of AC.

4.2 The AC shall be composed of its different committees;

4.2.1 Membership Committee

4.2.2 Externals Committee

4.2.3 Finance and Business Committee

4.2.4 Publicity and Media Committee

4.2.5 Education and Research Committee

4.2.6 Events and Logistics

SECTION 5. The Legislative Council. The Legislative Council (LC) shall be the highest
policy-making body of the NMADS. Moreover, the Legislative Power of the council shall be vested
in the LC and shall serve as the Board of Trustees.

5.1 The Deputy Director for Externals shall be the head of LC.

5.2 The LC shall be composed of the School Representatives.

5.2.1 The presidents of the respective DOST-SEI Scholarship related Unit

Organizations shall be members of the Legislative Council and to be the School
Representatives of their respective organizations as stipulated in Art. V Section 4.

5.2.2 If another DOST-SEI Scholarship related Unit Organization will be

acknowledged by the Northern Mindanao Association of DOST-SEI Scholars, it shall
be added after the approval of the Legislative Council in this Constitution and By-Laws
on Section 4 of the Art. V.
Northern Mindanao Association of DOST-SEI Scholars Organizational Structure

SECTION 1. The Director shall be the chief executive officer of the NMADS and shall have
the following duties:

1.1 Officially represent the NMADS at any function, occasion, and events where the
organization needs representation.

1.2 Sign all the official minutes, project proposals, resolutions, correspondences and other
official papers of the NMADS.

1.3 Responsible in informing his/her constituents of the undertaking plans and programs of the

1.4 Preside all General Assembly Meetings of the NMADS.

1.5 Create Ad Hoc Committees, as the need arises.

1.6 Enforce this Constitution and By-Laws, and other regulations that may be promulgated.

1.7 Implement NMADS programs and projects.

1.8 Represent the NMADS to all meetings of the DOST-SEI or Regional Office No. X
Scholarship Unit meetings.

1.9 Serve as an ex-officio member of the Administrative Cabinet.

1.10 Raise the concerns of the scholars under the jurisdiction of NMADS to the meetings of
the Regional Office No. X Scholarship Unit

1.11 Perform other functions inherent and incidental to his/her office.

SECTION 2. The Deputy Director for Internals shall be the head of Administrative Cabinet
and shall:

1.1 Assist the Director in all matters where assistance is highly needed.

1.2 Act as the Director of the association during the absence or incapacity of the Director in
coordination with Deputy Director for Externals.

1.3 Shall lead strategic planning processes across the NMADS organization.
1.4 Perform other tasks and services as may be directed to him/her by the Director.

1.5 Act as the ex-officio head of membership committee

1.3 Perform other functions inherent and incidental to his/her office such as governing the
following committees with 1 committee head, 1 associate committee head, and its committee
a. Membership Committee

• Shall be responsible for updating the records of the association’s members.

• Shall keep an up-to-date database, so that the association can render its services
effectively to the desired scholars or intended community members.

• Shall deliver information to its stakeholders, most especially the scholar-

members, about the association’s events, initiatives, and other programs.

• Shall assist the Publicity and Media Committee and Education and Research
Committee upon catering the concerns of the members.

• Shall foresee that the provisions under Art. IX, Art. X, and Art. XI are being

• Shall perform other functions assigned by the Director.

b. Externals Committee

• Shall be responsible for establishing external linkages between NMADS and

other institutions here in the Northern Mindanao-Region X.

• Shall perform other functions assigned by the Director.

c. Finance and Business Committee

• Shall maintain the total integrity of all revenues and making sure that
organization policies and processes, as well as local, state, and federal laws and
regulations, are adhered to.

• Shall be responsible for forecasting the NMADS organization's financial

standing based on financial and operational data and reports provided by the
Auditing, Treasury, and Budgetary Committee Members.
• Shall design and implement the management of funds under the scope of
NMADS subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

• Shall prepare financial statement and liquidation reports dealing with all phases
of the financial activities of the NMADS per month and year, or as the need

• Shall be legally liable for any loss in the NMADS funds.

o Auditing Committee Member

 Shall certify the legitimacy and correctness of the disbursement

of funds.
 Shall audit all expenditures of the NMADS funds.
 Shall create a liquidation report per activity of the organization.
 Shall act as a custodian to the properties that belongs to the

o Treasury Committee Member

 Shall keep all financial records of the NMADS and be the one
responsible for any information related to the organization
activity fund.
 Shall keep the organization’s funds under a bank account whose
signatories would be the Director, Committee Head for Finance
and Budgeting and Treasurer.
 Shall make a record of the organization’s funds and expenses in
accordance with financial procedures duly approved by the
officers through a financial statement report at the end of every
major activity and a general/overall financial statement/report at
the end of the school year;

o Budgetary Committee Member

 Shall collect the membership fee.

 Shall oversee the financial independence of the organization and
each of its projects.
 Shall manage and oversees accounting functions
 Shall compile fiscal estimates and prepares fiscal reports as
 Shall have the authority of approving budget proposals
submitted by the different committees and projects of the
• Shall perform other functions assigned by the Director.

d. Publicity and Media

• Shall be an agent for proper dissemination of authentic information, the official

documentation for any events of the entire scholar body, and cater the concerns
of scholars.

• Shall be responsible for the social media advertisements and branding of any
events related to the scholars.

• Shall be in charge of creating marketing strategies, constructing a project's art

direction, and turning these concepts into innovative campaigns.

• The committees for video editing, photography, videography, graphic/layout

design, and promotions/social manager, would be subordinate to him or her.

o Video Editors and Graphic/Layout Artists

 To make the Audio-Visual Presentations and other creative

outputs which includes but is not limited to layouts, flyers and
posters which are tasked by the Executive Board

o Promotions/Social Media Manager

 Disseminate and promote the objectives of the NMADS

 Build and maintain a credible image for the NMADS

• Shall perform other functions delegated by the Director.

e. Education and Research

• Shall manage the member's academic concerns and provide events that will aid
their difficulties for improved academic excellence.

• Shall conduct the necessary researches and seeking of information that are
beneficial to the objectives of the organization

• Shall perform other functions delegated by the Director.

f. Events and Logistics

• Shall be responsible for planning, leading, organizing and dissemination of

tasks for every event stated on the AWFP or activities for the entire year.

• Shall serve to be the ways and means, floor managers, stage directors, event
organizers, and stage art committee for every event to ensure it is well organized
and successful.

o Logistics
o Host
o Technical
o Staffs
o Floor Manager
o Stage Director
o Stage Art Committee
o Talent Manager

• Shall perform other functions delegated by the Director.

SECTION 3. The Deputy Director for Externals shall be the head of Legislative Council and
1.1 Assist the Director in all matters where assistance is highly needed.

1.2 Create resolutions, provisions, and acts aimed for the betterment and progress of its
members and other constituents.

1.3 Spearhead the plans for amendment and ratifications of this Constitution and By-Laws.

1.4 Perform other functions such as legislative functions together with the School

1.4.1 The School Representatives shall serve as the point persons in their respective
DOST-SEI scholarship related organization and raise the concerns of their
constituents and shall communicate to their respective organizations stipulated
in Art. V Sec. 4 for possible actions to take.

1.4.2 The School Representatives are ought to represent and disseminate the agenda
being raised during the meeting of the officers to their respective organizational

1.5 Act as ex-officio head and member of the external committee.

SECTION 4. The General Secretary shall have the following duties:

1.1 Keep the minutes and documents, proceedings and records of all meetings and relevant
projects and activities of the organization.

1.2 Call the roll of the members in alphabetical order or by ranking.

1.3 Prepare the order of business for all sessions.

1.4 Prepare and certify all required documents of the organization.

1.5 Act as custodian of all the required documents of the organization.

1.6 Succeed the Deputy Directors in case of the latter’s disability or removal from office until
the new officer is elected.

1.7 Act as ex-officio head and member of the membership committee.

1.8 Perform other functions as may be delegated to him/her by the Director.


SECTION 1. The members of Northern Mindanao Association of DOST-SEI Scholars

(NMADS) are bona fide undergraduate students from universities, state colleges, or any higher
education institutes within the locality of Northern Mindanao Region X.

SECTION 2. The members of Northern Mindanao Association of DOST-SEI Scholars

(NMADS) must be an awardee of any DOST-SEI Undergraduate Science and Technology Scholarship
Program which include RA 7687, MERIT, as well as Junior Level Science Scholarship Program.

SECTION 3. The members of Northern Mindanao Association of DOST-SEI Scholars

(NMADS) must submit their return services or attendances in every program, activities, and events
facilitated by the organization to recognize their participation.

SECTION 3. The members of Northern Mindanao Association of DOST-SEI Scholars

(NMADS) shall pay a membership fee as stipulated to Art. XII Sec. 1.


SECTION 1. Every member shall observe and uphold the laws of the land, the rules and
regulations as stipulated in the Philippine constitution, DOST-SEI Scholarship Contract, and this
Constitution and By-Laws.

SECTION 2. Every member shall exercise his/her rights responsibly and recognize the right
of other scholars.

SECTION 3. Every member shall promote and maintain the peace and tranquility of the
organization and the region by observing the rules of discipline.

SECTION 4. Every member shall strive to become a proactive member of the society and to
contribute in the development of his/her community.

SECTION 5. Every member shall cast their votes and avail their eligibility for suffrage;
provided that he/she is qualified, in every election being concluded.

SECTION 6. Every member is obliged to join and accomplish at least three (3) NMADS
activities per year as part of every member’s responsibility.

SECTION 7. Every Member shall be present in every important gathering celebrated by the
NMADS and DOST-SEI that duly needs the involvement of the youth.
SECTION 8. Every member shall join and advocate programs that are deemed necessary for
the betterment of the community and nation.


SECTION 1. Every scholar has the right to enjoy responsible freedom of speech and

SECTION 2. Every scholar has the right to avail and conduct of all the services offered by
the organization which includes joining, and actively participating in activities, programs, and events

SECTION 3. Every scholar has the right to join clubs, organizations, groups, and other
associations which does not contradict the principles and policies set by the NMADS.

SECTION 4. Every scholar has the right to information about the programs, rules, policies,
regulations, and other matters concerning them which may be discussed by the entire NMADS

SECTION 5. Every scholar has the right to suffrage and other electoral practices, such as to
apply for a position, to nominate or be nominated, and to be elected into office.

SECTION 6. Every scholar has the right to due process.

SECTION 7. Every scholar has the right to an open and regular Student-to-NMADS Officer
and Student-to- DOST Regional Office No. X Scholarship Unit Personnel dialogue especially when it
concerns about their scholarship.

SECTION 8. Every scholar has the right to freely and responsibly express their concerns,
views, and grievances.

SECTION 9. Every scholar has the right to use the NMADS and DOST Regional Office No.
X Scholarship Unit services. However, it shall follow the standard operating procedures when using

SECTION 10. All other rights are specified in the DOST-SEI Scholarship Contract but are not
specified herein are included as rights of the members.

SECTION 1. The organization shall collect 50.00 Php (Fifty Philippine Pesos Only) for each
member as their membership fee. The said amount must be included on the Annual Work and Financial
Plan (AWFP) contributions and will only be used to sustain activities which concern the growth and
development of each member and the organization as well.

SECTION 2. The organization have also the right to collect monetary contributions in case a
need for collection arises.

2.1 It must be expressed through a resolution after being properly agreed by 2/3 of the officers.

2.2 Any transaction that contradicts the agreed purpose must be considered as null and void.
The said violator must also be subjected to consequences.

SECTION 3. Any conduct of activities by the organization must follow the guidelines set by
the DOST-SEI and/or by the DOST Regional Office No. X Scholarship Unit.

3.1 After any events, a proper liquidation must be secured by the Finance and Business
Committee. The liquidation must also be submitted to the DOST Regional Office No. X
Scholarship Unit provided that the Committee Head on Finance and Business and Auditing
Committee Member has kept a copy for safe-keeping.

SECTION 4. All members have the right to know the financial liquidation for every activity
that involves finances. The financial liquidation will be electronically published on the organization’s
official social media accounts.


SECTION 1. The regular meetings of the Northern Mindanao Association of DOST-SEI

Scholars (NMADS) shall be held at least once a month.

1.1 All meetings shall be called by the Executive Board, Administrative Cabinet, and
Legislative Council or any head of the three divisions of the organization as the need arises.

1.2 Any alteration or postponement of the date or time must be decided upon by the Deputy
Director for Externals and/or quorum of the Legislative Council (2/3 votes).

1.3 In case of lack of quorum during the monthly meeting, the meeting shall be postponed until
the meeting shall constitute a quorum.
1.4 Notice of the Meeting must be given by the General Secretary to all officers and respective
concerns two (2) days prior to the meetings through the memorandum which will be
electronically published through the official social media platforms. The said official social
media platforms will also serve as a medium for the posting of any announcements or
notices of events.

1.5 All officers and members must be present fifteen (15) minutes from the agreed time to
exercise formal respect for the time of other officers.

1.6 Notices shall be taken care of by the General Secretary with the assistance of the
membership committee.

1.7 In case the heads will not be present, a representative is highly requested for proper
representation of different committees.

SECTION 2. General Assembly is an annual assembly of DOST-SEI Scholars in Northern

Mindanao-Region X and shall be decided upon a major resolution, matters, conflicts, etc.
2.1. Be called by the Director anytime as deemed necessary.
2.2. Be called at least once every year. If the Director fails to call a General Assembly the
Legislative Council shall be the one to call.


SECTION 1. The grounds for impeachment and/or disciplinary action of the

elected/appointed officials of the NMADS are as follows:

1.1. Any willful violation of this Constitution and By-Laws.

1.2. Gross neglect of duty.

1.3. Failure to attend three (3) consecutive regular meetings.

1.4. Illegal use of organization funds.

1.5. Other grave violations not stated herein but are present in the DOST-SEI Scholarship

1.6. Failure to maintain the General Weighted Average.

1.7. Tardiness or Absences in meetings: 3 consecutives late = 1 absent; 3 absences =
Disciplinary Action.

1.8 Grave offenses as per evaluated by the Administrative Cabinet c/o by the DOST Regional
Office No. X Scholarship Unit

SECTION 2. Any Scholar can file a petition of impeachment against a NMADS officer.

2.1. Such petition shall be accepted if it cites probable cause as stated in Section 1 of Article

SECTION 3. Both the respondent and the complainant shall be given equal due process.

SECTION 4. The Administrative Cabinet shall spearhead the investigation when a formal
petition or complaint has been accepted.

4.1. If an Executive Board or Legislative Council officer is the complainant, he/she must inhibit
the investigation proceedings.

SECTION 5. After the verification of such a petition by the Administrative Cabinet, it shall then
endorse the complainant to the Legislative Council. The Legislative Council will then form a resolution
of such a complaint to the officers. The complaint must be settled within two (2) consecutive regular
meetings of the Legislative Council.

5.1. Meetings of the Legislative Council on impeachments must invite the NMADS Director
and the DOST Regional Office No. X Scholarship Unit. The NMADS Director and the DOST
Regional Office No. X Scholarship Unit shall be present in all impeachment trials.

SECTION 6. An NMADS officer may be removed from office by a concurrence of two-thirds

(2/3) vote of the Legislative Council.

SECTION 7. Disciplinary action may also be the sanction rather than the impeachment. Such
disciplinary actions shall still be decided upon by the Legislative Council.

SECTION 8. Due to the failure of maintaining General Weighted Average (GWA), if the
dropped member wishes to return or nullify the order of disciplinary actions, he/she should explain
his/her side in a special meeting to be set by the Legislative Council. With the concurrence of two-
thirds (2/3) of affirmative votes of the entire division, he/she can be reinstated back.

SECTION 1. All members of the NMADS shall exercise suffrage, provided that he/she must
be a bona fide DOST-SEI Scholar in Northern Mindanao-Region X. No literacy, property, or other
substantive requirement shall be imposed on the exercise of suffrage.

SECTION 2. The Electoral Commission. The Electoral Commission that shall conduct and
supervise the election of officers for NMADS.

2.1 The Electoral Commission shall be an independent body who will set the rules and
guidelines of the election.

2.2 The Electoral Commission shall enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to
the conduct of elections, plebiscites, initiatives, referendums and recalls.

2.3 The chosen members of the commission on election:

• Is a certified DOST-SEI scholar within the year and region prior to the date of election.
• Must not run for office during the election.
• May be a member of any committees under Administrative Cabinet.
• Must not be a member of Legislative Council.

2.4 The Electoral Commission shall be composed of the following:

2.4.1 Chief Commissioner

• Shall be appointed by the current NMADS Director

o Preside over committee meetings (must be perform(ed) during the

o To call the session to order
o To recognize properly the member obtaining the floor or seeking
o To make rulings particularly on points of order, inquiry, request and
other procedural matters
o To maintain order and decorum
o To exercise discretion to vote in case of a tie.

• Shall provide over-all leadership and management of the holding of


• Shall approve or deny application for candidacy.

• Shall endorse a resolution on the set of rules and guidelines for the election.

• Shall submit report of results on the election duly signed by the members of
the Electoral Commission to the incumbent Director.

2.4.2 Deputy Commissioner on Election

• Shall be appointed by the Chief Commissioner.

• Shall act as Chief Commissioner of the committee during the absence or

incapacity of the Chief Commissioner.

• Shall assist the Chairman in the implementation of the election.

• Shall act as Head for Election Information Dissemination.

• Shall participate in decision making of the committee.

2.4.3 Canvassers

• Shall be appointed by the Chief Commissioner.

• The total numbers of canvasser must equate to the total number of DOST-
SEI Scholarship related unit organizations (one per organization)

• Shall help the Chairman and the Vice Chairman in the implementation of
the election.

• Shall certify the voting equipment correctly counts votes cast for all offices
and on all measures

• To verify the accuracy and validity of all votes cast

• Participate in decision making of the committee.

SECTION 3. Election Period. During election period, the commission shall:

3.1 Formulate election guidelines consistent with the NMADS constitution and by-laws,
including accreditation on all political parties;
3.2 Call upon existing Commission on Elections in every DOST-SEI Scholarship related unit
organization to assist the holding of the NMADS elections.

3.3 Exercise exclusive jurisdiction over all contests relating to the election and qualification of
all elective officials. All verdicts by the commission will be final and not amendable
considering the offense being made by the party/candidate(s) is confirmed through thorough
investigation and feasible evidences.

3.4 Provide a system for securing the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot.

3.5 Conduct the official declaration of the new set of officers.

SECTION 4. Election for Offices. All constituents are eligible to run for office regardless of
having a political party or not, as long as he meets the requirements being established by the Electoral


SECTION 1. Any provision stated herein in this NMADS Constitution and By-Laws shall be
amended in whole or in part but subjected to the approval of the Legislative Council in accordance as
well to the majority vote of the said body.


SECTION 1. There shall be a formal turn-over of finances, properties, tasks, and functions of
the outgoing set of officers to the incoming set of officers.

1.1. Such turn-over must happen on the first regular meeting of the incoming officers.

SECTION 2. The tenure of office of the NMADS officers shall take effect after the outgoing
set of officers pass the requirements needed for the renewal of accreditation during the last month of
office and shall terminate on the same date of the succeeding year. The following requirements for the
renewal of accreditation to be accomplished by the outgoing officers are as follows:

2.1 Liquidation Reports and Financial Statements

2.2 Properly documented Accomplishment Reports.
2.3 Inventory of the NMADS properties

SECTION 1. If any provision of this Constitution is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the

remainder thereof not affected thereby shall continue in full force and effect.


SECTION 1. All laws, orders, rules, and regulations, or other issuances or parts thereof
inconsistent with the provisions of this constitution are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.


SECTION 1. This Constitution shall take effect immediately upon its ratification by a
majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite held for the purpose and shall supersede all preceding

SECTION 2. The current NMADS officers shall continue their term of office until their
successors shall have been suitably elected in the NMADS election scheduled and administered by the
NMADS Electoral Commission or by the DOST Regional Office No. X Scholarship Unit.

SECTION 3. Ratified copies of this constitution shall be made public through the Social
Media accounts of the organization for at least 30 days.

DECEMBER 09, 2022

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