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List of eligible countries

1. Australia‡ 17.Malta*
2. Bangladesh† 18.Mauritius*
3. Barbados* 19.Mozambique†
4. Brunei Darussalam† 20.Namibia†
5. Canada‡ 21.New Zealand‡
6. Cyprus* 22.Pakistan†
7. Guyana* 23.Rwanda†
8. India† 24.Saint Kitts and Nevis*
9. Jamaica* 25.Saint Lucia*
10.Kenya† 26.Seychelles*
11.Kingdom of 27.Sri Lanka†
eSwatini† 28.South Africa†
12.Kiribati* 29.The Bahamas*
13.Lesotho† 30.Uganda†
14.Malawi† 31.United Kingdom‡
15.Malaysia† 32.Zambia†

* Indicates a country that is classified as a small island developing state.

† Indicates a country that is classified as a developing state.

‡ Indicates a country that is classified as highly developed where grants

projects cannot be implemented under this call. However, organisations
registered in these countries can be partners in an application.

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