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Request for Proposals (RFP)

Reengineering of El Nidaa Foundation website to meet professional standards

Implementing Organization: The Egypt Foundation for Integrated Development (El-Nidaa)

Assignment Duration: 4 Months.
Eligibility: Companies
About “El-Nidaa Foundation”:
The Egypt Foundation for Integrated Development (El Nidaa) was established in 2016 as a non-
profit organization, with the aim to promote the socio-economic empowerment of marginalized
women and youth in rural Upper Egypt through skill formation for employability and job
creation. El Nidaa Foundation adopts an area-based, integrated development model that
focuses on sustainability by creating synergies between various interventions in the areas of
social basic service, MSMEs and entrepreneurship, sustainable agricultural development, and
knowledge Dissemination. Over the past decade, El Nidaa has targeted more than 70 villages in
Upper Egypt, including Qena, Luxor, Sohag, Al-Minya, and most recently El Fayoum
Governorates. Furthermore, it has benefited 25,828 beneficiaries amongst women and youth
and has created more than 4,000 job opportunities. It has also partnered with over 70 local non-
governmental organizations (NGOs/CDAs) to promote ownership and community participation
among the members of the rural communities. Whilst implementing its integrated development
model, El Nidaa has also worked on reviving 26 Egyptian handicrafts which were near extinction
in order to preserve Egypt's cultural heritage.

Egypt Foundation for Integrated Development (El Nidaa Foundation) is seeking a company to re-
design & develop its website with a new look & feel and to provide an enhanced user-friendly
experience, assure a high-security level, as well as to lead on regular website maintenance and
search engine optimization.

Main Website Components:

To give a general idea of how the website will be structured, it shall include the following main
components that are subject to editing based on how the components will be structured and
• About ElNidaa Foundation: (History, Vision, Mission, Philosophy, Core Values, Founders,
Board of Trustees, and Team Members).
• _ElNidaa Foundation Work: (Strategy, Main Objectives, Outcomes & Cross-cutting
Themes, Technical Sectors, and Programs & Projects Under Each Sector).
• _Knowledge Hub tab: To lead to the online knowledge hub with the below components
§ Info graphics
§ Reports and publications that are downloadable in PDF format
§ Annual conference material and videos
§ Interactive training courses with videos, photos, exercises, quizzes, scores.

• Business Development Center: (Services, Schedule, booking courses).

• Shop : Enhanced Shopping Cart, Return Policy, Content management system, Email
Marketing tools, Third-party shipment integration, Customer Support and Interface
• Careers (Vacancies – Call for Applications).
• News & Events.
• Contact Us page: With addresses, gps location, phone numbers, and a contact us online
form which forward to elnidaa email.
1. Website Development:
§ Develop the new website with a standard.
§ Develop web sections, migrate needed old data, and upload the complete delivered
content, for the website before launching, noting that the complete content shall be
delivered by the El Nidaa Foundation team once the structure is fully agreed upon.
§ Full source code including all developed libraries shall be handed over to ElNidaa
Foundation if requested.

2. Website Design:
§ Following ElNidaa Foundation brand guidelines, the service provider shall design a
new look & feel for the new site, capturing all requested functionalities, outlined in
§ The company will develop the new graphic concept and the visual language including
the new templates.
§ Standard page elements including header, footer, tabs, navigation, contact us, email,
and page print options should be included.

3. Accessibility:
§ The site must be compatible with all commonly used browsers (Firefox, Internet
Explorer, Safari, and Chrome) both in viewing and editing, It must be also accessible
on various devices including desktops/laptops (Windows and Mac), mobile phones &
tablets (Android and iOS).

4. Maintenance & Security:

§ Provide administrative & technical support, quality control, ongoing security
maintenance, and bug fixes for a period of at least 1 Year.

6. Reporting:
§ The company will work in close consultation and under the supervision of ElNidaa
Foundation Marketing & Communication department.
Required Skills and Experience:
The service provider should demonstrate and provide examples of previous experience in the
performance of similar services.

How to Apply?
If you have the required qualifications and are interested in this contract, please submit:
_A proposal describing the previous work done in this area.
_A portfolio of previous work of webs with similar functionalities developed.
_A financial proposal to address the work.
_The total fees which you propose for the task should indicate the breakdown of all costs. This
fee should be inclusive of all considerations.

Please submit proposals to with the subject line (ElNidaa Foundation
The financial quotation of each offer must be signed & stamped next to the price. It must also
include the agency's commercial register number, the address, the agency’s contact, and the
date of sending the offer.

Deadline is: January 15, 2024.

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