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What is the difference between a fact and an opinic

Facts are statements that are true and can not be proven to be false

2. What is meant by personal values? (1)

your central beliefs and the tenets that guide your actions

3. What is meant by the term beliefs? [1]

a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing.

4. Name three influences on our opinions and beliefs.

1 Ethnicity, Race and Culture
3 Family and Loved Ones ·

5. What are the four main ways of decision making? ( 4)

Command – decisions are made with no involvement.

6. What ore 3 important skiis needed in society after a cataclysmic event?

During the prevention stage, strong analytical skills help leaders identify potential threats,

7. Other characteristics of the disaster experience include threat to one's life, witnessing
the death of others, injury to oneself or others, loss of social ...
8. What is the purpose of thought experiment?
to encourage speculation, logical thinking and to

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