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STUDENT NO. :2018400374

No. Title Allocated Marks(%) Marks

1 Abstract/Summary 5
2 Introduction 10
3 Aims 5
4 Theory 10
5 Apparatus 5
6 Methodology/Procedure 10
7 Results 10
8 Calculations 10
9 Discussion 20
10 Conclusion 5
11 Recommendations 5
12 Reference / Appendix 5

Checked by:

Table of Content
1.0 Abstract

2.0 Introduction

3.0 Aims

4.0 Theory

5.0 Apparatus

6.0 Methodology/Procedure
8.0 Calculations

11.0 Recommendations

12.0 References

1.0 Abstract
An aerobic organism or aerobe is an organism that can survive and grow in an oxygenated environment.
The main objective of the experiment is to measure the volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa) of the stirred
tank reactor with bubble aeration. The method being used is static gassing out method. The volumetric mass
transfer coefficient at aeration equals to 0.5 L/min, 1.0 L/min, 1.5 L/min, 2.0 L/min and 2.5 L/min are 0.0002
s-',0.0002 s-, 0.0010 s-1and 0.0012 s, respectively. As the aeration magnitude increases, so does the value of the
volumetric mass transfer coefficient will become greater. The volumetric mass transfer coefficient at agitation
200 rpm, 400 rpm, 600 rpm, 800 rpm, and 1000 rpm are 0.0002 s-1,0.0003 s-',0.0010 s-'and 0.0012 s-',
respectively. The higher the agitation magnitude, the higher the value of the mass transfer coefficient. Lastly, the
volumetric mass transfer coefficient at temperature 20_ 30, 40, and 50 are 0.0002 s', 0.0010 s-', 0.0014 s-l and
0.0020 s1,respectively.As the temperature increased, the magnitude of the volumetric mass transfer coefficient
also increases. The most outstanding is agitation followed by aeration and temperature as to compare both the
parameters being manipulated in the experiment.
2.0 Introduction
A bioreactor is a vessel that supports a biologically active environment which chemical processes carried
out involves organisms or biochemically active substances derived from such organisms. This process can either
be aerobic or anaerobic. In many biochemical processes, the oxygen supply to the broths is not enough to meet
the demand of the microorganisms. Oxygen transfer is commonly the limiting factor in the aerobic bioprocess
due to the low solubility of oxygen in the medium thus making aeration a critical factor in industrial aerobic
fermentations.Even so,the method being used for the experiment is the gassing out method in the absence of
In a stirred tank bioreactor, the oxygen mass transfer is afunction of many variables,such as the physical
properties of the liquid, the geometry of the vessel and the operational conditions. Bioreactor imparts a
significant role in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals,enzymes,food products, etc. (M. Chitra, 2018).
Maintaining the appropriate concentration of dissolved oxygen is essential as to initiate the reaction and achieve
the desired product. Measurement of kLa provides an important information about a bioprocess or bioreactor.
These determination ensure that processing conditions are such that an adequate supply of oxygen is available
for the rapid increase of cells (Schuger, 2001).

Figure 1- The schematic diagram of a bioreactor

Aeration in the bioreactor typically occurs when the oxygen diffuses through overlay to the cell
culture medium and the oxygen from sparges dissolves in the cell culture through convection with the
help of agitation. Agitation distributes the oxygen bubbles and promotes mass transfer through the gas-
liquid interface. The rate of oxygen transfer (OTR) from gas to liquid interface is the geometrical
parameter of the bioreactor.

Figure 2- The phases of bacteria cell growth

The microbial growth pattern in a bioreactor is the growth curve consisting of a lag,exponential,
stationary and if the culture persists long enough will undergo a death phase. The lag phase is where the cell
concentration shows a little increasing pattern. The cells are adjusting to their new environment, synthesizing
enzymes and getting ready to begin reproducing. The next phase is the exponential growth where the rate of
growth of the cell is proportional to the cell concentration. At this phase, all the enzyme's pathways for
metabolizing the substrate are in place. Thus, the cells are dividing at maximum rate. Next, the stationary phase.
The net growth rate is zero since the cells reached the minimum biological space. Lastly, death phase where the
live in cell concentration decreases.
3.0 Aims
The objectives of the experiment are:
1. To use the gassing method for the experiment.
2. To determine the driving force, (C*-C1) of the stirred tank reactor with bubble aeration.
3. To measure the volumetric mass transfer coefficient, kLa of the stirred tank reactorwith bubble
4. To quantify the effects of operating variables on the provision of oxygen.
4.0 Theory

The gassing-out method is used during the experiment to determine the volumetric mass
transfer coeffcient, kLa in the MINIFORS (Stirred Tank Reactor) using water as the only simulating
media. Nitrogen gas is used to gas out the liquid so that the oxygen concentration of the solution is
reduced hence making the solution scrubbed off with oxygen.

The increase in dissolved oxygen is monitored after the deoxygenated liquid is aerated and
agitated. This method utilizes the graphical technique to determine the experimental values off
volumetric mass transfer coefficient, kLa. The oxygen transfer rate decreases as the driving force
decreases. The oxygen transfer rate will be equal to the slope of the tangent to the curve of values of
dissolved oxygen concentration against time of aeration.

Dynamic Gassing Out Method

Oxygen Transfer Rate (OTR) is the rate at which oxygen is transferred into solution.

- oxygen transfer coefficient(cm/h)
A - gas-liquid interfacial area(c㎡/cm3)
- volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (h-l)
C* -saturated dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/L)
CL - actual dissolved oxygen concentration in the broth (mg/L)
OTR -oxygen transfer rate (mg O2/L.h)
Oxygen Uptake Rate (OUR) is the rate at which bacteria or other microorganisms consume
qO2-specific rate of oxygen consumption (mmol O2/gdw.h)
X -bacteria growth(gdw/L)
gdw -gram dry weight of cells

Substituting the OUR and OTR equation yields the following equation,


The plot o:of CLagainst dC1/dt+qO2X,the slope equal to-1/k,A.

Figure 3-CL against dC1/dt+qO2X

Static Gassing Out Method

The increase in dissolved oxygen concentration is given by the following equation,


Integrating the equation yield to the following equation,

fdCL/(C*-CL) ={kLA dt

The plot of the In (C *- CL) against time, the slope equals to-k,A

Ln(C*-C1)) against time

Figure 4-ln(C*-CL))against time

5.0 Apparatus
1. Distilled Water
2. Nitrogen Gas (Purging)
2. Stop Watch
3. (HI BLOW HP 80)Linear Air Pump Aerator

Figure 5-The MINIFORS Bioreactor in the Bioreaction Lab, Level 6 FKK

6.0 Methodology/Procedure

Effect of Aeration
1. The apparatus is being set up by ensuring well conditioned of the reactor.
2. pO2probe is polarized for two hours before the main experiment was started.pO2F
3. The agitation parameter is set up at 100 rpm and the temperature parameter,30° ℃.
4. The pump was switched off.
5. The first aeration parameter was set up at 0.5 L/min and prepared for a two point calibration.
6. Purging of nitrogen gas takes place until the partial pressure of the oxygen inside the system
reached 0%.
7. The nitrogen gas tube was then detached from the reactor and the pump was switched on again
to allow aeration inside the tank.
8. For every five seconds interval, the value of the actual dissolved oxygen concentration,pO2(%)
(%) was recorded.
9. The steps above was repeated for different aeration parameters which are 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and
Effect of Agitation
1. The apparatus is being set up by ensuring well conditioned of the reactor.
2. pO2probe is polarized for two hours before the main experiment was started.pO2P
3. The aeration parameter is set up at 0.5 L/min and the temperature parameter,30° ℃.
4. The pump was switched off.
5. The first agitation parameter was set at 100 rpm and prepared for a two point calibration.
6. Purging of nitrogen gas takes place until the partial pressure of the oxygen inside the system reached
7. The nitrogen gas tube was then detached from the reactor and the pump was switched on again to
allow aeration inside the tank.
8. For every five seconds interval, the value of the actual dissolved oxygen concentration,pO2(%(%)was
recorded. The measurements stopped when three consecutive same readings was obtained.
9. The steps above was repeated for different agitation parameters which are 200, 300,and 400 rpm.
Effect of Temperature

1. The apparatus is being set up by ensuring well conditioned of the reactor.

2. pO2probe is polarized for two hours before the main experiment was started.
3. The aeration parameter is set up at 2.0 L/min and the agitation parameter at 400 rpm.
4. The pump was switched off.
5. The first temperature parameter was set up at 30°℃ and prepared for a two point calibration.
6. Purging of nitrogen gas takes place until the partial pressure of the oxygen inside the system
reached 0%.
7. The nitrogen gas tube was then detached from the reactor and the pump was switched on again
to allow aeration inside the tank.
8. For every five seconds interval, the value of the actual dissolved oxygen concentration,pO2(%
(%)was recorded. The measurements stopped when three consecutive same readings was obtained.
9. The steps above was repeated for different temperature parameters which are 35, 40 and 45 ℃.
7.0 Results

Figure 6- Effect of different aeration at constant temperature and agitation

The figure above depicts the oxygen concentration curve decreases significantly over time. As the
aeration magnitude increases, the rate of oxygen mass transfer or volumetric mass transfer coefficient
also increases.

Table 4-Volumetric mass transfer coefficient at varying aeration magnitude

Aeration (L/min) 0.5 1 1.5 2

Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient, kLA (s') 0.0002 0.0002 0.0001 0.0012
Figure 7-Effect of different agitation at constant temperature and aeration

The figure above depicts the In oxygen concentration curve decreases significantly over time. As the
agitation magnitude increases, the rate of oxygen mass transfer or the volumetric mass transfer coefficient

Table 5-Volumetric mass transfer coefficient at varying agitation magnitude

Agitation (rpm) 100 200 300 400

Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient, kLA (s') 0.0002 0.0003 0.0014 0.0012
Figure 8- Effect of different temperature at constant agitation and aeration

The figure above depicts the Ln oxygen concentration curve decreases significantly over time. As the
temperature increases, the rate of oxygen mass transfer or the volumetric mass transfer coefficient also increases.

Table 6-Volumetric mass transfer coefficient at varying temperature

Temperature (℃) 30 35 40 45

Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient, kLA (s') 0.0012 0.0010 0.0014 0.0020
Figure 9- Volumetric mass transfer coefficient at varying (a) Aeration

Figure 10- Volumetric mass transfer coefficient at varying (b) Agitation

Figure 11- Volumetric mass transfer coefficient at varying (c) Temperature

The figureabove depicts the volumetric mass transfer coefficient at varying operating parameters which
is (a) aeration, (b) agitation and (c) temperature. All the curves from the graphs above are showing escalating
pattern where the value of volumetric mass transfer coefficient increases as the value of those parameters

Based on the graph (a) aeration, the pattern is approximately showing constant value which is between
0.0384 ~ 0.0374 s-' of mass transfer coefficient. Hence, it can be assumed that it is the maximum capacity of the
aeration for the process.
8.0 Calculations

Sample calculation for experimental driving force (oxygen concentration)

Driving Force = % 0% Saturation - % DO at respective time ing Force = % DO at 100% Sc

The saturated oxygen concentration in water varies with temperature. Therefore, values for C*are
given in the table below:

Temperature(℃) Solubility (mg O2/L) Solubility (mmol O2/L)

0 14.6 0.456

10 11.4 0.335

15 10.3 0.322

20 9.24 0.288

25 8.42 0.263

30 7.75 0.242

35 7.29 0.228

40 6.90 0.215

Driving Forg Force=C*-CL

g Force = 7.75 -0.00
Drivingg Force=7.75

Note: The oxygen concentration is atpO2=100% at Os assuming the partial pressure of oxygen as
the concentration of oxygen at the respective time for the experiment
Sample calculation for experimental driving force (oxygen concentration)

Ln Driving Force = Ln(C* -CL)

Ln Driving Force =Ln(C*-C1)

Ln Driving Force =Ln(7.75)
Ln Driving Force =2.0477

Sample calculation for slope of the tangent of the Ln oxygen concentration curve

The linear equation is obtained by introducing the linear forecasting threadline to the plotted graph
of In (C*n(C*-C1)aagainst time.

The slope of the In oxygen concentration curve at aeration L/min agitatiorion= 100100 rpm And
temperaturature= 30°C ism = 0.0002,,using the static gassing out method.

Sample calculation for volumetric mass transfer coefficient,kL


9.0 Discussion

A bioreactor is a closed vessel with adequate arrangement for aeration, agitation,temperature and pH
control, and drain and overflow vent to remove the waste biomass of cultured microorganisms along with their
products. The bioreactor is used for commercial production in fermentation industries and is a device in which
substrate of low value is utilized by living cells or enzymes to generate a product of higher value. (Manisha,
2018). All bioreactors deal with heterogeneous systems dealing with two or more phases.Therefore,optimal
conditions for fermentation necessitate efficient transfer of mass, heat and momentum from one phase to
another. However,only a parameters are focused on for this experiment which is the agitation,aeration and

The experiment was carried out to find out the volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLA)of the stirred
tank reactor with bubble aeration. This experiment is performed by using the gassing out method which means
that there is no presence of cell or bacteria in the bioreactor hence no amount of oxygen is being consumed
throughout the experiment. The partial pressure of oxygen gas until it reaches a constant value of approximately
100% was being recorded.The mass transfer coefficient indicates the rate of oxygen transfer between the
gaseous and reaction liquid (which is distilled water).

The value of the mass transfer coefficient is achieved from the slope of the tangent to the curve of

logarithm of driving force against time. The driving force is the dissolved oxygen concentration which is assumed

as the partial pressure of the gas inside the reactor.When the partial pressure of oxygen gas reached a constant

value, it can be assumed that the system has reached the maximum saturation point for the oxygen gas.

First operating parameter is aeration which is one of the most critical part of a bioreactor as to ensure a

proper oxygen availability throughout the system. Aeration helps in mixing the gas bubbles through the liquid

medium where water and air are brought into close contact in order to remove dissolved gaseous. The

volumetric mass transfer coefficient at aeration equals to 0.5

L/min, 1.0 L/min, 1.5 L/min, and 2.0 L/min are 0.0002 s-1,0.0002 s',0.0010 s-1and 0.0012

Based on Figure 6, as the aeration magnitude increased, the value of the volumetric mass transfer
coefficient also increased. To explain that, the rate of mass transfer of oxygen from air to distilled water increases
with increased aeration value because the collision between the air and water is greater. Aeration not only
supply necessary oxygen in the bioreactor but also eliminates exhaust gas generated (in the presence of broth).
The air is allowed to spread out throughout the bioreactor.However,as the volumetric coefficient reached a
constant value, it indicates that the aeration capacity is at maximum where the kL value obtained is~ at 0.0012

Next parameter is agitation. The agitation functions as to require dispersion of air or oxygen in water are
that they provide uniform dispersion of gas bubbles. Also, it maximizes retention time of the gas in water by
driving the gas bubbles to the bottom of the tank and enhance the mass transfer. (Yong, 2018). However,the
higher agitation may cause increase the power consumption. As the agitation increased, the value of mass
transfer coefficient also increased as the contact between air and distilled water became more intense. The
volumetric mass transfer coefficient at agitation 200 rpm, 300 rpm, and 400 rpm are 0.0002 s-', 0.0003 s1,0.0010
s'and 0.0012 s',respectively.

Based on Figure 7, as the agitation magnitude increases, the value of mass transfer coefficient also
increases. To explain that, the higher agitation will increase the rate of oxygen transfer from air to distilled water.
Since the speed of the stirring increases, the mixing between the air and distilled water reaches to a uniform
because the surface contact area between both substances has increased. Hence, agitation disperses the oxygen
bubbles and promotes mass transfer of the gas bubbles through the gas- liquid interface.
Next, temperature. Increasing temperatures inversely affects both the volumetric mass transfer
coefficient and oxygen solubility in medium. Oxygen solubility in pure water falls with increasing
temperature (i.e.,-(-0.5x10-3 k10-3 kg/m-3 between 35° ℃ and 30°C; Doran, P.). The volumetric mass
transfer coefficient at temperature 30°C, 35°℃,40°℃,and 45°℃ are 0.0012 s-1,0.0010 s', 0.0014 s-'
and 0.0020 s-', respectively.-, 0.0014 s-1an

Based on Figure 8, as the temperature increases, the volumetric mass transfer coefficient also increases.

Reliable temperature control is important for bioreactors. However, bioprocesses are very sensiive to changes.

Temperature changes of less than 5°C can significantly affect the rate of biological reactionsand even denature

enzymes, rendering them permanently damaged.

Lastly,as we compared all the three parameters, the most significant one is the agitation followed
aeration and temperature, respectively. Based on Figure 9 (b), agitation showed highest increment of the
volumetric mass transfer coefficient compared to aeration and temperature parameters. Hence, from the data
and results obtained from the experiment, it can be concluded that bioreaction is highly dependant on the
agitation. The higher value of agitation allows more and more oxygen being in contact and dispersed with the
reaction liquid. In terms of the presence of bacteria, more oxygen is allowed to be in contact or consumed by the
bacteria thus increasing the growth rate of the bacteria itself.
10.0 Conclusion
The method used for the experiment is static gassing out method. The volumetric mass transfer
coefficient at aeration equals to 0.5 L/min, 1.0 L/min, 1.5 L/min and 2.0 L/min are 0.0002 s-1,0.0002 s-1,0.0010
s-1 and 0.0012 s-1,respectively. The higher the aeration magnitude,the greater the value of the volumetric mass
transfer coefficient. Whereby for agitation, the volumetric mass transfer coefficient at agitation 100 rpm, 200
rpm, 300 rpm and 400 rpm are 0.0002 s-',0.0003 s-', 0.0010 s-'and 0.0012 s-', respectively. The greater the
agitation magnitude,the greater the value of the mass transfer coefficient. As for temperature at 30°C,
35°C,40C,and 45°C, the value of the volumetric mass transfer coefficient are 0.0012 s-', 0.0010 s-',0.0014s-l and
0.0020 s-1, respectively. As the temperature increased, the magnitude of the volumetric mass transfer
coefficient also increased. Based on figures, by comparing all these three parameters, the most notable one is
agitation followed by aeration and temperature.
11.0 Recommendations

Practically, there are two methods in gassing out method to determine the mass transfer coefficient, kLa
which are dynamic and static. Students may utilize the dynamic method instead or to achieve a satisfactory
result, make use of both methods then compare the experimental values obtained from both methods. Next,
when purging out the nitrogen gas, students are required to proceed with the experiment as fast as possible as
to avoid oxygen spreading out in the bioreactor because it will affect the percentage of the concentration of
oxygen available inside the tank. Hence, it is important to ensure the percentage of oxygen inside the tank is at
0%after purging takes place. Also, other than employing the gassing out method, the experiment can also be
carried out by using Sulphite Oxidation method or called as Oxygen Balance Method.The experiment can be
repeated twice or more as to obtain accuracy and consistency of the experimental data. However, there is a time
constraint and equipment availability must be taken into consideration as there is only two bioreactors
functioning in the bioreactor laboratory at the chemical engineering faculty. Other parameters can also be use to
obtain the kLa value such as varying the pH value. Lastly, other reaction liquid can be substituted other than
distilled water itself.
12.0 References

McDonough R.J. (1997) Agitation in fermenters and bioreactors. In: Goldberg E. (eds)Handbook of Downstream
Processing. Springer, Dordrecht

Yong Zhou (2018).Effects of agitation, aeration and temperture of a Novel Glycoprotein GP-1and Scale up based
on volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient.

Life Sciences. (2017).7 factors that affect oxygen transfer to cells in bioreactors. Retrieved from
that-a ffect-oxygen-transfer-to-cells-in-bioreactor

Manisha Garg (2018). Fermentor (Bioreactor): History, Design and Its Construction.Retrieved from
desig n-and-its-construction/55756
13. Appendix

Time(s) 1T℃ 30 35 40 45

5 0.019 81.6 2.16 0.14

10 1.02 5.47 8.26 2.75
15 5.81 11.4 14.9 8-94
20 10.9 18.4 22.9 16.6
25 20.3 25.5 31.1 26.4
30 28.3 33.4 38.5 37.2
37.7 41.4 43.7 45.4
43.7 47.6 53.3 53.6
50.5 53.6 60.1 67.9
56.9 59.2 65.8 68.2
62.7 64.4 71.9 73.6
67.2 69.3 76.3 78.8
72.8 70.7 11.8 83.5
76.7 73.5 80.2 87.6
80.0 77.5 83.7 90.9
85 82.4 80.8 86.5 93.5
86.6 83.8 09.3 96
88.7 86.2 11.6 97.9
90.7 88.4 93.8 99.6
92.4 90.2 95.4 100
94.3 91.9 96.8
115 95.9 93.4 97.8

120 96-9 94.6 98.9

125 97.1 95.7 99.6
99.8 96.7 100
140 100 97.3
145 98.1
150 98.9

165 99.6
170 100


Figure 12: Effect of Temperature at constant aeration=2.0 L/min and agitation=400 rpm
Effect of Agitation (Constant Temperature:30℃, Aeration:2.0rpm.)

100 200 300 400 500 600

0 0 0 0
5 22.9 6.55 1.14 1.02
10 23.6 14.4 670 5.81
15 24.5 169 13.3 10.9
20 26.0 20.2 20.9 20.3
25 29.4 23.6 28.7 28.3

30 30.9 26.6 37.2 37.7

35 82.5 29.5 46.2 43.7
40 34-4 326 55.0 50.5
45 36.7 35-4 62.7 56.9

50 38.6 38.4 68.0 62.7

55 40.1 41.4 72.3 67.2
60 42.1 440 78.9 72.8
65 43.9 46-1 85.5 76.7
70 45.6 483 87.3 80.0
75 47.4 504 89.4 82.4
80 48.9 S43 91.2 86.6
85 50.6 54.6 93.2 88.7
90 52.4 58:3 95 90.7

95 54.3 59.9 16.2 92.4

100 55.8 61.3 97.6 74.3
105 57.0 627 98.8 95.9
110 58.3 640 99.7 96.9
115 59.8 654 100 98.9
120 61.2 66.6 99.1
125 62.4 67.9 99.8

130 63.6 69.0 100

135 64.7 201
140 65.5 710
145 66.7 72-1
150 67.8 72.9

155 69-1 739

160 70.0 74.5
165 70.9 73.4
170 76.0
175 72.7 763
180 73.3 772

185 74-1 77-8

190 74.7 78.3

Figure 13: Effect of Agitation at constant aeration=2.0 L/min and temperature at 30℃
소 100 7 Z


195 75.5 789

200 76.0 79.2
205 76-7 79.7

210 77-1 80.1

215 77.8 804
220 78.4 80.9

225 78-9 813

230 79.3 81.6

235 79.8 81.9
240 80.4 82.0
045 80.8 80.3

250 81-3 82.5

255 81-8 82.8

260 82.0 83.1
265 82.5 833

270 88.1 835

275 83.3 83.7
280 83.6 838
285 83.9 840

290 84.1 84.1

095 84.4 84.4
500 84.5 845
30s 84-8 84.6

310 85.0 84.8

315 85-1 84.9
320 8s-3 85.0
325 85.5 85.0
330 85.8 8co
335 86.0 바·3
340 86.1 88.9
345 86.2 891
350 86.3 93.2
355 86.5 94.3
360 86.6 95.7
365 86.7 15.8
370 86.8 96.3
375 87.0 17.0
380 87.0 98.5
385 87-0 79.3
390 88.0 100

395 98.7
400 95.8
405 76.3
410 POP bazicT
Figure 13: Effect of Agitation at constant aeration=2.0 L/min and temperature at 30℃
/ 8 6.29 1 9.98 99.06
6 8.19 t.50 t9·b9 1000

1 9.09 1t.48 08:88 561

/ 0 900 29.88 18.18 / 061

0 6.09 0500 St-58 / 981

9 08:00 45 081

-25 17-08 05-08 5t1

16.49 3·bt 1.38 / 인

b.29 / 도9
13-13 09? 18:08 091

96.64 b8 한 08·bt 5되

4484 15.8 158

80 56 bB·1t 0:00

40.80 02 t9G o

23.55 0400 33.2 - 55

16.14 bb.99 50 다 030

60-04 00.59 8.69 노디

45.35 11.89 50.89 0디

tt·g t1-0g t1-99 / s11

18 も
1298 56.85 /

45 0995 0800
イ 00
85.18 아 11-tG

85.5 18.19 080 S

100 727 0b
hs 5996 01-05 58

3545 1400 09 t7

5b02 11.07 바 イ St

0801 2333 504 o

82.t1 14.55 19L8 S9

10.51 5918 00 イ 09

0 19:00 00 イ 59

3855 00 o9
8tb 095 06
/ 04
sst 2712 0900

609 18-41 08 81 se

89 은 00 10 08

202 90 디 10 90

680 bo-t 18:01 oc

こ 20 tb7 S1
0 이

0 t90 5

0 。
9 1 .
01 . 5 01 51 0. 9 01 51 0 3
o 0 2 0
wdooe wd ont
100 rpm 200rpm 300rpm

Ti 20 15 10 05 20 15 20 15 10 05
me 10 05

21 0
91.42 1.53 63 .99
21 5 十 8.24
65 -00

0 92.23 9 01

92.8 90 03

9 8 6 8 10

23 9352 90
24 x 94.11 45 6
/ 9470
11.2 208
24 95.21 0 6 2.79
5 x
95.53 91.93 7386
25 96-00 6
イ 7467
0 96.47 9251
25 / 96 56 7 75 50
5 9132 93·
18 1 7725
26 9780
9384 78.07
0 98.20
1 94.49 78 80
26 98.72
15-38 79.53
5 80 02
99-11 96 20
27 9660 80.80
97.09 81-43
0 99 70
97.58 82.11
99.99 97.82
9 82.63

0 98.25
21 18:59 8431
0 98-92 85.01
24 99.20 85.87

5 99.58 86 31
99.89 98.29

/ 100 98.67

15 1 988 /
/ 3

25 /
/ 99-1

0 99.3

5 995

99 2


/ 100


Note: Some of the data are obtained from group F and group G.

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