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Malignant Neoplasia &

Squamous cell carcinoma in lip

Ulcerative lesion characterized by: Raised everted edge, Hemorrhagic

necrotic floor & Indurated base.
Invasive squamous cell carcinoma, Tongue

Subepithelial tissue invasion by variable malignant groups of polygonal

cells with central pink keratohyaline material (Keratin pearls).
Basal cell carcinoma in face

An eroding ulcer with: Beaded, rolled in edge, Hemorrhagic

necrotic Floor, Indurated base
Basal cell carcinoma, skin of face

Subepithelial C.T. Invasion by pleomorphic malignant basaloid cell

groups surrounded by clear clefts & peripheral nuclear palisading.
Fungating carcinoma of the colon

Malignant polypoid tumor mass with irregular border

arises from the colon & associated with luminal stenosis.
Invasive adenocarcinoma, colorectum

Invasion of the colonic wall by variable sized and shaped acini lined with
malignant cells and found in a fibrovascular stroma.
Melanoma, in skin of the trunk

An elevated brown malignant rapid growing skin lesion about 2.5 cm.
in largest diameter with an irregular margin.
Malignant melanoma, face

Variable sized groups of large pleomorphic malignant cells

found at epidermis & dermis with melanin pigmentation.
Calcific fibrosed cardiac valve with
superadded Vegetation

Fibrosed valvular cusp after chronic rheumatic valvulitis with

calcification of superadded atherothrombus & adjacent fibrosed cusp .

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