Belajar EKG OSCE!

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Belajar EKG OSCE!

Studying OSCE ECG!

Roma 11 : 36
Yeremia 17 : 7
Yang mesti kita tahu:
1. Rhythm
2. Heart rate/Frequency
3. P wave voltage/ amplitude
4. P wave duration
5. P-R segment
6. P-R interval/ duration
7. QRS complex voltage
8. QRS complex duration
9. Configuration QRS (V1-V6)
10. Transitional zone
11. S-T segment
12. T wave configuration
13. U wave
14. QT interval
15. R-R interval
16. QTc interval
Apa itu apa?

P wave T wave

PR interval
QRS complex
Gambar lain biar lebih ngerti...

U wave
Sayangg.. :*
>> kadang
suka ga ada
Grid Box = Menjelaskan apa itu kotak2

• Ingetinnya: (biasanya: tergantung paper speednya. Disini:

25mm/sec  1mm = 1/25 sec alias 0,04 sec)
–2 kotak BESAR ke atas = 1 mV  @ kotak kecil ke atas = 0,1 mV
–5 kotak BESAR ke samping = 1 s  @ kotak kecil ke samping = 0,04 sec
“Wujud asliku!” kata EKG PERBESAR DAN PRINT 
Yang mana dan

˄ ˄ ˄ perhatikan:
Letak dari V1-V6

>>> perhatikan:
Kira-kira seperti ini V1-V6 nya
Tukang Kabel
• Spesialisasi EKG
akan ngerti
masang kabel
yang benar di
letak yang
benar dengan
warna yang
• Kalau ga, akan
Paket Lengkap 10:
2. Heart Rate
IRAWATI D. 3. P wave
5. QRS complex
6. QRS configuration
7. QT interval
8. ST segment
9. T wave configuration
10.U wave
1. ECG Analysis
1. Normal rhythm: “ sinus rhythm ”
• Every P wave is followed by QRS complex and
T wave
• All 12 lead
Other rhythm:
-Sinus arrhythmia
-Sinus bradycardia
-Sinus tachycardia
Sinus Rhythm

• HR: 60 – 100 bpm

• P selalu diikuti QRS
• R – R interval teratur
• P di lead II (+)
• P di lead aVR (–)
2. ECG Analysis
2. Heart Rate / Frequency
60 = 1500
P-P (R-R) interval (mm) x 0.04 R-R

HR Normalnya:
60-100 x/menit
Berarti R-R normal:
15 – 25 mm >>
0,6 - 1 detik
3. ECG Analysis
3. P wave → Lead II
• Amplitude: < 0.25 mV
• Duration: < 0.11 sec.
4. ECG Analysis

4. P-R interval → Lead II

• Duration: 0,12 – 0,20 sec.
5. ECG Analysis
5. QRS complex → Lead V2 – V3
• Duration: < 0.12 sec. (0,05-0,11 s)
6. ECG Analysis
6. QRS configuration: V1 – V6
QRS conf. In v1-v6 normal >>>
• rS – Rs
• Transitional zone: lead V4 >>>
• Around V3 or V4 the R waves
become larger than the S waves
and this is called the 'transitional
• At some point, generally around
the V3 or V4 position, the QRS
complex changes from
predominately negative to
predominately positive and the
R/S ratio becomes>1. This
is known as the transition zone.
7. ECG Analysis
7. Q – T Interval
Q – T interval : <0.38 s
• From onset of Q wave to
end of T wave
• Total ventricular activity
• Varies with heart beat
QTc male: <0.42 s
QTc female: <0.43 s

• QTc (corrected)  normogram

*= just one example

8. ECG Analysis
8. S-T segment → all
• Iso-electric = if the ST
segment located on the
same horizontal line
with line which
connects T wave and P
• Important clinical
(depression = Myocardial
ischemia*; elevation =
Myocardial Infarct*)
9. ECG Analysis
9. T wave configuration → all leads: normal
• Positive deflection except aVR and
sometimes V1
10. ECG Analysis
10. U wave: report: present/ not present
• Late Purkinje cells depolarization
• Unknown significance :”)  what a pity!

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