Questions On Chapter 11 Billy Part

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1. Provide some social and historical background of the 19 th century England. What event(s)

happened in England at that time? What impacts did the event(s) have on the social

condition at that time?

2. Provide some information on the 19 th century English literature. What are the prominent

characteristics of the literary works in this period?

Answer for question on PPT

19th century (1801-1900) Victorian Novelist

1. Political situation such as Chartism and Suffragette change the Britten into a big reform of
political ideas,

Horatio Nelson is one of Britten Officer who succeed defeated Napoleon Bonaparte in the battle of
Trafalgar. Which lead the social situation into “Britishness” identity. Discrimination between rich and
poor, man and woman still happen

2. Most of the prominent characteristic of the literary work text contain Bildungsroman such
as Charlotte Brontë, Charles Dicken, and Emily Jane Bronte, Comedy (Oscar Wilde), Satire
and etc.
The person in the story is about Victorian Bourgeois and low social life.


1. Give a short summary of chapter 1-4 of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice in your own
Explain the setting of place, the setting of time, the characters that appear in the excerpt,
well as their relationship to one another.
2. Why does Mrs. Bennet insist on marrying her five daughters? How is marriage different
Pride and Prejudice compared to the present time?

Answer for question on PPT

Setting of places in Netherfield Park, Village of Longbourn (the house of Bennet), setting of
time in the ball the character that appear in the excerpt is Mr and Mrs Bennet is the
parent of Jane, Elizabeth and the three other child (Mary. Catherine/Kitty, and Lydia) Jane
is the older sister of Elizabeth who married with Mr, Bingley, Elizabeth/Lizzy/Eliza is the
sister of Mary, Catherine and Lydia who married with Mr. Darcey. The summary of Pride
and Prejudice is about a romance between Elizabeth who make an early
assumption/Prejudice to Mr. Darcy behaviour that is cold and full of pride of his Bourgeois

3. Because as being mention on chapter 1 and 3 She wanted to see one of her daughters
lived happily due to the rich and gentleman condition of Charles Bingley. The marriage in
pride and prejudice is different in the present time in term of demand in the social life. In
the simple word we could say that in the past a marriage is form by the superego (The
moral or judicial branch of personality), In the present people have a free will to choose
which one they wanted to married wi8th.

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