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Top 10 Exit Interview Questions With Answers

1. How did you reach the idea of resigning from this job?

I have been in the company for more than 6 years but to be honest, I wanted to stay here for
only 3 years. I think now is the time for me to venture into private practice.

2. It seems you are very eager to return to your passion. Are you sure, you won’t miss
the times you enjoyed a bit?

Since coming here, I have made great friends in co-workers and clients alike. If anything, I have
learnt a lot from these people. My typical working day is what I probably won’t look back at with
nostalgia. I wish I had additional responsibilities, to help grow my profession.

3. Did you have any goals when you joined the company?

I wanted to offer my immense analytic experience for the benefit of the team. During the first 3
months, I put all I had into the work until I was taken to the procurement department.
Technically, that is when my exit process started.

4. Would you come to work for this company again?

I would be very careful with such a decision. I understand you are putting up a new department
to cater for the increasing demand for analysis. I am more of a research person, and I think I
would fit there. However, I don’t think there is a chance for me coming back.

5. What did you hate the most while working with us?

The job environment is supposed to be professional for any meaningful results, at least
according to my understanding. Here, everybody does what he or she wants, and there is no
decorum whatsoever.


6. Do you think management gave you enough opportunities to air your views?

No, it didn't. In this company, going to the management is purely a waste of time. Though, there
are some members of the board who seem to take things a bit seriously.

7. Any part of your job that you enjoyed?

I liked it when I was provided the opportunity to deal with clients and come up with the final
solution. The problem is such chances were rare.

8. If you were to change anything here, what would it be?

First of all, I think, people are seriously underpaid here. How on earth can a person work for a
mere 3 dollars a day? In addition, some of the people here don’t have much to do. These are
issues that need to be addressed.

9. Now that you will be having more free time, how are you planning to use it?

As I am an avid researcher, I see myself getting some more knowledge on world economics. I
also think that I have been a bit inactive, so I might resume sports club activities.

10. What do think has improved in this company since you came?

My take is that clients are freer when they present their cases to the front office. The after sales
approach we introduced seems to bear fruits.

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