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" Long Tu's face froze, he adjusted his mood, then snorted disdainfully, turned
his head and said
"Who would go out of their way to lose points because of an overestimating idiot like
"Then what are you...?"
"Yuehai fainted on the road. We just sent her here for treatment." Long Tu's words
made Tier's face stiffen. It was over. He had forgotten this!
At that time, I was too carried away fighting with Krad. Even Yue Hai didn't find an
excuse to hide, so he openly lost consciousness on the road and among the people
walking. No, logically speaking, he should have lost his life!
Then the reaction from people like Dragon Slayer should be huge.
It's hard to say. Tier then thought about it. A warrior of Long Tu's age had never seen
anything like big winds and waves. He might be surprised when someone died
suddenly, but it wouldn't be a constant concern on his face. It's just that this casual
attitude still made Tier I feel a little uncomfortable. After all, Yue Hai is also herself,
and she doesn't know if others care about herself as Yue Hai.
At this time, Krader, Yakumo Xiaoqi and Kang Shiding came in. After hearing the
inquiry, several people from Shating Iron Sword came over, and the whole room
became extremely lively.
"Mr. Till, are you okay?"
"Mr. Till, what happened? Who did you fight with?"
"Sir, please don't scare me."
The familiar voices and the caring eyes made Tier's eyes soften while he was sitting
on the bed, and he couldn't help but smile.
"I'm fine, don't worry."
Tier had explained the matter of disguise to Shating Iron Sword and others the day
before. Now they would not reveal any flaws when they saw it. If they had not
explained the matter of disguise the day before, I am afraid that they would not be
able to do this today. When they meet, I see something wrong with my face. If I tell
him, I'm afraid Krad will be suspicious of me again. It's not worth it if I fall into an
endless loop again, so I have to plan for a rainy day, otherwise I will be the one who
suffers in the end. .
Everyone looked at Tier's gentle smile and couldn't help but be stunned. Even the
dragon slayer opened his mouth slightly and didn't know what to say.
"Iron Sword of the Sand Court, Butterfly of the Rose Sunflower, Feng Zhangui,
Elena, and Dragon Slayer, thank you all so much."
Tire's sudden thank you made them overwhelmed. Seeing this scene, the guilt that
had been lingering in his heart eased a lot. He couldn't help but smile knowingly, and
suddenly pretended to be stupid and shouted.
"What about us? Don't you have anything to thank us for?"
It was a good thing that Kang Shiding didn't say this. As soon as he mentioned Tier,
he immediately thought of it. The originally gentle smile suddenly turned cold.
Although the curvature of the corners of his mouth remained the same, his eyes
looked emotionless.
"I heard that it was you who came up with the idea of following me."
"Ugh!" Considine unconsciously made an unpleasant sound of surprise because he
was exposed, but Tire did not divert his attention, but continued.
"Then Mr. Constantine, how can you make it up to me about this matter?"
"Uh...Well, Tire, you have to know that this matter itself is your fault. You said you
are so handsome, but you still have to act cool and wear a mask all the time. This is
People will be curious, right? If you took off your mask as soon as we met, we
wouldn't have so many things to do."
"Do you mean to blame me?"
"Well, I actually made mistakes, but the crime is not worthy of death, so I still hope
that my roommate can be given a lighter sentence. I will definitely change my ways
in the future, and if I can get any good things, I will share them with you."
"Oh? What is this good thing?" Tier asked with great interest, and Kang Shiting
snorted slightly from his nostrils and said with a smile.
"Of course it's something we like to see."
As soon as these words came out, the feminist Dragon Slaughter had already waved
her pink fist and punched Kang Shiding.
The 103rd issue of Mr. Cat’s teaching part 2
In this way, both Tier and Yuehai had basically recovered after a day of rest.
However, before they knew it, the class competition held every half month was about
to come.
Wednesday, July 14th.
On this day, because of the accidents of Tire and others, and Damiyala and others, the
absenteeism made the cat teacher who practiced every Monday very angry. His creed
is that I teach you, as a fool, you He should have rushed over gratefully, without even
saying hello. This was the first time for him to be humiliated. Other mobile teachers
didn't care. If you want to get on, you can get on, and if you don't, get out. They never
care about students coming. Even if they don't come to class, as long as they are paid,
they can talk with gusto even if they are alone.
"So, I will be here to tutor you this morning." Cat teacher Yong Ye looked very
reluctant, but everyone knew that Yong Ye applied for this class himself.
"You dozen little guys, are my classes so difficult to listen to? I can understand if you
fall asleep in class, but what's going on if you don't even come to class! This is a
practical class! Every week there are only For once, you didn't cherish a week so
much. You won't even have time to regret it when you are gray-haired. Don't cry all
the time and regret painfully why you didn't go to the class of the great and handsome
teacher Yong Ye! Why? Like? Your dumbfounded looks remind me of the [Sacred
Fish of Longitude and Latitude] I once captured, and your eyes now are very similar
to it."
"Teacher! Is the [Sacred Fish of Longitude and Latitude] you are talking about the
kind of sea monster that can exceed one kilometer in length once hatched?"
Kang Shiding's erudition won the quiet applause of everyone, and he was quite proud
of it. However, Teacher Cat did not take it seriously.
"That's not a sea monster, it's my lunch. For young people like you, that kind of trash
fish is enough to be called a sea monster, but in my eyes, it's just unprocessed
sashimi. So, let me tell you, the world of the strong will naturally have the vision of
the strong, and the weak will also have their own circle. In your eyes, the emperor
level is already an unattainable existence. Walking in the void, punching the It's
overwhelming, but when you become the emperor and get closer to the emperor,
when you understand the emperor, you will feel how powerful the emperor is. There
is no end to learning. As your horizons broaden, you will become smaller and know
how to make progress. Although it is good, it will not become a great thing without
"Uh, teacher, do you mean that we should not rush to break through, but find a way to
settle in the current state for a while?" At this time, Neluke asked curiously, and
Teacher Cat stood in the lecture. After taking a step back, he answered
"I don't know what to say in response to your question. What answer do you want?"
When Teacher Cat asked this question, Nileke's face suddenly froze. What answer
did she want? She didn't think about anything. Why did Teacher Cat suddenly ask
herself this question?
Yong Ye rolled his eyes at Neluke and then raised the cat's head. This look made
everyone puzzled. Teacher Cat made a big noise and said in a rather unhappy tone.
"Come down, don't you understand? I'm asking you to come down!"
"Alas!" Niluke was shocked at first, but when she saw Yong Ye's increasingly
gloomy cat face, she immediately trotted to the competition platform.
Teacher Cat nodded.
"Old rules, the next person who can't answer the question will go down and have a
fight with Neluke-san."
As expected, he is known as the most troublesome teacher in the whole college. If he
cannot answer a question, he will be punished. If other teachers don't have this leisure
and energy, he will be punished.
"Then let's continue the class and get back to the point. We can tell what kind of
world a person lives in from the size of his or her horizon. Similarly, you are living in
your own world now, because in your horizon, you are It is the biggest and most
Yes, your own life is indeed the biggest and most important thing. People with high
ambitions may feel that they will definitely be able to reach the top in the future and
have everyone revolve around them. So before that, put down this arrogant attitude
and try to cooperate with others. What is the purpose of the academy?
Communication, and is our class really just as simple as a practical test? Does anyone
here know what this practical test means? Come on, let’s talk about this classmate. "
The person whose name was called was Sha Ting Tiejian. He stood up quickly. This
attitude gained Yong Ye's favor. And this middle-aged uncle, after thinking for a
while, answered meticulously.
"First of all, this actual combat test cannot be one word, because if the four words are
connected together, then the meaning it expresses is to evaluate our strength. In fact,
Teacher Yongye did not ask us all to come out to fight one by one. , then it is obvious
that actual combat is one word, and bottom-up is also the same word.
Actual combat is of course the actual fighting methods and precautions when
confronting people and objects. However, the bottom line contains too many
meanings. Among them is probably what the teacher said is the cooperation between
classmates. Since we entered the academy, the teachers have Intentionally or
unintentionally, it allows us to establish a cooperative friendship and instill the
difference between one person and two people. Isn't the harmony between classes one
of the things that Teacher Yongye wants to find out, and I haven't discovered the
others yet, sorry for my stupidity. I believe that what Teacher Yong Ye said about
actual combat is more inclusive than what I said. "
"Yeah~ Not bad, it's a quick and good seedling. Your explanation is very good.
Although you don't grasp the real core in terms of sentences, it is almost the same. I
like smart students like you. Sit down."
Teacher Cat's words surprised the students. They had never seen this cat praise others
like this. It seems that he has never really praised anyone since he entered the
classroom. Judging from the reactions of other groups, it seems that They can only be
scolded and punished. It is rare to see someone like Sha Ting Iron Sword. This can
also reflect from the side how much Sha Ting Iron Sword's answer this time is in line
with Teacher Mao's wishes. I'm afraid Yong Yezui What he said [is almost the same]
may actually be completely consistent with his thoughts. Otherwise, if there were any
flaws, the cat would definitely point them out directly and then magnify them
infinitely, eventually turning them into a criticism that would embarrass the student
who responded. No matter what, this is what Teacher Cat does, and it is also one of
the reasons why he has become the most troublesome teacher in the entire academy.
As soon as Sha Ting Tiejian sat down, Feng Zhangui gave him a big thumbs up,
admiring him for being able to talk to Yong Ye.
Rules of Issue 104
Poor Neluke stood like this on the competition platform for half a class, and was
finally defeated by another student. Her aggrieved look seemed a bit pitiful. When
Teacher Cat was about to leave with great pride, No. 3 The teacher then came in.
"Lord Yongye, do you remember what happened last time?"
Teacher No. 3 asked Yong Ye respectfully, and Teacher Cat scratched his leg.
Somewhat impatient answer
"What else can you do? It's up to you. Don't nag me all the time."
"Okay, okay, I'll go take a look in a few days. It's true, young people today don't
know how to respect the elderly and care for the young...even cats are not spared,
alas~" Yong Ye walked out of the classroom door quite unhappy. Teacher No. 3
watched him leave before striding to the front of the lecture room.
"Tomorrow is the semi-monthly class competition. I am here to explain the rules and
precautions to everyone. If you don't understand anything, please raise your hands
and ask questions immediately. After all, time is tight."
Everyone nodded slightly, each with a solemn expression. After all, they had
understood the complexity of the class competition a few days ago. Now that Teacher
No. 3 was about to explain the rules, they naturally became solemn.
"Class competition, as the name suggests, uses classes as units to conduct a simulated
world war of 2,000 people vs. 2,000 people. It should be noted that there will be
many aborigines in the small world. They are not protected by imperial laws, so even
if they take action Killing will not affect you. On the contrary, if you do well, you
will be given corresponding personal points. The winner of the class competition will
draw 30% of the class points of the losing class. You must be able to calculate it. This
30% extraction will be so fatal, and this 30% will become larger and larger towards
the end of the semester. If the class points this month are 100,000, 30% will also be
extracted It’s only 30,000, but by the end of the semester, the class points may have
increased to 500,000. At that time, 30% will be withdrawn from it. The amounts
between the two are completely incomparable, and if it is withdrawn like this at the
end of the semester, it will basically be Being put into the loser group." Teacher No.
3 said this, glanced at the students present, and then said again
"This is an explanation of the points, and then the next battle... Our first goal is to
ensure the safety of our own group. You also know that the team I am in is Group A
and Group B here. Once the competition starts, Group A and Group B will get closer
and hug each other..."
When Teacher No. 3 said this, Damiyala suddenly raised her right hand, and Teacher
No. 3 nodded slightly.
"Damiala-san, what's the problem?"
"The division competition, since it is a class competition, then there should be two
thousand people huddled together, why should we be specially divided into groups?"
This sentence seemed to be expected by Teacher No. 3, who replied without
"There are more than two thousand geniuses. Who will command these arrogant
students? I don't ask for any solidarity and mutual help from you at the beginning, as
long as you don't stand alone. I am very worried about the cohesion between the class
and the group. Let you To integrate with the entire class and accept other people’s
consciousness, I’m afraid it’s not possible so far, at least more than half of the
students present don’t have this intention.”
This is a fact. Yuehai asked herself, if she is allowed to do this and that under the
orders of others, it would be better for her to do it alone. Not to mention Yuehai
herself, not to mention strong men like Krad and Diz. I like to follow other people's
"Team division, why not introduce a team representative and let her (him) take
command?" Kang Shiding spoke at this time and asked. This sentence made everyone
nod slightly. Indeed, if a team leader is selected from the group, Representatives, then
the actions of the entire group must be much closer, at least they are elected by
everyone and can more or less listen to the orders of the representatives of this group.
Teacher No. 3 had obviously considered these questions for a long time and
immediately answered
"As for group representatives, it's still too early. At least I can't see who is suitable to
be this group representative. If I ask you to vote, I'm afraid something weird will
happen like everyone voting for themselves."
Uh-huh ~ Constantine suddenly looked very disgusted. Everyone voted for
themselves. How narcissistic are these people in their class? Anyway, if they really
wanted to vote, Constantine would also choose to vote for Claude.
It should be said that anyone who knows Krad will vote for him, even Diz or Tyr will
do the same.
Even if it had to be decided by force, it would definitely be Krad's victory, there was
no doubt about it.
It's a pity that Teacher No. 3 has no such plan. Although the other party must have his
own reasons for doing this, he still doesn't understand it. It would be better to let Krad
be the group representative at this time.
"Then, you will pay attention to the many rules of the class competition. At the
beginning of the competition, two thousand of you will be gathered together. If there
is no accident, 80% of these two thousand people will be scattered. , and the rest of
the people may choose to join forces rationally, but this will not help. However,
correspondingly, this situation will naturally occur in the other class, so what we have
to do is to attack together as a team, without you. Working together, we just need to
crush our opponents with the advantage of numbers.”
Teacher No. 3’s extreme words made some rational people dumbfounded. It was
because he was so disappointed in their unity that he said such words.
"Also, if you feel that you have a small group, you can try to cooperate together, but
be careful not to get separated from the team. After all, it is difficult to know whether
the next time you encounter will be the enemy's team. Okay, then pick up Below are
some rewards that exist after the competition begins, such as earning personal points.
Depending on the terrain, there will be various ways to earn points. As long as you
trigger the corresponding conditions, the system will remind you how to earn points.
To earn points, you must also kill individuals of the enemy class. After you enter the
virtual world, a corresponding number will appear above your head. This number
represents the number of opponents killed. If Tier defeats an opponent, then his 1 will
appear above the head. If Tyr is defeated by someone else, then the number of people
he defeated before will be added to the person who defeated him."
"Group a division!!" Niluke suddenly stretched out her hand and asked energetically
"When 2,000 people fight, are there any conditions for victory? They don't have to
fight until everyone on one side is dead."
"Of course not. This is also the victory and defeat condition I will tell you next. One
side only needs to kill the students designated by the other side's system, and finally
break the crystal of the base camp."
Issue 105 Goodbye Xueliang
It was another fresh term, which made the students present confused. Teacher No. 3
did not mean to show off, and said quickly
"At the beginning of the competition, three crystals will appear in your base camp.
These crystals will be the objects of your protection. On the contrary, you have to
attack the opponent's crystals, but there must be a condition before attacking the
crystals, and that is to specify the system. If the [Crystal Protector] is killed, if the
[Crystal Protector] is not killed and the crystal is directly attacked, it will be regarded
as an invalid attack."
"Then how many people are there in this [Crystal Protector]?"
"It will be determined by the system, but at least there will not be more than ten
"Does [Crystal Protector] have any characteristics when it appears?"
"The whole body will emit purple light, and the numbers above the head will also
appear purple. Are there any other questions?" Teacher No. 3 glanced at everyone
and saw that they were no longer talking, so he gently touched the magic patterns on
the podium with his fingers. With a tap, a map appeared on the huge screen behind it.
"This is the venue for this class competition. It belongs to the more active Nita world
in the small world. There are a large number of indigenous people living in it.
Although they are not strong, they are still enough to pose a threat to you. Remember,
once the competition starts, You'd better not just focus on the opposite class,
depending on the situation, a third party force, the Nita people, may appear."
Teacher No. 3 pressed the magic pattern again, and the picture changed. A naked
humanoid creature with only a few leaves covering its secret area appeared on it. This
made some girls groan softly and turned away, not daring to look. Like Gui Dongri
had already covered her face with her hands in shame.
Seeing the students' reactions, Teacher No. 3 couldn't help but smile.
"What's this? Let me tell you in advance that these are Nita people. The reason why
they are called indigenous people is because their civilization is very low. Maybe the
female classmates who have been pampered since childhood have never seen this
kind of dress, but in fact, more Nita people are naked. Yes, and he is born with good
physical fitness, so don’t lose your life because of it.”
The last warning made the girls turn pale. Between death and having their eyes
insulted, they chose to face these ugly creatures.
The Nita man's eyes are very big, his body is stooped but he has a round belly, and
his genitals are so huge that even the leaves cannot cover them all. However, after the
students present got used to it, no one felt embarrassed anymore.
"Tsukiumi, don't you feel uncomfortable?" Damiyara said softly to Tsukiumi, who
was staring at her side. Even she was a little embarrassed at first, but Tsukiumi was
calm and calm, like a master who has read countless people, using a calm voice.
Looking from beginning to end, she looked at Ye Xi next to her. She turned her face
away with an embarrassed look. Damiyala really doubted whether there was
something wrong with Yue Hai's sexual orientation.
Faced with Damiyala's question, Yuehai shrugged.
"It's okay if you don't treat them as human beings. For example, would Damiyala be
shy when seeing the pigs and sheep raised at home?"
Um, what metaphor is this? However, if you think about it carefully, it does seem to
make some sense, that is, the shift of positioning. If you don't take it seriously, then
you won't care about what the other party's form looks like in your consciousness.
"The Nita people also have hierarchical branches, and you can see it clearly from
their appearance." Teacher No. 3 switched the screen slightly.
"The previous ones were the most ordinary Nita people, and this one is a Nita
warrior. They have considerable strength, and their wisdom is no different from
ordinary people." What appeared on the screen was a strong man holding a stone tool,
and his body was smaller than that of a Nita warrior. The tower man grew a few
times bigger, his eyes were like torches, as if he wanted to destroy all enemies he
Teacher No. 3 pressed the magic pattern again, and what appeared this time was a
larger Nita man, wearing armor made of vines and holding a purple crystal weapon in
his hand, which looked very majestic.
"This is the Nita Brave. Be careful when you encounter them. With the strength of
the students present, not many of them can defeat the Nita Brave in a one-on-one
situation, so it's best to turn around and run away when you are alone."
Teacher No. 3 then ignored the students discussing privately in the classroom and
pressed the magic pattern. The next moment, the entire screen was filled with a huge
figure. All the students immediately stopped talking and looked solemnly at the
monster on the screen that looked like a demon. Its body was wrapped in purple-
black crystals, its eyes were as big as copper bells, and its hands were even bigger
than itself. The battle ax looks like a peerless warrior god. Just looking at the picture
will make you feel a terrifying pressure.
"Here are the top forces in the Nita world, the Nita kings. They are few in number,
but each of them is strong. They are covered with dark obsidian crystals. Even
ordinary emperor-level warriors cannot defeat the opponent with one blow. You can
do whatever you want. If you encounter it, it's best to run away, one by one if you
King Nita! There is such a terrifying existence in a small world. All the students can't
help but feel the pressure. No wonder they are made to regard Nita as the third force.
Those Nita braves alone are enough for them to drink. If King Nita is If we come out
again, I'm afraid the situation will become really confusing.
"The area of this small world is about the same as that of a third-class country, with a
population of about two million. The area of the battlefield for your competition is
this entire small world. The competition lasts for two days. If the winner has not been
determined within two days, then The side with the most people alive will be
considered the winner.”
"..." Teacher No. 3 successfully put the pressure on the students' heads again, and the
whole audience fell into silence. However, Teacher No. 3 smiled and spoke at this
"I believe that you will all become strong men on your own in the near future, so
don't show this expression. Your journey has just begun."
The sound echoed throughout the classroom, which made many students raise their
heads. Even though this was an extremely difficult competition, there would be hope
as long as they didn't give up easily. Because each of them is a genius, and they are
all rising stars with high hopes. If they fail to recover because of this pressure, what is
the difference between them and ordinary students?
Seeing the renewed energy of each student, Teacher No. 3 closed his book, still
"get out of class is over."
"King Nita, that thing is really scary. We will definitely form a team together then,
right?" Walking on the way to the cafeteria, Kangsidine couldn't help but chatter
about what the teacher said on the third morning. Krad first said slightly nod
"It's natural to work together as a team, but for a creature like King Nita, we may
have to find a way to retreat."
"There's nothing to escape from. Don't you and Tire have a terrifying back-up plan?"
This sentence made Tier twitch the corner of his mouth and opened his mouth to
"As you can see, my technique is forbidden. If I use it again, half my life will be lost.
It's not worth it just for a competition."
Following Tire's words, Krad also said
"My power also has limits. I can't use it whenever I want."
As soon as the two teamed up, Kang Shiding was immediately speechless. Finally, he
scratched his hair and said
"Then let's think about how to escape. I have a superb national weapon called [Air
Shield], a rare weapon that can allow people to fly briefly in the air. According to
Teacher No. 3, these indigenous people can't fly. If I'm in the air There is nothing
they can do."
"I should be able to avoid it with my body skills." Tier thought about it for a while,
but he had never seen how powerful King Nita was, so his judgment was a bit blind
At this moment, a delicate voice from the distance rushed towards Tier and others.
"Brother Krad~"
Wow~ Tier couldn't help but groan. If you take a closer look, this figure is your
highness Xue Lian, whom you haven't seen for half a month. Moreover, there is also
the meticulous imperial guard standing behind her. Remember to
call. . . . . . Ufas? It seemed to be called Ufas, Tier murmured to himself
uncertainly, and Clad couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Xue Lian trotting
up to him.
"Your Highness Xue Lian, what are you..."
"Hahaha, are you shocked? Brother Clad, I finally took half a day's leave from Zone
Zero." Xue Lian hugged Clad's right arm and rubbed her face quite intimately. From
a distance, it looked as cute as a kitten, but Tyr knew the true face of this kitten.
Fortunately, as Yuehai, he was on a different path from them, otherwise something
would have happened.
"Zero Area?" They only knew about Area 1 and Area 22, but they had never heard of
Area Zero. Seeing Krad's confusion, Xue Lian quickly explained happily
"District Zero is at the bottom of District 11. Children of the royal family above the
Kingdom must study there for a year before they can come out. But I really miss
Brother Krad so much, so I asked for a special half-day leave. Give it to me, ah~
Brother Clad, Xue Lian misses you so much, I wish I could put Brother Clad in the
storage ring so that I can take it out when I want to see you."
Xue Lian's words made the three roommates behind Krad feel ashamed. After all,
only dead objects can be put into the storage ring. Your Highness, Xue Lian, is
terrifying for others to speak like this.
"Ara~ Isn't this His Highness Xu Lian?" Suddenly, a noble and elegant voice came
from the direction Xu Lian came from. Everyone heard the voice and turned around,
only to see a girl with long black hair and a red royal costume standing there. There,
and behind her, was a very inconspicuous-looking soldier.
When Xue Lian saw the other party, her face could not help but darken.
"Sheng Shu Yun, what are you doing here?"
"Your Highness Xue Lian is an emperor's daughter. Your attitude is hard to
compliment." Shu Yunsheng couldn't help but shake his head. He seemed to feel
embarrassed for Xue Lian's elders. This made Xue Lian, who had been pampered
since childhood, feel a tightness in his chest. Just as he was about to open his mouth
to fight back, Krad struck first.
"Your Highness Xue Lian, who is this?"
"This? This is the extremely famous demigod powerful [Mortal Saint] Li Ergou from
the Suzaku Empire."
puff! The few people behind, including Tier's classmate, all blushed and almost
The 106th issue of Shura Field
The amount of information in Xue Lian's words was so great that Tier and others
were caught off guard. Kang Shiding almost laughed. Fortunately, he restrained
himself a lot after hearing the word "demigod". Otherwise, among such people, It's
not a good thing to lose your temper in front of a big shot.
But the name Li Ergou is too weird. Aren’t the Suzaku people taboo against dogs?
Seeing Kang Shiding's appearance, Yakumo Xiaoqi couldn't help but frown slightly,
pushed the opponent's arm, and whispered
"Lord [Mortal Saint] is the most outstanding demigod in our Suzaku Empire. He has
lived in a poor village since he was a child. This rustic name was also given to him by
his parents. At that time, they were married to a daughter of a family in the town, but
they were... Regretting the marriage, being so humiliated not only made his parents
look shameless, but Master Fansheng also secretly determined to become a big shot
that no one can ignore. What follows is a legendary story about him. If you are
interested, you can check it out in the library. "
When Kang Shiding heard this, he suddenly realized that this demigod Li Ergou
turned out to be a hard worker.
When Krad heard Xu Lian's introduction, he immediately looked at the guard behind
Shu Yunsheng who was wearing ordinary soldier armor and had a popular face.
"The name of [Mortal Saint] is like thunder in my ears, and it is indeed well-deserved
when I see him today."
Although Krad was sincerely praising him, the more Tyr listened, the more he felt
that the words were a little awkward. Moreover, although the guard was a demigod,
his real name was really unflattering. It was not until he said it that he realized that
there was a hint of something in his words. The sarcastic Krad quickly changed the
"Your Highness Xue Lian, I want to ask who is this person next to you?"
Xue Lian snorted, hugged Krad's arm, buried her head, and actually stopped making
any sound, but Shu Yunsheng didn't mind at all, and took a step forward and said
"I am the ninth princess of the Suzaku Empire, the younger sister of the first heir, Shu
Jing Sheng, and the third heir, Shu Yun Sheng."
The ninth princess of the Suzaku Empire? Wouldn't that be on the same level as the
emperor's daughter, but it's no wonder, after all, there is really no one else but
someone of the same status who can speak to His Highness Xue Lian like this.
"It turns out it's under the Shuyun Temple..." Before Clad could finish his words,
Shuyunsheng suddenly smiled slightly. His look was as beautiful as a fairy. The
beauty of the foreign land suddenly made everyone stunned, like Kang Shiding.
Zhiliu opened his mouth slightly, and his saliva was almost dripping down.
"I have heard about Mr. Krader's deeds early. Whether he was born with the Holy
Light, or he was gifted as a child, or he became a blockbuster as a teenager, I was
amazed. Now, it is better to hear than to see. Mr. Krader is not only outstanding in
strength, but also polite. He is polite and very handsome, which makes me a little
envious of His Highness Xue Lian."
"Your Majesty, Shuyun Temple, are joking..." Krad didn't finish his words this time,
Xu Lian sneered and couldn't help but say
"You ugly guy, are you trying to steal my brother Krad if you don't have a man to
look for?"
"Oh? Your Highness Xue Lian, you told us these deeds of Mr. Krader." No matter
how good-tempered Shu Yunsheng is, it is impossible for him to remain indifferent to
being scolded by others. Now his tone has become a little cold, but Xue Lian didn't
care, and fired back.
"I know, you must be jealous of me, so you followed me secretly, right! Otherwise,
how could you come to this school by chance! You ugly guy who can't get married,
just wait for your brother Shu Jingsheng to comfort you !”
"Really~ How can the children in the Imperial Palace be so childish now? But when
you said that, I was a little moved..." Shu Yunsheng walked up to Clad with soft eyes
and felt a wave of excitement. The unique aroma hit their faces, giving Tier,
Konstantin and others goosebumps all over their bodies. Fortunately, the big wall of
Krad helped them block it, otherwise they would definitely be very rude.
Although Krad has a strong temperament, it is difficult for him to pass the beauty
test. He couldn't help but sweat dripping from his forehead when he saw Shu
Yunsheng approaching him.
"Your Majesty Shuyun Temple, what are you..." Before he could finish speaking,
Shuyun Temple hugged Krad's other arm, and the soft feeling made the young
master's face suddenly turn red. .
This strange scream startled Tier. He and Krad had never seen each other make such
a sound in such a long time together. At this critical moment, Shu Yunsheng ignored
Xue Lian's murderous eyes and used Her tender face rubbed back and forth on Krad's
"Oh~ This feels really good, Mr. Clad. No, brother Clad, I seem to have a crush on
Good, good impression? In what respect? The way Clad is hugging each other now is
really enviable to others. The students passing by here all have surprised and
admiring eyes. As for the two guards of His Highness, they have already walked
aside. They seem to be very early. We just knew each other, and now we were
chatting and laughing, not caring about the situation here at all.
There is a divine unfolding like a Shura field happening here, and with Krad's
processing ability, this situation is difficult to deal with.
Then, Krad turned back and looked at the three Tires with pleading eyes.
Swishing, brushing, as if they had practiced it countless times, Tier, Kang Shiding,
and Yakumo Xiaoqi all looked at the sky, as if they didn't know anything.
Krad couldn't help showing a look of despair, these clumsy friends were useless at the
critical moment! It’s a mistake to make friends!
"Hurry up and get your rough face away, your stink is all over me!" Xue Lian glared
at Shu Yunsheng with a sinister look, but the princess with an oriental charm smiled
sweetly, as if He replied as if he heard some compliment.
"Your Highness Xue Lian is the one. Don't act like a yandere and talk about Brother
Clad all day long. As your roommate, I am very sad."
The two of them were going back and forth like this, and Krad, who was caught in
the middle, was helpless. Who would have thought that this man who looked like he
was about to collapse was the number one genius in the northern part of the empire
At this time, Diz suddenly passed by. Seeing Krad's appearance, he couldn't help but
said casually as he walked.
"Klad, didn't you say you were going to see Yuehai today? Why are you here?"
deathly silence
Diz, you bastard! ! Krad's eyes were bloodshot, and he was roaring uncontrollably in
his heart. The Tire trio behind Krad continued to look at the scenery, paying no
attention to the further deterioration of the situation.
It's definitely intentional! Seeing Diz leisurely walking towards the cafeteria, Clad
felt that his scalp was about to explode. Diz was definitely taking revenge on him.
However, he had no time to pay attention to Diz's affairs because his own The left
and right arms suddenly became tense, especially Xue Lian's side. If it continued like
this, it would probably be torn off by her [Nine-Five Lord] in one fell swoop.
"Oh~ Brother Clad turns out to be with that woman. I feel very relieved. I really
didn't expect that we could even be in the same class."
It hurt, it hurt, sweat broke out from Krad's forehead, if he continued like this, his arm
would be removed!
"Wait a minute, Your Highness Xue Lian, listen to me, actually..." Suddenly, Krad's
other arm felt a sting, and when he turned around, Shu Yunsheng looked at him with
intriguing eyes. Own
"She is worthy of being the number one genius in the northern part of the empire. The
imperial princess who has two top human powers can still think of cheating on her.
It's really amazing. I'm very curious about who this person named Yuehai is. Maybe
she can become a good one. Where are the sisters?"
Don't mention me! Tier couldn't help but sweatdropped on his forehead. He just
wanted to be a quiet audience, and don't draw attention to himself as Yuehai at this
time. Moreover, at this time, Damiyala and Neluke were already pulling her. Walking
towards the cafeteria, I will definitely meet them soon!
"Wait a minute, Your Highnesses, this is all just a joke by that guy Dizi. Why would I
go out of my way to see Yue Hai? Your Highness Xue Lian, Yue Hai is now in
another class and is more than a few school districts behind me, so there's no need to
Such a scary look."
"Of course, so does His Highness Shuyun Temple. Don't be kidding me. I'm just a
student and I can't afford His Highness's love."
"Haha, of course I know what Brother Clad is like. You can tell it from his eyes, but
you must bear this great love."
"Well, as long as you understand."
Krader broke into a cold sweat. Fortunately, he was often with Kang Shiding and
others, so he was good at talking. Otherwise, just this flanking attack would have
made him embarrassed.
However, at this moment, Tsukiumi who wanted to escape was moved to the left and
right by Damiyala and Niruko, and Niluko said strangely
"Yuehai, skipping lunch is not good for your health. Even if you feel dizzy, you can
go to the cafeteria to rest."
There was a moment of silence, and a gentle breeze blew across the ground, blowing
a few leaves.
Krader rolled his eyes and looked as if he was going to fall to the ground at any
"Isn't this Miss Yuehai? What a coincidence!" Xue Lian suddenly let go of Krad's
arm and trotted to Yuehai with a happy expression.
"I miss you so much after not seeing you for half a month."
When Damiyala and Neluko saw that the person was Her Royal Highness, they
immediately let go of Yuehai and saluted each other.
"No, no, no, we will all be classmates from now on, why do we need these false
gifts." Xue Lian was generous, and then she looked at Yuehai again.
"We will all be classmates from now on."
"Xue, Your Highness Xue Lian, you live as long as Nanshan Mountain, you are as
blessed as the East Sea, your martial arts skills are unparalleled, and you dominate
the world." At this time, Yue Hai's brain was already confused, and he began to speak
incoherently when His Royal Highness the Emperor was staring at him.
"Don't be nervous, I won't eat you up." Xue Lian only made a 'what' sound after each
sentence, which made Yue Hai feel a strong threat. She doubted whether she would
be attacked tonight. Get rid of it.
"I see, this is Miss Yuehai. She is so beautiful, no, it is simply a work of art. No
wonder Brother Clad cares so much."
Shu Yunsheng's approach doubled Yue Hai's pressure, and all she wanted to do was
turn around and run away. However, the locked gazes of the two highnesses made it
difficult for her to move even an inch.
Yuehai didn't know how to answer, so she couldn't help but look at Damiyala and the
two for help.
With a swipe, Damiyala and Neluke successfully performed the neat movements of
turning their heads before, looking calmly at the sky.
ah! ! This group of foxy friends! It’s a mistake to make friends!
"You two, this is a misunderstanding. No matter how we say it, Master Claude and I
are not what you imagine."
Yue Hai's words made Shu Yunsheng narrow her eyes slightly.
"Miss Yuehai, what do we imagine?"
Forehead. . . . . . Yuehai was once again at a loss. Just when she was about
to think of a way to use her whole life to persuade the two highnesses, Noah, a piece
of brown candy, suddenly passed by.
"Master Yuehai, you are here, eh? Sir, didn't you say that you have something to talk
to Master Claude alone today?"
Noah! You little bastard! ! Yuehai's little face changed, and her look looked as if she
was coquettish and angry. It was hard to imagine that her heart was furious at this
Issue 107 Self-destruction
Noah blinked, wondering why Yuehai-sama was glaring at him with such a charming
look? Who knew that the eyes were already full of anger. If the situation had been
changed, Noah might have been torn into pieces by Yuehai.
What a naughty kid! Yuehai couldn't help but sigh at this moment. She finally knew
at this moment how terrible naughty children are. They don't understand the
atmosphere around them, but directly say what they want to say most. It's better to
call it Tongyanwu. Taboo, if it sounds ugly, it sounds like a bear! I heard that the
Suzaku Empire was a gathering place for naughty children. Fortunately, she didn't
live in the Ancient East.
"Oh~ Miss Yuehai, it turns out she still has something to talk to Brother Clad." Xue
Lian's eyes narrowed into a slit, and the cold light coming from them made Yuehai
and Tier shiver in unison.
"Anyway, we are all on our own, so why not just say it here. Miss Yuehai probably
doesn't want to tell Brother Krad anything ulterior."
"Of course not..." Yuehai was dripping with sweat at this time. She didn't have a body
that could sweat very much, but because of her current situation, Yuehai felt that she
might have sweated out for several days. .
"Then let's hear it. I happen to be very interested too." Xue Lian grabbed Yue Hai's
tender little hand, but the strength of the Nine-Five Master made her feel a little pain.
This, this, this, this, this, this, this, this
If one word of this is wrong, it will be the end of my own hands.
Wow wow wow wow
Yuehai's mind is now confused. It is impossible to use force to suppress His Highness
Xuelian. [All Saints Emperor] Ulfas is still watching. It was impossible to implement
the escape plan. After being caught by Xueliang, she couldn't move at all.
She doesn't have this skill at all when she activates her tongue. If she really wants to
speak out, she might be even worse than Krad.
What should I do? The moment of ultimate destruction has arrived!
Noah, Noah, I will kill you first when I escape.
"Come on, let's talk, everyone is listening."
The strength in Xuelian's hand increased again, but Yuehai was helpless, and Clad
could only hesitate to speak.
In fact, Krad was also somewhat looking forward to what Yuehai would say.
No, not anymore! At this time, I can only betray myself.
"I, I actually want to tell Tyr something."
This is truly betraying oneself. By the time everyone came to their senses, Xue Lian
had already let go of Yue Hai's little hand and looked at him with satisfaction.
"So that's it. I misunderstood, but the lies Brother Clad told before are hard to
The fingerpoint was once again pointed at Krad, which made the blond young man
who was originally relieved suddenly become nervous again.
However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came
"Tir, are you trying to hook up with Yuehai again?"
Tier's whole body was covered with chills. When he looked back, he saw that the thin
figure of Long Tu had already walked over three steps at a time, with an aura that
seemed like a fight.
But Tier didn't want to fight at all, and he couldn't beat her.
What happened today? Why do all the coincidences come together?
"Dragon Slayer, please listen to my explanation. I am innocent in this matter. Even I
don't know what Yuehai wants to say to me."
However, other people's eyes told him, 'Who believes it! '
Tier couldn't help but want to ask everyone, what kind of person am I in your eyes?
Why do you think that being with Yuehai is seduction? Can't it be pure friendship?
"Look at other people's eyes, who would believe it!" Long Tu looked at Tyr angrily,
and Damiyala beside Yuehai also shook his head and said
"Didn't you promise that we won't harass Yue Hai anymore? It seems that our gentle
approach to you made you think that you were subdued. What you did made me very
disappointed, classmate Tier."
"That's right!" Neluke echoed, following Damiyala.
As for Shu Yunsheng, who had not spoken before, she seemed to have become a
spectator, observing the development of the situation with interest.
In the end, all the pressure of this situation fell on Tier alone.
What the hell kind of evil is this?
He looked back at the trio of Konstantin Clad, Yakumo Xiaoqi, and the posture of
looking up to the sky has become a rule. Is the scenery so beautiful today?
"What else can you say, Tyr."
Facing the Dragon Slayer's question, Tyr scratched his head and sighed slightly.
"What are you doing, why don't you let me have a meal with Yue Hai? Are you a
classmate and you still care about this?"
"but you......"
"You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, I can have a meal with Elena, I can
have a meal with Mei Kuizhidie, I can have a meal with Yakumo Xiaoqi, but why
can't I have a meal with Yuehai. "
"Hey, why did you add me to the women's group!" Yakumo Xiaoqi poked Tier's back
and couldn't help but complain. However, the man in pain didn't care and continued.
"Isn't it just a mouthful last time? Why? Accidents are accidents. Can I still fall in
love with Yue Hai just for this kiss?"
"How dare you say that! You..."
"Oh, Miss Dragon Slayer, what age is it? If you are so stubborn, I don't mind kissing
you. Come on." Tier said and took a step forward. Dragon Slayer subconsciously
took two steps back.
"you you you......"
"Come on, come on, you're welcome, we all know each other..."
"You gangster!" Long Tu's ears were red and he punched Tier with a punch. The
overwhelming feeling made Tier endure the pain of his stomach and large intestine
dancing in his stomach.
Fortunately, Tyr, who had a good ability to withstand pain, just knelt on the ground
without spitting out his breakfast. The Dragon Slaughter took two steps back and ran
away without saying anything.
This is a strategy that Tyr came up with because he really had no other choice, that is,
he is a rogue!
No matter what you say, I am just unreasonable, so he finally drove away the most
troublesome being, Dragon Slayer, but he also paid the price of having his stomach
almost pierced.
However, at this time, he found that everyone looked at him with cold eyes.
"As expected of Mr. Tier, what a scumbag." Xue Lian delivered a fatal blow on
behalf of everyone.
well? Alas, alas, alas! !
In this way, the originally absurd interpersonal relationships were alleviated by Tier's
self-destruction. Everyone ended their lunch break talking and laughing, but Tier was
left alone.
"I'm in." Shu Yunsheng opened the door of the teacher's room and strode in. What
appeared inside was Yongye, a long-tailed cat as dark as night. He glanced at Shu in
a humane way. Yun Sheng, spoke calmly
"Jing Sheng's sister, why are you here looking for me?"
"I'm here to invite you to go back." Shu Yunsheng sat across from Yong Ye
obediently, showing a natural smile.
"Brother Huang said that one of the purposes of his coming to Avalon this time is
"That boy Jingsheng." Yong Ye smiled and shook his head.
"There's no rush now. It just so happens that you can gain some knowledge by
learning something when you get to Avalon."
"Oh~ Then this time I will be criticized by the emperor when I go back." Shu
Yunsheng said reluctantly, but Yongye didn't buy her account, so he lay down on the
soft cat ball and said comfortably
"When you get back, tell Jing Sheng that I need to go back to the mercenary group
first to clarify the matter before looking for you."
"Mercenary group?" Shu Yunsheng was puzzled, but Yong Ye smiled slightly.
"It's a very interesting place. Moreover, if Jingsheng doesn't even have this patience,
then even if I go there, it won't help."
"...Okay, I will convey it to the emperor."
"Then, Master Yongye, can I touch the flesh pads under your sharp claws?"
As night fell, Tier played four individual matches and two team matches today.
Although he didn't play much, he didn't lose a single one. The reason why he played
so few was because of the course schedule and the class match tomorrow. The reason
is that Tyr also wanted to recharge his batteries, and one of the reasons was that he on
the other side of the Moon Sea began to study diligently in order to get rid of the title
of vase, so time suddenly ran out. What is gratifying is that as a Yue Hai's self broke
through to the upper level of Qi at noon today. Since coming to Avalon, the speed of
the breakthrough of Dou Qi has increased several times. The main reason is that he
had been studying magic with Master Lau Jerry and neglected Dou Qi. Nowadays,
the balance of monsters has begun to be emphasized, so Yuehai, who has extremely
high talent, has made breakthroughs one after another. This news made Tire, who had
not made any progress, not knowing whether to cry or laugh. He even thought that if
he didn't focus on training Yuehai, as Tyr, he would just muddle along. Just
considering the reasons of Krad and others, he finally chose to let Tire and Yuehai go
hand in hand, because he was not sure if he as Tire died, whether he as Yuehai would
also die as a result. , although the self on the other side entered a state of complete
death during the mind's eye mode, it was not really killed after all, so it is difficult to
draw a conclusion. Tyr thought over and over again and felt that the safest way was
for both sides to have the ability to protect themselves. If Yuehai became a sharp
edge and Tyr became a weak point, it would be more of a loss than a gain.
Tyr, who was soaking in the bath, finally received the frequency of the Shadow Stone
after seven days today.
"Yo, human."
Pandora's voice became clearer and her words became more humane. Although her
face was still disgusting, it no longer had the beast-like ferocity it had at the
beginning. However, this did not mean that the ferocity had been worn away, but that
the ferocity had been removed. That kind of violence is hidden deep in the heart,
which is even more terrifying than the original joyful appearance.
"Human, we see something different in your eyes." Pandora's mouth that extended to
the back of her head was slightly split, as if she was smiling, but blood kept flowing
out of it.
This was human blood, and it was obvious that this monster had had a feast before.
"You seem to be very happy. Your eyes used to be full of sadness. It really surprises
us how you have changed so much in such a short period of time."
As usual, Tire stared at each other indifferently, looking at the background behind
Pandora, which seemed to be a village. Blood and flames dotted the scene that should
have been very beautiful. Krad would definitely be furious if he saw it, but Tire did
not change at all. After all, whoever died in the village had nothing to do with him.
The 108th Issue Selection
"You don't seem to care much about the life and death of your kind." Pandora could
understand the meaning expressed in Tyr's eyes, which also established the basic
communication between the two.
"Look here, human."
Pandora moved the camera of the Shadow Stone and turned around the village that
was eroded by flames and blood. What appeared in front of Tyr was a gray-haired
woman and five children. They hugged the woman and cried for their mother. , only
the older boy endured the trembling all over and stared at Pandora, and roared like a
wounded beast.
"Monster, I will definitely come back and kill you! She is a rare genius among
mercenaries! She will definitely avenge us!"
However, Pandora turned a deaf ear and looked at Tyr and continued:
"What do you think of five children and a woman?"
It was disgusting. Tyr frowned. He could see that the woman's eyes had long been
blind. Although her hands holding the children were shaking, the resolute face made
Tyr feel something in his heart.
"What do you want?"
"Please, if you only ask me, we will let these humans go." Pandora's tone had an
unusual flavor, as if she was very happy to be able to get Tyr to speak.
Tier pondered for a moment, glanced at the young man and the resolute woman in the
shadow, and finally said
"Pandora, please don't kill them."
"No, this is too simple. I ask you to take off one of your eyes as a sacrifice to us."
Pandora's words were filled with pride, but Tyr shook his head.
"This is impossible."
"Oh? Are you sure? As long as you dig out one of your eyes, you can keep six people
alive. This is a good deal." Pandora smiled, and behind her, the older boy He looked
at Tyr in the Shadow Stone with pleading eyes. The other children cried even harder,
and only the woman held them without saying a word.
Tyr still shook his head. If he saved these people, Pandora would definitely find
another group of people to threaten him. After waiting for more than a dozen groups,
Tyr wondered if he would die of self-mutilation, so it was better to start from scratch.
Veto this deal from the start.
Save people? He, Tire, was not kind enough to save some strangers he had never met.
Pandora was quite sorry and shook her head.
"Then it looks like we're going to have an extra meal today."
What followed was an extremely bloody scene. Till couldn't help but close his eyes
after seeing it halfway. Only the painful screams still echoed in his ears. The angry
look that the young man looked at him before he died made Till's heart twitch
slightly. , but that’s all, his values will not change because of other people’s attitudes.
But this Pandora. . . . . . If he continued to let it go, more civilians might die.
Tyr didn't think he should be too impulsive, so he turned off the Shadow Stone and
sent a magic sound to the Milik Kingdom's mercenary branch, finally locking
Pandora away. The bounty head is 80,000 gold coins. If everything goes well, they
will be encircled and suppressed within a week. No matter how high Pandora's IQ is,
facing the many iron-level mercenaries who want him, it will be difficult for him to
survive even if he goes to heaven or earth.
There is no other way. Although it would be very meaningful for Tyr to cut it
himself, if Pandora is allowed to be so free, just for his own feelings, it is really
unreasonable, so he still asks for mercenaries. The force of the encirclement and
suppression was good, which also made him feel more at ease. After all, the things
these days have given him enough headaches.
After taking a shower, Tier dried his hair with a towel and walked out of the
bathroom. At this time, the three people in the room looked at him in unison.
"What's wrong?"
"Water Hibiscus, oh~ I didn't expect Tier to look a little more charming when he
came out of the bath."
You're so charming! Tier couldn't help but roll his eyes when he looked at Kang
Shiding, but Yakumo Xiaoqi's words were very pertinent.
"Tyr, since your face has no changes that are different from ordinary people, then
don't wear a mask. It will look better this way."
Tier pondered for a moment and nodded. He just felt that it would be suspicious if he
suddenly stopped wearing it before. However, there was no reaction from his closest
roommate, so he didn't need to keep covering it up. .
Although there is a mask between us, this feeling is much more comfortable now than
Krader also smiled. He glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and suddenly spoke
"Tyr, how about I take you to a place as an apology for following you last time?"
apologize? Tier became energetic as soon as he heard this and asked immediately
"What apology?"
Of course, this also made the two of them very concerned about Konstantin.
Unfortunately, Crad also knew how to sell it now. He got out of bed, put on his shoes,
and replied
"Just follow me and you will know. And Kang Shiding, don't follow me anymore."
Constantine shrugged innocently. Wasn't it just a whim at that time? Besides, Krad
himself said that he was very interested at that time. Why is it all his fault now?
Yakumo Xiaoqi was open-minded and waved to Krad and Tyr who were leaving.
For a moment, only Yakumo Xiaoqi and Kang Shiding were left in the room.
"Hey, Xiao Qi~"
"Stop acting like a crazy person and get out of here."
"Don't say that, aren't we close friends?"
"court death!!"
Walking on the street to the flying train station, Krader and Tyr walked side by side,
with their pockets in their pockets. They said nothing at first. It was not until a long
time later that Krader said tentatively.
"That incident some time ago was really..."
"Don't apologize, Krad. The main thing is it's my fault." Tyr shook his head and
looked at the other person.
"I don't have as much control over my emotions as I thought I would."
"...Haha, but don't think that because I apologized, I stopped being suspicious."
"The relationship between you and Yuehai, although you both said that you have lost
your memory, it is obvious that there is some connection. I will still doubt it in the
future." Clad's smile remained unchanged, and this tone made Tyr feel no rejection at
all, and shrugged. shrugged
"Whatever, the innocent will purify themselves. At least I, Tier, haven't done
anything to be ashamed of since I can remember.
"Haha, I believe in you Tire, let's go. If you're late, you won't be able to catch this
train." After speaking, Clad quickened his pace. Tier immediately chased after
hearing this. He looked at Clad's back, Can't help but smile
Don't you know, Master Claude?
It was you who saved me.
In the ocean of memory, it was you who finally stretched out your hand and pulled
me back to reality.
Tyr has never felt this way before. Krad seems to have a natural charm that attracts
others. Even the selfish Tyr has a heartfelt admiration for Krad.
Perhaps it would be a good thing to become this person's friend, or even his right-
hand man.
Issue 109 is about to begin
The magic zone at night has a bewildering charm. She will involve all the ignorant
boys and girls in it, and finally devour them all.
Krad and Tire were walking on the streets of the Demonic District at this time.
However, Krad's terrifying aura prevented any of the gangsters from daring to step
forward to stop them. Even if they did, they would be knocked away in an instant.
They were so powerful. To horror!
When he arrived at his destination, Tier couldn't help but be stunned.
The huge hammer logo of the Yorkson Auction House appeared in front of his eyes.
Tire looked at Krad in confusion. However, the blond young master smiled and said
nothing and continued walking inside with Tire.
At this time, a young man with black hair stood at the door waiting for a long time.
When he saw Krad and Tyr arriving, he smiled slightly and a hint of surprise flashed
in his eyes.
"Lin Xiu."
"Master Clad." Lin Xiu bowed slightly, his appearance was obviously no different
from that of a servant, but Tire seemed not to remember that Clad had a servant. Such
confusion made Clad see it, and smiled at Tire.
"This is my friend since childhood, Lin Xiu. He is also a senior who entered Avalon
two years before me. Now he is a shareholder of Yorkson Auction House, and he
seems to have recently become the president."
"This is all cultivated by the Duke's Palace, otherwise I wouldn't be where I am now."
Lin Xiu was extremely humble. This attitude made it difficult for Tier to imagine that
this person was the one who appeared when Zhang Ling, Salma and others were
causing trouble. The imposing president of the auction house.
"Who is this......"
Seeing Lin Xiu looking at Tier, Tier nodded slightly, and Clad immediately spoke.
"This is my friend and roommate Tyr, you can get to know each other."
"It turns out to be Mr. Tyr. I remember the feat of pointing the sword at hundreds of
millions of people in the Magical Girl Competition. Even if I heard about it from
others, I was in awe. I didn't expect that there was such a handsome face under the
"Just kidding." Listening to Lin Xiu's words, Tier didn't know how to answer, so he
had to respond politely.
"But what is your purpose of bringing me here this time, Clad?"
In fact, Tier still had half a sentence left in his mind, which was when the apology
would be given.
Although Krad didn't know what Tier was thinking, he didn't continue to show off
and nodded slightly towards Lin Xiu.
"How are you preparing for what I told you yesterday?"
"Everything is ready, but before that I have prepared delicacies for Master Claude. I
wonder if I can taste them first.
"Tir, are you okay?" Clad sought Tire's opinion at this time. Of course, he was fine.
Wouldn't it be a fool not to eat something delicious? So Lin Xiu took Krad and Tire
to the auction house. A table was opened in the underground private room.
What doesn't the Yorkson Auction House have? There are all kinds of delicacies from
the mountains and seas. As Tier looked at each dish, he just felt like he would go
down and devour it at any time.
Tier had a happy meal here, and two good friends, Clad and Lin Xiu, also chatted
happily. After all, Clad has been busy recently and has not had the chance to see this
old friend. Now, apart from the Demonic Shadow Stone, they are reunited after a
long absence. , the two of them drank some wine and the atmosphere was good.
After half the drink, Lin Xiu suddenly said:
"Look, I have forgotten all the important things. I was chatting so happily with
Master Claude that I even forgot the time." He patted his forehead and then said
toward the door, "Bring over the thing you prepared last time."
"Yes." A low and terrifying voice came in from outside the room. Although there was
no malice at all, and even a high degree of respect, it still made Tire's pupils shrink.
This thick coercion was at least on the level of an emperor. Although it was not as
terrifying as the one from Vanas at that time, it was better than the coldness.
Not long after, the owner of the voice opened the door of the box and respectfully
sent a long box in.
Long box? Tyr couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. What was this? Even
though this box alone was expensive, the intricately crafted patterns of flying dragons
and phoenixes looked lifelike.
At this time, Krader nodded slightly towards Lin Xiu
"It's too much trouble for you."
"Please don't say that to Master Clad. I obey your arrangements in everything." Lin
Xiu bowed deeply with a smile, as if Clad's praise was the best reward for him.
When Tire was wondering what was going on with these two people, Krad still
smiled and looked at Tire and said
"Open it and take a look."
"Who are you?" Krader couldn't help but feel funny, why didn't he see Tier being so
timid in normal times. .
Tyr looked at this precious long box and couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. Is
this the legendary apology? He would probably make some money if he sold the shell
alone, so he wouldn't lose even if there was something inside.
That's right, you can't have too high hopes, after all, that will lead to greater
But Tyr still couldn't stop his trembling right hand, and finally slowly opened the
long blue box.
Lying quietly inside was a long sword the color of a box.
The hilt of the sword was brown, and countless magic lines outlined a strange pattern
that extended to the scabbard of the sword. Just by looking at it, Tyr's eyes started to
light up.
What a sword! Definitely the sword of swords!
He subconsciously picked up the sword, holding the scabbard in his left hand and the
hilt in his right hand.
Hey~~~~ Just by opening a crack, the sound of swords whirled out and could not be
dissipated in the entire space for a long time.
"What a sword! What's the name of this sword?" Tier couldn't help but say it. This
was also because this sword was so satisfying to him. If it had appeared at the auction
house at that time, Tier might have asked Angel for help. Let her buy this sword first
Such a good sword is well worth the price even if it costs a little.
"The name of this sword is [Tyrant]. It would be great if Your Excellency Tier likes
it." Lin Xiu's smile remained unchanged. He did not seem to reject Tier, but this
sentence made Tier slightly startled.
"Well, Mr. Lin Xiu, what do you mean..."
"Of course I gave it to you. Didn't Master Claude tell you? Haha, we still have a good
sword here, but it's a pity that it was bought by a little girl during the day. However,
we kept it second-hand, so it's a good thing. Entrusted."
"Is this...are you really going to give this to me?" Tire turned his gaze to Krad, who
"This is the apology. I know that in the last battle you were defeated so easily by me
because you lacked the long sword. I just hope that you won't bore me too much
when we spar in the future."
"Haha, that's not a bad tone." Tire was told this by Krad, but he didn't shirk the
sword. He was not the kind of hypocritical person, so he inserted it on the other side
opposite to the possessed person.
That sense of balance made Tier feel as if he had returned to the solid feeling he had
when he fought against Diz in the Magical Girl Competition.
Finally back, Tianjian Yishin.
And tomorrow, he will bring this sword to show off his skills in the competition!
The 100th issue of punishment
Thursday, July 15th
On this day, the class competition finally came.
As the morning meeting began, Teacher No. 3 lost his usual nagging, looked at
everyone quietly, and said
"In one sentence, win for me! Do you hear me!!"
"I heard it!!" Faced with Teacher No. 3's sudden sense of terror, all the students
immediately and unconsciously shouted in agreement. The deafening sound actually
resounded through the entire floor, causing other classes and groups to also be
exaggerated. One by one, they were in the group Under the guidance of the teacher,
he roared in affirmation.
"Okay! In the first competition of Group B of Class 9, I have only one request, no
one is allowed to die!! Of the ninety-seven of you, if one dies, all of you will be
punished. This is my warning to you. , remember, no one can give up!"
"Okay, let's adjourn the meeting!" After saying these two sentences, Teacher No. 3
ended the morning meeting and continued.
"Everyone, follow me to the class competition arena."
The field for the class competition is completely different from the usual competition
fields scattered in various streets. After all, it is a super battle between two thousand
people versus two thousand people, so the magic pattern field prepared is also very
huge. At this time, Teacher No. 3 is leading his AB class. Nearly two hundred people
gathered with the entire class on the large playground in front of the Yusheng
Building. Standing at the front was Rachel, a demigod strongman who was a member
of the [Amaterasu Mercenary Group], and was the top leader of their ninth class.
She looked at the students slowly gathering together and couldn't help showing a
trace of dignity.
"The class competition, and it's the first one this semester, is a crucial battle for me. I
don't ask you for anything, you just need to know the punishment."
Rachel glanced at everyone and then said
"If I lose this class competition, then all the boys will run naked around Avalon, and
all the girls will wear bunny costumes for me for a week!"
As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned on the spot. Even the group
teachers and mobile teachers were dumbfounded. Only Yong Ye's laughter echoed on
the playground.
It wasn't until half a minute passed that the whole place erupted into howls of ghosts
and wolves.
No! !
Oh my God! !
"Isn't it perverted to run naked around the entire Avalon?!"
"I don't want to wear something so shameful!!"
"It's over, it's over, if I run around naked now, don't be scared to death when others
see my huge thing."
At this time in the crowd, Kang Shiding pushed Yakumo Xiaoqi's shoulder
"Do you want to run naked like a man, or have you been misunderstood by others as
a woman and a bunny girl?" As Kang Shiding spoke, his eyes showed a vulgar light,
looking extremely unbeatable. Yakumo Xiaoqi didn't expect it. This, he said firmly,
patting his arm.
"Just win!"
That’s right, just win!
Everyone immediately realized this truth, and each of them showed their persistent
eyes. The atmosphere of the whole place suddenly changed, as if they were like an
army on the battlefield, revealing bursts of murderous intent!
win! Win no matter what!
"You have to win no matter what!" Tyr murmured to himself, his gaze more
determined than the others, because if he really lost, he would not only have to bear
the shame of running naked but also the feeling of wearing a bunny girl costume. The
double shame is simply overwhelming. Let his life be worse than death.
Therefore, in this battle, win or die!
Seeing that her momentum was almost restored, Rachel put her hands on her waist
and said
"Then let's go!"
A total of fifty-nine freshmen classes participated in the class competition. Among
them, class thirty-six had a bye. There was no need to deduct class points but they
could not get any points. This was good or bad for class thirty-six.
After arriving at the stadium, the staff directly sent the two thousand people from
Class 9 into the huge magic pattern hall, and a huge magic shadow screen was hung
on the roof of the magic pattern hall, so that all pedestrians could see it everywhere.
The seniors from all grades also took out their magic shadow stones to watch with
great interest.
Since there are fifty-nine classes, it’s hard to decide which one to look at.
Class 9, which has the number one genius in the northern empire, Krad, and the orc
prince Nonoka, are highly anticipated. Their duel is with Waltz, who holds the top
eight honors in the Nylon Kingdom's youth group, and Ska, who is the Western
Army-level fighting champion. Lei Te, his class is the sixth class where elites gather
The collision between these two classes can be said to be the most anticipated group
in this class competition. People are looking forward to what kind of terrifying war
they can have.
After Tyr and others entered the magic pattern hall, not long after, a mechanical voice
suddenly came.
[Now we are about to enter the small world Nita, please prepare yourself. 】
Everyone's hearts gradually became solemn, the war was about to begin, and the
stakes were their dignity!
The next moment, two thousand people disappeared into the magic pattern hall.
When his eyes regained vision again, Yuehai was already in the world of Nita. The
humid air and the forest-filled space made people's breath suffocate slightly.
The environment here is so bad!
It's not that it's dirty, but that the amount of normal breath in the air is not enough for
them to exercise vigorously. Once their breathing becomes rapid, they are likely to
suffocate to death.
Yue Hai swept around, and the team of 2,000 people began to disperse in groups of
three or five like ants. This was exactly what Teacher No. 3 said. They were not able
to work together at all. I am first and God is second, no one will obey anyone else.
Yuehai looked back again, and saw three huge crystals thirty or forty meters high,
emitting purple light and buzzing non-stop. These are the crystals that Teacher No. 3
mentioned before. If this is destroyed, everything will be destroyed. It will all end.
However, before that, the [Crystal Protector] must be killed, Yue Hai just thought,
and the system's emotionless voice came again.
"We will now release [Crystal Guards] for both sides. Each side has a total of 5
people. After killing all the targets, you can attack the crystal. Once the three crystals
are broken and collapsed, it will herald the victory of the other side. 】
After the system finished speaking, five rays of purple light suddenly dropped from
the sky. The beautiful color seemed like a miracle. However, it was okay if you didn't
look at it. When you looked at it, Yuehai was dumbfounded.
Because one of them happens to be covering himself as Tyr.
This, this, what is the chance of being chosen like this, 5/2000? !
Oh no, it should be 5 in 1,000. Her chance is twice as high as others. Thinking about
it this way, it’s not so hard to accept.
However, in this way, the five [Crystal Protectors] received the highest level of
protection from the students, and they were surrounded one by one, fearing that Till
would be harmed in the slightest.
Damn it, how can I do it as Tyr?
In that case!
Yue Hai slightly caressed the long sword hanging on her waist
Then we can only rely on this! ! She, Yue Hai, has not spent these days in vain. Her
strength has already undergone earth-shaking changes. Who is she afraid of as a
magician and a martial artist?
The 111th issue left behind
"What should we do?" Neluke couldn't help but look at Damiyala. Among the
Dragon Slayer team, Diz Yexi and Dragon Slayer have the highest level of force.
Neroke and Angel, Gui Dongri are magic rangers, and Leah For maneuver purposes,
Tsukiumi serves as backup medical. Damiyala plays the role of an axis in the entire
team, that is, a think tank. This is something she has discussed with everyone from
the beginning. From the position she holds , except for Yue Hai’s slight protest, the
others naturally had no objections.
"Now according to the plan of the third division, we will first follow the teams of
Group A and Group B. If they disband in the middle, then at least we must keep our
team from dispersing. Also, if possible, join forces with Krad and others. A good
choice, Tier and Yakumo Xiaoqi in their team are both experienced masters, and
many things can be solved if we work together."
"...However, it seems that Tyr over there has become a [Crystal Protector]. He is
protected by so many people, and it will be difficult for us to join forces with them
again." Neluke actively expressed her opinion, And it’s a very pertinent statement.
Dragon Slaughter also nodded in agreement.
"In this situation, if we join forces with them, we will only be passive and we will not
be able to take action."
Everyone was quiet for a while. At this time, Yuehai said weakly:
"How about we... fall behind?"
Um~ Everyone's expressions froze. This is what they want to do. After all, it is too
troublesome to operate with Group A and Group B. There are so many people, and
they may not know how they died by then, so... Comfortable for small groups of a
few people.
Damiyala couldn't help but sigh when she saw everyone became silent.
"No wonder the No. 3 division division has repeatedly emphasized that we need to
unite. If we can't do it ourselves, there's no point in joining forces."
When Damiyala said this, everyone felt a little guilty. Thinking about the words of
Teacher No. 3 Qian Dingzhuwan, they wanted to be the first to stand out. It was
really unreasonable to see this, but Damiyala Yara continued at this time and said
"But I personally don't want to act with a large force, so if there are no objections,
running away directly is the best choice!"
oh! ! This made everyone's eyes brighten, and Damiyala's beautiful face became
much cuter.
"Then the next step is how to go. There are no prompts or maps here. The chance of
encountering a large force if you advance from the center is very high, so if possible,
we should choose to advance from the right edge."
Damiyala was talking to herself and analyzing, while the others looked like they were
all listening to you. Even the dragon slayer who had been bickering with her became
much more well-behaved, and the two of them never quarreled again from the
beginning to the end. Pass.
"Let's advance from the right. Now, when everyone sees an opportunity, run away.
Don't let the people in your own army catch you."
After Damiyala finished speaking, the group of people used their fastest escape
method to rush into the surrounding forest.
When the people in Group A and Group B saw it, they immediately yelled. Taking
this opportunity, other teams in the large army who had their own thoughts also
began to disperse. In this way, Group AB, which should have clenched into fists, was
in Damiyala. The team began to fall apart as they fled.
As for Tire, he was still surrounded by a sea of people and seemed bored.
Yuehai and his group rushed into the forest until they sprinted for ten minutes before
slowly stopping and finally gathering together.
They first recovered their strength on the spot, and then began to look around.
"The humidity here is so heavy. After just staying here for a while, my hair is
completely covered with dew." Gui Dongri shook her shoulder-length hair, and a
handful of dew flew directly onto Yue Hai's face.
I bother! Yue Hai wiped the dew on her face. Although Gui Dongri's hair was very
fragrant, it didn't mean that she was willing to lick the dew thrown off by the other
"Ah, I'm sorry!" Looking at Yuehai's embarrassed look, Gui Dongri hurriedly came
over, took out a handkerchief from the storage ring and tried to wipe Yuehai's face,
but the humid air made the ground muddy. , originally it was not a big deal to pay
attention, but because Gui Dongri was too nervous, her feet suddenly slipped, and she
suddenly jumped forward, pulling Yuehai's skirt and fell to the ground, making a
perfect fall.
Seeing the situation, Di Zi blushed, coughed dryly, and looked up to admire the
scenery as if he hadn't seen anything. However, the others couldn't help but tutted and
looked at Yue Hai and Gui Dongri pitifully.
"Fortunately, we are lagging behind. If we were still in the army, we would definitely
be taken advantage of by those men. Look at these benefits. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk,
tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk tsk, Yuehai, you are still wearing black,
don't you think you are not tempting enough?"
Long Tu's straightforward words made Yue Hai's face turn red. She quickly pulled up
her skirt and took two steps back.
"Who knows, the storage ring is full of black underwear."
"Then do you remember who helped you prepare the storage ring?"
It was okay for the dragon slayer not to ask. When asked, Yuehai immediately
remembered and looked at Leia with resentful eyes. However, the female knight with
short reddish hair chose the same posture as Diz.
The key point was that Yuehai discovered later that each piece of underwear used
less fabric than each piece. If she didn't usually wear pantyhose, she would still be a
little chilly down there.
At this time, Niluke stepped forward and helped Gui Dongri up, who had fallen to the
ground. The muddy clothes made Gui Dongri's expression become even more
"Yes, I'm sorry, Yue Hai, I didn't mean it."
"It's okay, it's all women here anyway." Yue Hai smiled fearlessly, while Diz behind
her coughed awkwardly, signaling the presence of this grown man.
After that, Gui Dongri's clothes were cleaned using magic, and then everyone started
on their way.
As a stalker, Ye Xi is the most experienced in adapting to complex terrain.
Ye Xi, who had not said a word from beginning to end, walked at the front. She
either cut off a branch to check, or lowered her body to examine the soil. Her skillful
techniques made others marvel, but no one except Long Tu People can understand
the meaning of Ye Xi doing this.
Walking in the forest under the scorching sun, the humid and heavy air made the
magicians with weak physical strength feel a little tired. Yuehai didn't feel tired now
because his fighting spirit had improved to a high level. This performance actually
made Niluke and the others envious of the dual cultivators of magic and martial arts.
But how easy is it to practice magic and martial arts? People who are good at fighting
qi may not necessarily be able to do magic, and people who are good at magic may
not be able to gather fighting qi. The training systems of the two are extremely
different, so it is even more difficult to practice dual cultivation at the same time. To
the unbelievable.
At this time, Ye Xi, who was walking at the front, suddenly raised a hand to signal
everyone to stop. She looked at the light gradually coming out of the forest and
narrowed her eyes slightly.
"There's someone ahead."
Massacre Issue 112
"There's someone ahead."
Ye Xi's words made Yue Hai and others become solemn. After all, the only people
coming from this direction were enemies, and if it was a large force, they would still
be at risk of being surrounded and killed.
"How many people?" Damiyala asked this key question softly. Ye Xi knelt down and
pressed her fair face to the muddy dust without saying a word. She placed her ears
against the ground at the same time and narrowed her eyes slightly. They listened
quietly, and everyone remained silent for fear of interrupting Ye Xi's judgment.
Not long after, Ye Xi stood up again, wiped the dirt from his face, and said calmly
"Judging from the footsteps, there are two to three hundred people, but they should
not be students, but the aborigines here."
Aboriginal people! That is, the Nita people.
This sentence made Nilu Keguidongri and others turn pale. Thinking of the pictures
that Teacher No. 3 showed them at that time, their little faces turned from white to
red again, which was really embarrassing.
"How is it, advance or retreat?" Ye Xi asked. Damiyala thought about this question
for several minutes before answering.
"Come in! We will have to fight with the aborigines here sooner or later. Why not get
to know them now? We can also measure whether their top-notch military power will
harm us."
"According to the No. 3 division division, there are three Nita people in the footsteps
who are heavier. They are Nita warriors, but there are no Nita braves." Ye Xi said
this, and she would not mention King Nita. If that kind of big guy were here, Ye Xi
would probably tell everyone to run away without saying a word.
"Three Nita warriors... The other Nita natives are not a concern, but we must actually
test how powerful these three warriors are."
As soon as Damiyala finished speaking, the Dragon Slayer clapped his right fist with
his left hand and stood up.
"I'll deal with those three warriors."
"No, if you come, I'll probably punch you one at a time. It won't be effective as a
test." Damiyala shook his head, which made the Dragon Slaughter scratch his head.
He wanted to retaliate, but he still felt that the overall situation was the most
important thing. No further words were spoken.
"It's better for you to go to Yuehai. You are neither the strongest nor the weakest in
the team, and you are a magician and martial artist. It is most suitable for you to fight
those three Nita warriors.
Tsukiumi nodded without thinking.
She came here to show off her talents this time. It happened that Tianjian Yishin had
not been used much except for the time at the auction house, so she could take
advantage of the opportunity to get better at it.
Seeing that Yuehai did not refuse, Liya quickly asked with some worry
"Isn't this bad? If you let sister Yuehai fight, it's better for me to go..."
"Sister Leia." Yuehai interrupted Leah's words and showed a smile she had never
seen before.
"I've grown up too, so don't worry."
Such a smile shocked Leah. Her lips were slightly opened, but she couldn't say a
word. For a moment, she really seemed to know Yue Hai again. Such a smile and
such eyes had never appeared before.
Damiyala smiled slightly. Since the last incident in Yuehai, her whole temperament
seemed to have changed. If I had to explain it, she seemed to be more humane than
before. In other words, she was more charming. .
However, Damiyala and others also asked about Yuehai's matter at that time.
Unfortunately, Yuehai himself didn't know about it. He heard from Leia that he had
lost his memory before, so he didn't know anything about his physical condition. This
left Damiyala at a loss what to do.
After being prepared for everything, Damiyala exchanged glances with everyone,
nodded slightly, and then rushed out of the forest one by one, either using body skills
or using the Double Speed Technique.
The sun completely shone down, broadening everyone's field of vision. Dozens of
straw huts appeared in front of them. The Nita soldier who was in charge of the
sentry reacted very quickly. When he saw the attack from unknown creatures, he
immediately let out a savage shout. With a roar, the other two Nita warriors quickly
ran out of the straw bag. When they saw Yue Hai and others, they picked up their
weapons and rushed over without saying a word.
The other Nita people were used to the life of fighting. Seeing that the opponent had a
large number of people, they also took out stone and wooden sticks from the straw
hut, let out an unpleasant roar, and ran towards the enemy with large strides.
Yue Hai's speed doubled at this time, and she rushed to the front. Looking at the Nita
warrior closest to her, she drew her sword and slashed at him the next moment.
Although the Nita warriors were low in intelligence, they had a good sense of
fighting. When they saw Yuehai's long sword coming, they actually raised their
wooden sticks to block it. With a bang, Yuehai's long sword struck the wooden stick,
but they didn't even make any progress. It didn't, but was rebounded by its strong
wooden stick.
Yuehai's palms ached, but he couldn't care less. He changed his steps. Although he
didn't use the Thousands of Transformations, with the cooperation of the Double
Speed Technique, he also made a strange move and appeared in Nita in the blink of
an eye. On the side of the warrior, his left hand was slightly raised, and his fingers
were gently tapped. A blue lightning shot out from Yuehai's index finger like a steel
bar, and penetrated into the ribs of the Nita warrior, mincing the flesh and blood in it,
and then ejected from the other side. Came out.
Second level magic, thunder bug.
With Yuehai's 80% increase in thunder element affinity, the power of this instant
lightning attribute magic suddenly increased sharply. After it penetrated the body of
the Nita warrior, its power did not decrease much, destroying several The straw house
slowly dissipated.
The Nita warrior screamed and clutched his ribs, but he did not fall down. His strong
physique allowed the Nita warrior, who was half a meter taller than Yuehai, to
stabilize his figure. Yuehai Taking advantage of the victory, the trajectory of the long
sword in his hand changed, and it was slashed directly towards the opponent's head.
Once successful, it was impossible to measure how tenacious its vitality was.
However, at this time, the other two Nita warriors rushed quickly with heavy steps.
When they saw their companions in a life-and-death crisis, their eyes suddenly turned
red and they roared angrily!
However, Yuehai did not stop the long sword in his hand because of the approach of
the two Nita warriors. The next moment, the huge head flew into the sky, and the
blood sprinkled into the sky like a fountain, and finally fell like rain.
Yue Hai used clever steps and magic to avoid being stained by blood. At the same
time, she used her strength to rush directly towards another Nita warrior. The distance
between the two sides was shortened in the blink of an eye!
On the other side, Diz and others could be said to have been massacred, but despite
this, not one of the two to three hundred Nita people chose to escape. They all went
crazy and rushed towards them one after another. At that time, Diz killed most of
them with one sword.
This kind of bloody scene of killing made Gui Dongri, Niluke and others look a little
uncomfortable, but after all, they are not human beings, and they are not innocent
people. They will not be disgusted by it, and naturally they will not like it.
Damiyala's face was calm. She walked past many corpses lying in a pool of blood
and came to the straw house. She leaned down slightly. There was no body odor
inside as expected. Because of the ventilation principle, it was relatively dry.
However, due to the geographical environment, the land is still extremely muddy.
There are beds, weapons, and food in it, but it is not empty. However, Damiyala took
a closer look and found that there was a Nita baby sleeping sweetly on the bed. .
Issue 113 Purple Crystal
After Yuehai approached the Nita warrior, he was not in a hurry to attack. After all,
there was another Nita warrior beside it. If there was only one Nita warrior, Yuehai
could crush it, but the threat of two Nita warriors would be huge. Double
improvement, of course, this is just to the extent that it changes from a piece of dust
to a stone.
Yue Hai's sudden stop caused the Nita warrior who was rushing in front to yell, and
the wooden stick in his hand suddenly pressed down. This blow could easily smash
even the boulder, but Yue Hai did not change his color, and his body moved slightly
to the left. Side easily dodged, and then came the attack from another Nita warrior's
giant stick. Yuehai, who had already anticipated this attack, dodged continuously, the
elements in his hand changed, and a flaming whip instantly unfolded.
Second level magic, flame silk whip
Bang bang, two huge sounds came from the belly of the Nita warrior. A scar was
made by the flame whip, and the blood was like a fountain. Before the Nita warrior
could counterattack, Yuehai had already stepped forward with his sword. The
opponent was because Yue Hai was in pain and did not swing the wooden stick to
attack immediately, so Yue Hai's sudden attack caught the two Nita warriors off
guard. How could Yue Hai let go of such a good opportunity? Yuehai's attack was
successful at once, and the two Nita warriors were quickly killed.
"Huh." Yue Hai let out a breath, flicked the long sword in his hand, and all the blood
stuck to the sword flew to the ground.
Leia watched Yuehai's actions from a distance. She couldn't help but be slightly lost
in thought. This was the timid Yuehai sister at that time. Judging from the back, she
was completely different. At that time, Yuehai still showed a sense of helplessness.
and hesitation, but now more of them are confident and tall. . . . . . My butt
seems to be rounder than before.
"I'm done here." Yuehai turned around and walked towards Dizi and the others.
Dragon Slaughter nodded slightly.
"Thank you for your hard work, how do you feel?"
"Well...what do you think from the perspective of bystanders?" Yuehai did not rush
to answer, but asked them first. Neluke was positive and said quickly
"Yuehai, your butt is rounder and your breasts are bigger."
"If no one answers, then let me talk about my subjective feelings first." Ignoring
Neluke's words, Yuehai said indifferently.
"Nita warriors feel a bit like ogres to me, that is, the kind of slow-moving monsters.
The key is that their strength and defense are very high. If you have contempt in your
heart, I am afraid you will easily suffer in their hands. Also It’s just that the magic
defense seems to be very poor. My second-level magic can easily penetrate their
bodies. I’m afraid they have no way to defend themselves against this type of
"Well... What I'm a little concerned about is the sticks they are holding in their hands.
You seemed to have been shaken away at that time." Long Tu held his chin in
thought, and the group of them walked to Ni Next to the body of the Nita warrior,
Dragon Slaughter squatted down and carefully examined the wooden stick that was
still tightly held in the Nita warrior's hand.
"This... doesn't seem to be wood."
Long Tu touched it twice and tapped it with his fingers, and finally murmured to
"There seems to be something inside."
As soon as he said this, Long Tu raised his fist and smashed it down instantly. The
wooden skin covering the surface immediately fell into pieces, which really shocked
everyone watching.
"Smash it open and take a look." After Long Tu punched it, he punched it again like a
sledgehammer. The ground shook at this time.
The corner of Yue Hai's mouth twitched slightly. Long Tu's habit of always liking to
do it first and then talk about it might have developed into a terminal disease.
While thinking this, the wooden stick had been broken into pieces, and a small purple
crystal appeared inside.
"This is......"
"I don't know, it looks like a purple dragon crystal, but judging from the quality, it
shouldn't be." Nileko shook her head and replied. The dragon slayer raised his
eyebrows slightly, took out the purple crystal from the wooden stick, and took out At
the same time, the stick quickly withered, and finally turned into a piece of dead
wood. This change made everyone look at each other and subconsciously think of an
Purple crystal has a strengthening effect.
Otherwise, how could this obviously ordinary wooden stick not only block Yue Hai's
slashes, but also knock the opponent away? This must be done as an experiment.
"Who among us knows how to forge? Let's do an experiment and embed this
amethyst in it." Long Tu glanced at everyone, and finally Ye Xi nodded slightly.
"Understand a little bit."
"If you know a little bit, you are a master. Why didn't Ye Xi tell us usually?" As a
roommate, I didn't know that Ye Xi had this skill. While I was confused, I also felt
that Ye Xi was too uninteresting.
Ye Xi's face suddenly stiffened when he was asked this question, and he thought
about it for a long time before answering.
"This shouldn't be a very useful skill."
"What's useless? This is simply an amazing skill." Nile clapped her hands happily
and took out her huge wand.
"My military-grade [Destroyer] was forged by the famous Lukran Ancestor
Workshop in the Sikri Empire today. I have always hoped that someone could make
me a tailor-made wand, so for Blacksmiths will also have inexplicable respect."
Niluke looked at the short blade tied to Ye Xi's thigh again and couldn't help but ask
"Could it be that this short blade was made by Ye Xi himself?"
Upon hearing this, Ye Xi took out the short blade next to his thigh from the weapon
holster and nodded.
"As for this short blade, it was indeed made by me."
"Wow!! This, this is a weapon, right? Ye Xi, you are so powerful, I want to hug your
thigh!" After saying this, Niluke really hugged Ye Xi's white and slender thigh,
letting the white-haired The girl blinked her eyes
"Why are you hugging your thighs?"
"The Demonic Shadow Stone says that if you follow someone else from now on, you
have to hug that person's lap. I will follow Ye Xi from now on. So help me build a
weapon!" As soon as Niluke finished speaking, Dragon Butcher said He had already
walked over and grabbed Neluke by the collar, and held her on the other side like a
"It shouldn't be difficult to inlay the magic crystal." Long Tu said to Ye Xi, who
"But it is possible, but it will take half an hour."
"It's okay, there's enough time. I have a sword here. You can try it." Long Tu casually
recognized a long sword from the storage ring. Yue Hai's eyes suddenly lit up when
he saw it.
The luster, the fineness, and the large string of gems inlaid on the scabbard make it a
top-grade sword. If you pull it out, the sound of the sword will be so beautiful.
Anyway, this sword is better than what Krad gave him yesterday. The handle is no
less generous.
But, why do you want to use such a good sword for experiments? And what is the
dragon slayer doing with a sword?
This was also everyone's doubt. When asked by the straightforward Neluko, Long Tu
suddenly became furious. He crossed his arms and looked in other directions and
muttered to himself.
"That fool accidentally hung up his sword today."
This sentence was not loud, so no one heard it. Only Long Tu himself was there
muttering to himself for a long time.
Issue 14: The Difference in Values
When Ye Xi alone began to use Neluke's flame magic to inlay the purple crystal,
Damiyala's voice came from not far away.
"Come here."
Dragon Slayer Dizi and others looked at each other, leaving behind Ye Xiniluke, Gui
Dongri and others. The others quickly came to the place where Damiyala's voice
came from.
There are many straw bale houses here, which are small, but if you look closely, the
space inside is very large. Because the Nita people like to sleep in underground
rooms that are one body shorter than themselves, so if you look inside, you will find
that there is actually another room below. Cave sky.
Damiyala was at the door of a straw bale house at this time. When she saw people
walking quickly, she immediately pointed to the straw bale house without saying a
word. The Dragon Slaughter who was walking in the front glanced at Damiyala first.
La, then he turned his head to the straw room.
A Nita baby is sleeping on a warm straw bed at this time, looking extremely peaceful.
The Nita's belly has been very swollen since childhood, which can be seen from
Long Tu frowned slightly and stepped aside so that others could see him. Everyone's
expressions changed slightly when they saw him, and they all looked thoughtful.
"Kill it, we might leave trouble, and other Nita people will find some way to find us."
Long Tu's suggestion was concise and clear, strangling all unstable factors in the
cradle, and Yuehai didn't wake up. He nodded slightly. This move made Lia
Damiyala and others unable to believe it. Unexpectedly, Yue Hai also considered it
this way. After all, in their eyes, Yuehai has always been the image of a gentle and
wealthy young lady, well-educated and sensible, neither arrogant nor impetuous.
Unfortunately, Yuehai's subconscious approval made the atmosphere of the entire
team somewhat different.
However, Yue Hai only regarded herself as Tier, who had fought side by side with
Dragon Slayer before. When they were together, Tier would basically agree to
Dragon Slayer's suggestions.
Diz's words remain neutral. It doesn't matter whether you want to kill or not. Angel
had the same idea as Diz and remained silent. Damiyala and Leah, on the other hand,
were a little unhappy.
"My judgment tells me that it is better to eradicate the roots, but if I think about it
carefully, this is a small tribe of Nita people, and even though they did not actively
provoke us, we still chose to massacre the village. From this point of view, Look, it's
not impossible even to let the child survive." Damiyala stated the core issue, but the
impact was not great. As for Dizu, the real culprit of the village massacre, his
expression did not even change. Let’s change it, he is not a human being anyway, so
as long as there is no country to arrest him, then nothing will matter.
"I agree with Damiyala's opinion, this child should not be killed." Leah's judgment
was completely opposite to that of Dragon Slaying, that is, he should not be killed!
"If you don't want to kill, don't kill. It's not good to have conflicts over such trivial
matters." Long Tu immediately ended the topic immediately. She had seen many
teams argue over trivial matters before, and in the end There are also many people
who parted ways. From Long Tu's point of view, this kind of thing is just a matter of
eating enough to support it. How many people have to refute each other to be happy?
In the end, the two broke up and it was not easy for anyone.
Damiyala was obviously aware of this problem, and she sighed secretly and shook
her head. She didn't expect that she would still be in opposition to others because of
this kind of thing. Only Leah didn't know, but her position was very clear. The child
is innocent.
Although Yue Hai wanted to say a few words, since Long Tu agreed with Damiyala
and others' views, there was nothing more to say. This hidden danger should be
eliminated in time. This does not mean that he is cold-blooded or ruthless, but If
something goes wrong by then, then it will be a disguised form of being cold-blooded
to oneself. Besides, he had killed so many Nita people before, so he didn't care about
the two little ones. Anyway, it was difficult for Yuehai to understand the thinking
circuit of Leia and Damiyala.
When the matter came to an end, everyone returned to where Ye Xiniluke was. Gui
Dongri couldn't help but ask when he saw everyone coming.
"Did you find anything?"
Hearing Gui Dongri's voice, Ye Xi and Niluke also raised their heads and looked
"A Nita baby, we are prepared not to kill it."
Long Tu's words immediately made Ye Xi frown, while Nilu just said "oh" and Gui
Dongri nodded with a smile. Yuehai could clearly see the reactions of several people.
One agreed with Dragon Slayer's opinion, one was indifferent, and one agreed with
Damiyala's opinion. Such discovery gave Yuehai some preliminary understanding of
his group.
She and Ye Xilongtu thought that everything should be eradicated, while Dizniluke
and Angel were silent and supported whoever made the final decision. As for
Damiyalariya and Gui Dongri, they chose to leave everything behind. A way back.
This is directly the invisible tripartite confrontation. When Yuehai thought about it
carefully, he found that just because of such a detail issue, everyone's values were
exposed. Of course, this was just Yuehai's own personal opinion, and perhaps the
actual situation was not the case.
"Ye Xi, how did you finish?"
"Okay." Ye Xi stood up and nodded to Niluke.
"Thank you."
"Oh, it's actually nothing. Just help me build a weapon wand next time." Neluke
seemed to have mentioned this matter again and again and it seemed that it was no
longer a joke. Ye Xi said it cheerfully and nodded slightly. Agree to this matter.
Then she looked at Long Tu again
"The purple crystal is inlaid on the inside of the upper half of the sword body. I think
there should be no problem."
"Okay." Long Tu wanted to reach out and take the sword, but his little hand hanging
in the air suddenly stopped, and then he looked at Yuehai
"Yuehai, this sword is given to you."
"Huh?! This, is this really good? This sword looks like a superior weapon or even
higher quality." Yue Hai also became panicked now. She really didn't expect Dragon
Slaughter to be so generous.
"What? Don't you want it? If you don't want it, I'll give it to Leah."
"I want it." Yue Hai nodded repeatedly, joking, how could she not want such a good
sword? Since Long Tu gave it to her, she could take it with peace of mind. She didn't
know why, anyway, as long as Long Tu gave her Yue Hai. I never want to be
pretentious, and I am not a pretentious person.
Taking the sword from Ye Xi's hand, Yuehai couldn't wait to pull out the sword.
Cang! Yue Hai seemed to hear the roar of the waves, and a faint coolness filled his
body, making the air that was originally difficult to breathe clear at this time.
It was such a good sword. Yuehai couldn't put it down when he saw it. Others looked
at it and found it funny to see Yuehai's appearance. Even Leah couldn't help but laugh
out loud. This girl was the same as before when she took advantage of it.
Long Tu couldn’t help but laugh.
"This sword is called [Shan Shui]. A beautiful woman should be paired with a sword,
Chapter 115 Chase
Shan Shui, Yue Hai nodded slightly. It was a good name, but it should be a sword
from the Suzaku Empire. After all, she couldn't hear any meaning in the name.
"Then let's try this sword inlaid with purple crystal."
"Okay." Yue Hai pulled out Shan Shui completely without saying a word, and with
the dance of the air, he slashed towards the ground with his sword.
The ground suddenly shattered, as if cutting tofu, and a chasm was cut with a radius
of 100 meters. This shocked the people on both sides, and they were also surprised
when they looked at the sword in Yue Hai's hand.
Yue Hai was even more delighted. Using this sword to cast Heavenly Sword Isshin
must be even more powerful. I am afraid that the power can be increased by one or
two levels out of thin air.
When Long Tu saw it, he couldn't help but shake his head in admiration.
"The cutting power of this sword itself, according to my calculations, based on the
endurance of the small world, should be able to cut a chasm of more than twenty
meters wide, but now it has directly increased to a hundred meters. The gap in this
Fully four times..." This sentence shocked everyone. People like Diz almost wanted
to dig one out of the Nita warrior's stick, but Dragon Slaughter's words were still
there. Not finished yet
"It's a pity that we are conscious bodies here. Although we can interfere with physical
objects in the small world, we cannot take it back. Once we return to Avalon College,
all the items on our bodies will be restored. So although this purple crystal is now It
is embedded in the Shanshui Sword, but after returning, the Shanshui Sword will still
be the original Shanshui Sword, and we cannot take away half of the things in this
In fact, Damiyala had already thought of this conclusion, but she just didn't say it out
loud. Now that the dragon slayer saw that most people were about to make a move,
he couldn't help but speak to stop it.
This sentence also made Yue Hai slightly disappointed, which meant that the sword
would still be lying in Long Tu's storage ring after he returned. . . . . .
How could Long Tu not guess Yue Hai's thoughts? When this girl was disappointed,
her expression was almost written on her face.
"Don't worry, this sword will still be given to you when the time comes, and no one
can take it away." These words made Yue Hai's eyes glow with divine light again,
and his respect for the dragon slayer became even deeper. Or maybe it seemed to Yue
Hai that Long Tu had now become his eldest sister. Under the double blow of
kindness and power, Yue Hai had already deeply admired this little girl.
"Okay, let's continue setting off." Damiyala said at this time. It's not good to stay here
all the time. Such a strong smell of blood may attract other creatures, but what's
reassuring is that There don't seem to be any monsters here. Although there are many
wild beasts, for Yuehai's team, the wild beasts are like chickens. They can catch one
to eat when they are hungry.
After Yuehai and others left, until noon, a strong Nita man appeared in the small tribe
that had been silent. Although he was not as big as the Nita warriors, he had tight
muscles. The round belly also disappeared and was replaced by angular abdominal
muscles. It walked into the tribe step by step and looked at the Nita warriors who fell
on the ground and the Nita people who were holding weapons and would rather die
than surrender. Ang Ziwei's face turned red and his lips trembled.
Probably because it was lunch time, the baby living in the straw hut let out a cry of
hunger. The strong Nita man's pupils shrank and he quickly ran to the place where the
sound was. He jumped to the straw hut. In the room, he picked up the baby on the
bed. The baby was still crying. The look made the strong Nita man frown and feel a
little pain in his heart. He quickly looked around and took out the food from the pile
of food. He put a piece of fat meat on the baby's hand. Children of the Nita tribe have
teeth when they are born, so there is no need to feed them liquid food. The baby
seemed to see his favorite and immediately devoured it.
The strong Nita man felt even more painful when he saw the child's appearance.
From then on, the child had no parents. . . . . . Same with it.
The Nita stretched out his generous palm and gently placed it on the baby's head, and
then he closed his eyes.
Picture after picture appeared in Nita's mind, and then his breathing became more and
more rapid, and finally he roared out!
"Ah!! Alien race!! (Nita language is used here.)
boom! !
The whole room collapsed suddenly, and the Nita man jumped out quickly, holding
the child in his arms, his eyes red. He recognized the breath, and finally locked the
direction in which Yuehai and others left, and then carried the baby behind him with
vines. The baby was tied tightly, but the baby was still eating the fat meat with relish,
without any fear of the roar of the strong Nita man.
"Bet on my Kabu's honor!! All of you aliens will die!!"
After Kabu finished speaking, he pulled out the two strange double blades hanging
from his waist, and rushed out the next moment. The speed was so incredibly fast that
all the trees and boulders in front of him were chopped into pieces with one strike!
The earth shook and cracked with every step he took!
"Hey, Clad, what should we do?" Konstantin rolled his eyes and looked at Clad next
to him, but the blond young man was also helpless and shrugged.
"Since Tyr is the [Crystal Protector], as a team we naturally have the obligation to
protect him."
"But..." Constantine looked around
"We are surrounded by these people on three levels, how can we protect Tier? Does
that guy need our protection?"
Kang Shiding and others are now protected by students from Group A and Group B.
There are even students from other groups joining this team. Of the five [Crystal
Protectors], two escaped alone and the other three were all surrounded. Tier was so
overwhelmed that he had been stared at eagerly by a group of male compatriots for a
long time, as if they were about to pounce on him and eat him at any time. This made
Tier break out in cold sweat on his forehead, and his anus could not help but tighten,
thinking that you are not tired. Well, couldn't we have a group of female compatriots
come here to enjoy themselves? There is a handsome guy here.
However, it may be because of these boys' thoughts that even if they change people
every time, they are still men.
This made Tier feel a little nauseous after walking all afternoon.
It was not as hot as expected at noon in Nita World, but the air was more humid,
making it a little inconvenient to walk. If you were not careful, you would fall down,
just like a second-rate classmate who fell unexpectedly before. After a while, he also
pushed the person in front of him, and then people pushed others. In an instant, a
large area fell. I don’t know how spectacular the scene was. Tier took a closer look
and saw the second-rate classmate who fell down first. Aren't you the same aspiring
person who foolishly opened the window on the flying train last time and was beaten
into a rag after that?
This second-rate classmate stood up quietly, patted the mud on his body, and said
rather shyly
"Well, I just want to go faster."
"You bastard! You soiled my Shadow Stone!"
"Ah! My glasses!"
"Who took the opportunity to drag my skirt!"
"Damn it, little guy! I won't deal with you today."
With everyone roaring, Tire witnessed a massacre. The scene was too horrible to
The 116th BBQ!
At noon, some people in Yuehai's group began to howl with hunger. This sound was
particularly terrifying in the passing forest. However, the howl was soon covered by
the sound of beatings.
"Ah~ Sister Mia, how could you throw out the magic book to such a hungry little
sister?" Neluke covered her head, looking like she had been taught a lesson by
"You are so loud, do you want to call the students from the enemy team over? In such
a place where the line of sight is unclear, if the other party spots us first, then it is
very likely that we will be attacked by a sneak attack and defeated in one fell swoop."
This is a fact. If you get close to them, you may be defeated if you are not careful.
But with the lineup of Dragon Slayer Emperor Zi Ye Xi and others, it is difficult for
Yuehai to imagine that there is any power that can defeat them in one fell swoop.
Even if The strongest nylon guy in Class 6, Waltz, probably can't do it either.
"But as Neluke said, I am really a little hungry. I don't know if the food here can
satisfy me." Long Tu agreed with Neluke's previous noisy words. After all, he had
been walking in the forest this morning. , plus I used to eat at this time, so I feel
hungry unconsciously. Even though someone at Pojun's level could survive for quite
some time without eating, no one liked the feeling of hunger.
"Huh? According to what you said before, Long Tu, if we stay here for a month, will
all the food in our stomachs be gone when we go out, and we will starve to death in
an instant?"
Yuehai's question made Damiyala and others speechless. In the end, Gui Dongri told
her weakly from the side.
"Well, Yuehai, we only have two days for the competition. It is precisely because of
this hunger that there is a time limit, probably..."
Um~ Yuehai looked at everyone, why everyone looked at her with such pitiful eyes,
was she the only one who didn't think of this? Doesn't that mean she is the dumbest in
the team?
No matter what, this title should belong to Neluke.
"But, what do you think? Three people are on guard duty while the others start
catching wild beasts and grilling them!" Long Tu's familiar words made everyone
couldn't help but take a second look at each other. After all, such rough words came
from a little girl's mouth. The words were very novel, but Long Tu's big, bright eyes
already showed an eagerness to try.
No one had any objections to Long Tu. They had only heard of new things like
outdoor barbecue before, and now everyone was curious when Long Tu mentioned it.
Wild beasts can be seen everywhere in the forest. Dizi went around outside and
caught a wild boar. When Long Tu saw the situation, he punched the wild boar to
pieces. Fortunately, Yue Hai, who had quick eyes and quick hands, caught him and
"You, what are you doing?"
"Divide the meat, it's difficult to cook such a big head." Long Tu said righteously, but
the others couldn't help but were speechless. If he punched it, would the blood and
meat sauce fly to the sky?
Yue Hai took out his other ordinary long sword and said helplessly
"Let me do it."
Afraid that the Dragon Butcher would smash it down again without saying a word,
Yue Hai immediately thrust out his long sword and played a sword trick on the wild
boar. The whole wild boar decomposed instantly, and without even a drop of blood, it
was clean and crisp.
"Good swordsmanship." Dizi couldn't help but admired. Although his swordsmanship
was great, he was also quite obsessed with the way of swordsmanship. Not only the
lightsaber style, but also other swordsmanship techniques Dizu would also learn.
Integration, otherwise it would not feel like it is getting stronger every day.
Leah cut a bunch of branches and piled them on the ground, and then found a lot of
haystacks. Unfortunately, because of the humid air, it was difficult to raise the fire by
ordinary methods, so at this time Nileko lit a second-level magic pot. Self-
extinguishing fire can burn for a long time. Although it is not very powerful, it has
many practical methods such as lighting, making fire and making food.
In this way, under the urging of Long Tu and Niluke, the outdoor barbecue was
And suddenly at this moment, the mechanical sound of the system came to their ears.
[This is the first time that more than three people have a team picnic. The team
friendship spirit is worthy of reward, and all personal points increase by 100 points]
The dragon slayers and others were about to put the roasted wild boar meat to their
mouths. The sudden sound made everyone startled, and Nilu couldn't help but
murmur to herself.
"You can also get points by eating barbecue."
"The system means that we should do more things to enhance team friendship." In
order to show her IQ, Yuehai chose to speak actively instead of remaining silent like
a goddess as usual.
"Well, and the individual points are very high, 100 points per person. Obviously the
college attaches great importance to the friendship between our students and does not
hesitate to use a reward mechanism to promote friendship." Diz agreed with Yuehai's
words, but Damiya Racho said
“Wouldn’t it be counterproductive to promote friendship just for points?”
"It all depends on how individuals get along. If there are differences, no matter how
tempting you are, there will still be grudges in your heart. Once something trivial gets
in the way, it may explode in an instant." Long Tu has a lot of knowledge about these
things. Deep insights seem to be things that have been encountered before, just like
the little incident where the babies had disagreements before. If Long Tu hadn't
stopped in time, I'm afraid the two sides would have had a grudge at that time, and
then there would have been a rift because of this grudge. , anything may happen in
the end.
"Oh~ I don't care, let's eat first..."
"Yes! Eat first!"
As soon as Neluke heard what Dragon Slaughter said, she was about to start nibbling
happily. However, as soon as she finished speaking, Dragon Slaughter stood up from
the fire and looked solemnly at the place they passed by before, with the same normal
expression. It was Ye Xi who pulled out the short blade in an instant, and her
momentum suddenly increased.
Such a violent reaction made everyone startled, but which one of them would be
mediocre? They woke up instantly, their steps changed, and they immediately formed
a three-two-three-one formation. Among them, Dizi Dragon Slayer Ye Xi was in
front, and Da Miaralia is in the middle, Katsura Niruko Angel is in the back, and poor
Tsukiumi is well protected.
What's this? Although he is the most powerful magician in the team with healing
skills, there is no need to block him so tightly, as if he would die if someone glared at
When thinking this way, the ground began to tremble, like an earthquake. In front of
Ye Xi and others, the trees began to sway continuously, until the last strong figure
appeared in everyone's field of vision, carrying a baby on its back.
Its eyes were red, showing no trace of dejection from the long journey. The sturdy
Nita man known as Kabu looked at the aliens in front of him with hatred. The tribes
that had been tortured and killed before The image came to mind again.
"You all deserve to die!!"
Issue 117 Nita Brave
As Kabu roared, the baby behind it began to laugh. The innocent voice was in sharp
contrast to Kabu.
Everyone's expressions darkened slightly. How could people like Damiyala not know
where this baby came from and where the Nita people came after them.
However, now is not the time to regret these things.
"Nita Warrior" Long Tu said lightly. Ye Xi and Dizi nodded in agreement. Although
this strong Nita warrior was not as big as the Nita warrior, his terrifying pressure
made everyone even though they were far apart. As if there were thorns on the back,
it was obvious that this was a creature that was even more powerful than the Nita
Warrior, the Nita Warrior.
Nita Brave Kabu has sophisticated equipment. Armor-like vines wrap around his
body, and there are many purple crystals inlaid. Just by looking at it, you can tell how
hard the armor will be.
The battle was about to break out, and Kabu had no intention of trying to
communicate with them. In its eyes, these were all dead.
The two strange long blades in his hands slashed in an instant. Such a wide-open and
wide-open attack style was suitable for fighting against Dizi. The three of them had a
perfect understanding of each other. Long Tu and Ye Xi took a few steps back, and
Dizi strode forward. He drew out the knight's sword from his waist and attacked
Boom! ! The collision between the two triggered a terrifying wave of air that blew
away the gravel and dust on the ground. However, Diz and Kabu did not take a step
back. The strong Nita man looked shocked, but Diz smiled ferociously.
"Yes, he is a good opponent!"
It's a pity that Long Tu and Ye Xi didn't plan to let Diz perform alone. In an instant,
he turned behind Kabu and raised his fist over Diz's head before hitting him!
Kabu was startled and was about to retreat when he felt something behind him. He
counterattacked without retreating and slashed towards Dragon Slaughter. However,
Diz suddenly exerted force at this time. Kabu's lower body suddenly became
unstable, and Dragon Slayer This punch hit the opponent's long blade, knocking the
Nita man back. Ye Xi, who had been lurking behind him, immediately took action. In
a flash of white light, a deep wound on Kabu's cheek was clearly visible.
Ye Xi, who once again appeared next to Long Tu and Di Zi, shook his head slightly.
"The Nita was very responsive and failed to cut off the head."
Kabu touched his cheek and frowned slightly due to the blood on his hand.
Such a strong alien race, any one of these three can fight him head-on, so it is indeed
difficult to resist now that they join forces.
only. . . . . .
Kabu looked at the baby behind him.
If you let them go like this, how can you have the face to see those dead tribesmen?
Although the small tribe is not familiar with him, leaving the baby without parents is
a crime worthy of death! !
So, since I can't completely destroy you, let me collect some interest!
Kabu put the long blade in his left hand back to his waist and stared forward with his
eyes. That fierce look made Dizi and others concentrate again.
I am afraid that if I make a mistake, I will be hit by the opponent's thunder.
However, the next moment, Nita Brave split into four people and rushed behind Diz
and the others.
"Oops! This guy has changed his mind!" Dragon Butcher's keen intuition and
experience allowed her to make an instant judgment, and among the four kabu
figures, Ye Xi Dizi Dragon Butcher only stopped three people, and the last one was
actually Breaking through the defensive line and rushing towards Damiyala and
Damiyala looked uncomfortable, and a beautiful song suddenly came out. Then a
transparent jellyfish floated in front of Leah and Damiyala, forming a natural barrier.
The long blade in Kabu's hand suddenly slashed out, but the jellyfish's elasticity But
beyond imagination, the sword struck out was like hitting a spring, and was knocked
back instantly.
Liya took advantage of the opponent's door to open and stabbed out with a sword.
This sword carried a trace of blue flame. Although it was just a trace, it made Kabu
jealous and he immediately retreated. At this time, Ye Xi, who was the fastest, had
already caught up. Just as he was about to raise his blade to kill, Kabu's eyes
suddenly froze, and his body divided again, this time it turned into six.
How could Ye Xi make the same mistake again, throwing out a sword flower with
the short blade in his hand, and finally throwing it into the void!
No virtual cuts.
The short blade disappeared into the void, but all of Kabu's clones were destroyed in
an instant. Finally, on the only entity, Kabu used his long blade to block the strange
short sword hidden in the void.
"The power of space!" Kabu couldn't help but be shocked. This white-haired woman
actually hid the short sword in the void and used the movement of dimensions to kill
all its clones. If it hadn't followed the great King Wanboqinita and was quite
knowledgeable. , otherwise just this one blow can cause it to suffer a lot of damage.
However, this still cannot stop it!
As the dragon slayer and Diz rushed over, Kabu turned around and ignored Damiyala
and Leia and rushed towards Neluko and others again, but this time it was Angel who
reacted first. Just when Angel was about to When fighting back, Kabu turned into ten
clones, instantly passed through the defense of Angel and others, and slashed directly
towards the last Yuehai.
Kabu thought to himself that this person is the most well-protected person in your
team. He must be a non-combatant who plays a therapeutic or backup role in the
team. Now he will definitely be able to achieve something with a single blow.
Well done! Yuehai saw the opponent's strong body like a falling meteorite and
slashed it instantly with the sword, and there was a strong tendency to split her in
Under such circumstances, Yuehai advanced instead of retreating, and instantly drew
out the Shanshui Sword in his hand.
Heavenly Sword Yixin, the first style
As Yuehai spoke calmly, a huge white light blade flew out towards Kabu instantly.
Coupled with the power of the Shanshui Sword, the sharpness of this huge light blade
had reached its peak at this time. Kabu instantly felt a sense of life and death crisis.
However, at this moment, the void beneath Ye Xi's feet twisted in the distance. The
next moment, she was thrown away, and the short blade in his hand was instantly
slashed out.
The shadow flashed.
Ye Xi transformed into white light and passed in front of Kabu. If this Nita warrior
hadn't had incredible reflexes, he would have been pierced through his entire body in
an instant. However, even if he dodged in time and used his long sword in time, He
resisted with the knife, but still got a cut with a deep visible bone wound!
"damn it!"
Along with Kabu's roar, Yuehai's first move was already close to Kabu's side. He
knew that if he was hit by this blow, he would be seriously injured that would be
difficult to heal, or he would die on the spot.
His instinct of life and death crisis told him this, which made Kabu make a decision
without hesitation. He threw the baby behind him high into the sky, and his eyes
suddenly opened!
The first move slashed through Kabu's waist, splitting the opponent in two. Even the
vine armor with outstanding defensive power could not block the blow at all, and
blood suddenly spurted out.
However, when I thought that this powerful Nita warrior was about to die, its lower
body actually stopped bleeding, and flesh sprouts began to grow rapidly inside. The
next moment, a complete kabu grew out, and it broke away from the confinement of
its lower body. With the viscous liquid, he stretched out his arms to catch the fallen
baby, and then gently landed on the ground with his feet. He looked at the Dragon
Slayer Dizi and others who had come to surround him with hateful eyes.
Something bad happened in Issue 118
"Regenerative ability?!" Damiyala was the first to say it. Yes, this was completely out
of the scope of healing, and even the brain could be reorganized. This kind of
regenerative ability was terrifying and unbelievable.
Others naturally saw it. This Nita man was too weird. Not only was he super strong,
he was also extremely capable. Being able to break through the encirclement of Dizi
Ye Xi and Long Slayer showed how terrifying this Nita warrior was. .
However, this Nita warrior was also afraid of these aliens. He thought he could kill
one of them, but he didn't expect that there was no weak hand in the team. Even the
last woman could burst out with such a powerful attack. This is The great King Nita
is also afraid of foreign races.
However, at this moment, fifty or sixty people suddenly rushed out of the forest.
Looking at the numbers of different colors above their heads, Long Tu and others'
hearts suddenly sank.
"This is the enemy class, retreat!"
"Now that we've been discovered, don't leave in such a hurry,
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" The blue-haired young man leading
the enemy had quick eyesight and quick hands, and immediately ordered everyone to
spread out and surround Long Slayer and the others.
Kabu, who was at a disadvantage, shrank his pupils slightly.
Another alien? ! And are you still hostile to the aliens here? In other words, there is a
second alien force here. Judging from the smell, their real number is far more than
No, this matter must be told to the great King Nita.
Kabu made up his mind, whether it was for the child behind him or the future of the
Nita tribe, he must escape from here alive.
"What should I do? These people don't seem to be weak." Yue Hai asked suddenly.
Dizi Dragon Slayer turned back and glanced at Yue Hai and answered calmly.
"What I mean is that we won't fight if we can. If these people don't care about life and
death, then let them stay."
Long Tu's domineering words made the students surrounding them sneer, and the
blue-haired young man who took the lead spoke unabashedly.
"This is really... a treasure. They all look so graceful, especially this one, tsk tsk tsk."
The blue-haired young man was referring to Yue Hai, which made veins appear on
her forehead. She now strongly agreed with the words of Dragon Slaughter. If these
people don't care about life and death, then don't leave.
"You should be more sensible. If you don't want to be eliminated like this, let me
have some fun. Anyway, we are in the virtual space. Even if you are a virgin, you
will still be pure and pure after you return. This deal should not be a loss for you."
The coercion suddenly spread, and Nita Brave's beastly intuition immediately felt the
terrifying aura. He couldn't help but take two steps back. The next moment, Diz's
whole body exuded golden light. The light seemed to be endless, reaching straight
into the sky. Look. It's terrifying to watch.
"I see, even if you said so, then as the vice-captain of the Dragon Emperor's team, it
is very necessary for me to protect the dignity of girls. Your speech has violated a
"Hahaha, so what?! With so many people here, what can you do?!" As soon as the
blue-haired young man finished speaking, a formation seal suddenly appeared under
Diz's feet, and the next moment, the entire space was filled with clocks.
"The secret of the Sanction Formation, one second."
As Diz's voice came out, all the clocks suddenly shattered, and countless light
elemental powers burst out from them. Like giant dragons of light, with terrifying
roars, they attacked the students of the enemy class at that speed. It's hard for them to
dodge, and it's hard for them to resist that kind of power!
Yue Hai's scalp felt numb and he couldn't help but take a step back.
This Diz is stronger than last time, even more than a little bit stronger, and is
improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.
Is this guy a monster?
She now truly feels how terrifying a genius is. In the past, maybe it was because she
had obtained the supreme holy skill and showed a nouveau riche attitude that she
didn't care about these so-called geniuses who only rose up in more than ten years,
but when When she gets close to Tizkrad, Yuehai will really feel a sense of
powerlessness, as if no matter how hard she tries, she can't catch up with these
geniuses. If she relaxes even a little bit, she will be left behind in an instant, and the
more she falls behind, the more she will fall behind. Far.
Ah~ah! !
The screams were endless, and the power of countless light elements descended
around all the enemy students like the power of God. The shocking scene stunned the
blue-haired young man, and Kabu was also afraid. He guessed that this man was the
most powerful person in the team. A powerful alien race, otherwise he would not
have been the first to compete with him in the beginning. What the Nita tribe is most
proud of is their strength. An ordinary Nita person can lift a hundred kilograms of
boulders, and a blow like his is even more powerful. It can be seen that this alien race
can compete with him equally in terms of strength. The other party's strength.
But it is not appropriate to continue observing at this time.
Kabu stepped back slightly, but this tiny movement caught Ye Xi's attention. She
turned around and looked at Kabu. The Nita Warrior split into ten without hesitation.
The ten incarnations were like entities, running away in all directions.
Damiyala was on guard this time. She had also studied the secrets of the opponent's
clone trick before. Although it was extremely weird, each clone had little deterrent
effect. Although it was no different from the real entity, it would be effective once it
came into contact. Can be exposed.
The song circled around the woods, and in an instant countless wasps were
summoned by the song. Damiyala's voice changed again, and the wasps immediately
scattered and rushed towards all the Kabu clones.
How could Ye Xi not know Damiyala's intention? Her eyes were slightly focused, her
legs were spread apart and she was slightly bent over. The five fingers of her left
hand were touching the ground, and her right hand was holding the short blade
tightly. That look was exactly how she was twisting the space to show her explosive
style. The preparation posture of Shenfa!
The wasps kept attacking all Kabu clones. The next moment, there was only one
person who was truly unaffected by these sound wasps. Ye Xi had quick eyes and
quick hands, and the space under his feet quickly distorted, making a sound like
rubber being torn and twisted.
Moving faster than the speed of sound, Ye Xi appeared in front of Kabu in the blink
of an eye. The short blade in her hand was already ready to go, and now was the time
to make a killing!
However, when Ye Xi split Kabu into two parts, she suddenly realized that something
was wrong with her hand. She turned around and saw that this was not the real body,
but a simulated clone wrapped in vines!
But the real Kabu was actually underground at this time. He was holding the baby in
his hands while digging the ground with his other hand. He was moving forward at an
extremely fast speed. In order to prevent anyone from chasing him behind, he even
dug out There were dozens of passages, until the trap was laid, and then they fled
towards the distance.
Kabu muttered.
Is this an alien race? In ancient legends, the alien race has always been regarded as a
powerful and unprovoked existence. It is indeed the case today. Any one of those
alien races can be on par with the glorious Nita warriors, if this is not their main
force. . . . . .
Something bad is going on! He must convey this news to His Majesty the Great King
Nita and ask His Majesty to contact the two nearby kings. Only by working together
can we have a chance to resist this disaster.
Yes, it’s a disaster!
Issue 119 This is not good! (2-in-1)
"Let him escape..." Ye Xi shook her head. This was the first time she had been
crushed in the hands of one person consecutively, so her tone was quite disappointed.
Damiyala frowned slightly.
This Nita Brave has extremely high intelligence. If he is allowed to escape, he will
definitely bring in reinforcements. So if you want to defeat them for sure, I am afraid
that there will only be one kind of creature to chase next time.
King Nita!
Thinking of this, not only Damiyala, but others could also predict it, which gave them
the idea of escaping from here immediately, but before that, there was a classmate
who needed to be educated.
"Now we seem to have more people than you, this classmate."
Diz deliberately did not attack the blue-haired young man, but the frightened student
suddenly sneered.
"Hahaha, idiot, what can you do to me in the virtual world! Killing me is nothing
more than that. I have already memorized your face. Don't let me see you in reality.
My father is the current Lupine Kingdom. Commander-in-Chief! A single order can
kill tens of millions of people without a burial place. As long as you let me
investigate your background, haha, your family, relatives, and servants will all die!
Then you will regret what you have done today. Stupid decision!"
Diz slapped the blue-haired young man on the head with his palm, and a force of light
element exploded from his body, and finally fell into pieces, turning into piles of
meat paste scattered on the trees and the ground.
Only this direction of Diz was spotless. He calmly turned around and looked at Yue
Hai and the others.
"Let's go, now is not the time to talk."
Although Dizi's violent behavior frightened Katsura Niluko and others, it is really not
advisable to stay for a long time now. After all, Dizi's big movements can be seen
even from a distance, even if there are no students who came after hearing the news.
The existence of King Nanita still made them feel an invisible threat.
The nine people kept shuttling through the woods, and it didn't take long before they
walked out of another forest and approached the mountains at lightning speed.
"There's water nearby."
Damiyala noticed that the water element in the air was more active, and she couldn't
help but speak. Angel, as a water element magician, was naturally the first to feel it,
but she just nodded and did not speak. It should be said that from the beginning From
the beginning to now, Angel has spoken very few times. She thought Ye Xi was
already cold enough, but this girl was even colder than her.
If the two of them really want to talk about it, the former takes things very seriously,
which is why he shows a calm and observing expression. The latter's face is basically
paralyzed due to his unique magic. In addition, this person doesn't like to talk very
much now, and now he feels like he is thousands of miles away from others in the
"Let's take a rest by the river. Even if they really want to chase them, we are not in
the forest now. We are condescending and we will not be attacked by surprise." Long
Tu made the decision after thinking about it for a while. The others naturally had no
objections. Apart from Damiyala, the only backbones in the team are Dragon
Slaughter and Tiz. Although Yuehai's strength is also impressive, her beauty and pity
make others want to protect her rather than rely on her. a feeling of.
If Yue Hai knew about this, she didn't know how big the shadow in her mind would
"Ah~~" Constantine followed the large army with a dull voice. He couldn't help but
look at Krad next to him.
"Remember that Diz and the others fell behind before, right?"
"Well~ I don't know how Yuehai, Leah and the others are doing." Clad nodded
worriedly, which made Konstantin's eyes suddenly reveal an obscene light, and he
bumped Clad with his shoulder.
"What? One is not enough?"
"What's not enough?" Clad could guess something from the eyes of Konstantin, but
he didn't want to admit it, which made Konstantin push him back again.
"Look at you, you are handsome, talented, powerful, calm and courteous, and
resourceful. With all these advantages combined in one body, coupled with your
natural charisma, wow~ I don’t think I, Kang Shiding, have ever served anyone in my
life. , but after seeing Krad and the battle between you and Tyr, I was immediately
fascinated, and now when I see you, I feel like my ears are red, my heart is beating,
and I feel like a deer bumping into each other..."
"Talk like a human being," Krader concluded.
"Oh." Kang Shiding scratched his head and smiled.
"In other words, having three or four women doing big things is not a problem. If
Comrade Krader is energetic, it would be great even if Xiao Qi is brought into the
"Hey! Why did you drag me in!" Yakumo Xiaoqi, who was on the other side of Kang
Shiding, was not happy. He was obviously still discussing the topic of women before,
so why did he suddenly get dragged in? No one would be happy about this. .
"Slip of the tongue." Kang Shiding, who was stabbed hard on the back, patted his
mouth and quickly changed his words.
"Think about the kings of the kingdoms, the dukes of the principalities, and even the
nobles. There are countless beauties in their harems. Comrade Krader, if you don't be
more heroic at this time, something big will happen in the future."
"Well, you can only understand these things by yourself. If I tell you, if something
happens then, it won't be all on me. So, young man, go forward bravely. It's best to
get that woman Damiyala too. Done." Constantine patted Krad on the shoulder,
which made the blond knight frown slightly.
"You seem to be resistant to Damiyala-san."
"How could it be? She is the head of the next generation of [Convict]. Basically, she
will gradually take over the rights of the Mobius family after finishing her further
studies at Avalon College. I don't dare to have any negative emotions towards her,
even if she is It’s not okay to resist, Clad, I have to protest against your false
accusation!” Konstine’s half-joking look made Clad sigh slightly.
"Just tell me what you have to say, but since you really don't hate Damiyala-san, I
won't press you. It's just..." Clad smiled and looked at the sky under the scorching
"Patience will break down one day. That guy Tire is the best example."
"Hahaha, Clad, you're such a bullshit guy. I'm discussing your matters right now. It
would be better for you to tell me the truth instead. Don't worry. How can a cheerful
person like me have such a hard time hiding things?"
"It would be better if I didn't..." Clad hesitated, but finally sighed. After all, we can't
be called close friends. There will always be barriers between people. There are many
things that Clad doesn't want to know. It will become clear, and perhaps this doubt
will be answered in the near future.
At this time, Tier's classmate was still being stared at by a group of male compatriots.
Clad wanted to rescue him, but he was unable to defeat him with just two fists. At
this time, it was better to sacrifice Tier's appearance.
And their large army is also slowly advancing towards the center of the forest. I am
afraid that a war will break out in a while.
After Yue Hai and others came to the river, the clear water brightened everyone's
eyes. Ye Xi squatted down and gently scooped a spoonful with his hands, put it on
the tip of his nose and smelled it, and finally licked it with his tongue.
"It's okay, this is normal water."
"That's good."
"By the way, because of the Nita Hero just now, we didn't even eat at the barbecue.
Aren't you hungry?" Niruko shouted again, accompanied by the sound of her stomach
rumbling. This scene was very violent. The impact made everyone immediately
aware of their hunger, and everyone agreed with it.
"It's a pity that all the wild beasts around here are in the mountains. I'm afraid it's
hard for us to enter rashly now." Damiyala analyzed, and the Dragon Slaughter
"Then fish can also be used. Although the air environment in Nita World is poor, the
necessary ingredients will still exist."
"Oh! Grilled fish! I like this!" Neluke's cheerful look made Yuehai couldn't help but
"Catch and eat it yourself, you know?"
"Oh~!" Nile was not happy when she heard this. Although she likes to eat grilled fish,
she has no talent for catching fish. If she really wants to catch it, she might as well
boil the entire river and cook it along the road. Eat them one by one.
Although even Niluke was embarrassed to say this unreasonable idea, Yuehai still
made Yuehai hold her forehead with her face as she clearly wanted to eat her old age.
"Damiala, it's all your fault, look how you've spoiled this child."
"How can you blame me? This is the dragon slayer's fault."
"Haha, even children can be a little naughty, but Ye Xi should take the blame."
When Ye Xi was killed by the dragon, she couldn't help but point her fingers at
herself. How could she become the culprit? Neluko finally kicked it to Ye Xi like a
magic ball, and she also jumped in very vividly... �On Ye Xi’s body, he rubbed Ye
Xi’s cheek and said
"I don't care. Since it's Ye Xi's fault, then Ye Xi will catch the fish for me."
"Okay, okay." Ye Xi was dumbfounded by Niluke and quickly agreed. She had never
seen a person like Neluke since she was a child. She was both delicious and lazy, a
scoundrel and an uncle, and she also liked He is nagging and likes to gossip, but he is
cute and has a good temper. The key is that he can chat with others. In such a place
where geniuses gather, he can become good friends with most people, which is a rare
As soon as Neluko used the stalking technique, the experienced Yuehai immediately
used the trick. Damiyala, who had obtained the landmine at the same time, was fully
aware of the horror of Neluko's unreasonable behavior and directly turned her
spearhead towards Dragon Slayer. He wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife,
but the Dragon Slayer did not refuse anyone who came, laughed, and then gave Ye Xi
a smile that concealed a knife. This knife directly stunned Ye Xi, so her reaction was
a little slow, and she finally had to bear the fate of catching fish.
The other people looked at me and I couldn't help but smile, but they were quite
helpless at their naughty behavior.
At this time, Damiyala coughed dryly and said to everyone
"Well, I made a mistake in my analysis of what happened before. I really should get
rid of the root cause."
Leah also stood up and shook her head and sighed.
"Although I don't agree with the idea of eliminating the roots, I am not a good person.
I am just a bit stubborn as a knight. I hope everyone can understand."
Gui Dongri hesitated to speak at this time, and finally did not speak. Yuehai glanced
at Gui Dongri, and then spoke to Liya.
"Sister Leia, these are all trivial matters. Don't take it too seriously. Just like what
Dragon Slaughter said, we can't ruin the entire team just because of this little thing."
Yue Hai said this, but he actually looked down on those hypocritical people.
Although she knows that Sister Leia is not such a person, since she has killed the
entire village, there is no need to leave any more fire. Although it is only one ten
thousandth, this may lead to her death in the future. key.
The world is full of wonders. A strong person destroys another family, and the
children left behind actually kill the strong person decades later. There are many
examples of this in history. So Yue Hai’s point of view is, either don’t do it, or do it
After hearing Yuehai's comfort, both Leah and Damiyala felt much better. Others
also knew the importance of the team. Internal conflicts were the key to pushing
oneself to death. Quarrel had no other effect except bringing regret.
"But it's all because of Diz's slap that turned her into a pulp and made us covered in
weird body flesh..." Long Tu couldn't help but patted his body, even she couldn't help
but She will quickly retreat after blowing the ogre's head. She is a woman who is
somewhat mysophobic. Naturally, there are a few who don't care at all, but there is
obviously no such person here.
"Then what do you mean..." Yuehai suddenly had a bad premonition, and Niluke
clapped her hands in sudden realization.
"There happens to be a river here. Can't we just take a bath?"
This, this is not good
This is not good. . . . . .
This is not good! ! !
"This is not good!" Tier's voice made the boys who were staring at him in a circle
"Brother, what's wrong with you? Let me tell you."
Everyone knows that Tire has risen to 40 stars in individual competitions in the near
future, and has not lost a single match, so they are very sympathetic to Tire's strength
and respect him very much.
Tier smiled bitterly
"You can't bear it. If seven beauties were naked to show you, how would you react?"
"This is so... this is really not good." A male compatriot thought about the scene and
immediately shook his head, looking extremely intoxicated.
And the other one looked at Tire rather strangely.
"But brother, just look at us men. Where does this bad thing come from?"
Before Tyr could answer, another one said
"It doesn't matter what gender it is, as long as it's like classmate Xiaoqi, it doesn't
matter if it's a boy."
“It really doesn’t matter”
"What you want"
"Isn't it just that I'm less discerning than a woman? It's the same thing."
Well, these students were just released from prison. Tyr's head was full of black lines
and he couldn't help but curse.
Yakumo Xiaoqi, who was far outside the crowd, shivered all over. Looking left and
right, no one seemed to be staring at him.
Yuehai on the other side was facing exactly what Tire said was the embarrassing
Diz had been driven to a distant place as a sentry, while Long Tu moved a mountain
rock more than ten meters high and threw it on the river bank, blocking the front,
rear, left, and right views to prevent others from peeping. Although Diz is not that
kind of person, things must be taken into consideration.
"Okay, let's take off our clothes. The water is also very clear. If we see fish, we can
catch a few fish and kill two birds with one stone." Damiyala seemed to be proactive,
and glanced at Yuehai from time to time, which made Chi Chi Yue Hai, who didn't
make a move, was shaken all over.
This, this is not good!
Issue 120: Rain is coming
"Yue Hai, what are you doing standing there? Come down."
Niluke unscrupulously turned her naked body towards Yuehai. The impressive
mountain peaks made Yuehai take two steps back, but her eyes were unable to dodge,
as if they were attracted by some terrifying gravity.
Gui Dongri, who was next to Niluke, also looked timidly at the Moon Sea. Although
it was not as majestic as Niluke, it still had some scenery, which fit the image of a
small beauty. With such a shy appearance, it was also beautiful. Know how many
men would be smitten.
"Could Yue Hai be like someone, unwilling to show his true face because only the
valley is left?"
Damiyala's words immediately attracted Yue Hai's attention. It would be better not to
look at it, but to look at it. . . . . .
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
This, this, this, this, this.
Towering into the clouds, uncanny craftsmanship, and mountains, Yuehai, who had a
relatively poor vocabulary in her head, used several descriptions that she thought
were most suitable and appropriate. Last time, it was because the heat was too strong
that I couldn’t see clearly. This time, it’s amazing. There is so much fat on the chest,
but why does the body look so slender? How is this done? It should be said that how
do human beings evolve to grow up? Pulling this level, and being provoked by
Damiyala, the dragon slayer immediately jumped out.
"Who are you talking about, cow!"
"What about you, monkey."
"You!" While the two were arguing, Yue Hai couldn't help but start to look at Dragon
Slaughter again. Thinking about how he, as Tyr, often observed the other's calves and
thighs when he was on a mercenary mission, now that he was naked and taking a
closer look, This skin is just like that of a baby. I don’t know what it will feel like to
the touch. . . . . .
What is quite surprising is that Long Tu's chest is not empty. Although he is small,
there is still growth visible to the naked eye.
It's just visible to the naked eye.
However, Ye Xi in the corner surprised Yue Hai. She was not laughing and joking
like the others, but was concentrating on stepping into the water, lowering her head
and watching the river flow, as if waiting for the arrival of the fish.
However, this sickly fair skin is indeed very attractive to Yue Hai. Even Dragon
Slayer's skin is not as white as Ye Xi. It looks really enviable. It's a pity that this is a
symptom of albino body. I think Even envy cannot come from envy.
Lia, on the other hand, smiled and walked towards Yuehai. Sister Lia had watched
her countless times. Although she didn't say she was used to it, she always had a
certain resistance. . . . . .
talk. . . . . . Speaking of which, it’s really amazing that you can still
comment on your mood in such a terrifying scene! ! !
"Yuehai, what's wrong with you? Your face is red again, and you're breathing
"This, this is a disease, you have to understand."
Yue Hai quickly explained that although her sight had shifted, the previous scene still
lingered in her mind. It was a good thing that Yue Hai did not shift her gaze. As soon
as she shifted her gaze, she saw Angel slowly entering the water. The posture, so
quiet and beautiful made the already overflowing container of Yuehai explode as if a
drop of dew had been added to it!
"Huh? Brother, why are you looking at us with red eyes?" On Tier's side, several
male students surrounding him couldn't help but wonder, but Tier couldn't control
himself. He was breathing rapidly and his face turned red.
The other person got goosebumps all over his body when Tyr stared at him.
"Brother, if you look at me like this, we will suspect that you are thinking about
something dirty."
"For example?"
"For example..." Before this classmate could finish his words, Tier suddenly burst out
with blood from his nose. This move frightened the male compatriots and
immediately knocked them down and scattered them, leaving them unable to escape
in time. Still shouting
"Brother, you can't do this if you are hungry."
"Brother, which brother do you like? I will send it to you."
"Hey~ I didn't expect that classmate Tier actually likes men. I thought he was a
handsome guy with potential." At this time, the female students on the other side
began to whisper.
"No, looking at a group of boys can cause nosebleeds! This, this is definitely big
"Then, isn't my male god Krad very dangerous?"
"Stop being a nymphomaniac. Classmate Claude belongs to everyone."
In this way, the rumors about Tier changed from the sudden nosebleed when being
looked at by a man to the nosebleed only when he likes a man. Then it was spread
from ten to ten, and then it became unbearable just to be stared at by a man. Despite
the nosebleeds, the final version was even more exaggerated, saying that Tire had
been @#%¥& by the men in both groups AB.
When this version finally circled back to Tyr's ears, he was already burned out and
his mind went blank. On the other side, as Yuehai, he didn't know how he finished
the bath, but he finally came back to his senses. By that time, I had already put on my
clothes and sat by the fire waiting to grill the fish.
Diz, on the other hand, happily went down to the river to take a bath naked.
"Okay, let's eat!" The Dragon Butcher passed the fish that had been grilled to
perfection to Neluke. The girl immediately came up to her. Before her hand was fully
steady, her mouth had already moved up to take a bite.
"Oh!! Delicious! Dragon Slayer, you are the best."
"Really! Hahaha." Long Tu laughed a few times happily, and then passed the grilled
fish to others one after another.
"In our great Nylon Kingdom, grilling fish is a necessary skill for every Nylon
person. If you want to say it, it is the same as the custom. Even if you are a
descendant of our children and a descendant of the gods, if you don't learn how to
grill fish, you will still suffer. People look down on them. In our place, grilling fish is
a high-paying profession." Long Tu said while eating. This explanation made others
feel incredible. This, grilling fish can also lead to a profession?
"Nylon Heaven~ Why do you have such a strange custom?" Neluke seemed to
understand the Nylon Heaven, but this question was not too derailed.
Long Tu thought for a moment and said
"This goes back a long time, and I don't know the correct version. A lot of unofficial
stories seem to be slander, so we won't talk about it.
This sentence dispelled the curiosity of others, but Yue Hai asked thoughtfully.
"Remember, the main focus of Class 6 this time is a man named Waltz. He is also
from the Nylon Kingdom."
"That brat does have two skills. Don't look at him. He is one of the top eight in the
Nylon Kingdom's youth group. In fact, he is full of bad intentions and has never
seriously fought with others. Now that he is studying in Avalon, his strength will
probably be even higher. On the first floor, if we really encounter him, we'd better
fight and escape at the same time, otherwise if he catches the opportunity, he may be
defeated in the blink of an eye."
The opponent who could make Dragon Slaughter speak so highly would probably be
very terrifying in strength. Yuehai and the others suddenly felt the pressure. Only
Dizi, who was far away by the river, showed a smile.
Top eight in nylon heaven? He wanted to see how powerful this nylon kingdom
really was.
In the middle of the right forest, a majestic fortress was built. The Nita warriors
around them were proud of being able to stand in this position. Everyone's
expressions were so solemn and solemn. Around this fortress Tribes of different sizes
stood there, and they were happy and proud to be protected by that adult, allowing
their tribe's warriors to go to the fortress for further studies.
That's right! Here is the stronghold led by the few Nita kings of the Nita tribe.
Wanboqi tribe!
When Kabu came to the outskirts of the fortress, several Nita warriors who saw him
coming from a distance immediately straightened up and looked at Kabu, the Nita
warrior, with respect.
Kabu nodded slightly, and at the same time said to these Nita warriors standing
"Thank you everyone for your hard work."
"No! For Wanboqi!" Their unanimous voices made Kabu equally excited and nodded
in response.
"For Wanboqi!"
The baby in Kabu's hand seemed to be infected and made a hey, hey, hey sound,
which made Kabu shake his head and smile bitterly.
"Is the tower doctor here?" Kabu couldn't help asking, and one of the Nita soldiers
immediately answered
"Yes! Rickamas, Cobb, Ajie and other Doctors are all here."
Aijie. . . . . .
Kabu's eyes showed softness, and he couldn't help but said to another Nita warrior
"Help me leave this orphaned baby to Ajie's care. I will come back after meeting the
great King Nita."
"Yes!" Nita warriors took the baby in Kabu's arms with trembling hands. Their hearts
were also trembling, because this poor child actually lost his parents in such a pee.
This is such heartbreaking bad news. If Kabu The adults were willing, they even
wanted to raise the poor baby.
The baby left his arms, but the remaining warmth still made Kabu feel lost. He
nodded slightly to the soldiers again, and then walked into the inside of the fortress
wall, which was the playground outside the fortress.
Not to mention the fortress itself, the playground outside the fortress is extremely
wide. Even if Kabu runs at full strength, it may take several minutes.
There are many Nita tribesmen practicing on the playground. Each Nita warrior is
training many young Nita people. This makes Kabu, who is walking quickly on the
road, smile slightly.
"Listen carefully, if you want to become a powerful Nita warrior, you first need
strength and perseverance! If you don't have these two things, then you'd better go
back to breastfeed!"
Listening to the lecture of a Nita instructor, Kabu couldn't help but remember that he
had come here like this when he was a child. The sadness at that time almost made
him collapse, but now that he thought about it, it seemed childish and ridiculous. He
shook his head and passed by the Nita instructor. Next to him, the Nita instructor who
was originally very stern suddenly felt a majestic power. When he looked back, he
immediately stood in awe, straightened his body and said loudly
"Dear Lord Nita Brave! Thank you for your hard work!"
After those little Nita people saw that the instructor who they regarded as a devil was
actually nervous, they couldn't help but cast their admiring eyes on Kabu, and each of
them hoped in their hearts that they would become like him when they grow up.
Kabu nodded slightly
"You've worked hard too, keep training."
After passing various training grounds, Kabu finally came to the fortress. This
fortress was made of purple crystal. It was extremely hard and spotless. People
couldn't help but admire this work of art.
Guarding in front of the fortress are several elite Nita warriors. They have sharp eyes
and are well-equipped. Each of them holds a spear in his hand, which is very
"Thank you everyone for your hard work."
Kabu took the lead in greeting this time, and these Nita warriors also straightened
their bodies.
"For Wanboqi!"
"For Wanboqi!"
"Master Kabu, which hero are you here to meet this time?" One of the elite warriors
asked Kabu without hesitation. Kabu shook his head slightly.
"I am here to meet the great King Nita. Please convey this."
"Your Majesty, the great King Nita...Since it's Master Kabu, there should be no
problem. Okay, I'll go and ask."
"No, this is what it should be." The elite warrior immediately trotted into the fortress
and walked out again not long after.
"His Majesty the Great King Nita has agreed to your visit. His Majesty is in the
dining hall. Please go directly."
"Okay, please."
"This is what it should be." Listening to the voice of the Nita warrior, Kabu walked
into the crystal fortress. The smooth ground reflected his reflection. Although his
whole body felt weak due to regeneration, he was not half dead yet. Gritting his teeth,
he could still hold on to the steps he took.
When he was about to walk to the dining hall, a beautiful Nita Warrior walked out.
Her name was Leien, and she was the only female Nita Warrior in the tribe. She is
also the president of the Women's Nita Association.
"Hey, isn't this Kabu! From what the soldier said just now, do you want to see His
"Yes, I have a big matter to discuss with His Majesty."
"Then don't mind if I listen too."
"Of course, it should be said that the more people who know about this matter, the
After the conversation with Lian En, Kabu took the lead in walking into the dining
hall, and the first thing that caught his eye was the huge body of King Wanbo
Chinita. Although it was twice as big as the Nita warriors, he was still full of energy
all over his body. His muscles told everyone that he was not a fat pig that could only
crawl on the ground and howl.
The giant hammers placed on both sides emitted a faint green light. Kabu knew very
well that this was the legendary artifact that only the great King Nita could control,
the Sky Collapse Hammer!
When King Nita saw Kabu coming in, he was immediately very happy.
"Oh!! My lovely child, you are back. How are you? You have been traveling to other
tribes for nearly three months. How have you gained?" King Nita was just halfway
through speaking when he suddenly noticed something on Kabu and frowned
"You actually used regeneration?! That's a forbidden technique that consumes a
normal lifespan!" Before King Nita could blame him, Kabu said first.
"Your Majesty, we will talk about this matter later. In fact, there is still a very urgent
matter to deal with." Kabu's voice was stern, and his appearance made King Nita,
who had lived for countless years, immediately put away his relaxed mentality, and
his expression was equally uncomfortable. Angrily, he asked in a deep voice
"Glorious Kabu Brave, what is the urgent matter?"
As soon as he finished speaking, the female warrior Lei En also walked in. She
looked at Kabu equally seriously.
"I was attacked by an alien not long ago."
The two of them were immediately surprised, and Wan Boqi immediately calmed
down his gaffe, narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Kabu and spoke.
"Tell me carefully what you saw and heard on this day, including their appearance,
clothing, strength, weapons used, number of people and your own guesses!"
This detailed inquiry made Kabu couldn't help but feel nervous. He felt the
unprecedented dignity of His Majesty King Nita.
So the Nita Warrior nodded and answered firmly.
The pattern of the 121st issue has changed drastically!
"I'm finally full, oops~" Neluko patted her belly in an imageless manner, with an
expression that had nothing to do with a lady. As for Dragon Slayer, although she
was slightly full after eating, due to the limited ingredients and the large number of
people, So I didn’t keep it to myself.
"However, there may not be another place where we can take a bath and grill fish
leisurely by the river like us." Long Tu smiled and shook his head, which made
others feel strange. Indeed, it is true that we can be here like this A tense competition
was played out. . . . . .
"Isn't this all what you think?!" Yue Hai was the first to say it. She looked at Long Tu
and couldn't help but cursed. You made it seem like everyone's brains were missing.
Actually think about it, whether it's barbecue, Whether to take a bath or grill fish
seemed to be all the opinions put forward by Long Tu, and they were completely led
by the nose. . . . . . Although there was a reason for their curiosity, the main
culprit of these things was also Dragon Slayer.
After being exposed in one fell swoop, Long Tu felt no compunction and took out his
"Oh, isn't it just a picnic and a cold bath? Don't you guys also have a good time eating
and having fun? Say who is good and who is bad."
What Long Tu said before seemed to be inversely proportional to what she said now,
but no one refuted her anymore. After all, there was their own reason for wanting to
do this. . . . . .
"Okay, let's go..." Long Tu stood up, and the others also stood up from the ground.
However, Ye Xi suddenly looked into the air. This quick move shocked everyone,
and they hurriedly Follow the other person's line of sight.
However, the blue sky was empty except for clouds and the sun, which puzzled the
others. Only Long Tu narrowed his eyes slightly.
A pair of eyes suddenly changed, and upon closer inspection, they turned into dragon
Yuehai could clearly see the changes in Dragon Slaughter from the side. Those were
indeed the eyes of the dragon, just like Frank when he was fighting with himself as
Tyr, and that person also said that they were nylon... People in heaven all have the
talent to transform into dragons. Thinking of this, Yuehai couldn't help but marvel.
Nylon Heaven is really a wonderful country.
Long Tu's eyes narrowed slightly, but after a while she suddenly said
"There is a person high in the turns's a dragon man."
Dragon! !
This sentence made people slightly surprised. The dragon people represented the
citizens of the Nylon Kingdom, and they immediately thought of the leader of Class
6, Waltz! The top eight in the all-nylon paradise youth group!
Ye Xi also showed a cautious expression and murmured to himself
"This person is going to do something."
Any action? !
Such a long distance, too far for the naked eye to distinguish, what could he do? !
And the earth in the distance suddenly became colorful, which shocked Yue Hai, who
was quite sensitive to the power of elements.
The elemental power in the space is beating crazily, and that trend seems to be
collapsing. They are converging towards the dragonman countless kilometers away!
"Light, darkness, space, earth, water, fire, wind, thunder, the eight elements are all
converging towards the sky, and the direction of converging..."
Following Yue Hai's words, sweat gradually overflowed from Long Tu's forehead.
"It happens to be in the air where Waltz is. This little guy has become somewhat
capable after not seeing him for several years!"
"Waltz..." Damiyala thought for a while before saying
"The top eight in the youth group of Nylon Kingdom have the strength to defeat the
ordinary emperor. Of course, this is the saying in Nylon Kingdom. If we were placed
in Gabriel Continent, we who would not transform into dragons, I am afraid that the
ordinary emperor would be far from him. opponent, and now he is just a peak-level
warrior, and has yet to break through to the emperor level."
"I have also heard that after all, there are not many nylons who come to Avalon
College. Although there are more than the other races, there are very few geniuses
like Mr. Waltz."
Even Neluko knew Waltz's information to some extent, and others had naturally
heard about it. Diz sighed slightly and shook his head.
"My Emperor Yuan Sword can't reach him yet, otherwise, I can certainly knock him
This sentence shocked the others, and they secretly cursed, classmate Dizi, are you
trying to defy heaven? How many kilometers is this distance? ! If it could really hit
such a Yuandi Sword, it would probably be able to clear the battlefield in an instant.
On the other side, Tier and others naturally had no shortage of experts in the AB
group. Among them was a student with extraordinary eyesight who suddenly
"There is a... dragon man in the sky?!"
When they heard the word "dragon", many people were confused at first, but a few
people immediately said
"Dragon Man! It's Nylon Heaven! To fly to such a height, it must be the genius
named Waltz!"
Clad, who was outside the crowd, frowned. Although he could clearly see the waltz
that existed in the sky, he really couldn't figure out what medicine the other party was
selling in the gourd.
next moment! Countless elemental powers swarmed up and rushed toward Waltz.
Everyone was horrified, and a student with extraordinary perception suddenly said
"There are a lot of people in the distance!! The enemy class is setting up a huge
barrier that gathers elements. This... this is it! The visual range will exceed ten
ten kilometers! ! Even Krader's brows couldn't help but twitch. Constantine standing
next to him had an ominous premonition.
"Well, Cradd, that waltz seems very bad."
"It's not just bad..." Yakumo Xiaoqi's whole body was trembling slightly, and the
dark elements surrounding him became a little thin at this time.
"I guess something big will happen soon."
"Do you mean......"
Tier raised his head and looked into the distance. He frowned slightly as if he was
worried. However, he couldn't see anything. If Dragon Slayer Ye Xi and others hadn't
explained it to him, they might not understand.
However, just like before, this time, Tier also had a bad premonition. This Waltz,
whom he had never met before, might do something that would surprise everyone!
The Nita people who were far away in the forest felt the uneasiness of the elements.
They all jumped out of the straw huts, and then looked blankly at the sky. The
colorful power of the elements was like a big tree holding the sky. Stretching towards
the sky, it finally converged into a dazzling light, sending out terrifying elemental
ripples that spread in all directions with a buzzing sound!
Inside the Crystal Fortress, the sullen King Nita was listening to Kabu's narration,
and Lian En, who was standing aside, was also very solemn. Alien races were like
poisonous existences to them. In history, every time the alien race... Invasions are
unprecedented disasters, and this time I am afraid it will be more terrifying than the
previous ones. A kind of pressure that is about to come lingers in everyone's heart,
making people breathless!
I only hope that the great Nita can bless them to drive away the aliens again.
Waltz, a peerless genius from the Great Nylon Kingdom. He was the son of a big
businessman since he was a child. He was extremely curious about everything since
he was a child. When he was ten years old, he learned the trade of businessmen and
within three years developed to the point where he could defeat Like his father, the
Yorkson Auction House, which is famous all over the world and even in the
surrounding space world, also has his shares.
At the age of fourteen, Waltz learned fighting skills. A year later, he defeated an
assassin sent by his father and killed his father that same year.
Sixteen-year-old Waltz used his wealth to travel around the entire Nylon Kingdom
and learned countless swordsmanship and boxing skills, and he could master any
martial arts in front of him instantly.
At the age of seventeen, the talent selection for the youth group of Nylon Heaven
officially began. Waltz won the honor of seventh place, but in fact his strength goes
far beyond that.
There is only one cause of failure. . . . . .
When this man was nineteen years old, in order to catch up with the woman, he came
to Avalon, the world-famous highest school on the continent of Gabriel.
Once he came here, his light was also unstoppable.
He is the most genius.
Only that woman is the target of his hunting.
Circles of terrifying ripples echoed all over Waltz's body. His elegant face wore a pair
of round-rimmed glasses, and he looked like a businessman. But if you look down,
you will find that Waltz's whole body is wrapped in dragon scales, and his huge
wings are It waved in the sky and made a swishing sound, and the four dragon claws
looked chilling.
He slowly opened his eyes, and his two colorful eyes were so captivating!
"That's almost it... Scarlet, that guy, has a lot of clever ideas. Together with five
hundred people, we formed the Juyuan Barrier, allowing my innate skills to reach an
unprecedented saturation state... ..Haha, it doesn’t feel bad.”
So, let the show begin.
Waltz raised his claws, and all the elemental power began to gather between his
Gradually, these floating elements began to condense into energy bodies, starting
from half a meter and expanding to one meter, two meters, three meters, ten meters,
fifty meters, one hundred meters, five hundred meters. . . . . .
When the sky was covered by the colorful energy body, its range had reached a
terrifying 100,000 meters.
Whether it was Tyr, the remote areas of Yuehai, or the Nita tribe, they all felt the
endless power of God at the same time.
And the sound of dragon roar roared out, hovering throughout the entire small world
of Nita like thunder!
No warning, no warning.
Waltz showed a ferocious smile at this moment
"Innate skills, headaches."
For a moment, the whole world became silent. The next moment, Waltz raised his
huge energy body with both hands and started shooting towards the ground like a
laser. Yes! Not throwing, but shooting!
Starting from the far left side of Nita's world, which is where Tier Yuehai and others
first teleported, there are still three crystals there, but the laser bombardment on the
crystals was not damaged. Waltz did not show any surprise. After all, the system said
However, the crystal can only be destroyed by defeating the crystal protector.
So he started to move the direction of the laser, firing from the far left to the far right,
directly plowing all the creatures in this distance! The people hiding in the distance
took a closer look and saw that the swept away land was directly turned into scorched
black. No matter whether it was trees, rocks, springs, tribes, or students, no one was
spared. It completely turned into a hellish color, which made people see it. My whole
body was shaking, and I felt fear from the bottom of my heart!
The corners of Waltz's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but want to laugh
crazily. This feeling was so wonderful, as if he was the master of this world, and any
creature would crawl and tremble under his feet!
The next moment, he turned his attention back to the far left of Nita's world!
Just like when a student completes the first line of his homework, he turns his
attention to the far left of the second line. That is where the second round of laser hell
"It's a pain in the ass."
As Waltz's words fell, the energy body above his head once again fired a supreme
eight-color laser, which flew to the ground with a bang. In an instant, all life was
wiped out, but Waltz didn't care and began to plow to the right!
In the distance, the students who noticed what Waltz was about to do felt panic. For a
moment, everyone in Group A and Group B became at a loss. One by one, they began
to move away from the direction of the eight-color laser. Till was mentioned by a few
burly men, and then Carrying them to escape together, Clad and others who followed
these people were quite helpless. They sighed secretly and had no choice but to
continue to catch up.
None of the followers like Sha Ting Tiejian were left behind, and they did not slow
down in the slightest following the pace of the large army.
Yue Hai and others who were far to the east were also stunned by Waltz's crazy
"This guy actually used his saturated head to shoot hard." Long Tu was surprised. He
looked at the eight-color barrier in the distance and immediately said to Damiyala.
"Without further delay, let's leave immediately. The most dangerous place today is
the safest place."
"you mean?"
"Break into their class!" Long Tu's statement is not unreasonable. Now I don't know
what witchcraft Class 6 used to unite some of them. The barrier created can be said to
be the result of the combined efforts of hundreds of people. The crystallization of
success, coupled with Waltz's inherent talent, the power is naturally extraordinary,
and there may be something in it that all of them have overlooked.
At this critical moment, it may seem risky for them to sneak into the enemy's class,
but in fact it is much better than facing the huge eight-color laser!
"Then let's set out along the original route. I think we can reach it before dark!"
At this time, it can be said that there is a race against time. Everyone is no longer as
leisurely as usual, and everyone talks quickly. Like Niluke, she no longer talks
around and listens to everyone's words seriously.
After making a series of plans, Long Tu nodded slightly to everyone, then crossed the
mountain and rushed towards the forest on the other side.
Yuehai followed behind, looking at the sun-like energy body in the sky, her heart
If you lose this time
That's a double whammy of streaking and bunny girl costumes.
This is the only thing to be avoided.
When I was thinking this, a roar that resounded throughout the world suddenly roared
out from the ground!
"This is not a world where you can do whatever you want, aliens!!!"
In the central forest, a burly and old figure stepped into the void and flew up
instantly. It held a big knife in its hand and screamed out amid the howling wind!
Everyone's pupils shrank immediately, because they knew what that figure meant.
This means that King Nita is out to fight!
That was a strong man who could be compared with an emperor-level warrior.
Everyone immediately focused their eyes on the sky. They didn't know whether the
eight-color laser of this waltz was more powerful, or whether King Nita was better!
Issue 122 I listen to you
"King Nita! You're here just in time!" Waltz saw that the old King Nita was already
approaching him in a few steps. He immediately threw the eight-color laser at him.
The terrifying and huge-range laser had not even gotten close to Nita. King, the wind
was howling on the earth, and many trees were uprooted. The next moment, the
temperature gradually increased. The old King Nita frowned, but he did not flinch.
He held the long knife tightly in his hand, shouted and chopped go out!
It was just this seemingly ordinary blow, but it actually split the laser in half as if it
had divine power. Unfortunately, just like a warrior can cut off a waterfall, but cannot
stop its flow at the next moment, this The laser bombarded it again.
The old Nita King's whole body suddenly turned black, and it couldn't help but roar
"For Nita!!"
boom! !
In the sky, a beautiful explosion broke into eight colors of light and overflowed.
In just an instant, the seemingly terrifying Nita King was reduced to ashes.
At this moment, Class 9 felt desperate.
Even an emperor-level warrior cannot withstand this laser even for a moment, so who
else can stop Waltz from destroying the world and destroying their ninth team.
Waltz finally burst out laughing, intoxicated by the supreme power, and now he felt
like he could kill gods.
The Nita people from other tribes on the ground couldn't help but shed tears when
they looked at the old Nita King who was wiped out in smoke in the sky.
"Prophet Nita is dead."
King Wanboqinita stood outside the Crystal Fortress and looked at the sky. Its eyes
also turned red.
Why, this prophet of Nita, who has always been highly respected and has survived
the longest, would be the first to stand up and face the attack of the alien
race. . . . . .
They dare not guess.
If Prophet Nita predicted that the future would be destruction.
Perhaps, he already thought that there was no need for him to live any longer.
Their glorious Nita tribe will be destroyed!
"No!!" Kabu roared hysterically. He was unwilling to face the answer. This world
belongs to the Nita people, why can these aliens destroy them wantonly!
Expelled! No! Kill them all!
Kill all the aliens without leaving a single one, until this Nita world returns to its
former beauty!
"Your Majesty!" Kabu looked at Wan Boqi, his eyes filled with endless grief and
anger, and how could King Nita, who had lived for a long time, not love this world
and his own people! Although his expression was not as straightforward as Kabu's, he
could still feel the supreme sullenness!
So King Nita reacted
"Order!!! Gather all the troops of Nita and let those alien monkeys know that this
world belongs to us Nita people!!!"
"Yes!!" All the heralds who received the order immediately scattered. Each one of
them was filled with endless anger. Their homeland was trampled by aliens, and their
compatriots were tortured and killed by aliens. This is the worst hatred in the world! !
Kabu's eyes showed a fierce look, this world must not be allowed to be touched by
any foreign race!
Absolutely not!
When Kabu opened the door, there was only a female Nita and the baby left in the
Despite his heavy heart, his soul would be cleansed every time he saw Ajie.
"Kabu." Aijie held the baby that Kabu had rescued earlier and looked at him with a
smile. Such a feeling made Kabu's feet lighten, as if he was about to float in the next
"What's going on outside?"
"It's's just that the war with the alien race is coming."
"War." After hearing the heavy words, Aijie's originally beautiful smile suddenly
disappeared, which made Kabu feel a little guilty. Obviously, as long as he didn't tell
her, he would have a little more time to see her smile.
"Are you going to get hurt?" Aijie asked worriedly. Such words made Kabu feel pain
in his heart, and he couldn't help but nod.
"Yes, I will get hurt, and, yes, I will even die."
"No, I don't want you to say that!" Aijie wanted to rush into the other person's arms,
but she didn't have the courage, so she turned her back to Kabu.
"You will definitely come back again, right?"
The voice echoed in the room, but there was no response from Kabu for a long time.
It was not until the end that the Nita Warrior slowly opened the door and whispered:
"I clenched my fist to protect you, but I couldn't catch you with it."
Sorry, I cannot guarantee your promise.
Ajie, your smile will be protected by me, but for this, I may have to leave
you. . . . . .
Maybe we will meet again one day.
The door closed, and Aijie shed tears as she listened to Kabu's footsteps gradually
disappearing. . . . . .
"Fool, all you need to do is hug me with it."
Her voice echoed in the room, and Ajie's only response was the baby's laughter.
The sky is getting darker, but the terrifying energy body in the sky is getting brighter.
Waltz is like a tireless plowing cow, plowing the whole world over and over again!
The Nita people kept dying, and wherever the eight-color laser passed, they were all
destroyed without exception.
And the word 127 appeared above Waltz's head at this time, which proved that he just
shot so casually, and actually killed 127 students from Class 9 in a short period of
time, which was already more than the number of people in one class. , which is
equivalent to Waltz killing an entire team by himself. Such a feat amazed the seniors
who were watching the Shadow Stone outside the small world, and they also talked
about Waltz with great enthusiasm.
Avalon TV also began to report live at this time.
"Well~ Then I will report to you the live commentary of the freshmen class
competition. I am your old friend Mengdie. Today we have invited two guest
commentators. Look at the one on my left. I think the female compatriots may have
already known it. Chu, yes, this is classmate Mikai, a fourth-year genius magician
and a popular singer across the continent. Everyone must have snatched up his new
album. Okay, without further ado, let’s do an interview. Mikai, what do you think of
this competition between Class 6 and Class 9?" In the Shadow Stone, the host
wearing a women's suit couldn't help but ask a strange-looking man next to him, and
the other party Swinging her bangs, she replied quite intoxicatedly.
"Eighty points."
"Oh~ Mr. Mikai is actually so optimistic about this competition. Then what is the
evaluation of Junior Waltz, the tentative MVP of this competition?" Faced with the
host's question, this student Mikai once again said They made the same movements,
but their expressions were not intoxicated, but dull.
"thirty marks."
"The score is unbelievably low. It seems that Mr. Mikay is not very optimistic about
Junior Waltz. So let us listen to the opinions of Mr. Vanas, the talented warrior on the
right who is also a fourth-year student."
The beauty on the right side of the host was the emperor warrior who easily defeated
Tier at that time. She maintained a calm face and was neither arrogant nor impetuous.
Nodding slightly in the direction of the camera stone, the host Mengdie said
"Then let me ask you, how did Vanas feel about this duel between Class 6 and Class
"From the surface, it is obvious that Class 6 won this time." Vanas started with this
sentence, and then said again
"But, Junior Waltz... No, it should be said that their entire Class 6 is too confident
and regardless of the consequences. It may evolve into a situation where Class 9 and
the indigenous people join forces to resist Class 6. Although Waltz's Innate skills are
invincible, but in the final analysis, they rely on external forces. Once this external
force is broken up, it will be difficult to say who will win."
"Oh! It's a very controversial speech. Classmate Vanas's opinion is very pertinent and
gives us a general understanding of the current battle situation. So let's continue to
observe the follow-up of this competition!"
Tier and others had quickly left their original place at this time. They were covered
by the dense forest, and even Waltz could not see them. However, this advantage
came to an abrupt end when the AB team reached the end of the forest.
They were hesitant. If they rushed out, they might be exposed to Waltz's sight. But if
they didn't go out, they would be bombarded sooner or later by the eight-color lasers
sweeping across the carpet. If they thought about the worst, it might be... The
difference between dying early and dying late.
If you think on the bright side, maybe they can use this escape to hide in another
larger forest. Even Waltz can't catch them in a short time.
But, this is a big decision after all.
Now there is no leader.
Everyone is hesitant. Maybe some people want to give it a try, but are unwilling to be
the first.
"Klad, what should we do? How about we take Tyr and leave first?"
Constantine couldn't help but ask, but Krader's expression became solemn, and he
was deep in thought. . . . . .
At this time, in the forest that was being waltzed in the distance, a purple beam of
light suddenly shot straight into the sky, and the sound of the system drifted along
with it.
"The first [Crystal Protector] in Class Nine died."
The Crystal Protector dies? !
"Which idiot ran behind? Isn't this for someone else to beat?"
"He may think that after the laser is scanned, he can sit back and relax by returning to
the scanned place."
"Naive, how could a genius like Waltz not even pay attention to this?!"
All the students were talking about it, and for a moment they were distracted. I am
afraid that it will not be long before they fall apart. Even Tire can see this clearly.
And right now.
The blond young man took a step towards someone
“Everyone be quiet!!”
Faced with Krad's powerful perception, almost everyone in the two teams and other
teams fell silent for an instant. The man in front of him was the number one genius in
the northern part of the empire, and he had enough say.
As for him, his expression was solemn, and there was a trace of sweat on his
He glanced at everyone and said solemnly
“Do you want to go streaking?
Do you want to wear shameful clothes?
In the face of an absolutely powerful threat, is our dignity limited to this level? I
won't talk about great principles. For students, great principles are a kind of poison
that kills youth. So, I just want to say one thing,
Lend me your strength! Let us work together to get through this difficult time!
Ahead is the camp of Class 6! You also know that they have set up a barrier that
gathers the power of the elements. As long as it is destroyed, we will still be able to
fight! "
Clad's voice was stern, and he clenched his fists. When he was in the principality, he
had served as commander of the army, so he was very good at encouraging morale
and other methods, but everyone here was a genius. He The encouragement may not
be as useful as it once was, but in the face of today's predicament, he has to say!
Another purple beam of light rushed into the sky, and the system's voice fell again
"The second [crystal protector] of Class Nine died."
This news made the hearts of the four to five hundred people present suddenly sink
again. All the crystal protectors who fled outside were dead, and the other three were
now all in their large army. If they rushed out this time and were waltzed all over, If
it is eliminated, with the opponent's current firepower, it is only a matter of time
before the crystal is defeated.
So, that makes the choice harder for everyone.
"Give me this responsibility! Throw all the troubles to me! Let me bear it for you!!"
Just when everyone was silent, Krader's voice sounded again
"You just need to hear my voice now, and I, Krad, will point you to a path! It will
eventually lead to our victory!"
The whole place fell into silence again.
This time, however, it was more about contemplation.
Everyone was shaken, and the eyes they looked at Clad could not help but turn into a
Is it really worth betting everything on this man? Countless people had this idea, and
most of them even started whispering. Such actions made Krad's eyes gradually
Sure enough, it can only go so far.
After all, we are just talented individuals and a ragtag team.
Perhaps, in the end, you still have to rely on your own fists...
"I'll listen to you!!"
The first voice came out from the crowd. Everyone gathered their eyes and took a
closer look. Who could it be if it wasn't Tier? He smiled, and that look seemed to
exaggerate the whole group in an instant, and then those who spoke next to Clad were
Konstantin and Yakumo Akatsuki.
"Of course we will listen to you."
"Come on, Captain."
Then came the voices of Sand Court Iron Sword, Rose Butterfly, Feng Zhangui,
Elena, and Noah. Clad looked at them and couldn't help but feel slightly moved in his
heart. But after a while, a girl also said weakly.
"I, I also listen to you."
"Me too!"
"Count me in too!"
The sound spread like ink drops dropped into clear water. One person inspired the
voice of another person, and ten people inspired the voices of ten others.
When the general trend turned, everyone also felt the strong power. This is what the
team can rely on. Such sounds entered Krad's ears one by one, making him clenched
his fists tighter. In the end, He slowly spoke to everyone
"Then, let's get started for victory."
———————————— ——————————————
"King Nita! You're here just in time!" Waltz saw that the old King Nita was already
approaching him in a few steps. He immediately threw the eight-color laser at him.
The terrifying and huge-range laser had not even gotten close to Nita. King, the wind
was howling on the earth, and many trees were uprooted. The next moment, the
temperature gradually increased. The old King Nita frowned, but he did not flinch.
He held the long knife tightly in his hand, shouted and chopped go out!
It was just this seemingly ordinary blow, but it actually split the laser in half as if it
had divine power. Unfortunately, just like a warrior can cut off a waterfall, but cannot
stop its flow at the next moment, this The laser bombarded it again.
The old Nita King's whole body suddenly turned black, and it couldn't help but roar
"For niconiconi!!"
[Pfft~ This author also feels a little bit. . . . . . Sorry, sorry, I've been hearing
this voice lately and I'm a bit brainwashed by the devil. It's not a chef. 】
The 123rd issue of action!
Yue Hai and others were walking through the green woods at this time. This may be
due to Waltz's intimidation. Many tribes had already lost their residents, leaving
behind empty straw houses.
The sky gradually darkened, and it was now completely dark. The nine people
walking through the woods slowed down, firstly because of the darkness, and
secondly because they noticed the magician's magic power and physical strength.
Dragon Slaughter's voice was calm, but it had penetrating power. It could still be
heard clearly in the rapidly moving woods. What behind this word meant that they
had entered the attack range of the enemy class.
Perhaps, if you go forward for a while, you will encounter that huge barrier.
"Here, let's spread out." Long Tu continued.
"According to the distribution of strength, Gui Dongri and I, Damiyala, Diz, Leah,
Neluke, and Ye Xi will follow Yue Hai and Angel. Do you have any objections?"
Leia originally wanted to be with Yue Hai, but this move was not so much that she
wanted to take care of Yue Hai, but it seemed to outsiders that she was relying on
him. All the words that were pushed to her lips were not spoken. come out.
Needless to say, the others nodded in agreement.
Long Tu continued without hesitation.
"In the final analysis, our goal is to successfully sneak into their range. It may be that
the group of students really set up the barrier, so there are not many enemy forces left
in the forest. Here is our opportunity, and It’s just a sneak attack!”
Sneak attack!
This word was new and made people feel a little excited and uneasy, but no one felt
timid. Long Tu clearly observed the changes in their expressions and couldn't help
but nod slightly.
"What is the ultimate goal of the sneak attack? Naturally, it is to defeat the opponent's
barrier. You know, even if we survive here, as long as all the large troops are killed, it
will be useless. So I thought of this when I came here. After all, the enemy It is hard
for the class to imagine that our team will suddenly appear in their hinterland. This is
also our advantage. After all, it is indeed an accident to get here. However, nine
people acting together is too much, so we have to divide it into left, middle and right.
Three groups... Well, one more thing is to destroy the barrier if you can. Although it
may hurt a little to be beaten to death, in order to avoid that damn bunny girl
costume, this time it is a sacrifice for the main force. There is nothing we can do.”
Dragon Slaughter said it lightly, but the pain when dying in the virtual world is
completely simulated. People who are not mentally strong may leave a shadow, but
they will be resistant to the virtual world in the future.
But the ultimate goal is to escape the punishment of Rachel's mentor after all,
especially Yuehai. She can't wait to win this game immediately, and the large army
led by Krad on the other side will also take action. If they are slower, I'm afraid it's
only a matter of time before Waltz discovers him.
The current format can be said to be a race against time. The original competition
was not too fast-paced, but after the waltz was played, it completely changed. In an
instant, the entire Nita world was in turmoil!
"Since everyone has no objections, let's get started. There are no restrictions on the
method. As long as one of us can completely destroy the barrier, the task will be
considered completed. After that, each group will decide whether to fight or flee."
Everyone was silent, Long Tu nodded slightly.
"Then, disband!"
The nine people immediately divided into three groups, and the group of Ye Xiyuehai
and Angel headed towards the right at full speed.
Compared to the day, the forest at night actually lacked the dull and humid feeling.
The fresh and dry air made Yue Hai take a few deep breaths, and then Ye Xi, who
rushed to the front, said lightly.
"I will be the main attack then, and you will use magic to assist."
Although Yue Hai and Angel have good strength in the team, they are far behind Ye
Xi's explosive power, so letting her be the main attacker is the best choice. Even if
Dragon Slaughter and Ye Xi are paired together, I'm afraid This main attacking
position will also be given to Ye Xi.
Thinking of this, Yue Hai couldn't help but asked doubtfully
"Ye Xi."
"Ye Xi?"
"Ah? What, what?"
Lost my mind. . . . . . Yue Hai was a little speechless. How could Ye Xi be
distracted at this time? However, Yue Hai did not go into details and continued to
"Ye Xi, you are a dual practitioner of magic and martial arts, right?"
"Well...yes." Ye Xi seemed a little embarrassed that he had been distracted just now,
and now he was a little hesitant to answer Yue Hai's question. Yue Hai didn't care
and continued.
"Then your magic has empty attributes?"
"Can you tell?"
"It's natural. That kind of explosive movement should be an original martial art that
combines magic with the footwork, right." Yue Hai's answer made Ye Xi's eyes light
up slightly and he nodded.
"Ye Xi, you don't think I'm annoying, do you? Your expression is a bit..." Yue Hai
saw that Ye Xi's face had always been cold, which made her feel a little lack of
confidence. The series of questions that followed He didn't dare to continue, but Ye
Xi shook his head.
"No, what you said is right. This explosive movement combines the magic conflict of
the empty element with martial arts to create a movement. It has extremely powerful
explosive power... But in Yongye before, You should also have seen the
disadvantages in the teacher’s practical class, that is, the narrow space will be
Yue Hai blinked her watery eyes. She had never heard Ye Xi say so many things in
the past few days. Now she was blinded by the other party's series of explanations. It
took a long time before she murmured.
"Well, Ye Xi, I didn't ask just because I wanted to find out about you. After all, we
will be fighting side by side in a while, so knowing your martial arts skills is also a
basic condition for joining forces.
This sentence made Ye Xi nodded slightly, while Angel, who was colder than Ye Xi,
said nothing. The feeling of not letting strangers in made Yue Hai feel like cutting off
the conversation with her. idea.
However, for the sake of the team's cooperation, she felt that as the most talkative and
relatively outgoing person in the team, she needed to take responsibility and
proactively ask them about the team's cooperation.
Like Angel, the conversation between Yue Hai and her is just one sentence for you
and one sentence for me. The two of them seem to be talking about lines and there is
no interaction at all. This makes Yue Hai, who really doesn’t want to communicate
with Angel, get a lump in her throat. It was as if a mouthful of phlegm was stuck, and
there were thousands of words in my heart that I wanted to say to the other person,
but I couldn't get them to my mouth.
I remember that the last time I was Tyr, I had a hard time talking to Angel. And
because I was a male, Angel would sometimes say a lot of harsh words under her
calm expression, like now. Such a polite look is already very commendable.
Extra: Three Tyr Chapters
[Author's note: According to the extrapolation poll, the eternally peaceful Tyr
occupies the first place, while the Legal Lolita Dragon Slayer is in second place, the
flower vase classmate Tsukiumi is in third place, and the stupid elf Elena is in third
place. Fourth and fifth is the contrasting cuteness of Diz. Cradd was unfortunately
only one place away from the top five, standing in sixth place and petrified alone.
So, this time I will make a top five independent extras, and the protagonists of these
extras will all be from the first-person perspective]
Extra character: Tyr
After the battle with Krad, because my spirit had not fully recovered, the school
doctor suggested that I stay in the treatment center for one day to check my condition.
However, I actually know my symptoms best. . . . . .
"Can I only use it once again..." I murmured to myself, the mind's eye, a terrifying
forbidden technique, should have been a technique to stimulate the human body's
senses in the Yixinquan style, but it turned me into an opportunistic one. A way to
fight against the strong.
It's a pity that even that kind of forbidden technique can't take any advantage on
If Krad had fought with the determination to kill himself at that time, he might not
have had the slightest chance to defeat him.
Alas~ Is this your justice, Claude?
I shook my head and sighed, while the sunshine after the rain outside the window
shone on the quilt, and it didn't take long for me to feel a touch of warmth.
Summer rain comes and goes quickly.
With the sunny weather, scattered students began to appear on the streets outside the
treatment center. They were either playing around or walking while watching the
Shadow Stone. Each of them seemed to have endless things to do. I lay on the
hospital bed and just Looking out the window like this, breathing in the fresh air after
the rain, I suddenly felt that my mood suddenly brightened.
Maybe, I really oppressed myself too hard before. Causing you to be out of
breath. . . . . .
If you say that, wouldn't I be treating Krad as a punching bag?
What an unlucky guy. . . . . .
While I was thinking this, the door to my right slowly opened, and Angel's figure
appeared at the door.
She looked at me wordlessly, and finally walked in and closed the door.
"Hello, classmate Angel, what's the matter?"
"Here are a thousand vindictive crystals." Angel placed a storage ring on my bed
table. The storage ring inlaid with blue crystal looked extremely beautiful, not
counting the vindictive crystals inside. This vehicle may be expensive to build.
What a little rich woman.
I shook my head slightly. Although this battle with the emperor-level Vanas was not
a victory, and I was taught a lesson, I did fulfill my promise and stopped that genius.
I myself was thinking that since I could fight with Dizi, how could an ordinary
emperor-level person be able to survive two attacks? However, I never thought that I
would meet such a monster-level genius. Later, Kang Shiding and the others told me,
This senior named Vanas is one of the geniuses in the Golden Age, a fourth grader in
Avalon. I heard that they had shocked the whole continent in their first year. Each
one of them is a genius among geniuses. Now Nowadays, the fourth graders can
defeat sixth graders and even graduates one by one, so they are the real monsters.
I am lucky enough to meet such a person and still survive. Perhaps, they also know
that they are not allowed to kill people at will in the academy.
"Are you feeling better?" Angel said words of concern with an expressionless face.
Although her tone was not at all inconvenient, I would automatically figure it out,
otherwise I would regard this sentence as a mockery.
"Much better. How did you end up? Was that fire dragon core taken away?"
Angel shook his head at me. It seemed like it had not been taken away, so my efforts
had some effect. I could accept this Thousand Dou Qi Crystal with peace of mind.
"Tyr, maybe I was too arbitrary in what happened this time."
Angel said words that I couldn't understand. Before I could open my mouth, Angel
"It is true that your appearance was accidental, but using a certain person as a shield
was actually planned."
Oh~ I suddenly realized that I was the scapegoat who happened to be in front of
Angel. It was a coincidence. I might have been so angry before, but now I just
Forget it, it's all in the past, why should I be so sulky again? Do I need this?
"So, what do you mean by these words?" I tried to ask her about her true intention of
coming here. Angel was silent for a while before saying
“Be careful [Old Lion]”
"The old one, Lion?"
"That's all, Tyr, I owe you a favor this time." Angel turned around and opened the
door slightly, and slowly looked over with her beautiful but cold face.
"This favor can allow me to do anything except death and self-mutilation..."
"Oh." Although I thought about many unclean things in my mind, in order to
maintain my image, I only answered with one word of indifference. This is also
something I can't help. Whatever you say, I will I can still let you. . . . . .
Forget it, in short, this kind of empty promise is the most trustworthy. I'd better
pretend that nothing happened. Talking about this thing all day long can't guarantee
that I will cause some embarrassment.
But what is an old lion? arms? Armor? figure? organize?
This is very intriguing. I would never care if other people said such incomprehensible
things, but a woman like Angel warned herself seriously, but it made me feel an
inexplicable sense of crisis. Although I still feel Lying in bed, but already wanting to
check the actual information of this term.
Tier's first impression of this woman, Angel, was one word: cold as hell. Then came
the definition of rich woman. Now it seems that there is an impression of a rich
woman. If you don't want to take advantage of anyone, you have to take advantage of
Well~ I couldn't help but smile bitterly and hold my forehead, but in the end, I was
still a little angry at Angel's words.
Yes, how can a person's personality be changed so easily.
Angel said using her words to think about it is still very annoying. Although I can
hold it back, I will still be depressed, and even if I can't vent, I will also feel angry.
I looked up at the white ceiling as if giving up, and the smooth polished roof reflected
my wry smile.
"How on earth am I going to face myself?"
I asked myself, this is a question that may never be answered. . . . . .
Maybe when facing myself as Yuehai, I might be able to get the answer,
maybe. . . . . .
Today is already the 13th. While everyone is in school, I might be able to take this
opportunity to meet myself as Yuehai alone. Although I am considered a little rich
now that I have a thousand Dou Qi crystals, compared with Yuehai There is still
some gap. Taking advantage of now, I might be able to make a fortune from Yuehai...
The more I thought about this plan, the more feasible it seemed, so I lifted the quilt,
got out of bed, and sneaked out of the room.
[Author's note: This is a side story about Tyr. This month I will release the top five
side stories at different times. They will not all be side stories in the past few days. 】
Encounter Issue 124
Close! Yuehai's pupils shrank, and the rich elemental power gathered crazily not far
away. This was obviously the barrier in operation. Ye Xi also felt the unusual
atmosphere. Her running body was lower than usual. This was There is a sign that an
attack can be launched at any time, not to mention Angel. Her affinity to the water
element may exceed 70%, so she can naturally detect the reaction in front of her very
In this way, the three of them did not communicate at all. Their postures changed in
an instant, and their eyes showed sharpness.
Although their speed could not be said to be lightning-fast, they were still extremely
fast. The barrier that was still some distance away appeared in front of them in the
next moment.
Without any plan or preparation, Ye Xi and the other two people had already attacked
towards the Juyuan Barrier without making a sound.
Such an attack without warning shocked the students who arranged the barrier and
guarded them. It was hard to imagine how there could be enemy students in their
home lair. However, as soon as it was said, the space under Ye Xi's feet suddenly
became distorted. The next moment Her figure disappeared immediately, and the
speed of the explosion was so fast that it exceeded the limit of recognition by the
naked eye.
Angel had already cast the magic in Ye Xi's hand before he set off. It was a good
thing if he didn't look at it, but when he looked at it, he discovered that it was actually
a level four magic, Frost Shield. The huge ice shield as big as a small mountain
instantly separated the students on one side. Yuehai was also surprised at the same
time. He never expected that Angel was actually a fourth-level great magician who
could cast fourth-level magic.
But there was no time left. Yue Hai was startled. She suddenly pulled out Shan Shui
and tapped the void five times with her free left hand towards the student who was
about to attack from the other side.
Level three magic, hearth fire.
When Yue Hai finished singing, five crimson flames suddenly appeared in the void
following Yue Hai's instructions. The terrifying temperature alone made many
students shrink their pupils, and some even shouted.
"It is the most powerful furnace fire among the third-level fire magic. No one should
approach it rashly!"
Yue Hai raised her eyebrows slightly, I have no intention of letting you attack me at
While her thoughts were flying, the good water in her hand was already in place. As
Ye Xi behind her exploded towards the barrier, Yuehai slashed out with a sword at
the same time!
The first move of Tianjian Yishin is to cut.
The huge white sword energy suddenly flew out, but at the same time it swept up the
furnace fire floating in the void. With Yuehai's control, the furnace fire was mixed
with the sword energy, and the white color turned into red sword energy. With the
heat of the burning void, it flew towards the enemy students!
"Can't stop it, can't stop it! Back away!"
There were obviously shrewd people in the crowd, and they shouted to retreat
without even discerning the actual power of Yue Hai's attack. This was obviously the
only way to minimize the damage, but there were always more people... Some fools
who want to be heroes. Although this shrewd man's voice effect is outstanding, it still
makes a small number of people quite disdainful. They are afraid of a sword slashed
by a beautiful woman when they attack together with a large number of people. gas?
This group of people unanimously used their strongest means. Although they
believed that there was strength in numbers, they were not so arrogant as to cut
corners. They all exerted their utmost strength to crush this attack!
It's a pity that their ideas are good, and unity does have an effect, but the people they
meet are not ordinary people.
The red sword energy was only resisted for a moment, and then broke free again. The
next moment, it became a wild horse and slammed into these students. They all
screamed in agony under the double blow of furnace fire and sword energy. No bones
"Idiot!" The shrewd man couldn't help but cursed. Yuehai saw that the situation was
good and was about to pursue the victory. However, a muffled sound not far away
attracted her attention. When she turned her sight, she found Ye Xi It was actually
blocked by someone.
Looking carefully again, Yuehai's pupils suddenly shrank.
Because the picture in front of me is shocking!
A man with an evil smile grabbed Ye Xi's short blade with one hand.
This move made Yuehai tremble and also surprised Ye Xi!
It was just that she was born with the qualities of a stalker, so she knew how to
escape thousands of miles away without hitting a single hit, so Ye Xi withdrew the
short blade and retreated instantly. The man with an evil smile did not pursue her, but
turned his gaze to Angel, and finally looked at her again. The moon sea.
"This, what a coincidence, Miss Yuehai, we meet again."
Yuehai's face darkened when his name was called, and he slowly uttered a few
"Oh~ it feels good to be called by Miss Yuehai's name." Scarlet closed her eyes and
raised her head in intoxication. The strange look made Yuehai feel nauseated
"However, Miss Yuehai really brought two rare talents this time."
Scarlet glanced at Ye Xi and Angel. At that time, the abused thunder elf also stood
silently behind Scarlet, as if the collapse of the sky had nothing to do with her.
While Scarlet was speaking like this, the surrounding students who had come to their
senses began to approach slowly. This made the three of them feel a sinking feeling.
Scarlet's smile remained the same, but he made a cold voice.
"It's just the right time to be happy, but you idiots still don't back down."
This was no longer just a shock, but also full of ridicule. However, the students in his
class dared not speak out, but they all obeyed each other's words and slowly backed
away. This move made Yue Hai was filled with wonder, wondering how these people
could be called geniuses, yet they could only swallow their anger after being insulted
by Scarlet so badly. This weird and unusual thing made the three of them tremble.
Scarlet didn't care about the reactions of Yuehai and others, and continued:
"If I'm not mistaken, this person should be a rare albino patient in the world." Scarlet
looked at Ye Xi and couldn't help but look up and down.
"I heard that this kind of person is born with magic and martial arts skills, and his
skin is extremely fair. Hearing about it is better than seeing it. It is true. Hehehehe, I
just lack this kind of sex slave. I don't know what the skin under this school uniform
is. It’s not equally pleasing to the eye.”
This sentence made Ye Xi frown and the short blade in her hand trembled, but she
finally controlled her riot. Being provoked by the other party and taking action rashly
was a taboo for a stalker.
The next moment, Scarlet turned his attention to Angel
"There is no expression~ I have heard of warriors who practice ruthless martial arts,
cut off the seven emotions and six desires, and do everything without touching their
hearts. Although you are a magician, your performance is obviously the same.
Interesting, really interesting, if you can make How exciting will it be to see other
expressions on your face! I'm looking forward to it."
"Miss Yuehai, it seems that today is our fateful reunion. Although we are both virtual
bodies now, for the promise I have in the near future, it would be good to practice
here now.
What do you think? "
Issue 125 The Smart and Strong Man
Yue Hai didn't have much impression of Scarlet some time ago, but now with these
words, she finally put a label on this man.
"Yeah~~" Scarlet couldn't help but become even more intoxicated after being stared
at by Yue Hai with disgusted eyes. He took a sudden breath of air and said lightly.
"I seem to hear you praising me for being a pervert. What an intoxicating
This person is really a pervert. Yue Hai couldn't help but take a step back due to the
disgusting aura of the other person. The surrounding students also had stiff faces and
stepped back unconsciously.
Yue Hai finally knew that these students were not only afraid of Scarlet's strength,
but also feared that his perverted thinking would make them sick.
"Now, it happens that Waltz is cleaning the battlefield. If you are really so bored,
then let me accompany you."
Scarlet stretched out his hands as if to embrace the whole world. The evil smile on his
lips remained, but his momentum suddenly increased.
"Just in time, I'm also trying to relax my muscles and bones. I hope you can make me
reach climax~ Hahahaha"
Yue Hai's face was heavy. This man's momentum was even greater than last time, but
there were three of them on their side, and among them Ye Xi was a strong one who
could fight against Dizi. They had no reason to lose!
But, what exactly is this climax that Scarlet is talking about?
Krader first organized everyone and arranged a formation that could be used for
defense at any time. Moreover, the positions between people could be mobilized, and
the speed of action could also be increased by several chips! This is the formation
used by the Principality of Cyril when they march and fight. It is quick and easy to
use. Once formed, it has considerable power. This is all thanks to the current Duke of
Falisis in the Duke of Cyril's Palace. His resourcefulness has raised the development
of all aspects of the principality to a whole level!
"Then, this time will be the only chance to determine the success of our ninth team!"
Clad looked at everyone, and Tier and the other two crystal protectors were also
standing beside Clad at this time. It will be scattered in three directions. Even if
Waltz finds them, its terrifying eight-color laser can only cover the two crystal
protectors, and the last one can escape.
Of course, it would be best if all three of them could pass the test.
"If Waltz's eight-color laser shoots at us, then everyone will take action together and
cooperate with this formation. We should have a chance to resist this laser, and this
opportunity is the only chance of victory! Remember, everyone must fight Try your
best to resist, as long as one of them fails to catch it, this formation will collapse
instantly, and the eight-color laser will turn us into ashes!"
Krader's concise and clear explanation made everyone feel heavy, but this was
already a last resort! Under the attack of Waltz that sweeps across the world, they
must make a final counterattack! And this counterattack will become their only hope
to survive despite death! !
Maybe it was the guidance of Krader's words, or maybe it was the realization that
everyone was around, and a momentum of unity gradually emerged.
Krad smiled slightly. He felt that this was the atmosphere he had when he led the
United as one!
That's right, only by uniting as one can we resist powerful forces.
What is the number one weapon in this world?
What about the second weapon?
Of course it's an army. Except for gods, nothing can survive under the crushing force
of a united army!
"Okay! Everyone! Let's rush out!"
Krader gave an order, and everyone who had been prepared raised their hearts in their
chests, and rushed out towards the end of the forest with solemn expressions!
It is easier to hide in the dark night than during the day, so even if they rush out of the
forest, it will not be too obvious.
This is a fact! Waltz was still firing eight-color lasers in the sky with great
enjoyment, but did not notice the actions of Krad and others on the other side.
This result made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. Although after getting ready to go,
it was discovered that it was a false alarm, which made people feel as helpless as a
fist hitting cotton, but being safe is naturally the best result.
But right now!
On the opposite side of the forest, in the direction that Krader and others were
heading, a large army slowly appeared.
When the moonlight gradually shone on the army, Krad's pupils narrowed and his
face suddenly darkened.
Because what appeared in front of them was the power of a third party
Nita people!
The four-meter giant walking in the front with overwhelming momentum is the top
creature that Teacher No. 3 once described in Nita's world.
King Nita.
When Kabu next to King Wanboqinita saw these foreign races in front of him, his
pupils turned blood red, and the energy in his chest seemed to burn into flames. His
home was now being trampled by these ghosts! !
Never allow it!
"Never allowed!! Go to hell! Aliens!!"
With Kabu's roar, King Wanbochinita launched his command without hesitation.
"Glorious warriors, let the aliens see the power of this world!!"
"Roar!!!" All the Nita warriors and quasi-Nita warriors let out deafening roars.
Wanboqi did not restrain himself at all because of the intimidation of the waltz in the
air. After all, in its view, the hundreds of aliens in front of it must be in the sky. As
long as they are close to these alien creatures, the powerful alien rat-throwing weapon
will not throw the eight-color laser at them no matter what! At that time, as long as
more than half of the opponents are killed, they will start hiding in the forest. No
matter how powerful the eight-color laser of the powerful alien race is, they will not
be able to catch them!
Wan Boqi, who had a strategy for getting along in an instant, was the first to rush out
with two huge hammers in hand without hesitation!
The terrifying momentum caused the formation of the people on Krad's side to be
thrown into chaos.
Not good! Krad was as gloomy as water, and the dragon man Waltz in the sky, who
had a keen sense of hearing, slowly turned his attention to the armies of Krad and
Wanboqi that were about to become the battlefield. He came to the result of the
situation in front of him just by thinking randomly in his mind.
"What a misfortune, classmates of Class 9." Waltz smiled ferociously, and then he
did not rush to throw the eight-color laser over, but used his amazing pupil power to
quietly watch the development of the battle!
"Let you both lose first." Waltz knew very well that he was indeed very strong now,
but when faced with a powerful unit, the weak would choose to unite. If he was in a
hurry to blast the eight-color laser at this time, then the two parties would There is a
high possibility that the forces will join forces to resist themselves.
It will be difficult to say whether we can catch them all at once.
This is a theorem! Faced with the attack of powerful creatures, weak groups will
always subconsciously huddle together and try to resist each other. Therefore, smart
strong people will not only know how to use their own power to crush them, but will
make weak groups fight with each other until they are covered with bruises. , and
finally stood up to reap victory.
Obviously, Waltz is the smart strong one.
The 126th issue begins
Cradd looked up at the sky, Waltz didn't move.
This made him also feel the other party's shrewdness.
This strong man named Waltz not only has outstanding strength, but also a very smart
mind. . . . . .
Tricky, too tricky.
This is a war between three forces, and they will only perish together with the Nita
people, and will eventually be harvested by Waltz alone!
It's a pity that the Nita people are not smart enough to distinguish that they are two
forces, otherwise there will be a turning point. . . . . .
Could it be that we are going to lose this way? . . . . .
boom! !
Suddenly, a figure stood in front of Krad. He was radiating purple light, and at the
same time, he slashed out a huge light blade with unparalleled power!
Seeing the situation, King Nita immediately raised his hammer to block it. Although
he was unscathed, he was pushed tens of meters away by the blow!
Such terrifying power not only frightened the Nita people, but Team 9 also looked at
the figure in front of Krad with surprised eyes.
"Instead of thinking about how to survive the tsunami in the future, why not row
across the current river first? What do you think? Maybe the boat will go straight
when it reaches the bridge."
Tyr, he slightly flicked the long sword [Tyrant] into a sword flower, and the air
roared. Finally, he lightly leaned the back of the sword on his shoulder, and at the
same time turned his head to look at the stunned Krad.
"Bring on your strength, Captain."
Krad's expression changed, and there was a buzz in his head. The originally gloomy
thoughts were blown away, leaving only the words in Tyr's mouth.
Tire smiled slightly, and at the same time, Kang Shiding and Yakumo Xiaoqi strode
out from the left and right sides of Krad, patting each other's shoulders slightly.
"Anyway, if you're a man, let's hit him first."
"Klad, you think too much. This is not like you before." Kang Shiding and Yakumo
Xiaoqi also smiled at Clad, and they followed Tyr to the battlefield.
Then, more people rushed out from behind him, each with strength, hesitation, or
But no one backed down.
They are geniuses, even if they lose, they must have their own arrogance!
One hundred people, two hundred people, and finally all the students rushed towards
the Nita army with tens of thousands of Nita soldiers!
The war starts in an instant! !
Krader was the only one standing on the grass, his mind swaying.
Although the troops he led dispersed, the atmosphere of unity was stronger than
before. Seeing the students fighting side by side in front of him, Krad couldn't help
but cover his chest with his right hand.
Now he is not a general commanding the battlefield.
But a student who fought alongside them.
For the victory in this competition, for their dignity, and to stay in Avalon Academy.
Finally, in order to become stronger.
Their war is not the kind of intrigue between countries.
Just purely wanting to achieve their goals, just for themselves.
This is the student!
For a higher goal, they are not soldiers who are about to throw their lives and blood
on the battlefield at any time, but students who can learn from each other and
compare with each other.
So, now that the matter has come to this, is there anything left to hesitate?
Krader couldn't help but smile bitterly.
Yes, I really think too much. A pure martial arts heart should face the opponent in
front of me, instead of fighting against everything.
So, do I need to say more?
"I really lost to you."
Krad slowly grabbed the right hand on his chest toward the void, and the power of
countless light elements suddenly gathered.
A long sword with white light was instantly held in his hand.
He suddenly waved towards the ground, the strong wind roared, and the power of the
elements between heaven and earth suddenly surrendered.
"Then let's start the war."
Ye Xi's speed is not bad, but Scarlet's eye power is more terrifying than she
imagined, and his fighting skills have evolved to the point where they are back to
their original nature. Every punch and kick seems casual but they are all the
strongest. A blow.
Ye Xi fought against the opponent three times, but he almost defeated him in one fell
swoop by seizing on his weak point. Especially when Ye Xi used explosive body
skills to perform martial arts on the opponent, Scarlet was often able to dodge at the
most ingenious time and swing his fist at the same time.
Fortunately, Ye Xi possesses empty attribute space magic, and the short-distance
transfer makes Scarlet's every attack fruitless.
Yue Hai watched intently from the side, but in fact all these actions were completed
in just four seconds. The offensive and defensive battle between the two sides was
incredibly fast.
"This albino lady is very good. Your intuition is very keen. You are worthy of being a
stalker. It seems that you have been trained by a good master since you were a child."
Scarlet still smiled evilly, but there was a hint of emotion in his words. She was
looking for comments, but such a pertinent speech hit Ye Xi. She narrowed her eyes
slightly, and it was unpleasant for someone to guess her life experience even a little
bit, especially this pervert.
"Distance, thirty."
The space suddenly shook. When Scarlet came to his senses again, Ye Xi had already
appeared in front of him. His eyes were like a cheetah's, as if he was about to pounce
and bite his neck off, but even if Diz was like this, Scarlet was also shocked by the
strange situation, but Scarlet was even happier.
boom! !
The speed of Scarlet's fist suddenly increased. Ye Xi's calculations originally
predicted that his short blade would be slightly faster than Scarlet at this moment,
thus establishing the victory in one fell swoop. However, this man with an evil smile
exploded again. A more terrifying attack.
Ye Xi's pupils shrank, and a shadow of death hung over her heart. She teleported
without saying a word, and the next moment she appeared near Yue Hai and others.
Scarlet's blow was in the air, but the terrifying force of the fist exploded where Ye Xi
was standing, and then the force of the fist hit the ground like a cannonball, and the
ground suddenly cracked. , in just an instant the cracks turned into chasms, and
eventually each one turned into an abyss tens of meters high.
At this moment, the ground also made a muffled sound as the fist power finally
An earthquake follows! !
Rumbling and rumbling, dozens of kilometers in radius began to tremble. The other
students were frightened by this punch, and the shrewd person at the head was even
more stunned.
"This lunatic! The barrier is about to be destroyed by himself!"
Yue Hai and others also retreated, while looking at Scarlet. It turned out that he had
not used his true strength before. Perhaps Ye Xi's last blow was too threatening, so he
was forced to use all his strength.
Although the power is indeed terrifying, Scarlet has a fatal shortcoming, and that is
Yue Hai stared with both eyes and saw Scarlet striding towards them, neither fast nor
slow but heading straight towards them.
And what rushed towards them was a momentum, and the perception behind them!
Yuehai felt as if she was facing Krad at that time. Only now did she understand why
this man on the train dared to challenge Krad, the greatest genius in the northern
Issue 127 VS Scarlet
"Let's start the second round." Scarlet's evil smile remained on her lips, and she
moved quickly, but the next moment she appeared in front of Yue Hai and others.
However, among the three people who had been prepared, Yuehai took the lead. She
no longer concealed her movements, her feet changed in countless ways, and made
strange twists and turns in the void. In the next moment, she appeared behind Scarlet,
and Ye Xi was also there. At this time, the distance between the two was shortened
instantly, and the short blade in his hand was already stabbing Scarlet's chest!
When attacking from both sides, Angel was well prepared. Scarlet's feet were
actually frozen by the ice, and his two arms were bound by ice chains that appeared
out of thin air. This posture obviously turned into a decisive blow!
But how could Scarlet be defeated so easily together? He had a fierce look in his
eyes, and his whole body was shaken suddenly. The ice that bound him suddenly
shattered, and he grabbed Ye Xi's short blade with his freed right hand. He grabbed
Tsukiumi's sword with only his left hand.
The two women's eyes narrowed slightly, showing no signs of shock. Ye Xi
immediately pulled away. Yue Hai moved his left hand, murmured in his mouth, and
released a blue thunderbolt in an instant.
Second level magic, thunder bug.
Scarlet slapped the thunder insect with his free right hand, and the power of the
thunder element immediately disintegrated.
At the same time, Yuehai drew out the Shanshui sword that Scarlet had grabbed, and
without saying a word, slashed at him from close range with one sword!
Heavenly Sword Yixin, the first move, cut!
The powerful sword energy made the evil-smiling man's pupils shrink, and he
stepped lightly, choosing to avoid its sharp edge. However, how could Yue Hai make
it easy for him? Shan Shui's long sword immediately returned to its sheath. She
closed her eyes, and the sharp sword intent that seemed to cut through the void
suddenly spread out.
Seeing the sudden change in the atmosphere of the Moon Sea, Scarlet felt an
involuntary thump in her heart.
But his current idea is to take Yuehai as his own immediately.
A beautiful girl with such terrifying sword intent, this, this would definitely be so
cool to do~
Before Scarlet had time to indulge, Yuehai was already fully prepared, and her eyes
slowly opened at this moment.
Heavenly Sword Yixin, second move, pull out the thorn!
Boom, boom, boom, the air kept vibrating, and the ground cracked with the tremors
in the void at this moment. The invisible and monstrous sword intent rushed towards
Although he couldn't see anything, a sense of danger of death penetrated into Scarlet's
intuition. It was a feeling that if he slacked off a little, he might be doomed.
Scarlet suddenly swung a punch, and the sound of air explosions was heard endlessly.
The huge fist force immediately rushed out and bombarded the first slash, but it was
split into two by this slash, without any damage. Following the first form comes the
second form.
At the same time, Angel finally finished chanting the magic incantation. This was the
magic that she had been chanting since the beginning. Until now, her whole body was
filled with frost, but Angel, who was already cold, did not feel it. Not cold at all, but
his eyes are even more energetic.
Level 4 magic, Snow Ghost.
A huge white skeleton actually gathered in the sky. The next moment, transparent
cold air spewed out from its hollow teeth. Scarlet, who was directly below it, was
immediately hit by the cold air pouring out, and his whole body suddenly became
numb. The ice froze, and in less than a moment it turned into a transparent ice prison
several meters wide, and Scarlet was trapped in it, unable to move at all.
At the same time, the first slash of the Heavenly Sword Yishin came quietly. With the
supreme sword energy, it cut off the ice in an instant and rushed towards Scarlet's
body. However, at this moment, the man who had always been The man with the evil
smile suddenly stopped smiling at this moment.
"It's quite capable."
boom! !
Red fighting energy suddenly burst out from Scarlet's body, and the ice was instantly
melted and shattered. The sword energy that followed was easily dodged by Scarlet,
but the second one that rushed over after the first move When the second type
weapon approached Scarlet, it exploded instantly!
Yue Hai never thought that he could detonate this sword energy ball from the
opponent's body. The second form of Tianjian Yishin is indeed miraculous against
big guys with weak heads, but against Scarlet, as long as it can cause enough threats.
Ready to explode!
Although it only detonated next to Scarlet, the terrifying power was enough to make
him tremble. Although he had strong fighting skills, he was still only a mortal body.
Even if he was struck by such a terrifying and dense sword energy, Even if you are at
the emperor level, it is difficult not to get injured. If you are not careful, you may
even live or die!
Just when Yuehai and others thought they had succeeded, a petite girl suddenly
appeared in front of Scarlet, raising her hands, and a light blue barrier spread to a
distance of several hundred meters, covering the sword energy ball and Scarlet was
completely separated, but the dense and terrifying exploding sword energy
bombarded the blue barrier without any damage. This made Scarlet slightly relieved,
and also made Yuehai and others unbelievable.
The terrifying sword energy continued to rush towards the sky and the earth in all
directions, and many students suffered a certain amount of damage from this!
After the sword energy completely dissipated, Scarlet walked up to the petite girl and
slapped her face expressionlessly. The force was so strong that it completely knocked
her thin body away. Blood spurted out, and half of his face suddenly swelled.
"Did I ask you to rescue me? You're like a dog."
Scarlet looked at the thunder elf girl and couldn't help but turn cold.
"It seems that training is not enough... Hehehe, if I throw you into the club and make
those wild dog students happy, I wonder if you will be more obedient than before."
These words made the Thunder Elf tremble all over, and he looked pitiful.
"Carida, I said, you are my prop. If you don't hear the user's instructions, the prop is
just a dead object."
Scarlet looked at the opponent with contempt
"You must maintain the reserve that a dead creature should have before getting my
order. If you do something contrary to this, it only means that my training is not
enough, and you still have a sense of resistance in your heart."
"..." Kalida remained silent. Even though she was so seriously injured, she still didn't
react at all. She looked at Scarlet with blank eyes, and finally stood up slowly. This
reaction made Scarlet satisfied, and then he no longer looked at the other party, but
turned his attention to Yue Hai and others.
"I really made you laugh. Don't worry, you will never become my props. As long as
you are willing, I will give each of you a concubine."
There must be something wrong with this person's brain. Yue Hai's face was as
gloomy as water. She secretly cursed in her heart. How could a person with such
terrifying strength be so perverted and have something wrong with his brain? Such
people are really rare.
Issue 128 is heating up
King Nita is the creature that stands at the top of the Nita world. His huge body just
standing on the ground makes people feel stressed. Now the first ones to face him are
Tier Konstantin and Yakumo Akatsuki. Three people, and the rest all used their
strength far beyond that of the Nita warriors to make up for the difference in the
number of people in the war!
It has to be said that although King Nita is huge, he is very fast. Its two giant
hammers seem to carry the power of shattering the void. Every time they are swung,
they can shatter the earth and crush the air.
Tier frowned, this King Nita could not be defeated by ordinary tricks, and his own
side as Yuehai was also in a fierce battle. Now that the two sides were fighting, to be
honest, Tier was already somewhat powerless.
Therefore, changes will come later. Instead of slowly exploring the opponent's
routine with a series of moves, it is better to determine the outcome in one fell
"Put your best effort!!"
Tyr's voice seemed to push the war to a fever pitch, and many students roared. Their
attacks could kill one or two Nita warriors in an instant, but new Nita warriors would
appear the next moment. Although they were brave and fearless, the students were
also angered. They all stopped holding hands under Tyr's roar. Most of the magicians
released their unique magic, and the warriors also unleashed their strongest mysteries.
The scene suddenly got out of control.
As for Tyr, he held the long sword [Tyrant] tightly with both hands. His aura
plummeted at this moment. His sharp sword intention was gone, and even his anger
gradually dissipated.
Then, transparent sword bodies that looked like sharp blades began to condense in the
sky, hundreds and thousands, and eventually tens of thousands. Each of those densely
packed transparent sword bodies released a terrifying sword intent.
However, Tier frowned slightly.
This third move had some signs of backlash. If he hadn't gone through many battles,
large and small, over the past few months, he would have been shattered into pieces
by this backlash.
Thinking about it this way, it seems that the chance of being able to use the third
form during the battle with Dizu in the Magical Girl Competition was really 1,000%.
It was a blessing among misfortunes!
When Constantine saw Tire really using all his strength, he no longer hid his
clumsiness, his eyes widened, and he made a majestic voice.
"Kneel down!!"
boom! ! ! The pressure as if from the power of God suddenly bombarded King
Wanboqinita, making him unsteady on his feet for a moment. He actually knelt on
one knee and the giant hammer in his hand fell to the ground. How could Yakumo
Xiaoqi let this go? Opportunity, the power of dark elements surrounding him quickly
gathered and turned into a black arrow in the blink of an eye. He murmured to
himself, the black arrow continued to surround the place, and more elemental power
began to condense. , in an instant the arrow thickened several times, and under the
inertia of rotation, it was instantly thrown out and flew towards King Nita through the
Although King Wanboqinita was really shocked by the sudden pressure, he was not
afraid of the black arrows and raised the hammer to block them. However, the arrows
had no power at all. After hitting the hammer, it was unexpectedly Scattered around
King Nita and finally formed a black cage surrounding him.
"Such a fragile thing..." King Nita muttered to himself, and the hammer in his hand
slammed towards the black cage with the force of the wind. At the same time,
Yakumo Xiaoqi clasped his hands together, and there was a snap between his two
palms. With a sound, he narrowed his eyes slightly and shouted in a low voice
"Unique magic, enhanced by elements!"
The black cage solidified quickly under the use of Yakumo Xiaoqi's unique magic.
The cage that was supposed to be shattered by King Nita's hammer actually withstood
the blow at this moment, even though there were already broken pieces on it. It was
cracked, but it was an indisputable fact that it blocked an emperor-level blow head-
"These damn aliens!"
King Nita's blow failed, and he was about to swing another hammer, but Tyr, who
had finished brewing, finally burst out with all his sword intent.
That kind of atmosphere seemed to break the sky!
"Heavenly Sword Yishin, third form. Just like the sky."
Tyr murmured in a low voice, his eyes focused on King Nita, and at the same time all
the swords were pointed at the opponent. The sense of crisis of being targeted by
thousands of troops was like a fuse from King Nita's body. The torso kept burning,
and finally exploded in my mind!
How could Tyr give the other party time to react? The next moment would be the rain
of swords! !
Boom boom boom, countless transparent sword bodies mixed with sword intent and
sword energy quickly attacked. The terrifying posture made other students quickly
retreat, and a slow creature like Nita Warrior was accidentally stabbed by the
transparent sword body. Pierced, and then the sword body erupted with terrifying
sword energy, killing several nearby Nita warriors!
The battlefield suddenly turned into purgatory, with endless wailing. However, at this
moment, the Nita Warriors stood up. Although they were not as powerful as King
Nita, their experienced combat experience and strange skills allowed them to block
many sword bodies. The Nita warriors got a breather from the offensive, but this was
only a small part of the attack. In the end, most of the swords were gathered towards
King Nita into a dense rainstorm of swords, with a constant whistling sound as they
broke through the air. Coming!
King Nita was unable to stand up because he was frightened by the words of
Constantine, so he could only use the crossed hammers as a shield to block, but the
terrifying rain of swords kept piercing his arms and fingers. After passing the giant
hammer, it even pierced into his shoulder and thigh. Each sword body erupted with
terrifying exploding sword energy, followed by a large piece of minced meat!
"His Majesty King Wanbochinita!!"
Kabu's eyes were red at this time. After killing two students, he immediately
approached King Nita. However, how could the students who saw the situation
clearly not know that Tier was already at a critical moment, and he suddenly More
than a dozen students stood up, and each one released their strongest attacks without
saying a word. They didn't want to kill the opponent, as long as they could make the
Nita Warrior stop and take a rest!
However, I don’t know what went crazy with this Nita Warrior, but he bravely faced
this offensive without fear of death. He managed to fight his way through the
continuous bombing, and dozens of students who blocked him died in an instant.
More than half!
"Go away!!" Kabu seemed to turn into a madman, his eyes were blood red and
shimmered, becoming extremely ferocious and terrifying under the support of the
night. His body was covered in blood, not only his own, but also those of his
When Shating Iron Sword and others saw that Kabu was about to attack Tier, no
matter how huge the gap between the two was, they immediately stepped forward to
block the opponent's path.
Kabu is even more angry, for their homeland and for their people! These aliens must
die! !
Anyone who blocks this path should be damned! !
However, Shating Iron Sword did not flinch in the face of this tsunami-like
momentum. He stood in front of Mei Kui, Die Feng Zhangui and the others, his eyes
showing determination!
"The stream of descending gods descends from the sky."
Awakening Issue 129
"God-descending flow, descending from the sky!"
The huge broad-bladed sword was chopped down by the Sand Court Iron Sword as a
broadsword. Kabu, who was coming towards him, didn't care, because he didn't have
time to argue with these miscellaneous fish one by one. However, that seemingly
reckless slash caused The pressure around him made Kabu's body feel a little
threatened! At the same time, he found that his power began to drain away at this
moment. Although it was not a rapid decline, it still gave him a sense of
This alien race. . . . . .
Kabu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his red eyes emitted a terrifying light. He raised
his right blade to block it. Although the power of this slash was indeed extraordinary,
as a Nita warrior, he was far superior in strength. Even if the opponent's strength was
quickly drained, he could still resist it. Then, he raised his left blade and slashed
towards the opponent's neck without hesitation!
This blow will definitely cause the head to fly away, leaving no body intact!
However, at this moment, Sha Ting Tiejian's eyes suddenly widened, and he let out a
roar despite his calmness!
"Oh oh oh oh oh"
boom! Huge pressure was exerted crazily on the broad-bladed sword. The force twice
as heavy as before forced Kabu to retreat subconsciously, but the long blade in his
left hand was about to touch the opponent's neck. How could he stop at this time!
And once he retreats, his indomitable momentum will be suppressed, and the time to
rescue King Nita will also be extended!
This is never allowed!
Kabu made up his mind, gritted his teeth, and used his right hand to withstand the
crazy pressure of the Sand Court Iron Sword. The long blade of his left hand slashed
instantly, only a short distance away from the opponent's Adam's apple!
At this moment, a black shadow appeared between the two of them. Kabu's pupils
shrank. It was only now that he discovered the existence of the shadow. The shadow
opened a pair of cold eyes, held a dagger in his hand and pointed towards Kabu's left
side. Cut off the arm.
The speed made Kabu speechless. He had no choice but to retract the left blade of the
Iron Sword that was slashing at the Sand Courtyard. However, due to the pressure
from the opponent's broad-edged sword, he chose to retreat!
As he backed away, he took another closer look at the black shadow. This was
something weird. It was obviously a foreign race! It's just that the opponent has
extremely terrifying stealth skills.
But when did that alien appear between the two of them? !
Feng Zhangui stared at Kabu closely. If his body skills had not reached a perfect
level, he would have been unable to stop the opponent's previous slash at the Sand
Court Iron Sword.
It's a pity that now is not the time to lament that he has grown to such an extent. Kabu
obviously has no intention of stopping. His eyes are focused, and his body suddenly
differentiates, turning into ten entity-like Nita in an instant. Brave, Kabu controlled
everyone and rushed towards Shating Iron Sword and others without any hesitation,
without fear of death.
Such an offensive immediately left Feng Zhangui and the others with no backup plan,
leaving Shating Iron Sword with a frown on his face, ready to go! It's a pity that Kabu
didn't want to use this method to encircle and kill them. Instead, he used his clones to
disrupt the opponent's interpretation. Then in an instant, he became a fish that slipped
through the encirclement and blasted towards Tyr without hesitation.
Sha Ting Tiejian and others immediately shouted that something was wrong. When
they looked back, they found a golden figure appearing on Kabu's final path.
"This is not the place you should be."
"Get away!!!" Kabu has fallen into complete madness. Even though the faint pressure
released by his opponent has made people's hearts tremble, he did not hesitate to
wave his double blades with a sound. The roar struck towards the golden figure in an
King Nita, who was struggling to hold on in the distance, saw the situation from the
corner of his eye and immediately shouted:
However, it was too late.
The golden figure, Krad, in front of him, even this terrifying Nita warrior could not
make him feel any trouble.
Even if the other party falls into madness, it is just a frog that can jump a little.
Krader held the lightsaber in his hand. Facing the crazy attack from Nita Brave Kabu,
Krader just swung it out casually.
A formation of floating Veda, hope of light.
The huge light covered the entire battlefield, and a soaring light curtain composed of
light elements split Kabu into two. The terrifying power made all the Nita people
"Kabu!!" King Nita's eyes turned red. It also fell into madness. That was Kabu! ! It's
Kabu who has always regarded him as his father! !
The past events reflected in King Wanboqinita's mind like a fountain.
That Nita person who wholeheartedly contributes to the Nita tribe, that meticulous
Nita warrior, that child who will grit his teeth and persevere in everything! He just
died! !
King Nita finally fell into a rage. He broke free from the shackles of the spirit, stood
up straight, and faced thousands of swords, he suddenly swung a hammer.
"The roar of the earth!!"
boom! ! With the help of the power of the Nita world, this hammer actually exploded
with power beyond the limit, blasting all the transparent sword bodies. Endless sword
energy dispersed in all directions, and the sky was suddenly pressed tightly by these
sword energy. , and even more muffled explosions continued to explode in the air.
"go to hell!!"
King Nita ignored Tier and strode towards Krad. The power of the earth that relied on
every step made it seem to represent the entire Nita world at this moment, the kind of
pressure that felt like the sky was about to collapse. Jean Clad looked solemn.
Is this King Nita?
Am I going to die like this?
Kabu's body was divided into two halves, and he looked at the sky in confusion.
The night dotted with countless stars was extremely beautiful. It was a scenery he and
Ajie often admired when they were children.
A hoarse voice came from the broken back, but as a result, his whole body became
even weaker, as if these two words had drained all the strength from his body.
So tired. . . . . . It turns out that I am going to die too.
Kabu, who recognized the reality, gradually raised his right hand and spread his
fingers towards the starry sky.
This is the starry sky of their Nita people. Under the light of the moon, you must also
see the smiles of the Nita people.
However, he only stopped there.
Obviously we haven’t seen the true liberation coming yet! It’s obviously just the
I don’t want to die~ I don’t want to die~~~
Kabu shed tears, a liquid that a Nita Warrior had never shed before.
The water droplets passed over the cheeks, bringing a slight sourness to the mouth.
He no longer had the strength to speak, nor the strength to think.
Consciousness gradually drained away, and his eyes became heavy.
Death began to envelope his whole body, repeating that it would turn into
nothingness the next moment.
However, at the end, a picture appeared in front of his eyes.
That was the sound he heard when he secretly walked back after saying goodbye to
"Fool, all you need to do is hug me with it."
Aijie's tears also fell down, as if they were dripping on the corner of Kabu's mouth,
making him feel once again how much regret was included in this sour and salty
At this moment, Kabu seemed to understand something, and his whole body began to
heat up!
Issue 130 Freeze
Kabu's whole body began to glow with light. When King Wanbochinita was fighting
with Krad, his eyes suddenly widened when he saw it. His lips trembled and he
couldn't believe his eyes!
Krader was also shocked by King Nita's sudden stop of attack. He couldn't help but
use his perception to check the direction where King Nita was looking.
And Kabu, who was originally split in half by Krad, actually slowly soared into the
air, exuding a faint light and looking as if he was about to turn into ashes at any time!
But on the contrary, Kabu's body slowly closed at this moment, and his skin quickly
lost moisture and gradually dried up. His seemingly exhausted appearance actually
burst out with endless energy and blood at this moment!
That vast power spread rapidly, and the Nita warriors of the same race immediately
knelt down on one knee, and the Nita warriors also bent slightly, as if they were
knights welcoming their king.
boom! !
A hand suddenly stretched out from the withered body. The already majestic power
of Qi and blood suddenly boiled at this moment. Krad's pupils shrank and he roared
to all the students.
"Back off!!"
The students didn't know what to say, but the palms that emerged from the dry hands
slowly clenched into fists, as if they were enjoying the power they now brought.
After King Wanboqinita was shocked, he laughed crazily and roared
"God will help me Nita clan!! God will help me Wanboqi!! Hahahaha!!"
As soon as Wan Boqi finished speaking, a voice swooshed out of the withered
corpse. Although he was naked and his body was about the same as that of a human
being, the coercion exposed all over his body made everyone inexplicably frightened.
That's level suppression!
And only the Emperor level can shock the entire audience like this! Then the strength
of the figure in front of him is self-evident.
King Nita! And it’s King Nita who has just evolved successfully!
Before anyone could react, the new student Nita King Kabu suddenly turned his
attention towards the students, with a fierce look in his eyes and muttering to himself.
"It's time to make you pay."
"Damn it!" Krad turned around and was about to intercept King Kabunita's attack, but
Wan Boqi quickly swung a hammer at Krad with the power of the earth! Krader
quickly dodged, but the terrifying wind pressure still made his chest feel tight. If he
was in poor physical condition, he might be seriously injured.
"Powerful alien, just watch your compatriots die here, let you feel this pain too!"
After Wan Boqi finished speaking, he swung the giant hammer again. Although he no
longer had the life-threatening crazy style of fighting before, the change to a life-and-
death entanglement was now more difficult than before!
"Damn it!" Krad gasped again, hoping that Tyr could stop the new King Nita.
Facing Scarlet's offensive, Yuehai and others could be said to have exhausted all
means, but the opponent's level of difficulty was unbelievably high. If it weren't for
Kalida's rescue, this Scarlet I'm afraid Te has already withdrawn. Although Ye Xi
wanted to kill Kalida first, the absolutely defensive blue barrier made it impossible
for anyone to cross the thunder pool. Even if Angel or Yuehai saw the flaw, Si Karet
would also attack them at the most opportune time, so after more than a dozen
rounds, neither side achieved any results.
Yuehai knew that Tyr's side was about to face the new King Nita, so they had to fight
quickly, so she spoke in a deep voice to Ye Xi and Angel.
"Give me twenty-three seconds and I'm going to cast a big spell."
Large-scale magic, that is, complex spells that require chanting incantations for a
long time. Because it takes an extremely long time, few magicians will use this kind
of magic during the blitz. However, once successful, the third-level magic will burst
out. Equivalent to the power of peak level four or even level five, the magic released
by a magician like Yue Hai with overwhelming elemental affinity will definitely be
even more powerful. Once successful, it can almost guarantee victory!
Ye Xi and Angel immediately felt Yue Hai's determination to kill him. They nodded
slightly and looked directly at Scarlet.
How could this evil-smiling man not know what Yue Hai was thinking? He rushed
towards the opponent without hesitation, taking a preemptive strike.
Seeing the situation, Angel slightly clicked on the storage ring, and a slender wand
suddenly appeared, and the transparent appearance was no different from ice. She
murmured in her mouth, and elements suddenly gathered in the air. The next
moment, the whole The space quickly cools and freezes.
"Unique magic that freezes everything."
It was used without hesitation, and the effect was that the entire area for several
kilometers was frozen. Except for the small circle of Ye Xiyuehai and others, other
places were suddenly covered with a thick layer of frost!
Those who are weak will be unable to move because of this!
However, Scarlet was not affected at all. She was shaken all over. The frost on her
coat was immediately shaken off, and she rushed over again without stopping.
How could Angel let it be so easy for the other party? She stretched out her wand and
waved it in the air. Her expressionless and beautiful face became even more ethereal
at this moment.
"Unique magic that freezes action."
All the covering frost seemed to have its own consciousness, and it quickly gathered
towards Scarlet. The next moment, it formed an ice cage tens of meters high, which
was even thicker than the ice spewed by the previous level 4 magic snow ghost. Be
But Scarlet inside was completely unmoved, and the red fighting energy all over his
body suddenly erupted, and he was afraid that the huge ice cage would be shattered in
the next moment.
Angel waved the wand again, and the ice and snow in the sky began to gather, and
the next moment it bombarded the cage.
"Unique magic, freezing power."
As soon as he finished speaking, Scarlet was surprised to find that the fighting spirit
in his body that was about to explode was slowly frozen, and a feeling of
powerlessness slowly penetrated into his body.
"Is this your unique magic? Hahaha, it's interesting. Otherwise it wouldn't be fun."
Scarlet's eyes were fixed on Angel and others. As for Yuehai behind her, she had no
intention of taking the overall situation into consideration. In the end, she kept
mumbling, and the magic and thunder elements emanating from her body gradually
became violent. The scope is also constantly expanding, and such momentum may be
extremely powerful magic.
After Scarlet made a judgment in his mind, he clenched his fists, his eyes were as
sharp as knives, and he took a deep breath.
The next moment, it surged out like a dragon's roar!
The violent sound was deafening. All the students covered their ears and kept
retreating. Some of them were even bleeding from seven holes. It looked so miserable
that even Angel had to freeze his eardrums. At the same time, Yue Hai and Ye Xi
followed suit.
The ice suddenly shattered, and Scarlet walked out of it. He twisted his neck and
made bursts of strong friction sounds, but he said to the other students.
"I said, don't interfere. If anyone wants to take advantage of this moment to attack,
they will definitely die, whether it is virtual or real."
The 131st issue of the game is over
The attack of the new Nita King Kabu is not unscrupulous. Although he has just
adapted to this huge power, he has already suppressed Tier and others.
If Tier hadn't been threatening them with thousands of body-turning techniques, Kabu
might have swarmed into the students and devoured them like a hungry wolf rushing
into a herd of sheep.
However, even so, Tire could not completely block Kabu's offensive. Every time, the
opponent would seize the opportunity to kill a student in one fell swoop.
"..." Tier's face was as gloomy as water. If he continued like this, even if he tried his
best to kill him, I'm afraid these more than 500 students would be compromised.
The most important thing is that he on the Yuehai side is still chanting incantations,
and his highly concentrated consciousness prevents Tier from completely fighting
Kabu, so that his own strength has also dropped by a few steps.
If Kabu wasn't quite afraid of Tyr, or if it saw that he was strong on the outside but
weak on the inside, something would be really bad.
Krad's side was also entangled by King Wanbo Chinita. After the two main forces
were stopped, the situation of the entire war began to slowly tilt towards the Nita
At this moment of despair, a loud voice came from the forest
"Everyone, are you okay?"
This voice was coercive, and the majestic power of perception actually made the
entire Nita army suffocate slightly, and everyone suddenly looked at each other in
It's okay if you don't look at it, but I'm really shocked when I look at it
Because the source of the sound turned out to be a green-skinned orc! Although his
eyes were calm, his ferocious fangs still frightened others.
Seeing the situation, Krader was overjoyed and said quickly
"Prince Nonoka!"
The orc known as Nonoka took a big step and appeared in front of King Wanboqinita
in less than an instant. The giant ax in his hand suddenly struck the opponent. The
terrifying momentum made King Nita's chest tremble slightly. It was stagnant, but
could not shake it in the slightest. He picked up the hammer and struck it at the same
time. The huge power of the two collided and erupted into waves of violent air
However, King Wanboqinita, who possesses the power of the earth, is like the power
of God. Even Nonoka cannot shake it at all, and was knocked back in one fell swoop
by the opponent's angry shout.
The green-skinned orc prince stepped back a few steps and returned to Krad's side.
The two looked at each other and nodded slightly.
"Classmate Claude, long-lost greetings."
"It's not a good time to talk now, Nonoka...Classmate, please help Tyr's side resist the
new King Nita!"
"Okay!" Nonoka said quickly, and rushed towards Tier without saying a word.
Seeing the green-skinned orc approaching with a majestic aura from the corner of his
eye, Till immediately breathed a sigh of relief.
This orc named Nonoka is the prince of the orc clan in the Great Sang Burial Forest.
Although their power is much smaller than that of the monsters, they were once a
huge tribe that fought against the Elf Empire. However, later on, the Elf Empire
became more and more prosperous, and the Orcs The tribe finally had no choice but
to negotiate a peace, and now lives in seclusion in the Mulberry Forest, occasionally
doing business with the human kingdom. As of now, even if an orc occasionally
appears in the city, it will not cause panic, let alone everyone shouting. After all,
apart from looking different from humans, they are actually similar in nature.
If you really want to say it, it may be that his character is more rough and simple, and
this Prince Noonoka is famous for his good temper and reasonableness. Put together
with Krad, they are simply a righteous duo.
Tier retreated slightly, and then Nonoka picked up an ax and struck it. The fierce
strength carried special skills. I am afraid that even an ordinary emperor-level person
would not be able to block this blow. , and only a strong man like King Wanboqinita
who can draw on the power of the earth can knock Nonoka back under a frontal
Kabu felt the unmatched slashing blow, and his body immediately gave way.
However, the ax had a terrifying suction force. Even though he gave way, he still
moved closer to the weapon. Such a strange sight made Kabu's pupils shrink, but he
was a Ni after all. The tower king, and the Nita king who focused on speed and skill,
immediately split into dozens of bodies. Although Nonoka's blow landed firmly on
the opponent, a closer look revealed that it was just a clone. Once the clones were
merged into one, it had already appeared about a hundred meters away from the two
of them. Its eyes were solemn, and its eyelids twitched as it looked at Nonoka's axe. 0
This strange alien attack was really terrifying. If it weren't for his innate skills that
allowed him to transform into countless clones, he might have suffered a lot of
damage just now.
"Hello, Tier-san." The orc Nonoka stood side by side with Tier, looking at each
other's faces and smiling at each other. Tyr naturally smiled back
"Hello, Nonoka-san."
Being able to face an orc and still show a natural smile made Nonoka's favor towards
Tyr increase a lot. After the two looked at each other and nodded, they looked at
Kabu again. If the two of them join forces, then the other party will be Ni It is not
impossible for the Tower King to win.
However, at this moment, Waltz, who had been observing the battle situation in the
sky, gradually widened his smile, and his pair of dragon eyes emitted a bloodthirsty
"It's time to harvest."
Boom! !
The huge eight-color laser slowly swung over from the left side of Nita's world while
Waltz turned around. Its power was jaw-dropping!
Before they got close to Tire and others, the violent elemental power caused them to
stop fighting instantly. The temperature continued to rise. As the eight-color laser
gradually approached, Krad, King Nita and others stopped their offensive. One by
one, they looked at the huge eight-color laser with gloomy expressions, like a
punishment from heaven!
Krader quickly retreated, raised the light element in his hand, and shouted to the
students behind him
"Classmates! Form a formation!!!"
Such a roar made the bewildered students regain their backbone in an instant, and
without any further thought, they immediately returned to their original formations.
Their swift speed was no less impressive than that of a battle-experienced army.
As for the Wanbo Chinita King, there was no sign of collapse. Under the organization
of the newly promoted Nita King Kabu and Wanbo Chinita King, the mighty Nita
army was organized in less than tens of seconds. , the square formation seemed to
have been rehearsed many times!
At the same time, the eight-color laser that seemed to be destroying all objects came
with a bang. Seeing that the two dilapidated teams below were still trying to resist
desperately, Waltz couldn't help but sneered.
"How dare the light of a grain of rice compete with the bright moon, while a group of
rabble-rousers still try to block the power of God? If you and other two teams were in
their heyday, you might have had a chance, but now that you are exhausted, how can
you shine in front of me?!
it's over! "
Issue 132: A critical moment
boom! !
The huge eight-color laser blasted over with supreme power. No one, including the
Nita tribe, could avoid it, so they had to resist! !
"All soldiers! Give me your strength!!"
King Wanboqinita shouted loudly, and all the Nita warriors immediately surrendered
and sent the invisible power of the earth to Wanboqi one by one. Kabu on the other
side was not idle either. It also tried its best to cooperate with the ten numbers. The
Minita Brave made the strongest shield.
On the other side, Tyr's side also arranged a formation, and a transparent energy
shield appeared above everyone's heads in an instant.
The laser swept and immediately bombarded these protective shields. At this
moment, everyone who was already feeling pressure felt the infinite coercion of the
sky collapsing and the earth collapsing.
Waltz burst out laughing. Seeing the army on the ground that was lingering like ants,
it immediately increased its strength and adjusted the elements in the barrier even
more quickly!
Tier's face was gloomy, and he felt that he could not continue like this, otherwise he
would be crushed by the opponent!
So the other side must destroy the barrier!
Scarlet strode over again, Yuehai's chanting continued, but the distance between him
and her was getting closer and closer.
If this continues, no one here will be able to block the opponent's punch.
Ye Xi naturally knew this and cooperated with Angel to intercept them at the same
Scarlet had already figured out the two's fighting styles, and now he was able to deal
with them with ease. Although he did not seize the opportunity to kill them, he was
obviously suppressed.
In this way, Scarlet arrived not far from the Moon Sea, which was already within his
attack range!
Yue Hai kept muttering in his mouth, with sweat on his forehead, looking at Scarlet
in front of him, anxious. Tier on the other side was also wildly bombarded by Waltz's
eight-color laser, and the pressure on both sides reached desperate levels.
Under such circumstances, it seemed that the situation was about to end with the
defeat of Team Nine.
The game is about to end.
In the magic pattern hall of the competition, Rachel was sitting in one of the seats. On
the other side of her was a woman with round-rimmed eyes who looked extremely
"Teacher Rachel, it seems that our Class 6 won this time."
The knowledgeable woman smiled at Rachel, but that look made Rachel frown
"Teacher Uther... Who will win will be decided in the end."
"Oh? Under such circumstances, Teacher Rachel still thinks there is a possibility of
"... Let the results speak for themselves."
"Haha, I thought so too."
On the other side, Teacher No. 3 and other resident teachers were also watching the
competition between Class 6 and Class 9. Some of the excited teachers could not help
but scream to show their excitement. .
It's a pity that the current situation has tilted towards Class 6.
The huge eight-color laser released by Waltz is indeed infinitely powerful. Naturally,
only he who transforms into a dragon can do this!
It has to be said that Waltz is indeed a peerless genius. He may have come all the way
to Avalon for some other reasons, but he is also a rare good prospect for the academy.
"There are a lot of geniuses in this class." Teacher No. 3 couldn't help but sigh. His
friend Yong Ye and several other team teachers couldn't help but look at each other
and asked with some doubts.
"Why are there so many?"
"You may not be able to see it now, but maybe another golden age is coming."
Golden age!
The group of students three years ago had clearly shocked them. How could they now
usher in a golden age just a few years later? Do they really think that geniuses are just
Yongye lay on the cattail prepared for him, his eyes showing solemnity, recalling all
the new students he had seen these days in his mind.
Perhaps, what No. 3 said was not wrong.
All the team members looked at each other. Although they were very convinced of
Teacher No. 3, they were also surprised.
Scarlet looked at Yuehai and saw that the elemental power around him was getting
more and more terrifying, but his smile was still alluring.
"It's over, Miss Tsukiumi."
Scarlet immediately punched out at the next moment, and the huge punch force
exploded. Even Ye Xi could not stop that speed. Even the several ice walls that Angel
appeared in front of Yuehai were blocked by this speed. One blow penetrated them
all, and the next moment, the majestic force had arrived in front of Yue Hai.
boom! !
That extremely powerful blow came, but Yuehai could only move slightly. Her
singing had reached the last moment, and if she stopped now, she would be in vain!
In an instant, this fist force penetrated Yue Hai's waist. Although because of her
slight dodge, the punch only hit the right side of the body instead of the center, but it
also took away a large amount of flesh and blood, and, Yue Hai was thrown away!
"Yue Hai!" Ye Xi said in a deep voice, and a burst from his feet quickly appeared
behind Yue Hai to block it, avoiding the tragedy of being carried away by inertia.
However, when Ye Xi saw the horrific wound on Yue Hai's waist, his brows
suddenly jumped.
This kind of injury is impossible to survive in reality.
If it were deeper, I'm afraid all the internal organs would be destroyed.
However, Yuehai's forehead was dripping with sweat, blue veins popped out, but the
chanting in his mouth never stopped!
Scarlet raised a brow, but she didn't expect Yuehai to have such great perseverance.
She would charge forward again with just one movement of her feet.
However, at this time, a great terrifying pressure instantly filled his heart.
Ignoring Yuehai, Scarlet looked back.
Angel was staring at her coldly, her whole body freezing quickly, and the next
moment, the great terror from the heart greeted Scarlet's heart.
Unique magic, frozen consciousness.
Scarlet's mind went blank in the next moment, and all coping methods, ideas, and
thoughts were frozen!
This is a freezing of will, not a freezing of substance.
However, Angel's whole body was also covered in ice, and the next moment he
became a model frozen in ice.
good! Ye Xi's light flashed. In this way, although Angel was lost, Scarlet was unable
to act because of it. As long as he waited until the moon sea chanting ended, the
barrier could be destroyed immediately!
However, at this moment, Scarlet started to move.
The crazy beast-like movements made Ye Xi's pupils shrink. She drew out the short
blade without hesitation and faced it. Scarlet punched out, causing bursts of Qi to
explode. Ye Xi was in pain. Knowing that she could not resist the blow, she He used
his flexible body skills to quickly dodge, but the opponent punched Ye Xi again in
the direction of his dodge without hesitation.
Ye Xi was shocked and immediately used space magic to retreat several meters in an
instant. However, the opponent showed no intention of stopping and rushed towards
the moon sea again.
Ye Xi gritted her teeth and chased after him regardless of the opponent's terrifying
aura. At the same time, she couldn't help but feel calmed by the opponent's actions.
Even if this man's consciousness is frozen, can he still swing his fists with beast-like
instincts? ?
The 133rd issue is served in one pot
Facing Scarlet's beast-like attack, Yuehai seemed to turn a deaf ear. The speed of her
chanting became faster and faster, and the thunder elements in her body began to
gather rapidly. Wisps of lightning were swimming around her. In the darkness, blue
The light is looming.
Ye Xi saw that her own speed could not catch up with Scarlet, so she stepped on her
foot suddenly, the space was distorted, and the next moment she burst out at a speed
far beyond ordinary!
Scarlet followed the instinct of the beast and turned around to block, but Ye Xi's
impact was so huge. The short blade flew towards Scarlet and hit Scarlet's right hand,
actually cutting his palm in half. However, Carret also took this opportunity to use his
other fist to hit Ye Xi's abdomen hard.
The pain that felt like her whole stomach was about to be penetrated made Ye Xi spit
out blood. However, the foundation she had laid since childhood gave her a strong
and unyielding will, and she would not be knocked unconscious by such pain. She
gritted her teeth and held the short hand in her hand. The blade flew out and stabbed
the opponent's Adam's apple, but Scarlet suddenly opened his mouth, bit hard, and
actually held the short blade in his mouth with his teeth!
Ye Xi's pupils shrank, and then Scarlet raised her knees and hit Ye Xi's abdomen
again with majestic power.
The double blow made Ye Xi almost scream, but she managed to push through,
because when she screamed, her whole body would relax, and she would be buried
by the other party when she was in a desperate situation!
"Unique magic!"
Ye Xi did not hesitate. Although her body was in pain, she still had a calm judgment.
She looked at Scarlet, who had already rolled her eyes. The space seemed to be
stopped at this moment!
Unique magic, space displacement!
Feeling the danger of death, Scarlet moved instinctively. The next moment, his entire
left arm disappeared, and blood shot out from his shoulder like a fountain.
Ye Xi was panting repeatedly, but his heart became even more gloomy.
This monster! He can actually dodge even the movement in space by instinct!
Scarlet's consciousness had long been frozen by Angel. Following his instinct, he
waved his right hand and attacked Ye Xi again, regardless of the damage to himself.
Ye Xi had the intention to retreat, but the pain in her abdomen caused her
consciousness to go blank for a moment.
When she reacted, the opponent's fist was already coming.
The next moment will be the time of death!
Right now.
The sky, the earth, the woods, everything is covered with blue light, which is the
thunder element that travels in all spaces!
Just like countless blue dragons traveling around the world, with just a rumble, the
giant blue thunder and lightning tree suddenly appeared in the dark night!
And at the root of this thunder and lightning tree, a young girl stood among them, as
beautiful as an angel descending from the sky repeatedly.
The blue light illuminated her, even though there were wounds on her body that were
difficult to ignore.
But the intensity of the power of the thunder element surpasses the Juyuan Barrier!
Instructor Rachel and others outside the competition field immediately became
energetic, and the eyes they looked at Yuehai suddenly became different.
"This is......"
As Teacher No. 3 murmured in shock, Yong Ye nodded solemnly.
"Eighty percent affinity to the thunder element, thunder prison physique!"
Thunder prison physique! It turns out to be a thunder prison physique! All the team
members were inexplicably shocked, even the seniors watching the competition were
in disbelief.
In the live broadcast room of Avalon TV, the host Mengdie was equally shocked, but
her good qualities made her quickly come back to her senses and asked Vanas next to
"Is this the legendary Thunder Prison Physique?!"
"That's right!" Vanas nodded slightly. Even she was really shocked. Eighty percent
affinity is an extremely rare existence. It is 100 percent a natural god. Those sun
gods, fire gods, Thors are all innate gods who are born with 100% affinity to
elements. Heaven is the father and the earth is the goal. Therefore, the closer the
affinity is to 100%, the easier it is to be promoted to a god.
Although, 80% is not a very high chance, it is just easier than those with a lower
On the Moon Sea side, she slowly opened her beautiful eyes, and her eyes reflected
Scarlet's punch that was about to hit Ye Xi!
As if by mistake, Yue Hai stretched out his arm and gently pointed in Scarlet's
A bolt of lightning shot out quickly, its speed was unbelievable!
Even before the sound could be heard, Scarlet's right fist had been pierced, and his
whole body was carried hundreds of meters away, rolling on the ground several times
in embarrassment.
And the lightning that penetrated Scarlet actually bombarded the space barrier of
Nita's world in an instant. Although there were no ripples, the speed was so fast that it
could not be identified with the naked eye.
Yuehai looked up and saw Waltz ferociously using eight-color lasers to ravage
herself, Krad and the Nita tribe as Tyr, and she knew it was too late.
As a result, the thunder elements all over his body quickly converged, and the giant
thunder tree standing high in the sky also rushed into Yuehai's body in a moment.
She hugged her body and finished the last chant.
"Large-scale magic, Xishengun."
Yes, this large-scale magic move is her master, Jerry Lau. Except for his disciples, no
one knows the magical structure of the Xi Shen Gun.
But this large-scale magic is enough to rank among the top 100 large-scale magics in
the entire empire!
The attack performed by Tsukiumi, a third-level positive magician, is comparable to
that of fourth-level or even fifth-level magicians, coupled with her 80% affinity to the
thunder element.
So this power is self-evident.
It will reach the level of a sixth-level great magician!
Buzz! !
Yue Hai moaned softly, and a pair of wings made of thunder and lightning sprouted
from her back. She flapped towards the ground slowly, and her whole body quickly
soared into the air. At the same time, a gentle light blue light began to gather in her
hand, and finally slowly transformed into It became a spear of light exuding the
power of the thunder element.
Without any emotion or foreboding, Yue Hai threw the sacred spear toward the
barrier with all his strength without hesitation.
Long Tu, who was blocked by many ambushing students on the other side, watched
the blue light fall rapidly. Her pupils suddenly shrank and she quickly shouted to
Dragon Tu's words seemed to be the final order. Dizi and others, who also felt as if
the end of the world was about to come, immediately ran away, fearing that they
would die if they were even the slightest bit slow.
Just when the students in the enemy team were confused.
The spear of the thunder element finally landed.
There was no sound and no explosion.
The Xi Shen Gun penetrated the barrier, and then actually pierced the underground
magma tens of thousands of meters deep, and erupted with a huge muffled thunder,
making a mess of the rock and soil layers of the entire Nita world.
boom! !
The underground magma erupted from the broken earth, and in just an instant, several
kilometers around turned into a magma hell, and the trend of this magma explosion
continued to spread.
Although this put his own people in danger, the terrifying power caused the barrier,
the defensive barrier that protected the barrier, and the students who were guarding
the darkness to be completely defeated. It can be said that all troublesome procedures
were overturned. Yue Hai served it in one pot!
Issue 134 Despair
Waltz in the sky should have watched Tier and others' small army being crushed, but
a sense of powerlessness suddenly rose up in his body. The next moment, the channel
for him to gather energy disappeared in an instant, and the eight-color laser also
disappeared. Gradually it gets weaker and eventually dissipates.
"What?" Waltz frowned slightly, and when he looked down, he found that the place
below had turned into a magma hell, and the original Juyuan Barrier had been
destroyed long ago.
And a girl with thunder wings stood in the void, breathtakingly beautiful.
Waltz's eyes narrowed slightly, she was indeed a rare beauty who conquered the
country, but he would not be tempted by this. His calm analysis made him clear that
the culprit of the destruction of the barrier must be this woman.
She may not be weak in strength, but judging from her wounds, it is estimated that
this is the end of her strength.
It's a pity that all the Class 9 students and Nita people over there were not wiped out.
Otherwise, what would it matter even if the barrier was destroyed.
In short, Waltz, who was useless in the air, chose to descend rapidly, with a majestic
dragon power that made everyone's chest feel tight.
Even the dragon slayer frowned and looked up at Waltz with dragon wings flapping
in the sky.
Yuehai could no longer bear the damage to her waist. The lightning all over her body
quickly dissipated. With her last strength, Yuehai landed safely on the ground. She
immediately released the healing technique without saying a word, and the dazzling
light gathered on her waist. On the wound that was bleeding like a pillar, the flesh
and blood began to heal in less than a moment. In just a few seconds, the soft and
white skin was completely healed and covered, leaving only a large amount of blood
"Huhuhu~" Yuehai panted, but the cracks in the earth began to slowly spread to this
side, and the erupting magma was also very dangerous. Ye Xi held the frozen Angel
and had no time to pay attention to him, so Yuehai had to He gritted his teeth and ran
away into the forest with his tired body.
Seeing that the opponent was about to run, Waltz narrowed his eyes slightly, raised
his dragon claw slightly, and a red energy body quickly gathered.
At this moment, a punch suddenly came from a distance. Waltz did not hesitate to
smash the energy body against the sudden punch. There was an explosion between
the two, and it was a fight with no winner.
When the thick smoke dissipated, Waltz looked at the petite figure in the distance and
couldn't help but frown.
"Nylon Man."
He flapped his wings and appeared in front of Long Slayer, looking down at him and
"Your face looks familiar, what's your name?"
The faint dragon roar made people feel the terrifying pressure, but the dragon killer
didn't care and responded calmly.
"Dragon Slayer."
"Dragon Slayer? If I remember correctly, that god is a man, and he has been
imprisoned in the Reincarnation Prison for serious crimes." Waltz's eyes showed
thoughts, but Dragon Slayer's momentum did not diminish at all, and he took a step
forward to speak.
"A dragon slayer is a dragon slayer. Don't compare yourself to any god. Are you sure
that I won't be stronger than that god in the future!"
"Haha, you are such a stubborn little girl. For the sake of being a nylon fellow, I will
spare your life this time."
Waltz smiled and shook his head, and was about to chase Yue Hai the next moment,
but Long Tu did not hesitate to punch again. The power of Yixin Fist Style was
clearly evident at this moment.
It's a pity that Waltz was on guard for a long time. Now when he saw the opponent,
he immediately took action. He dodged past with a single step and said with the same
"It seems you have a good relationship. Forget it, I'm not someone who likes to stalk
As soon as Waltz finished speaking, his body appeared in front of Long Tu in an
instant. Long Tu's eyes suddenly shrank and he was about to retreat, but the
opponent's huge dragon claws were like a tiger's mouth, grabbing Long Tu and lifting
him up instantly. .
The pain of being squeezed by the dragon's claws made Long Tu frown and his face
suddenly turned pale. She really didn't expect that this waltz would become so
Waltz's gentle-looking face with glasses now has a cruel smile.
"Classmate Long Tu, the purpose of this game is to kill the [Crystal Protector] and
destroy the crystal. I, Waltz, don't like to haggle over things. If Student Long Tu
doesn't want to, then for the sake of my fellow countrymen, this time I spared her, but
I don’t like the feeling of being stabbed in the back after showing kindness to others.”
"Who asked you to show kindness?" Dragon Slaughter struggled to support Waltz's
dragon claw, which made Waltz suddenly expressionless. He glanced at the other
person and answered coldly.
"That's it."
Waltz made a throwing gesture, and then instantly threw the Dragon Slaughter into
the sky. At such a terrifying speed, it could be thrown directly to the other side of the
Waltz patted the dragon's claw and nodded with satisfaction.
"After all, he's from the same hometown. Although he said something very irritating,
we should still treat him with the courtesy of our Nylon Kingdom of sparing people's
In Nylon Heaven, because everyone can transform into a dragon, after a fight
between two parties, if the winner does not want to kill the loser, according to the
etiquette of Nylon Heaven, they can throw the opponent into the sky, according to the
distance. to express one's inner dissatisfaction.
At such a distance from Dragon Slayer, Waltz was probably very, very unhappy.
After cleaning up the dragon slayer, Waltz determined the direction and sprinted
towards where Tier and others were gathering.
At the same time, he flapped his wings and quickly flew into the sky. Compared with
running on the ground, it was naturally much faster in the air.
At this time, he smiled indifferently, glanced down at Scarlet, who was lying on the
ground and looking at the night sky, and couldn't help but smile even more.
Scarlet, this guy is actually letting off steam.
No wonder the barrier was destroyed like this, he is such an incomprehensible person.
"Forget it, it's just a matter of time anyway."
Waltz himself wanted to kill Team Nine with his head-first cannon and achieve a
perfect and overwhelming victory. Unfortunately, the opponent was not a good
person and actually allowed them to hit his home base and destroy it.
This was such a shame and humiliation that although Waltz looked calm on the
surface, he was already furious.
He is the most talented person in the world. Even if he wins, he will not allow any
flaws. Being beaten like this by the opponent today is already a shame among
That's why he threw Dragon Slaughter so far, which indirectly expressed his
boom! ! !
It only took a minute for the dragon-man Waltz, who was speeding through the sky,
to appear where Tier and the others were.
"One, two, three."
The Waltz Dragon Eyes swept across the three crystal protectors among the students
who were emitting purple light, and he rushed down without saying a word.
"!!" The moment Tyr saw the dragon-man waltz, a desperate life-and-death crisis
surged into his heart. Not only Tyr, but also Krad, Nonoka, and Wanbochinita at this
time. King, Kabu's newborn King Nita's pupils shrank one by one, and chills stood up
all over his body. An inexplicable shadow of death shrouded everyone's hearts.
Although this dragon-man did not have a ferocious appearance or a huge body, it just
glanced at everyone.
The feeling of despair arises spontaneously.
The 135th issue of crushing
With the arrival of the waltz, everyone immediately acted as if they were facing an
But it's useless, because in the eyes of this dragon, everyone except the target can be
regarded as vegetation.
Even strong men like Krad and Nonoka ignored Waltz. The red energy body in his
hand quickly gathered. Tire could identify it with just a glance. This was the talent
skill used by Frank the Dragon in the individual competition at that time. .
This person is so dangerous!
Tier couldn't help but retreat, but Waltz had locked the three crystal protectors
including him. The head bitter cannon in his hand was split into three, and without
any conversation, he threw it out without any hesitation!
quick! It surpassed the speed of any flying prop that Tyr had ever seen. Even Vanas's
short blade was not as fast as this red energy body.
The air exploded at such a speed, making bursts of explosive sounds. Krad's pupils
shrank. The power contained in this energy body was too great. If it exploded, the
entire forest would be at risk of being razed to the ground.
So he took the first step and was about to raise his sword to fight back when Waltz's
two-meter-tall dragon body appeared in front of him.
"Don't meddle in other people's business, just be obedient and let me win."
While Waltz murmured softly, his dragon claws and bombardment hit Krad's
abdomen. The terrifying power caused great damage to the blond knight. Blood
spurted out of his mouth and his whole body was thrown away.
Nonoka looked at the injured Krad from the corner of his eye, but Waltz's dragon-like
body had already arrived at the side of the orc prince.
Nonoka shouted loudly, holding the giant ax tightly and about to chop it down on the
dragon man's head. However, Waltz only stretched out one hand and grabbed his ax
easily. Although the weapon was too hard for Waltz to crush it in one fell swoop, It
still didn't stop him from smashing the chest of the orc prince with a knee.
Nonoka's entire chest suddenly sank, and she was also knocked away without any
room for counterattack.
Such a shocking scene stunned Tier and others, but it happened to be reality!
King Nita and others also saw the secret, these people are fighting among
themselves! This is a blessing in disguise for them.
And when the two strong men of Class 9 were repelled, the three-headed cannons
instantly hit Tier and the other two [Crystal Guards].
The earth shattered and the surrounding forests were rapidly destroyed.
Wanbo Chinita King teamed up with Kabu and other Nita Warriors to barely resist
the aftermath of the explosion, reducing the number of Nita warrior deaths. However,
Team Nine on the other side did not have such a good ending. The powerful ones
each had their own means. Resist, but those who are not strong enough can only
retreat sadly.
In the roaring smoke of the explosion, two purple rays of light quickly rose into the
sky, and the sound of the system came at the same time.
[Class 9, Crystal Protector No. 3, Crystal Protector No. 4, died. Now there is only one
person left, please pay attention to both parties. 】
"Oh~" Waltz raised his brows, flapped his dragon wings and flew in mid-air with
interest, waiting for the smoke to dissipate, and Tier's embarrassed figure suddenly
On the other side, a golden light soared into the sky, and its majestic pressure
shocked people's hearts. Even Waltz couldn't help but glance in the direction of the
golden light.
boom! The golden light burst out again, turning into the red light used when fighting
Tyr in the heart-eye state!
A blood-like fighting spirit surrounded Krad's whole body. He stretched out his right
hand, and a red long sword suddenly appeared.
"The formation of a floating Veda."
Krad raised the lightsaber above his head without hesitation, and the red light burst
out again. His eyes were solemn, and he shouted angrily at Waltz.
"One Dust Veda!"
Endless rays of light came towards Waltz, and all objects covered by this ray of light
were turned into powder. The next moment, this ray of light would rumble and shine
on the Dragon Man as well!
However, the gentle man Waltz suddenly showed a strange smile, placed a pair of
dragon claws on his chest in a strange posture, and a certain ethereal aura suddenly
emitted from his body!
"Martial skills, light swallower."
When Waltz's words fell, a vortex appeared in front of him. The light on Krad's
sword was quickly absorbed after contacting the vortex, and disappeared into the
space without any power.
The blond knight's eyes widened, in disbelief that his secret could be resolved so
easily, but Waltz's smile remained the same.
"I'm sorry, although your light is indeed very powerful, but I happened to have
learned such a set of martial arts after traveling to almost the entire Nylon Kingdom.
Devourer, it can absorb the power of any element." The gesture of the Dragon Man's
claws Slowly transforming, the vortex that originally swallowed up the light quickly
disappeared, and the next moment, an even larger vortex appeared behind Waltz
"The Jet, it can send back any absorbed power back."
boom! !
A huge light suddenly appeared from behind Waltz, with the elemental power that
Krad was familiar with, he was actually treated in his own way by the other party!
Krader quickly retreated. At this moment, Tire's figure came behind Waltz with a
strange movement. The tyrant in his hand exuded a cold light. Under the moonlight,
the opponent would be defeated in the next moment. The faucet fell to the ground.
Unfortunately, this dragon was not as easy to deal with as he imagined. Without
looking back, the dragon's tail suddenly stretched out, and at this moment he blocked
Tyr's slash with his tail full of dragon scales!
Then he was flexed by the other party's tail, and his whole body was locked tightly
like this!
"The mouse is also caught. This game should be over."
Waltz used the dragon's tail to send Tire in front of him. Krad, who was about to
retreat in the distance, shrank his pupils and suddenly exploded. The next moment, he
would attack the dragon man regardless of the power of the light!
Waltz smiled coldly, and he looked at Tier's pupils. There were many things in those
eyes that he didn't understand, but Waltz still found the emotion he wanted in them.
You are afraid of me.
Hahahahaha, this is what makes Waltz really exciting. If you kill someone who is not
afraid of you, there will be no fun in it.
Krad saw that the situation was not good, and the lightsaber in his hand suddenly rose
sharply! Blocking the light that was sent back to Waltz, he once again condensed a
lightsaber and charged towards Waltz.
But this dragon man didn't care about the other party's actions. He looked at Tyr in
front of him with a smile, and Tyr also looked at him calmly.
The dragon man smiled even brighter and slowly raised his dragon claw. Even the
sharp nails would be pierced by steel! Krad, who was so close in front of him, clearly
wanted to reach out and rescue him, but he felt extremely far away. The feeling of
powerlessness made him roar immediately.
"In front of me, all geniuses are like ants."
The next moment, Tyr's vision fell into darkness.
End of Issue 136
When Tyr was teleported back, he couldn't help but sighed and shook his head. He
really didn't expect that the dragon man himself was so powerful. Both he and Krad
had already fought in the previous battle. They had exhausted their strength when
resisting the eight-color laser. Now that the dragon-like Waltz appeared with full
strength, they had no chance of winning. Even the bloody and terrifying fighting
spirit burst out by Krad could not defeat Waltz. The men get a bargain.
If they had been in their heyday, they might have had a chance to compete with the
other party, but it was a pity that they were already on the road to destruction from
the very beginning when the eight-color laser appeared.
Looking up and looking around, all the students who had died before were now
teleported to the arena. They were sitting on the nearby rest bench and turned their
attention to Tier one by one.
After all, Tire also played a vital role in this battle, and his ability to defeat King Nita
was clearly seen by many people, so now these eliminated students all looked at Tire.
His eyesight also became different.
It's just that Tier doesn't have any joy or pride, after all, he is also eliminated.
If you lose, you lose. No matter how brilliant the process is, it will not help if the
result is dismal.
Tier thought for a while, then simply walked to the lounge and sat down, watching
the rest of the live broadcast of the competition with other students.
Although Krader still fought with Waltz for several rounds, the opponent seemed to
no longer want to fight. He flapped his wings and rushed towards the crystal of Class
9. Krader wanted to chase him, but he could not fly to the same height as Waltz. , the
speed was far not as fast as the other party, so just a moment later, Krad was left
behind by the waltz and disappeared.
As for myself as Tsukiumi, I haven't even recovered my physical strength yet, let
alone chasing any waltz.
Basically, all the capable experts in Class Nine were unable to catch up with Waltz
due to terrain or speed constraints. Ye Xi might be able to, but if she were alone, she
might just die.
A feeling of powerlessness arises from within.
This is the gap between them. As Pojun, no one in the entire ninth class can stop
Waltz at all, not Tier, not Nonoka, not Krad.
They could only watch helplessly as Waltz descended on the crystal, smashing the
huge purple crystal with ease. At the same time, the sound of the system came again.
[Class 9, all the crystals are broken and it is judged as defeat. 】
[In this team competition, Class 6 VS Class 9, the winner is Class 6. 】
[The losing team will have 30% of their class points deducted, while the winning
team’s kills will be converted into points and added to their personal data. 】
The next moment, the entire Nita world roared with joy, but this was only the voice
of Class 6.
Class Nine is all lifeless. No one will be happy if they lose this game.
Now that the outcome has been decided, there is no reason for all the students to stay
here, so in just an instant, all the students existing in Nita's world disappeared.
The Nita tribesmen who were still fighting bloody battles were suddenly
The fishy wind blew across the earth, as if it was telling how cruel the world had
been ravaged before. The Nita people who put down their weapons couldn't believe
that everything ended so quickly.
Even King Wanboqinita, Kabu, was still confused.
However, everything really ended like this, and the alien invasion ended here. The
next day, they could no longer find any trace of these aliens. It was not until that time
that the Nita people understood that the war was really over.
The crisis that swept the world came to an end just like that!
Walking through the battlefield where corpses were piled up, Kabu frowned. This
was the damage caused by the aliens. It's best that these damn things never appear
again in this life! As for the Nita warriors walking on the ground in pieces, many of
them were counting the number of their deaths. Whenever they saw Kabu's figure,
they would slightly kneel on the ground to show their respect for King Nita.
This kind of treatment made Kabu sigh with emotion. If it weren't for the
transformation caused by this great horror, it was still unknown whether he could
become King Nita in this life.
Facing him, Kabu saw a huge figure. He immediately knelt on the ground and spoke
"The great His Majesty Wanboqi."
"Hahaha, get up quickly." Wan Boqi immediately helped Kabu up. Looking at the
opponent's strong body and resolute eyes, Wan Boqi felt even more happy. In this
way, their tribe can be regarded as one of the best in the world. Now, with the
suppression of the two Nita kings, even in the center of the tribe, there may not be
one or two places.
"You did a very good job this time and saved many Nita warriors. I am proud of
Kabu burst into tears when he was praised by Wanboqi. Although he was now King
Nita, he still knelt on the ground and kowtowed ten times to Wanboqi.
"The great His Majesty Wanboqi, I have really taken care of you over the years. I,
Kabu, will spend the rest of my life repaying the kindness of the tribe and His
Majesty Wanboqi, and I will never do anything to humiliate Wanboqi!!"
Looking at the figure kneeling on the ground that seemed to have shrunk, King
Wanboqinita also gradually thought of the little guy back then.
He has no father or mother, but his determined eyes make him unforgettable at a
glance, and now he has grown to the same level as himself.
As the past events passed by one after another, the dry corners of the eyes of the
elderly King Nita could not help but become wet, but he could not lose his
composure in front of Kabu, so he turned his back to Kabu and said lightly
"Go back quickly. There is someone waiting for you in the tribe."
Wan Boqi's words made Kabu slightly startled, and that beautiful smile suddenly
flashed in his mind.
With his heart throbbing, he clenched his hands slightly, nodded to Wan Boqi, and
quickly rushed towards the direction of the tribe.
Wan Boqi, who was standing there, raised his rough right hand slightly and wiped the
corners of his eyes, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.
"I'm old."
The tribe is still the same tribe. The foreign war has not destroyed this place. Kabu
strode to the outside of the fortress. The Nita warriors guarding it were still the same
group. When they saw Kabu's arrival, they straightened their bodies. Each showed
high respect to the other.
Kabu returned the favor one by one, but now he felt like returning home.
Entering the playground outside the fortress, the children inside were still training.
The stern Nita instructor had no intention of letting them rest like this, which made
the little Nita people complain endlessly.
After ignoring all this, Kabu finally arrived at Doctor Tower's residence, opened the
door, and found only the baby inside.
Kabu sighed secretly, walked to the baby and picked it up.
Looking at its pure eyes, Kabu smiled faintly, and at this moment there were
footsteps at the door. When Kabu turned his gaze from the baby to the door, the
figure was also looking at him.
She covered her mouth, tears instantly falling from her eyes.
"are you back?"
Faced with such a question, Kabu could only smile faintly, and nodded along with the
baby's laughter.
"I'm back."
The 137th issue of punishment is coming soon
After this baptism of competition, the momentum of the entire Class 9 can be said to
have plummeted. Rachel was even more angry and slammed the door and left on the
spot. On the other side, Class 6 was arrogant and waltzing like a businessman. It is
difficult for others to think that the protagonist of this war is such a guy.
Under the leadership of Instructor Uther, Class 6 slowly exited.
On the other side, Class 9 and others sighed secretly, and there were even some
gossips criticizing Krad.
"How can we win by leaving everything to you, instead of being beaten by others?"
"He is known as the number one genius in the northern part of the empire, but his
actual strength is only meager."
"You think you can become a leader if you have some tricks? Well, the results won't
The harsh sounds made Tire frown, and he was about to issue a warning, but Krad
beside him patted Tire's shoulder slightly.
"Forget it, it's my fault too."
"It's not your fault. We have been deviating from victory from the beginning." How
could Tier not know that these people just want to find a legitimate excuse for defeat?
They will never admit that they are wrong, but When summarizing errors, find the
'culprit' who can blame all errors on the other party.
Apparently Cradd became the most prominent 'culprit'
What a group of indifferent people. How can we talk about unity like this?
Tyr sneered and shook his head, although he never thought of uniting with this group
of people.
Krader also sighed, as if to vent his depression, he patted Tire again and said
"A wise man from the ancient East once said that victory and defeat are
commonplace in military affairs. If there is no failure, how can we lay the foundation
for victory? This is just the beginning, and our competition is far from over."
"Yeah!" Since Krad could figure it out, Tire didn't need to say anything more.
At this time, Diz and the others also came closer, among them Dragon Slaughter was
even more angry and looked like he was going to explode at the slightest spark.
However, Damiyala didn't care about this angry bomb and suddenly asked
"Eh? Classmate Long Tu, why do you look like your candy was stolen by a weird
"Hey, stop talking." Long Tu didn't care at all, he put his hands on his waist and said
without hitting a spot.
"That guy from Waltz actually grabbed me and threw me directly from one side of
the world to the other. The time I spent flying in the air was longer than your last
battle. In the end, I didn't make any impact, which makes me quite ashamed."
"It's nothing. After all, a person's power is also limited." Tier couldn't help but
comfort him. The Dragon Slaughter glanced at him, then nodded slightly, and then
"But this Waltz, after transforming into a dragon, his strength is really earth-shaking.
Who among us can beat him?"
The dragon slayer scanned for a week and no one dared to pat his chest and say that
he could defeat him. However, this is also a fact. Being able to defeat Nonoka and
Krad and capture Tyr alive is already a very amazing achievement. Think about it
carefully. If so, this waltz is probably the strongest among the freshmen.
It's not too unfair to lose to such a peerless genius.
Tyr looked at the dark night outside and couldn't help but greet everyone.
"It's late at night, why don't we all go have a meal together."
Others immediately agreed that although they lost the game, they could not feel sorry
for their stomachs.
So a total of eighteen men and women visited a hotel that can be seen everywhere on
the roadside. Naturally, due to the special nature of the competition, all the nearby
hotels were fully booked. It was lucky that they were able to find a vacant hotel like
Between the two, it was basically girls chatting with girls, and boys also only chatting
with boys. Although the atmosphere was good, it was less lively.
Finally, the group finished their meal, said hello and went their separate ways.
Yue Hai, Damiyala and others were walking side by side on the road. They were
silent for a while before the dragon slayer gradually spoke.
"Don't take it to heart, you can only blame your opponent for being too strong."
"As for Niruko and I, we actually don't even know how we lost." Damiyala and
Niluko looked at each other, and both of them could see the helplessness in each
other's eyes. After all, the changes in the battle situation were too great. Quickly, as
soon as this side breathed a sigh of relief, the crystal on the other side had been
smashed by the enemy and was teleported out inexplicably.
"I seem to understand what you said." Long Tu scratched his head, but she was
thrown away directly. Thinking of this, the petite girl couldn't help but turn her eyes
to Yuehai.
"It's all your fault."
"Huh? Me?" Yue Hai tilted his head. This look looked really cute, but Dragon
Slaughter didn't accept this trick and walked up to Yue Hai and said
"If that Waltz hadn't wanted to hunt you down, would I have bothered him again and
again? Fortunately, your Dragon Slayer sister was lucky enough to not be crushed to
pieces by that guy."
Crushed into pieces. . . . . . Everyone couldn't help but think about the way
Waltz held Dragon Slaughter in his claws. If it were them, they would probably have
the urge to throw him out.
"By the way, wherever Ye Xi moved Angel later, I couldn't even see you two." Yue
Hai couldn't help but be confused, Ye Xi shrugged and answered.
"A safe place, but it's a pity that when I came back to my senses, it was too late."
This is also reasonable. Angel was in a bad state at that time, and something would
definitely happen if she were left there.
"By the way, we also encountered a pervert named Scarlet here. You should be
careful when you see him in the future." Yuehai couldn't help but remind the others,
while Dragon Slaughter cupped his fists.
"I'll fight you once and for all."
Okay, simple and crude.
Speaking of Scarlet, Ye Xi couldn't help but frown. This person was also very
powerful. Although not as powerful as Waltz, he always felt that something was
wrong during the fight.
"Speaking of which, Teacher Rachel seems to have said this time that there will be
some kind of punishment if we lose... Do you still remember what it was?"
The steps of everyone walking on the road suddenly froze, and almost everyone fell
into petrification in an instant.
Only Neluke blinked, not understanding their reactions.
Yuehai quickly hugged her head and shook her head in pain. She actually forgot
about this! !
It's over, it's over, something is really going to happen now!
Remember what the punishment is?
Bunny costumes and streaking? ! Now, now, I can personally experience the endless
shame brought by the two punishments.
Not to mention Yue Hai, even Damiyala Angel also had a headache. Like Ye Xi, his
whole body had begun to tremble. His expression of fear for the future made Yue Hai
not sleep well that night.
It's over, it's over.
How can we meet people tomorrow?
Application for the 138th period
A crisp knock on the door came from outside President Ku’s door. The president who
was looking at the information inside whispered:
"come in."
Then, Rachel strode in through the door with an 'I'm so angry' look on her face. This
strange expression made President Ku quite curious. He immediately put down his
work and looked up at the other party.
"Teacher Rachel, what's the matter?"
"I want to apply for two things."
"Oh? Is it necessary to apply to our student union?" The president raised his
eyebrows and did not expect that the tutor would apply to him, so he asked with
"What are you applying for? After following the regulations, I can help you get some
more benefits as much as possible."
"It's not something related to interests." Rachel was not polite, pulled up a chair and
sat across from the president. Naturally, the president wouldn't mind. He raised his
brows and slightly raised his chin.
"Actually, I don't want to think too much about what you want to apply for, so if
Teacher Rachel can finish it in one breath, I will be very grateful."
"Uh, okay." Rachel knew that she had accidentally hesitated, and was encouraged by
the president and said immediately.
"What I want to apply for is for the boys from Class 9 to run naked around Avalon
and wear bunny costumes with all the girls from Class 9."
The sound echoed in the small room, and the next moment it suddenly became silent.
It wasn't until half a minute passed that President Ku spoke seriously.
"What grudge?"
"No grudge!" Rachel retorted
"I just have to fulfill my promise."
"I see, this is your promise, mentor?"
"Yes, so apply now to avoid being reported by others later."
"Hahaha, it's not impossible, but you have to think carefully, so there may be students
who are disgusted with you." President Ku put his left leg on his right leg and lay
down next to the armchair quite comfortably, listening. After receiving the warning
from President Ku, Rachel narrowed her eyes slightly and then shook her head.
"Anyway, it's not just one or two people who are disgusted. It's also not a matter of
one or two days. One more person is not a lot, and one less person is not a lot."
"Teacher, you cannot instill your unique insights into the students." President Ku saw
the negative emotions in Rachel's words and couldn't help but remind him, but Rachel
smiled at the president.
"You are just a student, aren't you?"
This sentence made President Ku slightly stunned. He immediately slapped himself
on the forehead and couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.
"It's such a stupid day to wake up early. I am obviously the student council president,
but I always define myself as the foreman. This is also because there are too many
troubles in Avalon College. Several clubs are always causing trouble, like the one
who recently bullied the freshmen. You must have heard about the organization [Old
Lions]. They are a group of second- and third-year guys who are causing trouble
behind the scenes. Once the college is brought into the habit of bullying freshmen, I
am afraid that the conflicts between freshmen and old students will further
intensify. .”
"..." Rachel was speechless, but the president still smiled.
"Your application is very interesting. You can do whatever you want. The student
union will not interfere."
"Okay." Rachel slapped the table and stood up, as if she was going to the battlefield.
Before leaving, Rachel turned back to the president and said
"With you here, how many conflicts can there be between colleges."
When President Ku heard this, he immediately shook his head.
"It's just luck."
Today everyone comes to school as usual, but the atmosphere in the class is very
different. The emotions of yesterday's defeat have spread to today. Coupled with the
content of punishment, not to mention these students, even the teachers Somewhat
Time passed by, and finally Teacher No. 3 came to the classroom of Group B. He
held a notebook in his hand, and then stood on the podium and said as always
"Then the morning meeting will begin."
The students who were not asked to run naked immediately breathed a sigh of relief.
However, Teacher No. 3 raised his eyebrows, as if he had read everyone's thoughts,
and said lightly
"I don't know when Teacher Rachel will take measures, but as the instructor of Group
B, I seem to have told you before that if one person in the group is eliminated, the
entire class will be punished."
When Yue Hai heard this, she suddenly realized that she had forgotten about Teacher
No. 3 again, but compared to Teacher Rachel's weird punishments, Teacher No. 3
couldn't speak like that.
So under everyone's expectant gaze, Teacher No. 3 said this
"Now let me tell you about this punishment. At the end of the month, everyone in
Group B will go to the Mulberry Forest for actual combat in the wild."
Mulberry forest? !
This intimidating term made everyone's expressions suddenly change. Thinking about
the history of how many geniuses and strong men had entered the Mulberry Burial
Forest and never returned, most people immediately felt uneasy.
"This is your own fault. Also, Diz, Dragon Slayer, Damiyala, Yuehai, Neluke, Gui
Dongri, Ye Xi, Angel, and Leah, the nine of you left Group B and Group A without
permission. We formed a large force together, and even though we managed to break
the opponent's barrier with unexpected troops in the later stage, we can't escape the
death penalty, so I'll punish you by cleaning the entire Yusheng Tower for a week."
"Alas!!" Nilu couldn't help but make an unbelievable sound, but when Teacher No. 3
glared at her, her momentum immediately disappeared, and she stuck out her tongue
and obediently lowered her head.
"You must be lucky that I am not just like Tutor Rachel. She went to the student
union this morning to apply for this punishment project. With Tutor Rachel's
relationship with the student union president, I am afraid it will be easily approved."
How can this rely on relationships! The student council president should uphold the
college's ethics and organize Tutor Rachel to commit such atrocities. More than 900
of the more than 2,000 of them are men. The sight of running naked on the street
must become a symbol of the whole society. What a disgrace to Avalon, how can you
just agree to it? !
Just like that, Teacher No. 3 once again exerted a burst of pressure on the students,
leaving them all with gloomy looks and strode out.
Then the whole classroom became silent again. Only the very nervous Nileke laughed
dryly and said
"I think the bunny girl costume should look pretty good too..."
The boys couldn't help but come to their senses, yes! Although they are going to run
naked, the girls have to stay dressed for a week, which is enough to make them look
good and make up for all the shame of running naked!
Rather, it’s not completely unacceptable to run naked just to see more than a
thousand girls in the class wearing bunny clothes!
The male compatriots who are so self-consoling, under the disdainful eyes of girls,
actually seem a little eager to try!
Criticism Issue 139
As time goes by, things that you don’t want to wait for often jump out in front of you
in the blink of an eye. Just like that, noon comes quietly.
In Group B, a group of people was led out of the classroom by Teacher No. 3. Just
like in the competition, the twenty-six groups gradually gathered together and
appeared on the playground in front of Yusheng Building.
There, a woman with blond hair and an elegant temperament faced all the students. A
blue and transparent long sword hung on her waist. Although Yuehai had never seen
what this sword looked like when it was unsheathed, But it goes without saying that it
must be extremely beautiful.
Tsukiumi found that he seemed to be gradually developing into a sword collector.
When he saw a good weapon, he would look at it twice. It would not be an
exaggeration to say that it was a special hobby second only to looking at beautiful
The weather was getting hotter in July, and because it was noon, the sun hanging high
in the sky now emitted a dazzling light that made them a little sultry.
Rachel, the mentor, stood in front of everyone. She took a gentle breath and then said
"Students, we lost this competition. Do you know where we lost?"
The audience was completely silent. Even if someone knew about it, they were
unwilling to make the first move in the deathly silence. Naturally, Rachel didn't
expect anyone to speak, so she continued.
"The first point is the idea that I informed the division to convey to all of you, unity.
Many people know that while I am working as a mentor, I am also a member of the
[Amaterasu Mercenary Group]. Unity Our purpose is here, and I don't like forced
unity either, so I won't force the friendship between you, but in this competition, your
performance disappointed me.
The first is the split of Group Z. Things there are more complicated, so I won’t
explain it here. I think everyone who should understand should know what is going
on. "
Split? Yue Hai raised an eyebrow, what's going on? Seeing her confused look,
Neluko leaned over secretly and said softly
"Don't you know? Something happened a few days before the competition, which
probably caused a sensation in the entire Yusheng Tower."
"I was lying in the medical hospital, how could I know everything." Yuehai shrugged.
Even if she heard about it, I'm afraid Yuehai would turn around and forget it. After
all, it was not something she was interested in, but Niluke still tolerated it. He kept
"Isn't there a top student in our Z class who comes from the Tianfeng Province of the
Suzaku Empire? He is very good at instilling the idea that the Suzaku Empire and the
Sikri Empire are inseparable. Group Z has actually been split into a group of Sikri
and a group of Z. Suzaku formed a group, and the nature of the group was probably
worse than what we heard. After a fierce fight in the later stage, Teacher Rachel
finally had to come forward."
Engaging in internal conflicts? This is completely contrary to Rachel's concept of
unity. Huzhou
"Did this top student get punished severely later on?"
"No, there is still a follow-up to this matter. Remember, didn't Her Majesty Shuyun
Temple, the second heir to the Suzaku Empire, come here a few days ago?" Niluke
mentioned this, and Yuehai remembered it. At that time, she was The princess was an
emperor's daughter, but Yue Hai suffered a lot.
Speaking of which, the little guy Noah was teasing him. Fortunately, he thought
about it this time. I must give him some color later to help this naughty kid improve
his memory.
Seeing Yuehai nodding, Neluke continued:
"Her Majesty Shuyun Temple seems to be here to mediate this matter, but... because
of Her Royal Highness the Princess's mediation, the matter seems to be getting
worse, and Teacher Rachel is no longer strong because of Her Majesty Shuyun
Temple's face. Intervening in the affairs of Group Z, but starting yesterday, it seems
that even Group T and Group S have been brainwashed. Now that there are loud
voices from these three places, I am afraid the situation will be a little out of control."
So that's the case, no wonder the princess came here inexplicably at that time, but the
water here was too deep, and Yuehai didn't want to think deeply about it. It couldn't
be a good thing anyway.
While thinking like this, Rachel's serious voice slowly came.
"I watched the whole match. I'm afraid many people know that I completely slammed
the door and walked out at the end, but the reason why I got angry was not just
because of your defeat. I think most people here should know that. .
This time in the competition, Group A and Group B formed a team, and then
absorbed Group C and Group D. Together with other scattered students, there were a
total of 579 outstanding students. They knew how to face strong enemies. We all
work together. Here, I would like to commend Claude, as well as Tier and Nonoka.
The three of you have set an example and made this 500-person student team more
united. I feel this way. Rejoiced. "
Rachel's gentle words came to this point, but the next moment her tone suddenly
changed, and her face became even more gloomy.
"Looking at other places, what are the more than a thousand people doing? Some
invade the aboriginal tribes to earn points, and some are just indifferent. I can
understand this. After all, many people will not understand it in the first competition.
Not for nothing, but what are you doing, Group T, Group S, and Group Z?"
One sentence immediately pointed the finger at the three teams in the back row. No
one spoke. After all, explaining at this time would only be regarded as resisting
Rachel and would be hit by thunder.
Rachel continued
"A little verbal fight actually broke out and three classes were involved, what? Is it
fun to play a power game? Is this how you play with the friendship between the
Suzaku Empire and the Sikri Empire?"
This sentence immediately caused other students in the field to start whispering, and
they were discussing what Rachel said in disbelief. After all, during the competition,
these three classes actually started fighting among themselves. This is a big taboo.
The biggest taboo in the game, intuitively speaking, was to slap Rachel hard on the
face, and then slap her again, and the sound was loud.
This scandal will spread in a short time, and from then on, Rachel will have another
label of lax discipline.
However, what really made Rachel so angry was that they ignored her words and
created internal conflicts. In the long run, this conflict may become more intense and
turn into a disaster that sweeps the entire Class Nine.
"Look at the current class atmosphere. Students, you have been studying for a
lifetime. Did I ask you to circle the small society and divide the political field? Each
one of them put on an expression like I am the first in the world and the second in the
world. It seems that I will not let you suffer. Let me teach you a lesson because you
don’t know the severity of Avalon! First of all, increase the points in the end-of-
month assessment. Only in our class, those who cannot reach 3,000 points will be
dropped out of school immediately!"
As soon as this sentence came out, the whole place immediately became silent, and
everyone couldn't believe their ears.
The 140th issue is taken off!
As soon as Rachel said these words, the entire audience fell silent. In the summer of
July, there was the chirping of cicadas, but at this time, it felt like needle pricks in the
students' ears.
But no one dared to protest, because Rachel's eyes had clearly told them that all
objections were vetoed!
After everyone digested this information, Rachel continued:
"This is the first point. Now let's talk about the second point, which is the issue of
class points. Do you know where we rank among the 59 classes in the first year of the
freshman year?"
Some people knew, and some didn't know, but they still didn't speak. It should be
said that under Rachel's huge aura, no one dared to talk in front of her.
"No. 57! Friends, you heard it clearly, No. 57, the third from the bottom! It can be
said that it has been sentenced to death. After four months, more than 95% of the
people here will be Directly order him to drop out of school."
This sentence made those students who worked hard but didn't have much talent feel
flustered, and a new commotion suddenly ushered in. If there was anything that I was
most afraid of in Avalon, it would be dropping out of school. .
Here, we have the best teachers, the most complete equipment, and the clearest path
to promotion. It can be said that the reputation of the Supreme University is not in
vain. None of the students who study here will be mediocre after they go out, unless
you are the first. It was brushed off during the school year.
No, even the freshmen in the first year felt that their strength had improved
significantly in just half a month, whether it was the courses taught by the teachers,
the equipment provided by the college, or the competition mode. Let them grow in
the urgent learning and competition.
Now, it’s the end of the month and the whole class has to drop out, which makes
everyone’s pressure skyrocket!
To use an analogy, it's like a high-paid employee at an auction house. He can earn
one hundred thousand gold coins every month. No one is willing to throw away this
golden rice bowl with such a huge amount of money, but when he learns that he can't
do his job at the end of the month, After the fact that you will be fired if you get good
grades, the horror involved may make people have the urge to commit suicide.
Avalon College has only been in session for sixteen days, but the overwhelming
pressure is already overwhelming, and that breathless sense of urgency has become
the dominant atmosphere now.
Rachel completely ignored the gloomy faces of the students and continued to increase
the pressure. Teacher No. 3, who was standing behind him, hesitated to speak. He
originally wanted to stop Rachel's constant pressure, but when he thought of the bad
things happening in Group Z and the other two groups, he stopped talking. Even so, It
will cause a huge reaction at first, but in order to stop that trend, they must also apply
As long as people come to Avalon, no one will say "drop out of school, drop out of
school, what's the big deal." 】
It's like a beggar holding a storage ring worth tens of millions of gold coins and then
throwing it away with disdain.
In this world where martial arts is supreme, if you come to an academy that can
quickly improve your strength, if you can maintain a casual attitude, then this person
will probably not be able to go far in the academy.
Because the pressure here is not suitable for that kind of person.
"Let's not talk about the future. This second point can be postponed for a while, but
you must fulfill the third point today and tomorrow."
As soon as these words came out, everyone's hearts immediately skipped a beat.
Rachel snapped her fingers, and a mobile teacher came to her side, holding a box in
her hand and slowly opening it.
After taking a closer look, there were twenty-six rings among them. She said to the
thirteen group masters
"There are bunny girl costumes from the Costume Department. Because there were
not enough, I went to the Drama Department to borrow a hundred Catwoman
costumes. Congratulations to the students who got the Catwoman costume."
Yuehai couldn't help but groan, what should come will eventually come, it is better to
say that when the crystal of the competition is shattered by the waltz, they have to
bear the consequences.
The team members followed Rachel's instructions and randomly selected two storage
rings one by one. Some curious team members also used their senses to look inside. It
was okay not to look at it. Once they saw it, their eyes suddenly lit up. . This look
made those girls feel chilly.
"Then there are still some boys who will go naked from now on."
The loud voice and the tone of surprise shocked the entire Kaifa Street. Everyone
looked at the Yusheng Building in confusion, not knowing what tricks those students
were up to.
Tyr had the urge to commit suicide. This was a double blow of humiliation. Although
having two bodies brought him a lot of convenience, it would also cause him double
Now I have tasted the consequences!
"What are you still doing? Take it off quickly!!"
As soon as Rachel inserted her waist, she seemed to be willing to watch all the male
compatriots take off their clothes. However, at this time, Kang Shiding, who was not
afraid of death, weakly raised his hand and said
"But, um, the girls haven't left yet..."
"Huh?" Rachel made a chilling question, and then said impatiently.
"You are about to start streaking around the whole school on Avalon TV live. How
many girls will see you, and now you actually care about such a small thing."
No, this is not a trivial matter at all. It has to do with whether they are active perverts
or forced perverts.
This is a question of the bottom line.
However, Rachel snorted disdainfully.
"What kind of dignity can a bunch of little guys with hair not yet fully grown talk
about? Come out!"
Poor Kang Shiding was once again regarded as a good example to scare the monkeys.
With everyone's attention focused on him, he had no choice but to walk out under
"Take off."
"Huh?" Considine was stunned for a moment, but Rachel's voice was stern and she
"Do you want me to help you take it off?"
"No, no, no, no." Sweat instantly formed on Kang Shiding's forehead. This was such
a crazy rhythm.
It is forbidden to do evil if God does it, but it is forbidden for humans to do evil. At
this time, countless famous sayings of ancient sages flashed through Kang Shiding's
Then, he slowly took off his coat.
Under Rachel's gaze, she also took off her short sleeves.
"Keep taking it off, you will be the standard for all male students."
This sentence made the hearts of all the male compatriots immediately rise to their
throats, and they all hoped that Kang Shiding would stop.
But Kang Shi has no clothes to take off on his upper body, and his abdominal
muscles and chest muscles make others look at him with admiration. Unexpectedly,
this funny character who usually looks cheerful has a pretty good body.
When Rachel glared at him again, Constantine almost cried, but he still slowly
unbuckled his belt and took off his school pants.
All that was left inside was a pair of large boxer shorts.
Constantine, who thought this was over, heard Rachel yelling again
"Take off!"
The 141st issue begins!
"Take off!"
Faced with Rachel's aggressive words again, all the male compatriots showed
expressions of despair, and Constance Ding even said with a gloomy face.
"Teacher Rachel, a scholar cannot be killed without humiliation. You must know that
I, Constantine, also have the backbone of a man. This pair of obscene pants is my last
bottom line and my dignity, mentor, can you..."
"Can you take it off?" Rachel directly interrupted Constance Ding's words and asked
again, and at the same time she spoke with a trace of being a demigod, which made
Constance Ding tremble all over and suddenly laughed. road
"Take it off, I'll take it off. A man can bend and stretch, so this little thing doesn't
matter. As long as you are happy, instructor."
Such rogue words made the boys immediately roll their eyes, wondering where the
righteous restraint and dignity had gone. Why did they give up after being
Immediately afterwards, Kang Shiding took off all his clothes in front of everyone,
which made most of the girls turn away and did not dare to look at the wonderful
Kang Shiding held back tears and said calmly
"Okay now, by the way, mentor, why are you turning your head? Didn't you ask me
to take it off?"
"Huh?! Do you still want me to go out of my way to see such an ugly thing? Eleven
of the thirteen team members here are men, so they can just keep an eye on them."
Rachel simply turned her back. To Kang Shiding and a group of students, he then
"Hurry up and urge them to move. Make sure these little guys go around the field
"Okay." The division commanders nodded one by one, and only two of the female
division divisions chose to retreat.
Kang Shiding sighed secretly, and then slowly turned around to face everyone, and
the girls suddenly screamed.
"Ah~ my eyes!!"
"Don't turn around, you pervert, pervert, inhuman beast!"
"What should we do now!"
Each voice made Kang Shiding helplessly shrug his shoulders, and said in a self-
defeating tone.
"Okay, compatriots, please take off your clothes quickly. It's not fun to let me dry by
myself, right?"
At this moment, Tire just wanted to stick out his thumb and praise Constantine's act
of seeking death. There may not be many people in Avalon who can commit suicide
in such a fancy way.
When he was thinking like this, Dizi next to him actually took off all his clothes in
three strokes. This behavior immediately made the girls scream again, but there
seemed to be a sound of expectation mixed with it. ���. . . .
"Wow~ Diz, you are too straightforward."
"It's nothing." Diz shrugged indifferently and waved his hand.
"Do you think it would be inconvenient for you to be looked at by a man?"
"Then do you think you suffer more when you look at women or when women look
at you?"
"It seems to be the former."
"That's right. If other women look at us, they are just shy. In the final analysis,
streaking is just an act to show their courage and autonomy."
"Wow~ Diz, why do your insights make me feel like an experienced person?"
Tier raised his eyebrows but Diz made no comment and said casually.
"It's just a matter of understanding. If you pay attention to the shame that streaking
brings to you, then you will forget that the act of streaking itself is full of meaning."
"Okay, okay, don't bring up streaking all the time."
When Tier said this, the girls on the playground had already begun to retreat, and
some timid ones had already fled back to the classroom in fear of avoiding it, leaving
only a group of male compatriots.
"What about Xiaoqi?" Kang Shiding looked around but couldn't find Yakumo Xiaoqi.
At this time, Krad suddenly answered
"Xiao Qi said that I'll leave the manly actions to you this time. He's going to try on
the bunny girl costume."
"Ah!! That traitor." Kang Shiding couldn't help but burst into anger, but the next
moment he suddenly held his chin and said
"No, the kind of clothes Xiaoqi wears are quite interesting."
It may be that because he has been naked for a long time, Kang Shiding no longer has
the previous sense of shame and can pose in various poses very naturally, making
other people ashamed.
In the end, under the urging of other team members, everyone finally turned into
yellow-skinned and white-skinned monkeys, each with different postures, which
made the bold girls whistle upstairs.
Can this still be played?
Tier didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Their positions should be reversed.
By this time, Rachel and others had already left, leaving only eleven team members
and one cat, Yongye.
Among them, the most respected teacher No. 3 stood up on behalf of all the divisions
and said to the all-male compatriots.
"Teacher Rachel told me one last thing before she left."
He glanced at everyone subconsciously, and waited for the students to gather their
eyes before saying
"This time around, the eight hundred students at the bottom of the streaking lap will
have to run again."
The whole audience was immediately stunned by these words.
In other words, slow people don’t necessarily only go around the field once? !
"Oh my God! There are only 900 of us in total, and only 100 of them can pass!"
Along with Kang Shiding's incredible voice, Teacher No. 3 took a step aside slightly
and said
"Then let's start running along the streets outside Avalon. Anyone who takes
shortcuts will also be treated as an invalid punishment and continue running for the
second lap."
As soon as Teacher No. 3 finished speaking, Dizi had already strode out and was as
far ahead as a cannonball.
"Since we can't escape the fate of streaking, we must do our best!"
This is Diz's belief, although it sounds a little perverted.
The next person who reacted was Tier. His feet were ghostly like shadows, and with
several afterimages, he overtook everyone who had just started running in an instant!
"Tyr! You guy!"
When Kang Shiding saw the other party sneaking away, he felt very unfair in his
heart and immediately shouted
The power of the word spirit was immediately exerted on Tier's body, causing his feet
to tremble and stop immediately.
Tyr turned around with difficulty, looking at the traitor with his eyes and yelled.
"Constant! You bastard!!"
"We will die together!" Constantine trotted past Tire, and then changed his words.
"If you want to die, you die first."
At this moment, everyone had already rushed out of the gate of Yusheng Tower with
all their strength. This made several doormen shocked. They saw a bunch of bare-butt
men rushing out. If they had not been notified in advance, , otherwise we will have to
arrest all these students who influence the moral image.
The reporters and cameramen who had learned the news early had been waiting at the
door for a long time. Now that they saw them coming out, this good-looking female
reporter came up to them without any shame and displayed a skill that was not
inferior to theirs. Stretch the microphone to Diz, who is running first
"Can this classmate please let us know how you feel now?"
"How do you feel?" When Diz heard this question, he didn't care about the identity of
the other woman and said unceremoniously.
Issue 142 Uninvited Guests
When the female reporter heard this, she immediately faced the camera and said
"Dear viewers, please hear it. Regarding the act of streaking, the students' first feeling
is not shame but coolness. This allows us to know that students can first understand
their own feelings and then care about other people's eyes. This is We should learn
from it.”
Before the reporter could finish his words, the students who were passing by naked
behind him suddenly joked:
"Then you can also run around naked and see."
The reporter froze, chose to ignore it, and then said
“This time our News Department’s special program [Tracking the Wild Beauty of
Students] will be broadcast live for everyone, bringing a spiritual feast that is both
visual and auditory.”
Wild beauty. . . . . .
The students were immediately speechless, saying that this was no longer a spiritual
feast, but a spiritual pollution.
The word spirit on Tier was finally released, but all the students had rushed out of the
Yusheng Building and left him without a trace. Only Elena's undisguised voice said
happily upstairs.
"Come on, sir!"
"Mr. Tire, you are the best!" Rose Sunflower Butterfly also said something, but
unfortunately, this seemingly supportive gesture made Tire even more ashamed.
He slowly picked up a branch from the ground and said with a sneer.
"Come on, Konstantin, and other students, this is a survival game where only the
winner can escape and ascend to heaven."
Just let me climb your corpse to the top!
The next moment, under the full burst of Tier's movement skills, he became an
afterimage, rushing towards Constance and others at an incredible speed.
"Fortunately, all the team members have gone to supervise the boys. According to
this trend, we should be able to avoid disaster today." Damiyala sighed slightly. She
really didn't expect that things would turn out like this.
As the heir of the Mobius family, if word spreads about wearing something
shameless like this, it will become a dark history for him in the future, and those who
are interested may make fun of him.
However, there is no force in Avalon that can resist. Even the people in the Imperial
Palace have to resort to subtlety. If they confront him head-on, even the Emperor's
daughter and son may not be able to give him face.
"By the way, Yue Hai, why have you been sneering there since just now?"
"Ah?! No, it's nothing." Yuehai quickly returned to his normal appearance. After all,
his thinking was very confusing now, so he accidentally showed all their feelings.
Damiyala raised her eyebrows slightly, but didn't care, so she continued.
"Remember that Avalon is not a small area. Even if they run at full strength, it may
take them a whole day. It is now noon, so even those who finish the first lap may not
be able to stop until dark. ”
"What a bunch of pitiful people." Gui Dongri couldn't help but mutter to himself, but
Leah shook her head.
"We will be even more miserable tomorrow."
All the girls were silent. Nileke, who felt this gloomy atmosphere, immediately
laughed and said
"Hahaha, let's not talk about this for now. Everyone squeezed to the window just
now. Didn't everyone want to take a peek?"
As soon as these words came out, Leah's face turned red for the first time.
"How, how is it possible!"
"Yes, Neluke, you are too sensitive."
"Hoho~~" Niluke made an intriguing voice, so she came to Ye Xi's side and suddenly
"Then let's interview our classmate Ye Xi first. Why do you want to come over and
take a look?"
"..." Ye Xi was silent, but Niluke was aggressive.
"If you don't tell me, I have to tell the boys about this. I think they will be very
excited when they hear it~"
Ye Xi looked at Neluke in disbelief. This girl who clung to him every day actually
threatened him!
"How's it going~ Tell me~ Tell me~"
Facing Neluke's waves of attacks, Ye Xi was finally subdued and said weakly.
"Because... it's good..."
"What?" Niluke put her ear closer and pretended not to hear. Ye Xi, who gave up on
himself, suddenly said
"Because of curiosity!"
"Oh~ Classmate Ye Xi, what are you curious about~"
"..." Ye Xi was finally forced to panic, and immediately disappeared from everyone's
sight with a red face.
Seeing Ye Xi's sudden exit, Nilu smiled, and immediately turned her gaze to Gui
Dongri. The weak girl was stared at by this strange uncle Niluke, and her delicate
body suddenly trembled. She lowered her head and did not dare to look at him.
However, this At that time, Damiyala walked up to Gui Dongri and said to Nileko
"Why didn't you ask me first?"
"Uh~" Neluke was immediately overwhelmed by the opponent's momentum,
subconsciously took a step back, and then said
"Sister Mia must be so pure and have no thoughts. I guarantee this."
The standard is to accept the soft and be afraid of the tough. Yue Hai sighed secretly
beside him. Fortunately, Damiyala stopped Niluko from being violent. Otherwise, if
he was asked, he might say something.
However, at this moment, an uninvited guest was welcomed at the gate of Yusheng
Tower outside the window.
Feeling the sudden change in Yue Hai's aura, everyone immediately followed her
There, a man with an evil smile was leading a woman with pointed ears with her
pockets in her pockets, talking to the doorman.
Angel was the first to make a sound. Everyone glanced at Angel first, and then turned
their attention to the noble man who passed the guard inspection.
"Is this person Scarlet? The girl behind him is... an elf."
At this time, Elena, a wind elf, suddenly stood at the window and looked at the
thunder elf slowly approaching in disbelief.
Meikui Zhidie, who felt the sudden change in the other party's mood, immediately
���"Elena? What's wrong?"
Everyone immediately turned their attention to Elena, and saw her lips trembling
slightly as she said in disbelief
Kalida, who was walking downstairs, seemed to notice the sight of Elena and others
on the second floor. She raised her head slightly and looked at Elena with empty
eyes, but there was no ripple.
A strange feeling suddenly filled Elena's heart, and she couldn't help shaking her head
and taking a few steps back.
"This is not Kalida."
Faced with Elena's sudden move, everyone was puzzled. When they turned their
attention to the playground again, Scarlet also spotted Yue Hai and others standing on
the second floor. He smiled even more and bowed slightly. He gave a gentlemanly
But compared to Scarlet's actions, Yuehai couldn't help but turn his attention to
Kalida behind him, a petite thunder elf.
At the same time, she once again looked calmly at Elena, who looked relatively
There seems to be something going on between the two. Yuehai pondered and shook
her head slightly. She had too many things to deal with recently, so she didn't worry
too much about Elena and other people's affairs. It seemed that she would find time to
have a good talk with them.
Interesting findings in Issue 143
Diz's speed was not bad, he was running naked in front of him. The students behind
him wanted to catch up, but they couldn't touch him.
At this time, Krad also caught up, followed by the orc prince Nonoka, who was
always known for his strength.
"Hahaha, Classmate Claude, this behavior is quite novel~"
Nonoka's hearty voice made Clad quite helpless. He had to slow down slightly and
walk side by side with Nonoka, and then said
"Before experiencing something new, I actually hope to feel a little bit ashamed."
"Hahahaha, shame? Classmate Krad, you are too old-fashioned. Long before the
Great Destruction, human beings were naked primitive creatures. Until the birth of
wisdom, clothing gradually changed from protecting against the cold to a kind of
fashion. The reproductive part was also regarded as some kind of private secret, and
then clothing evolved into a means of temptation. People gradually began to become
more aware of sex, and the so-called shame emerged spontaneously. "
"Uh, classmate Nonoka, what do you mean in the end?" Clad listened for a long time
and didn't understand what the other party was saying. The naked green-skinned orc
laughed again before answering.
"Don't be afraid, just do it!"
"..." Krad was speechless and had no choice but to quicken his pace and chase after
Constantine cast several speed-doubling spells, and his good use of magic made him
quite fast in terms of speed. Even some warriors known for their agility were not as
fast as Constantine.
However, at this time, Tier's ghost-like figure immediately caught up with him. He
used the branch in his hand to kill one person in three steps and chop a bunch in ten
steps, and rushed towards Kang Shiding like a broken bamboo.
Facing the terrifying roar behind him, Kang Shiding quickly speeded up, but Tier's
movement skills were beyond what Kang Shiding could surpass. Apart from Ye Xi,
Tier had never seen anyone faster than him. Fast on my own.
In the end, poor Constantine was given the opportunity to be beaten by Tyr, and
everyone stepped on his body that fell to the ground and passed him one by one.
In the sky, the reporter was actually sitting on a flying carriage, cooperating with the
cameraman to live broadcast the whole process from a bird's eye view. The feeling of
being surrounded by monkeys made all the male compatriots dumbfounded.
Some of them do look like those on TV, but they are not negative teaching materials.
I guess tomorrow's headlines will post a black and white photo of them running
naked with the slogan "See, this is the result of not studying hard"
Maybe it will really stimulate many students and make them work harder than before.
"Oh~ Dear Miss Yuehai, we meet again. The last time my arm was penetrated by
your lightning, I still can't forget the feeling~" Scarlet appeared in front of everyone,
and he took the lead in hitting Yuehai. Say hello, and then look at Damiyala
"Isn't this the young master of the Sinner Clan? What a special greeting."
"Scarlet Tephimia. The eldest young master of Tephimia Principality, we have not
been together for a day or two, so please don't be polite." Damiyala's words made the
others startled. Unexpectedly, Scarlet had the same identity as Krad, and because
Damiala's family headquarters lived in Tifemia, it was reasonable for her to have
some friendship with Scarlet. However, judging from the conversation, the
relationship between the two is not harmonious. Which woman would be friendly
with a pervert like Scarlet?
"Haha, okay, and this is...Classmate Angel. After I went back, I also looked up your
information. It really opened my eyes. Sure enough, there are all the women I like. It
won’t be simple.”
Scarlet looked at Angel with greed in her eyes, but this behavior made Damiyala
frown slightly, and she took a step in front of Scarlet and said
"What's the matter? Scarlet-san."
"It's okay. The most important thing is to come and see you, and to help cheer up
your Class 9."
To add fuel to the fire? Such alarmist words made everyone suddenly become
serious, but Scarlet shrugged and said indifferently
"Don't be so tense. This might be a good thing for you. Well, I've seen you all, so I'll
go and finish another thing."
At this point, Scarlet wanted to turn around and leave, but found that one of the girls,
who looked quite young, was staring blankly at Carida behind her. This actually
made Scarlet interested. After taking a closer look, he discovered that the girl was
actually a wind elf. This made Scarlet, who had wanted to withdraw, get ready to
move his lower body again. His evil smile became even weirder, and his eyes turned
slightly to the wind elf, and then he He pulled Kalida's hair and lifted her up to her
face and said
"Do you know this thing?"
The petite girl whose long hair was being pulled looked helplessly forward, as if the
tearing of her hair roots would not cause her the slightest pain.
Elena was startled by the other party's rough behavior. She immediately took a few
steps back and shook her head vigorously.
"I, I don't know, she is not Kalida."
"Carida?! Hahahaha, you actually know the name of this thing, hahahaha,
Scarlet's wanton laughter made Gui Dongri tremble with fear. As for Elena, she
subconsciously hid behind the crowd and did not dare to show her face.
But Scarlet had no intention of stopping the conversation. As long as the voice could
still be conveyed, the result would be the same.
"Tane Garden, you were once in Kind Garden, right? It's funny, how could a sex
slave from Kind Garden come to Avalon College?"
Elena's psychology seemed to have been penetrated by the last line of defense, and
her whole body began to tremble non-stop. She subconsciously grabbed the skirt of
Yue Hai's clothes, just like when she, as Tyr, was by her side.
This made Yuehai frown, facing Scarlet, he said in a low voice
"That's it for now, Scarlet-san. If you continue talking, I can treat you as a personal
attack on my friend."
"Hehehe, since it was Miss Yuehai who said it, I will leave here temporarily.
However, I have gained a lot today. I encountered such a funny thing. I should thank
you, Miss Sylph. Hahahaha." After saying that, Scarlet walked down to the first floor
with laughter that echoed in the corridor.
The sound gradually faded away, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief until it
completely disappeared.
However, Elena's trembling never stopped.
He kept muttering "She is not Kalida, she is not Kalida"
Seeming like crazy, Meikui Zhidie felt distressed. He couldn't help but hugged Elena
and kept calming her emotions. Yuehai frowned even more. It seemed necessary to
find a time to have a good talk with Elena. Talked.
Issue 144 Not Dead
As a result, no one asked about Elena's past. Even Mei Kuizhidie, who usually had a
good relationship with Elena, was rejected. In desperation, she had to skip all the
afternoon classes. Following Elena back to the dormitory.
It was only then that Dragon Slayer, who had arrived late, realized that the
atmosphere among everyone was wrong. After asking about it, he immediately
became furious. It was a pity that Scarlet had already left at this time, otherwise
something might happen if Dragon Slayer ran into him.
At this time, outside the gate of Yusheng Building, a student with a businessman's
temperament was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and looking at the
At this time, Scarlet came out with Kalida. He looked around before saying to the
"Waltz! This way."
Waltz, who heard the sound, walked over slowly, and then asked Scarlet
"How about it?"
"The effect is pretty good. The seeds have been planted. It just depends on how big
the flower will bloom."
"In the final analysis, this is also a matter between your two countries. As a third
party, I can't say anything. I just hope that if there is a quarrel in the future, my people
will not be implicated." Waltz looked at Scarlet and said seriously. These words
made the bohemian man Just shrugged
"I can't control this, and who knows how far they will go." Scarlet's words made
Waltz fall into silence, and he didn't speak until some time passed.
"By the way, [Old Lion] came to me last night."
"Oh?" Scarlet raised an eyebrow and said with interest.
"I heard that the old lions specialize in suppressing freshmen and are organized by
seniors in the second and third grades. What? They actually pick the biggest ones to
beat? What's the result?"
"Ten people came, and I destroyed them all." Waltz replied calmly, as if he was
stating an ordinary fact, but just from Waltz's remarks, Scarlet couldn't help but want
to applaud him.
"It is indeed the strongest waltz. I'm afraid no one among the freshmen can be your
"...There are still a few opponents, but I'm afraid there's no one in the world who can
gain the upper hand over me."
"Haha, aren't you afraid of monster-level geniuses like the Twin Gods appearing?"
Scarlet said with a smile.
Waltz knew that the other party was making fun of him, so he shrugged indifferently.
"Those are the darlings of heaven who both reached the level of gods before they
were twenty years old. If such a person really existed, it would be impossible for him
to appear in front of me."
Naturally, this is an exception. From the current perspective, Waltz is the well-
deserved number one. Even if the three of Kladno Nokatil join forces, they are no
match for him.
"Let's go, now that everything is done, let's go have a drink." Waltz was quite
energetic when he said this, which made Scarlet speechless.
"It's broad daylight now. I'm afraid it's not good to drink at this time."
"What Nylon people like most is grilling fish, drinking and fighting. Not to mention
drinking during the day, even if you go to school and study, it would be really hard if
you don't bring some alcohol with you."
In the end, Tierkeladidizi and others reached the top few positions at a crushing
speed. Feng Zhangui, who had learned Tier's true inheritance, also barely passed.
However, poor Constant and Noah were left behind, preparing to meet The arrival of
the second lap.
However, it was already getting late, and Teacher No. 3 couldn't bear the group of
students to continue running away, so he whispered to everyone
"That's it for today. Something happened to your mentor Rachel. I'm afraid Avalon
won't be able to come back today, so you all understand."
Those students who were lagging behind were immediately moved, and their
admiration for Teacher No. 3 arose spontaneously, and each of them felt even more
grateful to him.
In the middle of the night, Tier finally returned to the dormitory. Seeing that Yakumo
Xiaoqi had fallen asleep, Kang Shiding wanted to wake him up, but he remembered
that this guy was very angry when he woke up. After weighing the pros and cons,
Kang Shiding chose to watch the demon shadow obediently. stone.
"Then I'm going to take a shower first." Seeing that neither Crad nor Constantine
were in a hurry to take a shower, Tire walked into the bathroom first.
As soon as he entered the bath, the sound of the Shadow Stone began to sound.
Tier's expression changed and he slowly opened it.
Pandora's ugly face was immediately reflected in it. However, there was a lot of
blood all over her body, and her vitality became a little sluggish. Pandora suddenly
opened her mouth and said with an increasingly clear pronunciation.
"You put a reward on us, right?"
Tier was speechless. It seemed that Pandora was wanted by the mercenaries, but
judging from the results, it seemed that the first arrest was unsuccessful.
"What a cruel human being. He said he would kill us personally, but in the blink of
an eye he put a reward on me. 80,000 gold coins is such a big temptation. We almost
want to mention ourselves to the mercenary branch."
It's just a big fate, Tyr couldn't help but sneer. Pandora can escape the first wanted
order, but the mercenary branch with detailed information will send more powerful
mercenaries or countermeasures. A small person like it can't survive. seven days.
"We are a hard worker who has evolved from an ordinary monster step by step.
Suddenly, we felt a little panicked when you greeted us like this. Unfortunately, the
mercenaries sent could only hurt us, but not kill us. Can’t help us.”
Pandora slightly turned the camera to the ground. The corpses of more than a dozen
mercenaries were lying there quietly. This made Tire's face darken slightly. He didn't
expect that Pandora not only survived the mercenaries' wanted orders, but also took
all of them. Counter-killing, it can be seen that its strength cannot be measured by
ordinary fifth-level monsters.
"Human, can you tell us your name? I'm suddenly very interested in you."
Pandora responded with a silent gaze, which was enough to send chills to one's heart.
Pandora didn't take it seriously, and then she heard the sound of footsteps coming
from the Shadow Stone. Pandora smiled with her split mouth and waved her hand
towards Tyr in a humane way.
"The mercenaries chasing us are coming again, so I'll ask you this question next
After saying that, Pandora closed the Demonic Shadow Stone. Tyr took a deep
breath, looked at the ceiling, and narrowed his eyes slightly.
"I hope there won't be a next time."
The night is still going on, and many people's stories are also going on.
On a certain street in the Demonic District, in a magnificent pavilion, ten trembling
students were kneeling on the ground. In front of them, a fat man with a big cigarette
in his mouth was ravaging a girl. He pointed at the ten people and said
"You can't even out with just a waltz, so what's the use of restoring your fighting
spirit and magic power? As a second-year student, you have this bit of backbone?
You're telling me that you can't beat me when you're not on the verge of death? Do
you really think we are [Old?" Isn’t [the lion] a place where you can eat and dress
freely?! Drag them all down and put them in the underground arena as slaves.”
When the ten students were dragged out with miserable begging for mercy, the obese
man punched the girl who was still having sex under him and threw her away. At the
same time, she hit the wall with a bang and blood flowed out.
But he didn't care about the other person's life or death, and looked at the several
photos on the table with a gloomy expression, including Waltz, Krader, Scarlet, Till
and others.
"Waltz, you're going to regret what you've done."
Issue 145
Saturday, July 17th
When Yue Hai opened her eyes, a feeling of sadness arose spontaneously. Today has
arrived so quickly. No, it should be said that what is supposed to come will always
come. Generally, the things you least want to do will often squeeze out of you. ,
which also shows that it is never a good thing to actively push things on yourself.
Yuehai rubbed his eyes, turned over and looked at the Demonic Shadow Stone. It was
only 5:40, and he could still get some sleep. However, on the other side of the bed,
the Dragon Slaughter was looking at the Demonic Shadow Stone with a clear and
uninterested look. program, it looked like I had been awake all night.
No matter, if you don’t sleep, I will still sleep.
However, Yuehai has forgotten her promise to go to bed late and get up early to study
After turning over, he found that Ye Xi on the other side was also looking at the
Demonic Shadow Stone. When he raised his head, he saw Damiyala next to Ye Xi
also looking at the Demonic Shadow Stone. Yuehai wondered if these three people
had nothing to do so early in the morning. The magic shadow stone and chirping
woke her up.
So Yuehai had no choice but to sit up, her disheveled look had a different kind of
Long Tu looked back at Yue Hai and nodded slightly.
"Wake up."
"You three are having a shadow party, can I not wake up?" Yuehai rubbed her sleepy
eyes, and finally yawned lazily, stretching out with her hands, looking so charming.
The dragon slayer took a second look, thinking that if the man saw Yue Hai like this,
he might turn into some kind of beast and pounce on him panting heavily.
"I was also woken up by Damiyala. If you want to blame, blame her." The dragon
slayer immediately took the blame, and Damiyala, who accepted the blame, answered
without hesitation.
"In the final analysis, Ye Xi got up early, and she will take the blame."
Ye Xi didn't react until this moment, pointed at himself innocently, and then sighed
secretly and had to apologize to Yue Hai in a low voice.
How could Yue Hai be angry because of this? He quickly explained that it didn't
matter to him, and then changed the subject and asked
"What are you all watching? It seems like it's all the same show."
When asked like this, Ye Xi moved his body slightly, and the picture on the Demonic
Shadow Stone suddenly appeared.
[Recent, classic class competition battle, analysis of Class 6 VS Class 9]
"Oh? There are actually people who would analyze that match." Yuehai said
nonchalantly. Although the above comment was about their overall performance in
the match, judging from the analysis on the Shadow Stone, it was not so much a class
match. It would be more appropriate to say Waltz VS Class 9.
At this time, Long Tu also scratched his head and said rather irritably.
"In general, the team consciousness in this competition is too weak, and too much
emphasis is placed on individual strength. A strong person like Waltz has never
participated in individual competitions a few times. He is a complete monster who
does not bother to work hard to earn points with other students. . Although their class
points in Class 6 have risen to third this time, in fact, the system implemented in their
class has always been a system where the central class leads the lower-level
personnel, so according to the plan, they will earn much more points than us. If not
for Nine The class points are too few, I’m afraid this round will allow them to
advance to first place.”
"The subordinates of the central leadership? In Avalon?" Yue Hai raised his
eyebrows. This is Avalon. Each of them is a genius who is one of a hundred. Not to
mention extraordinary intellect, but they still have arrogance. When Long Tu heard
this, he crossed his arms and sneered.
"You will find out if you ask around. One is named Scarlet and the other is named
Waltz. Their status in Class 6 is very high, and their strength is superior. Once there
are resisters, they will definitely be attacked crazily and make them a little bit weak.
There is no temper, and there is no use in uniting. Waltz is not afraid of a group of
rabble, so after some rectification, today's Class 6 can be regarded as one of the best
unity among the fifty-nine classes... Of course, it is not from the heart. of."
Only then did Yuehai realize what he meant, and thought that Waltz had some tricks
up his sleeve. In fact, she didn’t know that Waltz was a big and well-known
businessman in Nylon Heaven. He was very clear about interests and intrigues.
Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to win in just a few short days. During the
year, the shares of Yorkson Auction House were obtained.
In short, this matter was just a casual topic before they got up. The sun was rising,
and the temperature in late July was much higher than that in early July. The heat was
already felt in the morning alone.
After packing their things, Yuehai and others left the dormitory building. Sister
Yueting, who was cleaning the door, saw them and nodded with a smile.
"Going to school?"
"Go and die~~" Niluke said naughtily, but Damiyala glared at her, and then smiled
and looked at the dormitory administrator Shu Yuetiao.
"Good morning, Sister Yuetong."
"Well, good morning."
After greeting each other, Yue Hai and his group of six people once again walked on
the way to school.
However, the road to the flying train station feels long and difficult.
Everyone was speechless until after some twists and turns they arrived at the
Yusheng Building located on Kaifa Street in the Ninth School District.
The four doormen were still standing there meticulously. Although they were
frightened by the charm of Yue Hai and others, they did not show it at all. This
professional performance was commendable.
After entering the Yusheng Building, Yuehai and others went to the Group B
classroom on the second floor. The male compatriots inside were all happy, thinking
that they had suffered so much yesterday, and they should be rewarded today.
When Yue Hai and others came in, the expectant looks in the boys' eyes made Long
Tu clenched his fists, and a powerful momentum came towards all the male
This suddenly turned into a situation where the trees fell and the hozens scattered.
One by one, the monsters screamed and scattered in all directions. Only the innocent
Tier was severely shocked by this momentum, and his chest suddenly felt tight.
"Dragon Slayer, why is it me again?" Poor Tier sat there with a sad look in his eyes,
but the Dragon Slayer turned his head without giving any explanation.
Yue Hai couldn't help but take another look at Long Tu, thinking that I had provoked
whom. He had been memorizing the fighting spirit combination formula with his
head down, but instead of dealing with those male compatriots, he was the first to
take action on himself. Tiel suddenly felt a sense of Unfair treatment, although he
wanted to protest very much, but due to the dragon slayer's strength and natural
momentum, Tier thought about it and it was a very good idea to be absolutely
courteous to the girls.
Therefore, Tier finally chose not to dare to let out a single fart.
At this moment, the morning meeting bell rang. All the students sat back down in
their seats one after another, and Teacher No. 3 pushed the door open and entered.
He first glanced at everyone, then instantly took off the storage ring from his index
finger and said to all the girls
"No further words, let's get dressed."
The faces of Yuehai and others suddenly darkened, but there were also people who
were eager to give it a try, like Neluko, one of them. If you look closely, there are
also people who treat this matter calmly. Naturally, there are also people who want to
go berserk at any time. Like Ye Xi, her face was already extremely dark.
The 146th issue of welfare (with illustrations)
Yuehai sat next to her and couldn't help but stretched out her hand and patted Ye Xi's
shoulder, sighed heavily and said
"Just accept it."
"No, this, this is too scary." Ye Xi had the urge to escape from here immediately, but
Teacher No. 3's sensory lock prevented her from even taking a step.
Damiyala sighed secretly. She also couldn't accept this fact, but now the boys have
set an example, they have done streaking, they have been on satellite TV, and they
have made headlines this morning. If they resist, they will be punished. The men
protested unanimously.
Although Damiyala was not very worried about the ants' protests, it would be bad if it
only alerted Rachel's mentor to come forward.
I might as well wear the bunny girl's clothes for a week now, but there's no telling
how cruel the punishment will be after resisting.
So all the girls had to pick up a piece of clothing each and walked into the dressing
room with their own thoughts.
Because it is convenient for students to change clothes in the classroom, there are two
locker rooms of the same size inside the huge Group B.
Not long after Yuehai entered this month, Tier's nosebleed suddenly flew out with a
loud bang, scaring all the male compatriots into scattering, and everyone was afraid
to stay away from Tier.
Diz and Krad also subconsciously retreated in this atmosphere. At this time,
Constantine pointed at Tier and said righteously.
"What do you mean by your sudden nosebleed?"
Tier took out the napkin he had prepared and wiped the blood from his nose. Just as
he was about to speak, there was a loud bang and blood spurted out again. This
frightened many timid male classmates and suddenly trembled. Everyone thought of
the rumor that Tier was as good as Longyang.
Constantine was really startled when he saw the other party's sudden move, and his
finger pointing at Tier trembled a little.
"Tell me, are you getting nosebleeds in anticipation of the girls wearing bunny girl
costumes, or are you reacting to us male compatriots!"
"I'm so crazy! What are you doing with your nosebleeds?!" Tire waved the blood-
covered napkin in his hand and roared, but Constance and the others did not let down
their guard at all.
"Then what do you mean."
"I just couldn't help but get a little excited when I thought about the girls changing
clothes inside!" In fact, he acted like this because he saw the whole picture directly
from Yue Hai's perspective. However, this sentence made everyone relax. Kang
Shiding He patted his chest and said happily.
"It's great that you're still a pervert."
"Sure enough, Brother Tier is an out-and-out pervert. My vision is definitely not
"Yeah, it's great that Brother Tier is a pervert."
"I'm really lucky that Tier-san can still maintain his perverted consciousness."
The perverted voices kept bombarding Tier's body one after another, and he felt as if
he had an additional impression label inexplicably.
But it doesn't matter, as long as we can get rid of that Long Yangzhi, everything will
be easy.
Not long after, a bunch of bunny girls slowly came out, and the boys suddenly let out
bursts of howling like ghosts and wolves. The deafening sound was not only for
Group B, but also for other teams.
Some male compatriots were even more emotional. Thinking about the inhumane
treatment yesterday and seeing such benefits today, their noses suddenly became
sore, tears hung from the corners of their eyes, and their expressions when looking at
the girls became quite distorted.
At this time, Yue Hai, who was the last to appear, also walked out of the locker room.
That different charm caused the whole audience to burst into shouts, which could be
said to soar into the sky. The entire Development Street could hear the roars of these
"Quiet, quiet!" Teacher No. 3 had no choice but to activate the pressure of perception.
As soon as the pressure of the Holy Domain Magister dissipated, the whole place
suddenly calmed down. Everyone couldn't even breathe and they couldn't talk about
After everyone had completely calmed down, Damiyala also walked out of the
dressing room. At this moment, the shouts suddenly erupted like springs, look at
Damiyala's towering mountain peaks! ! Who dares to say that he can still control it.
Then the person who came out rather timidly was Ye Xi, who was wearing
Catwoman costume. She originally wanted to not wear cat ears, but Niluke suddenly
attacked her and put them on in an instant. With her fair skin and that outfit, she
never wore cat ears. From Tyr's perspective, his breath was suffocated, and the effect
was simply outstanding.
"This, this is really a bit embarrassing."
Damiyala couldn't help but leaned to Yuehai's right side and said, but Yuehai, who
had already experienced the shame of running naked, answered with a stiff face.
"We'd better be content. It's much better for boys to wear bunny girl outfits than for
girls to run around naked."
As soon as these words came out, Damiyala and Ye Xi, who was on the other side of
the moon sea, suddenly turned dark.
If the punishments were really reversed, everyone would probably skip school.
Of course, Rachel is not an idiot. What she wants is a profound lesson rather than
driving the students to a dead end.
"Speaking of which, this dress... is about to fall off..." Ye Xi couldn't help but cover
her Catwoman costume. The clothes that looked like they were about to fall off at any
time made her look embarrassed.
"This is obviously your fault, right?" Long Tu squeezed over at this moment. His
petite body paired with his clothes looked extremely alluring. People with those
special hobbies might not be able to hold it back immediately.
"Ye Xi, you look like you've gained weight recently. It must be the fat in those two
areas that's bursting your clothes."
"Huh?!!" Ye Xi was frightened by Long Tu's alarmism, but Damiyala snorted coldly
at this time.
"Little sister is jealous again?"
"Get lost, cow."
"Ah! Can I take your remarks as jealousy?" Damiyala showed a sarcastic expression.
She walked in front of the dragon butcher and her chest was slightly raised. The
majestic mountain peaks immediately made the dragon butcher take two steps back.
for the difficult response
"Jealous, jealous? Just give me this useless fat and it will grow back in a year."
"Okay, here's the camera stone. Let's record what we said today and see your baby-
faced big breasts in a year." Damiyala's aggressive words made the dragon slayer
sweat suddenly break out on his forehead. He looked at Damiyala. Yara's breasts
couldn't help but murmur to herself
"You must be wearing breast pads, right?"
"What? I seem to hear someone questioning it because of jealousy?" Damiyala's
pretentious behavior immediately made the dragon slayer furious. He grabbed the
opponent's chest with his small hand and said with a ferocious expression.
"I can pull off such slutty breasts as yours with just one hand."
These terrifying words made everyone present so frightened that they dared not
speak. Only Damiyala understood the temper of Dragon Slayer. She took a step
forward, and her chest actually broke away from Dragon Slayer's small hand and
directly pressed it against the opponent's face. superior.
"What? Pull it off and put it back on yourself?"
Upon hearing this, Long Tu's momentum suddenly dropped, and he walked to his
seat silently and weakly.
Damiyala smiled, and this quarrel was obviously her victory.
On the other side, Yakumo Xiaoqi, who was wearing a bunny girl costume, was
caught by Kang Shiding, and he suddenly showed a lewd smile.
"Classmate Xiao Qi, who considers himself noble, have you finally exposed your
fetish for cross-dressing?"
"Who, who has a cross-dressing fetish!" Yakumo Xiaoqi's roar immediately attracted
the attention of other boys. They all turned their eyes around and immediately made a
sound of exclamation.
"Oh my god?! Is Yakumo-san a girl?"
"Idiot, I changed into a bunny costume because I didn't want to run around naked."
"Oh?! Then couldn't I have changed it at that time?"
"Isn't it more shameful for you, a big fat guy, to wear rabbit clothes than to run

"But having said that, Xiao Qi, you look really pretty, and your butt is inexplicably so
attractive~ The top ten on the Half Flower List is indeed well-deserved."
"Pass it to your uncle!" Yakumo Xiaoqi suddenly had the power of dark elements all
over his body. Kang Shiding, who felt that he had teased her too much, quickly
stepped back and waved his hands.
"Cold, calm down, Xiaoqi, isn't this a joke to you? You must know that you
abandoned us fellow men and went alone...Wait a minute, did you just go to the
women's locker room? "
"As expected, you should just go die." Yakumo Xiaoqi waved his finger, and six
black elemental walls suddenly appeared around Kang Shiding. With a bang, the
walls immediately closed, shutting the other party inside, and even the sound could
not be heard. Can't penetrate.
Tire and Krad couldn't help but shook their heads and sighed. This Konstantin was
okay with everything, but he just liked to seek death too much. Not only did he seek
death by himself, but he also liked to drag others down with him.
"However, I think Brother Xiaoqi looks very beautiful in this dress." At some point,
Noah's voice came from beside Yakumo Xiaoqi. Tier couldn't help but raise his
eyebrows slightly, thinking about this bastard No matter what the wind is blowing
today, I started to flatter you.
When Yakumo Xiaoqi heard this, his fair shoulders shook slightly, and then he bent
down slightly and said with a rather moved look.
"Little brother Noah, you should be good~" Before he finished speaking, Yakumo
Xiaoqi's pair of slender hands suddenly attacked from left and right, and slapped
Noah's little face, and his tone suddenly became gloomy.
"But do you think complimenting me on my beautiful women's clothing will make
me happy? Ah?!"
"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The
evildoers will eventually be punished, and I immediately felt very happy. Even
wearing a bunny girl costume, my shameful mood was reduced a lot.
But if you take a closer look, there are not many girls who are really shy. Once you
get used to it, it's not as shameful as you think. Well~ Yuehai thinks that as long as
you don't show your face on the street, then you can give it to these monkeys. Just
looking at him twice wouldn't mean he's missing a piece of meat. He's already done
streaking anyway, what could be more shameful than that?
Teacher No. 3 looked at the lively atmosphere in the class and couldn't help but smile
and shake his head.
Perhaps, what Rachel's mentor did was indeed right.
Extra Chapter 4: Elena Chapter
Elena's diary of living in the human world
Wednesday, April 17, sunny weather
Today is the fifth day since I met Lord Tyr. Because I haven’t had time to write a
diary in the past few days, I only started writing with Lord Tyr’s permission today.
Because I write in Elvish, I am not afraid of Tyr. The adults will take it and look at it,
hey, hey, it’s just that Mr. Tyr wants me to participate in the Magical Girl
Competition with him. I’m worried that something will happen to me, because people
have always said that I am careless since I was a child.
The weather will be light rain on Friday, April 19th
Today is the seventh day that I met Lord Tyr. We are now on the way to the
Principality of Cyril. Lord Tyr said that this time he will have the task of escorting
this slave caravan. The boss of the slave shop is actually very interested in me. It's not
bad, but being locked up like this by a human being makes me feel rejected
unconsciously. I really have to thank Lord Tyr for this. Without him, I might have to
live in a cage for a long time.
The weather will be sunny on Saturday, April 27th
Today is the fifteenth day that I met Lord Tyr. We finally arrived at the Principality
of Cyril. It was much more lively than that small city. Lord Tyr asked me to wear a
hat to cover my ears, although it felt a little It's uncomfortable, but since it was Lord
Tyr who said it, I can only endure it. However, Lord Tyr also wore a black mask,
looking even more enigmatic than before.
The weather will be sunny on Friday, May 10th
Today is the twenty-eighth day since I met Lord Tyr. I have stayed in the hotel for
more than ten days. Sister Celie has taken good care of me. Although she is
sometimes very strict in teaching me the etiquette of getting along with humans, I I
still like Sister Celie very much, and of course I respect Lord Tyr very much.
The weather will be sunny on Wednesday, May 15th
Today is the thirty-third day since I met Lord Tyr. Tomorrow is the Magical Girl
Competition. I heard that many humans are coming. I am very nervous. I don’t know
if I can help Lord Tyr. Lord Tyr took off his mask. Sometimes, he would often show
a confused expression, and he didn’t know what the adults were thinking. He just
hoped that it was not a sad thing. Elena was here to bless him in the name of the
goddess of nature.
The weather will be sunny on Thursday, May 16th
Today is the thirty-fourth day since I met Lord Tyr. Elena did a lot of bad things
today. Elena thought that Lord Tyr didn’t want me anymore.
Elena. . . . . . Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I don’t know what to write. I really want to
repay Lord Tyr, but I always do the wrong thing, ahhhhhh (a bunch of messy words
The weather will be light rain and sunny on Monday, May 20th
Today is the thirty-eighth day since I met Lord Tyr. Lord Dragon Slayer came to our
place today. Although he is small in stature, he is very powerful. Even Lord Tyr, who
is usually very advanced, had to give in. Master Dragon Slayer took us out for a walk,
but we told Master Tyr that someone was following them, and then we came back.
Although we didn't have a great time, it was still interesting to see a lot of strange
Heavy rain on Tuesday, June 11th
Today is the sixtieth day since I met Lord Tire. In two days it seems that the Duke
here will have a birthday party. Lord Tire ordered a very beautiful dress for me. After
I put it on, everyone was surprised. It looks great, I'm very happy. Lord Tyr seems to
be wearing a suit from the human world, and the original black mask has been
replaced by an eyepatch that only covers the upper half of his face. Although it looks
good, I still prefer Lord Tyr with the black mask.
The weather will be sunny on Saturday, June 15th
It scares me to death. There was a terrorist attack at the Duke's Palace yesterday. The
human world is really in turmoil. It is completely incomparable to the pacifism of our
Sanchis Empire. Today is the sixty-second day since I met Lord Tyr. I don’t
remember very clearly what happened next. Out of curiosity, I asked Master Tyr, but
he gave me a severe scolding. I felt aggrieved.
The weather will be cloudy on Thursday, June 20th
Today is the seventy-fifth day since I met Lord Tyr. We seem to be taking some rail
train to go to the academy in Avalon. I don’t know if there will be any good food on
the way. Human places are very Know how to enjoy it, everything they make is very
delicious. Sister Xili told me to eat less so as not to gain weight, but I was surprised
because I had never gained weight since I was a child. After telling Sister Xili, she
seemed to sigh very self-defeatingly. I feel like I've done something wrong.
Wednesday June 26th sunny weather
Today is the 81st day that I met Lord Tyr. Today we got on the rail train. I sat with
Brother Feng Zhangui and Sister Xili, while Uncle Iron Sword and Lord Tyr sat in
the front carriage. At noon, a very bad guy and several humans locked up our carriage
with a soundproof barrier, saying they were going to rob me. Brother Feng Zhangui
was beaten badly by the bad guys in order to protect me, but the bad guys In the end,
I was defeated by the indomitable Brother Feng Zhangui and the mysterious man who
came to help. Although Sister Xili did not take action to protect me, I still have to
thank them very much.
Thursday June 29th sunny weather
Today is the eighty-fourth day since I met Lord Tyr. As a result, neither Brother Feng
Zhangui nor Sister Xili told Lord Tyr about this matter. I think this is something
worthy of showing off, but I have not contributed anything. I can't say
anything. . . . . . But I finally arrived at Avalon College today. It’s really the
largest college I’ve ever seen. There are so many students inside. There are flying
trains and buildings in the sky, and that tall tower called the Heavenly Reincarnation
Wheel. It’s really... Amazing. We later took the exam. Mr. Tier was so awesome. He
was admitted directly in the first round. Sister Xili, Uncle Iron Sword, Uncle Feng
Zhangui and I passed the second and third rounds together, and finally we were truly
admitted. There are only a few hundred people admitted. If you think about it
carefully, I seem to be pretty awesome, hehehe.
The weather will be sunny on Monday, July 3rd
Today is the eighty-eighth day since I met Mr. Tire. School has started. More than
100,000 of us students held the opening ceremony together in Tianyuan Hall. It felt
so lively. Fortunately, Mr. Tire, I, Sister Xili and the others We were all assigned to a
class, and a very powerful-looking older sister served as our tutor. Later, we went to
the building where the class was located and walked around. In the afternoon, Lord
Dragon Slayer seemed to have a quarrel with Lord Tyr, and the two of them We
almost got into a fight, but then a slovenly-looking uncle sent me to another place. It
seemed to be a group battle involving six teams and six. I was not selected by Lord
Tyr, and I was very disappointed. The result was Lord Dragon Slayer's victory. As
expected, the only one who could defeat Lord Tyr was Lord Dragon Slayer.
Tyr looked at the diary in his hand and raised his eyebrows slightly. Unfortunately,
he seemed to be born with the ability to understand Elvish, so he knew exactly what
was written in it.
Remember today is July 5th. This stupid elf likes to leave things behind every time. If
he hadn't gone back to the class again, this diary might have been left on the desk
until tomorrow. If you are less lucky, it might be forgotten. Others might take it
Tier scratched his head. Although it was a bit troublesome, he should return it to her
He shook his head helplessly, but looking at the diary in his hand, Tire couldn't help
but touch the writing on it slightly, with a soft look in his eyes.
Thank you so much for accompanying me these days, Elena.
The 147th issue of field combat
In this way, Yuehai and others spent a week wearing bunny girl costumes and living
in various eye-catching ways. During this period of time, they experienced the
hardship of cleaning the entire Yusheng Building and the embarrassment of being
secretly photographed by reporters and cameramen. However, humans are such
strange creatures, and once they get used to it, they won't think it is a big deal.
Tsukiumi, who was used to wearing bunny girl costumes, felt like there was
something wrong with her mentally.
Sunday, July 25th
Another compulsory rest day for the whole college has arrived, but the poor Group B
of Class 9 cannot stop for a moment. Just after being baptized by streaking and bunny
costumes, the punishment of Teacher No. 3 followed.
That is the legendary field practical learning.
There were two team members who organized this field practice, led by teacher No.
3, and the other one was the leader of the CD team, Chakogawa Team Leader.
From side rumors, I heard that Mr. Chakogawa is actually the sister of Mr. No. 3.
Although the two have completely different personalities, they do have similarities in
It's no wonder that during the competition, the CD team unconsciously got closer to
their AB team. It turned out that there was a relationship between the people in
However, this time they were going to the infamous Mulberry Burial Forest, so they
were accompanied by two mobile teachers. One was David, a muscular close combat
teacher, and the other one was always looking... The very laid-back Yongye Cat
This lineup can probably come and go freely even if it enters the deeper parts of the
forest, but it is just because of the students, so it is already the limit on the outside.
Early on Sunday morning, Teacher No. 3, who had received permission to be
discharged, led Group B out of the hospital at the back door.
When he arrived at the back gate of Avalon Academy, Yuehai saw the [Celestial
Being] whom he had heard about from many people for the first time.
They have huge wings and are more than forty meters long. They can be clearly seen
from two or three areas away.
However, what is different from what they imagined is that these two heavenly
beings are not bound. It seems that they can fly back to the Mulberry Burial Forest at
any time with a flap of their wings. However, these two people seem to really regard
themselves as being here. The gatekeeper doesn't look forced in the slightest.
Although they have huge white wings, their clothes are black suits. Coupled with
their extremely handsome faces, they look like two aristocratic handsome guys
magnified dozens of times. From one perspective He doesn't look like a doorman
"Hey~ isn't this brother No. 3?"
When they finally arrived at the back door, one of the seemingly frivolous celestial
beings squatted slightly and looked at the red-haired adult who was leading the entire
group B.
Facing such a huge body, all the students couldn't help but feel a little nervous when
they raised their heads. This was a demigod. I heard that the celestial being was more
powerful than a giant dragon of the same level. Even a demigod could fight with it.
Human gods compete in strength.
Of course, if you want to challenge a god, only a god can do it. Demigods are indeed
powerful, but if you really want to fight a god, even the weakest little god can kill the
opponent in one fell swoop.
Teacher No. 3’s expression remained the same, and he bowed slightly rather
"Master Zuomen, Master Youmen, long-term greetings."
"Yeah." The other Heavenly Man from the Right Gate, who looked more indifferent,
nodded slightly, while the Left Gate smiled.
"Brother, what are you doing with these seedlings this time?"
"Of course it's actual combat in the wild."
"Wild battle, that's what it is."
"This is an actual combat in the wild, Master Zuomen." Teacher No. 3's face turned
slightly dark, which made Zuomen Tianren immediately put away his joke. Just as he
was about to say something more, a black shadow suddenly jumped to Zuomen
Tianren. on the nose.
"Gu Dashan, can't you change your chatty personality? As a guard, you only need to
verify the identity of the person coming and the relevant procedures. If you continue
to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will directly ask the King of Heaven to take you
back." This familiarity The voice was obviously that of Teacher Yongye who had
been following the team. Although he was extremely insignificant in front of Zuomen
Tianren, just such a sentence made Zuomen Tianren quickly apologize.
"Hehehehe, Mr. Yongye, what you said is that I haven't seen you for a few days, so I
missed you and nagged you a few more times. If you don't like it, I will shut up
The 180-degree change in the tone of this Zuomen Celestial Being made all the
students blink, thinking that such a powerful Celestial being would be scared when he
saw Yong Ye. Sure enough, this cat who calls himself me is the most powerful one in
the entire academy. Terrible teacher.
The Heavenly Man of the Right Gate never interrupted. Even when he saw Yong Ye,
he just nodded slightly. After some inspection, Group B successfully walked out of
Avalon's back door.
What comes into view is an endless ocean of forests, so high that it can almost cover
the sky. The lush green trees are like broken sand in the desert, small and
"Teacher Yongye, why didn't Group A go to the field with us for actual combat?"
Yue Hai looked up at the cat teacher above Ye Xi and asked in confusion. Teacher
Yong Ye seemed to be in love with Ye Xi's long silver-haired head, and said
comfortably while coiling his body.
"I heard that there are other training programs. Not only you, but the entire Class
Nine is now involved in crazy training. This is also to prepare for the class
competition and assessment at the end of the month."
"Class competition~" Yuehai couldn't help but shook his head. It was really too much
to do it once every half month. He just hoped that he wouldn't encounter monster-
level geniuses like Class 6 again.
However, she, Yue Hai, has not been idle in the past twenty days or so. Not only has
she made progress in magic, but her fighting spirit has also reached a terrifying peak.
The speed of her cultivation is jaw-dropping.
It is indeed easy for a genius to break through the level of Qi and level. It is not too
difficult for a fast person to break through the army in one month.
Looking back at myself as Tyr.
Remembering the fighting spirit crystals that Angel gave him last time, he used
hundreds of them but made no progress at all. This made Tier's heart feel cold. After
thinking about it again and again, he still felt that it was practical to save these
hundreds of crystals. .
But what is gratifying is that he can successfully use the third form of the Heavenly
Sword Isshin, and the Ten Thousand Folds can also be used easily with the Four
Folds. If it takes a little more effort, the Five Folds can also be used.
This improvement in strength allowed him to gradually find the direction he should
move forward, but he has always been weak in terms of physical fitness. His attack
power is indeed high but not sustainable, which makes him destined to only take the
route of quick attacks.
Looking back at myself as Tsukiumi, I have recently begun to practice the third form
of Tianjian Isshin. I can also perform three-fold body skills, and I have learned all
three levels of magic except the empty attribute. This combination of magic and
martial arts is simply impeccable, coupled with his own beauty and reputation.
Tier suddenly felt inferior and found that he seemed a little jealous of himself who
had become Yue Hai.
Issue 148 Me and Her
Naturally, Tire also checked the conditions of the four people under his command.
Among them, the strength of the Iron Sword of the Sand Court had the most obvious
growth. For example, when he fought against the Nita Brave Kabu, it could be seen
that his growth was exploding at a spurt-like rate. Feng Zhangui is also a hard-
working person with great perseverance. He has trained more in body skills than
others. Now he can move freely, and he can fight against ordinary soldiers without
knowing what is going on. It feels like an instant kill.
Meikui Zhidie has recently reached a dead end. She has an inexplicable obsession
with the second form of Tianjian Yishin. From the dialogue, her mood seems to be a
little wrong. According to her own words, she has been feeling a little upset recently
for some reason. Something bad happened. Tier suspected that it was those days of
the month, so he didn't think about it at all.
As for Elena, he has asked about the thunder elf Kalida, but this stupid elf has always
chosen to escape. Even he has nothing to do with her, but Tire is not that good at
worrying about it, since Elena herself was not harmed, and Tyr didn't bother to be
While thinking and summarizing like this, Mr. Chakogawa, who was next to Mr. No.
3, suddenly turned around and said to everyone in Group B.
"I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is No. 3 Mokogawa. Since it's easy to get
confused with No. 3 teacher by my surname, just call me Mokogawa as a teacher."
Everyone nodded slightly, looking at Teacher Asakura's natural smile, it was hard for
them to imagine that this was the same mother as Teacher No. 3. However, what is
commendable is that Asakugawa also has long red hair like Teacher No. 3, and is
very clean and beautiful. Coupled with such a pure smile, some students can't help
but envy the male compatriots in the CD group.
Another teacher, David, who specializes in teaching close combat skills, is more
cheerful. His strong chest muscles and abdominal muscles reflected in the sweatshirt
make this person appear more present. I saw him inserting his waist, The little eyes
narrowed with joy.
"Good morning everyone, I am your fighting teacher David. If you have any sword
skills, sword skills, boxing skills, or stick skills in the future, as long as they are
related to close combat, just ask me."
Teacher David seems to be very reliable, and the ability to be a teacher here must not
be too weak. Most of them are emperors, so asking for advice from such a martial
arts master will definitely gain something in skills.
Teacher No. 3 remained calm as he continued to lead everyone towards the Mulberry
Burial Forest.
It wasn't until those tens of meters high trees appeared in front of everyone that
Teacher No. 3 stopped and faced everyone and said
"This outdoor practical training course will be conducted by our teacher Yong Ye as
a special lecturer. Teacher David will provide guidance on practical combat
techniques, and Teacher Chakogawa will provide guidance on practical combat
techniques in magic. It will last for about four days, and all daily life needs will be
covered during the journey. Take care of it yourself.”
"Alas!!" This frightened the students again. Of course, this did not include
experienced people like Tier. As an ordinary person with no memory, he figured out
the dangers on the outskirts of the Mulberry Forest step by step. Although it didn't
last many days, only he knew the bitterness in it.
Nowadays, it is a very happy thing to be able to have many people acting together
like now.
"Why are you making such a fuss? How old are you, why do you have to ask others
to wipe your butts when you poop?" At this time, Teacher Cat's voice appeared in the
crowd, and everyone immediately focused their attention. Ye Xi could only sigh
helplessly. She took a breath, but Yong Ye, who was above her, had no intention of
coming down. She patted Ye Xi's head gently and said lazily.
"Go to the front, I'm going to arrange today's lessons."
Unable to resist, Ye Xi had no choice but to walk to Teacher No. 3 and face all the
Teacher Cat finally cheered up a little, then glanced at everyone in Group B, and then
"Two people form a group. For No. 3, use Tianque silk to randomly divide them into
forty-eight groups. Remember, use Tianque silk to connect their hands."
When Teacher No. 3 heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he nodded
There are a total of ninety-seven people in the class. Excluding Ye Xi, who is
regarded as a 'mount' by Yong Ye, there are exactly ninety-six people. Even numbers
can be divided into forty-eight groups.
The grouping is easy to understand, but tying ropes on their hands is a bit strange,
and the so-called Tianque silk is very thin, like spider web silk, and it feels like it can
be broken with just a swipe.
But Tier blinked at this moment, watching Tianquesi's right hand binding him follow
the transparent silk thread, Tier finally fixed his gaze on a white and slender little
What a beautiful hand, Tier was about to sigh, but when he raised his eyes, he was
dumbfounded on the spot.
Isn’t this you yourself? !
Because the one connected to Tyr with the Sky Silk is himself as Yue Hai.
Even he was so surprised at this time that he couldn't do two things at once. The two
people suddenly showed expressions of incredible surprise, which made others
Kang Shiding even beat his chest and stamped his feet.
"We agreed to stay single until we grow old together, but you betrayed me first!"
No, no, I never told you that.
Tier didn't bother to slander Konstantin, but Neluke on the other side gloated and
made a "hissssss~" sound towards Yuehai.
Boo your head! Yuehai couldn't help but want to curse.
Now it’s okay, Teacher No. 3 is not connected, but he is connected to himself. What
is this, a heart-to-heart connection?
Krad's face obviously changed slightly, but he thought that it was Tyr who he could
trust after all. He knew that this guy was not that kind of lecherous person, so he
didn't have much objection to Tyr and Yuehai as a team, but this was another It
reminded him of the unexpected result caused by the prank played by the emperor's
daughter Xue Lian at the Duke's birthday party.
The dragon slayer frowned, but didn't say anything. Like Damiyala, who was more
direct, she walked up to Yue Hai and said
"Yue Hai, this is a communication tool. Hold it. If this guy does anything wrong,
crush it and we will come immediately."
Although Yuehai tried hard to defend himself, looking at the envious, jealous and
hateful looks around him as Tier, Yuehai felt that it was better not to explain more.
At this time, after Teacher No. 3 had finished connecting all forty-eight groups,
Yongye spoke calmly.
"This kind of thread is called Tianque Silk. You don't need to try it. It cannot be cut
without the strength of an emperor. Even if you use magic, you must be level six or
above, so this rope will accompany you through the next four days. "
As soon as these words came out, all the students were immediately surprised. One
by one, they tried to pull Tianque Si, but as Teacher Mao said, this and the rope were
not something they could destroy with their little strength.
Analysis of Issue 149
This time it was even more troublesome. Yuehai tugged on the Tianque silk, let alone
breaking it. Even if it could be stretched, there was no chance. This thing looks light
and soft, but is actually indestructible.
At this time, Yongye continued:
"Putting two of you in a team is not just as simple as increasing the difficulty of the
battle. You all have individual consciousness. Often one person will move to the left
and the other will move to the right. Once something goes wrong, it will be doomed
in a life-and-death battle. You have to do this. Please understand, and this is not a
virtual world. Once you die, it is all over. Although we will supervise as much as
possible, there is no guarantee that something will go wrong, so be vigilant. In Sang
Burial, anything is possible. It will kill you.”
Before anyone else could digest it, Teacher Cat stood up on top of Ye Xi and
"Forty-eight of your groups, staggered according to time and direction, will all be
given to me as a single group to enter. You don't need to compete, as long as you
survive in it for four days."
Survive for four days. . . . . . What?
Tyr murmured to himself that if it was just peripheral, he should be able to survive
for more than a few months. Now with Yuehai, Tyr and Yuehai will probably be the
most comfortable group among everyone.
Of course, we cannot underestimate the dangers of the Mulberry Forest because of
this. Being careless is the most taboo thing. Tier has already learned a profound
lesson about this.
"Also, please synchronize the frequencies of Teacher Asakura and Teacher David's
Magic Sound Stone and Magic Shadow Stone. If you have any questions, you can
always ask with the help of the Magic Stone." Teacher No. 3 reminded at this time,
and everyone suddenly realized, One by one, they quickly wrote down the
In this case, even if something happens in the wild, the magic sound stone can be
given to the two teachers in time, which will be much more convenient.
"Then, the first group will enter the forest on the right, the second group will enter the
middle, and the third group will enter the left, and then continue every half hour.
Remember, the group entering the forest must first sprint for half a mile with all its
strength. When young, you are not allowed to wait for other groups at the edge of the
forest. Once discovered, I will personally throw the group that is playing tricks into
the depths of the funeral."
Forehead. . . . . .
This disillusioned the cautious students, and they all had no choice but to sprint with
all their strength and disappear into the forest.
When Constantine and Elena were together, he turned back to Tire and slightly
showed his white teeth.
"See you later."
"Yes." Tier nodded slightly. Although it was a bit strange to see Elena in the same
group as him, Konstantin was not weak and could be entrusted with the task.
Immediately, Constantine also entered. In the later stage, it was Tire and Yuehai's
turn. It was already noon, and the heat of the weather could not be completely
eliminated even if it was blocked by trees.
The cooperation between Tier and Yuehai can be said to be very close. The two of
them used their movements together and sprinted for half an hour before stopping.
Dry leaves are everywhere, and birds and animals can be seen everywhere. Although
there are many monsters in the funeral, these are the most common creatures. Just
like there are many warriors in the human world, there are actually more ordinary
people than warriors.
"What should we do now..."
Yue Hai couldn't help but think, and glanced at Tier, who also looked at Yue Hai.
Although the two of them had the same consciousness, they observed different things
from different perspectives.
As for what's different, Till can't explain.
If I have to say it, as Yue Hai, I always look at things with a more optimistic attitude.
Due to my natural personality, the results of the analysis will definitely be the same,
but the words will be different.
Yue Hai slightly held his chin, and Tier, who had put down his mind and deliberately
multitasked, also held his chin slightly.
To use an analogy, it’s like when Tyr saw an injured person, he would say
"It's better to mind your own business, you might get into some trouble."
And when it's Yuehai's turn, he will say
"It's better to mind your own business. I don't have any way to save him. Don't make
things worse for others."
Tier quietly analyzed the differences between his and Yue Hai's perspectives.
In other words, the male self will give up rescuing people because it is too
troublesome, while the female self will give up rescuing people for other more
legitimate and sentimental reasons.
In general, the result is to give up saving people, but will he be more sentimental
when he is Tsukiumi?
The question lingered in my mind for several minutes.
Finally, Yuehai shook her head, and she couldn't help but walk back and forth on the
leaf-strewn ground around the meditating Tier.
Tsukiumi has never thought of herself as a sentimental person, but the difference in
environment and roles has gradually made her approach to dealing with things more
It's like being Tyr, he can pick his feet and eat at the same time, but Tsukiumi on the
other side will definitely scare them to death if he does this in front of Cladlia and
The difference in characters limits the two people's attitudes towards dealing with
things. In the same way, environmental factors also cause Tier and Yuehai to deviate
Because Tyr has always been alone in the early stage, he can live a life that is most
like himself. However, because of the constraints of the Duke's Palace and the
influence of Leah and others, Yuehai subconsciously made different theories from
Tire when she encountered something in this role.
Of course, because of their personalities and the same consciousness, the results they
get will still be the same.
Yuehai looked at the Tianque silk tied around her wrists, and she couldn't help but
feel slightly lost in thought.
But are there actually other reasons? Just like the actors in Shadow Stone, they have
one kind of life in private and another on the stage.
Enter the play.
Is it because I have regarded the Moon Sea as the Moon Sea for a long time and
become so involved in the drama that I can’t extricate myself from it, which leads to
a slightly different way of handling it?
In the end, Tire shook his head. Sure enough, he still didn't quite understand. His
understanding could only go so far, but the reasons he gave could hardly constitute
the final result.
me and her
me and him
Where the deviation occurred, perhaps, only by retrieving the memory can all be
Then she would have to face another headache, that is, the student union. Yuehai has
never liked intrigues, let alone trying to climb up in class society, but in order to use
the sacred artifact that restores memory, I'm afraid she will have to fight around in the
student union.
The ultimate goal is the vice president.
A title that makes people feel exhausted.
Yue Hai secretly sighed and shook his head. Why are he thinking so much now? In
order to become a formal member, he must pass the first school year. The extra
thinking about command makes him more likely to fall into a dilemma.
However, at this moment, a scream came from the distance!
The 150th funeral is underway
It was probably some group of students who encountered the monster. Tier scratched
his head. It had nothing to do with him anyway. As long as he was not an
acquaintance, it didn't matter if he died.
While thinking this, Tire and Yuehai were already heading in the opposite direction
of the sound.
Trying to involve as little things as possible without involving them is the highest
purpose shared by Tier and Yue Hai. No matter which perspective they are in, they
both firmly believe in this sentence.
As the speed of the two increased, the screams became farther and farther away, and
finally disappeared from their ears.
On the way, they encountered a second-level monster.
In the past, Tyr would have spent some effort, but now. . . . . .
Yue Hai slightly pinched his fingers to form a sword, and all things could be
exploited immediately. With just a wave of his finger in the air, the second-level
monster was split into two in an instant, and it could no longer die.
It was exactly noon, and I was hungry. Although this monster was a monster, it was
no different from a huge wild boar. My appetite didn't decrease at all, so I thought
about having a picnic. Yuehai immediately snapped his fingers and cast a first-level
fire attribute magic. A pile of leaves was immediately set on fire.
Tyr drew out the [Tyrant] sword at the same time. With a sharp hand, a few sword
flowers clearly separated the skin, flesh and bones of the wild boar monster.
It's a pity that Yuehai doesn't know as much as Nilu in fire-attribute magic. If the
second-level magic of perpetual fire is learned, it will definitely be much more
convenient than taking wood to make fire.
Monster meat is actually more delicious than that of beasts, because they are stronger
and the meat on their bodies is tighter, but after all, monsters eat people, and people
eat monsters. The practice of the two devouring each other makes a small number of
people repulsive, but Yue The sea doesn't think there's anything wrong. Natural
selection means survival of the fittest. If you don't eat it, it will eat you. Being kind to
others may be a disguised form of self-mutilation.
To put it more extreme, if there is nothing to eat, then even if you eat the same kind,
you still have to survive.
Of course, it also depends on who it is. If it is a friend like Krad Dragon Slayer,
Yuehai would rather starve to death than do such a thing.
When Tyr was three-thirds full, Yuehai was already full on an equal portion.
Although he was still unfinished, their bodies were different after all, so Tier had no
choice but to stop Yuehai's eating and start feasting alone.
Not long after, another scream came from the distance, and Tier frowned, wondering
why he always encountered such a scream that clearly sent out a signal for help, and
every time it was a woman's voice.
He doesn't want to be a hero to save the beauty, and judging from the voice, he is not
a familiar person.
Tier wiped his mouth, stood up together with Yue Hai, found a random direction, and
gradually walked away.
Konstantin and Elena were walking in the forest. He couldn't help but glance at the
haggard wind elf from the corner of his eye. If Diz hadn't talked to him about why
Elena looked different from usual recently, he might have been there until now. I
haven't noticed that the other party is already in a trance.
It seemed that something happened, but he seemed to be very lively before that. Sure
enough, something happened on the day of the streaking. . . . . .
It's not like he was so haggard after seeing naked bodies.
No, no, no, probably not. Elena is not that sensitive. These days, they often
participate in team competitions together, and they are more or less impressed by
Elena's temperament.
Then there are other things. What is regrettable is that he, Constantine, does not get
along very well with his female compatriots. He can only talk to the point where he
can communicate normally. He is as popular among girls as Claude. It is indeed rare,
and Diz has a very high reputation among the twenty-six groups in the class.
Although Diz's reputation is not as great as that of Krad, in terms of temperament and
conversation, Diz is better, while Krad appears to be more old-fashioned.
Speaking of Diz. . . . . . Constantine couldn't help but glance at Elena again,
it seemed that guy liked this elf. . . . . .
This is considered cross-racial. . . . . . Unrequited love?
In short, Elena showed no signs of being targeted, and Diz was very honest and did
not bother her. The two of them just said hello and had a simple conversation. It was
not clear that Diz liked Elena at all.
If Till hadn't spilled the beans that day, he, Constantine, as a trainee reporter in the
News Department, would have been kept in the dark.
Of course, because there is no conclusive evidence, Constantine does not intend to let
this news out.
It's just that Diz's approach is really confusing. It should be said that he himself is a
bit strange.
He is talented, hard-working, honest, and extremely friendly when getting along with
others. Although he will immediately go berserk during battle due to Moremite's
bloodline, other than this, Diz is obviously a perfect good man~ Thinking of this,
Kang Shiding felt a little excited.
Just when this funny character's thoughts were flying, Elena suddenly said weakly
"I'm hungry."
"I'm hungry"
"I'm hungry."
"Okay, okay, what do you want to eat?"
"As long as it's delicious."
"Okay, as long as it's delicious." Kang Shiding scratched his head. There's nothing
delicious in this mulberry forest.
At this moment, a hungry black leopard sprang out from the depths of the jungle. Its
swift figure had obviously been lurking for a long time. Now that it saw two humans
so close, it felt confident that it could bite the two humans in one fell swoop. The
man's neck roared and rushed out.
It's a pity that Kang Shiding is different from others. This leopard is a monster at first
glance, and it belongs to the relatively powerful third level. The power of this attack
may cause some warriors who are new to the Po Army to suffer heavy losses. If they
are less lucky, they may His neck was bitten off and he died.
I saw Kang Shiding watching the monster getting closer and closer, his calm face did
not change at all. Elena hurriedly hid behind him. At this moment, Kang Shiding
suddenly spoke
"Get down."
The leopard suddenly let out a whimper and crawled on all fours, unable to move.
"Little guy, you still want to sneak attack me? Why don't you look at your level?"
Constance raised his foot and stepped on the leopard's head, and then said to Elena
"Eat this?"
"It's not edible, it's still a living creature." Although Elena was still hiding behind
Kang Shiding, her voice was firm. This attitude put Kang Shiding in a dilemma.
"What if I kill it and chop it into pieces?"
"We sylphs never eat meat."
"Ouch?! I said stupid elf classmate, didn't you just say that it's delicious? Why are
you so picky now?"
Kang Shiding couldn't help but put his feet down, and the leopard lying on the ground
also breathed a sigh of relief.
"But, but Brother Kangsiding, it's wrong for you to do this..." Elena's timid voice
made Konsiding tremble all over, and he suddenly asked Elena
"What? You, you, what did you just say?"
"It's not right for you to do this."
"The first half of the sentence."
" Constantine?" Elena tilted her head uncertainly and looked at the elated
Issue 151 in-depth
"Oh oh oh oh~ That's it!" Konstantin couldn't help but let out a shuddering scream.
He grabbed Elena's shoulders and laughed.
"Sister Elena!"
"What, what's wrong?" Elena, who was startled by Kang Shiding's sudden behavior,
couldn't help but asked doubtfully. Although Kang Shiding sometimes showed a very
strange side, in Elena's impression, Kang Shiding Her brother is a very reliable
person, so Elena never doubted that Konstantin would do anything bad to her.
Constant was excited for a while, until he heard a sound of protest from Elena's
stomach, and then he realized what he was doing, and then he rolled up his sleeves
and said happily
"Sister, let me, the big brother, help you find some fruit."
"Well, okay." Elena felt a bit of instinctive resistance to Konstantin for some reason.
However, as soon as Kang Shiding took two steps, the Tianque silk in his hand pulled
Elena to follow him. Kang Shiding sighed secretly. He wanted to let Elena rest where
she was for a while, but due to the conditions, this idea only I can give up, and if I
think about it carefully, it doesn’t seem right to put Elena in such a dangerous forest,
so I nodded slightly to Elena.
As Kang Shiding and the two walked away, the leopard, which had been lying on the
spot shivering, was suddenly released from the restriction of speech and spirit. He
glanced at the two people who were walking away, and finally disappeared into the
shadow of the forest.
Not long after, Kang Shiding and others heard a scream. The two looked at each other
and immediately chased towards the source of the sound.
As soon as they walked out of the sheltered jungle, they immediately saw two
students surrounded by dozens of level 3 monsters and a level 4 monster.
The two of them are recognized by Kang Shiding. After all, they are both in the same
group B and they are both girls, so Kang Shiding knows clearly when they meet.
Originally, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with only level 3 and level 4 monsters with
the strength of these two people. Kang Shiding also analyzed it secretly. I am afraid
that it was because of Tianquesi that the two were unable to cooperate, which led to
mistakes everywhere and ended up being injured. Look like this.
Constantine saw that the blond female student's entire arm had been dislocated, and
the other's thigh had a large gash, and blood would flow out every time she took a
At this time, the two of them finally discovered Kang Shiding, and they all shouted as
if they had seen a life-saving straw.
"Funny characters save us."
"I'm really going to die now!! The funny characters all depend on you."
Veins popped up on Kang Shiding's forehead. What does it mean to be a funny
character? He suddenly had the urge to turn around and leave.
As soon as those monsters saw two more delicious lunches, the fourth-level monster,
which was obviously the leader, immediately commanded several third-level
monsters to rush towards Constance, but it was a pity that it was of no use to
"Everyone get down here!"
Bang bang bang!
In an instant, including the fourth-level monster, all the creatures that appeared in
front of Constance fell down, including the two injured female students.
"Ah~ I'm sorry, I accidentally didn't control my strength." Kang Shiding dragged
Elena behind him and quickly jumped over the monster lying on the ground, and
released the speech spirits of the two female students, while the two of them bared
their teeth. When he stood up, he couldn't help but glared at Constance with a rather
complaining look.
"You did it on purpose just now."
"Why, is this how you talk to your savior?" Kang Shiding couldn't help but sullen his
face, but this look made the two girls stiffen. They looked at each other and then
bowed politely.
"Thank you."
"..." Kang Shiding was startled by the sudden thank you and quickly backed away.
Then he thought to himself why he had to back away, so he took a step forward and
"Okay, it's saved. We still need to find food. Bye."
Just as Constantine was about to leave, Elena's stomach made a louder sound behind
Elena held her stomach and endured hunger silently, while Kang Shiding blushed all
the time.
"Elena, can't you please turn down the volume?"
"But I'm really hungry." Elena touched her belly in frustration. That look made the
two girls giggle. Then she took out a whole loaf of bread from her storage ring and
handed it to elf, said
"Eat it, consider it a thank you gift."
Elena's eyes suddenly lit up, and her stomach growled even more wildly. She wanted
to reach out, but she looked at Kang Shiding again with pitiful eyes. How could a
funny character stand such a gaze? She held her forehead and nodded.
Elena immediately took the bread very happily and wolfed it down next to her.
"This kid looks like he hasn't eaten in a day or two."
The blond female student couldn't help but wonder, which made Kang Shiding feel
shocked. He looked at the sylph who was eating bread with relish.
The sylph, who has always been carefree, actually went without eating for a day or
two? ! Kang Shiding was doubtful, but he was not in a hurry to ask. He looked at the
two girls and said
"Then if nothing happens, we will leave. You two, please be careful and cooperate."
"Yes." The two students nodded gratefully, and then took advantage of the word
spirit to kill all the monsters. After the crisis completely dissipated, the two students
began to heal their wounds.
Constantine shrugged, pulled the elf who was still eating bread, and moved towards
the outskirts of the Mulberry Burial Forest.
"Anyway, you can't go inside. Although my word spirit is very advantageous in
dealing with large groups of monsters, it is a bit difficult to deal with powerful
individuals. By the way, Elena, what is your unique magic?"
The elf gnawing on the bread blinked his eyes, tilted his head, and finally said
"I haven't learned it yet~"
"Is that so? It's very easy to suffer a loss in a duel with a magician of the same level."
"Ugh~" Elena made an unhappy sound, but her little mouth didn't stop eating the
bread. This made Konstantin dumbfounded. He could understand Tyr's feelings in his
heart, but the guy's words had to be more liberal. Some of them rarely paid attention
to their three subordinates and this little elf. Kang Shiding only saw them once.
However, at this moment, Elena was suddenly shocked for no reason. Looking at the
interior of the Mulberry Burial Forest, she couldn't help but murmur to herself
"There are people of the same race over there."
"There are people of the same race inside, we have to go in and save them." Elena
looked into the distance and murmured as if she was possessed. However, Kang
Shiding couldn't understand at all why she suddenly said that there were people of the
same race. What's more, Inside the Mulberry Burial Forest.
Elena walked towards the forest, but Tianquesi's connection prevented her from
going in alone, so she turned back to look at Kang Shiding.
Faced with the look of a girl asking for help, does Constantine have any reason to
The answer is: impossible!
Kang Shiding's eyes twitched, he gritted his teeth and said fiercely
"Okay! Let's go in and take a look."
Issue 152: Double Swordsmanship
When Tyr and Yuehai left their original place, they had gradually penetrated into the
peripheral and deep areas. There were more monsters here than before, but it was
only a matter of time for Tyr and Yuehai to see how many monsters there were. , but
in theory, the back door of Avalon Academy will send strong men to regularly plow
all the mulberry burial forests near the academy to avoid being harassed by monsters.
Monsters like this can be seen from time to time, which makes Tyr doubt this. Are
the monsters specially prepared and reserved for them?
Compared with others who are tied up by the connection of Tianque Silk, Yue Hai
and Tier, who know how to multi-task, can work closely together. It is not an
exaggeration to say that they are both the right and left hands.
"Wait a minute." Yue Hai was startled for a moment, and suddenly stopped walking
with Tyr on the road. Regardless of the surrounding monsters that were glaring at
him, Yue Hai held her beautiful chin slightly and fell into deep thought.
The left and right hands, indeed, now Tier and Yuehai have to cooperate because of
the connection of Tianquesi, and because they have the same consciousness, they can
fight against monsters easily without any hindrance at all. This is like myself If his
right fist is blocked, the remaining left fist can immediately react and be swung out
under the guidance of his own consciousness! It sounds very easy, but it is
unbelievable to put this kind of thing on two people. After all, no matter how close
two people are, they will have different thoughts, and the result will be that they
cannot fully cooperate in the battle. Cooperation, in history, there have indeed been
combinations like the Twin Gods who worked together as closely as the Twin Gods,
but even the Twin Gods have had disagreements and even quarreled, so there is no
perfect combination.
But Yuehai is different from Tyr. They have two bodies and one mind, with one
consciousness commanding both bodies.
Thinking of this, Tyr couldn't help but remember another holy skill that he had
forgotten recently.
Heaven and earth return together.
This is Mr. Cumming's self-created auxiliary martial skill, and its magical effect is
more mysterious than the benefits of everything. However, Tyr does not like the
double-sword style. Frankly speaking, he prefers the one-handed skill of Tianjian
Yishin, so he has not been able to do it for a long time. studied.
To be honest, both the Heavenly Sword Isshin style and the God Subdue style are
both double-sword style skills performed in conjunction with the return of heaven
and earth. It's a pity that Tyr has tried it before, because it was too difficult to master,
so he first specialized in the one-handed skills of Sky Sword Ishin and Shen Shen.
Nowadays, everyone's strength is increasing sharply. Even the Iron Sword of Sand
Court and the others have made Tire feel a little pressure, so he must also study some
martial arts skills that he once put aside.
Double sword flow.
While thinking like this, the three level three monsters could no longer suppress their
bloodthirsty impulses and rushed out from the shadows of the forest with a roar.
Seeing the situation, Tier immediately took the [Good Water] sword in Yue Hai's
hand. Take it, draw out your own sword [Tyrant] with your right hand, and swing the
two swords in the face of the three-headed monster.
Two sword lights flashed, and the monster and Tyr exchanged positions, with their
backs facing each other. Two of the monsters immediately fell to the ground with a
whimper, and blood spurted out from the wound. Although the other one was also
injured, it did not hinder it. In the face of Tyr's sharp gaze, the monster chose to
retreat and disappeared into the woods in a flash.
Tyr subconsciously waved the good water in his hand. As expected, the double-sword
style of play is too difficult to master, and as Cumming said, any of these holy skills
can bring him endless benefits, even if it takes a lifetime. , and it’s hard to guarantee
whether he can thoroughly study these martial arts.
Tyr shook his head slightly. Under such a situation as Avalon, he had to become
stronger, otherwise things like Vanas would continue to happen again. Everyone is
getting stronger. If he is the only one who stays still, then no matter how broad his
mind is, he will not feel inferior.
Tyr looked at the good water and tyrant in his hands.
Double sword flow.
This is probably his only way to break through the current situation.
At the same time, the air that was quite fresh under the shade of the trees became
stuffy. Yuehai frowned slightly, looking into the depths of the forest with doubts.
"There are elemental reactions inside, but the strange thing is that the power of four
elements are exploding alternately."
Obviously they are in the middle of a battle, but it is extremely rare for this kind of
element to explode alternately. This requires at least a magician with four attributes
to do it, but the entire B group, except Yue Hai herself, can cast Two types of magic
are already extremely rare, three types are considered rare in Class Nine, and four
types are even less rare.
Although this rare phenomenon aroused a trace of curiosity in Tyr, but adhering to
the principle that curiosity killed the cat, Tyr decided to turn a blind eye, regardless of
whether four elements or five elements exploded over there, even if it was like that
back then. Even if the corpse of a god dies here, Tyr will still remain indifferent and
just take care of his own one-third of an acre of land, biting off more than he can
Just when Tier was about to turn around and practice the pair of swords, a sudden
feeling made him look to another place.
There, a cyan figure and a blue figure flashed through the jungle. Because the
distance was too far, Tier only saw a trace of the afterimage.
But an inexplicable sense of familiarity told him that these two people must be people
he knew. This was not a guess or reasoning, it was just an intuition that had been with
him since Tierna woke up.
At this time, Yuehai's eyebrows twisted together, and her footsteps started to move
involuntarily, as she didn't want to go deep into the forest.
When Elena led Konstantin through the forest at high speed, the four elemental
reactions immediately rushed toward them. Konstantin's face changed, his eyes
flashed several times, and then he said to Elena
"Elena, there's a battle ahead."
"Well" Elena became more urgent, and the dark color on her face was also full of
worry, but this look made it difficult for Kang Shiding to continue speaking.
Because there is still a lot of death aura ahead.
When she was almost approaching the place where the elements were fighting, Elena,
who had a more sensitive nose, suddenly smelled the smell of blood. Her expression
changed and she looked at Constantine with a look of help. The unruly man sighed
slightly, and then he used the Speed Double Technique. It surged again, stepped over
Elena, picked her up, and rushed towards their upcoming destination at an even faster
Naturally, Elena would not be disgusted by this sudden move of Kang Shi Ding. Her
face showed no change in worry. It would be better to say that her face also turned
pale because the smell of blood became stronger.
Until the next moment, the dazzling sunlight gradually penetrated the leaves, and
Konstantin jumped out of the forest in one step!
Issue 153 Weird Monsters
What appeared in front of the two men was a pile of corpses and a terrifying monster.
Elena's pupils suddenly shrank when she looked at the body that had long since fallen
to the ground.
"Clan, clansmen, they are all my clansmen!"
"What?!" Kang Shiding was surprised. After taking a closer look, he discovered that
the corpses lying on the ground had long ears. The originally handsome or beautiful
faces had now become extremely ferocious, and they looked extremely miserable.
The few elves who were struggling to confront the monster suddenly looked
desperate when they saw the humans coming.
Only Elena took off the hat on her head, revealing the pointed ears, and said to the
surviving elf
"Everyone, come here quickly. Brother Kang Shiding is a good man. He will not hurt
At such an urgent moment, Elena was able to say extremely calm words, which made
Constantine look at him with admiration. He wondered, could this little elf really use
his brain when he was forced to do so?
The few remaining elves couldn't help but feel heartbroken when they looked at the
corpses on the ground. Seeing that the monster was about to pounce again, they
immediately ran towards Elena. Although humans were also extremely unhappy, it
was better than eating it completely. Their monsters are better.
Constant curled his lips and watched as all the elves fled behind him to join Elena,
and couldn't help but wonder.
Aren't you being used as a shield?
Alas~ I only blame myself for not being good at rejecting girls' requests, otherwise I
wouldn't have encountered such trouble.
"Anyway, Elena, it's time to get fucked!"
"Yes!" Elena suddenly plucked up the courage in front of her tribe, and did not flinch
in the face of the monsters, while the elves hiding behind each held hands and looked
at their tribe members with worry.
Seeing that the meat reaching its mouth had escaped, the monster couldn't help but let
out a dull roar. The deafening sound made Kang Shiding frown.
This monster obviously has extremely powerful pressure, but before approaching
here, Kang Shiding didn't notice the slightest breath of the monster.
Somewhat eccentric.
Bang bang bang, as the earth trembled, this three-meter-tall monster jumped over like
a giant ostrich with heavy steps, and its terrifying bloody mouth was splattering with
saliva and blood, which made people look at it. Get up and shudder.
"Get down!"
Kang Shiding spoke immediately, and the power of the word spirit was applied
instantly, but strangely, the monster was not affected at all.
Kang Shiding's face changed slightly, and finally he instantly chanted a double speed
spell, and together with Elena, he dodged the monster's attack.
"This monster is a bit evil."
Yan Ling actually has no effect on it? Not to mention asking the opponent to lie
down, there was no time to pause even for a moment, which made Kang Shiding
couldn't help but speculate.
Because the only people who are completely immune to the influence of his words
and spirits are probably only dead objects, except for those who are far stronger than
him or who can defend themselves in advance.
Not to mention the first two situations, the third situation is unbelievable. After all, if
it is really a dead thing, how can it exude such terrifying pressure?
Just as he was thinking this way, Elena's voice suddenly woke up Constantine.
"Brother Constantine!"
"Don't worry, my word spirit is not just for living creatures."
Facing the monster attacking again, Kang Shiding immediately slapped the ground
with his right hand.
"Guardian of the earth, crush the enemy in front of me for me!"
Ordinary speaking spirits can only guide living creatures to do things they can't
control, but Kang Shiding's speaking spirits can absorb the power of dead objects and
animate them after spending a lot of magic power.
The earth quickly shattered, and then the rocks and soil suddenly came together.
Within a second, a huge stone guard appeared in front of the monster.
Kang Shiding pointed forward and spoke immediately
"Crush it!"
Bang bang bang, the height of the stone giant was similar to that of the monster, and
it punched out. The terrifying speed and power were amazing. After all, with such a
huge body, the movements should be very slow, but the speed of this stone giant But
it was frighteningly fast. As soon as the first punch hit the opponent, before the
monster could even have the inertia to be knocked back, the stone giant's second
punch had already hit him.
Boom, boom, boom, five punches in a row, the monster was knocked back hundreds
of meters in the roar, and even knocked down a towering tree. The sound was so loud
that the timid elves trembled.
Kang Shiding's knees softened and he almost knelt down. He couldn't help coughing
and frowning.
Sure enough, Yan Ling's interference with dead objects consumes too much magic
power, and all his physical strength and magic power were exhausted after just one
At this time, Elena put her hand on Kangsidine's shoulder and transferred her magic
"Brother Kang Shiding, we must drive away this monster."
"Okay!" Faced with the girl's request, Constance Ding agreed without hesitation.
Although Elena was passing on her magic power, the consumption of the stone giant
was really huge, so Constance Ding could only grit his teeth and bite the bullet.
issued an order
"Crush it!"
After receiving the order, the stone guard moved again, and then drained a large
amount of magic power from Considine's body, which finally made him unable to
stand still and half-kneeling on the ground.
The monster hadn't stood up yet, but when it raised its head, it was greeted by another
attack from the stone man guard. The fist like a rainstorm immediately made the
monster's blood flow. It should have been an overwhelming battle, but under the roar
of the monster, , a divine light suddenly appeared, and the fist that the stone man
guard waved stagnated, and the next moment it suddenly fell apart, turned back into
ordinary soil and stones, and fell into a pile in front of the monster.
"Jie Jie Jie Jie!" The monster made a harsh sound, and then stood up. Although it was
covered in blood, the terrifying pressure was not inconvenient at all, and it once again
set its sights on Kang Shiding.
This glance immediately made Kang Shiding's heart sink.
He couldn't understand what happened just now, why a ray of light flashed, and the
stone man guard he created with all his magic power immediately disintegrated, and
this divine light still radiated from the monster's body.
Completely confused, at this moment, Elena looked at the desperate elves, with
persistence and determination in her eyes. She took a step forward and stood in front
of Constantine. She raised her right hand and raised her palm towards the monster.
Kang Shiding was suddenly startled and couldn't help but said:
"Elena! What are you doing!"
"I, I want to protect you too!" Although Elena said this, her whole body was already
trembling, which made Kang Shiding frown. He was about to stand up and pull the
other person behind him, but his feet softened again. I couldn't help but kneel on the
ground, my whole body was weak.
damn it! !
He actually lost his strength at this time! ! Constantine's eyes were so wide open that
he saw the wind element condensed all over Elena's body, and a wind arrow
organized by the power of the element was shot out immediately, but its power was
only equivalent to the second-level magic, and it bombarded the stone guard guard.
There is no use at all on a monster that can be held with a fist!
The 154th issue is timely
Facing the monster charging unscathed, Elena's original resolute expression gradually
turned to fear, but she did not retreat. Although her feet were trembling, she did not
move at all.
Veins popped up on Kang Shiding's forehead, and his whole face turned red with
"Get away from Elena!!!"
Hearing the roar from behind, Elena did not dodge at all. She actually stretched out
her hands to block the front of Constantine and the elves, with her back turned to
everyone. She looked so absolute at this time.
As long as you can protect one clan member, that's fine!
Elena's eyes were filled with tears. She knew it was a useless effort, but she didn't
want to feel the pain of being helpless, even though so many of her kind were in front
of her.
Obviously you can protect yourself with just your hand!
No matter how humble the strength is, even if the fear has spread throughout the
body. She couldn't retreat, dodge, or lower her open arms!
This should also be your atonement.
"Damn it, you idiot!!"
Kang Shiding couldn't help roaring again, with determination in his eyes. Just when
he was about to raise his hand to make a special move, suddenly, two black figures
came out of the forest, and a white light suddenly flashed across the monster's body.
A huge gash suddenly appeared, and blood spurted out.
But the monster didn't feel any pain at all. It just stopped and stared blankly at the
two figures that suddenly appeared.
The black figure shook off the blood stained on the white light in his hand, and turned
slightly to look at the stiff Elena and the red-eyed Constance behind him.
"Elena, you disappoint me."
These words immediately shocked the frightened wind elf. He could no longer
support his body under his feet and fell to the ground in a daze.
And Kang Shiding breathed a big sigh of relief and said to the two figures.
"I thought you two were fooling around somewhere." Such a joke made the two of
them smile. Kang Shiding laughed, then extended his thumb and said
"Tir, Tsukiumi-san, the rest is up to you."
After receiving the request, Tyr slowly put the tyrant sword in his hand back into the
scabbard, and the sharp sword intent in his body suddenly appeared.
How could the monster just stand there stupidly? It had already roared and opened its
mouth to bite Tyr, but Yue Hai, who was still beside him, drew out his long sword
Shan Shui, and the sword light suddenly flashed.
Heavenly Sword Yixin, the first move, cut!
The huge white sword energy suddenly condensed, and it actually cut a deep bone-
visible cut into the monster's abdomen. Blood gushed out like a fountain at the same
time. However, the monster did not feel any pain, and it opened its mouth to bite it
off again!
Really thick skin, Yuehai frowned slightly, her current first move is different from
before, because of the increase of the Shanshui Sword and her deeper understanding
of the first move. If she had done this before, she would have even been able to kill
her. The evolved Ogre King cuts him in two.
But, even so, it doesn't matter.
Because Yuehai was just feinting.
The real killer move is at the back.
I saw Yue Hai's movement and body movement, bypassing the monster's bloody
mouth. The monster was about to raise its head to see the target of the dodge, but Tyr,
who was very close at hand, suddenly opened his eyes.
Heavenly Sword Yixin 2nd Form
Pull out the thorn!
The space suddenly trembled, and a hidden sword energy ball approached the
monster in an instant, because the monster had just attacked Yuehai, when the old
power had just left and the new power had not yet emerged. Although the sword
energy ball was not very fast, it was so close. However, due to the distance, it is very
easy to use space vibration to enter the monster's body.
As Tier's words fell, he and Yue Hai couldn't help but retreat quickly, and the sword
energy mass existing in the monster exploded instantly. Countless sword energy
dispersed in all directions, and the monster's blood suddenly flew all over the sky.
"Everyone get behind me!"
Yuehai's hand suddenly shot towards the void, and a piece of earth-attribute defensive
magic suddenly appeared. Although the power of the countless flying blades was
powerful, under Yuehai's 40% earth element affinity, the flying blades could only
There are traces of the earth wall formed by this defensive magic, but it cannot be
completely broken.
Seeing how beautiful Yuehai was, all the elves were slightly distracted when they
were interrupted by her sweet shout.
"Why are you still standing there?!"
Only then did the elves react, and each of them hid behind the earth wall in fear of
being unable to escape.
As for Tire, he squatted down and stretched out his right hand to look at Constantine.
Considine smiled slightly and also stretched out his right hand. Tire exerted a slight
force, and Considine stood up immediately. Although his feet were still a little weak,
he was much better than before.
"If you had come a little later, we would probably have to explain it here."
Tire shook his head slightly after hearing what Constantine said.
"Probably not. I think they are all watching."
"Looking at it? There are only four people in such a vast area, what do you think?"
Faced with Constance's question, Tire smiled and shook his head, then took out the
Demonic Shadow Stone and said
"Just ask and we'll find out. We'll also deal with these elves by the way."
As soon as they heard the word "handle", these elves suddenly trembled with fear,
and looked particularly pitiful as they hugged each other.
This made Tyr dumbfounded and made him feel as if he was going to kill them.
At this time, Elena also stood in front of the elves and said
"Lord Tyr, help me ask the teachers if they can save these elves."
Tyr, who was about to dial the frequency of the group master's Demonic Shadow
Stone, froze his fingers slightly and slowly put the stone down. He couldn't help but
frown slightly and thought about it again and again. He knew that he was not very
good at speaking, so he said concisely and clearly.
"Your actions appear to be suicidal."
"..." Faced with Lord Tyr's questioning or instruction, Elena did not dare to refute
even a single word. She lowered her head and looked very frustrated.
"I'm really disappointed with what you did just now, because that scene reminded me
of the stupid move you made during the Magical Girl Competition." Tyr didn't feel
any mercy when he saw Elena's expression of pity, and continued.
"It seems that it is very necessary to have a good chat with you after I go back. I don't
want to be harmed by you again without knowing it."
Such words reminded Elena of her former self. Her whole body suddenly trembled,
her eyes were red and tears were about to fall. Kang Shiding couldn't bear to watch
from behind and couldn't help but say
"Everyone is fine anyway, forget it."
"..." Tier sighed slightly and finally shook his head.
Among the elves who were still very scared before, a little girl who was obviously
only eleven or twelve years old suddenly walked to Elena's side tremblingly and said
to Tire with courage.
"Big, big sister is a brave elf. Bad, bad guys, you can't bully big sister."
Although the little girl obviously lacked confidence in the end, it was a very
commendable perseverance to be able to face a strong man like Tier without
shrinking back.
Utilization of Issue 155
"Lala, come back soon!" Different from the little girl's brave performance, a more
mature-looking man among the other elves shouted in a stern voice, and looked at
Tier with deep fear, deeply afraid of the little girl. The girl's words turned this
protector into a perpetrator.
Lara was so frightened by the man's roar that she was about to shed tears when her
neck shrank. Seeing the situation, the elf man stepped forward and pulled the little
girl behind, and then said to Tyr in a trembling tone.
"Dear human being, thank you for your life-saving grace."
Tyr nodded slightly and then looked at Elena and the little girl who had tears in their
eyes. This made him look like he was some kind of evil person, and he made the two
women cry in a few seconds.
Seeing that Tire did not continue to question Elena, Constantine changed the subject
and asked
"Why are you in the Mulberry Forest?"
This sentence made the mature man sigh slightly. Although he was a man, because of
the elf's natural beauty, he looked like a charming woman disguised as a man.
"To be honest, we are actually slaves transported by slave shops in the human
"Slaves." Kang Shiding was not surprised. After all, this was a common occurrence.
Under the banner of the country, slave shops would often go along the periphery of
the Mulberry Burial Forest, or sneak around the Mulberry Burial Forest to go to the
Elf Empire. By secretly capturing many elves and then escorting them back, the huge
profits earned can make them rich just by doing one job.
But the corresponding risks will also be very huge. It is very simple. As long as they
are discovered by the people of the Elf Empire, the smugglers will be deprived of
their political rights and left to the disposal of the empire. The human world cannot
interfere in the slightest. Of course, because of this kind of indifference In an act of
mercy, the human world turned a blind eye to the captured elves, and the slave shop
did whatever they wanted to do to them.
This is why the slave shop can continue to be so prosperous and arrogant.
"However, even if the slave shop escorts you, it is still too dangerous to come to a
place like this."
Facing Kang Shiding's words, the mature man could only sigh slightly.
"It's not that we are willing, but this so-called slave shop wanted to cross the border
from the Mulberry Forest and sell us to the Suzaku Empire from the beginning."
Tier's brows raised slightly when he heard this. It seemed that the slave shop liked to
sneak around the customs duties from Sang Burial. However, according to the boss at
the time, it seemed that the customs duties were very, very expensive, so expensive
that they had to take risks.
"Then how did you escape?"
Constantine then asked, which immediately made the elf sigh sadly.
"It was the elder who saved us with his own life. Sir, if you look at our team, you will
know that there are four kinds of elves: wind, fire, thunder, and earth. But the one
who really leads us captured elves is the wind elf. Elder.”
When Tyr heard this, he glanced at the elves. As soon as he glanced at them, these
young elves hugged each other and trembled. Tyr couldn't help but be speechless,
thinking to himself, could he be so scary?
Although the mature elf was also scared, he knew that he was the oldest elder, so
even if he wanted to turn around and run away in fear, he still had to face these strong
"Then, um, respected strong human beings, I don't know what we can do to repay
Here comes the most critical question. The mature elf trembled slightly and showed a
stiff smile to Tyr. This made Tyr shake his head slightly. Just as he was about to
speak, the monster behind him that was about to be blown into a hornet's nest by the
sword energy suddenly roared. , a divine light emitted from his body, and the sword
energy suddenly stopped!
Although the monster was dripping with blood at this time and looked extremely
embarrassed, it was an indisputable fact that the sword energy ball was eliminated.
This made Tire frown slightly, and Kang Shiding beside him also reminded him.
"My previous stone guard was also eliminated because of this. There is something
strange about this monster. The sudden divine light seems to be able to eliminate all
invisible energy."
"Invisible energy?" Tier raised his eyebrows slightly, showed the long sword together
with Yuehai, and spoke calmly to the monster.
"Then just use physical attacks to kill them."
He didn't know if Kang Shiding himself had an illusion, because at this time,
Yuehai's back was exactly the same as Tier's. He couldn't help but wonder if he was
hallucinating because of exhaustion of his magic power?
The monster was just about to raise its feet and attack them, but Yuehai and Tyr were
even faster. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they arrived first. They were
seen on the left and right, with their hands connected. Although Tianquesi can only
separate the two of them by up to two meters, this distance is enough for them to
form a flanking attack!
In addition, the monster's reaction was slow. Facing the attacks of Tyr and Yuehai, it
didn't even have time to react before being slashed with two huge wounds by one
person and one sword. At this time, Tianquesi followed. Tensioning, Tier and Yuehai
passed by the monster's body quickly on both sides. Tianquesi naturally followed the
two of them, but blocking Tianquesi's progress was the monster's body.
Tier and Yuehai saw the right opportunity and immediately exerted force on their
Everything is beneficial!
I saw that the already indestructible Tianque Silk suddenly became extremely sharp,
slicing the monster's body with a swipe, and easily split it into two, until Yuehai and
Tier ran out more than ten meters again. , the monster whose upper body had slowly
fallen off shot out a large amount of blood!
With a bang, this extremely difficult monster immediately fell to the ground and
never stood up again.
Here, Kang Shiding saw that Yue Hai and Tier were able to use the props that
restrained them as weapons. He immediately shook his head in praise and felt
incredible about their cooperation. After all, although the previous actions were very
simple, However, the difficulty required to achieve synchronization is frighteningly
high. It is absolutely impossible to achieve this level without many years of
cooperation experience.
Of course, even an experienced strong man can coordinate seamlessly with another
strong man in an instant!
However, Yuehai Tier and Yuehai Tier were obviously not experienced experts, but
it was not like they had any cooperation before. Kang Shiding raised his eyebrows
and wondered if it was possible that after just a while, the two of them could already
cooperate so well. Come on.
Puzzled for a hundred times, he simply stopped thinking about it. He looked at Tier
and Tier with a smile and couldn't help but say
"You're almost becoming a husband and wife team with your cooperation."
These words immediately made Tier smile, wondering if Yue Hai should protest at
this time, but after thinking about it, he decided not to, because Kang Shiding was
just joking anyway.
However, Kang Shiding felt a knot in his heart. He was thinking about why Yue Hai
didn't protest because he was teasing him so much. Could it be...
Issue 156 Discovery
"But how did you encounter this monster?" Kang Shiding couldn't help but ask, and
the mature man couldn't help but feel sad when he looked at the elf corpses on the
ground, and his eyes became a little red.
"After we escaped from the slave shop, we found a secret cave. No one could find the
cave originally, but there was a wind elf priest in our elf team who was good at
sensing the flow of the wind. We just thought there was a temporary The place where
we settled was met with a bloody disaster.”
The mature elf shook his head and sighed, and the elves behind him also cried. It
seemed that they were really shocked.
Elena also felt uncomfortable in her heart, but Lord Tyr was here, and if she spoke
again after being criticized, she would probably make Lord Tyr hate her, so Elena
still said nothing with her eyes red.
This situation made Tire, who slowly walked over, scratch his head. Constantine
couldn't help but look at him and asked.
"What's next?"
"It's up to you." Tier didn't want to deal with so many troubles. If it weren't for Elena
and the two whose lives were in danger, he probably wouldn't even take a second
look. After all, there are people in Group B who are interested in Krad. Rumor has it
that this made Tier not have a good impression of his class at all, so except for those
he knew well, he ignored the other students in the class.
Hearing Tier's casual reaction, Kang Shiding turned his gaze to Yuehai again. Yuehai
raised her eyebrows, thinking that it was really troublesome for her to have to say the
same sentence twice.
So Yuehai smiled and said quite generously.
"Let it be decided by Mr. Kang Shiding."
"Okay!" Kang Shiding agreed immediately, which made Yue Hai feel suddenly,
secretly criticizing the other party's reaction of favoring girls over boys.
Then Kang Shiding pondered for a moment and took out the Demonic Shadow Stone
to contact several group masters, but Tier was completely bored. Looking at the
monster lying on the ground, he couldn't help but have an idea. He and Yuehai
walked over slowly, and Ai Lei Na wanted to follow Tier, but was glared back by
him. After all, this monster was too weird. Although it seemed to be dead now, there
was no guarantee that there would be any sudden deception. , if this situation really
happened, Elena, who did not protect herself enough, would definitely be the first to
die. Tier did not want to get himself injured in order to save Elena, so to be on the
safe side, it was better to go there alone.
Walking up to the monster, Tyr leaned down slightly. The monster looked like a giant
bird, with no neck but a very wide mouth. Although it has now been cut in half by the
Tiers with Tianque silk, the ferocious meaning is still chilling to people.
What happened to the light that Constantine mentioned before? It can not only
dismantle the stone guard organized by the power of the spirit of speech, but also
disintegrate his own sword energy. The weirdness in this really made Tyr feel. A hint
of interest.
However, Tyr looked around the monster, his brows suddenly furrowed, and he drew
out the tyrant's sword and made a circle in its body, which made Tyr's expression
become more solemn.
Kang Shiding had just finished contacting the group of teachers, and then came over
and looked at Tier's solemn look and couldn't help but ask.
"what happened?"
Tyr once again used his long sword to pick out the flesh inside the monster, then
turned out the opponent's stomach and said
"Look at this monster's stomach. There is no food in it."
"..." Kang Shiding's face also changed and he said suddenly.
"I remember when I first fought with this monster, ordinary speech spirits had no
effect on it at all."
"It didn't work?!" Tyr then used his long sword to fiddle with the monster's body for a
long time. The bloody scene made the corners of Kang Shiding's eyes twitch twice,
but when he looked up at Yue Hai, he didn't even frown. Frown, if you scream
disgusting at this time, wouldn't you be embarrassed in front of a beautiful woman? !
This kind of thing was absolutely not allowed to happen to Constantine, so he opened
his eyes wide and looked at Tyr's long sword scratching his internal organs. The look
made Tyr himself feel a little scared.
"Sure enough," Tier came to the conclusion in two words. He raised the long sword
slightly, and Yuehai immediately directed a fire magic. The red flames swept away
all the residue on the long sword. Tier didn't He sheathed the tyrant without
hesitation, and the two seemed to be working closely together.
"The monster itself is dead."
Tire's conclusion did not surprise Constantine. He stood up slightly, breathed a deep
sigh of relief, and then said
"I remember when I attacked this monster before, no matter how serious the wound
was, it would never scream. I felt very weird at the time."
Indeed, if this monster could feel pain, I am afraid that just the attack from the stone
man guard would have beaten it to pieces, but because it is already a dead thing, there
is no pain to affect the nerves of its body. This made it many times more difficult to
deal with than before. Coupled with the strange light, this monster suddenly rose
from a mere fish to a powerful one.
"So, what to do next."
The same question came up again. Tire glanced at Constantine. This guy turned out
to be such a person without any opinion. So Tire asked in reply.
"How are you doing over there?"
"The team leader means that they should not affect our field combat courses, and also
said that if they can come out on their own, they will help them settle down."
Tyr raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing what Constantine said. This judgment
was fair, although it did not rule out the possibility that the elves would be wiped out
in the forest. But for Avalon to be able to do such a thing is already very kind. If it
were another teacher, there is no guarantee that he would have other thoughts.
"Go and talk to them."
Then Constantine walked over and told them Avalon's judgment. He thought that this
relatively cold handling method would make the elves feel sad, but he did not expect
that they would be surprised and grateful smiles.
It was obviously because he had been on the verge of death that he felt great joy at
this treatment.
Tier sighed secretly, and just as he was about to leave, the corner of his eye suddenly
lit up. Tilton felt familiar, and immediately turned around and found that the monster
was actually exuding a faint divine power.
There is nothing wrong with this being divine power, because at that time of the
Duke's birthday party, whether it was the battle between demigods or the brief battle
between gods, divine power was used. But what made him feel familiar was not this
aura, but the wound that revealed divine power.
This wound was obviously not cut by Tyr. Judging from the traces of surrounding
skin tissue, it should have been a wound long, long ago.
However, the shape of this wound was exactly the same as the one struck by Tyr with
his Heavenly Sword. Tyr suspected that it was the divine power contained in this
wound that allowed it to release that weird light.
Clues Issue 157
Even the death of this monster was due to this sword energy. However, the divine
power brought by the sword energy made the monster that should have been
exterminated suddenly resurrected, but what was resurrected was not its
consciousness, but the body without its soul and wisdom.
But even after resurrecting the body, this monster that has no pain sensation still
becomes extremely difficult to deal with.
Tier knelt down, frowned, and slowly stroked the wound with his index finger.
"Mr Cumming."
This smells like Mr. Cumming!
He had close contact with Cumming, so he knew the smell of Cumming very well.
There was a salty fishy smell of seafood, and it might be that the green crab shell on
his body had really been soaked in dragon's blood, so it still existed. With a trace of
blood smell, such an easy-to-identify breath, Tier is now not as ignorant as he once
was. Looking back carefully, he can naturally find that the breath present in this
beheading mark is no different from that of the god Mr. Kaming.
"..." Tier gradually fell into deep thought. If this slash mark belongs to Mr. Cumming,
then this monster must have some connection with Mr. Cumming, but it itself is dead
now, so the only choice is to find it. source. . . . . .
"Constant." Following Tire's soft response, Constant nodded slightly to the elves, and
then brought Elena over and asked.
"What happened? Did you find anything?"
"I want to go to that cave." Tire's words made Constantine slightly startled. He
scratched his head and wondered why this guy would meddle in other people's
business on a whim, but he didn't ask any more questions and nodded.
"Okay, let's go there together."
Afterwards, the elves pointed out the direction to Yuehai and others. Before leaving,
the little elf girl waved her right hand to Elena and quietly said, "Thank you."
This moved Elena quite a bit, but because Tire was right beside her, she didn't dare to
According to the route, this cave is a very secret place in the canyon. It would be
difficult for ordinary people to find it even if they scan it with their senses. Only the
priests of the wind elves who are proficient in the flow of wind elements in the air
can find it. It is a pity that However, because the monster had died long ago, it had no
breath at all, so they were almost completely wiped out without noticing.
Yue Hai and others moved along the route, and there would be an elf corpse every
few hundred meters on the land. It was precisely because their team used living
people to block the monster's attack that they were able to run so far. Bar.
Elena's eyes were red as she walked. Whether they were thunder elves or wind elves,
these were all her people.
Tire and others did not stop until they reached the canyon described by the elves.
Yuehai walked at the front and said
"The cave ahead should be where the monster came out. In case a second one
appears, it's best for everyone to follow me."
Yue Hai possesses magical defense means. Although Kang Shiding is also a orthodox
magician who knows some defensive magic, he has to specialize more in word
spirits, so he is relatively weak in magic.
Naturally, no one said anything. The four of them lined up in a straight line and
walked inside. But at this time, Kang Shiding suddenly said
"What if we get entangled in the sky while we're fighting?"
"..." Is it really okay to say such debilitating words when you are so nervous? Tire
couldn't help but glanced at Constantine speechlessly, but didn't think much about it.
"It's nothing more than two people connected together becoming four people
connected together. Just follow my eyes and act."
"Oh oh oh, I understand!" Konstantin looked like he understood very well. In fact,
Till himself didn't quite understand either. He was just perfunctory with this funny
As the two of them talked, they gradually entered the canyon. The cave that was
broken by the monster can now be clearly seen. There may be something inside, but
from Tyr's intuition, it is not too dangerous. Although who Everyone is afraid of
unknown things, but Tyr sometimes trusts his intuition more. Moreover, there may be
clues about Mr. Cumming in this cave. After all, it was the other party who guided
him to Avalon. Maybe he can be in it. Find something different.
"Waltz, why did you come to me?"
In the early morning, in the dormitory building located in the 19th School District,
Scarlet and the thunder elf Kalida came to Waltz's residence. There were supposed to
be four beds in it, but because Waltz liked to sleep alone, they I bought this room at a
high price and ordered it to be renovated. It looks like the exotic character of Nylon
Scarlet pulled up a chair and sat down, facing Waltz lying on the sofa. The other
party was holding a goblet in his hand, which contained a very old red wine. Seeing
that Scarlet was getting straight to the point, he didn't shy away from it. Now he
gestured towards his goblet with his hand, Scarlet. He was very understanding but
smiled and shook his head.
"I haven't been drinking lately."
"Oh?" Waltz raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not embarrass the other party, so he
"How have you been these days? Has your strength improved?"
"Haha, you are asking the same question as my master, and that guy is still nagging to
"I'm not nagging, but I'm quite optimistic about your growth." Waltz then took a sip
of red wine, but Scarlet shrugged.
"Waltz, that's what's wrong with you. I don't like others looking at me like a superior.
If it were someone who could fight, I might have already raised my fist."
"How can I know your temper? Although I have only been with you for a month, you
are still the person I get along with the most in Gabriel Continent. It is your habit of
going to the underground arena every day to violate other female students. If you can
Just change it.”
"Ha! Do those women think they can ride on my neck if they stay in Avalon for a
year or two? If I don't teach them a painful lesson, how can I gain a foothold in the
underground arena?" Scarlet After finishing speaking, the tip of his tongue was still
slightly circling on his lips, looking like he was still unfinished.
Waltz smiled helplessly and finally said
"Then let's get to the point."
"Don't you ask me if my strength has improved?"
"I don't want to ask anymore." Waltz finished the red wine in one gulp, placed the
goblet on the glass table with a bang, and then looked at the other person and said
"The way of heaven at Avalon College, I wonder if you know it clearly, Scarlet."
"I heard something, what happened?"
Scarlet didn't think much about looking at Waltz and asked, but at this moment, there
was a gentle knock on the door of the dormitory, and Waltz said with a smile.
"Come in."
Then, an adult with gray hair and black-blue eyes opened the door and walked in.
Waltz saw that Scarlet was quite confused, so he said
"Let me introduce to you. This gentleman's name is Myerson. He is a survivor of the
last god's fall incident."
Issue 158: The Corpse of the God
"Survivor?" Scarlet raised an eyebrow, and then looked at the mature man with pale
short hair. His eyes were a little decadent, but the whole atmosphere was like a
cheetah ready to attack. Once locked, The prey will receive a fatal blow from him.
"That's right." Waltz didn't make any welcome gesture for Myerson's arrival, and
continued to lie on the sofa and pour himself a full glass.
"Didn't I tell you before about the academy's heavenly path?"
Scarlet was suddenly enlightened upon hearing this, and looked at Myerson with an
interested expression.
"It turns out they are those greedy seniors. Why, after more than thirty years, is it
possible that you are still thinking about this matter?"
"That's right!" Myerson made a gloomy and rich voice, clenching his fists slightly
and saying unwillingly.
"This matter will not end like this. I want to get back everything Avalon owes us."
"What do I owe you?" Scarlet glanced at Waltz first, then saw that the other person's
smile was still there, so he asked Myerson
"In my memory, there seem to be only seven or eight survivors at that time. And after
that incident, you collectively chose to drop out of school. Since it was your own
wish, why should you owe anything to me?"
"This is all Avalon's conspiracy! I have never heard of the idea that there will be a
tide of beasts near Avalon before. Even you should know that Avalon will be cleaned
regularly every other month. How could it be possible that the monsters in the
surrounding forests were so unlucky that there was a tide of monsters when we
entered it!" Myerson's face flushed slightly, and it was obvious that this matter made
him worried.
"My fiancée and brothers are all buried there. I will never forget this pain for the rest
of my life."
"That's it, that's it." Scarlet replied lightly. Although he didn't agree with Myerson's
conjecture, there was no need to ask such boring things, so Scarlet turned his
attention to Waltz again.
"I understand the general background, what next?"
"Aren't you interested in the corpse of this god?" Waltz went straight in, the wine
glass in his hand shook slightly, and the red liquid rippled in it. Scarlet's pupils
shrank, and then he smiled.
"When did this happen? With Avalon's vast magical power, the corpse must have
been obtained long ago."
However, this sentence was denied by Myerson standing at the door.
"I haven't taken it away, that thing, those treasures are still behind."
"Oh? How are you sure?"
"Because I got it." Faced with Scarlet's doubts, Myerson slowly took off his clothes,
and there was a closed eye on his chest.
...Scarlet was slightly startled, then put away his joking attitude and spoke calmly.
"You're not going to tell me that these are the eyes of some god's corpse."
"That's right." Myerson nodded slightly, and Scarlet couldn't help laughing.
"Hahahaha, my friend, you finally made me laugh."
"what's so funny."
"Friend, let's not talk about how you got the so-called eyes of gods. The divine power
they radiate is beyond the reach of mortals. Although you are also a middle-rank
emperor-level powerhouse, you are not as good as a demigod. What can I use to
inherit this divine power?" Such questioning made Myerson's face turn slightly green,
but he did not argue with the reason, so he snorted coldly and said.
"Believe it or not." Myerson put on his clothes again and looked at Waltz
"What do you mean?"
"Haha, if Scarlet goes, of course I have no problem with it." Waltz obviously wanted
to take Scarlet with him, so he couldn't make the decision alone.
Scarlet continued to smile, and did not speak until after a break.
"You can go, but you have to tell me why you chose us instead of the fourth grade or
seventh grade in the golden age. By the way, how did you enter Avalon."
"I entered Avalon College as a teacher's assistant and worked here for ten years.
Finally, I heard the rumors about Waltz. After thinking about it again and again, I
contacted you."
"I personally like to go out into the wild. Originally, Avalon was not the place I
wanted to come to in the end. But for various reasons, I decided to come after Avalon
offered some special benefits. Here." Waltz then tapped the storage ring, and a purple
card flew out from it. Scarlet reached out and took it, looking at the imprint on the
card and couldn't help but smile.
"Backyard door pass, this special treatment is really extraordinary."
After saying that, Scarlet threw the card to Waltz and said to Myerson
"This must be your purpose."
"That's right." Myerson replied without hesitation.
"Today is a compulsory rest day for the college. I'm afraid the opportunity lies in
these special holidays. If there are no other opinions, we'd better set off today."
"Oh~" Scarlet raised an eyebrow, looked at Waltz, and then said
"I have no objection. It just so happens that I haven't been to a funeral in a long time
so I can stretch my muscles."
As soon as Waltz heard this, he immediately drank the red wine in his glass, still
"Then let's go, I personally don't like to dilly-dally."
After Yuehai and others entered the cave, darkness gradually replaced their sight.
Fortunately, Kang Shiding had the foresight to bring a valuable Evernight Stone.
Now, once opened, the entire cave can be seen at a glance.
Yue Hai glanced around and found that the cave extended in all directions, and there
were no traces of man-made digging. It was obviously formed naturally, and there
were also several corpses of elves here. Following the location where the elves died,
one of the roads showed that the monster came from Yue Hai made no sound as he
walked out. He turned around and nodded slightly with the others, then walked
towards the passage where the monster came out.
There is no air circulation in this road, and there is obviously no exit at the end of this
road. However, Yuehai's purpose is to check if there is any trace of Mr. Cumming in
it, so whether the road is open or not has no impact on her. As for Kang Shiding, It's
much simpler to think about it. If Tyr wants to come and have a look, he, as a friend,
will naturally follow him.
Now the four of them can take care of each other if anything happens.
The four people gradually went deeper, and the air became colder. It was not that
they felt cold, but the chill from their hearts, which was enough to make people like
them who were not afraid of the ordinary cold winter tremble.
No one here needs to say anything, they can feel this unusual change firsthand, and
the heartfelt fear gradually fills everyone's hearts.
Issue 159 The Weird Cave
"Hey Tyr, something's not right here." Feeling the fear, Constantine finally couldn't
help but speak, but Elena behind him was already trembling.
Of course, it was not just the two of them who felt such fear, Tier and Yuehai also
felt the chill. The coldness made Tier, who had always had a lot of self-control,
"Constant, have you heard of any strange news about the funeral of Sang, which is
backed by Avalon College?"
"Anecdotal, of course it's the fall of the gods back then... What are you talking
about?!" Considine realized that he seemed to be thinking of something terrible, and
his face suddenly showed a look of shock, and he looked at Tire's His eyes showed
Tyr nodded slightly.
"The things inside may have something to do with the corpse of the god, or..."
It’s the god’s corpse itself!
"This is impossible. As far as I know, the fall of the god happened thirty-seven years
ago. Now that so long has passed, there is no reason for the big guys in Avalon not to
dig up the god's body."
This is also a fact. After all, it is like hundreds of thousands of gold coins falling from
the sky in one's back garden. Who would think it's too much money? Once they can
get their hands on it, they will definitely dig out the body.
That's why Constantine denied Tire's conjecture, but... the aura here was mixed with
a little submissive pressure in the monotonous coldness.
Divine power!
The pupils of the four people suddenly shrank, yes, it was divine power. Yuehai and
Tier were the first to stop, and Kang Shiding also stopped and looked at each other.
"This can't really be..."
Tire nodded slightly to confirm Considine's guess, and then after the other party
finished digesting this terrifying conclusion, Tire spoke.
"If you are here, you can go out first to avoid any unexpected situations."
When Kang Shiding heard this, he immediately became unhappy. He swept away his
previous shock and said with a stern face.
"We said we are friends, how could we quit the group just because of this matter?
Look at Elena, she definitely won't want to."
"Yes, yes! I, I, I, I, I will try my best!"
Elena stammered out words that didn't sound firm at all. After saying this, her
momentum suddenly dropped greatly. Tire couldn't help but glance at Constantine,
who still had a firm look in his eyes, then sighed and turned around. said
"It's up to you."
After Waltz and others passed the inspection at the left and right gates of Heavenly
Man, they began to speed towards the Mulberry Burial Forest as soon as they were
out the door.
Not long after, several people appeared near the forest. Scarlet saw a white figure
standing there, and her heart moved slightly. She was about to go over to say hello,
but found a long-tailed cat with black fur lying on top of the other person. Scarlet's
feet suddenly twitched, and the figure that was about to rush over was forcibly turned
around, and continued to follow the Waltz duo.
Waltz raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect Scarlet to make such a strange move,
so he looked over there out of curiosity.
Then he moved his gaze back silently, and his feet became faster at the same time.
Ye Xi frowned slightly. A feeling of disgust suddenly locked onto her, but
disappeared suddenly in just an instant. She looked around but found no one. Yong
Ye patted Ye Xi's long white paper-like hair above her head. Said arrogantly
"What are you doing? I'm above you and I still have time to look around."
"No, just before..."
"First, first, first. As long as I am on top of your head, no one will dare to touch you.
From this point of view, you should feel lucky." Yong Ye then stood up on all fours
from Ye Xi's head, quite said proudly
"Getting back to the subject, your overall quality is very good. It should be said that
you are better than the entire Group B and even Class 9. Obviously this is the
foundation you have laid since you were a child. It can be seen that it is really the
master who has made you what you are today. He is quite capable and ruthless, and
he can be said to have no regard for your life or death." Ye Xi's body was shaken by
these words. It was obvious that he was being spoken to in a serious way, and
Teacher Cat did not know how to restrain himself, and continued.
"But as you have an albino body, I'm afraid you don't have a long life, so it's okay to
work so hard. If you just want to transcend the law of death, I'm afraid it's far away to
become a god."
Ye Xi was shocked by Yong Ye's words, but after all these years, she has never lost
her direction. Once her goal is set, no matter how others ridicule her, it will be
Teacher Cat also seemed to see Ye Xi's determination, nodded slightly and then
"Then white-haired witch-san, let me teach you a lesson by myself while there is still
time today."
As Yue Hai and others went deeper, the coldness filled in the passage became heavier
and heavier. Tier frowned. Logically speaking, they should be about to reach their
destination, but there was no sign of arrival, and then, As they continued to move
forward, the coldness decreased instead of increasing, and the slightest trace of divine
power wandering in the air before disappeared. As they continued walking, Yuehai
narrowed his eyes and discovered that there was a light spot in front of everyone.
They thought they were about to reach the end, but they discovered that the light spot
was actually the entrance of a cave. When they all walked out, they turned around
and saw that it was the cave they entered before!
Such an incredible phenomenon shocked everyone. Yuehai held his chin slightly and
entered the cave again. Everyone naturally followed. Kang Shiding couldn't bear his
temper and said
"This place is too weird. I think it's better to inform the academy."
Logically speaking, this should be common sense. If Tier had learned that Kamin
might leave traces here, he might not have even asked. He would have been too lazy
to take a dip in this muddy water.
"Don't be anxious yet, we'll see."
"Uh... I'm not talking about you, Tyr. Although the idea of a god's corpse is indeed
very tempting, you must have this strength. Look at the thousands of powerful men
who entered the forest back then. , how many will come out in the end? So let’s stop
here.” Seeing Constantine’s repeated reminders, Tire couldn’t help but frown slightly,
raised his head and looked at Constantine and said
"I told you, you can leave first."
"Let's go? What about the classmate Yuehai who is following you? Are you going to
put her in danger too?" Kang Shiding felt a hint of Tier's impatience, but his tone did
not change at all. Obviously, Kang Shiding knew , if he spoke harshly here, Tire, the
normally arrogant boss, would definitely be angry, so Constantine chose to attack his
weakness. In this way, Tire would have to estimate the Moon Sea even if he wanted
to enter. feelings.
However, what is shocking is that Yuehai did not hesitate at all, and actually took a
step forward and said with Tier now
"It doesn't matter, I'll follow Tyr."
The 160th issue of a rare combination
Yue Hai's sudden words made it impossible for Kang Shiding to close his open
mouth. He looked at Tier stupidly and then at Yue Hai, thinking for a long time
before speaking.
"Hooked up?"
"You just hooked up!" Yue Hai couldn't help but react. Such cover-up actions made
Kang Shiding more suspicious, but in this way, his previous trick of throwing a rat
into a trap was self-defeating.
So he had to sigh secretly, shrugged and said
"Since even Miss Yuehai is willing to share life and adversity with Tier, how can I, a
roommate and friend, abandon Tier here, right, sister Elena?"
"Yes yes yes yes!"
"Don't call this stupid elf sister, and Elena, how can you reply to such a disgusting
"Oh! Tyr, I'm not happy when you say that. I'm so disgusted."
It turns out that perverts don't deny it. Tier couldn't help but sneered, and then pointed
to other channels and got back to business.
"Anyway, let's try to see if we can take other roads first. Anyway, we just walked
through it without any danger, so we don't have to worry about our lives."
"Vigilance is still necessary."
Tire knew clearly without having to be reminded by Constantine that the price of
relaxation in Sang Burial was related to death.
Diz and Damiyala were walking in the forest at this time. The combination of the two
of them was relatively rare, but their mobility was not slow at all. It should be said
that both Diz and Damiyala were familiar with being in a funeral and two people.
There is a very high sense of urgency in the situation of people being restrained by
Tianque Silk, so they can effectively solve any situation without hesitation.
"Diz-san." At this time, Damiyala couldn't help but make a sound after killing a
monster. Diz raised his eyebrows slightly and asked in question.
"What's wrong, Damiyala-san?"
"You should be the young master of the Moremit family, right." Faced with
Damiyala's guess about him, Diz nodded without hesitation.
"It's true, so what?"
"No, it's just some official business. You also know that the Moremites will fall into
madness every time they fight. We, the Empire [Convicts], sometimes have
headaches about some of the things you do."
"'s useless for you to tell me. Although I am the heir to the master's family,
there may not be many people in Avalon besides Rachel who are willing to listen to
my orders."
"Rachel... is it? Isn't a powerful demigod at his service worth an army of tens of
thousands?" Damiyala showed an alluring smile, but this look was so different from
Diz's. But it had no effect in front of him, he just replied lightly
"Although Rachel is the elder of the branch family, she personally prefers the side of
the [Amaterasu Mercenary Group], so we only maintain the family blood relationship
with Rachel. If we go too far, I'm afraid, She will immediately sever ties with the
"Is it really okay to tell me such a secret thing?"
"This is not an ulterior secret among the higher-ups. It must be easy for you to
investigate this as you are. No matter how much I hide, it will only prove that I have
something evil in my heart." Diz spoke righteously, regarding Damiyala's They were
completely indifferent to the insinuations. After this conversation, the meaning of
their words was insinuations. The two seemed to be talking easily, but in fact, every
question and answer was very carefully calculated.
Damiyala looked at Diz with admiration. She originally thought that Moremit was
just a monkey who could do anything with a hot head. I didn’t expect that someone
like Diz would appear.
"But then again, Diz-san, you seem to be very concerned about a certain classmate
"When did a criminal become a gossip?" Faced with Diz's cynicism, Damiyala shook
his head and smiled.
"It's not an official conversation, it's just a private chat."
"Haha, if you say that, I'm afraid you, Damiyala-san, should also know it very well."
Diz gradually smiled, the muscles on his face slowed down a lot, and the look he
looked at Damiyala didn't have the same vagueness as before. It's as bright as lights at
"It's true that I was too concerned about the affairs of Yuehai a few days ago and
didn't pay attention to you as a couple. But judging from the attitude of the elf, it
seems that he doesn't care much about you." Damiyala was quite interested in these
things. The two immediately walked side by side.
"I think I'm still very immature right now. If it takes another two or three years,
maybe I'll take action." Dizi looked up at the sky blocked by the woods, and the rays
of sunlight shone on his face, giving him a sense of warmth. The feeling arose
spontaneously, and Damiyala beside her still smiled and spoke lightly
"Two or three years... The temptation of the academy is too great. Aren't you afraid
that in two or three years, you will no longer be you and she will no longer be her?"
"The ancient Eastern sages said that fate is destined. If I change, I can only say that I
am too immature. If she changes, it is just because of the lack of fate." Diz's words
made Damiyala slightly startled, and she felt attentive. After chewing it carefully, he
found that he was quite touched and then looked at Diz with a different look.
"I didn't expect that Diz-san is a very sentimental person."
"Feelings...that thing can't be eaten as food." Diz smiled and shook his head.
"Maybe after some time, I will change my appearance."
In other words, are you still a sentimental person now?
Damiyala raised her eyebrows slightly and was about to speak again when she
suddenly heard a scream.
The voice looked quite miserable. The two looked at each other, and both of them
looked like they were looking at the situation. Although they didn't say that they
wanted to leave without asking, they still had the attitude of leaving if they wanted.
The two of them walked through the forest without hesitation. After about a minute,
six students who were trapped by monsters filled their field of vision. There were
about forty or fifty monsters, and one of them was A relatively rare fifth-level
monster, surrounded by demonic energy, it is obviously in a mature state that can
freely control the demonic energy!
These six students were outnumbered, but one man among them was quite
outstanding. He could resist dozens of monsters by himself, but he was accidentally
attacked and was already seriously injured. Several other teammates were not strong
enough and were now in danger. Surrounded.
Diz glanced at Damiyala, and Damiyala also glanced at Diz. Because they are people
with the same leadership ability, they will ask each other's opinions more when they
are paired together. However, looking at this situation, it is obvious that Without
needing to say anything else, Dizi drew out his knight's sword, raised it slightly, and a
majestic Yuandi Sword suddenly appeared.
Now he can instantly cast the Yuandi Sword without hesitation. The crackling sound
and terrifying pressure of the light element surrounding the huge lightsaber shocked
all living creatures.
These level five monsters had no time to besiege those students. Seeing this posture,
they immediately called on all the monsters to escape, without any intention of
confronting Dizi head-on.
Tracking Issue 161
But how could Damiyala let these monsters escape so easily? In such a large
mulberry forest, if one monster escapes, it may not take long to attract a bunch of
monsters. If they cannot all be eliminated, it may There will be more monsters
coming to take revenge, so the root must be eradicated. Damiyala knows this very
So her singing spread out, with melodious notes, and the space suddenly fluctuated.
A huge bird appeared in the sky. When the bird flapped its wings, many feathers
spread out, and each piece burst out with colorful light like a pillar in the sky. It
surrounded them tightly from all directions. As soon as ordinary monsters touched
this colorful light pillar, they were immediately fatally injured. Even the fourth-level
monsters could not resist. Only the fifth-level monster that escaped the fastest roared
and was released. It unleashed all its demonic energy and punched a hole in a beam
of light. Just as it was about to run out like flying, its feet suddenly stagnated. When
it looked back, it was the human who had previously resisted all their monsters who
tied its feet with a black chain. Locked up.
The fifth-level monsters let out a shocking roar, but with the pressure of the Emperor
Yuan Sword, everything was turned into powder. All the monsters locked by Dizi,
including the fifth-level monsters, were completely purified by the power of the light
The battle lasted only three seconds.
Although Damiyala knew that this was an expected result, her brows still couldn't
help but twitch, and her eyes looked at Diz a little differently.
This man is getting stronger almost every day. Damiyala felt that neither Krad nor
Tire were growing as fast as him.
"Diz-san, Damiyala-san, thank you."
The student who had resisted all the monsters was the first to bow and thank him. The
others also breathed a sigh of relief after surviving the disaster, and quickly stood up
and expressed their gratitude to the two of them.
Diz shook his head slightly.
"It's easy. Besides, if Louis-san fights alone, these monsters may not be your
Louis sighed immediately after hearing this
"But I underestimated this thin piece of Tianque silk. Whenever I wanted to
counterattack, Wang Shouyi and I would make contradictory actions, causing the two
of us to make huge mistakes in an instant. If it weren't for the emperor If you two, my
classmate Damiyala, show up, I'm afraid we will die unjustly here."
When the word death is mentioned, the expressions of the students who have
obviously never experienced a life-and-death struggle suddenly change, and their
whole bodies are trembling. Thinking about the dangerous situation before, they can't
help but feel scared.
"Anyway, be careful. If there are six of us, there won't be any big problem if we
cooperate with each other tacitly."
"Well, classmate Dizi, you are also the person I admire the most in Group B. If I
choose to represent the group in the future, I will definitely vote for you."
"Me, we too." The other students obviously noticed what Diz did in his daily life, and
they all respected him. Diz couldn't help but be startled, and then heard Damiyala
snickering beside him.
He couldn't help frowning, but he had no intention of becoming a group
But if the time comes to really choose him, Dizi will not shirk.
"It's not here yet, it's almost noon today." Scarlet couldn't help but said, running after
Myerson a little irritably. Myerson, who was running at the front, looked back at
Scarlet. One glance and an immediate answer
"Almost there."
"Huh?" Scarlet frowned slightly and then said to the two of them.
"There are people in front, and two masters."
"Master?" Waltz sneered, without stopping at all, he passed Myerson and ran to the
"Whoever stands in my way must pay the price."
Just like that, the four Waltz people jumped out in an instant. Dizi and the others
were suddenly enveloped by a terrifying abyss of pressure. Like the weaker students,
they knelt directly on the ground. Dizi turned to look at Waltz with burning eyes.
Waltz also turned his attention to Dizi. After a brief collision, the two found that
neither party was hostile, so neither of them made any move when they turned
After passing each other, the four Waltz quickly ran into the forest on the other side
and disappeared from everyone's sight.
Dizi frowned slightly. He felt that the person just now was very familiar, but he really
had no impression of it. The students in Group B who were shocked by the dragon-
turned-waltz in the class competition suddenly made a embarrassed sound.
"Yes, it's Waltz. That person just now was actually Waltz! Why is he here!"
"The pressure generated by this monster alone can break my fighting spirit."
"Classmate Diz." Among the six students, the only one who could talk normally was
Louis. He also frowned and asked Diz.
"Should you tell the team leader and others about this?"
"...No need, his target is not our team. You can see it from his eyes. In this case, we
naturally avoid provoking each other."
"But if you put such a monster inside, there's no guarantee what will happen."
This sentence was not spoken by Louis, nor by anyone else, but suddenly came from
the forest where Waltz came from. Diz's lips curled up slightly, and he smiled
towards the source of the sound.
"Klad, you are too lenient."
The blond knight who came out of the forest was of course Krad, and the person
connected to him with the Tianque Silk was Dragon Butcher. The two powerful men
should have joined forces to block the Buddha from killing the Buddha and the God.
However, Long Tu was too independent. , Krad refused to admit defeat, so he seemed
quite embarrassed until now.
But fortunately, Krad knows how to be polite to girls, so he always chooses to accept
it when it comes to bickering.
The dragon slayer no longer had an excuse to take action, so he naturally couldn't talk
nonsense to Krad. After some repairs, he was now behaved and not in conflict with
each other.
"Diz, do you want to come with me?"
Krad couldn't help but look at Diz with a smile, but the young master of Moremite
just shrugged and then said
"Let's see how the ladies react."
Long Tu crossed his arms and said
"I haven't paid back Waltz's debt yet. I just caught the opportunity today, so why not
do it."
"Hahaha, our small-breasted little beauty has said so, so of course I want to
accompany you." After hearing Damiyala's words, the dragon slaughterer
immediately became furious, pulled Krad and walked to Damiyala and said
"Sagging breasts, what did you say?"
"Dragon Slayer, please stop talking, or it will fall to the top of your head. Hahaha."
Damiyara stretched out her hand and gently touched Dragon Slayer's head. Dragon
Slayer didn't react for a moment. He slapped the opponent's delicate hand away and
said rather unhappily.
"I curse you Damiala G. Mobius. Curse you to sag faster!!"
"Then I wish you a hundred years of poor breasts, hehehe."
Reflections on Issue 162
In this way, Dragon Slaughter and Damiyala spent the whole journey in constant
bickering, while Diz and Krad could only smile helplessly, and the four of them
chased Waltz and the others.
The four Yuehai people on the other side now encountered the biggest problem,
which was the weirdness of the cave itself. Whenever Yuehai and the others went
deep into it, they would be sent back after not long.
"There must be a barrier inside that confuses our five senses, otherwise this situation
wouldn't happen."
Kang Shiding has walked through it so many times that it becomes clear that this
place looks cold and terrifying, but in fact there is a different kind of barrier lurking
inside. Every time they enter, it will be triggered unconsciously. After the five senses
are disrupted, they will subconsciously Go back.
"Boundary?" Upon hearing this, Tier thought to himself, doesn't he have the innate
ability to break barriers? Although he didn't know if he could use the barrier with the
gods, it was obvious that the current situation only allowed him to do so. This was
also a desperate choice.
So Tire asked Constantine again
"Concerning this barrier, where do you think it will be placed?"
"Where is the arrangement?" Kang Shiding was asked, then he paused for a while and
then answered
"This cave extends in all directions, but no matter which way we go, we will
eventually come back. In other words, the coverage of this barrier should be the
entire cave. If it can cover such a huge range, these rock walls may also be part of the
barrier. .”
So that's it, Tier nodded slightly, it was indeed reasonable, but he didn't expect that
Kang Shiding could say such useful words.
"Your look seems to be saying, 'I didn't expect that Constantine could say such useful
words.' Is it my imagination?" Constantine stared at Tire with suspicion, which made
the corner of his mouth twitch slightly. He was stiff, thinking that not wearing a mask
would be troublesome, and his every move would be easily seen through by those
who are good at observing.
"Okay, I've thought of a way to crack it, all you need to do is put your arm around my
"Hey, don't ignore my question, answer it directly!" Constantine's protest was
automatically filtered by Tier, and he put his left hand against the wall.
If it is as Kang Shiding guessed, this wall is connected to the barrier, and if he puts
his hand on the wall, he should be able to break it according to the experiment Long
Tu gave him at the time, but the biggest problem is that Kang Shiding may have
guessed wrong and this The level of the barrier has reached a point where Tierna's
ability to break the barrier is beyond reach.
No matter which one, the result will be a dead end for them, making it impossible to
continue progress. The worst result may be that they have to retreat sadly and contact
Avalon Academy to crack it.
In short, let’s do the things in front of us first.
"Waltz, there are four rats following behind." Scarlet glanced slightly behind.
Although Krader and others were still a long way from Waltz, Scarlet, who had a
special sense, could clearly understand He recorded the figures of the four people in
the distance.
Myerson frowned slightly, he didn't want extra people to come over and spoil the
plan. But Waltz, who was running aside, smiled coldly and said to the two of them.
"Keep walking, there will always be a time when we meet. When they stop us, don't
blame us for fighting back too harshly."
"Why not take action now?" Myerson was confused after all and couldn't help asking.
Scarlet on the other side shook his head and couldn't help but look at Myerson with a
hint of ridicule.
"Today happens to be the day of the actual field battle of Class Nine. Normally,
under such circumstances, the team teachers are secretly observing all the students."
This sentence made Myerson slightly startled. After looking around and finding
nothing, he asked lightly:
"you mean......"
"Is your head full of shit? Silly X." Scarlet didn't bother to explain, but responded
with a vulgar language, which made Myerson's face suddenly turn livid, but after
years of ups and downs The rain gave him good restraint, and then he slowly
loosened his clenched fists.
And Waltz had no intention of stopping it from beginning to end.
As for Kalida, who was following Scarlet like a shadow, as if she were a doll, I'm
afraid it wouldn't be surprising if she suddenly fell to the ground.
The four of them were running at lightning speed, and Clad and the others who were
following them were no less impressive. A balanced distance was maintained
between the two teams.
Long Tu rushed to the front, but his expression suddenly changed, and then he said in
a low voice
"It's actually [Gan She]. I didn't expect there to be such a master among those
"Feeling involved?!" Krad's face changed slightly, and Diz's brows also wrinkled, but
Damiyala groaned and said
"Remember [sensing] is the second stage of evolution of perception, right?"
"Yes, I'm afraid you all should know that the most basic thing that warriors and
magicians have is [perception]. This invisible body can be said to be an extension of
one's own spiritual power. Although it does not interfere with the material world, it
does It can serve as a substitute for eyes, and the access to things like storage rings
requires perception that cannot be accomplished by the naked eye." Long Tu's words
completely served as a reminder to everyone, but actually No one was disgusted.
Everyone nodded slightly in agreement, and Long Tu continued.
"And [Sense Involvement] is the second stage of evolution of perception. Ordinary
warriors or magicians only know the existence of perception, so when faced with the
pressure of those emperor-level or even sacred magisters, they are often caught off
guard and defeated without a fight. , In fact, some people with strong spiritual
willpower can often break through the boundaries of perception and achieve [sense]
that can contact the material world."
When Long Tu said this, her spirit suddenly shook, and she glared at the towering
tree blocking them in front of them. With a bang, the big tree surrounded by five
people was instantly blasted out. Long Tu and others successfully rushed through the
The eyes of the three Krads brightened up, and the way they looked at the Dragon
Slaughter became different.
But Long Tu shook his head and sighed, saying rather dissatisfiedly.
"This is [Sense of Sensation]. It's a pity that now I can't control Sensing to the point
where I can use it freely, so it's difficult to use it in actual combat. On the other hand,
you two, Claddiz, haven't even made a breakthrough in Sensing, which makes me
very sad. strangeness."
Diz and Krad looked at each other, both of them seeing helplessness in their eyes.
"When I broke through the military level, my mental strength was too weak, and it
was difficult to grasp the power of breaking through the feeling, so I have been
studying the way of swordsmanship, and the feeling has been in the back of my mind
for two or three years." Krad was deeply touched by Diz's words. Agreed, nodded
and said
"Diz and I are in the same situation. Studying sword skills is the most important goal
The 163rd issue of speculation
The answers of the two made Long Tu frown slightly. Sure enough, people who like
kendo have a hard time turning their heads around. The same goes for these guys, and
so does that idiot Tier. . . . . .
"In short, you must be careful about the other party's sensory involvement. This kind
of spiritual extension is wider than the range of perception, and people with
perception cannot detect the sensory involvement detection. Only people who also
have sensory involvement can resist it."
It's no wonder that only Long Slayer among the four people reacted.
When explained in this way, Long Tu's expression changed slightly, and then he said
"They stopped and we slowed down."
Following Long Tu's words, the four of them immediately slowed down their pace
and approached Waltz and the others at a vigilant pace.
"They have slowed down. It seems that there is a master with Sensing on the other
side." Scarlet still smiled evilly, but he hit the mark. Myerson's face changed slightly,
but he really didn't expect that these people had already reached this level. The realm
of feeling.
Waltz looked around and found that the area they were in was a muddy swamp. This
was the most common terrain in the Mulberry Burial Forest. Most people would be
swallowed up by the swamp if they were not careful, and would be doomed.
"Myerson, what should we do next?"
Myerson nodded slightly and took off his shirt, revealing the closed eyes on his chest.
Then he suddenly shouted loudly, and the veins in his entire chest suddenly bulged,
as if they were about to burst at any time, which made people sick to watch.
These tendons were twitching around the eyes. Under such power, the closed eyes
opened slightly, and then slowly closed again.
But as this action ended, the swamp in front of Waltz and others suddenly boiled like
boiling water. The original mud seemed to be bubbling like liquid. Amidst the
gurgling sound, the swamp actually slowly began to boil. Separated, a staircase
appeared from it, and it was so dark under the staircase that even Scarlet's senses
could not detect it at all.
"It's interesting. No wonder the old guys in the academy can't find it. It seems that
even dead gods are not easily obtained by people of the same level."
Scarlet's smile couldn't help but widen. Not only was he not afraid of the unknown
under the stairs, he was actually trembling with excitement. Waltz on the other side
was as calm as ever, as if nothing could surprise him in his eyes.
On the other side, Dragon Slaughter's Senshe immediately noticed something was
wrong with Waltz and the others. He looked at his side's lineup and immediately
ordered everyone to speed up.
Just hearing a "crash" sound, everyone immediately rushed out of the forest, with a
large number of leaves flying in the wind, and four figures appeared in front of them.
Waltz turned around slightly and saw Dragon Slaughter and Krad at the first sight. He
couldn't help but smile and narrowed his eyes slightly.
"Friends who are both nylon people, we met again on a very unpleasant occasion."
Dragon Tu suddenly felt a pressure as if the sky was falling, and sweat gradually
overflowed from his forehead, but he took a step forward without showing any signs
of weakness.
Krader stretched out his hand and immediately stopped the dragon slayer who was
about to rush forward. His expression remained unchanged and he said to the other
"Waltz-san, what are you doing here?"
"Of course it's a treasure hunt, Master Claude, hahahaha." Scarlet looked at Claude
quite excitedly, as if he had seen the moon sea, which made people puzzled.
"Scarlet..." Clad's face finally darkened when he heard the other party's voice. He had
heard about Scarlet's actions in recent days. The most important thing was that this
man was actually in the competition. At that time, Yuehai was fatally injured. Even
though he was a virtual body, this move had already touched Krad's reverse scale. It
can be said that in his eyes, Scarlet is no longer the same as when he molested Yuehai
in the forest. That person is the same.
In an instant, the atmosphere became tense.
Only Damiyala maintained a calm consciousness. Now seeing this situation, she
immediately spoke:
"Classmate Waltz, we won't say any more righteous words, but since I followed you
and didn't miss this ride, I wonder if you have any ideas to share with everyone.
"Share?!" Myerson's face was gloomy, and he was about to refuse, but Waltz said it
before him.
"Damiala-san, your face is a bit incompatible with this fragile skin."
"Thank you." Damiyala chuckled, but the other party's sarcasm seemed like sweet
words, while Krad on the other side couldn't help but frown.
"Classmate Damiyala, in the final analysis, our purpose is to prevent them from doing
anything to harm others in the forest, not..." Before Krad finished speaking, Damiyala
looked at him calmly. He glanced at Krad, then smiled and said
"Classmate Claude, haven't you noticed yet?"
"What?" Not only Krad, but also Diz and the two dragon slayers couldn't help but be
confused. Waltz on the other side smiled even more and looked at Damiyala without
"Waltz is in Class 6, which is in District 12. It's four or five hours away from this
funeral. And today is a mandatory rest day on Sunday. Being able to come here so
early is obviously a plan. .
Well, first of all, it can be confirmed that Waltz-san and others have a plan. "Damiara
glanced at Waltz, turned to Scarlet and Kalida behind him, and then said
"But this plan cannot involve too many people. Obviously, we are afraid that too
many people will be distracted and the information will be leaked. I am afraid there
are not many plans that big businessmen like Waltz will take seriously. Look at this
gentleman again. From his perspective Judging from his clothes and subconscious
actions, he should be a teacher or assistant in the college. The emperor-level strength
is probably the latter. Being able to appear in the Waltz team is probably not as
simple as a companion. Rather, just from the atmosphere. It can be seen that this
gentleman and Mr. Waltz are not from the same place, so the role he plays is
obviously worthy of Mr. Waltz's use. Judging from the performance of this road, it
should be related to guiding the way. Look at the stairs in front of you, then this The
movement skills of the guide can be determined." Damiyala looked at Myerson,
whose face gradually became gloomy, but his smile became brighter, and that
beautiful face was enough to make many strong men fall in love with him.
"Okay, let's put all the dots together and we will find that Waltz's plan is to have a
guide who looks like a college assistant lead them here, and from Scarlet's words
Judging, it's obviously not a bad thing to bring here.
This reminded me of an event thirty-seven years ago in just a moment. "
Compromise No. 164
"This reminded me of an event thirty-seven years ago in just a moment."
Damiyala glanced at everyone again, and before they could speak, she finally said
"The Incident of the Fall of the Gods."
As soon as Damiyala finished speaking, Waltz couldn't help but clap his hands, and
the crisp sound echoed in the forest, sounding particularly dry.
"As expected of the young master of [The Criminal], not only is he outstanding in
appearance, generous in conversation, and delicate in thought, but he also thinks very
fast. It seems that the Mobius family can continue to prosper for thousands of
years..." .”
"Classmate Waltz, you deserve the award. Compared with you, the youngest big
businessman in the Nylon Kingdom, I'm still far behind."
The conversation between the two made Krader and the others suddenly realize, and
their eyes couldn't help but sparkle as they looked at the stairs leading to the
"Okay, let's get down to business, Waltz-san. Even if you can defeat the four of us,
the commotion you cause may easily be noticed by the team members. You must not
want your planned things to be ruined."
"Haha." Faced with Damiyala's conspiracy, Waltz still kept smiling. He glanced at
Scarlet. This bohemian young man put his hands in his pockets, raised his eyebrows
and shrugged, as if he was following you. He looked like he was having trouble,
while Myerson on the other side shook his head slightly at Waltz with a sullen face.
The silent discussion allowed Waltz to come to a conclusion in an instant, and then
he said to the four Damiyala people
"Those who have seen it will naturally have a share. Yes, our purpose is to come for
the corpse of the god."
"Waltz!" Myerson yelled nearby and was about to take a step forward to question the
opponent, but what he received was Scarlet's fist. The rapid speed made Myerson's
pupils shrink sharply, because at this moment he actually There was no reaction!
Boom! The explosion of air passed through Myerson's head and shattered dozens of
trees behind him, but Scarlet's fist stayed in front of him, no more and no less.
The force of this fist actually bypassed Myerson before exploding behind him. If it
had hit his head directly, the result could be imagined.
An emperor-level strongman was shocked and speechless with just such a punch.
Krader saw clearly from the opposite side, and his eyes suddenly closed. This Scarlet
was much stronger than he imagined.
Coupled with the other party's [feeling], Krad was a little unsure who was stronger
between himself and Scarlet.
"I said that since you are begging us, you just need to lead the way. Why is there all
this nonsense?" Skerreit retracted his fist and looked at Myerson, whose face was as
gloomy as water, and couldn't help but smile scornfully.
Now Myerson had no objection.
Getting back to the topic, Damiyala also asked the other people on his side.
"How about it, do you have any ideas about this god's corpse? Maybe there will be an
unexpected surprise."
"Strength is obtained through one's own hard work. Foreign things are evil after all."
Diz shook his head slightly.
"However, this is just my opinion. If I say that I am not interested in this god's corpse,
it would be false."
"Why are you being cowardly? Come on!" Long Tu's position was concise and clear,
and basically she would not make an ambiguous decision.
As for Krader, he looked at the Tianque silk in his hand and couldn't help but sigh.
"It doesn't make sense if it's three to one."
"It's good that Mr. Clad can understand." Damiyala smiled happily at Clad, then
turned around and said
"Then what is the order of entry?"
"We are in front, you can follow behind." Waltz seemed to have considered this
question for a long time and answered it without saying a word. No one questioned
this answer, so he divided it up after a while.
The two forces that should have been gearing up to fight each other reached a strange
consensus and entered the staircase that seemed to lead to the abyss.
On the other side, Tire held on to the wall and led the other three people toward the
depths of the cave.
Just when Tyr and the others once again felt the slightest trace of divine power
permeating the space, Tyr suddenly heard a sound like glass breaking.
He was about to turn around and ask the others if they heard the noise.
But he found that there was no one behind him, the Tianque silk in his hand was
broken, and the Yuehai on the other side was actually separated from him.
If ordinary people came here, they would be confused immediately, but luckily he
could share the perspective with Yuehai, so he knew the current situation very well.
Yuehai glanced at Kangsidine and Elena behind him. Only then did they realize that
Tier had suddenly disappeared. So, while being surprised, they couldn't help but ask
"What happened? Where did Tyr go?"
"I don't know..." Yuehai could only answer like this. He couldn't say that he had
cracked the barrier, so he went to the real interior alone.
That's right, according to Yue Hai's current speculation on the situation.
As Tyr, he should have broken the barrier accidentally before, but this barrier has the
function of rapid repair, so others could not follow him into the interior after breaking
the barrier, which caused himself on the other side to disappear. In front of everyone.
Then this barrier is not one that confuses the five senses, but is similar to a higher-
level barrier that distorts space.
Tier couldn't help but look at his hand, looking through the front and back. He didn't
expect that he had such powerful stunts and could even break the space barrier.
If this information is leaked, I am afraid that it will immediately become the public
enemy of the barrier master, and people who want to break the barrier will definitely
flock to look for themselves. Some extreme people may even take themselves to the
operating table and dissect them to every last detail. Chu Fang just gave up.
Tier shook his head. Anyway, let's not talk about this. Let's go down first and see
what is inside.
Because of Tier's disappearance, Yuehai could only lead Constance and Elena to
continue walking, but strangely, this time they did not reincarnate as usual, but went
deeper and deeper, and the inside became moist. , the air is even colder, but the
divine power is also particularly strong.
Could it be that I misplaced the barrier at that moment?
Yue Hai raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but feel a headache, because in this
case, they would not be able to find their way back. This might cause them to get lost
in the cave. If it was taken to the extreme, it would be possible to starve to death here.
Kang Shiding's face also became solemn, and Elena, who was following behind,
couldn't help but pull on the corner of Kang Shiding's clothes, quite scared.
"This place is really inexplicably weird, and this increasingly dense divine power...
Yuehai, why don't we turn back and take a walk first." What Kang Shiding said is
correct, it is best to turn back at this time. Choose, after all, if you continue to walk
in, you may encounter things of different dimensions than them. Compared with your
own curiosity, life is obviously more important.
Issue 165 Mutation
"Kang, brother Kang Shiding, there seems to be someone in front of me." Elena's
words made Yuehai and Kang Shiding slightly startled. Then they released their
senses, only to find that there are great restrictions on perception here. Even Kang
Shi, who has relatively strong mental power, Ding can only detect the surrounding
area of 20 meters.
At this time, Elena's sense of smell and hearing were much more useful than theirs.
Yue Hai, who was also about to retreat, couldn't help but look at Kang Shiding. The
two nodded slightly and then continued to move forward.
Not long after, the passage finally reached the end. When I looked around, I found
that there was actually a huge cave inside! Its size is comparable to that of the
Tianyuan Hall, and a person inside is as small as an ant.
Yuehai raised his eyes and looked around, and then he suddenly realized that
passages like theirs were actually like ant nests. The entire cave wall was filled with
dense holes, which looked extremely spectacular, and the number was so large that it
was disgusting.
At this moment, there was an insignificant staircase at the front of the cave wall. As
the footsteps of a group of people echoed, what was reflected in the eyes of Yue Hai
and others was Krad, Waltz and his group.
At the same time that Yuehai saw Krad, Krad and the others also saw themselves.
Both parties were startled and then confused.
"Why are you here?"
Faced with subconscious doubts, Krader was the first to react. After descending the
stairs with Waltz and others, he immediately distanced himself, and then said to
Yuehai and the others.
"Come here quickly."
"Hahaha, this is such a fate. I didn't expect that we could meet here again, the
beautiful and pure Miss Yuehai." Scarlet's annoying voice suddenly passed through
the air, and the look on his face made Clad palm his hand. I twitched slightly, but
finally endured it.
Yuehai ignored Scarlet's words and knew how scary Waltz and the others were, so he
put aside his doubts about why they were here. They looked at each other and
immediately jumped down from the passage, and were about to head towards Clara.
As De and the others approached, the ground suddenly began to shake.
The divine power was disordered, and the cold air became more humid.
The next moment, the earth tore apart, and hundreds of monsters crawled out of it.
These monsters had dull eyes, and they roared and attacked everyone without saying
a word.
With quick eyes and quick hands, Krad suddenly condensed a lightsaber in his palm
and threw it at the monsters that flew towards Yuehai and others. The terrifying speed
immediately pierced the bodies of several monsters. However, this wound did not
cause them any pain at all. As if unaware, he continued to rush towards the moon sea.
Krader's face darkened, his eyes widened, and a light suddenly appeared all over his
A formation of floating Veda, a rapid change.
The next moment, the lightsaber that penetrated the monster turned into Krad, and the
original Krad turned into a lightsaber. The two immediately exchanged, and Krad,
who was running non-stop, once again condensed a lightsaber in his hand and raised
it above his head.
One Buddha's secret formation, one dust Veda.
There is no mercy at all. Facing the creatures attacking the Moon Sea, the only thing
Krad can do is to destroy them with all his strength.
Boom boom boom!
The light crushed the earth's barriers and all the monsters in front of it.
But this seemingly invincible light was covered by an even more dazzling light after
crushing dozens of monsters, and suddenly dissipated the next moment!
Kang Shiding reacted immediately and couldn't help shouting loudly
"Be careful! These monsters are dead. What supports their actions is the light. This
light can eliminate any energy body."
When Scarlet heard this, he immediately snorted.
"It's interesting, energy body."
He has no interest in things that have no feel.
Only when the punches touch the flesh and the feet and feet break the bones can it be
called fun!
Bang, bang, boom.
Every punch and every leg of Scarlet is a full blow. As long as it comes into contact
with the monster, it will immediately turn into meat and die.
The only person who can achieve such efficiency is the boxing master Long Tu on
the other side. Although she also likes to use boxing to release extremely powerful
energy bodies, how can she know nothing about close combat with such experience?
It is better to say that every one of her Each movement is more skillful than Scarlet's,
and the attack frequency is half a step faster than the opponent's.
Facing hundreds of monsters, everyone suddenly became busy. Each one used their
own strengths and used the most efficient attacks to kill them one by one.
However, when the earth cracked again, more monsters crawled out.
Waltz, who had been watching the battle, finally couldn't stand this waste of time. He
sighed slightly and a pair of wings grew out of his back.
Although he didn't transform into a dragon, this move also distracted everyone's
With a flick of his dragon wings, he flew up high. Looking at the monsters that were
as big as frogs, the dense number made him feel a little nauseous.
"It's too troublesome, let's solve it in one go."
Waltz clapped his hands inward as if worshiping Buddha, and gave out a crisp round
of applause.
Immediately, a red ball of light actually opened Waltz's hands, and then grew larger
and larger, eventually evolving into a huge energy body exceeding ten meters in size.
Krader and others were immediately shocked and shouted:
Following this roar, Waltz revealed a ferocious smile.
Nylon people's natural skills.
Boom! !
Just like a falling meteorite, the energy body emitted a mournful sound in the air, and
it suddenly fell under the dull eyes of all the monsters.
The explosion seemed to spread endlessly, but at this time, the divine light flashed
from the bodies of the left and right monsters, and the originally terrifying red ball of
light gradually became weaker.
However, Waltz didn't care, and slowly waved his finger towards the ground.
The ball of light exploded in the next moment, and its target was not a monster, but
the earth!
In an instant, the shattered earth was completely turned into ashes, and a bottomless
abyss suddenly appeared. All the monsters seemed to have turned into puppets,
falling stiffly into the abyss one by one.
Waltz watched the changes in the monsters, his eyes flickered slightly, then he
glanced at all the people who were escaping, and finally let out a sneer.
"So that's it."
When the smoke dissipated, the group of people who had been warned by Krad
earlier were lucky enough to avoid Waltz's attack, while Scarlet and others on the
other side were completely blocked by the energy shield opened by Kalida. That
relaxed look obviously didn't hurt them in the slightest.
"I said Waltz, you are planning to kill me too."
Although Scarlet's words seemed to be questioning, her smile remained unchanged.
Waltz naturally smiled back and shook his head silently.
Krad and others on the other side were able to block the aftermath of Waltz's head-on
attack because of the joint defense of Tizkrad and Damiyala, but it still cost them a
lot of fighting spirit, and they all looked at each other. A few glances revealed the
shock of the powerful and newly arrived person Waltz.
Big Crab Surprised in Issue 166
Tier walked slowly in the passage, his brows couldn't help but frown together. Waltz
was more terrifying than he imagined. It was simply a monster's strength. If he and
Waltz were to fight alone, I'm afraid... I can't hold it for ten seconds when my eyes
are unhappy.
The most important thing is that Waltz has never really fought with others, and it is
impossible to estimate how strong his real strength is. Such a strong man is the most
threatening to them.
Even though he was walking in a deserted canyon, he couldn't help but feel nervous
because of the situation on the other side of the Moon Sea. But not long after, Tyr's
attention couldn't help but turn here, because the feeling of divine power gradually
changed. Compared with the previous cold divine power, the current divine power
has a strong killing atmosphere, as if it is always present. With murderous intent, it
can be said that it was the feeling of the knife being held on his neck that made Tire
come back to his senses with a slight jolt.
But what really made him turn his attention completely was the familiarity this divine
power gave him.
Tire still clearly remembers that Mr. Cumming, the big crab, once completely healed
Tire's arm in order to prove that he was a god. The feeling at that time was exactly the
same as the divine power now, except that the divine power now has a strong
murderous intention. . . . . .
"Mr Cumming."
Tier groaned, he couldn't help but expect in his heart, and his steps became faster.
Although the aura of murderous intent made him feel a little strange, the feeling of
divine power was indelible.
The gorge gradually came to an end, and what appeared in front of Tier's eyes was a
huge stone chamber. Judging from the traces around it, it was obviously not made by
man. It might have been like this since it arrived.
But there was nothing in the stone room, and it was as clean as if someone was
cleaning it every day.
Just as Tyr slowly stepped into the stone chamber, the ground suddenly trembled. Tyr
frowned slightly, and a murderous intention focused on him came.
This made the hairs on his body stand up. He instantly pulled out the tyrant sword
from his waist, and the next moment, a dry palm suddenly grabbed his face!
So fast!
Sweat dripped from Tier's forehead. He changed his footwork and immediately used
four folds of his body. However, the dry palm that should have been inevitable was
allowed to be avoided by Tier using strange refraction.
When Tyr distanced himself from the palm, he realized that the owner of the palm
was actually a withered corpse with empty eyes. However, the speed at which Tyr
had been exposed earlier was incredibly fast. If Tyr hadn't learned the fourth fold
early, I'm afraid this blow alone is enough to make him drink a pot.
The withered corpse did not fall down because of this, but was driven by an unknown
force. It pulled out the palm stuck in the rock, and the corpse turned around to face
"Trespasser, Master, Protection."
Tyr frowned slightly. Is this master a god who fell back then? Or Mr. Cumming?
But Tyr didn't have any extra time to think. He saw the corpse whizzing towards him
at a faster speed with his palms extended. Seeing the situation, Tyr turned his body
slightly to one side and easily dodged by brushing against the opponent's arm.
However, the terrifying momentum remained. He knocked Tier away. Fortunately, he
released the force at a faster speed, otherwise he would have been sent to the west.
But Tire's real purpose was not here. He saw the Tyrant Sword in his hand surge in
energy, and with a buzzing sound, a huge white sword energy quickly slashed out.
The first move of the Heavenly Sword is to cut.
But just when the slash was about to touch the corpse, a divine light burst out from
the opponent's body.
With a buzz, the white slash was completely eliminated.
Tyr's expression remained unchanged. After all, this blow was just his experiment.
Now it seems that all the movable dead things here have received the divine light that
can eliminate all energy bodies, but what is puzzling is that this divine light How did
it come about? Could it be that it was really caused by Cumming's slash?
When I was thinking this, the corpse once again rushed forward without fear of death.
As long as I could predict the attack route of the corpse, in fact, even if the opponent's
speed was twice as fast, it would not help. Tier once again easily dodged it. When the
opponent attacks, the tyrant in his hand stabs out gently, inserts it into the opponent's
waist, and quickly throws out a sword flower.
The next moment, the corpse was torn apart, but the blood was not too bloody
because it had dried up long ago.
After doing this, Tyr swung his sword and looked around to see where the corpse
came from. However, what was strange was that there were no signs of damage
around the stone room, and there were no cracks on the ground. Tier was confused.
Could it be that the corpse just now was still a conjured one?
Just at this time.
The torn corpse's divine light suddenly exploded. Tier's reaction was so sensitive that
he escaped from the stone chamber and returned to the canyon in the next moment.
However, this light did not have the slightest lethality.
However, compared to a simple explosion, what caught Tyr's eyes was a more
terrifying existence.
I saw the torn corpse slowly closing up, and then suddenly swelled up like blood
flowing backwards. Tier, who thought it was over, was surprised to find that the
hands of the corpse slowly turned into a pair of crab claws, and the body also Slowly
growing in size.
When the corpse fell to the ground, where could Tyr find the prototype of the
previous corpse? It looked like a giant crab that was seven or eight meters high!
Although it has nothing to do with Cumming's appearance, it is already infinitely
closer to Mr. Cumming's traces.
He didn't believe that a crab appeared in this place with Mr. Cumming's magical
power. In the end, there was no clue about Mr. Cumming.
But this crab was much more agile than before, and it couldn't help but let out an ear-
piercing roar towards Tier in the canyon. While roaring, it also sprayed out a large
amount of bubbles, making this scene that should have been very impressive become
unexpected. Let Tier couldn't help laughing.
I was wondering why Mr. Cumming didn't blow bubbles. Is it because he wanted to
maintain an image in front of him?
When he thought this, the crab immediately thrust its claws towards Tier. However,
he just took a few steps back, and the crab claws fell into the canyon but could not go
As long as Tier stood in this narrow passage, there was nothing he could do no matter
how powerful the crab was.
Just when I just thought about it, the bell-shaped carapace on the crab's chest slowly
opened and fell to the ground. A bunch of small crabs fell out from it. Although they
were small crabs, they were about ten centimeters in size. Look. It looks extremely
The corner of Tier's mouth twitched. The densely packed number of them simply
exceeded the total volume of this super-large crab. Tier tried to use the first move of
the Heavenly Sword Yishin, but was completely eliminated by the weird divine light.
The 167th issue of the battle! Diz VS Scarlet
Tyr had no choice but to rush out of the canyon. If he was really blocked by this
group of small crabs, he would probably be drowned and die.
It would be okay if the energy body's range skills could be used, but in the current
situation, let alone range skills, even the sword energy would be completely
The limitation of this kind of attack made Tire very troublesome. Facing thousands of
small crabs, he could only dodge. However, the super-large crabs that were always
eyeing him from high places were not idle either. From time to time, they would
throw out a terrifying attack. Although Tier was able to dodge the crab claw attack,
the small crabs that were also attacked would be torn into pieces, and these broken
crab shells could easily injure him.
You must know that Tyr's skin is very tender. It is not an exaggeration to say that the
monsters here are made of water. To use a more vivid analogy, Tyr cannot beat Yue
Hairuo who uses fighting spirit with his bare hands. The other party's, but Yuehai
could gently break Tier's waist with her small hands.
Tyr's weakness has reached a point where he can hardly ignore it. If he thinks about it
carefully, didn't the Dragon Slayer use no strength at all to hit him?
While he was thinking wildly like this, Tier was already cornered by the attack of the
opponent's large and small crabs.
Tyr's brows suddenly frowned, and the tyrant sword in his hand flashed with white
light, and a huge sword energy was slashed out instantly, but it was offset by the little
crabs using divine light at the same time. However, Tyr took advantage of this
opportunity, jumped up in one step, and concentrated all his energy. The power
struck at the oversized crab's eyes.
As long as these two protruding eyes are cut off, the threat will naturally be much
However, I just heard a "dang" sound.
The tyrant's sword actually cut into the opponent's eyes, but it was unable to injure
him at all.
Tyr's pupils shrank, blood oozed from the palm of his hand, and the corners of his
mouth twitched.
OK, OK, OK. . . . . .
"so hard!!"
Damn, are these eyes? ! Tyr couldn't believe it, but the crab's eyes turned around
Tier subconsciously used his body skills to retreat. As soon as he left, the huge crab
claws came up.
If he had been slower, he might have turned into a puddle of meat sauce and become
the crabs' lunch.
Tier, who landed safely from the crab's head, faced thousands of small crabs and the
giant crab that was huge but not slow. Sweat could not help but pour out of his
Mr. Cumming, I'm really sorry for saying that you are a soft-legged crab. It turns out
that crabs are really powerful.
The thick smoke finally dissipated, and Diz and Krad breathed a huge sigh of relief.
The sound turtle summoned by Damiyala was also riddled with holes due to the
The three of them were struggling just to block the aftermath of Waltz's attack, which
made their faces turn gloomy.
"Are you okay?" Yue Hai couldn't help but step forward, and immediately used the
healing technique in his hand. A strong light covered the three people's bodies,
instantly healing their wounds cut by the stones and rubble.
People who didn't know that Yuehai's healing skills were powerful all showed
incredulous expressions, even Waltz was quite interested.
Scarlet was the only one who made a strange noise
"Oh oh oh oh, this is the unique magic [healing desire increase] used in the Magical
Girl Competition, right? It's really powerful. The wound can be healed in just an
instant. Even if you don't know what hymen is, it can heal quickly. Well, wouldn’t it
be great for me to play with it every day! Hahahaha!!”
"Scarlet!!" Krader couldn't help roaring. This man's words were so unpleasant that
Yuehai couldn't help but frown. Scarlet never left her words in front of a woman.
Such a person How could anyone be with him!
"Ah? What's wrong?" Scarlet looked down upon Krader's roar and leaned forward
slightly, her words full of provocation.
"Can't you bear to see a woman's lower body being insulted? Huh?! You're a virgin.
The veins on Krader's forehead gradually popped out. He did not go to see Yue Hai,
but he did not need Yue Hai's opinion. Just saying these words was enough for
Krader to take action against Scarlet.
"Why, do you still want to fight? It just so happens that the steward interfered on the
train and didn't beat you down last time. If you want to get close to your face today, I
will crush you with my feet."
"What a barking rabid dog, Waltz-san." Dizi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked
up at Waltz, who was flapping his wings high above.
However, this strong man who looked like a businessman did not react at all, only a
faint smile.
"I see, dogs follow their masters?" Diz smiled back at the other party.
"Ah?! Who are you?" Scarlet was quite unhappy because her words were interrupted,
but this was just a superficial reaction, but she had more analysis of Diz in her heart.
"Diz Moremet, a student." Diz faced Scarlet without showing any signs of weakness.
The two of them stared at each other for several seconds. It was only then that a huge
hole was blown out of the abyss. Sound, obviously those monsters finally landed at
the bottom.
During such a confrontation, Kang Shiding couldn't help but ask Long Tu
"Sister Dragon Slayer, why are you here?"
"Ah?" Long Tu was shaken by the word "eldest sister" and didn't react for a while.
He didn't say this until the next moment.
"Klard's good-natured nature strikes again."
"That's it." Kang Shiding didn't even know the details. In short, he had already
guessed most of it when he heard about the disease.
Krad frowned. He glanced at Diz next to him and couldn't help but ask.
"Diz, you..."
"If we really have to fight, your opponent is not this kind of guy." Diz still looked at
Scarlet, but his words revealed firmness. This made Krad startled, and then he slowly
raised his head to look at the flying man. Waltz on high.
"It turns out that you are indeed stronger now." Diz couldn't help but smile. His
words were not contrary to his intentions, and then he turned his attention to Krad.
"But, the only one who can surpass you in the end is me."
"Yo yo yo, what words are full of positive energy." Scarlet's eyes were contemptuous
on the other side, with his hands in his pockets and he couldn't help but shake his
"You can't even beat me. Why are you stronger than me? It seems that if I don't teach
you how to behave, you really don't know the ancient saying that there are mountains
outside the mountains and there are people outside the people."
"Then let's try it." Diz took a step forward, and the formation mark under his feet
suddenly appeared.
Light saber style, formation of sanctions.
"Oh~ the lightsaber style is a bit interesting." Scarlet clenched his hands and made a
clicking sound of bones. The two of them were on the verge of breaking out, and the
entire huge cave was shaken.
As for Waltz, he remained indifferent. His eyes scanned everyone around, but he
didn't say a word.
The method to crack the 168th issue
"What's wrong, white-haired witch classmate, isn't this okay?" Because Ye Xi
suddenly fell softly to the ground, Yong Ye had no choice but to fall to the ground.
He walked to Ye Xi's head on catwalks and put his front Putting his paws on Ye Xi's
face, he couldn't help but be serious.
"Where did your perseverance go?"
Faced with Teacher Cat's doubts, Ye Xi was speechless and could only use practical
actions to prove that his perseverance was stronger than his physical limit.
It's just that Yong Ye is so powerful, just a little bit of training for Ye Xi can make
her exhausted.
So the next moment she stood up, her body twitched slightly and fell to the ground
"Hmph, it's totally incomparable to that boy from Jing Sheng. I thought it was a good
piece of material, but I was blinded by it."
Yong Ye looked very unhappy, and once again put the cat's paw on Ye Xi's face, and
then with a strong force, he jumped directly on Ye Xi's body and said
"Get up!" While saying this, he slightly raised the cat's paw, and then threatened
"If you don't get up, this cat's paw will attack your chest. So what? I can't get up."
However, Ye Xi still couldn't get up.
Yong Ye suddenly became unhappy and walked towards the opponent's abdomen.
Then he lifted Ye Xi's skirt, and the light with the same color as his hair suddenly
caught the cat's eyes.
"How's it going? Can you still get up like this?"
Ye Xi persisted for two times but still couldn't get up.
But to be honest, Ye Xi didn't have any motivation because of these actions. After all,
the other party was a cat. Although he could speak human language, even if he did
something that looked like something an uncle would do, it didn't bother Ye Xi. Feel.
"Oh?! The little girl is so shameless, so I can only use my trump card." Yong Ye
frowned, stomped to the side of Ye Xi's head, and then used a soft kiss A voice spoke
softly in his ear
This voice carried a soft aura, as Yong Ye's cat whiskers touched Ye Xi's neck.
An indescribable force burst out from Ye Xi's spine, and a bunch of goosebumps
suddenly broke out all over his body, and he stood up with a bang.
She couldn't help but look at Yong Ye in disbelief, and then took a few steps back.
"Teacher, you..."
"Oh! Did you finally stand up? This trick is indeed effective. That kid Jingsheng was
also driven up like this before."
Seeing Yong Ye's happy look, Ye Xi couldn't help but hesitate to speak.
"But teacher, you..."
"This, this, this, this, this, please make it clear."
"Teacher..." Ye Xi got even more goosebumps after being yelled at by Yong Ye, but
she still said
"Teacher, what you are doing is the Kobodo night female cat's estrus action towards
the male cat..."
For a moment, Ye Xi seemed to hear the sound of something breaking.
"No." Tier kept dodging the attacks of the little crabs, his eyes finally showing
solemnity. These monsters that should have died had driven him to the point of
Especially this oversized crab. Every time Tyr kills a small crab, the oversized crab
will give birth to more babies. Now, the entire stone room is filled with the foam of
these crabs, walking with the small crabs. The sound of caraca-karaca made Tire not
only in danger, but also too anxious to calm down and judge.
Tyr once again dodged the oversized crab's attack, but it became more difficult each
The main reason is that his physical strength is almost at its bottom.
"Damn it."
The strength in his legs began to weaken. Although his consciousness was still
sensitive, his body gradually slowed down.
If he continues like this, sooner or later he will be overwhelmed by these crabs and
eventually smashed into meat paste.
As Yong Ye said, the current self is not a virtual body and has no chance of rebirth
after death. If he stumbles here, he will never stand up again.
Can't think about this.
Tier shook his head, his face darkening slightly. Now he should solve the difficulty
rationally instead of considering the worst outcome.
In fact, the biggest difficulty facing Tyr right now is the hardness of this crab.
Although small crabs are fragile, this oversized crab is countless times harder. Tyr is
confident that if he can fight the Heavenly Sword Isshin, these crabs will only be
destroyed in time. problem, but facing that kind of divine light, he had nothing to do.
As a result, sword energy, energy impact, and range attacks were all
useless. . . . . .
Tyr seemed to have thought of something.
But there were too many thoughts in his mind, and the fleeting thoughts could not be
recovered for a long time. It was not until he once again escaped the claws of the
oversized crab that his eyes widened and his mind suddenly became enlightened.
That's right, it's the reflexes.
Previously, he felt that although his consciousness was very fast, his physical reaction
was always half a beat slower due to fatigue.
So isn't this half-beat a gap?
Tier remembered that when Krad used the Yichen Veda, because the speed of the
light was too fast, the dozen monsters blocking the front did not react at all. They did
not even have the chance to use the divine light, so they were killed by Krad. , until
the monster behind noticed the crisis, and then used the divine light.
Therefore, the key to everything lies in whether your own sword energy is faster or
the monster's reaction is more sensitive between before the monster releases the
divine light and after you exert your sword energy.
However, what is certain is that these monsters have no consciousness and are all
corpses, so this reaction is their reflex nerves, which is the instinctive reaction of the
body when it senses a crisis.
The body's reaction is often faster than the consciousness. In order to kill the
opponent in one breath, Tire used power-chasing slashes to be slower than the
opponent's reaction, and that's why he was in such a mess.
After some thinking, I suddenly became enlightened.
Tyr's eyes flashed, his right hand slightly holding the tyrant's sword, looking at the
oversized crab.
The main enemy is still this guy. As long as he is killed, the endless supply of small
crabs will stop production, and it is only a matter of time before they are all
Then, we can only take a gamble.
Just as Tyr was getting ready, the huge crab claws swung over again, with such force
that one could not help but feel a gust of wind pressure!
However, the next moment, Tire had disappeared.
Instead of disappearing in place, his afterimage gradually faded.
When Tyr appeared again, his figure had appeared next to the big crab's eyes.
Thousands of body-folding techniques, five body-folding techniques.
Knock, knock, knock, Tier felt that all the bones in his body were screaming, but now
was not the time to cry out in pain.
I saw him draw out the long sword in an instant, and his speed had exceeded the
usual peak. The sword light flashed slightly, and a sword energy flew out
The first move of Tianjian Yishin is to cut.
The 169th issue of Enter the Dragon and the Tiger
Facing Tyr's slash, the giant crab didn't have any time to react. It would be better to
say that even after its eyes were cut off, the pain felt a few beats slower.
After Tyr fell down from the crab's shoulder, the super-large crab released the divine
light, but the damage was already there, and even if the divine light was used now, it
would not help.
Crabs without eyes can only attack with their heads down, but for Tyr, who has
strange movement skills, untargeted attacks can reduce his pressure by more than
80%. Those small crabs are not afraid, so he will kill the big ones next. Crabs are also
just a matter of time.
What was different from Tyr's side was the terrifying battle between Diz and Scarlet.
One of the two men was rampant, the other was arrogant.
Diz was excited because of Scarlet's strength, and Scarlet laughed like crazy because
of the pressure. The attacks between the two could be said to be fatal with fists, and
the swords were bloody. The cave was trembling, and rocks kept falling. The sound
was so loud that everyone was frightened. Only Damiyala had to stay with Dizi
because of Tianquesi, but she couldn't intervene at this time, so it was a bit redundant.
"Hahaha, Scarlet, you are quite capable, so let's see if this blow can make me more
Dizi's eyes were red, and the already majestic formation seal under his feet suddenly
had an extra layer at this moment, turning into a double formation seal. His right hand
was grasped, and a clock suddenly appeared in front of him, making a clicking sound.
"Array of Sanctions, Performance of Light!!"
As he finished speaking, Diz grabbed the clock and smashed it into pieces, turning it
into the power of light elements. Then a terrifying coercion slowly overflowed from
the formation seal at Diz's feet and converged on these light elements.
How could Scarlet wait for the opponent to complete the attack? With a cruel smile,
his body had become an afterimage. The next moment, he came in front of Diz. His
fist suddenly swung out, but was blocked by a light yellow shield. strict.
"Holy Shield!"
Diz smiled ferociously, his eyes seeming to be looking at the prey that was about to
reach his mouth. However, Scarlet showed no sign of weakness. If he couldn't break
the holy shield with one punch, he punched again, with continuous punches. The rain
made the whole land tremble.
After half a second, Scarlet was unable to break Diz's holy shield, but preparations
were completed here.
"Then, feel the real hell of the Sanction Formation. The prelude to the performance,
Lumbesa's Nothingness."
The next moment, hymns suddenly reverberated from all directions, just like angels
descending to the world. The power of countless light elements gathered into a huge
giant. It had no facial features and no body lines. Only the light and the outline of the
human shape were visible. He immediately threw out a punch, carrying endless
power of light elements, which looked very powerful.
Seeing the situation, Scarlet retreated, but Diz took advantage of the victory and
pursued it. He took off his holy shield and joined forces with the Giant of Light to
blast away! Seeing that there was no way to escape, Scarlet smiled, clenched her fist
tightly and punched in the air.
Dizi's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously moved his head a little to the right. The
power of this fist that broke through the air actually tore off Dizi's slightly raised
Tianque silk and penetrated the giant of light, almost killing Dizi. His head was
boom! !
The fist force that hit the wall directly dug a fifty-meter deep pit in the cave, with
countless cracks around it. However, the fist force did not seem to stop, and even
penetrated the wall and rushed into the rock, also I don’t know where it flew to.
Seeing that the restraints were gone, Damiyala quickly retreated to join Krad and the
others before Diz could speak. Even if she continued to stay with Diz, she would only
be a burden that distracted him, so at this time Preserving yourself is the most
important thing.
Diz did not stop his attack because of this. Although the opponent's blow was dozens
of times more powerful than the previous fist, there was no need to consider the
consequences if he missed the hit. If everything was a surprise, then how could this
fight be any good? beat?
The Giant of Light waved his fist again. Scarlet crossed his arms to resist, but was
severely hit by the blow. A trace of blood spat out from his mouth and he was thrown
Because of the width of the place, this blow did not cause Scarlet to hit the wall
directly. Using inertia and some skills, Scarlet landed safely on the ground and slid
on the stone surface for twenty or thirty meters. Then he slowly stopped.
Krad clenched his fist slightly, and the blow was very exciting. If he were to fight
with Diz, he might suffer a big loss from this punch if he was not careful. The most
important thing is that Diz vs. Skarre Te's instinctive dodge of the fatal blow before
and his full concentration after dodging. If there is any wavering between the two
points, he will fall directly into the trap laid by Scarlet and fall into a disadvantage.
but. . . . . . Krader raised his head slightly, looking at Waltz who was still
indifferent in the air, and his hands shook slightly.
When does this man want to watch the battle?
Not only Krad, but also Dragon Slaughter Yuehai, Kang Shiding, and Damiyala who
was being led by Dizi were all paying attention to Waltz's every move. As long as
this man made an attack gesture, I'm afraid he would be killed in one fell swoop. In
an instant, everyone will jointly attack.
"Hahaha, Scarlet, what's wrong? Is the overture already dead?"
Facing Diz's thundering voice, Scarlet chuckled and touched the corner of her mouth
with her finger.
Blood was flowing on his thumb.
Scarlet's evil smile remained unchanged. He grabbed his chest, pulled hard, and tore
the school uniform with considerable defensive power into pieces, revealing a body
of strong muscles, but what was even more noticeable was that Si There were
countless wounds, large and small, on Carret's body. The new wounds covered the
old wounds, and the old wounds were covered with older scars. Each one of them
was shocking.
Diz's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that this man also had so many wounds.
Consider him a man.
Yue Hai also frowned on the side. She had never thought about how a man whose
first impression was that of a playboy could have so many wounds.
However, Scarlet took off her clothes not to show them her scars, but to soothe her
current mood and make her future burst of power smoother.
"Diz Kremit. That's a good name."
As soon as Scarlet finished speaking, his body immediately disappeared. Diz's pupils
shrank, and the next moment he received an elbow from the opponent.
What! !
Diz's pupils shrank, his chest suddenly sunk, and his whole body was thrown up due
to Scarlet's attack. However, before the inertia allowed Diz to fly out for a long time,
Scarlet appeared above Diz in an instant. One foot stepped down suddenly.
This is a bad shot!
Blood spilled from the corner of Diz's mouth, his eyes were quick and his hands were
"Holy Shield!!"
boom! !
The land suddenly shattered, thick fog rolled up, rubble flew, and the entire cave was
shaken again and again.
The instant reversal of form left everyone dumbfounded. People like Elena could
only see an afterimage, but could not see the actual how God was knocked to the
The 170th period was defeated
"So fast!" Kang Shiding couldn't help but sigh. Even Yue Hai, who was famous for
his speed, also frowned. Scarlet's body functions had doubled several times just now,
and Diz didn't even have time to react. He was already caught off guard.
Fortunately, Diz has good reflexes, and he opened his holy shield almost at the same
time as he was attacked for the first time. Although the opponent's second kick was
terrifying, it did not cause much damage to Diz, just because of inertia. Because of
this, the whole person fell to the ground. The stone surface suddenly cracked, and the
earth sank instantly.
Dizi, who had the pinnacle of breaking the army, immediately laughed, jumped up
from the ground, also grabbed his school uniform and tore it off, and looked at
Scarlet with his naked and scarred body.
"Hahahaha, otherwise it wouldn't be fun. Hahahahaha, you are very good, Scarlet
Along with Diz's roar, he clasped his hands together fiercely, and a snap echoed
throughout the cave.
"Playing of Light Chapter 1, The Opened World."
boom! !
An even brighter giant sword suddenly appeared in the hand of the giant of light, and
countless elemental explosions surrounded it. From a distance, it looked like a
human-shaped bomb, which seemed about to explode.
The giant didn't hesitate at all, and slashed straight down at Scarlet. The power of
countless light elements quickly condensed, and with a buzzing sound, a huge light
blade that could split the entire cave in half suddenly appeared.
Scarlet smiled ferociously, clenched his fists, and used his feet to rush towards the
huge light blade without any intention of backing down.
I saw him swinging out a punch, hitting the massive slash, and the two suddenly burst
into fierce roars.
But the next moment, Scarlet roared suddenly and exerted force on his arm again.
Looking from a distance, he found that the opponent actually blasted this slash into
pieces alive!
However, just when the punch was delivered, Diz's figure suddenly appeared in front
of Scarlet.
I saw him showing a ferocious smile and clenching his fists as well
"This punch is for you!"
boom! !
Diz's fist fell on Scarlet's handsome face, making a sound as if his bones were about
to be crushed. His whole body was thrown hundreds of meters, and he landed on the
ground in a miserable state.
"Okay!!" Krad couldn't help but cheer this time. Diz's understanding and experience
of fighting is better than all of them, and he has extremely high talent. Now this
punch reflects all of his After all, Scarlet's actual strength is about the same as Krad's.
Being defeated by Diz now is obviously not due to his fighting spirit, but the
difference in experience and combat sense!
Continuous laughter came from Scarlet's mouth, and the slightly harsh sound made
Yue Hai and others frown. How could this person still laugh? Isn't it crazy? !
"I can hear the confidence in your laughter. That's great. Scarlet, show me all your
other methods!! Hahahaha!!" Diz stretched his arms and laughed. Equally crazy, the
sound of the two people's voices echoing in the cave actually made the entire rock
wall tremble.
Myerson, who had been hiding in the corner, had a gloomy face. The intrusion of
these people made him very unhappy. He couldn't help but turn his eyes to Kalida on
the other side. This woman also gave him a good feeling. It should be said that In the
whole cave, apart from Waltz, this woman was the only one who made him feel
uncomfortable, but the specific reason was difficult to describe.
And here, Scarlet slowly climbed up from the ground, looking lifeless like a puppet
with broken strings. However, at this moment, he suddenly raised his head, and his
eyes like a bloodthirsty demon revealed There was endless killing intent, and the only
one reflected in this gaze was Dizi.
Dizi's pupils suddenly shrank, and his abdomen was suddenly attacked by an
invisible attack. Moreover, his mental perception seemed to be torn apart, and he let
out a more painful scream than his physical body!
However, Diz only took a step back, but that step already made him tremble all over.
"That's Gan She!" Dragon Butcher frowned and couldn't help but remind Diz. She
didn't expect that the owner of Gan She was Scarlet and not Waltz.
Of course, Diz knew the opponent's method the moment he was attacked, but the
speed was too fast and there was no warning, so he couldn't dodge at all.
"Hehehe, Diz, Diz Moremit, I didn't expect you to be able to force me to use getsu.
Although you can feel the best pleasure by killing your opponent with your body, you
are very dissatisfying to me. Please disappear immediately." Bar!"
Bang, bang, bang.
As Scarlet's words fell, countless invisible attacks descended on Diz. Even if he
deployed the holy shield, it had no effect. This kind of thing can not only penetrate
walls, but also shuttle freely between energy bodies. !
Although the attacks became more and more powerful, Diz never screamed from the
beginning to the end, and his eyes were shining brightly as he glared at Scarlet.
"Hahahaha, break it! Break it!"
That's right! The destruction of these geniuses is Scarlet's greatest pleasure, and it is
more delicious than any other woman!
Although Scarlet also had quite a few wounds all over his body, the pleasure of being
about to destroy the genius supported him to keep blasting feelings towards Diz. The
invisible shocks of speculation made Diz's body bleed, and his spirit became even
higher. It was torn apart and was about to split apart!
At this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed, and the Senshe attack that was
supposed to hit Dizi's head missed.
Scarlet was stunned for a moment, then smiled ferociously at the golden voice on the
other side.
"Klad, you rescued Diz, which means I won."
"It's true that you won, Scarlet." Krader helped Diz and slowly placed him on the
ground. He nodded slightly towards Yuehai. Yuehai immediately understood, strode
over, and half-crouched on Diz. Beside him, his brows suddenly frowned.
The bone was almost shattered, and if the treatment was slower, there would be
sequelae. . . . . .
She couldn't help but look at Scarlet, with a hint of anger in her eyes. Although Diz
had never been kind to her, they had been together for a while, and knew that Diz was
a kind person, and even more so for Tier. He took good care of himself, so when he
saw him being beaten like this, he was naturally angry.
Out of anger, the healing spell in her hand was quickly deployed, and the wounds all
over Diz's body immediately healed.
"Sorry to trouble you, Tsukiumi-san."
"It doesn't matter, you should rest more."
"Can not be done."
"What can't you do? Now..." Before Yuehai could finish what he said, Dizi covered
his eyes with his arms and couldn't help but sigh.
"The way it is now, it's far from enough."
Issue 171 Reunion after a long absence
Till finally successfully cut the oversized crab in two. Fortunately, the small crabs
also died after the death of their mother, and they were like puppets with broken
strings and could no longer move.
Tyr slowly inserted the tyrant's sword into the scabbard, clapped his hands, and
couldn't help but sigh.
"Finally got rid of it, it wasn't easy."
While Tyr was thinking this, the other side was healing Diz, but Yuehai's healing
technique didn't require too much attention, so Tyr chose to put most of his
consciousness on this side.
However, looking around again and again, the result was the same as before. There
was no exit at all, but what was strange was where did the corpse come out?
At this time, the big crab that had been cut in two suddenly shook. Tier's expression
returned to solemnity, his right hand was slightly resting on the hilt of the sword, and
he would strike with thunder when he saw the situation was wrong.
But what is surprising is that these crabs gathered together quickly, shrank suddenly
in the next moment, and finally turned into a fragmented dagger. The originally
messy stone room was suddenly swept away, leaving only the white fragmented
dagger lying there. There was a cold light on the ground.
Tier was confused, but he didn't dare to approach rashly. He tapped his feet slightly
and slowly made contact with him.
However, before Tyr could get close to the broken sword, the sword emitted a ray of
light, and then a figure floated out, with a majestic word at the same time.
"Who woke me up?"
Tyr was stunned when he took a closer look. He put down his hand on the hilt of the
sword and opened his mouth slightly, but because there were too many voices in his
mind, he didn't know how to speak.
It wasn't until the figure slowly looked at Tyr that he reacted.
While his mind suddenly dawned, a happy smile appeared on his face involuntarily.
"Mr Cumming."
"Who are you? Why do you know my alias?"
It was the extraordinary giant crab Kamin who appeared in front of Tier. The green
carapace allowed Tier to recognize it at just a glance, but the unfamiliar words made
Tier's heart skip a beat.
"Ka, Mr. Cumming, I am Tyr."
"Tyr?" Kaming looked thoughtful, then looked at the other person and said
"Is he the [God of War], the son of [God King] Odin?"
"...Mr. Cumming, are you kidding me?" Tire couldn't help but look helpless, but
Cumming said seriously with a straight face.
"I am a god, and I am also a God-killer personally proclaimed by the heavens. I speak
out as soon as I say it, and it must be true."
"..." Tier was a little confused about the situation. He couldn't help scratching his
head, then sighed and said calmly.
"Mr. Cumming, how about we take it one question at a time?"
"Of course you can. However, on the contrary, I also want to ask you a question at
the same time."
"Okay! So why is Mr. Cumming here?" Tire asked the core question first. Cumming
did not hesitate at all. He hugged his big crab claws to his chest in a very humane
manner and answered sternly.
"I am not the real body, but the transformation of my own sword intention. The
reason why I appear here is just because I killed the [Left God] Cappuccino back
then. Because I guessed that he was not completely dead, I combined this short sword
with the sword intention. Placed here for supervision. Okay, then let me ask you."
After Cumming finished speaking, Tier couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It
turned out to be just a clone of Mr. Cumming. He thought he could see him
again. . . . . . When he was thinking this, Kaming had already continued to
"Who are you? Why are you here."
"My name is Tyr, but I am not the son of the god king. I am just an ordinary warrior.
I came here just because I felt your breath, so I came here to pursue you." Tyr
explained, which made Kaming even more confused.
"Why are you pursuing me? Moreover, there is a reincarnation barrier outside.
Ordinary people cannot enter this stone chamber at all. Even if they enter, the
guardians here can transform into a form several times stronger than the intruder.
You shouldn't be able to Appear in front of me.”
Faced with many doubts, Tier didn't bother to argue with the other party about the
way of asking and answering questions, and answered according to the situation.
"I have the ability to cut off the barrier directly, so I can just enter it."
"I see, talents and skills are rare." Kaming shook his crab claws slightly. Although he
looked humane, he looked extremely cute. This made Tire twitch the corner of his
mouth and cursed a lot in his heart, but he had no choice but to admit it. said
"The guardians here are indeed very powerful, but I have always fought against
masters who are many times stronger than me, so it is not very difficult."
"You are young and promising. It must be fate to be here." Cumming was not angry
because of Tier's intrusion. There was appreciation in his tone, which should mean
that he was not wary of Tier from the beginning to the end.
This should be the margin of being a god.
Tier thought for a while and then said
"As for why we are pursuing Mr. Cumming, it's just because of this..." After saying
this, Tyr pulled out the Tyrant and slashed a sword towards the wall. The white sword
energy struck the rock and a huge mark suddenly appeared on the stone room. All
Kamin's two protruding eyes trembled slightly, and then he looked at Tier and said
"Did you learn it secretly?"
"You taught me this!"
" you know how long I've been here?" Kamin asked solemnly, and Tier
couldn't help but answer.
"Based on the rumored time when the god fell, it should be thirty-seven years."
"Thirty-seven years, then the me who teaches you should be me thirty-seven years
later..." Cumming's words suddenly made Tier realize. No wonder the other party
couldn't remember him. After all, this sword Kamin was surprised that his memory
was still from thirty-seven years ago, and it was impossible to recognize Tire at this
Tier raised his eyebrows and couldn't help asking
"Mr. Cumming, thirty-seven years later you were inserted into the land outside the
Mulberry Forest."
"Put it in, where is it?" Cumming thought he heard wrongly, but Tier answered
"In the land."
"...Thirty-seven years later, am I stupid?"
"That's what I thought at the time, but what confused me even more was that Mr.
Cumming at that time claimed to have been in the soil for three hundred years." Till
gestured with three fingers to make it more vivid, but Cumming But he waved his
hands indifferently
"The truth is that thirty-seven years ago I killed a god. It seems that thirty-seven years
later I lied to you."
"... Mr. Cumming, didn't you just say that what you said was true?"
"Did I say that?" Cumming looked confused. Such a scoundrel made Tire roll his
eyes. He thought that Mr. Cumming thirty-seven years ago was a very serious and
upright god, so... �After only a short time of communication, his true nature was
revealed immediately.
Explanation of Issue 172
"Then it is certain that you, Tire, will become my disciple in thirty-seven years?"
Cumming immediately changed the subject, which forced Tire to reply.
"It can be understood that I think I should have obtained the true biography of Mr.
"Houhou~ That's it."
Kamin made a strange sound, which made Tire raise his eyebrows slightly, so he then
"Then Mr. Kaming thirty-seven years ago, why did you want to kill this god named
[Zuo Shen]?"
"I'm just following orders. Don't look at me like this. I'm known for my good temper
in heaven, but because of my position, I got the title of God Killer." Kaming
shrugged his carapace indifferently, looking very It was generous, but in fact it made
Tier laugh.
Cumming didn't care about Tier's reaction, and then thought about it and said
"Since you are here, I can't let you go in vain. How about you, do you want to learn
some other holy skills?"
"No, I can't bite off more than I can chew. I feel these are the best." Tier knew very
well that a person's strength does not lie in his endless means, but in his ability to eat
them all. Otherwise, even if he has everything Learning but not proficient in
everything is just a half-baked skill, which is a big taboo for a sword wielder.
Big Crab Cumming smiled appreciatively
"Yes, you are somewhat self-aware. You are much better than I was when I was
young. Thirty-seven years later, I do have some perspective."
"Hahaha." Tier scratched his head. It felt good to be praised, but he didn't know how
to answer at this time. Kamin also smiled, so he groaned before continuing.
"Since you don't need other holy skills, then let's help with the martial arts you are
learning now."
"Oh?! Is it really okay?"
"What's wrong? I, Kaming, have always believed that meeting you again is fate. Even
if I meet you first thirty-seven years later, in general, this is the second chance
meeting, so it will always be I’ll give you a small gift, and after learning my holy
skills, you’re still half a disciple, so it’s not an exaggeration to teach you.”
"Yeah!!" Tier's eyes flashed. He was worried about how to continue learning these
martial arts. Kamin was very happy to see this disciple who appeared out of thin air
was so excited, so he waved. pliers said
"Come here and I'll take a look at your battle memories."
"Battle memory?"
"That is to say, check the memories in your mind, but only bring up the battle scenes,
so that I can prescribe the right medicine."
"Gods can even do this kind of thing."
"Can you help me look at my lost memories?" Tier asked Mr. Cumming expectantly,
and Cumming gave a noncommittal answer.
"You'll have to wait and see to find out."
"Okay." After saying that, Tire immediately came over. Kamin placed the huge crab
claws on Tire's head, and a warm divine power immediately flowed into Tire's body,
making him feel like he was soaked in water. The most comfortable hot springs
generally make people feel physically and mentally comfortable.
It wasn't until some time passed that the big crab slowly took away its claws and
made a "hmm" sound with a serious face.
Seeing the other party's reaction, Tier's heart suddenly thumped, and he asked weakly
"How about it?"
"Your past memory is completely blank. It's really strange. It doesn't seem to have
been erased..." Cumming seemed to be muttering to himself, but Tier heard it clearly.
He could only He sighed in disappointment, but this was also an expected result,
otherwise the former Kaming would have been able to explore his memories for him.
Kaming saw that the other party was mentally prepared and did not suffer much of a
shock, so it was easier for him to speak, so he said
"The other thing is that you were mentally damaged very seriously. I really doubt
how you survived."
"Uh..." Tire was speechless. This was all the result of his being too impulsive in the
past few days. Now that he thought about it, it was indeed dangerous. It was unwise
to gamble with Krad. . . . . . .
Seeing that Tier didn't want to answer, Crab didn't go into details and sighed.
"Not to mention this, but your single-minded use of the Heavenly Sword and the use
of trance are too unbearable. Are you sure this is what I taught you after thirty-seven
years? One-handed?"
"No." Tier shook his head in shame.
"When I was taught it, it was a two-handed style, but because I prefer one-handed
style, I took out the one-handed part."
"You... oh, you've ruined a good holy skill like this. You're so cruel to the gods."
Cumming suddenly beat his chest and feet as if he was extremely disappointed with
Tyr. However, when he turned around, the god looked serious. said
"It seems I have to let you know that two hands are always better than one."
"Well, but I don't have much time now. Rather, if I stay here for too long, I will drop
out of school."
"Oh? Have you enrolled in Avalon?"
"It's a good place there. His Majesty the Holy King of Killing should be the top
powerhouse with the best temper besides His Majesty the Holy King of Miracles."
Cumming's words stunned Tier for a moment, and then he remembered that their
dean seemed to It is one of the Nine Heavens Holy Kings, the Killing Holy King, a
being that is unparalleled in all the worlds.
"Getting back to the subject, if I teach you step by step, you may make significant
progress. After all, I am also a god. If I teach you personally, your strength will
definitely increase greatly. But if you are really in a hurry for time, then I have to let
you The exercise of falling into consciousness.”
"Exercise in consciousness?"
"That is to say, it trains you in your dreams. Generally, the ratio of dreams to real
time is about 1,000 to 1. After one hour here, I am afraid that more than a month has
passed in the dream."
"That's okay, let's give it an hour." Tire's eyes lit up again, and his eagerness for
knowledge made Kaming smile.
"Don't worry, I have to keep some preparations here, otherwise there's no guarantee
what will happen over there."
"Of course it is that god. He seems to have died, but in fact there is no red rain in the
daytime, and there are no lamentations from all directions. This proves that he is not
completely dead. Of course, it is also possible that he has been reincarnated. Anyway,
as long as the god has one believer, he can Live again through reincarnation, and if it
really dies, then the whole world will rain red rain to mourn the completely dead
"A god that is completely dead." Tyr remembered that there was a red rain a few
months ago. It seemed that a god was completely dead at that time. It is hard to
imagine that a god arranges thousands of believers in various small worlds, and how
will it end? How could he be completely killed.
After Cumming finished arranging everything, he stretched out his crab claws and
tapped Tire's forehead.
"Then, we'll see you in our dreams."
After the words fell, Tier became very sleepy and fell to the ground and fainted.
On the other side, Yuehai also felt endless sleepiness. After barely curing Diz, he
suddenly fell on him.
Diz hurriedly helped Yuehai up. The soft and boneless body made him tremble
slightly, but his good mental quality made Diz react quickly and pass it to Damiyala
who was walking quickly.
"What happened to Yuehai?"
Damiyala couldn't help but asked anxiously. Diz shook his head and looked at his
mostly healed body and couldn't help but sigh.
"Maybe it's because healing me consumes too much energy."
When Damiyala heard this, she frowned slightly. She didn't expect that Yuehai would
spend all his energy to heal Dizi. But in fact, there should be no connection between
Dizi and Yuehai, so why would Yuehai work so hard? .
Fight again in the 173rd issue
"Klad, what, are you going to fight? Just in time, the matter between us should be
settled." Scarlet's mouth was overflowing with blood. Although his voice was still
loud, in fact, his whole body was already on the verge of collapse. After all, the
emperor Zi's attacks are not false, each one can cause Scarlet severe damage.
Facing Scarlet's shouting, Krader had no expression on his face. He slightly raised his
head and looked at Waltz who was still flying in the sky and couldn't help but say
"Waltz, haven't you come down yet?"
"Are you sure you want me to come down?" Waltz flapped his wings and looked
down at Krad at his feet. Although he only said one sentence, the terrifying pressure
was overwhelming.
At this time, Scarlet waved his hand and shouted:
"You don't need to take action. They're just a few geniuses who don't know the
heights of the world. I can kill them all by myself!"
Waltz shrugged slightly and smiled at Krader.
"That's what he said, so what should you do?"
"Ha." Krad held his right hand toward the void, and also smiled. The dust around him
gradually flew, and the power of countless light elements slowly condensed,
surrounding Krad.
"I was really underestimated. Scarlet, you are no match for me now."
"Oh? Really." Scarlet's ferocious smile gradually faded, leaving only murderous
intent. The next moment, the power of sensing suddenly struck out, invisible and
silent, and flew towards Krad in an instant.
"go to hell!"
Following Scarlet's words, Krader was struck by the feeling. The powerful force
made him take a step back, but this step made Krader's eyes flash.
"So this is what feeling is like."
The lightsaber in Kradd's hand cut against his chest, seemingly just cutting into the
void. However, Scarlet in the distance suddenly screamed, and his already broken
body could no longer withstand the impact of the pain. , fell to the ground with a
crash. Seeing the situation, Kalida ran over in small steps, put her hands on Scarlet's
chest and was about to use the healing technique. However, the man who should have
fallen to the ground punched him. Although there was not much force on Kalida's
head, Kalida still fell to the ground, and blood flowed from her forehead.
"Bitch, do I want you to be cured? Fufufu..." With the words of angrily scolding
Kalida, Scarlet stood up with difficulty. Although Kalida was stunned by Scarlet's
words, The punch made him dizzy, but he still slowly got up and trotted to Scarlet's
side to hold him up.
But Scarlet didn't appreciate it and kicked Kalida to the ground.
"Can't you understand me?! Huh?!!"
In order to vent her anger, Scarlet, who was mentally injured, kept kicking Kalida's
abdomen with her big foot. This made the usually silent girl suddenly let out a hoarse
wail, and her mouth was filled with "..." Spitting out mouthfuls of blood, the
miserable look made Krad frown. Just as he was about to say something to stop him,
Elena, not far behind him, suddenly let out a cry.
"No!! Kalida! No!"
"Hahahaha, a fellow countryman is interceding for you, Miss Kalida." Scarlet kicked
Kalida harder because of Elena's words, which made all the bones in her body seem
to be torn off. , the original screams turned into miserable screams, saying from time
to time
"Master, I was wrong. Master, I never dare to do it again."
This sentence seems to have become Carida's subconscious words. She will keep
begging for mercy when she is abused. Elena on the other side is even more anxious.
If she hadn't been pulled by Constantine, she might have immediately turned to
Carly. Da rushed away.
Of course, Krad would not just watch Scarlet abuse Kalida, so he quickly threw out
the lightsaber in his hand and flew towards the opponent with a sound of breaking
through the air.
Scarlet was slightly startled, and was about to dodge, but found that all the strength in
his body was quickly drained. He couldn't help but frown, and then he realized that he
was too exhausted during the battle with Diz, and now he was too weak to fight Krad
again. Facing the lightsaber that was gradually enlarging in front of his eyes, he was
At this moment, Waltz in the sky finally started to move, and he quickly fell down.
His right hand turned into a dragon's claw and stretched out toward the ground. The
passing lightsaber was immediately caught in his hand. Then crush it easily!
Krad frowned, and once again condensed a lightsaber in his hand, looking at the half-
dragon Waltz as if facing a formidable enemy.
"You finally know you're down, Waltz."
"Haha, ant." Waltz turned to look at Krad with his mouth slightly twitching, that look
of contempt made everyone feel angry.
When Tier woke up, the surroundings had turned into a blank scene. No matter the
surroundings or the top and bottom, everything was as white as snow. Only the big
crab in front of him appeared in his eyes.
At this time, he seemed to be thinking about the problem. Till originally wanted not
to disturb Mr. Cumming, but the other party noticed Till's awakening first, so he
turned around and said
"You're awake, no. If you're in a dream, it might be better to say you're asleep."
"That, Mr. Cumming."
"What's wrong?"
"Why are my dreams blank?" Tire couldn't help but wonder, which made Kaming
shrug helplessly.
"It may be related to memory, or it may be that you don't like to dream. In short, there
are many reasons. I was thinking about this issue just now."
"Oh~ Actually, I also want to see what kind of dreams I usually have."
"If you want to see the scene of having an erotic dream, then save it."
"Who said you want to read it? Mr. Cumming, I won't be happy if you judge a book
by its cover."
"Hahaha, you look a lot like an old friend of mine." Kamin couldn't help laughing
when he saw Tire's somewhat speechless expression, and he couldn't help but say as
he poked Tier's chest with his crab claws. Tier raised his eyebrows and said
"Old friend? Mr. Cumming's old friend must also be a god."
"It's natural. Birds of a feather flock together and people form groups. When you
reach the stage of gods, the only ones who can stay with you forever are gods.
Everyone else will disappear under the test of time."
"...Disappear..." After hearing this, Tier felt a little depressed, and then asked again
"Then why does this old friend look like me?"
"The resemblance, of course, is in terms of personality, but he is a well-known figure
in the [Western God Realm], and he is different from you."
"Mr. Cumming, how do you know that I won't become a prominent figure in the
"Because even if you become a god, you can't catch up with him. He is Thor, the
powerful man known as the [Thunder God] in the Western God Realm."
"Thor?" Tyr raised his eyebrows slightly, saying he had never heard of it.
The 174th Issue of Heirs
"He's just a very powerful god who is usually a bitch. He likes his sister very much,
so you just need to have an impression." Kaming shook his crab claws indifferently,
and Tier nodded in understanding. After a short break, I realized something was
wrong and asked
"Mr. Cumming, I am not a sister-in-law. I also don't have a sister."
"I guess if you had a sister, you would immediately become a sister-controller. It's
just that you haven't awakened yet."
Tier really didn't know how to refute Cumming's words, which had no logical basis.
But in this situation, there was no need to refute. After all, there were other business
"Then let's get down to business, let's start with your sword skills again."
Following Cumming's words, Tire thought he had heard wrongly, so he asked with
some suspicion.
"Re-train again?"
"Of course. Judging from your memory, your dual-purpose accomplishments are
rarely seen in the entire empire and even the entire God Realm. If you don't use the
dual-sword style, I'm really sorry for this dual-tasking. And look at you again. Where
did you put my auxiliary holy skill, Heaven and Earth Returns Together? I've never
seen you use it before, but you treat such a powerful skill as rubbish. If I had a bad
temper like Ares, I'd probably give him a slap. I'll beat you to a pulp."
"Who is Ares?"
"One of the Gods of War, but with the lowest IQ." Kamin answered, obviously not
very fond of Ares. Naturally, Tyr didn't ask any more questions, so he simply sat
down and listened humbly to Kamin's teachings.
Kamin may be feeling lonely in this stone room, but now he really enjoys teaching
At this moment, Tier suddenly realized that Yuehai's figure appeared on the other
side of him.
Kaming's words stopped abruptly. Looking at this beautiful girl, he couldn't help but
look at Tier with suspicion.
"The little guy is so infatuated. He doesn't think about anything, but he can still
dream of such a beautiful woman."
"Uh... Well, just think of her as the girl of my dreams. Please ignore Mr. Cumming."
Tier felt that it was too troublesome to explain this thing. If he really told Cumming
that Yuehai was him , I don’t know how much more gossip we will have to talk
about. Now Tire is very thirsty for knowledge. Being taught by a god is something
that many people can’t envy. What’s more, this time is more than a month, and it is
estimated that Ava can Long's geniuses were ecstatic.
Speaking of the teachings of the gods, Tyr suddenly remembered that as Yuehai, he
seemed to be a special admissions student with a recommendation letter. He had
many special benefits, one of which was that he could see the gods once a month.
Now that he thought about it, he had not gone this month. We have seen each other
before. Counting the time, there may be a chance on the last day. Although Kamin is
also a god, we only have a one-time relationship. Now Kamin is just the incarnation
of the sword, not really, so this opportunity to see the gods is still It is necessary to
use it.
In this way, the big crab Kamin began to teach Tier tirelessly. One of them was eager
to learn and was happy, and the other one relieved decades of loneliness and even
taught future disciples. Naturally, he was also very happy in his heart.
Waltz slowly retracted the dragon wings, and the dragon claws that were originally
surrounded by scales slowly fell into his palm.
Claude frowned and said in a deep voice
"What about your dragon transformation? Everyone in Nylon Heaven should be able
to do it."
"You don't need to transform into a dragon to deal with you." Even Krad couldn't
help feeling a little angry at these words, but Waltz said indifferently.
"And if you are embarrassed by yourself, let my fellow countrymen and those little
guys come together, otherwise you will only be ravaged by me."
"How will you know if you don't try?" Krad held the lightsaber tightly, and before the
battle began, the blood-red fighting spirit erupted from his body, and a coercion that
was several times stronger than before suddenly spread.
Waltz had seen it in a match before, so he wasn't too surprised, but Dizi and the
others were different. Among these people, only Constantine had seen Krad use it
when fighting Tier, so such an explosion immediately shocked most people.
Even Diz's face couldn't help but froze, and then he smiled bitterly and shook his
head. Only then did he realize that the gap between himself and the opponent was
still very huge, and he could only catch up with him by working
harder. . . . . .
The dragon slayer was equally solemn, but apart from Krad, she suddenly
remembered another thing. From the corner of her eye, she couldn't help but glance at
Yue Hai, who was sleeping in Damiyala's arms. She took two steps back and stood
side by side with Kang Shiding. said
"Where is Tyr? Why is the sky wire of Yuehai broken?"
Kang Shiding originally looked at the situation extremely nervously, but now that he
heard this sound, he scratched his head in embarrassment.
"Sister, the four of us were fine before we came in, but that guy suddenly said there
was a way to break the barrier here, so after following him in, we disappeared."
"Well, we came in from another entrance, but there is a barrier in the cave that allows
people to go back the way they came, so we were unable to do anything. It was the
Tyr guy who came up with some weird idea that allowed us to break this deadlock."
The dragon slayer probably knew what was going on. That idiot Tire probably used
his talent to break any barrier to get in, but his cleverness was misguided. Although
this barrier can be broken, it is difficult to say that the cracker can. The same entry,
and now this sudden disappearance is the best evidence.
But if he disappears, where will he go? . . . . .
Long Tu couldn't help but feel a little worried.
On this side, Krader burst out with blood-red fighting spirit and rushed straight
towards Waltz. The surrounding gravel and rubble suddenly scattered in all
directions. The huge pressure of fighting spirit made Scarlet behind Waltz couldn't
help but retreat.
Krad had no intention of testing the opponent. The tip of the lightsaber suddenly
gathered a black and white energy ball, and with such an explosive speed, it was
suddenly thrown towards Waltz.
The air was blown up in an instant, and with a violent sound of breaking through the
air, he made the most powerful attack on Waltz!
The profound meaning of the formation of Yibu Veda is black and white and
As Krad thought silently in his heart, the black and white energy ball landed quickly.
However, Waltz did not dodge in the face of this attack. Weiwei clenched his hands
into fists and brought them to his waist.
This familiar posture made Long Tu's pupils shrink suddenly, and Waltz's words also
"Yixin Fist Flow, Heart Clothes."
A transparent barrier spread out immediately. The black and white energy body
bombarded the barrier and exploded violently. However, it could not hurt Waltz in
the center of the barrier at all. His smile remained on his face, as if he was mocking.
Krad hit the stone with an egg, but the blond knight who saw the result did not stop,
and quickly approached Waltz with the lightsaber in his hand.
Not far away, Long Tu clenched his fists. He really didn't expect that Waltz was
actually the successor of Yixinquan style.
The 175th issue of the Dragon-Ke joint battle waltz
Krad didn't show the slightest intention of retreating because the energy ball was
blocked. On the contrary, he moved even faster, and the lightsaber in his hand
suddenly slashed towards Waltz, who was gradually losing the protection of his heart.
It's a pity that Waltz would not let the other party bully him. With a little step on his
feet, he easily dodged Krad's sword. He made a fist with his left hand and struck it
out unhurriedly.
"One body enters the soul."
It was another Yixin Fist style move, Long Tu's face couldn't help but turn gloomy,
and this kind of attack technique was also considered to be the most experienced one
among the successors of Yixin Fist style.
Clad was not afraid of the punch, and his fighting spirit rose rapidly. He flew up as
soon as his feet hit the ground, and he also avoided the punch. The terrifying punch
turned into a blue dragon and blasted a big hole into the wall. Suddenly, The whole
cave shook.
Krader took this opportunity and stretched out the lightsaber in his hand again. The
same lightsaber condensed in his other hand and rushed towards Waltz's head.
Waltz's sneer remained unchanged, and he stamped his foot suddenly. The ground
suddenly cracked, and a white vindictive light beam immediately sprang out from the
ground and blasted towards Krad who descended from the sky to attack and kill.
Krader frowned, feeling the power of this fighting spirit light beam but unable to
dodge it, so his eyes were focused, and the force in his hand was deeper, and the two
collided together in the next moment.
A huge explosion roared, and Waltz immediately took a few steps back. Krad, who
was in mid-air, was also hurt by the explosion. He turned over and fell to the ground
to face Waltz and confront him.
This time the two faced off, it looked like there was no winner, but in fact, Krader
tried his best, but Waltz played it lightly.
At this time, Dragon Slaughter actually stepped forward, and without waiting for
Krad's consent, he quickly attacked Waltz with majestic power.
Waltz smiled even more. When he saw the Dragon Butcher approaching, he did not
dodge or dodge. He only clenched his fists and swung at the opponent. The Dragon
Butcher also punched out. The fists of the two people, one big and one small, collided
together, and a burst of energy exploded. The sound exploded immediately, and a
ripple of fighting spirit formed around it, rushing in all directions like ocean waves.
After this punch, Long Tu actually took half a step back, but knowing that he could
not back down at this juncture, Long Tu gritted his teeth and used force to regain the
disadvantage. The two were immediately evenly matched.
"Tell me! Where did you learn from him?"
Dragon Slaughter questioned Waltz, but shook his head slightly at the businessman in
the fist.
"There are too many masters. If you ask me this, I may not remember."
"Too many masters?!" Long Tu was slightly startled, then his face darkened and he
shouted in a low voice
"What nonsense are you talking about? There is only one master in a lifetime!"
"That's you, not me. Well, let me show you the style taught by other masters." As
soon as Waltz finished speaking, he held his free left hand toward the void, and the
power of light elements quickly gathered, and everything Under the people's
surprised eyes, a solid lightsaber was immediately born.
Clad, who could clearly see behind Long Tu, widened his eyes, and he slowly spoke
in disbelief.
"It's actually... lightsaber style?!"
"That's right! It's the lightsaber style that you are so proud of." Waltz quickly slashed
at the dragon slayer's head, which caught her off guard. She was caught off guard and
immediately used her inner clothes, and the lightsaber slashed at the barrier wrapped
by her inner clothes. After being unable to break through, Waltz had no choice but to
take a few steps back. The Dragon Slayer, who was really shocked by the blow,
immediately distanced himself from Waltz and leaned closer to Krad.
"What, are you afraid of this?" Waltz looked at Krad and Dragon Slaughter, who had
their faces downcast, and he suddenly waved his lightsaber,
"It's too late to regret now."
Light sword style, the secret of the emperor's formation, surrender!
As Waltz thought silently in his heart, a surge of divine power immediately
descended, and at the same time, the lightsaber in Waltz's hand also swung down!
Dragon Slaughter and Krad suddenly had the urge to kneel down and worship under
such power, but their strong willpower allowed them to stop this behavior. However,
their hearts were turned upside down by this pressure, and their spirits began to
change. He was confused, his muscles were trembling all over his body, and his mind
was in a mess. Many past memory fragments kept emerging like illustrations.
Dragon Slaughter's expression was gloomy, beads of sweat suddenly appeared on her
forehead, and her body bowed slightly, as if she could no longer bear the power of
"What faction in the lightsaber style is this?!"
Facing the Dragon Slaughter's question, Krad also answered with a tired body.
"The Emperor's Formation! It is a lightsaber-style formation that specializes in
"What?! Doesn't your lightsaber style rely on the element of light to perform?"
"The Emperor's Formation is an exception! But it is also the most powerful formation
besides the Sanction Formation!"
Krad's answer made the Dragon Slaughter's face become even more gloomy. Under
the current situation, the Dragon Slayer, who had lost the protection of his inner robe,
would not be able to create another inner robe in a short time. Therefore, this method
of specializing in the spirit is extremely troublesome now. .
Just when they were helpless, a beautiful song suddenly came out. Krad and
Longslayer were surprised at the same time. A cute peacock slowly appeared behind
them, and opened its tail with a snap, revealing the beauty inside. feathers.
The peacock opens its tail!
The song suddenly changed at this moment, and the unfolded tail immediately
released a dazzling green light that shone on Krad and Dragon Slaughter. The
pressure that seemed like a mighty force suddenly decreased. Krad was the first to
look back. Damiyala, who was assisting from behind, couldn't help but be grateful,
while Dragon Slaughter calmed down and rushed towards Waltz without saying a
After reacting, Krad followed closely, and his hand exploded, turning into a thick
lightsaber surrounded by blood-red fighting spirit!
Waltz saw Dragon Slaughter approaching first, without any fear, he threw the
lightsaber at Dragon Slayer casually with his left hand.
The dragon slayer frowned and smashed the lightsaber into pieces with a punch, but
the next moment, this waltz suddenly appeared in front of her.
It was like a teleportation move. The hair on Long Tu's body stood up, and a strong
sense of crisis suddenly came. Krad could see clearly behind him, and waved the
lightsaber in his hand. The lightsaber seemed to come alive. A whip was tied around
the waist of the Dragon Slaughter in front of him, and then he suddenly pulled it
behind him. Waltz, who had jumped into the air, was not surprised by this, and his
smile became even more charming.
The dragon slayer was pulled back by Cradle but did not stop. Instead, he
immediately strode forward and said to Cradle.
"Be careful, this person not only knows the lightsaber style and the mind fist style, he
also has high attainments in the most powerful movement of the stalker
"..." Krad's face was gloomy, but his feet were not disturbed at all.
Stalker? It's not that he has never fought before, but this kind of stalker who is both a
boxer and a swordsman has never been heard of. This is the first time for even
Dragon Slaughter to see such an existence. She only now understands what Waltz
said before.
He has countless masters.
The 176th issue of Yi Xin Fist Showdown
【monthly reading】
The reason why stalkers call it the strongest movement is because of the orientation
of this movement. Whether it is Qihe, demigods or even gods, this Tsukuyomi
movement can be learned, and learning Tsukuyomi at different stages will It forms
different levels of effects, so this monthly reading makes stalkers highly respected.
However, this does not mean that Tsukuyomi is a bargain. On the contrary, precisely
because of this kind of body technique for all levels, there is no model record for its
actual learning method. Only a few masters have learned it, and perhaps they will be
taught to the next generation if they are destined. .
And Waltz obviously became one of these destined people.
Krader obviously knew how powerful Tsukuyomi was. Although he had no fear, he
did not approach rashly. The dragon slayer beside him knew better than Krader, and
she also understood a lot about the horror of Waltz.
This man has changed drastically in a short period of time.
"Why, why didn't you attack again?" Waltz couldn't help but said as he looked at the
two of them. The experienced Dragon Slayer and Krad would naturally not be fooled
by such provocative words. But she felt dissatisfied at being so despised, and she had
already clenched her fists with the temper of a dragon slayer. If Clad hadn't done
anything, she might have rushed forward.
"Waltz-san, don't you want to find out the purpose of coming here first?"
Krad's words made the dragon slayer slightly startled. He really didn't expect that the
other party would suddenly give in, and Waltz also burst into laughter.
"Hahaha, did you start to show mercy when the situation was bad?"
"Klad, you..." Dragon Butcher couldn't help but frown. She originally thought that
Clad was a man who would fight happily when it was time to fight, but how could
she have expected such a reaction.
It was difficult for others to understand. Only Constantine knew that Krad was not a
person who was afraid of the weak. Just from the battle with Tire, we could see how
amazing his perseverance and unyielding spirit were.
Facing everyone's suspicious eyes, Clad shook his head slightly.
"It's just that there's no reason why you and I have to fight to the death. It's Scarlet
who I can't stand, not you."
"Oh~" Waltz narrowed his eyes, and Scarlet behind him sneered when he heard this.
"Waltz, get out of the way and see if I don't kill him."
"You'd better heal your injury first." Waltz said casually without looking back, and
then he still smiled at Krader and the others.
"My original plan was to wait for you to come in and catch them all in one fell
swoop, but the three new people who appeared made me a little strange..."
As Waltz spoke, he couldn't help but turn his eyes to the three Konstantins behind
Krad, which made Elena tremble all over. Looking at Waltz, her legs weakened and
she fell to the ground.
Although Constantine was equally shocked, he resolutely resisted his fear of the
waltz and helped Elena up from the ground.
Just a look can make them fearful, and those with uncertain minds will lose their
fighting spirit. From this, you can see how powerful Waltz is.
The Dragon Slaughter glanced behind him slightly. The sudden emergence of the
three of them from the cave was really suspicious. After all, Waltz had planned to
enter this place for a long time, but now someone else had used other methods to
enter. Just think about it. It feels unbalanced.
Just as Long Tu thought, Waltz was already doubting Myerson's reliability. He
couldn't help but turn his attention to the adult man hiding in the corner. This man
obviously had the power of the middle emperor, but he had been watching with cold
eyes. Now, Another entrance appeared. I wonder how many of his words are
true. . . . . .
Myerson, who was stared at by Waltz, looked gloomy. In order to prove his
credibility, he immediately stood up and said
"There is only one entrance in my memory. I don't know how they got in."
"Oh?" Waltz raised his eyebrows, and then looked forward again.
"Then I need your answer. If there is no satisfactory answer, no one will go out
"Hmph!" Long Tu stepped forward with clenched fists and replied with a cold snort.
"Answer? I think you are tired of living."
"Tired of living? Me?" Waltz couldn't help but be startled when he heard Long Tu's
words, then he crossed his arms and said
"Are you sure you can still be so confident in making such an arrogant declaration
after the battle just now?"
"..." Dragon Butcher's face sank. She glanced at Krad first, and when she saw that his
expression remained unchanged, she was greatly disgusted, so she became angry and
said to Waltz without caring so much.
"You are the one I came here to beat today!"
"Hehehe, we'll see."
As soon as Waltz finished speaking, Long Tu reached out and touched the ring in his
Lift the ban again.
While thinking silently in his heart, the ring on his little finger was gradually taken
Then, a gust of wind pressure suddenly dispersed.
Krader's face changed as he remembered the previous class competition and couldn't
help but retreat suddenly. The others naturally knew the forbidden technique of
Dragon Slaughter very clearly, and each of them couldn't help but have a great
impression of Dragon Slaughter. confidence.
After all, once the Dragon Slayer takes off this ring, his strength will skyrocket to the
Emperor level. If it were an ordinary Emperor level waltz, he would naturally not be
afraid, but if it were the Dragon Slayer, the gap would widen instantly!
Blue vindictive energy burst out from Long Tu's body, and the powerful force
crushed the ground into pieces. Waves of vindictive energy formed waves that spread
out in circles like ripples. When they slapped Waltz around, the businessman who
was still calm was also shocked. There was a hint of dignity.
"Is it a forbidden technique?" Waltz murmured to himself, but when he saw the figure
of the dragon slayer changing from twelve or thirteen years old to about fourteen
years old, his eyes suddenly narrowed.
"It does not seem......"
As for Waltz's analysis, Long Tu didn't have time to stall with the opponent. He
looked at Waltz with his eyes like swords, and when he stepped into the air under his
feet, he actually flew up.
"Boxing skills, one body enters the soul."
Boom, boom, boom, the blue fighting energy gathered on Dragon Slayer's arm
caused a small explosion due to compression to the limit, but even so, Dragon Slayer
was still condensing, and finally all gathered on his fist!
Waltz put down his hands that were clasped on his chest, his eyes were solemn, and
his fists were slightly clenched. Although he was serious, there was no fear at all.
Seeing that the opponent did not dodge, Long Tu's eyes flashed with light, and he
actually used his left hand to hug the right hand that had gathered a lot of fighting
On the basis of one body into the soul. . . . . .
"Boxing skills, hammer of judgment!"
There was just a thud, and a sound of judgment slowly came out like a hammer
falling to the ground, and at the same time it crashed down on the waltz on the
However, this powerful businessman clenched his fists and suddenly retracted them.
Immediately, a barrier that was several times larger than before suddenly expanded.
"Yixin Fist Style, [Li, Xinyi]!"
Issue 177 remains unchanged
"Yixinquan flow, inside, heart clothes."
As the calm voice came out, a solid and huge barrier spread out, but this barrier was
not just a circle, but spread out like ripples in the water. In the end, the heart clothes
were centered on Waltz. With dozens of layers condensed, it looks like a transparent
fortress, as if the sky is falling and the earth is falling, and it cannot affect it at all.
Dragon Butcher's heart sank as he watched in mid-air.
He actually knows [Li, Xinyi], has this person awakened to the center of the
Yixinquan style? !
There are eleven moves in the Yixinquan style, which are the extremely famous three
major meanings and eight majors. Like Xinyi and Xinliushui are one of the eight
majors. To learn the more profound moves among them, you must master the
techniques of the Yixinquan flow. Once the original intention is fully understood,
only by advancing from the initial intention to the center can one use more powerful
boxing techniques.
Among them, inner clothes are one type.
However, Long Tu's punch had already been thrown, and the arrow was on the string
and had to be fired!
The huge force turned into a fierce bombardment and squeezed on the inner garment.
Only the sound of banging and banging was heard. The inner garment was shattered
in circles. The pressure under Waltz's feet increased greatly, and the whole earth was
actually sunk deep into the turtle. Crack it!
"I can't help it!!"
Waltz's pupils suddenly contracted. This fellow named Long Tu not only knew how
to use the Yishin Fist style, but he was also more accomplished in this area than him.
He was obviously a boxing genius. Waltz only understood this when he was fighting
with him now.
So he shouted low, his hands suddenly turned into dragon claws, and he slapped his
When Dragon Slaughter saw the other party's appearance, he immediately knew that
Waltz was going to use his talent skill again, and felt a headache.
So he stepped on the void, and the emperor-level fighting spirit formed an invisible
shield under his feet, which became the stepping stone for Dragon Slaughter. The
strength in his legs suddenly gathered, and then he glared at the shield, and his whole
body suddenly shot towards the earth like a cannonball. The waltz shot away.
"So fast!"
Before the red ball of light in Waltz's hand could condense, Dragon Slaughter had
already stepped forward!
But at this time, the power of the Hammer of Judgment suddenly exploded, and the
already shaky inner garment was shattered again. In the end, only the third layer was
still resisting. At this time, the dragon slaughter came just in time, and the slender
body seemed to turn into a The left hook with tremendous power suddenly hit the last
three layers of heart clothes!
Waltz's pupils contracted and he shouted loudly
"court death!!"
"You are the one who died!!"
As soon as he finished speaking, the third layer of his heart was shattered. Waltz's
face darkened, but the speed of his hands did not slow down at all. The strength in his
body quickly gathered, and a red energy body suddenly opened from his palms.
The innate skill of the Nylon people is the innate skill of the Nylon people. All Nylon
people know this trick, but as a person becomes stronger, the Kugun will also become
stronger. It can be said that Growth-type martial arts is not an exaggeration. This is
the decisive difference from the Gabriels!
While the pain in his head was gathering, Long Tu had penetrated the second layer of
his heart. Waltz suddenly felt a huge coercion pressing down on his head. It was the
hammer of judgment that still had the remaining power, and the front was even more
With Dragon Slaughter's attack, Waltz was trapped in a desperate situation by being
attacked from both sides!
"Okay!" Kang Shiding couldn't help shouting in the distance, applauding for such an
advantage. How powerful this waltz was, and now it was suppressed by Dragon
Slayer. How could such a thing make him unhappy, let alone Kang Shiding? Even
Damiya Raditz and others couldn't help clenching their fists, looking extremely
"Huh." Waltz sneered at this time, and his whole body shook suddenly. Pieces of
white dragon scales were immediately covered, and his tail fell to the ground with a
In the blink of an eye, this waltz turned into a dragon completely in an instant!
"White dragon man?!" Dragon Slayer's pupils shrank. At that time, she remembered
that the opponent should be a blue dragon man.
"You're lucky." Waltz sneered even more. The bitter cannon in his hand condensed
several times faster. Before the last layer of Dragon Slaughter's heart was shattered,
Waltz's attack had already been launched.
boom! !
Sweat dripped from Long Tu's forehead, because the power of releasing the ban
caused her whole body to swell and ache, as if her own fighting spirit was about to
completely burst her body, and a steady stream of fighting spirit was flowing out
crazily. Now that he saw that the other party had arrived first, Dragon Slaughter had
to slow down his attack. He dodged the attack of the bitter cannon, and following the
trend, the red energy ball hit the Hammer of Judgment above Waltz's head. A
powerful roar erupted, and countless pieces of rubble and stone were blown up from
the shattered earth. The huge cave was in a mess, and it looked as if several armies
had crushed it here.
After the thick smoke dissipated, Long Tu fell to the ground, his feet weak and he
almost fell.
As for Waltz, he twisted his neck, making a clicking sound, and a dragon's tail
slapped to the ground, looking very majestic.
"I didn't expect that I would meet a strong opponent. You are among the top three
among the freshmen. Come on, let me see your dragon transformation, otherwise you
will not be my opponent now."
Dragon transformation. . . . . .
Dragon Slayer's eyes narrowed slightly, and others also focused their attention on
Dragon Slayer. Now Dragon Slayer can barely compete with the dragon-human
Waltz. If he transforms into a dragon again, his power will increase exponentially,
defeating him. A waltz is not impossible.
But Long Tu shook his head, his aura rising again.
"I won't turn into a dragon because of you."
"Oh~ interesting, then I will force you to show up!" Waltz, a dragon man in white,
was like the dazzling bright moon in the night sky. A huge dragon power suddenly
descended, and the dragon butcher's face sank, a wave that only a nylon man could
feel. The suppression of her bloodline shocked her even more
[My bloodline is actually lower than this person’s? ! 】
When he thought this, Waltz flapped his wings, and a storm suddenly spread behind
him, grinding a large number of stones and rubble into pieces. The strong wind
pressure made it difficult to imagine that this was just the power caused by the
flapping of his wings.
Then, what was even more terrifying was that Waltz, pushed by this wind pressure,
rushed towards Dragon Slaughter with overwhelming pressure!
The dragon slayer clenched his teeth tightly, his fists clenched so hard that blood
overflowed, his whole body tensed up, his bones made a crackling sound, and then he
swung out his fist resolutely!
Waltz smiled, and the dragon's claws formed into fists. The size of the Dragon
Slaughter and its palms were like the difference between a grain of rice and an egg,
but they collided with each other at this moment!
The second fist fight broke out again!
However, Waltz had a ferocious smile. Facing the stubborn resistance of Long Tu, he
suddenly exerted force. A surge of force was immediately transmitted from his arm
into his fist. With a thud, Long Tu's whole body was blown away, and a stream of
energy came out of his mouth. He drank a lot of blood, and his appearance instantly
changed back to that of a twelve or thirteen year old.
Seeing the situation, Krad moved forward and brought the dragon slaughterer back.
The 178th decisive battle
Krad looked at the dragon slayer in his arms and frowned. It was indeed a forbidden
technique. During the competition, it could be seen that the sequelae of this forbidden
technique were equally powerful. Although it was not as terrifying as Tyr, it was It
still makes people feel intense pain, and now the Dragon Slayer is completely
powerless. Although he looks at himself with a bit of confusion and anger, he
deserves to be stared at like this.
Who knew that I suddenly felt that this cave was a bit inconsistent just now, so I
came up with a compromise plan, but I didn't expect that the Dragon Slayer's reaction
would be so big, and he attacked it without even planning to cooperate with me. Krad
He wants to intervene but he really can't get close.
"Let me go..." Long Tu's voice was no longer tough as usual, but had a hint of
childish weakness. This made Krad frown even more tightly. He turned behind him,
although he was worried about Yue Hai's fainting. , but the current crisis is not the
time to care about such things, so he greeted Kang Shiding and said
"The dragon slaying is left to you."
"..." Kang Shiding's face was gloomy. He suddenly realized his powerlessness again.
He could only watch his companions standing in front of him, fighting and fighting,
and finally fell one by one. . . . . .
However, even though he had woken up long ago, he, Constantine, could not do
anything. . . . . .
The only thing that can be done now is to listen to Krad and take good care of Dragon
When Kang Shiding picked up Long Tu, he found that she was frighteningly light.
Is this the Dragon Slayer who is so impressive all day long?
The one who was strong enough to be nicknamed his eldest sister? !
The dragon slayer breathed the air hard, but her eyes were still fixed on Clad. She
slowly stretched out her hand, and finally grabbed Clad's collar, her eyes staring
"Don't lose to this kind of character!"
Clad didn't resist. Feeling the slight tightening feeling from the collar being grasped
by the little hand, he nodded.
All promises seemed pale and futile at this moment.
Krader turned to look at Waltz, who had been standing in front of him, the lightsaber
in his hand slowly condensing.
Everything is proven by facts.
[I, Krad, will not lose. 】
"Claude Hillier..." Waltz didn't call out the other person's name until now. His smile
didn't change at all. He slowly raised his right paw and pointed at the other person.
"I heard that you are the number one genius in the northern part of the Sikri Empire.
It just so happens that I am only in the top eight of the youth group of the Nylon
Kingdom. The two identities are almost the same. I don't know whether you, Sikri, is
more powerful, or I, the Nylon Kingdom, is more powerful. Some."
Waltz was clearly provoking Krader, and this provocation was the kind of pressure
that only someone with the title of No. 1 genius can feel.
Because if you lose, it not only means that you are not number one, but it also means
that the top eight strong men in the Nylon Kingdom can defeat one of the best in the
Gabriel Continent.
This gap can be directly described as a challenge between countries. Whoever loses
will have to bear the shame of being inferior to the other country.
However, Krader said nothing, and the lightsaber in his hand was pointed directly at
the opponent, level with Waltz's dragon claw. The two looked at each other, revealing
strong self-confidence.
The confidence of the waltz comes from strength, unparalleled strength.
Krad, on the other hand, had faith, it would not be an exaggeration to say it was faith.
He was determined that he would not lose.
The showdown between the two is about to break out!
"It's almost done." Yong Ye looked at the sky and couldn't help but murmured to
himself, while Ye Xi, who was dripping with sweat from being trained on the ground,
couldn't help but be confused. Sensing the girl's doubtful gaze, the cat teacher
couldn't help but use his paws to touch the opponent's fair skin. He rubbed his face
and then answered
"You're a little kid and you don't understand. Stand up quickly and take me
"A place?"
Ye Xi was even more confused now, but due to Yong Ye's scary eyes, Ye Xi had to
get up from the grass with difficulty. Teacher Cat kicked his feet and immediately
jumped on her head, which made it difficult for him to stand up. Ye Xi's feet went
weak and he almost fell down again.
"Stand firm. If a person wants to become stronger, he must try harder when he is
completely exhausted. The amount of extra effort will determine the space within
which you can grow in the future."
Ye Xi still felt puzzled by Yong Ye's words, but most of what Teacher Cat said made
sense, so it was better to listen obediently at this time.
At this moment, a figure not far away slowly walked over.
"Lord Yongye."
"...No. 3, are you ready?" Yongye narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he looked
like a cat, his sharp eyes alone shocked people.
And the figure coming over was naturally the teacher No. 3 mentioned by Yong Ye.
"Everything is ready. The president handed this matter over to us. He also wants the
incident to come to an end."
"...Sigh~ Generations of presidents have ignored the incident of the fall of gods as
history. Only this person has been solving all the criticisms of the college since the
second academic year. Even if it is this matter, the former She can't touch her, but
now that her position has gradually become more stable and her methods have
become more mature, she finally took action." Yong Ye murmured to himself on Ye
Xi's head. Such words made Teacher No. 3 agree with him, and Teacher Cat shook
his head. He shook his head, sighed, and couldn't help but admire
"It's not an exaggeration to say that Ku is probably the person I identify with the most
besides Jing Sheng over the years."
Only now did Ye Xi realize that the person they were talking about turned out to be
Ku, the president of the current student union. The high-ranking person who had
caught a glimpse of her at the opening ceremony of the new students, with long
purple hair and a confident smile, faced ten people. A strong man who is talented but
can talk eloquently.
Teacher No. 3 nodded similarly and said
"So Lord Yongye is going there now?"
"Then, she..." Teacher No. 3 couldn't help but look at Ye Xi, but Teacher Cat twisted
her body, lying on Ye Xi's body even more lazily, and said lightly
"Let her follow me. There is no safer place beside me."
"..." Teacher No. 3 was silent for a while, then nodded slightly.
"Since Lord Yong Ye has spoken, I will take on this responsibility."
"What nonsense are you talking about? What do you think [Zuo Shen] can do? If he
hadn't set up the [Sacred Tomb], according to the regulations of the Supreme God,
not even the Holy King could enter, otherwise I would have killed him long ago. The
little guy was brought up."
What Yong Ye said at this time left Ye Xi, a monk who was only two feet tall,
completely confused. The two of them seemed to be playing riddles, which was really
uncomfortable to watch.
"What Lord Yong Ye said is, what about Waltz and the others?"
"..." Yongye narrowed his eyes slightly and answered immediately
"If you're lucky, you might be able to survive. If you're not lucky, just die. Anyway,
the president will bear all the responsibilities."
"..." Teacher No. 3 sighed after hearing this
"That's all."
The 179th issue is over!
Dong-dong, the knocking on the door came from outside, causing the pen in
President Ku's hand to stagnate slightly, then he stood up and said
"Please come in."
As the president's words fell, an old palm slowly opened the exquisitely carved door.
After a closer look, he found that the person who came was an old man with pale
hair. His face was full of big and small... The small black spots look extremely scary,
but those soft eyes make people feel no dislike for him.
"Ahem." The old man coughed. President Ku frowned slightly, then pulled out the
guest chair and nodded slightly towards him.
"Vice Dean, please take a seat."
"Oh, Xiao Ku, you see, I am no longer useful as I grow old. Alas~" The old man,
who was called the deputy dean, slowly sat down on the chair that the president had
pulled out for him, and put down With the crutch at hand, he took out his
handkerchief and coughed again.
President Ku's expression remained unchanged. He walked to the side of the vice-
president and gently patted his slightly hunched back with his slender white palms.
"Vice-dean, take care of yourself. If anything happens, you can call me over
"This matter is too scary to ask you to come over." The vice-dean turned his head
towards the president with great difficulty and spoke slowly.
"After all, the fall of gods would not be special in the war years, but now, the
meaning is completely different."
The president nodded slightly. She naturally guessed the reason why the vice
president came. Now that she heard the other party bring it up, President Ku, who had
been prepared for a long time, did not change at all.
She thought for a moment before responding
“This matter has been gathering dust in the Avalon Student Union archives for thirty-
seven years, and I want to resolve it.”
"Hahaha, over the years, your methods have matured, and your coping methods have
also improved quite a bit, but your no-nonsense temper has remained unchanged."
The vice-dean seemed to recall something interesting and couldn't help but shake his
head and laugh. road
"Now look at you sixth-grade students. Each and every one of you is struggling for
your own strength. You are the only one who worries about this and that all day long,
leaving me, an old man, in your place."
"Deputy Dean, of course I didn't mean that..."
"I know that you have devoted your body and mind to the college, which is different
from them." After the vice-dean finished speaking, he coughed again, this time the
cough was more severe, and the handkerchief was stained with a layer of bright red. .
The president sighed slightly, this was something he was used to.
There is no hope for the vice-president to be promoted to the gods. For thousands of
years, he has witnessed the rise and fall of geniuses. There are probably not many
people in the entire academy who are more senior than him. It is precisely because he
has seen the kindness of countless students. Warm and cold, only then can one have a
special feeling for suffering.
Just like, father and daughter.
This is also the reason why President Ku can survive among many big forces. There
are shadows of many big people behind her.
"Let's get down to business." The vice-dean put away his handkerchief and continued
"What are your plans regarding the fall of gods?"
"All the plans have been cast as a net, and today should be the time to harvest." The
president actually showed a smile when he said this, which made the vice president
shocked and looked at President Ku in disbelief.
"So fast?!"
"As soon as this kind of thing is delayed, the people above will use various reasons to
postpone it, so it should not be delayed. Moreover, it is not unreasonable to do this
thing this year."
"Oh? I'm all ears." The vice-president's face gradually became solemn. He no longer
looked like he was looking at his daughter before, but had the attitude of a superior.
Although he is only a demigod, he still obeys orders. It’s not like there are no gods,
so he holds a high position in Avalon and is well-deserved for the position of deputy
President Ku naturally changed his mind, walked back to his seat, took out a form,
and spoke calmly.
"This person's name is Myerson, does the deputy dean know?"
"...Some impressions..." The vice-dean frowned. After all, there were so many
students who had come and gone over the years. He couldn't remember them all. It
wasn't until he took a break that he suddenly understood
"Survivors after the events of the Fall of Gods."
"Yes, that's this guy. Let's start with him..."
"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"
Krader was at a disadvantage. Although he tried his best, there was a physical gap
between him and Waltz.
Nylon people are much stronger than ordinary humans. The most ordinary Nylon
citizen can massacre an entire town of mortals.
Among the strong, these differences magnify the advantages and disadvantages
infinitely. Not only did Krad have the upper hand in the offensive, but his physical
strength also gradually weakened. On the other hand, Waltz was as powerful as a
rainbow and his body was as hard as iron. If not Krader fought with him, but the
others would have been defeated long ago.
Kang Shiding and others watched from behind and were extremely nervous. Their
strength seemed too pale in such a battle at this time. Even the Dragon Slaughter
couldn't help but clenched his right hand tighter, very worried about Krad's situation.
Only Damiyala, her eyes flickered, and if you look closely, you will find that she is
not paying attention to the battle at all, but is observing other things.
At this time, Krader was hit by the opponent's punch. The force was so strong that all
his clothes were shattered. He spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body hit
the wall.
Waltz did not pursue quickly, but stepped on the ground and walked step by step
towards Krad who was stuck on the wall of the cave.
"I didn't expect that the first talent in the northern part of the empire would be of this
level. I thought I found an evenly matched opponent in the last competition, but it
seems my intuition was wrong."
Waltz's intuition was not wrong, it was just that Krad was now unable to exert the
kind of power he had used when fighting Tyr in his mind-eye state.
It would be nice if this month passed.
Krader, who was a little confused, couldn't help but sigh. At the beginning of the
month, he should be able to defeat the monster in front of him.
Unfortunately. . . . . .
This time, I was hurt badly by you.
"Oh oh oh oh!!" Krad blushed and flew out of the wall in an instant, clenching his
hands, and a red lightsaber about three meters long suddenly condensed, watching
Waltz's figure slash down angrily!
However, the dragon man's reaction was to condense the same lightsaber and slash
back instantly!
Exactly the same!
Krad's pupils contracted. He remembered that the previous waltz used was only the
emperor's formation. Could it be that he also learned the Yifu Veda? !
However, Waltz, who collided with Krad's lightsaber, laughed and said
"I can learn this simple martial skill after just watching it a few times!"
boom! !
The strength of the dragon's power was instantly transmitted from the lightsaber.
Krad's feet were unsteady, and his whole body was knocked back again, with blood
pouring out of his mouth.
"Let everything end, genius Krad!" Waltz laughed, flicked the lightsaber in his hand
and stepped on [Tsukuyomi] with his feet, and came to him in just a snap of his
Tyr opened his eyes.
The dim cave didn't allow his vision to fully adapt, and he didn't start looking around
until he took a break.
"came back."
As soon as the words were spoken, the big crab Kaming also cast a shadow from the
broken sword and nodded with satisfaction.
"Although more than a month can teach you very little, for ordinary people, it can
also benefit a lot."
Tier nodded slightly, then looked at his right hand, clenched it into a fist and then
loosened it into his palm. He repeated this ten times before saying
"My body can't keep up with my consciousness."
"How could it be? Logically speaking, a warrior's body is the most abundant. How
come it's the opposite for you?" The big crab couldn't help asking. Tier looked at his
right hand before turning his gaze to Kaming and answered.
"My fighting spirit talent is very poor, and even eating hundreds of fighting spirit
crystals has no effect at all."
"...You are not just bad, you are simply a mortal."
"..." Although Tier himself knew it, it was still somewhat frustrating to be said so
bluntly, although his current confidence far outweighed this slight frustration.
"It's a pity that I'm just a sword spirit now. If I were here, I'd probably be able to see
why your fighting spirit can't advance." Kaming shook his head slightly. It was
obvious that in his current situation, he couldn't do anything about Tire's
shortcomings. Till will not be disappointed, after all, Mr. Cumming has given him
Tier shook his head slightly towards Kamin, and then bowed deeply again.
"Thank you, Mr. Cumming."
"...Don't be like this." Cumming quickly stepped aside and said, tapping the
opponent's head lightly with his huge crab claws.
"Did I say in the future that meeting us again would be fate?"
"Then what I'm teaching you now is what you deserve." Kamin slowly moved the
crab claws on Tire's head, as if stroking his hair, looking like an elder. .
"Things are unpredictable. The first meeting may have been a coincidence, but the
second time we were indeed connected by fate. I have always believed in this, Tyr."
"Yes." Tier's body sank a little lower, and just as he was about to speak again, the
whole stone chamber suddenly shook!
The earth seemed to be broken at this moment. Cuming took back the crab claws
curiously and said
"There's someone fighting on the other side. A few little guys are so brave that they
started fighting inside the tomb of God."
"Right!!" Tyr then remembered that the other side was still in a stalemate battle, so he
immediately focused his attention on Yuehai's side. When he raised his eyelids, he
realized that Krad was completely at a disadvantage. Danger abounds.
Feeling anxious in his heart, Tiler on the other side immediately lay down and
listened to the direction of the sound.
Cumming was not in a hurry and said casually
"If you want to go there, I can help you."
"No, I'll go there by myself."
"Self-self? How to get there?" As soon as Kamin finished speaking, Tire looked in a
certain direction of the stone room and slowly took out the [Tyrant] sword in his
Tier's breath did not leak out at all, but he slashed out with his sword towards the
rocky wall in a cold voice.
Boom boom boom!
This sword immediately shattered all the stone walls, and the sword energy kept
reaching out to dig into the cave. Tier turned his body and jumped to the entrance of
the cave, nodding slightly towards Kaming.
"Cut it over with one sword."
Issue 180 Everything is possible
Just when Waltz was about to kill Krad with a sword, a sword energy penetrated the
wall and burst out silently. Waltz's five senses were so sharp. The dragon wings
behind him suddenly flapped, and the whole person quickly retreated, barely giving
way. That sword energy.
As a result, Krader gasped, his feet changed, and he fell to the ground. Blood flowed
from his mouth, and his breathing became even more rapid.
Waltz couldn't help but speak, looking at the direction where the sword energy
suddenly shot out, an endless cave appeared in his field of vision. Although there
were many caves on the wall, this hole was extremely different because it was opened
by a sword. The one that was cut out by Qi looks extremely small, and only one
person can survive in it.
Krader and others were equally curious, but Dragon Slaughter's eyes gradually
enlarged, and those bright eyes looked extremely bright at this time.
At the same time, she was weak and couldn't help but murmured to herself
The sound of footsteps landing reached everyone's ears.
But what's even more strange is that at some point, an extra figure appeared in front
of me.
"Long wait, everyone."
The owner of the figure swung his long sword, and his long windbreaker was blown
up, and a fierce momentum emerged spontaneously.
When everyone gradually saw the true face of the figure, they suddenly showed
expressions of surprise.
Constantine couldn't help shouting, and Elena also looked at each other, feeling
After all, no one knew about Tier's inexplicable disappearance before. Now his
inexplicable appearance again will definitely make people surprised and surprised at
the same time.
"Tyr, you..." Krad couldn't help but glance at the passage cut out by the sword energy
behind him. He didn't know how to speak. Till shook his head, smiled, and answered
"Some pleasant things have happened, Clad. You can go back and rest first. Leave
this place to me."
"..." Krad stared blankly at Tire's eyes, which were filled with endless confidence.
Krad also saw the same thing in Waltz's eyes.
This made Krad suddenly relax for some reason and nodded slightly towards Tyr.
"Then, this one is up to you."
"Well, leave it to me, Captain."
After saying that, Krader quickly retreated, and Tire glanced at the other person again
before looking back at Waltz. Although he wanted to cure Krader immediately, his
sudden appearance and Yuehai's sudden awakening would make it difficult for him to
heal him at the same time. It was too much of a coincidence to prevent anyone from
guessing. Yue Hai had better sleep for a while before talking. Anyway, judging from
Krad's condition, he was not fatally injured.
"Who are you?"
Waltz frowned, but he couldn't remember the information about the person in front of
Tyr shook his head and smiled.
"They were just ordinary students who were randomly killed by you in the
competition. There is nothing to remember."
"I see." Waltz said, pretending to be suddenly enlightened, and then his face fell.
"Then you go die again."
Tsukuyomi's movement was like lightning, and he appeared in front of Tier in the
blink of an eye. His huge body looked like a real giant dragon, with a pair of
terrifying dragon eyes exuding bloodthirsty light, and the red giant sword in his hand
was slashed down immediately!
Tyr remained motionless, but slowly raised his finger.
Everything can be strong.
boom! !
A metallic collision sound erupted from Waltz's lightsaber, and the huge repulsive
force made Tire take a few steps back. However, Waltz was also bounced back by the
opponent's suddenly hardened fingers.
what happened?
Waltz frowned. At first, the opponent's fingers were like candles in the wind, easily
crushed, but at the next moment they suddenly turned into peerless black iron. Even
if he slashed at it with his lightsaber, it couldn't hurt it at all.
Tier was also a little uncomfortable by the other party's shock. He didn't expect Waltz
to be so powerful. Even now, he would find it difficult.
However, a discerning person can tell the difference between the two from a distance.
It can be said that Tyr has the absolute upper hand, because this is the result of the
collision between bare hands and weapons!
However, the situation Tyr wanted was not evenly matched.
I saw him glancing at the countless stones on the ground with his peripheral vision.
His legs suddenly exerted force and shook towards the ground.
All things are perishable.
Swish, brush, brush! The stones suddenly seemed to have souls, and they all rushed
towards Waltz, and the speed was so fast that even Waltz couldn't resist it, forcing
him to dodge around. However, Tire took advantage of the victory to pursue, and the
stones under his feet became even faster. , and finally made a clicking sound like a
cannonball breaking through the air!
Waltz, who was forced to dodge in embarrassment, finally couldn't bear the
harassment. With a dragon roar, a piece of inner clothing suddenly appeared.
Countless pebbles flying on it had no effect.
Tier raised his brows, thinking that this Waltz was so amazing, that he could even
master the Yixin Fist Style. He turned around and looked at his injured friends one by
one, and couldn't help but sigh, this Waltz is really too powerful, if he hadn't After
meeting Mr. Cumming, I am afraid that I will fall to the ground like them now.
Thoughts only flashed through his mind. Seeing that the other party's feelings had not
disappeared, Tier was too lazy to wait, and immediately used his body skills under
his feet.
"Five body folds."
With the strange mirror refraction, each time it folds, its own speed will increase a
lot. By the fifth fold, the speed has reached the point where it is close to Ye Xi's. The
next moment, Waltz's heart will be right in front of him.
At this time, Tier still had the heart to observe his body. There was a sense of
tightness all over his body, but there was no pain like the last time he performed it.
Tier knew that this was because Mr. Cumming had him review the movement
technique again. , although the body has not adapted yet, it has made great progress.
Facing this Xinyi, Tyr once again stretched out a finger.
Everything is beneficial.
Bang! !
A sound like breaking glass echoed in the huge cave. Waltz, who had not yet come to
his senses, did not know that his heart had been broken by the opponent's finger.
"It turns out it's nothing more than that."
Tier said lightly, and then his whole body suddenly entered his heart. Only at this
moment did Waltz wake up and looked back at Tier, who had already been
approaching him.
"Impossible?" Tier raised his eyebrows, quickly raised his fingers and swiped
towards the opponent's huge body.
"All things are possible."
As the words fell, a huge wound suddenly opened on Waltz's body, and blood shot
out like a fountain!
Tier stepped back slightly and narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at Waltz who
was stunned there.
Something feels wrong to the touch.
It felt as if he had been chopped on wood. When he looked carefully, he found that
Waltz was still frozen in place, and the light that should have been in his eyes
gradually disappeared.
At the same time, a sound of laughter came from the corner, and the sound gradually
expanded, echoing throughout the cave.
The 181st issue of God!
"Ha ha ha ha."
Tier heard the sound and went to find that the emperor-level strongman Myerson,
who had no sense of existence and was hiding in the corner, laughed wildly.
This made Scarlet, who was defeated by the waltz, even more disgusted. He was
about to speak, but was shocked by the other party's look.
"You ants, get out!"
An inexplicable force caused Scarlet, who was seriously injured, to be thrown away
immediately. A mouthful of blood spurted out on the wall of the cave. Kalida, who
was lying on the ground dying, wanted to go over and treat the opponent, but the
damage on her body was difficult. Supporting her to continue to stand up, she had to
crawl over with difficulty.
However, it was no longer time for Till to care about this matter. He glanced at Waltz
not far away, then at Myerson, and couldn't help but frown slightly.
A feeling of falling into a trap arises spontaneously, this is his intuition.
Before the others could be happy, they were driven away by Myerson's smile. They
all looked at each other, wondering what else he was going to do.
"I really want to thank you, mortal."
Faced with Myerson's suddenly majestic words, Tire was noncommittal.
Mortal? . . . . .
"Who are you?"
"Who am I?" Myerson laughed heartily again. . . . . .
In the president's office, President Ku lay on the chair, pushed the information to the
vice president, and said lightly
"This person became one of the few survivors after the fall of the gods thirty-seven
years ago. Why the beast tide was triggered? I will put this matter aside to investigate
in the future, but do you know this, deputy dean? The survivors all survived by
surrounding Myerson."
"In other words, Myerson has the ability to make monsters retreat. I have investigated
his previous information. He is just a mediocre genius."
"A mediocre genius..." Regarding this noncommittal judgment, the old vice-dean
showed a complicated look, and then shook his head.
"Go on."
"So, the only thing that can change him is in the forest. However, I checked the
previous investigation data and found that there was nothing abnormal about the
surviving Myerson. Later, he and other survivors all dropped out of school, and their
whereabouts are unknown from now on. Avalon I have not continued the follow-up
investigation at this point. It stands to reason that after such an incident occurs,
special students who drop out of school must be secretly investigated for five years. I
don’t know what the student council president was doing at that time. In short, it
allowed the other party to take advantage of the loopholes. It also made me feel quite
"Well~ This is what the previous president did. I remember that the management was
very chaotic at that time. After thousands of students died, this president felt
unworthy of his position and immediately retired." The words of the vice president
made Ku The president smiled and shook his head
"Do you feel ashamed of your position? I think you are afraid of being held
accountable, so you immediately put aside the relationship."
"Avalon has been criticized for so many years. It's hard to change if you want to
change it." The vice president sighed, which indirectly agreed with the president's
guess. President Ku no longer struggled with this aspect and continued.
"This Myerson joined me as an assistant at Avalon ten years ago. His name has not
changed, and his face has not changed. Taking advantage of being an old student, he
became an assistant. However, in the later period, he was quite decent in the
academy. It’s true that I haven’t caused any trouble. I looked through the information
and found that many of the things on it were very vague. I sent more than 300 people
to investigate this person’s traces in the academy. In the end, the traces of this person
in the academy were still unclear, and there was something wrong with him.”
"I feel that you are not so much guessing about this person as you are deciding on the
result based on intuition first and then working backwards." President Ku's face froze
at the words of the vice president, and he scratched his head and said.
"The deputy dean is right. I did base my guess on my own intuition."
"And you targeted this person?"
"Of course, for this, I had to go through some trouble to get this little brat Waltz
"Oh~ What a genius."
"No matter how good a genius is, he is not as good as a god. If there is really any
noise from the Nylon Heaven, I will bear it."
President Ku spoke with confidence, and the Vice President could only continue to
After a short break, the president continued:
"Deputy Dean, you may also know that this Waltz is born with a universal
constitution. It can not only learn anything at once, but also can carry any power.
Including divine power, and of course God's soul and the power of God's faith. So.
This is a huge bait. If Myerson cannot hold it, all my previous guesses will be true."
"The result is as you expected."
"Exactly, in less than a month, Myerson searched for Waltz several times, and the
final result was to attract Waltz to the God's Tomb."
"God's Tomb... That [Zuo Shen] was smart. He actually erected a God's Tomb when
he was about to die. As a result, his body could not be resurrected by the power of
faith, but similarly, no living thing could be resurrected by him. Enter if refused." The
vice-chancellor's eyes narrowed slightly. The rules set by the Supreme God to set up
this sacred tomb are not unreasonable. After all, there are good and bad gods, and
there are even more murderous people who have taken away the divine fire. Setting
up a sacred tomb will be protected by the Supreme God, so even other gods cannot
snatch it away by this method. Although the weak gods will be in a state of
suspended animation for nearly a thousand years, it is better than taking away the
godhead and extinguishing the divine fire. It's a good thing, otherwise it's hard to say
whether we can recover with the power of faith even if hundreds of millions of years
have passed.
"It's just that [Zuo Shen] obviously doesn't have the patience to wait for a thousand
years. It should be said that even if the tomb disappears after a thousand years, I'm
afraid it will be caught by the gods of the college in the next moment." President Ku
knew very well. Obviously, after all, the executioner of the God Realm started the
fight at the back door of their college. Even His Majesty the Holy King ran away
without much respect. The god who stayed behind would naturally be killed by the
Avalon College. The gods were angry. If this sacred tomb had not stood behind them,
there might have been no such person as [Zuo Shen].
"So Myerson is the host of that god's fall event. He has the consciousness of the god
in his body, and Myerson himself has probably been erased."
The president's speculations continued, and the vice-president listened quietly, while
Myerson on the other side laughed at Tier and others, took off his clothes, and one
eye appeared in front of everyone.
"I am God, the supreme god who was called [Left God] by the Western God Realm
back then, Cappuccino!"
As the words fell, the eyes on his chest suddenly opened, his green pupils released a
dazzling light, and then he couldn't help laughing.
"Hahahaha! Waltz, if you hadn't been injured by this person and distracted, I wouldn't
have had the opportunity to take over your body. I should thank you!
Issue 182 Tier VS Zuo Shen
"Hahahahaha" the wild laughter echoed in the cave, and everyone suddenly looked in
"God?!" Tyr frowned and slowly placed his right hand on the hilt of his sword.
However, the eyes on Myerson's chest suddenly flew out and entered Waltz's body.
At this moment, the earth began to tremble.
"Oh oh oh oh! Is this the universal physique? It is completely compatible with my
soul! Divine power! Divine power is constantly emerging! Hahahahahaha, as long as
I hide in a funeral for ten years, I will be able to return to my full glory! Then I will
have great responsibilities. It’s up to me!”
Myerson, who was possessed by the eyeballs, let out a laugh that was completely out
of character. He even fell into madness. With a wave of his hand, a corpse flew out
from the end of the earth.
This corpse was as jade-like and as white as flawless. It looked like a woman and it
was hard to take your eyes away from it. Its whole body emitted a faint light, but the
coercion made everyone surrender immediately.
The remaining power of the gods is difficult for anyone to resist!
Even if this god has been seriously injured and is about to die!
"My godhead, my divine fire, and the power of my faith all come back!!"
Waltz laughed loudly. As long as he retrieved all the power of the gods stored in his
previous body, then with this omnipotent body, he could return to the state of
becoming a god. With the power of faith, he wanted to recover The heyday was just a
matter of time.
The most important thing for a god is the power of faith. If a demigod does not take
over his own line of believers when he is first promoted to god, then even if he is
killed by others, the god cannot be resurrected again.
After all, God is born from faith. If there is no faith, where will this god be born?
[Left God] Cappuccino is a god with the title of the Western God Realm. His strength
is naturally not weak. His followers are supported by dozens of small worlds, and
even some big worlds have been completely brainwashed by him. Therefore, once the
power of faith with so many worlds as backup power is injected into Waltz's body,
Zuo Shen will immediately have the power of a god!
At this moment, a majestic voice drowned out Waltz's laughter.
"Zuo Shen, I didn't expect you to have another hand."
This sentence made Waltz's whole body tremble, and a pair of dragon eyes
immediately stared at the top of the cave.
"You don't do the same! Cuminster!"
"Am I allowed to call you by his first name?"
boom! When Kamin's voice fell, an invisible force suddenly pressed down on Waltz's
body, even capturing all of his divine fire and divine personality, preventing them
from moving at all.
This made Waltz stoop slightly, but suddenly he sneered.
"A mere sword intent is trying to suppress me again?! You can't suppress the power
of my godhead!"
That's right, although Kamin now possesses powerful divine power, in the final
analysis, he is just a clone, and he is still unable to face the real gods. Now as long as
all the powers of gods are returned to Waltz's body, Cumming will truly become a
god. If it cannot be suppressed, the end result will be a disaster.
"Tear, don't take action yet! The current Zuo Shen can only control the power of this
dragon man and kill this body. His godhood and the power of faith will not be able to
stay there!"
This sentence made Tier immediately wake up!
He was shocked by the power of the gods before, but Cumming's explanation made
Tire immediately realize, yes! If they don't take action now, I'm afraid that after all
those powers are lodged in Waltz's body, they will become the first batch of sacrifices
to this god.
With a firm heart, Tire immediately swung the tyrant's sword, his momentum not
diminishing but increasing.
Tyr narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the terrifying dragon-man Waltz in front
of him.
Let him kill the gods once.
In the forest, Ye Xi, who was walking quickly among the trees, suddenly felt a
vibration. Yong Ye immediately stood up from her head, looked up, and finally
"It's starting. Zuo Shen is impatient, but [God Killer] Cuminster has left a secret
move, which should be able to resist for a while. I just hope it's in time, otherwise
Zuo Shen will run away. Regarding Waltz, President It’s going to be troublesome.”
Ye Xi is still confused until now. She was patted on the head by the cat teacher and
ran here and there. Now she is still sneering, making her even more confused.
Teacher No. 3 on the other side also acted quickly. He opened two magic shadow
stones, and his sister Teacher Chaofurukawa and the strong Teacher David were
immediately projected inside. He said and nodded at the same time.
Then he closed the Shadow Stone and looked up at the sky.
"Success or failure lies in one move."
"The chess game has been set and all the chess pieces have been put in. The result
depends on them." President Ku put his hands on the bridge of his nose and supported
himself in front of his desk. His eyes were slightly narrowed, and he looked like he
was obviously thinking about more things. Something, the deputy dean coughed
slightly and sighed.
"Do you know how many talented students will die if this thing fails?"
"This is inevitable, but the god cannot survive in Avalon's backyard. This is a huge
hidden danger." President Ku clenched his hands slightly and his breathing became a
little heavy.
"If something goes wrong, these people will not be the only ones to die."
The vice-president could see that Ku had made this choice with great determination.
After all, if there was a human life, the president would carry their name on his back
Of course, murderous sinners wouldn't care, but Ku was different. She cherished
every student.
All her time over the years had been devoted to Avalon. Worry for the sorrow of
Avalon, rejoice for the joy of Avalon.
"I just hope that everyone can work harder."
Tire's speed is not bad. Faced with Waltz's huge body, he can use weird body skills to
easily get around. However, this Waltz is not the previous one, but a peerless
strongman with the consciousness of a god!
I saw Waltz's gloomy face, his dragon claw pinched the void, and with a bang, the
entire space suddenly shattered. Tier was almost affected by the shattered space, and
his feet moved to distance himself from the opponent.
"You actually tried to let a mere human kill me! Cummingster, there must be a limit
to looking down on people!"
"Tyr, be careful about the power of his laws. Although this guy does not have the
power of a god, he does have the knowledge of a god. The laws are the power of
heaven and earth that can be exerted only with knowledge."
Cumming's reminder made Waltz even angrier. How far would this crab have to look
down on him before it would be willing to accept it!
"Okay! Since I have such high hopes for him, I will kill him first and see what else
you have to say!"
After Waltz said this, he strode towards Tyr. The dragon man's body was already
huge, and now with his supreme momentum, Tyr felt as if he was facing a collapse of
the sky.
"You will be the first sacrifice for my Zuo Shen's resurrection!"
The 183rd round of competition!
Facing Waltz's roar, Till remained unmoved and had only one response.
"Heavenly Sword Yixin, the first style."
Buzzing, circles of sword intent spread from Tyr's body, but he did not swing the
sword, but slowly held the tyrant's sword and inserted it into the scabbard.
Immediately, his eyes closed.
"Heavenly Sword Yishin, second form."
This time, not only the sword intention, but also the sword energy suddenly increased
around him. The strong wind pressure blew away layers of dust and rubble, and the
earth was shattered again. A kind of rain was about to come. This situation caused
Waltz, who was far away on the other side, to narrow his eyes slightly, and a sense of
crisis arose spontaneously.
"Heavenly Sword Yishin, third form."
Swishing, swishing, swishing, transparent sword bodies composed of sword energy
quickly gathered behind Tier. The number spread to tens of thousands in just an
instant. Waltz's brows jumped, and his thoughts changed later. Unexpectedly, he lost
the courage to continue watching. The dragon wings flapped behind him, and a huge
figure rolled towards him with a surge of supreme power!
Waltz stretched out a dragon claw, and the sound of breaking through the air was like
an explosion. The next moment, he grabbed Tire's head. If he hit it this time, Tire
would be shattered to pieces, and he would never die again!
However, while concentrating his sword skills, the black-haired young man drew out
the tachi [The Possessed] at the same time. When he raised his left hand, it actually
collided with the opponent's dragon claw, and a sense of powerlessness that
eliminated power suddenly surged into Waltz's heart.
The dragon man was shocked and quickly retreated, but Tyr suddenly opened his
eyes and slowly raised the corners of his mouth.
"Three styles and one sword, god, eat it."
As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled out the [Tyrant] sword with his right hand.
A sharp and endless sword energy flew out instantly, and the thousands of swords in
the sky also shot down. In the blink of an eye, the entire cave was filled with Let the
rain of swords fall!
The earth shook and the mountains shook, countless sword bodies fell crazily, and in
front of them was an energy body carrying endless sword energy. All escape routes
were blocked, leaving Waltz with only frontal resistance.
Waltz's eyes were red and his fists were clenched. A sense of crisis surged into his
heart and was completely covered by another sense of shame, because the person
who made him feel in danger was actually a human being!
Humanity! !
He is a majestic god and a supreme being. Hundreds of millions of people will die in
the blink of an eye. A single sentence can end the life and death of dozens of worlds!
How could such a powerful and great man be threatened by a mere mortal!
funny! The most ridiculous thing in the world! !
"Don't be so arrogant!!! Mortals!!! Ants!!!"
No one can understand how strong the anger is in his heart now, and his hatred for
Cumming has reached its highest point. He slowly stretched out his left hand, and the
laws of heaven and earth were slowly twisting at this moment.
"Left Realm!!"
At the same time as he spoke the words, he suddenly grasped the void with his left
hand. Tilly immediately felt a breath of death filling his heart, and he quickly dodged
with a twist of his body.
The next moment, everything on the left hand side that was caught by Waltz's void
Including the sword bodies and half of the sword aura, the entire cave seemed to have
been dug up into a large semicircular hole with a huge shovel!
Tier's pupils shrank. Fortunately, he dodged in time, otherwise this half of his body
might have been taken away together.
As expected of a god, even though his body and strength are completely in the human
category, he can still exert extremely terrifying power!
Tier's eyes froze and he couldn't help but turned around and said
"You guys evacuate quickly, I'll take care of it here."
"Okay! I leave Tyr to you!" Krad said without hesitation, which made Tyr raise his
eyebrows slightly. He thought that they would pretend to stay and fight together, so
that Tyr could Trying to be cool again, he replied with a stern voice: "What nonsense
are you talking about? Only I can deal with this guy. If you evacuate quickly, I can
use my full strength!" 】
Tier thought about it in his mind and felt that the line was a bit embarrassing. It was
hard to say whether he would be able to say it in such a situation.
However, Krader and others clearly understand the current situation better than Tire.
The wounded will only be a burden if they stay here. Even if Tire cannot defeat Tire,
he will be restrained by worries about them if he wants to escape. So at this time,
everyone Evacuation is the wisest choice.
It's a pity that Waltz, the dragon man possessed by Zuo Shen, has no intention of
releasing anyone.
"Want to leave?! No one can get out alive today."
At the same time as the words were spoken, the other half of the three-style sword
suddenly fell down, and a terrifying sword energy exploded. The sword energy ball
was exploded by the opponent, and it instantly shot out endless sword energy in all
Tyr held the sword in his left hand and raised it in his right hand. Looking at the
dragon man in front of him, his eyes became bright again, and his eyes were filled
with strong confidence.
"Get out alive? No one can stop me now, not even you!
people who hinder me
Buddha blocks and kills Buddha
God blocks God and kills God! "
"You are the ant now!!"
Tyr shouted loudly, and an aura of swords and swords burst out from his whole body,
and the sword intent continued to rise along with the sword intent.
Holy skill! Heaven and earth return together.
Left hand, Tai Sword, [The Demonic One]
Right hand, long sword, [Tyrant]
Left hand seance flow.
The right hand has the Heavenly Sword Yixin.
Tyr's eyes suddenly swayed from side to side, and his hands became autonomous as
if they were alive.
Seeing the strange behavior of the other party, Waltz couldn't let him continue to be
active. He waved his hand and was about to use [Left Realm] again. However, Tyr's
right hand suddenly waved the first move of the Heavenly Sword Isshin. That kind of
The speed seemed to be without any preparation or warning, and he just swung a
sword at random, but this sword was an attack that even Waltz had to dodge.
Before Waltz, who was forced to retreat, had time to counterattack, Tire's left hand
was already swung out, and the Shen Shen style's starting hand, Falling Heaven, was
immediately suppressed!
Waltz wanted to fight back, but found that the power in his body was rapidly draining
away. By the time he collided with this move, one-third of its power had been
boom! The explosion sounded from the collision between the possessed man and
Waltz. The huge backlash caused the white dragon man to shout and take ten steps
back. Tire took advantage of the victory and pursued the victory. He quickly turned
his body and appeared behind Waltz like lightning, holding his hands Immediately,
he slashed at the god in the middle from the left and right, each sword buzzing with
fierce killing intent and approaching instantly!
Tier's expression remained unchanged, he turned around and quickly retreated, while
Waltz's whole body actually erupted with divine power that made people want to
Yes, it is divine power. Now Waltz is Zuo Shen. Relying on this omnipotent body, he
has been able to initially absorb some divine power and use it.
And he looked at Tyr angrily, his eyes turned white, and a god's eye actually
appeared on his forehead!
Issue 184: Furious!
Tire was stared at by these eyes, the hairs all over his body stood up, his scalp
exploded, and he retreated faster, but Waltz suddenly appeared in front of Tire
relying on his divine power.
This has exceeded the limit of speed, but is equivalent to the level of space
teleportation. No matter how fast Tier's movement is, he cannot exceed the speed of
However, this did not move Tier's face at all. Facing the pressure of Waltz's palm, he
just crossed his swords and blocked it!
Under the attack blessed by divine power, it is impossible for mortals to resist!
His palm seems casual, but in fact it contains terrifying divine power. Any mortal is
like a chicken and a dog in the face of this power! He had already foreseen that Tire
would be crushed to pieces by this palm!
However, at this moment, Tire's right foot suddenly rose up and kicked towards
Waltz's vagina with an overwhelming force.
The dragon man frowned, realizing that the speed of his palms was not as fast as this
kick. After weighing the gains and losses, he actually chose to retreat, and appeared
dozens of meters away from Tyr as if teleported.
The black-haired swordsman sighed secretly and retracted his long legs, while the
people who were about to leave in the distance couldn't help but feel ashamed,
wondering who Tier learned how to lift his vaginal legs from. If he kicked it with
such force, he would definitely cut off his descendants. This god is not clear. If his
lifeblood is shattered, it is hard to say whether he can beat Tier to death with one
palm. Whether he will fall to the ground in pain is hard to predict.
After all, the current body is still just a mortal. Not only does it not have the full
baptism of divine power, it also cannot cut off the pain. It is difficult to say whether it
can hit Tyr again after receiving such a fatal injury.
How did everyone know that this absolutely fatal move to lift the vaginal legs was
learned from Kamin? The big crab’s final evaluation of Tier’s learning of this move
was that it was quick and hard, and it showed the insidiousness of this move. It's so
vivid and vivid that it can be regarded as a master's degree, but it can be regarded as a
master's degree.
"Mortals are insidious."
"Ha." Tier didn't bother to pay attention to this god's shouting. He had just shouted a
few times and it was considered a hero's addiction. Now he should kill the opponent
honestly and say a few more words.
"Left Realm!"
The dragon man grabbed Tyr again without warning, but he had already seen the
obvious weakness of this move, that is, the opponent only attacked the left half of the
target. Although the power was unparalleled, Tyr felt that he should dodge after
seeing through it. It was easy. He turned his body with his feet, and a piece of the
original left half of the cave was immediately dug out. The powerful power and
coverage area made people feel frightened.
Knowing that they would be hurt if they stayed any longer, Krader and the others
immediately entered the cave one by one. As a result, only Tire and Waltz were left
in the huge cave.
Tyr looked back and found that they had finally evacuated, and he was secretly
In this case, he can use this move without any distractions.
Anyway, that’s about the end of the warm-up.
Waltz's pupils suddenly shrank because he felt a familiar aura.
"This kind of power, this posture! You bastard, you are actually the descendant of
Tier sneered, did not respond at all, but spoke lightly
"Descend to heaven."
The possessed person in his hand began to tremble, and darkness suddenly dispersed
from it, covering the entire cave.
For a moment, I couldn't see any fingers inside.
When Clad, Constantine and others saw Tire's posture, their pupils shrank
immediately. They remembered this move particularly well, it was the extremely
powerful martial skill used in the battle with Clad.
Waltz's eyes widened, and the night seemed like day in front of him, but the aura of
the man in front of him began to change.
The land began to dry out, the rocks gradually became looser, and the plants growing
in them withered in an instant.
Waltz felt a sense of powerlessness all over his body as his power was gradually
being taken away.
Sensing something bad, the dragon man immediately launched an offensive, but his
consciousness was a beat slower than Tyr's sword.
"Ten companies descending from the sky."
As Tyr's words fell, the darkness that invaded the entire cave quickly retracted, and
all gathered in the [Possessed Man]. The compressed power made the black and
lightless sword scream with excitement. Facing the waltz, he did not hesitate. Cut it
out without hesitation!
Darkness turns into a blade, and nothingness becomes a sword spirit! At this moment,
the waltz is irresistible!
"Damn Cumminster!!"
Waltz roared again, and the harsh voice like a prodigal dog made Tire raise his
eyebrows. He thought that the gods looked no different from ordinary people. He
thought that after living for countless years, they would all be old monsters who are
not afraid of danger. , but I didn’t expect that I would be so angry because of my
It seems that gods are just people with huge power. As long as they have seven
emotions and six desires, they will inevitably make mistakes and even die.
When Tier thought this, Waltz's body had already started to move, but facing the
blade of darkness, he had nowhere to dodge. Any place shrouded in darkness would
inevitably become the killing zone of this blade!
Waltz couldn't avoid it, the eyes on his forehead suddenly erupted, blood instantly
filled them, and the next moment, a golden shield appeared in front of him.
"God's Cloak!"
It's called God's Cloak, but the dark blade shattered at the moment of contact. Waltz
then roared, and two dragon claws suddenly swung out.
"The World of the Left!"
brush! !
At this moment, Waltz's left half actually disappeared, and the dark blade instantly
cut his other half in half. However, at the next moment, the disappeared left half
actually reappeared and was joined to the other side that was cut off.
In this way, his damage will be reduced by half, avoiding the fate of being completely
cut in half!
But the severe pain still made his face turn red, and he immediately used a healing
technique to treat his seriously injured waist.
But Waltz itself has no elemental affinity, so even if Zuo Shen wants to use the power
of the law to manipulate the light element to perform a healing spell to heal his
wounds, the effect is extremely low.
"You actually hurt me!! Human being!!"
Faced with Waltz's roar, Till picked his ears with his fingers.
This god is so annoying. He screams when he is hit and screams when he is injured. I
can’t figure out how this guy became a god and became so famous.
Is this the legendary 'spiritual annoyance' that is very popular among students?
But Shenfan doesn't seem to be used in this way. . . . . .
Tier was thinking alone there, but Waltz was already furious!
The muscles all over his body were tense, and even greater divine power than before
"You must die!! Even if you seal me for another fifty years, I will let you die this
The 185th issue takes a turn for the worse!
"Tyr, you have to be careful. This guy is starting to give up on himself. He will kill
you at any cost!" Cumming's voice suddenly came from all directions. Tier's heart
was slightly shaken when he heard it. If the opponent was not even afraid of death, he
would still It's really a bit troublesome. After all, if the other person dies, he can be
resurrected again by relying on the power of faith, but if you die, you will truly die
without a burial place, and there is no possibility of resurrection.
This kind of fight was unfair from the beginning. If the opponent really let it go, Tire
would definitely be at a disadvantage.
Boom boom boom!
Waltz's muscles began to swell, and the dragon's body, which was already huge,
became even bigger now, and bursts of air burst out all over his body due to the
squeezing of fighting energy.
"Mortals and gods are inviolable!!"
Facing Waltz's increasingly powerful power, Tire's expression became solemn,
because he even felt a hint of Master Laurie's oppression on him.
That is the power of demigods!
If the opponent really used this blow, Waltz might suffer physical collapse, but he
would not be able to escape death either.
No, let alone myself, this power will definitely sweep through the entire underground
cave, and Krad and the others will not be able to escape!
This must not be allowed to happen!
At this moment, Waltz's face changed, and a dragon's power suddenly burst out from
his body, faintly overpowering his divine power.
"How can it be!!!"
Waltz roared in disbelief, and the next moment, his expression turned back to a sneer
"Are you Zuo Shen? It turns out that even gods are surprised."
Tier's face also changed, because he knew very well that this familiar coldness was
the same as when the opponent killed him in the competition.
The expressions they showed were exactly the same!
In other words, the dragon man in front of him has regained his consciousness that
originally belonged to Waltz!
"Impossible, I should use my divine power to completely suppress your
Zuo Shen's divine power surged up again, his expression was angry and ferocious,
but the next moment, the power of the dragon suppressed this divine power again
Go down.
"You, an immortal god like you, want to suppress my will? What a joke!"
The dragon power on Waltz's body was even greater, and Zuo Shen also burst out
with unparalleled divine power. The two collided with each other and fought, but
their divine power was still superior. After all, there was a huge gap in quality!
"Just a dragon, suppress it!!"
Along with Zuo Shen's roar, the other half of Waltz's face looked extremely calm. His
eyes were deep and he turned his gaze slightly.
An inexplicable force made Tyr tightly hold the sword in his hand.
Now is the critical moment for Waltz and Zuo Shen to fight for the body. As long as
he takes this opportunity to kill him in one fell swoop, Zuo Shen will also return to
the corpse, but Waltz will also die as a result!
Forget it, Tierben is not a person who likes to think too much, so don’t worry about
him, just cut him off first!
With a movement of his feet, Tyr's sword approached instantly, and the next moment
it would split Waltz's body into two!
Zuo Shen felt fear, and he wanted to dodge, but the other half of his body was firmly
controlled by Waltz, and Zuo Shen couldn't help but turn pale.
"Damn it, do you want to die with me?!"
"Dying with the gods, don't you think your life is worth it?" Waltz's words made Zuo
Shen's heart sink to the bottom, looking at the more and more
The tyrant's sword came closer and closer, and the god's eyes on Waltz's forehead
suddenly flew out.
"I can't die!"
The eyeball was instantly projected on Myerson's body, but at this moment, a blue
light enveloped Myerson's body. As soon as the god's eyeball touched the blue light,
it immediately made a burning and cracking sound. This kind of The pain made Zuo
Shen scream in his eyes. He immediately looked towards the source of the blue light,
only to find Damiyala holding a blue gem in his hand, looking at him indifferently.
"Mortals again!! You all want to hinder me!!"
The god's eyes let out a soul-shaking roar, and that anger had burned to its limit.
Tyr's sword should have cut Waltz in half, but the dragon-man body that immediately
took over the body suddenly hardened, with a
The tyrant's sword with sharp sword energy struck it and it bounced back with a
Tier was shocked and immediately backed away, only to find Waltz sneering at him,
and then looked into the roaring god's eyes.
"It's really a good experience. Being able to use my divine power in advance will
save me a lot of energy when I advance to the gods in the future."
"What did you say, dragon man?!" The god looked at Waltz angrily. If this bastard
hadn't hindered him in the end, how would he have ended up like this!
Waltz shrugged, looked at his palms, and spoke calmly
"Do you think that mere divine power can take over my will? I just thought that you
could use your familiarity with the use of divine power to control my body, which
made you feel free for a while. Otherwise, with the power of a god like you, , want to
suppress me? Ridiculous."
This sentence shocked everyone, and their eyes were filled with disbelief. In other
words, this person actually let Zuo Shen control him deliberately in order to
familiarize himself with divine power and hone himself? !
Only these two words appeared in Tier's mind.
He suddenly felt that things were not as simple as imagined.
Why did Damiyala suddenly take out a sapphire to prevent Zuo Shen from returning
to Myerson's body? How could Waltz be so aware of this matter? He felt as if there
was some huge hand controlling everything behind the scenes.
And I was just an accident.
The eyeball of the god Zuo Shen let out a crazy laugh. He flew towards his original
corpse of the god all of a sudden. The speed was like an arrow leaving the string and
it was hard to catch. The next moment, the eyeball was about to enter the body again.
However, Damiyala took out another golden gem and shined it on the god's corpse.
Zuo Shen's eyes immediately stopped. Facing the golden light, he could not get any
Then he couldn't help but look at Damiyala and said fiercely
"Who are you!!"
"The Empire's condemnation of criminals came here on the order of President Ku of
the Avalon Student Union to capture the evil god [Zuo Shen]."
"Hahaha, arrest me? Just a mortal? Want to arrest me? Ridiculous!!" Zuo Shen's eyes
showed determination, he was actually the General God
A trace of the Fire God's personality separated into his eyes, and the thread of faith
was also connected to his own eyes. The eyes suddenly expanded and rose to a height
of more than one meter in just a moment. They looked extremely terrifying!
"Zuo Shen, do you want to escape with so much divine power?"
Facing Kaming's voice, Zuo Shen laughed even harder.
"It's nothing to give the power of a god to you. I couldn't let it go before, and now it's
a last resort to force me to this point! But, mortals, you must remember! My left god!
Cappuccino! Will be here I will use my full power to kill you in the future!! I will
never forget the pain today! Cumming! One day, you will die in my hands!!"
"Hahaha, you should escape first and then talk about it." Kaming responded, and Zuo
Shen knew that he could not stay for long, so he immediately rushed towards the top
of the cave, and shot out a blast of divine power, which actually completely blasted
the top of the cave open, and at the same time, At the same time, he even let out a
commanding roar.
"Kamizuka, open!!"
Explanation of Issue 186
"Kamizuka, open!"
Along with the sound of Zuo Shen's eyes, the whole cave made a rumbling sound.
Before anyone could react, Zuo Shen had quickly flown out and disappeared from
everyone's sight.
Tire raised his head and looked at the hole that was blasted into the sky. The sunlight
from outside came in, completely illuminating the dark cave. Then he looked around
and found that Krader and others had come back.
Waltz on the other side looked at Tier and smiled lightly, then hugged the
unconscious Scarlet and turned away.
Kalida was left dying, dragging her little body but unable to move. Naturally, Waltz
would not go out of his way to save an insignificant elf. In his eyes, Scarlet was the
most valuable, and other things would die. What does life have to do with him?
Seeing this, Elena felt anxious. Regardless of what Lord Tyr would say to her, she
directly pulled Constance, who was connected to her, and ran to Kalida's side to heal
Tyr raised his brows, maybe because of his different mentality. He didn't have any
objection to Elena's actions. If you want to save people, just save them, and just
ensure your own safety.
After the matter came to an end, everyone's eyes were unconsciously focused on
Damiyala. This person seemed to know from the beginning that things would evolve
into this situation.
Damiyala did not choose to remain silent, but said calmly
"Actually, the student union president Ku Bian informed me of this matter three
months ago."
"Three months ago? I remember that the Magical Girl Competition hadn't even
started at that time." Konsidine couldn't help but feel confused. How could he contact
Damiyala at that time? What did the president want to do?
Damiyala smiled
"Kang Shiding, maybe you don't know, because I am the successor of the Sinner
family, and I possess the [Blue King Gem] that seals the body and the [Celestial
Emperor's Holy Crystal] that seals the divine body."
As she spoke, she took out the sapphire in her left hand and the golden gem in her
right hand. It was these two gems that drove the left god's eyes to a dead end, and in
the end he could only escape with a trace of god's power.
Although Long Tu was feeling uncomfortable at this time, he suddenly realized and
couldn't help but stare at the other party.
"Damiara, you woman, could you have known about this from the beginning? When
we were in the forest, those speculations were just an excuse to let us enter the cave!"
Damiyala shrugged.
"I can't refute this. After all, it's very difficult to force the Zuo Shen possessed by
Waltz to escape. It's very difficult for me alone, so it's your turn to help. It's just that
the power of Waltz is beyond Contrary to the expectations of the president and I, if
Tyr hadn’t finally exploded, I’m afraid this plan would have gone bankrupt.”
As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly felt a bad feeling of being taken
advantage of. Tier raised his eyebrows and asked
"Then Teacher No. 3 also planned this by taking advantage of our actual field battle?"
"Naturally, except for students, everyone else is a participant in this plan."
"..." Everyone was silent. After a while, Krad looked up at the hole and said
"What will be the final outcome of this god?"
"The most critical step has been passed. Now he is just a turtle in a urn. Teacher No.
3 and the others will cooperate with Lord Yong Ye to capture him alive, so don't
Damiyala answered almost all questions, and it seemed that she was not completely
unsatisfied with using them.
"Just why are you looking for us? If you are a senior, it should be easier to deal with."
Konstantin asked, and Damiyala sighed helplessly.
"Please think about it first. If you were really a senior here, would Zuo Shen still be
so contemptuous? The president is targeting you. As freshmen, you seem to have
average strength, but you can explode beyond the ordinary second and third graders.
Strength, this is why I ordered Teacher No. 3 to let you come out for actual combat in
the field."
"Then how come Krad and the others met Waltz and others by such a coincidence."
"Have you forgotten that Teacher No. 3 asked us to run in three directions at the
beginning? Clad and Dragon Slayer rushed towards the only way to waltz. This was
all planned by the president in advance. By the way, It is not an accident that Dragon
Slayer and Krad are tied together. After all, they are both among the top strongest
among the new students, so many things are not accidental."
"Then you can choose strong people from other classes, why choose us?"
"Because the mobile teacher of Class 9 is Mr. Yongye, plus Teacher No. 3 and
others, to be honest, there should be no group more suitable for our class. By the way,
because I am also from Class 9, so I will It is inevitable that the principal will choose
Class 9. Do you have any more questions?" Damiyala answered with such force,
which made Kangsidine, who was being stared at, shrink his neck and feel a little
embarrassed to speak.
"How long have you been planning this?" Clad asked, Damiyala looked at him and
"Of course I started when I received the notice. To participate in the Magic Girl
Competition, I only communicated secretly with General Secretary Zamiya. The
president's plan was too deep. Someone had to talk to me in person. Otherwise, as a
referee, Will I, the next successor of the Sinner, lack this recommendation letter?"
Did it start from that time? Tier narrowed his eyes slightly. It was for this reason that
the seemingly feminine General Secretary of the Student Union, Zamiya, came to the
Principality of Cyril to serve as a judge for a magical girl competition.
"However, President Ku himself may have started planning it since he took office. It
must have been four years." Damiyala's words surprised everyone. They really didn't
expect this legendary president. He had anticipated the current situation from such an
early stage.
Just hearing a bang, a series of chest-suppressing terrifying pressure spread over the
cave, and during this period, Zuo Shen's hoarse roar could be heard. In an instant, the
ground shook, and even Tire and others far underground were unable to stand.
Damiyala smiled faintly, looked at the hole above and murmured to herself
"It seems that the sealing has already started. Teacher No. 3 and the others have been
secretly planning this matter for half a year. During this period, Lord Yongye helped.
This Zuo Shen's soul will be sealed in the future, and it will be difficult to die even if
he wants to."
To deal with the immortal gods, in addition to completely erasing their thread of
faith, the only thing left is to bind them, and they cannot live or die! In this way, he
cannot rely on the power of faith to be resurrected countless years later at the cost of
death, so this method of binding the souls of gods will be more terrifying than killing
Only now did Tier truly feel the wisdom and chill from the president.
The methods of the 187th president
In the president's office, the two people who had already talked about other topics
suddenly received a magic shadow stone. The projection in it was Teacher No. 3. His
eyes were calm and his face was serious. When he saw that the vice president was
also there, he suddenly fainted. bow
"Hello, Vice President."
"Hello, genius of the No. 3 family." The deputy dean showed a kind smile, but the
meaning of the words made the teacher No. 3 smile quite, but business was more
important, and he did not take the deputy dean's words to heart. Said to President Ku
"Zuo Shen has been sealed. The time is 13:27. The sealed container is now in the
hands of Lord Yong Ye. Do you have any other instructions?"
"Thank you for your hard work. Just do what you said before." The president replied
in the same serious tone, then pondered for a moment before speaking.
"What about the casualties?"
"No one died." Teacher No. 3's decisive answer made President Ku breathe a long
sigh of relief, and the deputy dean couldn't help but smile when he saw that look in
his eyes.
"That's better than anything else. Anyway, let's hand this matter over to the picket
department. I will consolidate the other information and submit it to the [Roundtable
"Okay, then, thank you for your hard work, President. See you next time, Vice
"Hahaha, go ahead, go ahead." The vice-dean laughed happily, and then the Demonic
Shadow Stone closed immediately. President Ku breathed a sigh of relief again and
lay down on the chair as if all the strength had been relieved from his body.
"Finally, this heartache has been eradicated."
"Haha, if you can achieve zero casualties, no one at the round table meeting will
criticize this plan. But...if Myerson could have determined this before, why didn't you
seal it early?"
The vice president's doubts made the president regain his strength, straighten his
waist, and said to the old man in front of him.
"The Zuo Shen who possessed Myerson at that time was only controlling it with
weak power. He did not attach his soul to the student. After all, although Myerson
had a good physique, he could only withstand one organ of the god. Unable to
withstand divine power, Zuo Shen controlled Myerson to drop out of school. After
recovering some of his divine power incognito, he decided to look for an all-purpose
physique that suited him again. However, an all-purpose physique was so rare that
Zuo Shen chose to return to Avalon Academy. This is not only a gathering place for
geniuses, but also a place very close to his true form, so he came back, and I spent a
lot of money and benefits to win Waltz over to the academy. So, even if I discovered
it at first Myerson is of no use even if he is a god's attached body, because he can
abandon the eyeball that is attached to Myerson.
But it was completely different when Zuo Shen attached himself to Waltz in the later
period. He almost completely released his power. This was the best time to catch him.
Once sealed, he could not use other clones. Be free again. At this point, I would like
to introduce my other chess piece, the Convict of the Northern Empire, Miss
Damiyala. "
"Are the criminals in the northern part of the empire, they are those from the Mobius
family?" The vice president immediately reacted, and President Ku nodded slightly.
"That's right."
"It turns out they are the descendants of those people..." The meaningful words of the
vice-dean made the president slightly raise his eyebrows. Although he knew in his
heart that the Mobius family was quite notorious, for Xi The great contributions made
by the Gerry Empire cannot be forgotten.
"It seems that without me knowing, Xiao Ku, you have grown a lot more than
"Vice Dean, if you always speak in this tone, be careful you will be surpassed by me
in a while."
"It's good to surpass. You should surpass me as an old person as soon as possible. A
person is better than a person who is good at it. If you can't beat me, then I will be the
first to criticize you."
The vice president's words made the president smile helplessly. If this old man could
surpass him so easily, he wouldn't have been able to preside over the round table for
thousands of years relying on the strength of demigods. Even some gods would have
to go through it. He can only do things with his consent, and his strength may not be
enough at any time, but his skill is indeed something that even the president has to
agree with.
"Anyway, we can let this matter go. Next, I will go back and investigate the cause of
the beast tide incident."
President Ku said lightly that it was precisely because of that beast tide that
thousands of students who went to explore the Sunburial Forest because of the fall of
the gods died. The article in this article is very large. The outbreak of the beast tide
was not accidental, and even if It broke out, and a god could resist it. However, no
one stopped it, but looked on with cold eyes. If a discerning person thinks about it,
they will find that there was an extremely huge black hand behind the fall of the gods
and the beast tide incident.
The deputy dean seemed to know more or less some information. He frowned slightly
and couldn't help but speak.
"Are you sure you want to investigate this matter?"
The president had already made all preparations and nodded seriously. Seeing the
strong expression on the other side, the vice president had no choice but to shake his
head and sigh.
"There is a darkness behind this that you cannot touch now. They can stand by and let
you do your own thing about the fall of the gods, but if they continue to investigate, I
guess they will intervene.
"Are they...Vice Dean, I remember when you first ran for president in the second
academic year, you seemed to have said similar things to me."
"You told me not to get involved in the fall of gods. You said I was too immature. If I
am not careful, it will lead to disaster." The president slowly raised the corner of his
mouth at this time, and tapped the fingers of his right hand lightly on the desk.
"Today, I intervened and completed it, but all the chess pieces were laid out that
year." President Ku's words made the vice president's pupils shrink slightly.
"Have you not......"
"Regarding the beast tide, my chess pieces have been laid out last year. As for when
to close the net, it depends on when the big guys reveal their flaws. Vice Dean, please
forgive me for not being able to compromise on this matter. , Avalon doesn’t need
people without feelings.”
The vice-president's brows gradually knitted together. Looking at President Ku, who
seemed to be a different person before him, he suddenly felt that he didn't recognize
her. Perhaps so many years of baptism had made her... . . . . .
No, the vice president shook his head
This person has not changed from the beginning to the end, but as her status
gradually matures, her true face begins to be exposed. It is not that Ku has changed,
but that the vice president himself was wrong in his perception from the beginning.
This person is not a kitten or a small animal.
Instead, it was a giant dragon that gradually overflowed with flames.
If you are not careless, you will be burned to death by her in the next moment!
The deputy dean couldn't help but look out the window. There were many students
walking back and forth in the streets of Gudongfang, each of them with a smile on
their face.
Perhaps, if you want to bring laughter to these children, you must pile it up with the
blood of others.
How can you express your own happiness without the pain of others?
The whereabouts of Issue 188
"But speaking of which, Tyr, where did you go before? Why did you become so
strong when you came back?" Constantine finally pointed the finger at Tyr. Facing
the curious baby's question, he could only shrug and thought of using strange words.
When the weird reasons were blurred, Cumming's figure suddenly gathered in front
of everyone's eyes.
"From now on, he will be my disciple. Go back and tell those old guys that if they
dare to use their brains against Tier, let alone the [God of Heaven], even the Holy
King of Killing will not be able to protect them!" Kaming said these words with a
strong and majestic tone. , a supreme power of God was faintly emanating, making
everyone tremble. They all knelt down half-kneeling to show their respect!
Tier was stunned for a moment, thinking that Mr. Cumming could also show off his
power. He thought that he had a very casual personality and would not have any
grudges when meeting mortals. Now it seems that maybe he wanted to protect him.
Tier changed this. Tier was moved by this and was about to thank him, but he found
that the big crab gave him a very obscene look. Tier raised his brows and trotted to
Kaming's side and asked.
"What's wrong, Mr. Cumming? Are your eyes bad?"
"You have bad eyesight, but that person is the lover of your dreams, right?"
Cumming's low voice echoed in Tire's ears. The others were still half-kneeling on the
ground with their heads lowered and couldn't see Tire clearly. What are you doing
with this great god?
Cumming's words made Tire even more confused.
"Mr. Cumming, you gave me such a dirty look just now, maybe you just wanted to
say this."
"Whoever is obscene is the one who is obscene. You have to be like this little girl in
your dreams. I think you have animalistic desires that are hard to suppress, so you
have to indulge in obscenity in your dreams. You think, how about I be a bad person
this time and put you and this little girl together?" The girls are all trapped in a small
space, and then we release some of our special charm potions, which will make you
rotten rice." As soon as Kamin said this, Tier, who was still listening, slowly stood up
straight. body, looking at the big crab with the eyes of looking at garbage.
Mr. Cumming was shaken by this look, thinking that this little guy still felt boring, so
he said lightly
"How about throwing all the little girls here in and giving you a hodgepodge?"
"..���..." Tier's eyes became even colder.
Seeing that the other party was like this, Kaming immediately clapped his crab claws
and said in sudden realization.
"You originally wanted to eat both men and women!"
"Mr. Cumming, let's talk about how I can find you." Tier didn't want to refute the
other party, so he changed his attention and asked other questions. Cumming rolled
his eyes and answered
"Looking for me? Myself? In my current memory, it seems that there are still a few
gods to kill. I guess my footprints will be left in those places."
"Is there another god to kill?" Tier was horrified. This [Left God] alone could make
many people fight for their lives, and after planning for so many years, they could
only seal him and try to kill him. It’s hard to believe that such a powerful god, Mr.
Kaming, actually wants to kill a few more people. It’s really unbelievable!
"Of course, I can be called [God Killer] because I have killed too many gods, so I am
collectively called the name by everyone. However, I have always only killed the
gods of sin, and we always act under orders, so I will not be harmed by others.
"Awesome..." Tier couldn't help but say it, which made the big crab even more proud.
He hugged his chest with a pair of big crab claws in a very humane way, and then
"If you want to find me, you can look for me in the order in which I plan to kill the
"The order in which to kill the gods?"
"These gods are a huge criminal gang. I ordered each world to close the barrier. They
could not escape from Noah's world, so they asked me to kill them one after another.
There was a god named Kombiu before the left god. The god of Ma, who was
abandoned by them, was the first to become my dead soul, and then the [Left God]
Cappuccino, he was clever enough to build a tomb before he died, so I couldn't I went
in and beheaded him. For this reason, the Holy King of Killers came out and argued
with me. To be honest, this Killer could indeed talk, and finally made me speechless.
I had no choice but to Leaving behind a trace of sword intent, I ran away first."
Tier did not expect that Kamin was not driven away by the Holy King with force, but
simply ran away. He seemed to be able to roughly feel how chatty the Killing Holy
King was.
"According to my memory, in the order I want to kill next, the next one should be
[Axis King] Christian who exists in the eastern part of the Sikri Empire near the
Kingdom of Salaman. The other gods can only be killed after killing the Axis King.
Only then will I know, maybe if you go to the eastern part of the empire, you will
encounter a sword clone in the same state as me now."
"...It feels like a very long road." Tier couldn't help but complain a little. The big crab
raised his eyes, but he knew the temper of this little guy. The crab's claws were a little
bit in the void, and countless swordsmanship slowly condensed. , became a light
green crystal, which was extremely beautiful. It slowly flew in front of Tier. He
stretched out his hand to hold it, and a slight coolness spread into the bone marrow,
making people feel relaxed and happy.
"Tyr, take this thing and look for it. If you meet me, you won't need it. If you meet a
clone that is the same as me, show this to him. I think the clone with the same
consciousness as me will give it to him. You have some surprises. How about it, is
this condition enough to be the motivation for you to look for it? "
When Tier heard this, he immediately smiled bitterly.
"Mr. Cumming, I obviously proposed to find you first, but you tempted me with
benefits instead. I am really a philistine."
"Everyone is a philistine. I also want you to accompany other clones. It is very lonely
here alone. When I think of other clones facing this kind of loneliness, maybe it is
also a good idea to send you there to bring them warmth. It's a good thing. Although I
don't know very well whether this 'other clone' actually exists."
Mr. Cumming said lightly, but his body gradually began to become unreal. Tier
opened his mouth slightly, but couldn't say anything. This expression made the big
crab helplessly smile, stretched out its claws and slowly placed it on Tier's head.
"My mission has been completed. There is no need to continue stationed here. Keep
working hard, Tyr. If we meet again, it will be fate."
"Well, bye, Mr. Cumming."
In the end, Kaming turned into countless sword intentions and sword energy and
quickly dissipated in the faint laughter. Tuluutir stood there, feeling lost in his heart.
Krad and others felt the departure of the gods, and they immediately approached Tire
one by one. There were various complicated expressions on their faces, but this
feeling of being around Tire made his heart enriched again.
Yes, he is not the same as before.
Everyone, are here.
Issue 189 Cruel
"Damn it! Tyr, you're so excited now! Being accepted as a disciple by a god, and
becoming so powerful in a short period of time, you're making a lot of money! Hurry
and hug him!" Kang Shiding was the first to stick up. This excessive enthusiasm
made Tier smile bitterly.
"It's just good luck, and this cheap master is just a clone, not a real master."
"But becoming stronger is a fact!"
Considine's reaction was even more exciting than Tire's. Everyone else showed
knowing smiles. In short, Tire could further change his character.
Being strong is not a bad thing.
"Now that you have surpassed me so much in one breath, it seems that I want you to
be more powerful for a while." Krad couldn't help but smile. Obviously, he didn't ask
in detail about Tyr's unreasonable increase in strength. It should be said that no one
would go. If you ask carefully, they won't ask about such a private matter unless the
person involved talks about it. However, Diz sighed with his hands in his arms.
"Now you all have left me behind. It's really..."
"Diz..." Tire hesitated, and Krad's face was also stiff and he didn't know what to say.
After all, Scarlet did have one thing that was extraordinary. If Krad didn't even have
the opponent in his prime, I dare to say that I can defeat the opponent. In fact, Dizi
has done very well, but he just lost in emotion.
However, when he thought that Diz would be depressed by this, the seemingly
elegant young man actually laughed wildly with excitement.
"It's so exciting!! I didn't expect that there would be such a big gap among my peers!
In other words, I can also surpass you or even leave you far behind. When I think of
being able to stand at the top of the strong, I am now I want to start practicing!"
Everyone had no choice but to smile, but they had forgotten Diz's personality. This
guy didn't seem to know what depression was. He became more courageous as he
fought and fought again and again. He was a typical hard-working good man.
Tier thought at this time that it was time to let Yue Hai wake up, so that the time
difference between the two could be opened, and no one would doubt it.
Then, Yuehai slowly opened his eyes. Damiyala, who noticed the other party's
awakening for the first time, slowly helped Yuehai up. Clad and Diz even stepped
forward and asked with concern.
"How's your body?"
Krader raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Diz, wondering why you came over
to ask, but Diz shrugged. After all, it was Yue Hai who saved him, so he must care
about it.
Yue Hai was stunned by this sudden lineup, and it took a while before she answered.
"It's okay, I'm just a little dizzy."
"That's good." Krad breathed a sigh of relief, and a stone in his heart was relieved. He
had promised Yuehai to protect her. If anything went wrong, he would be
At this time, Elena's worried voice came from behind everyone, and Kang Shiding,
who was standing next to him, couldn't help but sigh at everyone.
"Carida, Carida...Why are you around such a human..."
Elena's eyes that were already red from crying were heartbreaking to see. However,
Diz did not go over to comfort her, nor did Tier. Instead, Dragon Slaughter walked
over, and the Tianque silk in her hand had been torn off long ago. The level of power
can be used by both Dragon Slayer and Krad, but because of the teacher's rules, they
are not allowed to break the rules. The previous battle with Waltz prevented them
from making mistakes and destroying them.
Tier sighed secretly, he had to ask Elena clearly about this matter.
Finally, when everything was settled, Krader finally said
"Let's go back."
Yes, go back.
Everyone murmured in their hearts that no one would complain about the college
student union taking advantage of them, even if they themselves chose to remain
silent. In front of such a giant, don't say that they are responsible, even if it is entirely
the college's fault. Then you can only break your teeth and swallow it in your
After Elena placed Kalida in her room, Tire called her out alone. The two walked
along the deserted park path. As the moonlight shone, the pond in the center of the
park swelled with waves. Silver ripples and the breeze blew away a hint of summer,
making people feel cool. But now Elena has no time to enjoy this natural beauty.
Instead, she is like a child who made a mistake, waiting for the criticism of her
elders. .
Tier was silent for a long time, and it wasn't until the two of them had been gone for
nearly five minutes that he spoke.
"Elena, what am I to you?"
"Master, master..." Elena replied weakly, but Tyr shook his head and said
"I said, you are a free person, I am not your master, and you are not my slave. If you
are willing to become friends, I don't think there is anything wrong with it."
"No, me, how can I be friends with you... You are so powerful, I will only drag you
Elena's voice became weaker and weaker, and her weak look made Tyr look a little
"Do you know that during the dozens of days of training with that god, I thought
about many things."
"Dozens of days?"
"Haha, don't worry about it. In short, I have thought a lot about you and have
thousands of words in my stomach. That's why I thought of coming out to talk to
"Then, tell me first, your true identity!"
Elena trembled all over and lowered her head, looking as if Tyr would cry if his voice
got louder. Tyr scratched his head and murmured to himself
"Don't you want to say it... Then, let me tell you another thing. This is what Teacher
No. 3 told me just now."
Elena was inexplicably panicked, but she still didn't dare to look directly at Tyr. This
made the black-haired young man sigh and shake his head. He really didn't know
when this little elf would grow up, and Elena looked very... Looking concerned, Tier
couldn't help but speak in a deep voice.
"Just now, Teacher No. 3 told me that the elves who were rescued earlier encountered
a large number of leopard-shaped monsters and eventually all died."
"!!" Elena suddenly raised her head, her fair face turned pale at this moment, and
tears suddenly overflowed from her tear ducts and slid down her cheeks.
"..." Tyr frowned, but he wanted Elena to know the cruelty of reality. Although it was
very unbearable, Tyr still said
"I may not know about these leopard-shaped monsters, but you and Konstantin
should know."
"Brother Constantine and I..." Elena murmured to herself, and the image of herself
begging Constantine to let go of the leopard-shaped monster suddenly flashed
through her mind.
It was that time. . . . . .
Tyr sighed and continued:
"I also went to investigate after that, and I got confirmation from Constantine that the
culprit who killed the surviving elves was the leopard-shaped monster that you let go.
It remembered the breath of the elves, so You brought more companions to take
revenge, and these elves are the first batch of victims after you let the tiger return to
the mountains."
Issue 190 Rejection
"No, no, no..." Elena couldn't help but stopped, her eyes showed disbelief, tears kept
pouring out, sadness, regret, anger, worry, fear, mixed emotions, beautiful His face
gradually became distorted.
But Tyr quietly watched the changes in the other party. Although his heart was also
twitching, he had to make Elena strong. If he couldn't bear this kind of sadness, it
would be hard for Tyr to imagine what Elena would be like in the future. How to
The voice of regret kept coming from the mouth of the wind elf, like the cry of a
wounded animal, which made Tier feel a little unbearable. Thinking back to every
moment between Elena and him in the past few months, he also There is that diary
that I accidentally opened. . . . . . A similarly sad emotion gradually filled
Tyr's heart.
But he gritted his teeth and held back. If he couldn't bear Elena to be so sad, how
could he let her grow up.
So, the mournful crying lasted for a whole hour, and Tire stood there all the time.
Naturally, he would not imitate the hero in Shadow Stone to give Elena a shoulder to
lean on, but just waited for the wind elf to calm down. Come down, and then continue
to say
"Since you don't plan to tell me your life experience, I won't force you to ask. But as
someone who has been with you for these months, let me tell you that the law of the
jungle is not only life and death, but also your own future. If the person you care
about dies but comes to the human world, you must first abandon your kindness."
Elena slowly raised her head and looked at Tyr. What a strong adult she is. Her eyes
that were swollen from crying showed a hint of helpless admiration. That kind of
admiration made Tyr frown.
"Do you want to follow me?"
"Yes, sir!" Elena replied immediately with a tearful tone. Her look looked a bit more
funny, but Tyr's face was still serious. He couldn't help but raise his right hand,
slowly stretched out his fingers, and clicked On Elena's chest, which is where the
heart is. The two looked at each other at this moment, and Tire finally spoke in a deep
"Then throw away this heart, and at the same time I will take away your purity!"
The elf's natural character is purity, but such a character will only hinder Tyr's
performance. Therefore, if Elena can't change herself, then Tyr will make the elf
Elena's tears flowed down again. Her delicate hands suddenly raised and held Tyr's
fingers. The soft touch made the black-haired young man's heart tremble, and then the
other party's request came to her ears.
"Sir, I will listen to you, and I will do anything you ask me to do, but please, please
save Kalida and completely free her from the hands of that evil human being!
Kalida. . . . . . What?
"What is the identity of this thunder elf? She looks like she is only the height of a
child, but according to your name, she is smaller than her."
Elena was hesitant to speak. It was obviously something ulterior. She had clearly said
that she would listen to Tyr on everything before, but she was hesitant on this issue. I
am afraid there is a deeper secret.
But Tyr was not interested in this, and it should be said that Kalida's existence was of
no importance to him. . . . . . That's right, there's no need for him to bother
with these people he's not familiar with.
"Anyway, I won't agree to your request." Facing Elena who was still hesitating, Tire
kept his voice as cold as possible. Elena looked up at the man in front of her and said
"But, sir, she has been injured like this. I can't bear for her to return to that human's
"...If you can't bear it, what does it have to do with me?"
Faced with the sudden change in Tyr's attitude, Elena took a few steps back, bit her
lip and murmured in a low voice.
"This is the only thing I won't help you with, because it's not necessary. I won't let
you take risks, but I won't help this elf either." Tire clenched his fists and kept his
voice as calm as possible. Elena shook her head after being rejected.
"No, this kind of Lord Tyr is not Lord Tyr!!"
After saying that, Elena turned and left Tire. The breeze blew by, and only the man's
figure still stood by the pool. He took a deep breath and looked at the bright moon in
the sky.
In the end, Elena returned to her dormitory. The roommates she slept with were all
from Class 9. Because of the god incident, Tier Elena and the others came back early
on the first day. As for the others, they are still here. After struggling in the mulberry
forest, there were only Elena and Kalida lying on the bed and falling asleep in the
Elena walked slowly to the bedside, looked at the other person's frightened face, and
sat down. She reached out and touched Kalida's little face, but she felt extremely
uncomfortable in her heart.
Even Lord Tyr, whom she admires the most, is unwilling to take action, so who else
can save you, Kalida. . . . . .
dong dong
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Being very polite, Elena also stood up from
the bed, wiped the tears on her face, walked to the entrance and slowly opened the
"Excuse me, are you looking for..."
Before Elena could finish her words, she was stunned by the figure in front of her.
What a beautiful girl
This was Elena's first reaction. It wasn't until she came to her senses that she said
"Then, Tsukiumi-san, what's the matter with you?"
The person who came was Yue Hai. At this time, she crossed her arms and crossed
her chest. Although her body was facing Elena, her beautiful face was slightly
looking to the right. She seemed to be thinking about something, and she seemed to
be unwilling to do something. things.
"It's nothing, I just came here to see if I could help."
"Help? Ah, sir, anyway, Tsukiumi-san, come in quickly. It's not good to stand at the
door all the time." Elena's words made Tsukiumi raise her eyebrows slightly, but she
didn't expect that this elf would notice this. There seems to be some progress.
Elena introduced Yuehai into the room, and a faint fragrance came to her face.
Yuehai sniffed and found that it was the same as Elena's body fragrance. Although
she was curious about how she got such a fresh fragrance, she Tsukiumi first turned
her attention to Kalida, who was lying on the bed and falling into a deep sleep.
Yuehai's brows suddenly furrowed slightly when he saw it. His body was not in good
condition, and his internal organs seemed to have been kicked. Fortunately, Elena had
tried her best to heal the elf, otherwise it would have been difficult to survive the
night. Moreover, she has a lot of hidden diseases, which are obviously caused by
being beaten severely. It is really hard to imagine that there will be so many wounds
on such a thin body. After taking off her clothes, it is estimated that there will be
more wounds on her body. Just imagining it like this made Yue Hai frown.
Departure of Phase 191
"Elena, get out of the way first." Yuehai walked up to Kalida and slowly stretched out
her palm. The wind elf's eyes suddenly lit up, and she couldn't help but feel more
grateful when she looked at Yuehai.
The healing technique with 90% affinity is so terrifying. The golden light completely
enveloped Kalida's body. In just a moment, the wounds on the thunder elf healed
quickly, and the opponent's hair and nails began to activate and grow. , Yuehai
quickly put away the healing technique in his hand, and then used his senses to check
again, and found that the whole body had been healed, and he should wake up in a
short time.
Elena naturally observed clearly with her senses, and couldn't help but bow deeply
when looking at Yuehai.
"Thank you, thank you for saving Kalida."
"It's okay, it's just a little effort." Yue Hai sighed secretly. He had clearly rejected her,
but now he came to ask for this thank you as Yue Hai, which really made her feel a
little uncomfortable.
Not long after, Kalida gradually regained consciousness, and Elena was pleasantly
surprised. She leaned over and looked, only to find that Elena's own figure could not
be reflected in the other person's empty eyes, and the first thing after the thunder elf
woke up was In a word
"Master, where is the master?"
"Ka, Kalida, it's me, I'm Elena!"
"Master, you have to return to the master quickly, otherwise, otherwise!" As she said
this, Kalida stood up from the bed, looked at the ground and was about to walk off,
but Elena hugged her Kalida said with a cry in her voice.
"Don't go, Kalida, you can't go back to that human again."
"Kalida has to go back, otherwise Master will train me again." Kalida's expression
gradually became frightened, and her whole body was trembling. The trembling that
seemed to occur only after entering an ice cellar made Yuehai frown. Wrinkled.
The elf's consciousness was knocked away, leaving only its subconscious actions.
She could escape reality in this way, wondering what Scarlet had done to
her. . . . . .
Elena hugged Kalida even tighter, as if she would lose her if she let go.
"Carida, it's okay. No one will hurt you here, and that human won't come to train
"Train! No! No no!" Kalida seemed to be stimulated by this word, shaking her head
desperately, and then she began to push Elena
"I want to go back to my master! Let me go!"
"No, I won't let go!"
"Let me go!!" Kalida's hand movements became more powerful, but Elena, who was
1.65 meters tall, was obviously stronger than the thunder elf who was only 1.42
meters tall. Kalida couldn't do anything no matter how hard she tried. Pushing Elena
away, she raised her right hand, and a bolt of lightning gathered in her palm, and was
about to hit Elena's head the next moment.
The faster and louder sound echoed throughout the room. Elena looked at Kalida who
was slapped back to the bed by Yuehai from her arms. She couldn't help but froze in
place. She couldn't believe that Kalida was so kind before. Lida would actually take
action against her.
Yue Hai loosened his palms and frowned.
"Are you awake?"
"I..." Kalida's brain started to feel dizzy after being slapped by Yue Hai, and now she
looked around and said
"Where am I?"
"This is Elena's room. Do you know the person in front of you?" Yue Hai slowly put
his right hand on Elena's trembling shoulder, looking at Kalida whose eyes were
gradually regaining their luster. .
"Elena?" Although Kalida's eyes changed, her expression did not change at all. She
repeated Elena's name and finally shook her head.
Yuehai's eyes were deep, and then he patted Elena on the shoulder
"Maybe because of the constant beatings on the head, many memories have been
This sentence made Elena feel even more uncomfortable. She stretched out her right
hand to touch the other person's cheek, but she was stuck in mid-air but could not
continue to reach out. . . . . .
The Kalida in front of her is no longer the elf she knew before. In fact, it can be seen
clearly from her eyes, so Elena strongly denied it when she saw Kalida for the first
Yuehai sighed secretly, looked at her palms which were slightly red from being
slapped, and finally, she patted Elena on the shoulder and said
"Let Kalida get up and get ready."
"Huh? What's wrong, Yuehai-san?" Elena couldn't help but feel confused when she
saw the other person's posture, but Yuehai sneered and looked at the night outside the
"Things? Not really.
However, there is an elf that we need to find her owner to come over to. "
When Elena heard Yuehai's words, her whole mind buzzed. It wasn't until a few
seconds later that the wind elf stood up and said
"Tsukiumi-san, you, do you mean to go find that evil human?"
"Who else but him?"
"But, but they are very strong, Tsukiumi-san..." Elena's implication is that even if you
can't defeat them, it's all in vain. A coward like Scarlet If someone catches Yue Hai,
he might do something.
If Elena drags Yuehai down because of this, she will never be happy.
But Yue Hai slightly held up his Shanshui sword, stretched out his finger and tapped
the other person's forehead lightly, and then smiled.
"I won't lose now."
Now, I will not lose. These words revealed endless confidence, echoing in Elena's
mind. Even Kalida was exaggerated by Yuehai's confident smile, and her whole
person gradually became a little bit alive.
However, her words were unfounded. Elena had not actually seen Yue Hai's strength.
No matter how confident the other party was, she was still very worried. However,
she could not say the words she wanted to stop him from saying before. This was also
She subconsciously felt that Yuehai might really be reborn.
It's just that the simple-minded Elena didn't think deeply about why Yuehai suddenly
became stronger.
The night gradually became darker. At this time, three figures walked out of the
dormitory building.
Area 21 is the area where Waltz Scarlet and others stayed. After a brief identification
of the direction, Yuehai and others took the two elves to the dormitory where Scarlet
was. It was actually very simple to find each other. Remember the name and face of
each other. Students who come in through recommendation letters can check the
information of other students on their student ID cards. This also makes it easier for
everyone to supervise each other. If someone does something that violates the rules
of the college, all students You can rely on your student ID card to send reporting
information, and you can also rely on this student ID card to check information about
other students.
But when they arrived at Scarlet's dormitory, the gloomy-looking dormitory
administrator immediately kicked them out. Finally, Yuehai was unwilling to accept
it and asked
"Is Scarlet-san in the dormitory now?"
"Ah? That problem student? After you recovered from your injuries at night, you
went directly to the underground arena in the Demonic Zone. You little girls, don't
run around wandering around at night. Go back to your dormitory and sleep."
The 192nd issue of crushing
The Demonic District, even in the brightly lit Avalon, is the darkest place. Even
President Ku has not reached out to this place. This is the place where students who
respect the most primitive greed go crazy. , whether it is wealth, women, or fighting,
everything can be satisfied here. Now, Yuehai and Elena have come to this charming
school district.
In order to reduce her influence, Yuehai put the deceiving gauze that General
Secretary Zamiya gave her last time on her face. In this way, even those unscrupulous
people would not take the risk to tease someone who didn't even look good. The girl
who knew, as for the other two, put on black robes, and the hoods of the robes
covered their heads, and the shadows cast down allowed people to only see their
mouths clearly.
In this way, the mysterious trio came to the Demonic Zone. As for how to get to the
underground arena, Yuehai and Elena didn't know, but Kalida, who often followed
Scarlet, knew it very well. "Really, do you really want to go there?"
Kalida was obviously very scared. The Thunder Elf, who gradually regained
consciousness, began to accept the reality. However, after accepting the reality, she
developed a great fear of Scarlet. She would tremble all over just hearing his name.
My feet feel weak.
Elena gently supported Kalida. The faint warmth made the trembling on the Thunder
Elf's body slightly weaker, but the severe fear could not be eliminated.
However, Yuehai sighed secretly.
"If you don't say anything, then I'll find it myself."
After saying that, she took off the veil on her face. Her beautiful appearance made the
gangsters who were paying attention to the three of them suddenly have their jaws
dropped. Some of them were holding cigarettes in their hands without even realizing
it. It fell to the ground, and the entire seemingly bustling street fell into silence at this
The drop of a needle can be heard and is used at this time, no exaggeration.
It wasn't until a few seconds later that the sounds of heavy breathing reached the ears
of Yuehai and the others. She glanced around and saw that these students who
followed their desires were already looking at her with greedy eyes, as if they would
be killed by them next moment. Drag him into the alley. . . . . . No, if it was
Tsukiumi, she might not even be able to accept being dragged into the alley and
Yuehai, who has been a woman for so long, naturally knows how lethal she is, so she
softly spoke to everyone
"Tell me how to get to the underground arena."
"I'll tell you!" At this time, a giant man wearing a jacket walked out of the crowd.
There were twenty or thirty boys following him. When the other students saw this
giant man, they all immediately bowed their heads. He had his head turned upside
down, fearing that looking into the other person's eyes would lead to death.
Yuehai's expression remained unchanged. When he saw the other party coming to
him, he spoke calmly.
"Then you, lead the way."
"Haha, but the first step is to let me and my brothers have fun first." The giant man's
eyes became more greedy, and his eyes scanned back and forth on Yuehai
unscrupulously. When he opened his mouth, sticky saliva suddenly dripped down. He
could no longer control it. Yue Hai frowned slightly as he suppressed his desire.
Idiot, you dare to walk around the Demon Zone with such a beautiful face, how can
you be an ordinary person.
Most people knew it very well, so they just looked greedy at first, but did not take
any action. As for this big guy, because he has been the king of this street for many
years, he is used to being stupid, and Yue Hai is so peerless. Beauty, even though he
had some sense, all he could think about was what posture to use to ravage her.
Before Yuehai could speak, the giant man had already stretched out his rough and
generous palms to dig under her skirt. This sudden move frightened Elena to scream
However, Yue Hai stretched out his slender hand with five fingers turned into claws,
and his speed was actually faster than the giant man. With a snap, all five fingers
were stuck in the opponent's arm, and blood spurted out immediately. The giant man
felt pain and immediately retracted it. On his arm, Yuehai also released his fingers
and flicked them casually. The blood stuck to his fingertips actually turned into
terrifying sharp blades, cutting through the void and making a sharp sound, and
struck the giant man's body. The next moment, this Blood spurted out from the giant
man's chest, and severe pain suddenly surged into his heart, and he couldn't help but
"Oh oh oh! Damn woman, kill him!"
The people around her immediately got out of the way and gathered around to watch
the show. Although this woman was very powerful, there were dozens of people on
the other side. It was difficult for two fists to defeat four people. There was no
guarantee who would win in the end.
Elena was naturally frightened and turned pale, and even Kalida's expression
Only Yue Hai, the person involved, seemed to be taking a leisurely stroll in the
courtyard. Seeing dozens of people clamoring to kill them, she only stretched out a
Everything is beneficial
After that. . . . . .
Heavenly Sword Yixin, second form, pulling out the thorn.
Yuehai waved his finger in front of his eyes lightly.
The air suddenly became dull. When these thugs were about to come over, the void
suddenly exploded, and terrifying sword energy was released from it. No matter it
was in the sky or underground, no direction could be spared. All the thugs were here.
A fatal blow was received at that moment. If Yuehai hadn't been merciful and didn't
increase the intensity of this move too much, everyone present, including the passers-
by watching the show, would have either died or been seriously injured!
Yuehai looked at his green fingers, nodded slightly, and used the power of all things
to evolve his fingers into sword-like existences. Then he relied on this finger to slash
the Heavenly Sword Isshin, although it was only as powerful as the Shanshui Sword.
One-fifth of the amount, but it is more than enough to deal with this group of little
By the time Yue Hai came back to his senses, all the thugs had been chopped and fell
to the ground, each one wailing and unable to stand up. In fact, there were people
here who could stand up, but seeing how powerful Yue Hai was, it would be hard to
stand up again. Wouldn't it be an idiot to be slashed by the opponent? So they all fell
to the ground and looked extremely painful.
He also wanted to pretend to be the big man who was taking the lead, but people
were just aiming at him, so it was useless to pretend. Yuehai's slender body slowly
came to the side of the big man sitting on the ground, indifferently. Open your mouth
"lead the way."
"What..." The giant man's reaction was not slow. He knew that he could still be
saved, so he nodded quickly.
"Yes, yes, the young man in the underground arena does know. He will lead the way
for you now."
What a big sister. . . . . .
Yuehai didn't bother to correct him, nodded slightly to the two elves behind him, and
then kicked the giant man.
"Get up! Let's go!"
"Yes, yes, yes." The giant man's muscles trembled. Although the opponent didn't
exert any strength, it still scared him into a cold sweat. After all, the opponent could
kill them with one finger and remove their armor. If this was a kick, There is no
guarantee that I will be disabled immediately.
The giant man cursed in his heart. He knew how to walk by the river without getting
his shoes wet. He deserved to be kicked on the iron plate this time. The two years of
domineering made him more domineering but less domineering. brain
Issue 193: Angry Scarlet
As the giant man left with Yue Hai and others, the passers-by onlookers talked a lot,
admiring Yue Hai's deeds. Think about it, she is beautiful, heroic and extremely
powerful. How can such a woman... �Don't let them be intoxicated. If you can hold
her in your arms, it will be worth dropping out of school immediately.
Naturally, no one can touch such a poisonous rose.
At this time, a man with an upright face stood in the alley outside the street.
Watching Yuehai and others gradually disappear, he immediately said to the magic
sound stone in his hand.
"President, do you want to take action?"
"She is from the student union. President Ku told me a few days ago that our Blue
Sky Society should not interfere." A majestic voice came from the magic sound
stone. The upright man nodded slightly and answered without hesitation.
"Damn it, I'm going to kill you today."
With a roaring voice, Scarlet pressed a female student's head to the ground with her
left hand, and grabbed the other girl's clothes with her right hand and pulled hard, and
her flawless white body was suddenly exposed to the air.
The students watching the excitement in the surrounding arena suddenly cheered.
Scarlet seemed to turn a deaf ear. Seeing the other party screaming and struggling
desperately, the sadistic tendencies in his heart became even stronger.
Not long after, the girl was ravaged to the point of losing consciousness. Scarlet
kicked her hard, and the naked girl immediately fell under the arena ring.
Once off the ring, the students will be protected by the administrator here, so even if
the girl loses consciousness and is naked, no other men will rush to her.
But they couldn't touch it. They could always use the camera stone to take pictures.
One by one, they squatted on Scarlet's side and started taking pictures obscenely with
the camera stone.
"Damn it!" Scarlet's upper body was bare, and her whole body was still filled with
"Not enough! They are all fucking weaklings. Where are the people who are at the
peak military level? Where are the people who are at the emperor level? Come up to
me. I will kill you one by one today."
When he said this, blood suddenly overflowed from his abdomen. It was a wound left
during the day. Although he received quick treatment from the school doctor after he
came back, the wound was not completely healed. Now that he goes to the arena, his
skin will be torn apart again, violently. The pain made Scarlet even more furious. She
grabbed her abdomen with her right hand and more blood oozed out.
"Crad!!! I'm going to fuck your asshole to pieces!!!"
As soon as these words came out, the male students outside the ring tensed up and
fled away, fearing that Scarlet would find a random man to vent his anger and ravage
them. They couldn't bear this kind of perversion. .
At this moment, a giant man walked in, but what attracted people's attention was not
the giant man, but the girl behind him who made the world eclipse!
Yuehai looked around. As the name suggests, the underground arena was set up in a
huge basement near the gambling club. The lights inside were not as dark as
expected. In order to allow better battles between warriors and magicians, the
Nightless Stone was set up here. There are a lot of them. Looking up, there are about
twenty arenas. There are many bleacher seats and some lounges around. All the
equipment is available. Weapons and staffs can also be rented and borrowed. This
underground competition Although the field is shady, it is still a good place for
training. If you fight people here every day, it will be difficult not to get stronger.
However, if you stay here for a long time, you will always encounter opponents that
you cannot defeat. If you encounter too many opponents that you cannot defeat, there
will always be some perverts with weird ideas, such as Scarlet.
The whole place was silent. How could Scarlet not know that following everyone's
gaze, what appeared in front of him was the woman he had dreamed of getting, and
the woman Krad liked.
"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, Yue Hai!!!"
Scarlet let out a laugh that shook the entire arena. The terrifying roar made some
students cover their ears. They all looked at this lunatic in horror, not knowing what
he was going to do next.
Yuehai was expressionless in the face of the terrifying aura. She slowly turned her
gaze to the other person and slowly raised the corners of her mouth.
Scarlet. Tiffimia.
He is indeed a strong man, but his strength is too blind and confident.
Yue Hai turned back and nodded to the two of them, and immediately took off their
robes. The charming faces of the two elves raised the greed of everyone present to a
whole new level.
But those who have dealt with Scarlet a lot will find that the thunder elf behind
Yuehai is the girl who used to follow Scarlet and was ravaged by him. Why is he
following this beautiful woman today? .
Kalida didn't even have the courage to look directly at Scarlet. Just hearing that voice
made her legs weak. If Elena hadn't been holding her tightly beside her, Kalida would
have fallen to the ground. On the ground, if it is worse, it may flee in confusion.
"Carida?" Scarlet frowned. He had forgotten this thing. He thought he would find it
back in a few days, but he didn't expect that he would bring Yuehai and others over.
Kalida looked ferocious, her teeth chattering in fear, her lower body had no strength
at all, and she immediately fell to the ground together with Elena.
Yuehai stepped forward to block the two of them, and said to Scarlet
"Give me Kalida."
"What?! Are you talking to me? Miss Yuehai?!" Scarlet thought she heard wrong,
and the other person's tone seemed to be ordering him.
However, Yuehai's momentum has not diminished at all, it should be said that it is
even more powerful.
"I asked you to give me Kalida, do you have any objections?"
"Hahahahahaha." Scarlet suddenly burst into deafening laughter. The blood in his
abdomen stained the muscles of his upper body red, but the anger in his heart was a
thousand or ten thousand times stronger than the pain.
"Damn you bitch, I didn't come looking for you, but I came here to fuck you! Today
I'm going to let you feel the pleasure of male love and female love. I'll fuck you so
much that you get mad when you see a man when you go out!"
Yuehai couldn't help but frown slightly, because although the other party was roaring
at her very aggressively, she didn't understand a word he said. He was talking about
fucking and making waves. In short, he was just talking arrogantly.
Yuehai knew that generally villains would shout a few words at the beginning. This
should be the so-called provocation, but it was a pity that she, Yuehai, could not
understand it.
Seeing that Yuehai's expression remained unchanged, Scarlet felt even more angry.
She completely ignored the rules of the underground arena and launched a force from
the ring, rushing towards Yuehai like a cannonball.
"Moon Sea!!!"
However, Yuehai remained indifferent and just extended an index finger.
"It's enough to deal with you."
As the words fell, Scarlet and Yuehai passed by each other.
The roaring man who was originally full of momentum suddenly fell to the ground
like a piece of tatters. There was an extremely horrific wound on his chest. Blood was
spitting out of his mouth, and he looked extremely miserable.
Issue 194 is not good
"Why, how could this happen..."
Scarlet couldn't believe it, but Yuehai, not far away, commented on him with
indifferent eyes. The anger immediately covered up the confusion and confusion in
his heart. Now he just wants to kill people!
Supporting the ground with his hands, he stood up with difficulty, but the tight
muscles caused more blood to flow out of his chest and abdomen.
"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"
Without dialogue, Scarlet clenched her fist and swung it towards Yue Hai. However,
facing this rigid attack, Yue Hai was too lazy to dodge. Although she was so
powerful, she might have been frightened just by the power of this fist in the past.
Keep retreating.
But now, with a different consciousness, Yuehai, who has been mechanized by Mr.
Cumming for more than forty days, already has strong strength and confidence.
Everything can be strong.
Tsukiumi also punched out and collided with Scarlet's fist!
With a bang, Scarlet's fist suddenly burst open. He was in pain but did not retreat at
all. Veins popped up on his forehead. He ignored the wound on his fist and poured all
his strength into it.
"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!"
Tsukiumi was knocked back by a punch this time. Although her chest felt tight,
compared to Scarlet's tragic wound, she was unscathed. After all, Tsukiumi was not a
boxer, so she would definitely know how to fight with such a master. Suffering a big
loss, even though her Everything Can Gang has been able to make up for most of the
strength gap, there is still a gap in experience.
"Bitch! Go to hell!!" Scarlet ignored her right hand and stared suddenly.
The feeling attack was launched immediately, Yuehai's heart was inexplicably
touched, and her feet changed, and she narrowly avoided the opponent's feeling.
Several onlookers behind Yue Hai were hit by the fish pond, and several of them
suddenly spurted out blood and fell to the ground and fainted.
At this time, an administrator finally came out. However, because this is an
underground arena, even the administrator is just a member of the gambling club.
Although he is an emperor-level powerhouse, facing a monster like Scarlet But he
still didn't dare to say anything big. Now that he saw the other party getting angry, he
felt even more helpless. He had to drag a few injured students away and contact the
superior to figure out how to deal with it. He would not be stupid enough to mediate
the conflict. He might be killed by this. Kill the pervert.
Scarlet kept releasing the feeling, and although Yuehai could not know the location
of the feeling, she relied on intuition and weird body skills to continuously surround
him. For a time, the entire arena was surrounded by Scarlet. The special feeling was
so overwhelming that most of the students had fled long ago, and only a few
emperor-level experts were still flying high in the sky to quietly watch the battle.
"Bitch, why are you running away?! Let my brother shoot you through!
Scarlet's crazy laughter did not slow down Yuehai's feet at all, but it was not an
option to keep going like this. He glanced at the two elves who had already fled
outside the arena, and Yuehai knew that he would play with each other again. There's
no point in going down.
However, if this person's will is not wiped out, it will be difficult for him to open his
mouth and let Kalida go.
Then, just use some tough measures.
Yue Hai was determined in her heart, her eyes suddenly changed, and her whole
person instantly became illusory.
"Six body folds."
Like the refraction of light, Yuehai's figure had already arrived behind Scarlet before
his sight touched it, but he was still using his senses to attack Yuehai, who was just
an afterimage.
Yuehai did not rush to take action, but twisted his arm. As expected, the six-body
fold was very heavy on the body, and Tier would have been in pain for a while.
After thinking about it for a few seconds, Scarlet in front of him noticed something
was wrong and immediately turned around. However, he was met with a finger from
Yue Hai.
"You're dead, Scarlet."
Yuehai's words seemed to be soaked into the bone marrow, making Scarlet's whole
body feel cold. If that finger had touched his neck before, he would have been a
corpse now.
"Can we talk now? Give me Kalida."
Yuehai's calm words made Scarlet's face finally darken.
But he did not rush to respond to this question, but suddenly said calmly
"How did you find yourself here?"
"You can tell by asking your dormitory administrator. Why, do you regret it now?"
Yuehai is not afraid of what tricks he will come up with. She can defeat Scarlet at any
Scarlet couldn't help but sneered.
"That stubborn old man, does he know how to be courteous when he sees a beautiful
This stubborn old man should be talking about the dormitory administrator, but these
are not the main point. Scarlet's mood has nothing to do with Yuehai. She only needs
a word this time.
"Answer my question quickly, Scarlet."
Scarlet remained silent. At this time, Elena and Kalida also walked in slowly. The
arena that had already dispersed was now only the sound of their footsteps, and there
was even an echo.
Yue Hai didn't look back, his eyes were fixed on Scarlet, and his fingers were slightly
"I say it again, give me Kalida. What's your answer? Scarlet."
The expression on Scarlet's face gradually disappeared, and her eyes seemed to be
across the sea of moon, as if she was thinking about other things.
"My answer..."
Tsukiumi, who was annoyed by Scarlet's lack of reply, couldn't help but frown.
"Hurry up, there's no need to delay..."
Yuehai stopped abruptly mid-sentence.
At this time, there was a hint of coolness radiating from her body on her
back. . . . . .
A mouthful of blood suddenly coughed out from Yue Hai's mouth. She looked back
in disbelief, only to find that the petite thunder elf had let go of the dagger that had
pierced her back.
Elena didn't even have time to react. Her eyes slowly widened and her pupils
gradually shrank. . . . . . The sight before my eyes was unbelievable.
But Kalida wiped her blood-stained hands on her body several times, looking at
Yuehai and shaking her head.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... But I can't resist the master. The master's words are
absolute. The master's enemy is my enemy..."
Yuehai's pupils gradually expanded, and an inexplicable emotion slowly rose.
However, before that, Scarlet's blood-stained fist had already waved on Yuehai's
stomach, and punched him away. The terrifying impact made She hit the wall, and
the blood spurting from her mouth became even thicker.
With a bang, Yuehai fell to the ground. Looking at Scarlet who was gradually
approaching, her consciousness became blurred. She reached out to stand up, but
found that the injuries she received were no longer enough to allow her to move
After all, Yuehai's body was still at its peak energy level and not a broken army. It
was a blessing that he didn't die on the spot after receiving Scarlet's
blow. . . . . .
Seeing the other party's figure gradually approaching, Yuehai couldn't help but
Something is wrong.
The 195th Issue of Decision
"Hahahaha!! Yuehai!!! Weren't you very arrogant just now? As a girl, you are worthy
of your reputation for being able to attract such limelight, huh?!!"
Scarlet said as she kicked Yue Hai's abdomen again. The severe pain caused her to
spurt out blood again, but Scarlet didn't really use any force. He didn't want to hurt
such a beautiful woman. Got killed.
"Carida, you, why are you doing this!!" Elena didn't react until now. She grabbed
Carida's shoulders and couldn't help asking, but the petite girl shook her head
vigorously and said: Not sent.
"That's enough. You will also be my slave from now on. The two elves can live
happily together and serve me, hahahahahaha." Scarlet laughed crazily, and this
sound made Elena tremble all over. She had no means to confront this demon.
Laughter circled around the entire arena, and Scarlet slowly knelt down and looked at
Yue Hai, whose eyes were a little blurry, and couldn't help but resume her sneer.
"Don't worry, the dagger I gave to Kalida contains venom that paralyzes the nerves in
the whole body. Even if the emperor is stabbed, it will be difficult for him to exert
10% of his strength. In addition, you are not strong in fighting spirit. This knife is
enough to kill you." You lose the ability to resist."
As he spoke, Scarlet slowly stretched out his hand and placed it on Yuehai's fair face.
The soft touch made him moan.
"Oh~~This is the feeling. When we first met, I was imagining how your face would
feel and what its temperature would be. Ah~ah~Oh my god, I can't wait to destroy
Scarlet's hands kept stroking Yuehai's face back and forth. The way he closed his
eyes made Yuehai feel sick.
"No, don't touch Tsukiumi-san!"
Elena mustered up the courage to finally speak to Scarlet, but the other party only
gave her a look.
Feeling involved!
Bang, an invisible force suddenly hit Elena. She vomited blood and knelt on the
ground with tears in her eyes. These tears were not caused by pain, but because she
felt ashamed of Yue Hai and was betrayed by Kalida. The complex feelings that
"Yes, I'm sorry, Yuehai..."
Elena's mouth was bleeding, but she still stretched out her arms with difficulty and
released a wind elemental magic attack towards Scarlet.
Scarlet patted it casually, and the power of the element immediately dissipated. He
looked at Elena indifferently.
"It seems that this wind elf can't adapt to the environment yet. It needs to be trained
Feeling involved!
Another invisible force hit Elena's body, which made her pain even greater. Her body
could no longer support it and fell to the ground with a snap.
Scarlet sneered, and when he was about to turn around and continue attacking
Yuehai, another force of wind element flew over.
The sick man frowned and smashed the elemental power into pieces again. Looking
back, he found that the wind elf was lying on the ground and was about to attack him.
Scarlet stood up slowly, his eyes becoming colder.
Feeling involved!
Elena, who was lying on the ground, was hit in the head, her whole body flew up, and
then fell to the ground again.
This time, the wind elf vomited more blood, and his consciousness became unclear.
"You should be lucky that I'm in a good mood now and haven't really taken action."
Otherwise, with a body like Elena, Scarlet could completely kill her with one full
However, in front of Scarlet, the girl whose consciousness was about to fly away
actually stretched out her arm again, condensed a small wind element magic, and
slowly pushed it towards the opponent.
The power of the wind element trembled and slapped on Scarlet's chest, but there was
no harm at all.
Scarlet was silent.
Then, he left Yuehai.
Slowly approached Elena.
Da da da
The sound of heavy footsteps became the main theme of the entire arena. Yuehai
watched the opponent go away, and his consciousness gradually became
clearer. . . . . .
No. . . . . .
That's too late! Now there is no time for me as Tyr to come over! !
No. . . . . .
What to do, what to do.
Yue Hai was worried.
Da da da
The sound of leather shoes finally stopped in front of Elena. Scarlet looked down at
the girl lying on the ground and spoke coldly.
"Do you want to die?"
do you want to die
do you want to die
The voice echoed in her ears, and Elena, who had long pointed ears, heard it clearly.
Yes, I did want to die.
I feel inferior to myself for being born into this world.
I feel ashamed to be an elf.
So if there is no other way, I am not smart and can only apologize with death.
but. . . . . .
【Stupid Elf】
This sound.
Mr. Till. . . . . . My master. . . . . .
Me, me, mine. . . . . . friend. . . . . .
Therefore, you cannot die. . . . . .
I don’t want to die either. I obviously want to see more things, and I haven’t gotten
Lord Tyr to recognize me yet. How can I die here? . . . . .
How could this happen? . . . . .
In order to reject this fact, I opened my mouth.
"Go to hell, human."
It was a growl from the heart, and Elena's eyes were filled with anger for the first
"Fuck you humans!!!"
The voice echoed in the arena, echoed in Yuehai's ears, and echoed in Kalida's heart,
but it did not echo in Scarlet.
He slowly narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists gradually.
It was a sound of complete disdain, and then Scarlet waved his fist down.
Elena looked at the growing fist, fear gradually filled her heart, and finally she closed
her eyes and couldn't help shouting
boom! !
A terrifying coercion suddenly spread like an explosion. The hair on Scarlet's body
stood up, and he quickly retreated like a frightened wild cat. When he looked closely,
he found that Yuehai's body was gradually rising into the air, parallel to the sky. The
body on the ground stood slowly, and the other emperor-level experts who were
watching the battle suddenly felt a chill that penetrated into their bones.
In order to ensure safety, they actually made hozen powder and escaped quickly
through the void one by one.
As Scarlet watched, goosebumps appeared all over her body unconsciously, and her
scalp was numb, her eyelids kept twitching, and her thoughts became even more
Obviously he didn't feel any powerful energy from Yue Hai's body, but why did this
long-lost shadow of death hang over his heart.
Looking closely again, I saw Yue Hai's long hair moving automatically without wind,
her toes slowly touching the ground, and her whole body seemed to be suspended in
the void, like an angel in the divine world.
However, those empty eyes made Scarlet's head buzz, and a chill instantly spread
from his bones to his limbs.
He couldn't help but swallow his saliva as he looked at the 'some kind of creature' in
front of him.
Tsukiumi, on the other hand, stared at his opponent with completely emotionless
Everything seems to be eternity at this moment.
Open your eyes!
Issue 196 Disobedience!
From that moment on, after the battle with Krad, Yuehai was thinking about a
question while lying in the hospital room.
As for what Long Tu said, there is a restriction that you can only use your mind's eye
four times.
Indeed, as Tyr, he was mentally fragmented. He would feel dizzy when using his
senses. He even suspected that he had indirectly become a disabled person.
However, Yuehai was different. He didn't feel any discomfort when using his
perception, and his spirit was extremely well preserved.
So, here comes the problem.
If I, as Tsukiumi, were to open my mind, would it count among those four times?
The answer is, not really.
Yuehai's eyes were lifeless, but the ethereal aura in his body made Scarlet's hair stand
on end.
Making a decisive decision, he immediately used Gan She, but Yue Hai waved his
hand, and an invisible force easily dispersed the Gan She!
"Ahhhhh!!" Severe pain exploded in Scarlet's head. He covered his head and looked
at the girl in front of him in embarrassment.
"Impossible! It's impossible for you to detect the existence of Gan She! It's
impossible. . . . . .
It is judged as nonsense to deceive oneself, and this is used to prove that Scarlet.
Tifemiah was at the end of her rope.
So, here are the next two options.
To kill or not to kill.
The answer is, kill.
A cluster of lightning suddenly shot out from Yuehai's right temple, and a ball of
flames burst out of his left eye!
As he took a step forward, a sun composed of light elements formed behind him!
Scarlet couldn't help laughing when he saw that the other party was about to kill him.
"Okay, okay, okay, I'll let you kill me! If you can't kill me today, I will use all
methods to kill you in the future!!"
Yue Hai had no expression on his face, listening to the other person's words and
judging in his heart.
Crazy threats, nothing false.
It is judged to be an extremely dangerous hidden danger and needs to be eradicated
The moon sea grasped the sky, and countless thunder and lightning began to gather,
as if a thunder dragon in the sky was swimming among the dark clouds, which was
shocking to watch.
Large magic, magical gun.
The large-scale magic that should have been chanted for a long time was picked up
by Yue Haixin at this moment. As soon as he tightened his grip, a spear glowing with
light blue light quickly condensed, and a pair of thunder wings grew out of his back.
Without the slightest warning or preparation, Yue Hai threw the Xi Divine Spear at
Scarlet the moment he took hold of it. The entire arena thundered, and it was
extremely terrifying!
With a crackling sound, the Greek spear was about to hit Scarlet's abdomen and
penetrate it. However, at this moment, a golden light fell instantly.
The hymn echoed, and a huge shield appeared in front of Scarlet. The shield was
surrounded by countless runes, and the hymn emanated from it. After the Naxi gun
hit the shield, it was an instant However, the terrifying shock caused the person
holding the shield and Scarlet to be knocked away. The two of them didn't stop
retreating until they hit the wall and made a big hole.
Scarlet vomited blood from his mouth, but his strong will prevented him from
fainting. Instead, he knelt half-kneeling on the ground and was wearing rough
clothes. The other woman holding a huge shield was equally uncomfortable, but she
was not hurt at all.
On the surface, this blow seemed to have a great effect, but in fact, the woman
holding the shield completely blocked the strike from the Divine Spear!
"That's it, Yuehai Cyril."
The woman's voice is sonorous and powerful. Although she has long hair and her
feminine symbol is choppy, her momentum and words are the same as those of a
Scarlet had a stern look on her face, glanced at the woman blocking her behind, and
couldn't help but sneer.
"Feisang Tifemia, you came just in time."
Tifemia, Yue Hai quickly analyzed in his mind, and based on the fighting spirit and
elemental reaction in the air, it can be inferred that the two are of the same race, and
judging from the time, the woman should have deliberately waited for Scarlet to be at
a disadvantage before coming to mediate.
Overall judgment.
Fake public benefit for personal gain.
Feisang's words didn't give Yue Hai any sign of stopping. All the previous thoughts
were completed in the blink of an eye. Why Feisang appeared here, what kind of
thoughts he had, and what he wanted to say now.
Tsukiumi can deduce everything.
Nothing was private in front of her.
It's useless to say more, Yuehai's top order now is to kill Scarlet.
What is needed to accomplish this is not words, but... . . . . .
Seeing Yue Hai, Fei Sang strode over without any hesitation. His expression
suddenly changed. He snapped his fingers and dozens of students holding shields
appeared in the arena.
"As the captain of the third branch of the Discipline Committee, I order you to stop
here! Your actions have constituted the crime of intentionally harming students. If
you don't go unchecked, we will regard you as provoking the Discipline Committee
and suppress you with all our strength."
Faced with Fei Sang's clearly threatening words, Yue Hai remained indifferent, and
his steps did not change at all. At some point, a magic gun appeared in his right hand,
and when he held his left hand towards the void, it actually evolved into a huge
flame. longbow.
Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Yuehai placed the Xi Shenqian on the
flaming long bow, and drew the bow into a moon. In an instant, the fire element and
the thunder element were intertwined. It had not yet exploded but already had a
shocking momentum!
"Damn it! Cloth barrier!"
Feisang cursed secretly, this woman is so ignorant, she really thinks that she can be
lawless if she has some strength!
So all the members of the Discipline Committee raised their shields, the golden light
flashed, and the hymn became louder. In an instant, all the shields erupted with the
power of thick light elements, and finally converged into a completely substantial
broad shield. This shield was ten meters high and six meters high. Meters long and
three meters thick, it looks like a city wall but is actually stronger than a city wall!
At this time, Yuehai shot out the fully drawn long bow instantly.
The arrow from the string turned into a ferocious dragon formed by the blend of
thunder and fire, and hit the thick golden shield with a deafening roar. The collision
between the two erupted into ripples caused by the explosion of elements, causing the
surrounding people to explode. The facility was completely destroyed.
Scarlet, who was protected behind the crowd, still had a sneer. He stood up from the
ground with difficulty, raised his hands as if in his arms, and laughed at Yuehai.
"Come on! Come and kill me!! Can you kill me? Just you?"
Kaka. . . . . .
"I tell you, Kalida and that wind elf will both be my playthings, and you are only a
matter of time!"
Kaka. . . . . .
"Hahahaha, go back and shake your butt quickly and ask your Master Claude for
help! Hahahaha."
Click, bang! ! !
The shield shattered at this moment, and dozens of well-coordinated members of the
Discipline Committee were unable to withstand Yue Hai's blow!
Seeing the disciplinary committee members being thrown away from him, Scarlet's
smile froze in the void.
The one hundred and ninety-seventh turning point
"Impossible!!" Blood flowed from the corner of Fei Sang's mouth. He looked at Yue
Hai, who was striding towards him with the power of thunder and fire, but he looked
like a wild beast! Was that blow just now delivered by the weak woman in front of
her? !
How could such a monster come out of a freshman!
Isn't this exactly the same as Caesar in the golden age? !
Thinking of the golden age, Feisang's already gloomy face turned even darker.
damn it! ! Back then, a freshman could suppress the sophomores like them to the
point where it was difficult to hold their heads up.
Now that she is in fifth grade, should she continue to be afraid of these new
students? !
"Great Heavenly Shield!!"
The goal of a qualified shield master is to be able to use the holy shield, a martial art
with extremely strong defensive power, and the Holy Shield of Heaven is the best
among them. The person who performs it has already gone a long way on the road of
shield master. Far enough to establish a sect outside the academy and become a shield
boom! !
In an instant, a shadow of the Valkyrie descended from the sky. This was the shield
user in the Valkyrie team. She was also the source of the shield master's faith!
The Holy Shield of Heaven uses this power close to that of a divine being to create a
divine shield!
The Valkyrie slowly closed her hands, and a blue shield with dragon patterns slowly
solidified and was embedded in the void.
Yue Hai paused for a moment, and kept calculating in his mind.
A shield of God created using the power of God's favor fed back by establishing faith
with God.
Defense. . . . . . Unbreakable.
Tsukiumi, who came up with the result instantly, stepped slightly slightly.
Thousands of sacrifices.
The next second, Yuehai's body turned into an afterimage, constantly refracting in the
void. However, the position of the shield seemed to block Yuehai and Scarlet and the
others. Even if Yuehai wanted to use his body skills to bypass the shield, he couldn't.
I found that this shield blocked more than just the area in front of me.
Instead, it blocks all the void within a radius of several kilometers.
Even though Yue Hai's body skills are fast and powerful, they can't penetrate it.
Thinking quickly in her mind, she stretched out her finger towards the void and
tapped it lightly.
A black hole suddenly appeared, but just after it was created, it dissipated the next
Tsukiumi looked at his fingers.
Is it the reason for the affinity of empty elements? . . . . .
That being the case. . . . . .
Only by destroying the entire arena can the enemy be truly eradicated.
Now Yue Hai only had one order in her mind to kill Scarlet. Even if Elena fell there,
she would still ignore it, even if this blow would kill her as well.
However, in order to achieve the goal within the time limit, there can be no
hesitation. . . . . .
So Yuehai immediately pulled out the Shanshui sword from his waist.
The third form of the Heavenly Sword is like the sky.
Bang bang bang bang bang! ! !
It was not as slow as Tier's condensation of the sword body, but Yuehai's
condensation of the sword body was completed at the same time in half a second.
Think about the originally empty void, but in the blink of an eye it was covered by
densely packed sword bodies, that kind of scalp-exploding feeling!
Even Feisang's face changed drastically and he screamed at the members behind him
"Take Scarlet away! Quick, quick!!"
All the members reacted immediately and were about to escape while supporting
Scarlet, but how could Yuehai let them do so easily? The long sword suddenly swung
towards the void, like a leader commanding an army to attack, in an instant.
All sword bodies descend quickly!
Feisang's face gradually turned pale, and her palms trembled at this moment.
Can't stop it!
No, it is unstoppable!
Regardless of whether her fighting spirit can continue to maintain the strength of the
Holy Shield, or the coverage area of these countless sword bodies, there is absolutely
no way she can block it!
damn it!
How could Scarlet mess with such a freak!
While Feisang cursed secretly, her heart also sank to the bottom. She didn't expect
that she would be killed by a new student. . . . . .
Maybe if she's lucky, she can be spared half of her
life. . . . . . Hahaha. . . . . .
Feisang laughed bitterly and closed her eyes as she looked at the endless sword
next moment. . . . . .
All sounds disappeared.
Feisang, who felt no pain, did not think that she would be killed in an instant. Out of
curiosity, she finally opened her eyes again.
The sword disappeared without a trace, leaving only Yuehai's soulless figure staring
at him.
Shocked by this gaze, Fei Sang subconsciously let go of the shield in his hand, and it
fell to the ground with a crisp sound that echoed in the empty arena.
She couldn't beat him, this person's eyes alone were destined to be stronger than her.
No! It should be said that with such eyes, is she still a human being?
Feisang completely lost her fighting consciousness at this moment. Facing the moon
sea, she just wanted to turn around and run away.
And Yue Hai also strode towards Fei Sang, and the sound of light footsteps again and
again was like the breath of death. Fei Sang's forehead was overflowing with sweat,
and his back was even wet, while the other members had long been beaten by Yue
Hai. That look was so frightening that he couldn't move, and his performance was
even worse than Feisang's.
Finally, Yue Hai came to Fei Sang, but Fei Sang, who thought the ending would
come, watched the girl pass by him in a daze.
Feisang wanted to speak, but something seemed to be choking in his throat, making it
difficult to spit out a single word.
Scarlet was still sneering. He threw away the members of the Discipline Committee
who were supporting him, and stood with difficulty, facing the moon sea.
However, when Yuehai came to Scarlet, he also did not take action, but looked at
Kalida beside him.
Kalida's face suddenly turned pale when she was stared at by Yuehai's empty gaze,
and her whole body was shaking violently. Her fear was no less than facing Scarlet.
At this time, Yuehai pulled out the dagger that had stabbed her back, and blood
suddenly shot out like a fountain, dyeing her clothes red in just an instant.
Yuehai glanced at the dagger in his hand, and then turned his attention to Kalida. The
thunder elf was even more frightened when she saw Yuehai holding the dagger, and
kept retreating, but Yuehai came to her in one step.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."
The continuous and rapid voice sounded more like an apology than an apology, but
more like venting one's inner fear and anxiety.
Yuehai's eyes were still empty. The next moment, she raised the dagger and swung it
at Kalida.
Kalida closed her eyes, but what came over her was not the cold pain, but the fragrant
The soft feeling reminded her of herself nestling in her mother's arms.
That soft yet persevering feeling made Kalida slowly open her eyes. . . . . .
Everyone was equally shocked and looked at the scene in front of them with
This girl, who was still like the god of death in the abyss before, now holds Kalida in
her arms. . . . . .
Issue 198 Back to the starting point
"Ah...Ah..." Kalida didn't know how to speak, her mouth opened and closed, and her
whole body fell into chaotic emotions. However, Yuehai held her like this, and her
petite body shivered, but the trembling gradually became weaker and finally
"This time... for Elena's sake, let me let you go."
Yuehai said lightly, the hot air blowing from her breath fanned Kalida's face, and her
eyes gradually regained their light. She slowly raised her head to look at Yuehai. The
original empty eyes disappeared, leaving only a pair of sapphire-like eyes. Generally
bright eyes.
Although Yuehai didn't smile at all, the warm feeling made Kalida very relieved.
Yuehai understands that after entering the mind-eye mode, the whole person will
become a puppet, faithfully obeying the highest order in his consciousness, even if he
will hurt his friends when executing this order.
So Yuehai didn't want to use it easily, until Elena was about to lose her life in front of
her eyes, and she finally couldn't suppress it anymore.
In the end, she almost killed Elena.
Perhaps it was related to the will that broke out during the battle with Krad. Just when
the countless sword bodies were about to destroy everything, this will stopped him
In the end, this attack was canceled out with great difficulty, and Elena was not
accidentally killed by him.
Holding Kalida in her arms, Yuehai couldn't help but shake her head.
What are you doing? . . . . .
"Yue, Yuehai...sir..." Kalida looked at Yuehai blankly, her shoulders began to shake,
and tears burst out of her eyes. This inexplicable emotion made Yuehai couldn't help
but smile bitterly, Then he looked coldly at Scarlet who was not far away.
"Scarlet, where's your answer?"
"Heh, heh..." Scarlet chuckled twice, put her right hand on her forehead, then raised
her head and laughed.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!"
Such violent movements made Scarlet's wounds worse, and the blood kept flowing
out. It looked extremely miserable, but no one present would pity him.
Kalida in Yuehai's arms trembled with fear once again when she heard Scarlet's
laughter, and the original glow in her eyes gradually returned to calm. . . . . .
"Lord, the master is injured, I want to help him treat..."
As he spoke, he broke away from Yuehai's arms. Such a reaction made Yuehai frown
and couldn't help but look at Scarlet again.
"what have you done?"
"Hahahahaha!!" Scarlet laughed for a long time before narrowing her eyes and
looking at Yuehai and Kalida in her arms.
"What did you do? What didn't I do? Think about how she attacked you before? Did I
say something? Huh?! Hahahahaha!"
"Master, master, master is injured. If you don't treat him, he will be trained again...
Ah, ah ah ah, let me go, let me go!!"
Kalida's strength to break away became stronger and stronger, Yuehai frowned, but
she really couldn't bear the other party's fuss, so she had to let go of her hand and let
the Thunder Elf escape.
As soon as Kalida lost her restraints, she immediately ran towards Scarlet, looking
anxious as if she would be beaten to death if she slowed down.
At this time, Elena's originally vague consciousness was awakened by Kalida's
scream. She couldn't help but shed tears as she watched the thunder elf break away
from Yuehai's arms and return to Scarlet. .
"Ka, Kalida...why..."
Kalida seemed to turn a deaf ear and immediately used a healing spell to heal Scarlet.
However, the man who had been laughing heartily kicked Kalida in the face and
knocked her to the ground. Their boots kept crushing each other's face.
"Trash, did I let you get treatment? You are very active now. How dare you bring
people over to make trouble? Do you want to be trained again?"
When Kalida heard the word "training", she kept shaking her body, sweating
inexplicably all over her body, and she was so frightened that she could not speak. At
this moment, the words "training" in Scarlet's mouth far outweighed the pain on her
Damn it, isn't this just back to the starting point? !
Yuehai took a step forward and was about to speak when she suddenly felt dizzy in
her head. Although she felt no pain, her whole body felt nauseated and
uncomfortable, and the skin all over her body was shrinking. . . . . .
Yue Hai couldn't help but be speechless, the side effects of the heart's eyes actually
broke out at this time.
She immediately moved her right hand towards her heart, and a full-power healing
technique suddenly gathered!
The cells that had begun to die gradually recovered, and the shrunken skin became
moisturized, but his whole body became weak and weak, and his feet softened and he
fell to the ground.
Can't use any strength. . . . . .
Consciousness gradually became blurred. . . . . . Although the wound on her
back had been healed just now, the terrifying amount of blood covering her body
made it difficult for Yuehai to maintain a normal state. It should be said that if it were
not for the mind-eye mode, the sword that Kalida stabbed her earlier would have
already made her lose her fighting ability. .
Yuehai stretched out her palm to grab Kalida at Scarlet's feet, but the distance was
too far for her to touch. . . . . .
hateful! hateful!
We have obviously reached this point! You can obviously solve this matter on your
own, so why are you back to the starting point!
Her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and her consciousness finally returned to
Tier on the other side.
Scarlet watched Yue Hai fall to the ground, her smile even wider.
"Hahahaha, I'm going to fuck you to death today! Make you regret that you are a
However, Feisang stood in front of Scarlet and blocked Yuehai. His gloomy face
made Scarlet immediately feel unhappy.
"Ah? What's wrong with you? There's nothing to do with you here anymore, please
step back."
"No, classmate Scarlet, we must arrest this woman, the wind elf over there, and the
thunder elf under your feet. You can't do anything to them."
"Ah? Did I hear wrongly? Feisang, are you talking to me?" Scarlet stepped forward
and looked at Feisang, who was as imposing as a man in front of him, and couldn't
help but make a questioning sound.
However, Feisang did not retreat, his face was gloomy but firm at the same time.
"No matter how many times I tell you, the Discipline Committee is taking these
people back, and you have no right to touch them."
Scarlet was startled, then sneered.
"Hehehe, I didn't expect you to be able to speak with such a serious expression now.
As a fighting master, Scarlet's body speed was so fast. He directly grabbed Feisang's
chest with his big hand and said viciously.
"Don't fucking forget who took your virginity. Talking to me like that makes you
want to die!"
"team leader!"
"team leader!!"
"Asshole, let go!!"
The members who admired Feisan immediately stood up with righteous indignation
and roared towards Scarlet!
Issue 199: Regret
"Everyone, stop it." Feisang was surprised and hurt by the sudden grasp of the other
party. The unbearable memories of her youth resurfaced again, but she is no longer
the same person as before.
"But, Captain, this man..."
"Go back, I can solve it."
"Don't you listen to what the captain says?"
"Yes..." Faced with Feisang's scolding, the members had no choice but to retreat in
obedience to the order, but their ferocious eyes kept staring at the damn man.
Scarlet's sneer remained unchanged, and he slowly released his palms, while Feisang
also breathed a sigh of relief, but his eyes did not change.
"Student Scarlet, you must understand that this is Avalon College, not the
"I know, but what's the matter? Does this have anything to do with the fact that I want
to fuck this woman today? Could it be that you haven't tasted the taste of a man in
these years and are you jealous again?"
Scarlet's words immediately aroused public outrage again, and each member stood up
and started to roar, but Feisang waved his hand slightly to signal everyone to stop
This time, they obeyed Feisang's orders well, but their suffocating looks had clearly
suppressed their anger to the extreme.
"The patriarch asked me to take care of you in the academy, but that doesn't mean
you can act arbitrarily. Look at how many things you have done that violate the
academy's regulations recently. If we and those above didn't help you hide it, you
would have been killed long ago. Something happened!"
"Haha, don't say it so high-sounding. It's your duty to serve me. Even if you die for
me, it's reasonable. What's the point of telling me so much? I want you to die, can
you survive? "
"Death, I have to take them away this time too."
This was already Feisang's ultimatum. The determination revealed in his voice made
Scarlet finally stop smiling. Then he slowly stretched out his hands and nodded
"Okay, okay, you are awesome, here it is, this time..."
When Scarlet was mid-sentence, the man suddenly moved, and a lightning-like fist
instantly struck Feisang's abdomen!
The terrifying shock made Feisang's eyes widen, he retched in his mouth, and
immediately fell to the ground.
Scarlet took two steps back and looked at Feisang who was unconscious on the
ground and laughed twice.
"You are stupid if you want me to give up a top product like Yuehai."
"Ah!! Bastard, I'm going to kill you!"
When those members saw that their captain was unexpectedly attacked by the
opponent, they were furious and roared at the top of their lungs!
However, Scarlet didn't have the slightest fear. Even though he was now covered in
bruises and even though his consciousness was gradually blurring, as long as Feisang
was taken care of by him, these people would be ants that could be easily beaten to
Just when Scarlet was about to attack again, a steady voice suddenly came from
outside the arena.
"Get it over with, Scarlet."
This voice made Scarlet's originally excited mood immediately fall to the bottom.
"What do you mean, waltz?"
"Haha, I just don't want you to make trouble anymore. Anyway, the fun is over."
Waltz gradually walked into the underground arena. The tall figure was exactly the
same as during the day, but his eyes were more piercing, and the power on his body
was The pressure has also changed somewhat.
I always feel that it has a little more charm. . . . . .
Scarlet narrowed her eyes slightly and slowly clenched her fists.
"No one can stop me, Waltz, and if you have a hand in this I'll kill you."
"Then wait until you kill me."
As soon as he finished speaking, Waltz's body came up behind Scarlet, and quickly
struck the back of Scarlet's head with his palm turned into a knife.
Scarlet fainted immediately.
Waltz shook his shoulders and held him back. He glanced coldly at the members who
were eager to take advantage of the opportunity to attack, and the next moment he
disappeared from everyone's sight without a trace.
The members of the Discipline Committee immediately looked at each other. After a
moment's pause, they realized what they were doing and quickly helped up the
captain who had fallen to the ground and fainted.
This matter can be big or small. They really can't make the decision, but they can't go
beyond the level and notify the people above. The most important thing is that it
would be bad if the squad leader was punished because of this matter, so They
decided to guard Feisang's side and wait for her to wake up before making a decision.
When Tier woke up, he rushed into the bathroom immediately.
After locking the door, he vomited into the toilet set up next to the bathtub.
It wasn't until a long time later that this nauseating feeling eased back. Fortunately, as
Yue Hai, opening his mind didn't really affect Tier's spirit. In this way, he could have
one more trump card.
However, what I am worried about now is how I, as Yuehai, will be treated by them.
Look at Scarlet. . . . . .
Tier's heart couldn't help but sink to the bottom, and his whole body was cold. If the
whole world had changed when he woke up on the other side, he didn't know whether
he would go crazy. . . . . .
Do you want to find it? . . . . . No, now that the flying train has stopped, he
has no means to go to the Demon Zone. Even if he runs there, it will probably be
Tier couldn't help but sit weakly on the cold floor and looked up at the ceiling of the
There is nothing left to do.
Just leave it to fate. . . . . .
Really, there is no other way.
Tyr couldn't help but punch the floor, but the surface made of bluestone was harder
than Tyr's fist. The blow immediately ripped open the skin and flesh, and Tyr quickly
threw away his hand in pain.
Alas, I really failed.
It's obvious that I should have taken Elena and the others there with me, but I had to
make that awkward situation. . . . . . I really want to save my face and suffer
the consequences. The ancients said they would not deceive me.
Alas~ I wonder if Long Tu and the others will look for me the next day when they see
that he is gone. I just hope that as Yue Hai, I will still be the same person after I wake
. . . . . . "I have sighed so much..." Tier turned his head and looked at the
dry bath, and couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.
"Take a bath."
What's the use of thinking so much, in the end I still can't do anything.
After Tyr filled the water, he took off his clothes and slowly entered the water.
Although the temperature was a bit high, it was still comfortable, and he did not seem
to be repelled.
Tier finally immersed his whole body in the pool, placed his hands on both sides of
the bath and moaned slowly.
Finally there was another long sigh.
Most importantly, he was too worried about what kind of treatment he would receive
on the other side. He was so worried that his heart was about to jump out. Just the
thought of other thoughts passing through his head made Tier feel uncomfortable in
his chest.
However, at this time, the magic shadow stone placed in the bathroom closet rang
The 200th transaction
Tier, who was already in a heavy mood, suddenly became gloomy when he heard the
rhythmic sound of the Shadow Stone.
He didn't care about anything else, walked out of the bath, went to the closet with
bare feet and took out the Shadow Stone from his pants.
The only one who could give him the Shadow Stone at this time was that monster.
Unexpectedly, the wanted order has been issued for half a month, but it still has not
been killed.
Tier didn't bother to go back to the bathroom and opened the Shadow Stone casually.
Then, a girl with determined eyes appeared inside.
Tier was stunned and said subconsciously
"Dragon slayer?"
"Ah...Ah...Ah..." Dragon Slaughter's face gradually turned red, and Tier realized that
he was not wearing any clothes at all. He was about to explain, but On the opposite
side, the Demonic Shadow Stone has been closed.
You can't blame me!
Tyr wanted to complain, because every time the monster hit him while he was taking
a bath, he would subconsciously think that it was Pandora who hit him this time.
But it was hard for Gen Long Tu to explain, so he quickly put on his pants and
clothes, and then opened the Demonic Shadow Stone and hit it.
After waiting for a while, the other party connected the Demonic Shadow Stone, but
Long Tu still looked a little embarrassed.
"Don't be like this, Long Tu. If you feel embarrassed to see me naked, you can take
off your clothes and let me see you."
Tier's joke, which was obviously meant to lighten the atmosphere, made the dragon
slayer sigh in relief, shook his head and said
"Uh... I was taking a shower just now, and I accidentally..." Tier had no choice but to
admit his mistake, and the Dragon Butcher shook his head and said
"It's okay. Anyway, I was a kid who didn't see it clearly, so it's not too hard to
"I didn't understand what it meant! I'm so majestic..." Tier scratched his head mid-
sentence. What's the scientific name of that thing?
Dragon Butcher didn't bother to argue with him, and then asked seriously
"Yuehai is missing. Do you know where she went?"
It seemed that the dragon slayer noticed that he was missing in the middle of the
night. Tier raised his eyebrows, then thought for a moment and said
"It seems that he is looking for Elena."
"Elena? That elf? Why are you looking for her... Is it because of the injured thunder
elf, but no one picked up the magic sound stone we hit her with?"
The dragon slayer thought over and over again and finally transferred his doubts to
Tier. Tier thought that he couldn't tell Yuehai and the others that they went to the
Demon Zone in the middle of the night, otherwise the exposure would be too
Then, they must find a way to make them guess that as Tsukiumi, he went to the
Demon Zone.
"No one answered, maybe there's some trouble?"
"What's the trouble?"
"Because before, Elena asked me to help Kalida go to Scarlet to ask for her, but I
finally refused. Now I'm afraid that after Yuehai went to heal Kalida, she will go to
Scarlet again. Already." Tyr thought for a moment. Although his words were full of
loopholes, with their blind search now, this goal may be more clear. Dragon
Slaughter also nodded and answered seriously.
"Okay, let's go look for him first. Also, it's best not to tell Claude about this matter.
You know how much he cares about Yuehai. If we can't find anyone, I think that guy
will go crazy."
Tyr finally nodded slightly in agreement, but in his heart he was wondering whether
he should tell Krad. . . . . . After all, it can also serve as a force to find
yourself, and it is a powerful force.
"Then we're here first. If you have any news over there, tell us immediately, okay."
After saying that, Dragon Slaughter closed the Demonic Shadow Stone, and Tyr put
down the stone slightly and breathed a sigh of relief.
With them looking for it, maybe something can be changed. I just hope it's not too
Tier shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that he who was so powerful
now would still place all his hopes on others. Sure enough, he was too confident
before, because of the expansion of his strength and because he surpassed Diz, Krad,
Waltz and others. Confidence allowed him to blindly believe that he could dispel all
the resistance that stood in front of him.
But, he was still careless.
In the end, I lost in my own self-confidence.
Otherwise, Kalida's knife would never be able to hit Yuehai.
So, what is the difference between him and the giant man who was in the Demon
Zone at that time? Although the expansion of strength has more domineering power,
it lacks brains.
Ridiculously funny.
You must reflect carefully this time. Things that you can obviously do easily but take
a lot of trouble to complete in the end, and you may be involved in it.
Tier secretly sighed, and then the Demonic Shadow Stone sounded again. Thinking
that Dragon Slaughter had other things to explain, he casually opened the Demonic
Shadow Stone, and what appeared inside was the terrifying monster.
"Hey, humans, we're back again."
"..." Tier's face darkened again, and he found that not only was Pandora not injured,
but she was more energetic, and her face had grown some flesh and tissue, making
her look more like a human. .
"Why, are you silent again? Human beings, let me tell you good news. We have
evolved and finally reached the sixth level of monsters. In your human world, we are
considered to be emperor-level powerhouses. How about it? Are you very happy? !”
Tyr's pupils shrank, he really didn't expect that this monster actually evolved under
the mercenary's wanted order, and happened to cross the gap. In this case, it was no
longer a creature with a reward of 70,000 to 80,000 gold coins.
"But there have been no mercenaries chasing us recently. We are a little lonely. The
Meteor Mountains have almost changed this generation. We think we should change
places. What do you think?"
"Aren't you talking again? But we can see that you are stronger than us now, just by
feeling, because we have no vision, and all living things rely on intuition and hearing
to judge. Oops, we seem to have said that It’s very important information. Really, as
soon as you learn human language, you want to show off in front of humans. Let’s go
back to the last topic, human, what’s your name?”
"Aren't you going to tell us again? It doesn't matter. This time we have prepared a
town for you, human. Have you seen the brightly lit town behind me? According to
what is said on the Demonic Shadow Stone, there seems to be a celebration here. �,
it looks like there will be a lot of people there. Look at the smell of meat emanating
from those humans. Just letting us smell it makes us impatient.
Pandora waved the Shadow Stone around the town, then took it back and said happily
"Human, I'll trade the life of a town for your name. Do you agree to this deal?"
Tyr's face turned darker, and even he couldn't help but feel angry.
This monster is so deceptive! !
The 201st issue of bounty adjustment!
"Human, I'll trade the life of a town for your name. Do you agree to this deal?"
Pandora's voice seemed to be filled with magic, and it passed into Tyr's ears, making
him feel uncomfortable all over. A chill spread through him, making his skin crawl.
Although he was angry, everything in front of him could not be avoided. If he did not
answer this monster, then its words would become reality.
"My name is Tisang, don't touch these people."
"Tisang... Hahaha." Pandora suddenly raised her big face, and her whole head seemed
to be split into two by the depth of the mouth. Then, a burst of sound came from
inside. A heart-stirring sneer.
"I seem to have told you before that we do not rely on sight to see a creature, but
intuition and hearing. Your words have a strong smell of deception, and our intuition
tells us that this is a lie."
Pandora tapped the ground lightly with her feet, and a black demonic aura suddenly
appeared on her body, surrounding her and flying in the air.
"It seems that we have to kill some humans before you can tell us the real name."
"Wait! I'll tell you!"
Tier was startled and spoke quickly, but Pandora shook her head and smiled.
"It's too late. The knowledge of the human world tells us that everything must go
through a bloody lesson before you can deeply regret the mistakes you made before.
Human beings, after you made a mistake and it was exposed, do you want to start
over without even an apology? ? Are you a human being, or are we human beings?"
"No wait!"
Pandora suddenly gathered a ball of demonic energy in her hand, compressed it to the
size of a finger, and threw it casually towards the town at her feet.
"See, human, this is a lesson for your mistakes."
Pandora turned the Demonic Shadow Stone downwards, and saw the tiny black ball
of demonic energy falling rapidly. The town was bustling with activity, with good
wine and food being served in every house, and there were even strangely dressed
celebration teams walking in. On the street, the surrounding residents were very
Just, the next moment.
boom! !
Like a roar from the abyss, a huge explosion unfolded in the center of the town, and
then spread to the entire town. Thousands of mortals died in an instant. The aftermath
of the explosion alone caused those who were not affected by the explosion to vomit
blood and sprout sprouts all over their bodies. The black spots were poisoned in an
"You bastard."
Tyr narrowed his eyes slightly and clenched his fists. This Pandora was actually
trying to make him feel guilty!
However, Pandora laughed several times, then slowly moved the Shadow Stone back
and said
"What a beautiful firework, what do you think, human?"
"I won't let you die easily, Pandora, you will regret that you gave birth to human
consciousness." Tier clenched his fists with blood. Everything that happened today
made him feel extremely bad. He wished he could die now. Appear in front of the
opponent and cut him into pieces.
At this time, the explosion was over, but there were more screams, cries, and cries of
Tier's heart twitched, the muscles on his head were trembling, and his whole
perspective began to spin.
However, Pandora seemed to be enjoying the screams. It was not until after a break
that she asked.
"Human, can you tell me your name?"
"Pandora!!" Tire pointed at the monster in the Shadow Stone, his brows furrowed and
his eyes gradually turned red.
"If you don't die, I, Tyr, will feel uneasy!"
After saying that, Tyr closed the Demonic Shadow Stone, then immediately opened
another Demonic Shadow Stone and shot towards the Milik Kingdom branch.
"Hello, this is the Milik Kingdom branch that is fast, convenient and easy to help you
solve your problems. Do you need any help?"
A pretty girl appeared across from the Demonic Shadow Stone. Tyr knew that a
branch at a kingdom level would be one level larger than the branch. However, the
frequency of this Demonic Shadow Stone was such that only mercenaries above the
Iron level could get through it. , so this can be regarded as one of the benefits given to
those mercenaries who have made great contributions.
"My mercenary account number is 123, and now I want to issue a bounty order as an
iron-level mercenary."
"Okay, then who is the target of your reward?"
"I have offered a reward before, and the reward number is 0982341." Tire's face was
gloomy, but the girl opposite the Demonic Shadow Stone still maintained a
professional smile, nodded and spoke.
"Okay, please wait a moment."
The girl seemed to be searching for something. After more than ten seconds, she said
"Bounty leader, Pandora, right? Do you want to adjust its bounty price or remove it
from the shelves?"
"Okay, please enter your mercenary account and password first. Once the identity is
fully met, the price can be adjusted."
After the girl finished speaking, she turned around and turned her back to herself. At
this time, the words "Please enter password" popped up on the Demonic Shadow
Stone, and underneath there was a virtual button that she touched.
After Tyr quickly entered the password, the girl turned around, nodded to Tyr, and
finally operated in the void for a while before saying
"The password is correct, then tell me the price you want to adjust."
"Kill it three million within three days, two million within seven days, and one
million within one month. Also, this monster's strength has now increased to level
Tier spoke in a deep voice, but the price he mentioned made the girl, who was
obviously inexperienced, slightly startled. She thought she had heard wrongly. The
girl couldn't help but stuttered and asked.
"Well, um, is it three million?"
"Didn't you hear what I just said?"
"Ah, no, no, no, I'm just a little surprised."
"Surprised? This shouldn't be an astonishing price in the Milik Kingdom branch." Tyr
frowned slightly. Seeing the impatient look on his face, the girl trembled in her heart
and quickly lowered her head.
"Yes, I'm sorry, I, I'm new here. I used to work in the branch, and the highest number
there was only 430,000."
"May I have your name?"
When the girl said this, Tier suddenly had an impression. He felt like he had seen this
girl before. Unexpectedly, the girl's eyes turned red, she looked at Tier with watery
eyes, and said weakly.
"Please, please don't complain to me... Sir, I'm really sorry."
"If you don't tell me your name, I'm really going to complain." Tier sighed, which
surprised the girl and she quickly answered
"Zhenlan, my name is Zhenlan Eric."
"Zhenlan...I see, you have stayed in Sith City before, right?"
"Ah! Yes, yes, sir, how could you know."
"Okay, let's stop chatting here, and hurry up and finish adjusting my bounty."
"Yes!" Zhenlan quickly started operating. Tier raised his eyebrows and couldn't help
but ask.
"By the way, if you don't pay the bounty within half a year, will it be regarded as the
first bounty?"
"Well, yes, if the applicant does not pay the gold coins locally within half a year, our
mercenary branch has the right to offer a reward to that person."
Tier scratched his head. It seemed that he had to settle the money matter in the next
few months.
The 202nd issue of acquittal
When Yue Hai woke up, he found himself lying in a dark room. When his vision
slowly recovered, Yue Hai knew that he should be safe now. Relatively
speaking. . . . . .
Because she had seen this room in the Shadow Stone before. It was a detention center
set up by the Disciplinary Committee to detain students who violated the college's
regulations. It was said that this detention center was very big. In short, the person
who had been locked up for the longest time even exceeded three academic years. ,
and once such people are released, they will be eliminated immediately.
So very few people make big mistakes and are imprisoned here.
Naturally, if you really make a big mistake, people with some connections will
definitely find ways to hide it. If they can't hide it, they will get a lighter punishment.
Yue Hai didn't know how long he would be imprisoned, but except for the storage
ring being taken away, nothing else seemed to have changed.
It seems that Scarlet did not get revenge on him in the end, but that's right, even that
kind of pervert would not dare to break up with the people of the Discipline
Committee. . . . . .
Thinking of this, Yue Hai couldn't help but realize that he seemed to have done
something terrible.
She had sex with someone from the Discipline Committee! And he almost beat
people to death.
This is definitely a felony!
It’s over, the more I think about it, the more panic I get.
Yuehai couldn't help but hold his forehead and shake his head. However, at this time,
a steady sound of footsteps came towards his room. Finally, he came to Yuehai's
room, and only heard a woman's majestic voice outside the door.
"Open the door."
"Yes, Captain."
Yuehai raised his eyebrows, feeling that there were guards watching him outside.
When he thought this, the door was opened by the guards, and a woman with a
turbulent chest strode in bravely.
"Are you awake, Yuehai Hillier?"
"..." Yuehai chose to remain silent. If he said anything now, the other party might
catch him.
The woman frowned and continued:
"My name is Feisang Tifemia, and I am the captain of the Discipline Committee of
the Student Union. Can you answer my question next?"
"..." Still silent.
This look made Feisang quite displeased, but due to the opponent's terrifying
strength, she did not use violence, but continued:
"You have now committed multiple crimes. If you remain silent like this, I will treat
you as acquiescence."
"Wait!" Yuehai said immediately. She imitated Feisang's expression, frowned, and
"Can you tell me first what the charges are?"
"You almost became disabled in a private fight in the academy. You also fought with
other people on Street No. 5 in the Demonic District. But when we arrived, instead of
stopping your attack, you intensified your attack and even attacked members of the
Discipline Committee. Together, these crimes are enough to make you A few months
of confinement.”
"Oh! Stop it, I'll admit my mistake. In school, there must be some fighting." Yue
Hai's 180-degree attitude made Fei Sang unimaginable that this was how he was
shocked by just one glance yesterday. The girl who had lost all her fighting spirit
couldn't help but shook her head.
"It's too late to admit my mistake now. I have already submitted the report. As for the
length of the penalty, it is up to the superiors to decide."
"Uh..." Yue Hai begged for mercy once in a while, but this woman didn't give her any
face. If it were another man, she might have let her go.
"However, if you are so powerful, why haven't you heard of your name in the Sikri
Empire before?"
Feisang actually had a private conversation at this time. Yue Hai was not in the mood
to chat with him, but he thought that maybe the two of them had a good conversation
and let him go, so he quickly answered
"Haven't you heard of my name? The Principality of Cyril previously held a magical
girl competition, and I won first place at that time."
"..." Fei Sang frowned, and then suddenly realized
"So you are the goddess of the moon and sea."
What is the goddess of the moon and sea? . . . . .
Yue Hai's head was full of black lines, and she remembered that she seemed to have a
backup force from the Yue Hai Goddess Fans Association. They were now scattered
all over the place, and it was probably promoted by this group of people.
"Besides, after saying this, I remembered that you seem to be the number one half-
flower in the academy."
Yuehai raised her eyebrows. Unexpectedly, this girl who looked like a soldier was
also looking at the half-flower list. Feisang's face changed when he realized this, and
then he spoke sternly.
"But this has nothing to do with your strength!"
Yuehai's ears were shaken, and she secretly cursed eldest sister, why are you so angry
with me? You have leaked the information and been exposed, do you still blame me?
"I learned my magic and martial arts from Master Laugeri of the Principality of
"Lao Jieri...Lo Jieri. God Xi is one of the strongest among the demigods. So far, not
many demigods can perform ten moves in his hands. There have been more It was
with the help of several demigods that you defeated a demon god. If he really taught
you, it might indeed be possible."
Fei Sang's words made Yue Hai a little stunned. She didn't expect that Master Lao
Jieri was so powerful. He even beat away the demon god, that is, the real god.
However, the gap between demigods and gods is so huge that it is so big that Qi Qiu
The gap between him and the demigods cannot be overstated. Thinking about it this
way, Master Laugeri really cares about Krad, otherwise the majestic demigod would
not have followed Krad to kill the bounty head. .
Feisang was about to ask again, but the magic sound stone in her pocket suddenly
The sassy woman took out the magic sound stone and opened it, asking seriously
"Hello, I'm Feisang."
The other person seemed to say something, and Feisang immediately straightened his
body, and the two lumps of flesh on his chest trembled twice, and Yuehai's eyes also
No, no.
Yue Hai shook his head to dispel his distracting thoughts and looked at what the other
party was going to do.
I saw Fei Sang kept shouting, yes, very respectfully, presumably the person opposite
the Magic Sound Stone should be in a very high position.
It wasn't until a while later that Feisang hung up the phone, then looked at Yue Hai
and couldn't help but sigh.
"The president has spoken and asked you to be acquitted, and to come to the
president's place when you get out."
Yue Hai raised her eyebrows slightly, can she go out now? She didn't expect that the
president could actually help her at this time. Fortunately, she agreed to the nominal
membership at that time, otherwise the president would definitely not care about this
matter. If she was more evil-minded, she might have to give herself more
punishment. Point guilt.
In short, it was a good thing to be able to go out, so Yue Hai smiled at Feisang and
stretched out his palm.
Fei Sang frowned, took out the two storage rings from his pocket, put them on Yue
Hai's hand, and then said
"The president will protect you this time, but not every time you can be acquitted. I
hope it won't happen again."
That’s weird!
Although Yue Hai looks calm on the surface, he is scornful in his heart. The Demon
District does countless shameful things every day. They turn a blind eye and now
think that they are nothing but soft persimmons that they can rub at will. Come on,
although the Discipline Committee is under the Student Union, the water there is
really too deep.
The 203rd phase arrives at the clubhouse
"Is Elena here too?" Yuehai couldn't help but ask.
Fei Sang frowned, Yue Hai suddenly understood and made some gestures
"That's the sylph."
"Both elves are here, but they have to take a confession so they can't be released
Feisang still replied seriously, this person didn't seem to be happy, even though Yue
Hai was like this before, he was not qualified to criticize others.
"Then I'll pick them up tomorrow, Captain Feisang. I care about those two elves very
much. If something happens, I'm afraid I will panic and talk nonsense in front of the
"You!" Feisang stared, but did not continue speaking. He sighed secretly and shook
his head.
"As long as I'm here, they won't use force."
"That puts me at ease." Yuehai smiled slightly, patted Feisang on the shoulder, and
then strode out.
Feisang, who stayed behind, gritted his teeth, punched the solid wall, and remained
silent in the end.
After coming out, Yue Hai gave Long Tu and the others a magic sound stone first to
say they were safe, but they didn't know they were going to talk to them and didn't
contact them even after looking for them all night. No one would be happy about
this. .
But Yuehai felt warm in her heart for some reason, knowing that someone would still
be worried if she didn't see him, which felt good.
So Yuehai, while being criticized, headed towards the school district where the
president was located.
It was already noon outside, and the weather was already sweltering in August. Even
Yuehai couldn't help but cast a water-attribute magic around her to keep cooling
herself down.
After feeling much better, Yuehai got on the flying train.
Although the train was not crowded, it was still sweltering. The students were all
wearing short-sleeved school uniforms. They all looked refreshing. Looking at
themselves, not only had their clothes been torn by someone else's knife in the back,
but they were also covered in blood. What do you think? They all looked like they
had fought with others. This murderous aura coupled with the veil she wore on her
head caused all the students to avoid this person, for fear of offending this person.
Yue Hai didn't care, but suddenly felt something in his heart. He looked at his hands,
then squeezed them slightly, and a burst of fighting spirit suddenly spread out.
I feel like I can find time to break through Pojun.
Yue Hai was speechless at the speed of his promotion.
This was too fast. Just a fight with Scarlet and the others, and he could be promoted
after sustaining some injuries. Yuehai could not imagine how high his body's talent
was. Not only was he capable of both magic and martial arts, Still, every item is
considered to be the top level of magic and martial arts. It is estimated that her
physique is rare in history.
Although this is a good thing.
But think back to Tyr.
Why do you feel so inexplicably inferior?
It is clear that Yuehai and Tier are both their own bodies, so why do they feel
inferior? . . . . . Are you overwhelmed by your own talents and feel inferior?
The funniest joke of the year is out.
Yue Hai shook his head. In short, becoming stronger is not a bad thing. At least he
can protect himself in the face of some powerful enemies.
Think again about Vanas. . . . . . The woman who had beaten herself as Tyr
to pieces. . . . . .
Yue Hai weighed it up, and felt that it was better not to provoke such a master first,
otherwise he might be beaten to death again.
After all, this is the golden age, and there is no weak person who comes out of the
fourth grade. All the students in the college have said this, and they would rather be
enemies with the sixth and seventh graders than the fourth graders in the golden age.
And Vanas is the best among the fourth graders, but I don't know if he has been
crowned emperor. . . . . .
If she was really crowned emperor, Yue Hai felt that it would be better to avoid her
when meeting her these days.
Although the emperors are also at the emperor level, some emperors only have the
fighting spirit of the middle emperors, and even the lower emperors are not
unavailable. They rely entirely on their own martial arts and the comprehensive
strength of all aspects, and they are different from the peak emperors who have not
been emperors. Levels can also fight regardless of victory or defeat, and are even
Therefore, the title of emperor has no concept of class. The strong will be strong and
the weak will be weak, but in the end, one must move towards the peak emperor.
After all, only the peak emperor can be promoted to demigod. After becoming a
demigod, one's lifespan will be immediately increased by ten times.
The emperor level can only live for three hundred years, but as a demigod, he can
create a godhead, his body undergoes qualitative changes, and his lifespan
immediately increases to more than three thousand years.
However, the increase in lifespan is also related to the quality of the godhead created.
There are too many rules and regulations, and Yuehai still doesn't understand it until
now. Anyway, she is still far away, so she doesn't worry about it.
While thinking this way, the flying train finally arrived at the area where the student
union headquarters is located. Almost most of the Suzaku people in this school
district with ancient oriental colors are here. Imperial people will also come here to
take a look out of curiosity, but some paranoid people The Suzaku people may have a
quarrel with the Imperial people, and this international conflict will arise, so the
student union is placed here, and it is established to mediate conflicts as soon as
Yue Hai was walking on the street that led directly to the student union hall. There
were many small stalls around him. He took a look and felt confused. He walked up
to this stall and asked
"Boss, it seems like none of the people here are students."
"Of course not. We don't have such talent, but we are lucky. Our children can come
to Avalon to work as teaching assistants, so we are given special treatment and let our
family live in and do some business."
The boss was very proud when he said this. The teaching assistant is the assistant
next to the teacher. Sometimes he can also act as a teacher, but most teaching
assistants are not as powerful as some students, and the teacher is definitely stronger
than any student.
Of course, the golden age is a different matter.
Yue Hai nodded and didn’t ask any more questions, and continued walking on the
road. I didn’t expect Avalon to have such treatment. No wonder there were so many
people coming and going in the academy. But when the family members came in,
there was a mix of people. There are both. Wouldn’t the already difficult-to-manage
college become even more chaotic?
I really can’t figure out what the academy is planning.
When I was thinking this way, Yuehai had already arrived near the student union
hall, and the sun was slowly setting in the afternoon.
This time period is the hottest time of the day. All passersby use water-based magic
to cool down one by one. If they don't know how to use water-based magic, they run
to others to cool down.
Tsukiumi finally arrived at the student union hall, and there was a student waiting for
him at the door. Taking a closer look, he saw that it was Kaga who had brought him
here before. Tsukiumi could tell at a glance from his black-framed glasses, and in
addition The meticulous way the other party observed him. . . . . . He is
obviously a humorous person when talking to himself as Tyr.
Seeing Yue Hai walking up the stairs, Kagami nodded slightly and said meticulously.
The 204th Issue: Goodbye President
Tsukiumi couldn't help but speak, but Senior Kaga's face became more serious and he
nodded meticulously.
"Welcome, Yuehai-san, the president is waiting for you on the second floor."
"Ah, okay." Yuehai nodded in agreement. Kaga turned around and led Yuehai to the
hall. The interior of the hall was paved with red carpets. Yuehai remembered that
there was no red carpet when he came last time. This time My eyes lit up when I saw
it. As I walked towards the second floor, the beautiful figure of General Secretary
Zamiya, who was as beautiful as a woman, gradually walked down.
"General Secretary."
Kaga bowed slightly, and Tsukiumi quickly reacted and bowed too.
Zamiya smiled and nodded, then glanced at Yue Hai, passed by and walked out of the
student union hall without saying anything.
Tsukiumi turned around to watch Zamiya leave, and then heard Kaga's voice.
"General Secretary has a lot of things going on lately, and he has no time to even pay
attention to the divine seal that you participated in yesterday. This time you come to
the student hall, it is probably President Ku who assigned tasks to the General
Secretary again."
participate. . . . . . Yuehai couldn't help but be speechless. How could they
be involved? They were simply being used. However, Krad didn't take the initiative
to talk about this matter, so naturally it was difficult for them to speak
up. . . . . .
Kagami finally brought Tsukiumi to the student hall.
"President Ku is inside, please be polite and courteous."
"Yes." Yuehai nodded, then tilted his head and looked at the door of the president's
office with confusion.
Kagami frowned slightly and asked
"Is there anything inconvenient?"
"No, it's this the president's office? It didn't seem to be like this when I came
here last time."
Tsukiumi's answer made Kagami equally puzzled. He couldn't help but pause for a
moment before saying
"The president's office has always been here. Where was it in your previous
"Uh... I can't remember. I must have remembered it wrong." Tsukiumi knocked on
his head and shrugged in response. Kagami twitched the corner of his mouth and said
nothing, and took a step away, meaning to say Tsukiumi Hurry in and don't keep the
president waiting.
Yue Hai naturally understood. He knocked on the door lightly first, then heard a
"come in" from inside, and then pushed the door open and entered.
The ancient oriental-style president's office has always made Yuehai feel bright, and
the huge floor-to-ceiling window in the back can clearly observe the students on the
The student president, Ku, the girl with purple waterfall-like hair is writing furiously
at this moment, and it seems like she has never stopped.
President Ku, who noticed Yue Hai's eyes observing him, put down the pen in his
hand and smiled at Yue Hai.
Naturally, Yue Hai would not be pretentious, so she pulled up a chair and sat down.
"Do you have anything to say? Tell me your doubts first and I will answer you as best
as possible." The president's words were quite innovative. He called Yuehai over but
asked her to ask questions first. This could also be indirect. It means that what the
president will say next must have nothing to do with the question Yue Hai asked.
Yue Hai nodded. Since Krad didn't say anything, she would go along and ask on their
"The first thing is about Zuo Shen."
"Zuo Shen, what do you want to know?" The president's smile remained unchanged,
with the fingers of his hands crossed against his chin, and he looked at Yuehai with
interest. He seemed so busy before, but now he seems very leisurely. As expected,
these actions The mentality of big people is just different.
"Then let's start by asking why Zuo Shen is here."
Yue Hai is not afraid of trouble. She has come out anyway. Her class has also been
practicing in the wild these two days. The most important thing is that she has
reached 3000 assessment points at the end of this month, so she can take such a
leisurely walk.
Yue Hai's question made the president nodded slightly.
"Zuo Shen, let's start with the God Realm. You should have heard of the God Rigg
Formjo Realm."
"Si, Si, Si Fu, what?" Yue Hai had never heard of it at all.
The president's expression remained unchanged, and the corners of his mouth were
slightly raised.
"Referred to as the God Realm, it is divided into the East God Realm and the West
God Realm."
"What about the Northern and Southern Divine Realms?"
"With only east and west, how can we go north and south? This Zuo Shen is a very
famous god in the Western God Realm. Of course, this fame is negative. He has done
many notorious things with several other powerful evil gods, including... The demons
and gods collude, and although there are demon gods serving in the God Realm, there
are not many truly kind demons.”
"Then why did this left god come to Noah's world?"
"Noah's world is the top world besides the world of gods. It's easy to hide."
"Hiding? Are they being hunted?"
"Yes, by a man named [Godkiller] Cuminster." President Ku's words made Yue Hai
mutter to himself.
Having said this, President Ku narrowed his eyes slightly and lowered his voice.
"Speaking of this God-killer, you should have been present at that time. His sword
energy should have appeared in order to suppress Zuo Shen."
"Well, I was in a coma at the time, so I'm not very clear." Yuehai wondered how the
president could be so clear, but after thinking about it carefully, he realized that it was
Damiyala who said it. After all, she seemed to have some connection with the
The president seemed to know what Yue Hai was thinking, and then said
"I have some friendship with Damiyala. She is very smart and knows how to make
choices. In the future, the criminals in the northern part of the empire will become
stronger under her leadership."
If the president can conclude like this, he must have great admiration for Damiyala,
but he knows how to choose. . . . . . What is taken and what is given away?
"Getting back to the subject, this left god was hunted down by the God Killer, and
was eventually forced to open the tomb of the god and sleep in the backyard of
Avalon. No one paid attention to this matter at the time. The people below couldn't
care about it, and the people above didn't care. With the addition of a hands-off
president, it would be no exaggeration to say that Avalon was in a mess at that time.
The president who took over later was a princess from the Suzaku royal family, who
was quite skillful and managed to forcefully change the situation in the entire
academy. We broke up with each other, but unfortunately the good times did not last
long. The president was wild-tempered and also threw away his hands and left.
Although the former one did it when he saw that the situation was not going well, the
latter one only left after having achieved success."
The president couldn't help but be startled when he said this, shook his head and
smiled bitterly.
"I digressed again, sorry for my mistake."
Yuehai's face is serious, and it is not good to laugh in front of the president. After all,
this is a very impolite move. Keeping a serious expression is the best choice. Who
knows whether this Ku Guilin president will laugh twice. Then his face suddenly
"Okay, do you have any other questions?"
"About why the president did this..." Yue Hai said halfway, but President Ku's
thoughtful eyes and smile immediately made Yue Hai shut up and shake his head.
"No problem."
Sure enough, it was polite to ask questions, but he was frightened to stop by the
president after he had only asked one or two.
Issue 205 The Invisible Threat
The president smiled and nodded. He was satisfied with Yue Hai's speed of
understanding. Knowing that he had shown a hint of disgust, he quickly gave up. He
could do something in the student union, and he didn't know how high he could climb
in the future.
"Okay, then let me tell you a few things."
"Well, President, please tell me."
"Haha, it's not a serious matter. Just relax." Although the president said so, Yue Hai
could not relax. As soon as she came in, she could feel the aura released by President
Ku invisibly. How could she relax? .
"Let's talk about the first thing first. I heard that you had a fight yesterday?"
President, how can I hear this? Didn’t you order my acquittal? Yuehai couldn't help
but be speechless. In short, she couldn't guess what the president was selling every
"Yes, I went to the Magic Zone with Elena and Kalida yesterday. First, we fought
with a group of students, and then we went to the underground arena to fight Scarlet
privately, and even injured him. It's my fault. "
Yue Hai said this, she felt that whatever the people above said was right, it was right,
and what was wrong was wrong. No matter what experiences and excuses she had,
they were not worth a single word from others.
The president couldn't help laughing, looked up and down at Yue Hai, who was
covered in blood, and asked
"Are you sure you weren't injured?"
"This is nothing like an injury, it's okay." Although Yuehai knew the whole thing and
definitely couldn't hide it from the president, it was better not to dwell on the fact that
Kalida stabbed herself.
The president seemed to agree with Yue Hai's words, nodded, and then said
"Do you know why I let you be acquitted?"
"have no idea."
"Because of your potential and the Discipline Committee's selfishness, just pardoning
you is not enough. I will pull out the cancer on the Discipline Committee one by
one." Although President Ku's smile remained the same, his tone was indescribably
firm. It seems that the president, who is extremely capable, has not kept all his
subordinates submissive.
Yuehai couldn't help but sigh secretly, and the president said again at this time
"Scarlet is a difficult character, and I admire him equally."
"What?" Yuehai couldn't help but be stunned, who was he admiring? That pervert?
"President, did I hear wrongly?"
"Haha, I heard that right. Scarlet's talent is very high. Have you ever heard of his
name?" the president asked. Although Yue Hai was disgusted in his heart, he still felt
sorry for this person. She still knew some of the information, so she blurted out
"No. 1 in breaking military-level combat."
"That's right. However, what I want to tell you is that this person has hardly practiced
any practice since he was a child."
"..." Yuehai was silent
"..." The president responded with silence
"President, are you kidding me?"
Yue Hai was so shocked that her jaw almost dropped, but the president still kept a
smile and shook his head to answer.
"Look at how he usually looks like a playboy, right?"
"Yes, he is more than just a playboy, he is a pervert."
"That's right. From a female perspective, this is a scumbag."
"Yeah, right." Yue Hai kept nodding. Sure enough, the president was still wise, but
unfortunately, that was only from a female perspective.
And now she is the president.
"But for such a dandy who spends all day drinking and drinking, his every record will
improve by leaps and bounds."
"..." Yuehai fell silent immediately. In this way, Scarlet actually possesses the high-
level spiritual power of feeling, and it seems that he has not yet mastered the waltz.
"Waltz is also a prodigy. He is on par between the two. However, as a nylon, Waltz is
naturally warlike, diligent and loves to learn, so he is much better than Scarlet."
As soon as the president's words came out, Yue Hai was shocked. He didn't expect
that the other party would guess what he was thinking.
"It seems that I guessed it right, so from my standpoint, it's best for you two not to
meet again. If one of you must be harmed, then I will take measures."
"...President, it's okay not to fight. I'm not a person who likes fighting." Yue Hai was
silent for a while and then said, but the president held his chin and lay down on the
soft pillow. On the chair, he asked with a smile
"Looking at your previous records, it seems that you don't like fighting..."
"Hahaha, let's just say I like it. That's not the point. The most important thing is that I
went there because of one person."
"The president knows everything clearly"
"You can also use ancient oriental idioms to flatter people. As expected, Bingxue is
"President, your compliment is also from the Ancient East."
"Haha, anyway, what is your starting point? Tell me in detail."
"Well, it's actually simple. Elena wanted to rescue Kalida from Scarlet's clutches, and
then I took them there to take action."
Yue Hai replied without thinking. The president couldn't help but was speechless,
shook his head and spoke.
"Let's put aside your weird idea of standing up for them. Why don't you contact your
friends and classmates first before going to people like Scarlet."
"I don't think it's troublesome to contact them and I'm sure there will be some
conflicts. And since I'm strong, I'm not afraid."
"Are you strong? How did you become stronger?"
"You can't turn your head anymore, right? You have too many loopholes. In the
future, before you show off your skills, you should consider the consequences after
you finish it. If I were a bad-minded president, I might use this fight to start a fight. I
will lock you up for a few months and then torture you with the most brutal lynching
all day long to make you vomit out the secret of your suddenly becoming stronger."
The president's words frightened Yue Hai's proud body, and her back was instantly
wet with cold sweat. She had really forgotten that every mountain is higher than the
other, and there are gods who can overwhelm the gods. How can she, a mere mortal,
do anything? Come with pride and confidence.
Sure enough, it was because of gaining huge power and defeating the god-possessed
Waltz that his self-confidence inflated and he became arrogant. . . . . .
When she thought this, her forehead was already covered with cold sweat.
If there was one mistake in any of these steps, she would be doomed.
"Do you feel that you are very lucky?" The president asked suddenly at this time.
Yuehai nodded quickly. She was now completely convinced of President Ku. This
person was so powerful that he could only kill her with just one thought.
President Ku laughed twice more and then said
"I don't have much interest in things like power, but no one wants to die. If I have the
chance to become a god, I will fight for it."
The president's words immediately made Yue Hai fearful again, wondering if the
president really wanted to take action?
However, she suddenly spoke seriously
"So, people like me who are obsessed with Avalon Academy long to become a god.
Do you think there are no other high-level officials who would be greedy?"
The 206th issue of chess
"..." Yue Hai was speechless. This time she seemed to have done something very
extraordinary. When the president said this, she instantly felt that there were
countless pairs of eyes behind her staring at her greedily.
The president's serious expression didn't last long before he returned to his smile and
said calmly.
"Having said so much, let me tell you the ultimate goal."
"At the beginning of the second academic year, join the student union
"Uh... President... This..." Yuehai thought she heard wrong, so she wanted to confirm
again, but the president still smiled.
"This wholehearted effort is very hard, but for this I will help you withstand all the
pressure from the top management. No one will appear in front of you out of nowhere
and kidnap you."
This inexplicable appearance in front of Yue Hai is quite scary when he thinks about
it. What will happen if he is captured?
It's probably something beyond my imagination.
"What's your decision?" the president asked again.
Yue Hai raised her eyebrows, then spoke weakly.
"Well, can I say something more rude?"
"Say it."
"Um, have I jumped into the hands of the president?"
"Hahahaha." President Ku's laughter suddenly became louder. Although he was not
laughing and his branches were trembling, he was still a little bold. After a break, he
"Yuehai, you are very smart. Yes, I have said so much. I have absolved your sins and
protected you from the knife. I also kindly reminded you. All of these are to make
you realize that it is difficult for you to leave me."
"Alas~" Yuehai couldn't help but sigh with a wry smile. It was so amazing that she
couldn't even feel the slightest anger.
"Then what does the president want me to do? It's not really just to join the student
union and become a right-hand man."
"Of course not, you want to be my pawn." The president's words were like a piece of
glass, and all the conspiracies were captured on it for others to see.
However, even if he was treated as a pawn, Yue Hai could only frown. The words in
his mouth were brewing for a long time, but he didn't say them out.
The main thing is that she is afraid. If she is really captured by a stranger and finally
used for autopsy and investigation, this would be much scarier than being used as a
chess piece. Moreover, the autopsy investigation is only the most terrifying thing in
her cognition, maybe it is actually more terrifying than this. Much scarier.
"What chess piece?" Yue Hai couldn't help but asked curiously. The president gave
the other party a meaningful look and tapped his fingers on the desk seven times. He
didn't know what the purpose was. Anyway, Yue Hai couldn't understand, and neither
did the president. No further explanation was given.
"Just live a normal life. Another thing is that your behavior is a bit... How should I
put it? Well, childish."
"Childish, are you childish?" Yuehai twitched the corner of her mouth, her brows
jumped, and she grabbed the hem of her skirt with a pair of small hands and exerted
slight force.
She thought she was a little clever.
"Do you think you are a little clever?"
The president guessed correctly again, and Yuehai had no choice but to nod frankly.
This reaction made the purple-haired girl quite satisfied, and then she said
"Look more and think more when doing things in the future. Do you know what you
lack most? It is the lack of observation of things. You are said to be naive because
you do things without caring about the causes and consequences. Although people
can be impulsive, impulsiveness is not the same as recklessness. It’s not a synonym.
There’s nothing wrong with helping two elves. What’s wrong is that you chose the
simplest method. Have you ever heard of simplifying the complex? Many people
think this is the true meaning, but you will find out after more experience.
Simplifying the complex is just removing the rules and regulations, but the
experience you really want to gain is empty. If you just learn to be opportunistic and
mistakenly believe that your own cleverness can solve everything, you will end up
being smart but being misled by the smart. This is the same as what you think I can
crush Scarlet with my strength. If so, things will be very simple and clear, but what
will be the result? Has the complexity become simplicity? Or has the simplicity
become complexity?"
"..." The president's words made Yue Hai fall into deep thought. Thinking back to the
things he had done and the mistakes he made afterwards, it seemed that the president
was right.
"Of course, I'm telling you so much because I want you to grow up as quickly as
possible. It's not that simple to be a chess piece."
Report to the president, I don’t want to be a pawn. Yuehai couldn't help but curse,
how it ended up as if she was begging the president to be a chess piece.
Sure enough, this person is too scary, and I don't have anything in my heart. But now,
only a short time after I entered the office, I feel that the whole world has changed.
The first time Tsukiumi met President Ku, she felt inexplicably panicked. Now that
she accidentally did something big, she took advantage of it and instantly made
herself a member of her subordinates.
Feel. . . . . . When the holiday comes, why not drop out of school and run
away. . . . . .
This seems like the stupidest idea.
Take one step first and see what happens. As the president said, she is indeed naive.
She might be right to stand up for Elena, but doing so herself was a big mistake from
the beginning.
"That, President."
"What's wrong? From the looks of it, do you have any other requests? I'm in a good
mood now, and maybe I'll agree to something a bit more difficult." The president
looked at him with a smile. Although Yue Hai gave an embarrassing laugh, he felt
One's own mood is completely inversely proportional to that of the president.
Wanting to think about it, Yuehai still said
"After all, I have done this. Kalida's thunder elf should come to our side and follow
Scarlet. I'm afraid that Elena will do something more troublesome. "
"Well... Indeed." The president thought for a moment, nodded, and then said
"Then I will let Kalida transfer to your place. As for the dormitory..."
"Let's go with Elena and the others."
"Oh, you did it yourself, and you are still here to embarrass me, then won't you be
responsible for this elf?" The president's even-handed words made Yuehai blush
immediately, and secretly cursed the president, didn't you just say If you are in a good
mood, will you agree if you ask me to tell you some difficult things? Why is it just
like turning the page in a book?
"I didn't say I wouldn't agree. It's just that you should be responsible for this Thunder
Elf. Didn't you still convince others with your virtue after being stabbed by her?"
"Then I don't care."
"Okay, okay, I'm in charge, I'm in charge, what about that? Do you want to live in our
"Of course, the student dormitory is not small anyway. Don't look at me like this. I
usually live in a four-person dormitory, so I know it very well." The president's words
surprised Yue Hai. He didn't expect that he is in a high position and has scheming
methods. The presidents all live in dormitories, which should be said to be down-to-
earth or approachable. . . . . .
It seemed that the two statements were almost the same. Yue Hai shook his head and
couldn't help but said to the president.
"Just follow the president's arrangements."
"Yeah, okay, you can go down. If there are no special circumstances in the first
school year, we probably won't meet again. I wish you good luck in martial arts." The
president's beautiful eyes looked at Yuehai and congratulated, but It feels awkward
no matter how I listen to it.
Yue Hai didn't bother to think too much and was about to say thank you before
However, the door was pushed open by a pair of delicate hands at this moment.
Issue 207 Anger
The enchanting girl walked in without the president's permission and without even
knocking on the door. Yuehai turned around and took a closer look. This girl had
long light green hair. Although her face was not specially made up, she still looked
naturally charming. But it made Yue Hai feel a little dry in the mouth. Coupled with
the opponent's pair of breasts that were as magnificent as Damiyala's, Yue Hai was
shocked by his aura.
The president's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly
"Chairman of the Discipline Committee Panalope, shouldn't you knock before
"The matter is urgent. I don't think the president would mind such false courtesy."
Penalope gave a charming smile, but there was no hint of urgency in her tone.
President Ku narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded towards Yue Hai.
"You go down first."
Yuehai knew that the two big bosses were going to have a meeting at this time, and
the two men seemed to be thorny in their conversations as soon as they entered the
door. Sure enough, there was no peace within the student union, so it was better for
her to retreat immediately.
"Wait a minute." Panalope suddenly said, which made the president bend down
slightly, support his pretty face with his hands, and look at Panalope with deep
"I'll let her go down."
"But there are some words that it would be good for the parties concerned to listen to
them together. Does the president have anything inappropriate to say?" Panalope's
smile remained unchanged, but she had no emotion in the face of the president's
words that had a different flavor. frightened.
This made President Ku tap his face lightly with his fingers, and then spoke
"Keep your story short."
"It's natural." Penalop smiled even more and looked at Yuehai again. Just this
understatement made Yuehai break into cold sweat. She couldn't bear these monsters.
"I heard that you attacked a member of the Discipline Committee, Tsukiumi-san. Is
this true?"
"...Yes." Yuehai didn't intend to deny the matter if there were traces of it, and
answered with a stern face.
Penalope nodded and then said
"Then why did you attack them?"
"......"Why? Yue Hai raised her eyebrows, why?
"Because they blocked me." Yuehai answered, which made Panalope's exquisite body
move slightly, holding her huge breasts with both hands. Yuehai looked at it and
wondered whether these two lumps of flesh occupied this adult. half the weight.
"If I block you, will you take action?"
Panalope spoke with interest but was immediately interrupted by the president.
"Okay, Chairman, if you have something to say, just say it directly and ask when it
will be done one by one."
"Hehehe." Penalope chuckled twice and then said
"Tsukiumi-san, please don't make any mistakes in the future. The president will not
always indulge you."
No matter how you sound, this sounds like a threat. If you make a mistake next time,
there is really no guarantee that the president will be able to grant you an acquittal. In
short, don’t let this big boss talk about it, otherwise you will have to do it in the
academy in the future. It’s been rough and bumpy.
"Okay, I have nothing to do. Anyway, the president won't let you listen to anything
else I have to say, so go ahead."
"Yes." Yuehai didn't hesitate, he took three steps together, closed the door in the
blink of an eye, and disappeared without a trace.
In the office, the president narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the charming girl
in front of him.
"So, Chairman, what problems are you going to give me this time?"
"Hahaha." Penalope sneered, placed her fingers on the president's desk, and tapped it
seven times.
"Let's start with this matter first."
Yuehai, who was running away, finally left the student union hall. She strode towards
the station of the flying train without looking back. The lecture she received from the
president today really made her helpless but also benefited a lot. She just didn't know
that the president Where should she put the chess piece she was talking
about? . . . . .
In this way, Tsukiumi returned to the girls' dormitory, apologized to Dragon Slayer
Damiyara and others, and informed them that a new classmate would be transferred
to their dormitory tomorrow.
Of course it was Kalida.
On Scarlet's side, although Yue Hai also gritted her teeth in hatred, she could not
resist the president's words. She probably would not provoke her again in the future,
which saved Yue Hai a lot of effort.
only. . . . . . The news that Scarlet had never really practiced made Yue Hai's
heart sink.
I always feel like there's something ominous about it.
A roar like a giant dragon resounded in Waltz's dormitory. The whole building shook
at this moment. Some weak students were even trembling in fear. This sound was not
made by humans. It was simply hungry. The roar of a monster.
However, in the room, Waltz, who was sitting on the sofa, slowly took a sip of red
wine, and then looked at the wine glass and swirled the liquid in it a few times.
Scarlet immediately walked out of another room, looked at Waltz fiercely, and said
"You're a fucking idiot."
"Haha, why did it involve my mother?" Waltz still smiled and was not at all disgusted
by Scarlet's swear words.
Scarlet felt her fists waving in the water, feeling quite powerless.
"I'm talking about you! You, you, I'll be able to fuck that woman right away, but
you're making trouble at this critical moment, isn't it interesting?"
"It's interesting." Waltz smiled and nodded, which made Scarlet even more angry.
Seeing that the other party was about to use a red wine bottle to pour wine, he
immediately strode forward, grabbed the red wine bottle and put it to his mouth. Gu
Longlong drank it all.
Waltz couldn't help but be startled, then raised his eyebrows and put down the goblet
in his hand.
"Drink your sister." Scarlet wanted to throw the bottle away, but thought it would be
troublesome to clean it up, so she put it back on the table with a bang.
"Tell me if you need a woman. I'll capture all the virgins for you one by one, but
don't spoil my good deeds. Ouch, my heart hurts because of you." Scarlet covered her
healed chest, then It didn't look like he was feeling heartbroken.
Waltz scratched his hair and continued:
"Which is more important, Yue Hai or my own life?"
"Moonsea." Scarlet answered without hesitation.
"Then I have nothing more to say, so go to hell." Waltz stood up and took another
bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, walked back slowly, sat on the sofa again,
and poured himself a glass.
Scarlet took out a goblet from the side and handed it to Waltz. The businessman
wearing round glasses glanced at him and then poured him a glass too.
Scarlet drank it down again this time, and then said
"Tell me first, why will you die if you touch Yue Hai?"
"First of all, Krad will definitely go crazy. If this guy really fights with you, you will
probably have to die for half your life." Waltz said lightly, which made Scarlet
"It's just Krad, what's there to be afraid of? Do you think I'm afraid of Yuehai? Isn't
that woman more powerful than Krad at that time?"
Summary of Issue 208
"If Krad's true strength is at this level, it is indeed not enough evidence, but there are
others, such as Dragon Slayer."
Waltz's eyes were shining when he talked about dragon slaying, a look that only
appeared when he saw a strong person.
Scarlet raised an eyebrow.
"Who is the Dragon Slayer? Is he very powerful?"
"Tsk. It's that lolita." The atmosphere of Waltz was suddenly interrupted. She felt a
little uninterested and blurted out without thinking. Scarlet suddenly understood.
"That loli! She must be a virgin. Children don't know if it's interesting to play with."
"Are you only interested in virginity and violation? What's the point of such a strong
man if he doesn't have a happy fight?" Waltz couldn't help being speechless. Scarlet's
ideas were too jumpy. Even he, Waltz, was a little confused. Not going up.
"Fight? That's just flirting. If the flirting fails, it means I'm not as good as others. If
the flirting succeeds, then it's my time, hahaha."
"I really want to say that you are optimistic about things, but how should I put it?
From a human value perspective, you are already riddled with holes."
"Then what have I become?"
"Um..." Scarlet raised an eyebrow, got herself another glass of red wine, and said
"Scumbags will be scumbags. This is my way of survival."
"From a businessman's perspective, a partner like you is really unreliable."
"It all depends on the result. Between the two probabilities of 99% and 1%, who
knows which one will really succeed? Are you sure that the former can completely
surpass the latter?" Scarlet suddenly The words made Waltz's wine glass stagnate
slightly, and a drop of red wine suddenly fell down.
Waltz's face showed solemnity, he thought for a while, then raised his head and said
"By the way, there's one more thing. The president has transferred the Thunder Elf
you are following. She will live with Yuehai in the future and go to school together."
Waltz's sudden words did not let her down. Scarlet was not surprised at all
"Just transfer it. My things belong to me wherever they go. Let our lovely classmate
Kalida live a good life first."
"What, you've transformed? Are you so kind-hearted all of a sudden?"
"Human, the most uncomfortable thing is not the constant pain, but the feeling of gap
after enjoying the beauty and then falling into the abyss. That is the most painful
thing." Scarlet's smile became bigger and bigger, and his tongue slowly moved on his
lips. He slowly added a circle, and his eyes showed a different look.
"And the same, the happiness based on the pain of others is the most pleasurable."
"There must be something wrong with your mind." Waltz concluded, which made
Scarlet unhappy. She put the wine glass on the glass table with a snap and pointed at
the other person's nose.
"I haven't told you the real reason why you ruined my good deeds. Don't go off
"I don't want to talk anymore." Waltz replied abruptly.
"You bastard!"
"What? You don't want to fight?"
In this way, the matter finally came to an end, and Yuehai took Elena and Kalida
back the next day.
I don’t know what Elena and Kalida said that night. In short, the spirit of this thunder
elf gradually recovered. I am afraid that without Scarlet’s appearance, it would not
become abnormal again.
That afternoon, Yuehai helped Kalida complete all the transfer procedures and sent
someone to put an extra bed in the dormitory. Even so, the dormitory room was still
very spacious and would not hinder their movement at all.
However, even though Kalida is far away from Scarlet, she still likes to be taciturn.
She basically ignores the words of Dragon Slayer and others, and usually just follows
Yuehai. If Elena comes as a guest, she will also look a little happy.
It was probably only Tsukiumi and Elena who could make Kalida open up her heart a
After it came to an end, Elena also apologized to Tyr. People like Tyr are like that.
After quarreling with others, in fact, if the other party refuses to admit his mistake, he
will basically fight with others to the end. If you don’t fight with me, Talk, then I
won’t talk to you, even if you are my best friend or subordinate.
However, Elena was born with a simple character and knew that she had made a
mistake. She thought about it for a day in the solitary room and then looked away.
When she was released the next day, she apologized to Yuehai first, and then she
found Tyr.
It was not a bad feeling to be apologized to twice in a row, and Tier was in a good
The students who go to the Sang Burial Forest have to go through four days of field
training in total, and on this first day, Yuehai, Tyr, Krad, Dragon Slayer, Damiyala,
Konstantin, Elena and Kalida Fighting with Waltz and Scarlet in the God's Tomb,
Tire finally received the guidance of Cumming, and his strength increased by leaps
and bounds, defeating Waltz who was showing weakness and putting the god-
possessed Waltz at a disadvantage.
As a result, Zuo Shen was captured by Yong Ye and the No. 3 characters, No. 3
Chafurukawa and David. The four people of Ximen were sealed and finally handed
over to the president for [Round Table Conference] trial.
That night, Elena asked Tyr to save Kalida to no avail. However, Tyr couldn't bear it
anymore and secretly went to see Elena alone as Yuehai, taking Kalida and Elena
with her. Rena and the two asked Scarlet to come forward.
Scarlet was desperately suppressed at first, but Kalida's sudden rebellion reversed the
situation instantly.
Then when Elena was about to die, Yuehai exploded and the situation was reversed
again. However, the arrival of the Discipline Committee and the false self-interest
made the two sides almost evenly matched. As a result, Yuehai defeated the opponent
brazenly, but because of Elena's reasons It forced her to exit the mind-eye state,
which prevented Yuehai's side effects from becoming too serious. As a result, Yuehai
forgave Kalida's rebellion for Elena's sake. This was actually Tyr's response to
rejecting Elena's request. After apologizing, Tsukiumi, who gradually became flesh
and blood, finally made a mistake at this point. He failed to kill Scarlet, but Tsukiumi
who fainted was killed by Fissan, the third captain of the Discipline Committee.
Tefemiah saved.
Scarlet eventually made a scene, but was stopped by Waltz.
Day one, end. The time of the day is July 25, 3097 in the Gabriel Calendar.
The next day, Yuehai was acquitted by the president, but accordingly Yuehai will go
to meet the other party.
The president chatted with him for a long time and pointed out many loopholes in
Yuehai. The most reckless one was searching for Scarlet alone. The leader will be the
Moon Sea. If everything can be crushed by violence, then there will be no system
between countries, and there will be no overt and covert fights between divine power
and royal power.
Yuehai suddenly realized that she fell into the president's chessboard and became an
unknown chess piece.
In the end, another giant of the student union, Chairman of the Disciplinary
Committee Pannalop, appeared, together with General Secretary Zamiya, and First
Vice President Hua Luoting, who were called the three giants of the student union.
This day is over. The time of the day is July 26, 3097 in the Gabriel Calendar.
The third day is about to begin.
Extra chapter about the Five Emperors
My name is Diz. In order to become the empire's greatest genius, I am preparing to
join the empire's greatest genius, Clad. Hillier challenges.
In the corridor made of white lapis lazuli, all kinds of maids and housekeepers will
bow extremely respectfully and say hello when they see me. Yes, I am walking in the
castle of the Moremite family. My father does not like to be an official. Therefore, we
asked for a marquis from above and settled down in this small country called [Lalila].
But also because of my father's decision, we have lived a very stable life since we
were young.
I looked up at the castle that was getting closer and closer, and I was going to
mention this matter to my father soon. Now I am enough to compete with the number
one genius in the northern part of the empire. Only by defeating him can I become
At this moment, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared at the end of the corridor and
ran towards me. With a playful voice, she threw herself into my arms.
"Tina, what's wrong?" I couldn't help but look at the blond girl with some confusion
as she gradually broke away from my arms. Her big eyes kept looking at me with
"Brother, I miss you."
"How many days have we not seen each other?" I couldn't help shaking my head and
laughing. Looking at Tina's energetic look, I couldn't help but stretched out my palm
and stroked her head back and forth. Tina laughed twice with great enjoyment. When
I let go of my hand, Tina was arranging her hair and talking happily to herself.
"I'm so happy to have my head touched by my elder brother."
What's so happy about this? I couldn't help but laugh. Then, this lively sister suddenly
grabbed my palm with her two little hands. Her big eyes radiated bright light. I even
saw the starry sky from inside for a moment.
"Brother, can you play with me?"
Since it was my sister’s request, I couldn’t refuse it. Among us, the Moremite clan,
our favorite childhood game was fighting. The thrilling feeling during the battle was
really addictive. I glanced at the castle I was about to arrive at. Sighing secretly and
nodding towards Tina, the girl immediately started dancing happily and spinning
around me several times.
"Wow! It's great, I can fight with my brother again."
"But first of all, I won't show mercy."
"Otherwise, it would be boring. Brother, please push me as hard as you can." Tina
had a blush on her face even before she started fighting. When I saw it, I couldn't help
but feel a little throbbing in my heart.
Alas, women have really changed. The tomboy who used to like short hair has now
grown into such a slim figure. Your brother and I are a little panicked.
In the huge fighting arena, many Moremite tribesmen are fighting in it. Just like
drunkards who like to drink cold beer and gamblers who like to turn the tables, the
Moremite tribesmen will go to the arena in their spare time. Looking for someone to
start a fight, when they saw the first heir of the family and the terrifying girl,
everyone immediately fled around like hozens, leaving a huge space for the two of
"Nah, that, brother, I'm going to do it!" Tina was eager to give it a try, and I couldn't
help laughing. This child always looks impatient before a battle. Perhaps she is the
one who likes to fight the most among the tribe. .
When I thought this, I couldn't help but nodded.
The next moment, Tina's figure turned into a shooting star and suddenly approached
"Ah hahahahaha, brother, be careful!"
I don’t know when there was a lightsaber in her hand. My face darkened. I didn’t
expect that Tina had learned to hold the blade in the void after not seeing her for the
past few days. Now she is only fourteen years old. If she continues to grow up,
maybe Will be stronger than myself.
However, there is a time gap. As an elder brother, if I can't always lead in front of
her, then what qualifications do I have to be called her elder brother!
"You're so naive, my sister Oh!!"
I couldn't help roaring, and with a wave of my hand, the seal of the sanction
formation suddenly appeared under my feet, and a holy shield appeared in front of
Tina, completely blocking the way to kill her.
There is no way anyone of the same level can break this holy shield!
However, the next moment, Tina actually raised the corners of her mouth, her eyes
widened, and the lightsaber in her hand exploded with elements.
"Brother, it's you who is so naive!!!"
With one strike of the sword, most of the holy shield was shattered. My face did not
show the slightest surprise, but I became even more excited. Looking at my sister's
terrifying attack, I waved my hand and the elemental sword was formed.
"The secret of Tianhui Formation!! Emperor Yuan Sword!"
Tina looked at my Yuandi Sword that exuded terrifying coercion, and she was even
more happy. The light sword in her hand suddenly glowed! The next moment, the
Emperor Yuan Sword was swung towards me, and the two crossed and were about to
touch each other the next moment!
"White Wolf Heart!"
Tina's voice touched my heart slightly, but the Yuandi Sword in my hand did not stop
at all, I only heard a bang! The two of them immediately dispersed. My chest felt
tight and I felt like all the bones in my body were about to fall apart. But Tina was
thrown away and fell to the ground looking extremely embarrassed.
The healer standing by quickly healed Tina, and the others were about to approach
me, but I just waved my hand and didn't need to let them heal her.
This minor injury is unnecessary.
I couldn't help walking to my sister. She couldn't help but smile when she saw me.
Although her face was covered with dust, she was obviously very happy. Tina, who
was sitting on the ground, grabbed my trouser legs with her little hands and said
"Brother, why don't you learn the family's ancestral martial art [White Wolf Heart]?
My father obviously said that you are a rare adaptable person in a thousand years. If
you learn [White Wolf Heart], you will definitely be very powerful!" said As this
fighting-loving little girl began to admire me again, I couldn't help but shake my head
and sigh.
"I have my own swordsmanship. [White Wolf Heart] is not suitable for me. No
matter how it matches me, if I don't like it, it is just fate."
"Nana, do you like me, brother?" Tina couldn't help but look at me with expectant
eyes. Those beautiful eyes made my heart throb again, but she finally suppressed this
emotion and knelt down on one knee. Touching Tina's head with her own palm
"Of course I do."
"Ah! That's great! I like my brother too!" Tina was so happy that she hugged me
regardless of the other therapists' treatments, and rubbed her fair little face against
I couldn't help but laugh and cry. This little girl was messing around even before her
injury was healed. It would be bad if she was left with a hidden disease.
Finally, I bid farewell to my sister and continued towards the castle. As soon as I
entered the castle, a figure slowly walked out of the empty fortress. It had the same
long golden hair, but its figure was even hotter. There was a transparent knife
hanging around its waist. The long sword was hard to ignore. She and I took a closer
look before nodding to each other.
"Elder Rachel."
"Master Diz."
"How have you been lately?" After all, I am the leading elder in the family. I couldn't
help but ask. Rachel nodded again and then spoke.
"It's not bad. I finished taking care of a group of seventh-grade students some time
ago. I may be asked to take care of the first-grade students in the second half of the
Rachel was obviously deeply relieved to have finished teaching the seventh-grade
students in Avalon. After all, it was seven years, which was indeed a short time for a
demigod, but at the competitive speed of Avalon, one could not fall behind in a day.
These seven years have been a torment for both students and teachers. Of course, this
does not mean that there will be no happy times when staying in Avalon.
"If you take care of new students, I will be one of them." Diz muttered to himself,
which made Rachel stunned for a moment and said quickly.
"Then do you want me to go to the academy to get a recommendation letter?"
"No, no need. I like to enter through the assessment, so that I can see from the side
whether I have a connection with Avalon." This is my stubbornness, and everyone
knows it, so Rachel didn't stop it, but she still Looking at me, he said worriedly
"In that case...then let me take care of Master Diz's daily life after he enrolls in
When I heard this, I thought for a while and finally shook my head and said
"You are a tutor, what would it be like to serve a student this way and that way?"
"My influence doesn't matter, but you must serve the young master." Rachel insisted,
which made me scratch my head. I remember that Elder Rachel didn't have a cold
heart towards the family. Why did she treat me every time? It was so good this time,
could it be possible that her father gave her some kind of death order?
"In short, I accept the elder's wishes, but I hope everyone can be more normal in the
academy. If you think about it from another angle, maybe you don't care about the
impact, but it will easily interfere with my normal practice."
Rachel was suddenly enlightened upon hearing this, and finally nodded in
"Then, if you have anything to do in the academy from now on, feel free to tell me. If
you can do it, I will definitely do it."
"Well. Then I have to go see my father, so I'll come here first."
"Okay." After Rachel said that, she watched me gradually walk towards the inside of
the castle. I looked back three times in total, and found that the other party had been
looking at me with a smile, and finally waved lightly.
I couldn't help but quicken my pace. I always felt that Elder Rachel had other motives
for my attitude, but after all, she seemed to care about me very much. It would be
really rude to look at others with this kind of thinking, so I He shook his head and
walked towards his father's study. He was different from others. Although he also
advocated fighting more, he would not go out to fight with others. He would always
stay alone in the study and learn ancient oriental calligraphy. I write big characters
with pen and ink on the white paper. Although my father said that my temperament is
also very suitable for writing calligraphy, I am not interested in these things. As
expected, I am most at ease holding a sword. As soon as I arrived at the castle, the
Moremite tribesmen Each one is stronger than the other. Although the number of our
clan is not large, each one is an extremely powerful individual. As long as they do not
die young, they will be able to grow to at least the emperor level in the future, but the
length of time will vary.
I looked at the study room that I was about to arrive, and I felt excited. I would be
able to go and meet the first genius in the northern part of the empire, Clad. When
Cyril competes, what will be the result is really exciting!
Issue 209: Meet the Gods
It was near the end of July and August was approaching. The students of Group B of
Class 9 were practicing hard in the Mulberry Burial Forest. Yue Hai and others were
bored. They spent the whole day just looking at the Shadow Stone and shopping
outside. Although this kind of leisure is rare, it can also be quite boring after being
idle for a long time.
On this day, Yuehai, who was lying on the bed looking at the Demonic Shadow
Stone, suddenly had an idea flash in his mind. He suddenly remembered that his right
to meet the gods this month had not been used up yet. Anyway, he had nothing to do
these two days, so he might as well go and see the people of this academy. What does
a god look like?

Could it be that he is like Mr. Cumming, holding up two big crab claws and looking
great all day long?

While thinking this, Yuehai had already stood up from the bed, casually changed into
a summer short-sleeved school uniform, and was about to go out.

The only dragon slaughterer left in the room raised his head slightly, raised his
brows, and couldn't help but ask

"Yue Hai, where do you want to go?"

What do you mean and where do you want to go? It feels like I'm going to disappear
every time I go out.

But due to the coercion from behind, Yuehai had no choice but to turn around
obediently and said

"Well, you see, I didn't get admitted with a letter of recommendation."

"Yeah, so what?"

"That is to say, there are many benefits to enrolling with this recommendation letter,
one of which is that you can see the gods once a month."

"Oh~ It's good to meet the gods once." Long Tu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and
he seemed to be quite interested, which made Yue Hai breathe a sigh of relief.

"So it's already the end of the month, and since I have nothing to do, I'll take this
opportunity to meet the gods. I can kill time and learn more, wouldn't I kill two birds
with one stone?"

"Well, then you go ahead. Remember to fight me for the Magic Sound Stone when
you get there, and fight me again when you're done. If you don't call me regularly, I'll
call you. If you still don't answer, I'm going to go Looking for you!"


Are you a slut? !

Yue Hai couldn't help but curse, she had to make a phone call to do something. Is this
a mother or a stalker? Do you really think of her Yue Hai as your treasure? Now it's
hard to say who is better in a fight.
Of course, Yue Hai would not go out of his way to provoke Long Tu, lest the other
party explode again.

"Anyway, I will be back as soon as possible, so don't worry Long Tu."

"You think it's easy to find you! Anyway, if you don't call, you will sleep outside

"Uh..." Yue Hai was dumbfounded, but Long Tu grabbed Yue Hai out and closed the
door with a bang.

The face veil is really good. Today is very hot and uncomfortable, but covering the
face when walking on the street will not make people feel hot. On the contrary, it has
a cooling effect. However, although she covers her beautiful face, her exquisite and
well-shaped body But it still made passers-by feel sultry. Although there was no
100% return rate, there were quite a few people who looked at their legs, butts and

Ignore ignore.

If she had to worry about even these things, wouldn't she want to go shopping in the


Yuehai sighed secretly. Although she sighed many times, she still felt that her beauty
was a sin~
This is not narcissism, but a fact. It would be great if this beauty could be transferred
to Tier in equal proportion and become shockingly handsome. Think of thousands of
girls affectionately calling Tier The scene where his name was flying towards him
was simply heaven on earth.

It's a pity that reality is cruel.

Now, Group B of Class 9 has the title of Fourth Young Master.

The righteous and handsome [sword] young master, Krad

Gentle and refined [crazy] young master, Dizi

Resourceful [poor] young master, Yinfa style

and the last

Domineering and leaky [Basic] young master, Tyr

Damn, what does "Ji" young master mean? Can anyone explain it to her.

Yuehai couldn't help but feel a pain in her chest when she thought of this. After
careful research and flipping through the books in the library, she discovered that
"base" is used as the abbreviation of "Long Yang" in modern buzzwords.
However, [Ji] also means that friendship between men is very good, but these
bastards are obviously partial to Long Yangzhi's view, otherwise there wouldn't be a
trace of vigilance in Tier's eyes every time!

Krad has asked himself this question several times recently. That look in his eyes
hurts as much as it hurts.

[Basic] Young Master, haha, you really made me anxious. The worst I can do is kill a
chicken to scare the monkeys. [Basic] Let me show you one by one!

While thinking about it, Yuehai had already arrived at the station. After getting on the
flying train, he couldn't help but think about it again.

I don’t know how many gods there are in Avalon Academy. In short, there can be six
or seven in one kingdom, so in terms of status, there are probably twenty in Avalon,
and I heard that there are often exchanges in the God Realm. They are born to
communicate and learn from each other. From this point alone, others cannot
compare. Being able to communicate with the divine world is at least a big cross-
border force. Regardless of the small territory of Avalon, just the name of the Holy
King of Killing You can scare away many gods with just your head. Back then, Mr.
Cumming, [God Killer], didn't even think about fighting with the opponent. In the
end, he ran away after being nagged by others. This shows how powerful this killing
saint king is.

Therefore, the gods in Avalon will only be higher than twenty and certainly not
lower. If they can show off their power between two super giants without even a little
bit of background, even if the Holy King is there alone, he will definitely be able to
support it for many years. I can't help it. After all, Sikri and Suzaku are not
suppressed by just one Holy King. Those powerful gods alone can already make the
dean evade three points, not to mention Mu Guang, who is vaguely the head of the
Holy King. The Holy King.

Therefore, when she goes to see the gods this time, she must have only a few things.

When thinking this way, Yuehai had already arrived at the Tianyuan Hall in the
Eleventh School District by flying train. Although this place is vast and the scenic
spots are very beautiful, because it is the central area, not many students will come
here unless they are You need to handle some official business, otherwise you will
never go to a place like this if you have nothing to do.

Yuehai walked into the Tianyuan Hall. The sense of spaciousness made her think that
she had arrived in the Kingdom of Giants. Towering pillars supported the ceiling of
the hall. The finely carved walls and the polished floors complemented each other.
The light was far away. It looks like a beautiful scenery.

The few times Yue Hai has been here, he is not as shocked as before. After looking
around, he asked at the front desk.


"Hello classmate, may I help you with anything?"

"I want to see the gods, is that okay?"

"Would you like to meet the gods? Yes, please show your ID card and
recommendation letter." Speaking of gods, the service staff standing at the front desk
suddenly became serious.

Yuehai knew that this procedure must be done, so he immediately put the prepared
student ID card and recommendation letter from the storage ring on the front desk.
The service staff reached out to take it, lowered his head and did not know what he
was doing underneath, so he Lift up and speak to yourself

"Verification passed, hello, Miss Yuehai."

Changed your honorific?

Yuehai raised his eyebrows, but didn't care, and then asked

"Then let me go see the gods."

Issue 200 Gods
"Okay, now there are four people who can accept [Five Ring Flower] students to
meet. Do you want to make a selection?" At this time, the service staff's attitude
towards Yuehai became much better than before. It was simply respectful. Yue Hai
was in a daze, but he couldn't help but be confused after hearing the other party's
"Four of you? Do gods usually have other things to do?"

"Naturally, the great gods and majesties have endless time, so they often do research
and experiments or search for new worlds. There are not many gods who really like
to leisurely bask in the sun."

What the waiter said was funny, a god basking in the sun? Mr. Cumming would
probably turn red if he was exposed to the sun for a while.


I laughed a few times in my heart, couldn't help but feel happy, nodded and said

"Then introduce these four gods to me, Your Majesty."

"Ah, okay, the first one is His Majesty God Jaraxxu, who is possessed by the wind
attribute. His personality is a bit cold, but he always answers questions and doesn't
lose his temper, so he can't be said to get along well with other gods, but he also has
He has received good reviews and has extraordinary strength. He just has to do some
great things to become a title-level god.

The second one is Her Majesty Zhan Bingling, who is fascinated by the fire attribute.
She has a very direct personality. Although she is not bad-tempered, once students
cause her disgust, she will be thrown out immediately.

The third one is His Majesty the God of Learning, who is obsessed with the attribute
of fire. He has a plain personality and has a very good relationship with the gods. He
can talk to ordinary people like us without looking down on others.

The fourth is the natural god, [God of Sloth] Her Majesty Dinas. As the name
suggests, she is a fantasy god born from the laziness of the human world. She is one
of the "Seven Sinful Gods". She has extraordinary strength,
but... . . . . . Like I said before, God lives up to his name. "

Yue Hai fell into silence after hearing this. It seemed that only the last god was a
title-level god. Although not a title-level god is more powerful than no title, but after
all, having a title means having a sign. Wherever the sign is placed, it will naturally
attract people. rest assured.


【The God of Sloth】. . . . . . This sounds like a lazy god who likes to lie on
the floor and bask in the sun. How can he teach students when he is so lazy?

But he is one of the [Seven Sinful Gods], and he looks so powerful, just like the Nine
Heavens Holy King and the Ten Earth Gods, which makes people confused.

In short, this time I come here to see the rising trend. If you see the best, you will
naturally choose the best. No matter if this is the God of Sloth or the God of Anger,
as long as it is powerful and will not harm you, then go and see it. ���Okay.

So Yuehai resolutely chose Dinas, the God of Sloth, under the surprised eyes of the
service staff.

"Then what? How should I get there?" Yuehai couldn't help but wonder after making
the choice. Although the service staff was surprised, he still answered honestly.

"His Majesty the God is now in his own divine world. We have her teleportation
mark here. As long as you stand on it, you can enter the center of His Majesty's

"Okay." Yuehai secretly swallowed his saliva and entered the divine
world. . . . . . That is something that only demigods can create, but the
godhead of a demigod can only store some creatures but cannot cycle life and death
inside. It is a dead world. Only by becoming a god and igniting the divine fire can it
become a real world of godhead, and the creatures in it It will thrive under the
illumination of the divine fire, leading to an endless cycle of birth, old age, sickness
and death.

She was about to enter such a magical world now, and the strange and unknown
feeling was inexplicably exciting.

Although she doesn't like to get involved in more troubles, this new environment of
experience is gaining momentum. It is a good thing to guarantee that she can also
increase her strength. The more the better, anyway, it will not be life-threatening. She
has embraced it from the beginning. Come and take a look. If you are afraid of the
unknown, there is no need to go to this step.
So, although I am a little nervous, I still have to go!

"Then, Miss Yuehai, please come with me."

It's not surprising that the service staff seemed a little nervous when they saw each
other. After all, they are gods. Even the God of Sloth is a god. But after meeting him,
I don't know if he can maintain this nervous attitude. . . . . .

When thinking this way, the service staff had already brought Yuehai to another
empty room. This room had many statues, each of them was lifelike and seemed to
come to life at any time. The most important thing was that under each of their
statues there were There is a teleportation formation, which is obviously the statue of
the gods, and below it is the formation to go to their world.

"This is the [Temple of the Gods], and some of the Avalon gods will leave
teleportation seals here."

The service staff's words made Yue Hai's throat dry up. He glanced at the nearly fifty
statues of gods around him and couldn't help but murmur.

"One, part?"

"Yes, part of it."

Yuehai didn't expect that his guess was far from reality. Now thinking back to his
guess about the number of gods in the academy, it was simply blaspheming the top
power of Avalon Academy!

The service staff didn't care about Yue Hai's reaction and continued:
"[The Sloth God] His Majesty likes to build his temple in the godhead world. This is
a very rare example. In fact, other gods will place their temples in various worlds.
Generally, gods with some strength will occupy a large world as the core of the
temple. The more powerful ones will rule a vast world. After all, after these worlds
are brainwashed, the power of faith will become the strongest trump card of the gods.
If they move the temple back to their home base like the lazy god, then the power of
faith gained will be If it is much less, it will be powerless when fighting with others.
Of course, these are His Majesty’s considerations. We mortals can only see the
surface. Only they themselves know how much impact it will actually have.”


I always feel that this service staff is not so respectful when talking about
gods. . . . . .

Yuehai raised her eyebrows slightly. In short, this was not something she needed to
care about, so she turned around and forgot about it. After the service staff pointed
out the direction for Yuehai, she walked towards the statue at the end of the direction

This is a girl with pink curly hair, her eyes are slightly narrowed, her gorgeous
clothes are frozen in the air as if there is no wind, her hands are clasped in her chest,
and the power of faith is spreading around her body, which is extremely shocking to
people. .

This is Dinas, the God of Sloth!

The statue alone already exudes an aura comparable to that of a demigod. It would be
even better if he saw a real person!
With this expectation in mind, Yuehai swallowed another mouthful of saliva and
strode towards the teleportation formation seal.

It is said that this statue is so exquisitely carved, and even the colors are restored. I
wonder if bending down and looking up can see a wonderful picture that should not
be seen.

If this god was wearing a miniskirt, I would probably be able to see it.

I'll try to see if I can see it next time I come here.

With this bad thought in mind, Yuehai disappeared into the spacious room with a
Issue 211 God Delis
When Yue Hai opened her eyes again, her body had appeared in another world,
where there were clear water and blue sky, and white clouds floating on it looked
very comfortable.
From time to time, a beautiful big bird flew across the sky, with a gorgeous golden
light on its tail, leaving a long golden light before disappearing into the clouds. When
Yuehai was sighing, he suddenly felt a soft touch under his feet. bump.

Looking down slightly, he realized that it was a white rabbit rubbing against his calf.

I was thinking to myself, isn’t this a rabbit? Why do you like to nuzzle people as
much as cats?

However, the rabbit suddenly stopped moving, took a few humane steps back, and
looked up at himself.

"Is this student I haven't seen before a new student in Avalon?"

Forehead. . . . . .

A sweet voice with a hint of coldness came towards Yuehai. She knew that she heard
it correctly. The owner of this voice was the rabbit at her feet.

I see, that's it, it seems that basically all the living animals in Avalon Academy can
talk. She has understood it. Whether it's the cat teacher Yong Ye or this rabbit, they
can all be very in front of people. He spoke standard Mandarin as if nothing had

However, as if the rabbit knew what Yue Hai was thinking, it silently transformed
into a woman with rabbit ears in just a moment. Her long brown hair swayed with
inertia, and finally flapped in front of her. She shook her head slightly and was
thrown back.

"I'm going to see Her Majesty Delis."

"Yes." Yuehai suddenly felt that he was very adaptable now. A rabbit turned into a
woman with white rabbit ears in front of his eyes, but he was not surprised at all.
Instead, he felt that if Avalon didn't have this novelty, it would It doesn’t feel like
Avalon anymore.


Has her worldview changed, or has the world evolved to the point where she can only
adapt to it?

After a lot of random thoughts, the rabbit lady took herself to a huge palace without
saying much.
This palace is extremely gorgeous, with a height of hundreds of meters. Looking up,
it seems as if the power of God is above, and the gods seem to be watching you at
any time. The feeling of insignificance like an ant seeps into the heart and makes
people tremble.

And slowly lowering his gaze, there is a bronze statue in the center of the hall, which
is the incarnation of Her Majesty the God Delise. Although it is not as lifelike as the
previous statue, it still has a sense of sanctity and inviolability. After taking a few
glances, I felt the urge to worship.

Yuehai immediately shook her head. If she really worshiped here, it would be a
question whether the day would end. . . . . .

ah. . . . . .

Yuehai was stunned for a moment.

It seems that I forgot to get the magic sound stone for Long Tu. . . . . .

What to do? There seems to be no signal here.

It would be really troublesome for her to come here. Not only would she be
disrespectful to the gods, she would also be very troubled by herself.

So, here. . . . . . Yue Hai's brain short-circuited, lightning flashed, and he

suddenly came up with a bad idea.

"Just let me, as Tyr, hit the magic sound stone and go there to ensure safety."
This is the best way to solve it. Dragon Slayer will definitely believe his words. After
all, as Tyr, I also have some friendship with Dragon Slayer, so the other party should
be able to understand.

In short, after Yue Hai finished her plan, she continued to move her gaze downwards.
What appeared in front of her eyes was an extremely magnificent golden door, with
ten fierce-looking golden statues on both sides. Each of them had strange postures,
but with endless domineering power. And among the ten domineering statues, a
figure was lying in front of the gate, lazily sleeping.

Yuehai frowned, wondering how someone could be so disrespectful and dare to fall
asleep in front of the great god. Such a person would definitely be banished directly if
she were a god!

However, the rabbit on the side said coldly

"This is the owner of this divine world [Innocence], Her Majesty Delise, [God of



Yuehai made a silly low moan, and didn't react until the words fell.

"Hey hey hey hey hey!!"

"Silence." Miss Rabbit didn't feel any disgust at Yue Hai's impolite behavior, and
naturally she didn't like it either. She just raised her hand slightly to signal Yue Hai
not to disturb her with his voice.
Only then did Yuehai react and quickly covered her mouth with her small hands.
However, at this time, Delise had already woken up.


"Well, hello, the great [Sloth God] Her Majesty Delise, I am a freshman from Avalon
in the first year, Yuehai. Today, I came here specifically to visit and study."

After all, Yuehai was communicating with gods other than Kamin, so she was
inevitably a little nervous. Moreover, when she first met Kamin, he looked like a soft-
legged crab stuck in the mud, so she really couldn't be nervous.

But, look here, there is a huge divine world, a terrifying and majestic temple.

It is somewhat puzzling that this god suddenly lies on his doorstep.

"Ah~~ Taiyang, so comfortable~~~"

Delise made a lazy sound, but this delicate feeling made the hairs on Yuehai's body
stand up because it was so crispy. . . . . .

If you listen to it too much, it seems like an indescribable emotion is about to burst
out. . . . . .

"Fluorescence? It turns out you've been here these two days. Let's bask in the sun

"Okay." Miss Rabbit, who was called Fluorescence, walked to Delise's side without
hesitation, bent down and lay down together.
"Here's a pillow for you~" The pillow that Delise conjured up out of thin air was
passed to the fluorescent light, and she once again turned her attention to the sea of
the moon.

"Xiao Yuehai? Come here, come here~"

"Ah, yes." Yuehai was called by Delis, and she immediately trotted closer to her.
Only when she looked closer did she realize that Delis's face was more beautiful than
the one on the statue, especially her lazy and ethereal temperament. It's so frustrating.

"Xiao Yuehai, lie down now~"

Delise left her other side free, and by some unknown trick, she actually transformed
into a pillow again. Yuehai couldn't resist the other party's gentle eyes, so she had to
lie down and rest her head on the pillow.

However, the feeling of being in such close contact with the goddess Dai Lisi has
already made Yue Hai's heart beat wildly. Of course, it does not contain strange
thoughts, but the kind of nervousness and uneasiness when meeting a big shot. .

"Don't be nervous~" Delise's lazy voice not only made Yuehai feel goosebumps
trembling all over her body, but also made her feel sleepy, as if she was becoming

"This is the place where students come the least~ Little god, you didn't greet me

"Ah, no, Your Majesty Delise, you are being humble. Your Majesty's palace is
majestic and majestic, and the world is governed in an orderly manner. From this, it
can be seen that Your Majesty is a supreme being with powerful divine power,
wisdom and beauty. God!"
Issue 212 Lying
Yue Hai said this, but she was thinking about when she would be so flattering. She
spoke fluently as if she had practiced it many times. Although it was a bit shameless
and not in line with her style, she still said it in front of the gods. It's better not to put
on unnecessary airs.
"Ah hahaha~ You are so beautiful and so on, Xiao Yuehai is so fake~" Although Dai
Lisi said this, she was obviously still relatively happy. She covered her fair face with
her two little hands and looked different from the little girl next door. Just like the
girl, it is completely incomparable with the majestic and sacred feeling on the statue
at that time.

Sure enough, as the college students say, the cover is always the package, and you
have to actually see what's inside to know.

Obviously, the statue outside was the cover of Delise, so sacred, so ethereal, so noble,
and then it was placed here, lazy, and every word seemed to be flying in the clouds,
as if it was about to fall asleep the next moment.

"However, Your Majesty Delise, you are a title-level god. How come there are no
students here?"

Yuehai saw that this god was not the kind of inviolable and majestic character, so he
took the liberty of asking a question.

The fluorescent person on the other side moved the rabbit ears, but said nothing,
while Delise in the middle smiled.

"Because, I'm lazy~


Yuehai waited for five minutes

"So there are no students~

Another five minutes passed

"Come to see me~"


So slow! This is too slow! Previously, I wanted to say that Lord Kami spoke too
slowly, but now he simply pauses for several minutes before speaking. Is it so
difficult to change his breath? ! No wonder no students came over, and no wonder the
service staff looked at him with such strange eyes.

"Um, Your Majesty Delise, have you always spoken at such a slow and slow pace?"


This time Delise answered quickly.

well? Wait a moment.

Since Her Majesty Delise speaks slowly, wouldn't it be enough to just ask her to
answer yes or no? In this way, there is no need to listen to Her Majesty Delise's short
but long words.
"Well, Your Majesty Delise, how about I ask you questions, but you just need to tell
me what is right and wrong. What do you think?"


Dai Lisi immediately replied lazily, which made Yue Hai's eyes light up immediately.
As expected of a god with high understanding, he was able to cooperate with her

"Then, is His Majesty one of the [Seven Sinful Gods]?"


Delise slowly closed her eyes, turned over and hugged the fluorescent person on the
other side, burying her little face into the other person's chest, making Yue Hai


That's not what I meant, but I was quite helpless.

However, Fluorescence was not as overwhelmed as he had imagined, and seemed

rather meaningless. Although his expression could not be said to be cold, he was still
calm and composed.

Okay, the test is almost over. Since Her Majesty Delise is so easy to talk to, it
shouldn't matter if she asks some extravagant questions.

At this time, Long Tu was lying alone on the big bed looking at the Demonic Shadow
Stone. Most of the others had gone to practice. Like Damiyala, she was a music
spiritualist. Meditation was the best practice, so she had to find an absolutely quiet
place. Space is free from any external influence, so that you can sign a contract with a
more powerful music spirit. According to people in history, this music spirit also has
gods. If you can sign a contract with the music spirit god, even if you fail to become a
god, you can Being on an equal footing with God is also a special feature of a music

The other Ye Xi, although this child talks little, she is not cold-tempered. She also
helped Long Tu a little in the beginning, which is considered a favor. If there is a
chance, Long Tu will definitely return it, but Ye Xi often exercises , that amount of
training would make even Dragon Slayer twitch his eyebrows twice after looking at
it. This is simply pushing yourself to death. Although you can get rapid progress, if
you are not careful, you will get injured and become a hidden disease. In the eyes of
gods, In the process of promotion, this hidden disease can be fatal.

As for Yue Hai, I don’t know what this girl is thinking about all day long. One
moment she looks very ladylike, and the next moment she’s carefree. She looks like
an extremely beautiful woman who will conquer the country, but sometimes she feels
like she needs a beating for some reason. feel.

Why is this? He felt that his fists were shaking inexplicably, as if the punch would be
unbearable if it didn't hit.

Is it really because Yue Hai is so beautiful that she is jealous?

I was stunned for a long time

"How is that possible?! Jealousy or something, hahaha."

Long Tu laughed dryly and put the matter aside anyway, but when she talked about
Yue Hai, she remembered, didn't that girl go to see the gods? Logically speaking, the
Tianyuan Hall in District 11 should not be so slow. Could something happen again?

Although this chance is very small, it does not rule out the possibility, so Long Tu
took out the magic sound stone with a hint of doubt, and was about to hit it, but found
that the magic sound stone suddenly rang.

Long Tu raised his eyebrows and subconsciously opened the magic pattern.
"Hey, Dragon Slayer."

"Tyr? What's the matter?" The Dragon Slaughter's reaction was normal, but Tyr was
a little hesitant, and he only heard some hesitant words from the magic sound stone.

"Um, there's something I don't know if I should tell you."

"Since you've come here with the Magic Sound Stone, there's nothing hard to talk
about. Things that really can't be talked about should always be buried in your heart
instead of waiting for others to reject you." Long Tu raised his eyebrows and
responded calmly. Jean Tier was obviously stunned on the other side of the Magic
Sound Stone, and after a while he said

"Well, actually I want to hear your opinion and see if you can trick the information
out of my mouth."

"Tyr, are you out of your mind? Why do I have to spend all my spare time trying to
get information from you? If it's of no use, I'm afraid I'll rush to your dormitory in
"Uh, no, it's bad behavior to be violent in school, and you will be caught by the
Discipline Committee." Tier was able to bring out the Discipline Committee and
make fun of him at this time, but Dragon Slaughter didn't like him at all. One set,
asked simply

"Should you tell me? If you don't tell me, the Demonic Shadow Stone will be closed."

Seeing that the other party was still hesitating, the dragon slayer immediately wanted
to close the door, but Tier spoke first at this moment.

"Wait a minute, I said, but you have to make sure I can't be attacked by you."

"Tsk, okay, I promise, just tell me, there is still something to do here."

"Well, I'm afraid what you're going to do is what I'm telling you now."


"Yuehai has been sent to the Tianyuan Hall in District 11 by me, so she asked me to
give you a magic sound stone so that you don't have to worry."


After being silent for a while, Long Tu said

"Do you think I will believe you? How could it be such a coincidence that you could
meet Yue Hai."

Tyr on the other side couldn't help but roll his eyes, knowing that Dragon Slayer was
not that easy to deceive, but at this point, it would be even worse if he didn't deceive
him to the end.
Issue 213: Quickly remedy the situation
"Then why would I hit you with magic sounds for no reason? Are you bored?"
Tyr couldn't help but be speechless, thinking about what method he should use to
make the dragon slayer believe in him, but the other party just snorted softly.

"Who knows what you were thinking about all day long, maybe you just had nothing
to do."

"When did my impression in your eyes become so idle?"

"This image of doing nothing has never changed, because you really haven't done
much exercise, and your fighting spirit has not improved much."

"Uh~" Tier couldn't help but cover his chest. His heart began to hurt, and he was
mocked unconsciously by the other party. Yes, he is a warrior who has been peaceful
for thousands of years and has begun to give up on himself, but he has On your own
path, since your strength cannot be improved, then you can reach the peak of your
martial arts, and you can become a master in the future.

"Okay, if nothing happens, I will kill Moyin."

"Yuehai is really on my side."

"I told you I don't believe you."

"She also said you were wearing black bear underwear. Did you guess it right? You
should believe me."

As soon as Tier finished speaking, there was no sound from the other side. He
immediately regretted it. No, he should have had chills all over his body. He felt his
danger alarm starting to buzz.

After a minute, a trembling low voice came from the other side of the Magic Sound

"Oh, oh~ Tyr, you remember it so clearly."

"Um, I'd like to explain, if you'll listen to me."

"Well, if that's the case, then I can't let you live in this world."

"Wait a minute, Miss Dragon Slayer, isn't this topic too exciting for you?!"

Tier thought he heard it wrong, but the other party's cold tone and trembling voice
didn't seem like he was lying.

"It's just a pair of underwear. At worst, I'll wear the same style for you to take a look
at. Miss Dragon Slayer, please don't do anything unthinkable."

"Don't worry, this matter will be over soon. Over at Yuehai, I will give you a good,
good, good training. And this Mr. Tier here, I'm sorry, in order to prevent the
information from being exposed, I have to let your Existence disappears.”

How could Long Tu be threatening? It was already a declaration of obliteration! Even

though Tier was in a dormitory in another school district, he still felt a seductive
sound that seemed to roar from the bottom of the abyss.
If she really catches her this time, I'm afraid. . . . . .

Tier trembled all over, thinking that it was no longer safe in the student dormitory, so
it would be better to hide in other school districts first.

Just as this idea was about to be implemented, the sound of closing the door was
heard from Long Tu's side.

"Wait a minute, Miss Dragon Slayer, these underwear are very personal and suit your
image. Don't feel shy about it."


The sound of clattering footsteps came from the other side of the Demonic Sound
Stone. Knowing that the Dragon Slaughter did not stop because of this, he said

"Although you are not young, wearing such cute underwear is not very suitable, but
you are small and look like a child because of your short stature, so it doesn't matter
if you wear this."


Why did Tyr feel that the footsteps on the other side of the Magic Sound Stone were
getting faster and faster, and seemed to be even angrier than before.

Let’s quickly talk about some more remedies.

As a result, Yuehai asked Delise many of her guesses about herself, but the amount of
information she could get from just judging right and wrong was too little, even if the
goddess kept changing... Yuehai always felt that the other party was answering

"Your Majesty Delise, am I a man?"


You see, this is definitely a blind answer.

"Your Majesty Delise, you are not good-looking, right?"

"How is that possible~"

Suddenly it became four words. It seems that Her Majesty Delise still has something
that she cannot compromise on in terms of beauty. Sure enough, Her Majesty the God
has been playing with herself from the beginning. It is no wonder that other students
will not come here.

At this moment, the space suddenly distorted slightly. Miss Rabbit's long fluorescent
ears moved slightly, and then broke away from Delise's embrace, stood up and said

"His Majesty, another student has entered."

"Okay~ I still have a lot of pillows~ Let's all enjoy the sun together~"

Her Majesty Delise is definitely staying at home and has even moved the temple back
to her own world. She really doesn't want to move.
Fluorescence nodded slightly and walked away in another direction. Yuehai left the
pillow at this time, sat up, and slowly looked around. Only then did he realize that
there were many trees surrounding the temple. Obviously, they didn't see any when
they entered before. It's a tree. It's obvious that there is a wonderful barrier here, so
the fluorescence will disappear from his sight in an instant.

"Speaking of which, Your Majesty Delise, is Miss Fluorescence your servant?"


"That's a friend?"


"Is that also a divine majesty?"


"That's it..."

well? ! Wait, does that mean that the little white rabbit rubbing his ankle just now is a
This, this indescribable feeling, as if the great and supreme gods had once welcomed
you at your feet, such an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

But since they are all gods, why does Fluorescent still call Her Majesty Delise Your
Majesty? With the same identity, even if the strength is very different, they are still
the same kind of eternal existence, and there should not be any distinction between
superior and inferior.
This only proves that Fluorescence respects Delise very much.

only. . . . . . Yue Hai glanced at the goddess who was still lying on the
ground and began to hug Yue Hai's waist. She really didn't know how to respect her.

Not long after, Fluorescence walked in with a blond girl. The key pair of breasts
immediately occupied Yue Hai's eyes, and her fixed gaze immediately made the other
party notice Yue Hai's existence.

Immediately, the girl suddenly said in surprise


"Silence, Your Majesty is resting." Fluorescence did the same thing he did to Yuehai
before. Only then did the blond girl react. When she saw the pink-haired girl hugging
Yuehai's delicate body, her pupils suddenly shrank, but she remembered After
hearing Huo Huo's previous words, the blond girl covered her mouth, not daring to
make too much noise.

"Is it fluorescent? It turns out you've been here these two days, let's bask in the sun
together~" Delis actually said the same words as before again, but Miss White Rabbit
was not surprised and nodded calmly.


Then he walked to Delise's side and lay down again.

Yuehai has long seen these two people just lazing around without being alarmed, so
now he can keep a calm mind, but the face of the other blond girl clearly showed
disbelief. Yuehai knew that she was like this before. expression.
"This classmate, what is your name? Why do you know that I am Yuehai?"

In any case, Yuehai asked her doubts very politely, but the other party looked at
Yuehai in disbelief, and then turned away his head in displeasure while holding his

"Kingsley, Bemore."
Answers to Issue 214
It looks a bit familiar, Yue Hai murmured to himself, taking another look at the other
person's chest. The size was indeed very familiar.

But it must not be an acquaintance, otherwise Yuehai would immediately think of


Then he is a person of no importance.

"Hello, classmate Jinsili."

"Huh, hello." Jinsili snorted first, and then responded. Although her attitude was a bit
bad, her polite words were not disrespectful, and she seemed to be well-educated.

"Little Kingsley~ Come on, come on, sit here~" Dai Lisi still looked as lazy as
before. Only then did Kingsley come back to her senses and said respectfully

"Hello, Your Majesty the Great God Delise, I am a freshman from Class 10 of
Avalon First Academy, Kingsley Bemore."

"Well~ Anyway, let's sit here." Delis patted the seat behind her. Under the other
party's enthusiastic gaze, Jinsili had no choice but to glare at Yuehai and walked
behind Delis.

Delis raised her head, and Kingsley was stunned for a moment, but she immediately
understood, knelt on the ground and passed her thigh over. Delis took off the strength
from her neck, lay down on her lap with satisfaction, and let out a comfortable moan.

"Well~ I'm so happy today. Two students came to see me."

"Your Majesty, wouldn't it be very troublesome if many students came in one after
another every day, and wouldn't they bother you about your rest?" Yuehai spoke at
this time, and Delise suddenly answered calmly with her eyes closed.

"This is different for me. There are not many people coming anyway, so you don't
need to make an appointment. You can come whenever you want~~"

So long! It was the first time I heard Her Majesty Delise answer such a long sentence
in one breath.

Maybe it was because when Jin Sili arrived, there were more people than usual.

"Well, Your Majesty Delise, I actually have a purpose for coming here this time. I
wonder if you can help me clear up my doubts."

"Oh ~ Little Kingsley also has one?"

Delise glanced at the blond girl who looked down at her, and she nodded solemnly as
This made the girl with long pink hair sigh lightly, and then she stood upright from
Kingsley's lap.

She did not bend down and straighten her upper body like ordinary people, but stood
at a ninety-degree angle, slowly standing on the ground.

Just when both of them were surprised by each other's actions, Delise spoke.

"Ask. Since Libiance is on duty this year, if you have any questions, I will try my
best to answer you."

His temperament suddenly changed at this moment. The previous laziness turned into
sharpness. Although his eyes were still tired, his voice seemed extremely serious.

This made Yuehai and Jinsili both serious. Yuehai stood up first and asked

"Your Majesty Delise, I actually want to ask what should be done if I lose my

"This is a common sense question, so since it is asked to me, it is naturally because I

have asked other gods but were unable to do anything."

So accurate! Yuehai was slightly startled. Her Majesty Delise's voice was clear and
concise, and her tired eyes seemed to be able to see Yuehai clearly.

"Then I asked this question naturally because I wanted to rely on my experience as

the [Seven Sins God]. Unfortunately, I am not proficient in memory techniques.
Maybe asking Aquilis will give him a different opinion. , I’m afraid my answer can
only be the same as the gods you have met before~”

"One question per person." Dai Lisi interrupted Yue Hai's words, which made her
throat hoarse. Jin Sili on the other side immediately stepped forward and said

"I would like to ask how to evolve unique magic."

"Does it have unique magic... Let me see~" Dai Lisi replied calmly and calmly.
Kingsley nodded in agreement, and then her beautiful eyes widened, and a strong
wind suddenly blew up in front of the entire hall. There was just a buzzing sound, and
a red passport made of fish scales spread out with Jinsili as the center.

Seeing this barrier-like passport, Yuehai suddenly realized that she remembered that
she had fought against the opponent as Tyr during the Magical Girl Competition, but
she used this unique magic. Although her defense was very It’s amazing. Now that I
think about it, Yue Hai even suspected that the [Scale World] was stronger than
Dizi’s Holy Shield. At that time, Tier also had the talent advantage of being able to
break the barrier, otherwise it would be difficult to say whether he would really be
able to fight it. who can win
Thinking of this, Jin Sili's figure at that time suddenly appeared in Yue Hai's mind.
She remembered that she wanted to slap Mo Qingting, the defeated boxer, but was
stopped by herself. I am afraid that this feeling is still there now. Wu's hostility may
have been buried from that time, but she was not afraid of offending one or two
insignificant people. She just sighed when she remembered this
woman. . . . . .

It seemed that the sound she made during the decisive battle with Diz was hers.

'beat him away'

Maybe I was overthinking it. . . . . .

Delise groaned, as if she was thinking, but her tired eyes looked more like she was
taking a nap.

He didn't speak until after a short break.

"Your unique magic is of the enchantment type. In fact, unique magic reflects a
person's inner world. So how to make unique magic stronger? The first is to enhance
self-confidence. This is the most direct way to enhance self-confidence. Even if you
become a more powerful magician, your unique magic will also become stronger and
even evolve~

Second, see through your own inner world. Whether you are a person or a god, the
most difficult thing to see through is still yourself. You know what you are doing, but
sometimes it is difficult for you to control yourself, that is, your emotions go crazy.
In this case, you are alone. The performance of magic will become abnormal. This
abnormality may become very weak or very strong. The desperate mentality can
make the magician weak, but it can also explode with the power of destruction~

Third, that is what you are doing now at Avalon Academy, fighting with others,
communicating with others, and cooperating with others. What can really open up
your mind can never be self-taught. In Avalon like this The mentality of people under
competition will enter an explosive growth and decline. The strong will naturally
become stronger and stronger, and the weak will also become unknown. They also
enter the academy as geniuses, but the difference in mentality changes everyone. , so
unique magic cannot be evolved by thinking about it alone. "

Jinsili listened and nodded repeatedly, but Yuehai stared dumbfoundedly at the god
Delise who was talking in front of her like a cat teacher. This was completely
different from the one just now, the tone, the speed of speech, and Every sentence
was very nutritious, and she spoke out the first, second, and third points, her thoughts
were clear and there was no pause at all. This was not the Her Majesty Delise she had
known before, she was a very responsible divine teacher.
Issue 215 Mutation

Dai Lisi's words made Kingsley think deeply. She narrowed her eyes slightly and
held her chin with her right hand. After a pause, she answered.

"Does that mean that unique magic is related to one's own mentality?"

"Simply speaking, it can be understood this way." Delise nodded in response, which
made Jinsili also nod in silence. Yuehai glanced at the other party's thoughtful
expression, always feeling that Jinsili was different from the previous impression.
She is different.

After that, Delise turned her eyes to Yuehai, which made her calm down and said
respectfully to the other party.

"Your Majesty Delise, is there any reason why a person's fighting spirit never

This sentence made Dai Lisi's eyes stay on Yue Hai for a long time before she said

"If I hadn't sensed the evil thoughts in your heart, I would have banished you before."

well? Yuehai's heart skipped a beat, and she was really shocked by Dai Lisi's words,
and then asked

"Your Majesty Delise, did I say something wrong?"

"You didn't say anything wrong, but you said something that seemed insignificant on
the surface. People who don't have fighting spirit are just mortals. This is common
sense. Yue Hai, you asked me why a person doesn't have fighting spirit, just like the
memory I asked before. , these are common things. To ask a god specifically is like

Well~ Yuehai thought about it at this time, and it seemed that this was indeed the
case. After all, there were thousands of people without fighting spirit, but she
suddenly asked herself why the fighting spirit was not improving, which was as
childish as asking mortals why they didn't have fighting spirit.

But Delise also knew that since she could be asked, it was an unusual situation.

"First of all, let's talk about how this person who has never made any progress in
fighting spirit can't make any progress~"

Delis's words made Yue Hai quite happy. She thought that she had offended Her
Majesty Delis and would never see her again in the future, but she didn't expect to be
so generous. Sure enough, there would be people like Mr. Cumming among the gods.
character exists.

"Miss Dragon Slayer, you have to know that it is a waste of time to come to me for a
pair of bear underwear of your own, and I want to emphasize here that the bear
underwear fits your body shape very well, and there is really no need to cover it up.
Cover it up, it’s better to say there’s nothing inappropriate about just wearing it and
going out.”
While Tyr put on his clothes, he continued to 'persuade' in the magic sound stone.
However, the girl on the other side was already so angry that her face was so gloomy
that it was about to drip with water.

"Mr. Till, have you finished writing your suicide note?"

"They say don't jump into topics like this! It's just a pair of underwear. Is there any
need to make such a fuss?"

"What are you making all this fuss about? You, you pervert!" Long Tu suddenly
became angry and also stopped. However, the sound of fists hitting the wall could be
heard from the Demonic Sound Stone.

"If you hadn't asked Yue Hai, would she have told you such a thing?"

Forehead. . . . . . It seems to make sense. Tier herself thinks this is logical,

otherwise she would not take the initiative to discuss other people's privacy in her
Yuehai style. Then the only correct answer is to ask it yourself. The key point is that
there is no need to ask. Yue Hai is himself, but he cannot talk to Long Tu about this
matter. . . . . .

It turns out that the contradiction lies here! Tier couldn't help being dumbfounded.
Only now did he realize that he had trapped himself into a trap that could not be
explained at all.

"What? Are you speechless? Mr. Tire, I want to ask you why you asked Yuehai about
the appearance of my underwear."

. . . . . . "Um, this..." Tier felt like he couldn't explain himself. On the other
side of Yuehai, he was clearly in a very focused listening state, but here he still had to
explain such a ridiculous thing. Such a dilemma made it difficult for him to explain.
Tier finally gave up on himself, scratched his hair, and then said confidently

"Yes, I just want to know your underwear, what's wrong?"

"You, you pervert!"

"What's wrong with me? I'm proud! What's the matter? I've never seen or touched
me, so why are you reacting so badly? You showed me all last time, and I haven't
settled the score with you yet..."


Tier suddenly stopped speaking mid-sentence and frowned slightly because he found
that there was suddenly no voice from the other party. The atmosphere was
completely different from the previous silence of shame and anger.

"What's wrong, Dragon Slayer?"

"It seems that he came prepared." Long Tu said slightly solemnly.

Come prepared? ! Who will aim at dragon slaying? And judging from the tone, this is
a situation that is about to break out.

"Where are you? I'll be right over. How many enemies are there now? What's their
approximate strength?"

Tyr spoke a series of words quickly, then opened the door and ran while holding the
magic sound stone.
"No, it's just a small role."
When the dragon slayer said this, Tier was worried that it was because of minor roles
that it was easy for him to capsize in the gutter.

"Don't be brave, tell me where you are?"

"..." Dragon Slaughter seemed a little unconvinced, but when Tyr said this, she
frowned slightly, and then hung up the magic sound stone and put it back in her

Tyr looked at the closed Demonic Sound Stone and cursed secretly.

"Damn it, it happens to be at this time..."

At this moment, Tyr's mind suddenly flashed back to what the president said
yesterday [Maybe someday a stranger will show up and kidnap
you]. . . . . . So even if the president tried to protect Tire, it would be hard to
say that the others were safe.

If it is really that group of unknown high-level black hands, not even Dragon Slayer
can resist it alone!

"Hey, hey, little sister, I heard that you are already a freshman at Avalon." Standing
in front of Dragon Slayer were a dozen students wearing second- and third-grade
school uniforms. Any student who survives the escapade will have no mediocre

"I really can't believe that such a young child can pass the test."
Long Tu frowned and clenched her fists. Although she was angry in her heart, she
had to analyze the purpose of these people clearly. Years of combat experience told
her that it is okay to be impulsive, but she must understand the situation before letting
herself go. Temper, a person with a bad temper does not only fight recklessly with
others, but also needs to be able to analyze.

Otherwise, one person's fist will never be able to reach the palms of four people.

In Zhuque Ancient East, it seems that it is difficult for two fists to defeat four
hands. . . . . .

In short, the other party came with bad intentions. Long Tu looked around and saw
that the path that was previously sparsely populated by some students was now
empty. Apparently, they were driven away and intercepted by the organization to
which these people belonged.

Sure enough, he came prepared.

But why did he suddenly find himself? Let's not talk about her Dragon Slayer's
enmity with anyone in the academy. Just the actions of these people are puzzling.
There are more than a dozen people and they don't look alert at all. It is obvious that
they don't know her specific strength. The most understandable thing is that they
don't know her specific strength. It’s these people who are just testing
Issue 216 The Old Lion
Testing is the worst situation. It proves that there is someone behind the scenes who
is interested in her, but it can also reflect that the other person does not particularly
understand her dragon slaying situation, so she came up with the idea of calling in
some senior students to test her.
However, under normal circumstances, a freshman would have to throw away his
armor when faced with so many second- and third-year veterans, but Long Tu was
not afraid at all. In short, she had always been the best when faced with the
provocations that came to her. Punch back!

The next moment, Long Tu made a preemptive strike, and with a majestic flow of
body, technique, and mind, he narrowed the distance between the two to less than
half a meter in one step.

The expression of the senior who was still sneering before suddenly changed, but
before he even had a chance to retreat, Long Tu's petite fist had already swung up and
hit the opponent's abdomen hard.

"How can it be"

The senior's mouth was overflowing with saliva, his eyes were wide open, and his
body instantly turned into a bow shape, and then he slowly fell to the ground after
Long Tu retracted his fist.

His pupils turned white, and he had obviously lost consciousness.

The other students were astonished, apparently not fully reacting to the changes
before them.

Long Tu couldn't help but shake his head in his heart. Fortunately, these people were
still second- and third-year seniors. They had very obvious loopholes in their
responses to emergencies and their judgment of enemies. Obviously, these people
must not have accepted Yong Ye's teachings. Teaching, what she, Long Tu, admires
the most in the entire academy is the theory of the cat teacher. Basically, Yong Ye
can talk about all the practical things to the key points. It is a pity that the students in
Group B of Class 9 have poor understanding and can really learn from it. Very few
people arrived.

While thinking like this, Long Tu finished accumulating power at his feet, and his
body suddenly shot towards the other person. At this time, the other person barely
reacted and took out a staff from the storage ring.

too slow!

Dragon Butcher opened his small hand, grabbed the opponent's staff and pulled it
hard. The opponent's strength was completely incomparable to hers, and he was
snatched away immediately. Then Dragon Butcher's left hand was free. Seeing that
the opponent had lost his staff and was in chaos, he punched again Swung out.

Only this time, another student next to him slashed at him with a sword. The speed
was so fast that there was a sharp whistling sound in the air.

Long Tu frowned slightly. He didn't expect that someone could accurately predict her
attack route and time at this time. As a last resort, Long Tu had to retract his fist, put
strength on his heels, and immediately stepped back, followed by the long sword
struck by the student. It failed, but the Dragon Slaughter did not give up, but grabbed
the staff and threw it with all its strength!

This sudden attack caught the sword-wielding student off guard. After being hit by
the staff, his whole body hit the previous student, and the two of them were
immediately thrown away.

In just an instant, the three of them lost their ability to fight. Long Tu slammed his
right fist to his left hand and sneered.
"Since you want to come here to bully others, you should be prepared to be bullied."

"You woman..." Although these students saw the three people in front of them
suddenly falling down, they were not afraid. After all, there was only one person on
the other side. Even if they were far behind the dragon slayer in strength, they could
still use Quantity makes up for it.

"Everyone, come on! Let this arrogant new student know the pain we come here
should endure!"

This sentence immediately aroused everyone's fighting spirit, and one by one they
showed their weapons and either cast magic or slashed at the dragon slayer.

Dragon Butcher's expression remained unchanged. She didn't even want to use
[Xinyi] for this unstrategic team attack.

His feet suddenly exerted force, and Long Tu dodged left and right. He seemed to
have become a flexible fish swimming in the river. He could easily dodge all kinds of
long-range attacks, and finally seized the opportunity to attack the people not far
away. A magician punched.

The magician's face turned pale and he murmured quickly. A third-level earth magic
suddenly appeared. However, the Dragon Slaughter's fist completely ignored this
ordinary third-level magic and hit the shield formed by the magic. It immediately fell
into pieces. Without losing momentum, it hit the opponent's chest violently, and the
magician seemed to be thrown away like a cannonball, and almost took away another
warrior behind him.

The face of the third-year student who took the lead turned pale. He didn't expect that
the person ordered by the superiors would be such a ruthless character. He seemed
weak and could be bullied, but his strength was extraordinary. If he had planned an
ambush from the beginning and cooperated well, this battle would have ended. There
may be some opportunities, but right now, not to mention evenly matched opponents,
whether they can escape or not is a question.

Seeing that everyone had been frightened by her, Long Tu no longer pursued the
victory. Instead, he put his hands to his waist and tightened his strength. After letting
out a slight breath, he said

"Tell me the forces behind you and why you are targeting me."

"What's the force behind this? We brothers just want to bully the children when we
see them. How could we know that you are not a child!"

The shout from the other side made Dragon Slaughter suddenly show veins on his
forehead and gnashed his teeth.
"You must know that people should not be judged by their appearance. If you don't
tell me, don't blame me for sending you to the medical hospital to rest for half a
month in self-defense.

This sentence immediately made all the students' faces turn pale. This half-month
break is almost equivalent to cutting off their path in the academy. If they don't earn
enough points at the end of the month, they will be expelled immediately. That is the
last thing they want to see.

Just when the third-grade leading student was hesitating whether to say it, a cold
voice suddenly came from far away.

"It's pouring, it's pouring..."

This voice with a hint of sadness, like the whisper of a devil, made the hairs on the
hair of those students stand on end, and they made way for the figure in the distance
in fear.

Long Tu frowned slightly, what kind of kid likes to pretend to be mysterious so

much? There was no need for sneak attacks and other tactics that were the easiest to
gain the upper hand, but she still managed to create such a scene. I have to say that
the people behind the scenes who were targeting her were pretty stupid.

"Pitter patter, pitter patter."

"Xixixixixixi, are you bothered? The little one is here, the old one is here. What? Are
you finally done with the test?" Long Tu's sudden words made the figure who was
gradually approaching stop. After a closer look, it turned out to be a figure. There is a
girl with long wavy orange hair. She is holding a princess umbrella in her hand. She
is not wearing a school uniform but the kind of Lolita clothes worn by the nobles of
the Sikri Empire.

The other party looked at Long Tu, first he raised his skirt very politely and bowed,
and then he spoke.

"Hello, let me answer the previous question."

"..." Long Tu crossed her arms and breathed out softly. She wanted to see what tricks
this organization that suddenly appeared for no reason could play.

"My name is Agatha. Frantia is a member of the Eleven Lazuli Branches of the Old

"Old Lion?" Long Tu raised his eyebrows slightly. Someone seemed to have
reminded him of this name, and it was not a good thing. It seemed to be a
controversial organization.
Issue 217 Green Gold Eleven Branches
"Your Majesty Delis, I have something to do. I'm afraid I can't ask you any more."
Yuehai spoke to Delis, which made the previously majestic Delis expression
suddenly soften, and she became a little reluctant. said
"Hey~ Are you leaving now~~ Stay a little longer~~"

Are you a child? ! Yue Hai couldn't help but be speechless, looking at the other party
with a pleading look, but Yue Hai still decided to leave.

Before leaving, she glanced at Jinsili. She circled her lips but said nothing. When
Yuehai was about to walk out of the temple, Jinsili suddenly turned around and said

"Next month, I will defeat you and Tyr."


next month? Is there any special purpose?

Yuehai shrugged and didn't care about Jinsili's words. Anyway, she didn't think she
would lose to any of the freshmen when she was fighting alone. Even if Waltz really
didn't give her best, she didn't think she would lose.

"I'll take you out."

At this time, Fluorescence came from Dai Lisi's side, his eyes were calm, and he
nodded slightly towards Yuehai. Yue Hai quickly returned the greeting. After all, the
other party was also a god, and unlike Dai Lisi, this god had a quite serious and
aura. , unlike the God of Sloth, who usually has no majesty at all.
On the way out, Yue Hai secretly glanced at the fluorescent person next to her. The
other party noticed Yue Hai's gaze and nodded lightly towards her.

Her Fluorescent Majesty seems to be inarticulate, but she is not indifferent. Judging
from the atmosphere alone, she seems to be a very gentle god. However, judging
from her previous performance, she prefers practical actions to using words. That's
why he doesn't speak much. This is completely different from the feelings of Ye Xi
and Angel. Ye Xi's words are actually due to his personality. It can't be said that he is
not good at words, but he just doesn't like to deal with other people. Angel is directly
singled out. The side effect of magic is freezing. Speaking of which, Kalida seems to
be relatively indifferent. Although she will show a close side to Tsukiumi herself, she
still has limitations. She may still feel guilty for stabbing herself before.

But today, Elena took Kalida out to play, and by the way, she notified Diz and
Konstantin, asking them to protect the two elves in secret, so there shouldn't be
anything going on there.

But she always felt an ominous premonition about Long Tu.

"Yue Hai, do you know how the innate gods exist?" Huo Yan suddenly spoke at this
time. Yue Hai, who had thought that the other party didn't like to talk before, was
stunned for a moment before he answered respectfully.

"It is said that only gods with 100% natural affinity to elements can be called natural

"No." Fluorescence immediately shook his head and replied calmly.

"The true natural gods are created by the power of faith."

"Created by the power of faith?"

"For example, countless years ago when the world was empty and human beings
were born, the first thing they thought of was light. Then, the Supreme God who
dominated the light was born, and he sent light and warmth to the world. Then people
thought of breathing, and that's it. , the god who dominates the wind has appeared,
and the god of wind is also the first god to be born besides the Supreme God."
Fluorescence's words suddenly made Yuehai realize. She looked back at the temple
that gradually disappeared from sight, and she used a tentative tone. asked

"Could it be that Her Majesty Delis is a god born from people's laziness?"

"Yes, that's why Her Majesty Delise becomes lazy, but in fact Delis can completely
resist this negative impact, but she is also very lazy."

Fluorescent's previous words made Yue Hai think that Her Majesty Delise was so
lazy only because she was affected by the interference of faith, but the latter words
made her twitch the corner of her mouth twice, and she was stunned not to express
the emotion in her mouth.

"In short, you are also the only student who has been able to stay with Her Majesty
Delise for so long in recent years. She must be very happy too. I hope you can come
again next time."

Fluorescence nodded slightly towards Yuehai again, and Yuehai quickly returned the
gift. She couldn't accept the god's gift of thanks!

"Then, that's it." Fluorescence led Yuehai to the place where Yuehai appeared before.
Yuehai nodded slightly. The rabbit-eared lady waved her hand, and Yuehai's vision
suddenly became blurry. The next moment, when she recovered, When she regained
consciousness, she had already appeared in the Temple of the Gods in the Tianyuan
Hall. Yue Hai looked left and right, and saw that there was no one there. She thought
it was hard to run around, so she could only go straight towards the place where the
service staff had brought her here. Route back.

After completely returning to the hall of Tianyuan Hall, Yuehai immediately ran out
and rushed towards the nearest flight station.

"Eleven teams of lapis lazuli? You're still young and you've learned how to create a
name for your organization. It doesn't matter whether you're an old pebble or a
bastard. If you want to fight, just fight. There's so much nonsense."

Long Tu's concise and powerful words stunned the other seniors, but no one dared to
act rashly. They were already deeply aware of how powerful this girl was. Just
watching from the side, they felt that there was a huge difference in strength between
the two.

But Agatha didn't change her expression. She just slowly raised the fingers of her
right hand and placed them on her lips, making a gesture of silence.

"Did you hear it?"

Long Tu frowned slightly. The other party's sudden question made her feel puzzled.
However, following the other party's words, she couldn't help but let go of her
perception. However, there was no noteworthy sound around her.

"It's pitter-patter, it's pitter-patter, it's cloudy to light rain today."

Swish, brush, brush!

The sound gradually became louder, and Long Tu's ears suddenly twitched twice, and
then his pupils shrank and he looked towards the sky.

Countless raindrops like blades fell quickly towards her. The most important thing
was that there was only a small cloud in the sky, and the rain blades that fell only
came towards her.

So fast.

Long Tu's face gradually became serious, and he quickly retreated from his feet.
However, the dark clouds in the sky followed Long Tu like a shadow. It seemed that
they would not stop until the opponent was shot dead. The other students fled away in
fear. Kailai, the courage he had faced before to face the Dragon Slaughter turned into
air at this moment and disappeared in a rush!

The Dragon Butcher's feet turned in another direction again, but the dark cloud also
followed. The Dragon Butcher couldn't help but clicked his tongue and glared at
Agatha, who was like a doll.

For this kind of thing, all you need to do is defeat the Summoner himself.

There was no need for the dragon slayer to confront this dark cloud head-on. After
all, the summoner was right in front of her and she didn't need to waste so much

In the meantime, the Dragon Slaughter changed direction again, and actually changed
a dozen places on the ground. Then at the most opportune moment, he raised his fist
and swung it at Agatha.

"It's pitter-patter, the wind strength today is level ten."


Huge wind pressure suddenly appeared in front of Agatha, blowing towards the
oncoming Dragon Butcher. The terrifying pressure immediately lifted Long Butcher's
thin body, and the whole person moved back hundreds of times. Mi, then slowly
Issue 218 The Shopping Elf
After Long Tu stabilized his body, his expression remained unchanged, but he had a
new assessment of the strength of the girl in front of him. Sure enough, there are not
without strong people in the second and third grades. If this kind of strength was
placed a few months ago, Long Tu might have It still takes a lot of effort, but now it's
much easier to deal with.
The dark clouds in the sky followed again, but the dragon killer did not dodge. The
blue fighting spirit gathered in his right hand then swung towards Agatha, and a lion-
head-shaped fist roared towards the opponent.

Although this punch was just a test, the force used was not something that ordinary
students could withstand, but in the end Agatha muttered again

"Today, a meteor will land."

After the words fell, a flaming meteor actually fell from the sky, and it hit the dragon
butcher's fist without hesitation. The two made a huge sound, and the meteorite
immediately shattered, but this lion's head fist blast But it was completely blocked
and dissipated.

The dragon slayer frowned slightly and moved her body to avoid the rain of swords
falling from the sky. She looked at Agatha not far away and had an indescribable
feeling in her heart. There was always something weird about this girl.

"Carida, Carida, look, this is our school!" Located on Kaifa Street in the ninth school
district of Avalon College, Elena is leading Carida to walk happily. Although Carida
It is not exclusive to be with Elena, but there will always be some distractions. Elena
naturally sees it, but she tries her best to make herself appear very happy, so that
Kalida cannot become as depressed as herself. , after all, she had just escaped from
that person's hands, and all sadness must be forgotten, so Elena wanted to make
Kalida feel happy and not let her fall into a fearful mood again.

"School, red..." Kalida said lightly, and Elena nodded in agreement.

"That's right, our school is called Yusheng Building. From now on, Kalida will also
be a student here. Originally, there were only ninety-seven people in our ninth class,
but now there are ninety-eight people including Kalida, which is exactly a double
Count them."

Elena's smile remained the same, she took the other person's little hand and said

"Next, let's go to Clothes Street. The ninth school district is the headquarters of the
clothing department and makeup department. There will be many beautiful clothes
for sale there, even elf costumes."

"Elf's costume..." These words made Kalida's eyes light up, and this reaction made
Elena even more overjoyed. She quickly pulled Kalida and walked towards the
clothing street not far away.
At this time, the two figures secretly following him let out a sigh.


"Are you sighing? Do you feel that protecting yourself in secret is too annoying?"
Dizi couldn't help but asked when he saw Kang Shiding sighing. However, the
slender man scratched his hair with his right hand and said with a sigh.

"I just feel that this elf is really unfortunate."

"Isn't it unfortunate... It's indeed unfortunate, but now I'm very lucky." Diz couldn't
help but responded lightly as he watched the two Elena's retreating figures. Kang
Shiding nodded in agreement.

"I heard from the students in Scarlet's class that yesterday this man was called over
by the president. When he came out, he seemed to be a different person. He no longer
treated the students as unscrupulously as before. I'm afraid he was seriously treated
by the president. Warn you."

"Serious warning..." Dizi narrowed his eyes slightly. He recalled the scenes of
fighting the opponent in the sacred tomb, and couldn't help but continue to say to
Kang Shiding.

"This person is not someone who will give up after being warned twice. You don't
have to wonder about the simple question of which is more important, his life or his

"You want me to definitely choose my life." Kang Shiding couldn't help but curl his
lips, but Diz smiled and shook his head, then patted the other person on the shoulder.
"Let's go, we'll lose you soon."

"It's okay. You can follow up using your senses." After Kang Shiding said this, the
two of them started to take action, but he was startled, as if he thought of something,
and suddenly said


"What's wrong?"

"What did you defeat last time when you fought Scarlet in the God's Tomb? From my
point of view, you had the upper hand." What Considine said is not unreasonable.
According to Scarlet, Judging from his own strength, there is indeed some gap
between him and Diz, which is a pity.

"Don't you know how to feel involved?"

"Gan She?! So that's it, I should have thought of it immediately." Konstantin

obviously knew the role of Gan She, but Scarlet became even more powerful in this

"In this case, if you lose to Ganshe, then practice Ganshe to make up for the gap."

"I have already made this plan. I will slow down my research on sword skills recently
and focus on breakthroughs first." Diz's words made Kang Shiding slightly stunned.

"Is it so easy for Ganshe to break through?"

"I heard that only one warrior can appear in a thousand." Diz's concept of this number
is very clear, but he did not say that this magician is more likely to be involved. Only
one magician can appear in about three hundred. However, the ratio of warriors to
magicians has been one hundred to one since ancient times, so in comparison, it is
actually more difficult for magicians to become involved than warriors.

"As expected of Diz, giving an example can prove that he is one of the best geniuses
in a thousand."

"Didn't you ask this yourself?" Dizi couldn't help but be speechless. Kang Shiding
chuckled, and the two followed and finally arrived at Clothes Street.

Clothes Street can be said to be a very famous place in the whole of Avalon. All
types of clothing from all over the world are gathered here. Even the clothing from
the overseas Nylon Kingdom or the Holy High Church are all available, and even Hui
Ya's clothing is available. Both pirate attire and seafolk attire are available.

Naturally, there will be no shortage of clothing from the Elf Empire. After all, the Elf
Empire conducts exchanges and studies with Avalon every five years, so many
students in the clothing department also have many elves.

At this time, there were many students coming and going in Clothes Street, and most
of them were women. As for the boys, many were taking pictures everywhere with
camera rocks. Although this behavior seemed impolite, no one stopped them.

"Carida, let's go to this store." Elena pulled Carida excitedly towards a building called
[Home for Homes]. Diz and Konstantin looked at each other, and then He also
followed in.

The interior was very clean and tidy, not luxurious, but it also gave off a unique
exotic atmosphere. Elena pulled Kalida and immediately said happily towards the

The voice whose name was called responded, and then stood up from the counter.
However, his body was half a body taller than Elena and Kalida.
"Oh!! Isn't this cute little Elena? Shala has missed you very much these days."

"Hehehe." Elena laughed a few more times, while Kalida pulled Elena's sleeves and
hid slightly behind her. She seemed to be quite afraid of Sara's huge size.
Issue 219 Accident
"It's okay Kalida, although Sarah is an orc, she has a very kind temper." Elena held
Kalida's hand and said with a smile. Now she couldn't help but sigh, she must have
stood behind Lord Tyr like this before. But Lord Tyr always gave her problems
without protecting her. . . . . .
Under Sara's green-skinned appearance, although she revealed a ferocious face with
fangs, she was wearing a suit and had a smile on her face, looking extremely friendly.

"Little Elena, is this a new friend?"

"Well, from now on she will be our companion in Group B of Class 9. Everyone can
just call her Kalida."

"Little Kalida? I like this name very much." Sara nodded slightly towards Kalida, and
her kind smile made the tense girl slowly relax.

Elena nodded in agreement.

"Well, Kalida means a loyal girl in the Elvish language~"

"Loyal girl, well, this is indeed a happy companion."

"By the way, my name in the Elvish language symbolizes the invincibility of the
female knight." Elena proudly inserted her waist, which made Sara dumbfounded. It's
not like everyone doesn't know Elena's background. Remember Her companions also
said this time that this little guy ran away during a team competition, making her
master furious. This was nothing like being invincible.

"Anyway, come in quickly, everyone is inside."

"Is Sister Kerela here too?"

"Of course." Sarah's sturdy look became particularly respectful after hearing Kerela.
This made Elena's eyes light up and she said to Kalida.

"Let's go meet Sister Kerela. She is a student in the fourth year of the Golden Age,
and she is a top powerhouse in the fourth year. Most importantly, she is a rare fairy."

Among the elves, there are as many systems of elves as there are elements in the
world. Fairy elves correspond to the light attribute. On the contrary, the abyss elves
have dark attributes. The rest of the earth, water, fire, wind and thunder have
corresponding ones, and the empty attribute elves are in Nuo. The sub-world does not

Diz and Kang Shiding were following outside. They used their keen hearing to
understand the conversation clearly. Diz looked at each other and couldn't help but

"Who is Kerela?"

"The strongest among the students. Among the seven grades of the academy, the
fourth grade of the Golden Era is enough to be called an outlier. Even the seventh
grade, the highest grade, cannot be compared with the fourth grade. After all, the
freaks who appear in this grade There are so many geniuses, there are more than a
dozen students who have been designated as quasi-gods, and Kerela is one of them."
Constantine knew these very well. After all, he joined the Ministry of Information, so
he was familiar with some gossip. Or celebrities have some knowledge about their

Diz nodded slowly. This fourth year was really weird. It was said that when the
Golden Age was still in the first year, a student named Caesar defeated the seniors in
the sixth year. Although he also paid a heavy price, It is enough to see how powerful
the character Caesar is.

What is the concept of a sixth-year student? A more vivid analogy is to go outside the
academy and fight ordinary strong men. Avalon randomly picked a sixth-year student
and he could kill five of them at the same level.

This ratio of five to five does not seem to be that exaggerated, but as a strong person
becomes stronger and stronger, his experience will become deeper and deeper.
Whoever reaches the emperor level is not wily and cunning. This one versus five is
simply not possible. It's not a crushing victory in terms of strength, but a difference in
experience, skills and fighting qualities. To be able to survive in this pyramid-like
Avalon until the sixth year just thinking about it, you can clearly understand the
hardships and difficulties that you will experience.

So to be able to defeat such a battle-hardened sixth grader, Caesar, as one of the

representatives of the Golden Age, is a well-deserved genius.

"Speaking of which, what should we do now? It would be embarrassing if Sister

Kerela kicked us out after entering. After all, this is a gathering place for humans."
Konstantin's words are not unreasonable. After all, although the students are not
opposed to the admission of humans in the academy, they will always be somewhat
rejected, and more will be encouraged. Only strong orcs like Nonoka will be
respected by others. , so most human beings like to gather together and rely on each

"Among these partial humans are orcs, elves, and others?" Dizi couldn't help but ask.
Kang Shiding crossed his arms and folded his chest and thought for a moment before

"There are probably vampires, werewolves, and the like. There are actually many
types of human beings, but because they are on a human chassis, they basically won't
do anything wrong. Don't worry about that."

"Well, I'm not worried that they will be harmful to Elena and the two of them. I just's a bit [miscellaneous] for humans to hug each other." Diz emphasized the
word 'miscellaneous' , but Constantine shrugged disapprovingly.

"After all, they are a different ethnic group from humans. If they can't integrate into
this big society, they can only create a small society for them to live in."

"..." Diz stopped talking, just held his chin with his right hand and shook his head

"Anyway, let's wait near the door. Since it's something Tsukiumi-san has asked us to
do, it's naturally hard to refuse."

Since Diz was rescued by Yue Hai using a healing technique last time, he felt guilty
and grateful for Yue Hai's act of almost exhausting his magic power and fainting. So
this time, he was obliged to be entrusted by the other party, even if he had to queue
up every day. He also rejected all the training plans, not to mention that the person he
wanted to protect was Elena, so there was no reason to reject it.

As for Kang Shiding, he was completely in the strange creed of not being able to
refuse the request of a beautiful woman and agreed immediately. At that time, Yuehai
was still thinking that he had never seen him so active before, but now as Yuehai, he
just said yes with a casual word. He is faster than anyone else. It is not an
exaggeration to put more emphasis on sex than friendship on this person.

At this moment, a group of students wearing second- and third-grade uniforms

suddenly walked out of the crowd with unkind expressions and surrounded Diz and
Kang Shiding outside the store.

This move made Kang Shiding immediately gloomy, but Dizi on the side patted
Kang Shiding on the shoulder to signal him not to act rashly.

"Can you tell us what this means?"

"It's nothing. The boss wants my brothers to take you to a place." The leading student
looked calm, his eyes were solemn, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit, as
if the slightest conflict between the two sides would break out.

However, Dizi didn't care. He raised the corner of his mouth and answered calmly.

"I see, is your target me?"

"Yes, in a practical sense, the boss only needs you alone, but since your companions
are here, don't blame us."

The leading student's answers were extremely honest, but every word contained
threats. The relationship between the two was already on the verge of breaking out.
Issue 220 is weird
"Aren't you afraid of attracting the Discipline Committee if you act like this?" Kang
Shiding said in a low voice beside him. In a place like Yishang Street with huge
transactions and people flow, the Discipline Committee naturally attaches great
importance to it. If they start a war, they will definitely be punished immediately.
Discover and stop it.
However, the leading student sneered, looking at Kang Shiding and shaking his head

"It's impossible for this so-called disciplinary committee to appear, so if you know
what's going on, just go with us."

Impossible? !

Kang Shiding raised his eyebrows and glanced at Dizi, but the other party seemed to
have not heard anything and said calmly.

"I just want to ask a question."


"Have you investigated our strength in advance?"

"What kind of trouble can come out of the first grade? Do you think all students are
in their golden age?" The leader didn't want to say more. He winked at the thugs
around him and strode forward immediately.

Diz smiled coldly

"I'm afraid it's you who will come to the Disciplinary Committee when the time

"Hurry up..." Yue Hai was sitting on the flying train, looking at the scenery below
and couldn't help but feel anxious. However, at this time, she suddenly felt an
inexplicable sense of crisis, and the pores all over her body shrank. The whole person
immediately stood up from his seat and looked behind him.

At this time, a girl wearing Lolita costume appeared in front of Tsukiumi in the train
holding a princess umbrella.

"Shrink, cower."

This girl has a fair face. Although her body faces the sea of moon, her eyes are
looking out the window.

"Who are you?"

Yuehai couldn't help but wonder, the girl in front of her was really creepy. She
always felt that something was wrong. Just the fact that she was standing here was a
bit weird.

"Shrink, cower."


Are you shivering? . . . . . Yue Hai knew that this was a neutral idiom, but it
was really annoying to keep using it as a catchphrase.
"Miss Yuehai Hillier, right?"

The girl who spoke timidly finally said a decent word to Yuehai, but this question
raised Yuehai's vigilance to the highest level.

A stranger, with an existence that makes me feel weird.

Could it be that the higher-ups were going to arrest her so soon? But since the
president said he would block all pressure, this kind of thing shouldn't happen again.

Then, things shouldn't be as bad as imagined.

"Yes, who are you?"

"My name is Agatha Frontia. I am a member of the Eleven Lazuli Branches of the
Old Lions."

Agatha's indifferent response made Yuehai secretly relieved. As long as she was not a
high-level person, it would be fine. However, this was not the first time she had heard
of this old lion. She remembered that Angel was talking to her at that time. She said,
'Beware of the old lion.' Now that she didn't know much about the other party's
details, they found her first.

"Miss Agatha, what do you want from me?"

Although Yue Hai feels that this fight must be fought, it must be polite before
fighting. Even if it is put to the Discipline Committee, there must be a saying that
"this guy hit me first". Although it is a bit childish, but on the Discipline Committee
side That's it.
In fact, they don't study it very deeply. They only look at who is right and who is
wrong. No matter how many knives are stabbed behind the scenes by both parties,
whoever throws a punch in the face first will be the one who is closed. Just give it to
whoever you want to eat.

It's simple and crude, but this is the decision made by Panalope, the current chairman
of the Discipline Committee and one of the geniuses in the fourth year. However, it is
precisely because of this approach that there are indeed a lot less conflicts on the
bright side of the academy. Although more and more people are gearing up for the
dark side of the academy, there are indeed a lot less conflicts in the academy.

Agatha gradually put the princess umbrella on her shoulder, her eyes slowly looked at
Yuehai, and her slender arms were slightly raised.

"The boss wants you."

"Want me?"

"Everything about you." Agatha narrowed her eyes slightly, and then said to Yuehai

"But, I'm jealous of you."

"..." Yuehai didn't understand what it meant at all. Why did the boss want everything
from her? Why was this woman jealous of her? Is there any connection between the

But Agatha stretched out her fingers. Although there was a gap of tens of meters from
the sea of the moon, it seemed as if she was about to grab the sea of the moon.
However, Yuehai didn't realize until this moment that there was no one on the entire
flying train, except for her and Agatha.

"what have you done?"

"There have been no passengers here since the beginning. The weather just now was
like a mirage." Agatha's words made Yuehai more and more confused. She didn't
understand a word this woman said.

"Miss Agatha, if you still don't tell me your purpose, I don't mind letting you calm
down on the ground first." Yuehai knew that at this time, since the other party's
words had not been used for intelligence, she must let her own words go. It seems
richer, so that the other party can judge a general direction in a simple answer.

These were all taught by Teacher Yongye. The cat not only taught them practical
skills, but also had great opinions on language. No wonder Long Tu always praised
Teacher Cat for what he said.

"Shrink, cower, today, Miss Yuehai will be buried here. This is my personal and
arbitrary prophecy."

Yuehai raised her eyebrows, looking at Agatha's expression, she seemed to

understand her state.

This is probably something that has been circulating among students, maybe in the
second grade.

The thoughts in his mind flashed away. Yuehai was about to rush towards Agatha.
Although this girl looked strange, her body didn't seem to have much strength. So she
was probably a magician, fighting against the magician. Teacher Cat also made it
very clear that to strike first, you must be fast, so fast that the opponent cannot even
use instant magic. Only in this way can you get the highest benefit and the smallest
damage in the battle with the magician.

However, the girl with long wavy orange hair in front of her remained unmoved.
There was only a distance of nearly ten meters between the two, but Agatha was not
afraid of danger.

Just whispering softly

"Today, a meteor fell."

boom! !
A huge meteorite suddenly shot out between Agatha and the Moon Sea, smashing a
big hole in the huge flying train. With a click, the train was actually pulled in two by

Tsukimi's pupils shrank, she took two steps back and hid inside the front half of the
carriage, while Agatha was in the back half of the carriage. The two looked at each
other, but the two trains had long been lost due to the destruction of the train. It has
the function of levitation and gradually falls downwards with the force of gravity!
Issue 221 disappeared

Yuehai's brows gradually wrinkled, looking at the ground getting closer and closer,
fearing that he would fall in another ten seconds.
This woman is truly lawless. If there were students on the train, what awaited her
would not be college regulations but legal responsibilities. Killing without reason
must be punished. Even if the person is a strong person, he must be subject to this.
Unless the two have made a life-and-death agreement, an emperor-level cannot kill a
Qihe-level casually. Even civilians must judge according to the situation at that time,
otherwise they will inevitably be jailed.

These are the rules set by the gods. After all, the most powerful force for them is the
power of faith, and the power of faith always comes from the common people.
Without their loyal worship, there would be no gods with great supernatural powers. .
Therefore, the gods attach great importance to civilians, and those who kill innocent
people must be punished.

Of course, this is only the official statement. Although it is righteous on the surface,
there is too much dirt behind it.

For example, this time, I didn’t know what tricks were used to get this woman on the
train, but there was no one there. There was something fishy about it. Yue Hai
glanced at the ground. It should be the ninth district adjacent to the eleventh district.
Landing The destination is a park. It is estimated that many innocent students will die
if the pressure is suppressed.

Of course, this has nothing to do with her.

But if the other party comes to kill you, it would be very inconsistent with Yuehai's
character if you don't return the favor.

I will not offend others unless they offend me. This old saying is not an exaggeration
when applied to Yue Hai. Moreover, if someone offends me, he will definitely repay
you twice as much.

Yuehai strode to the break in the train. The strong wind blew up Yuehai's skirt.
Fortunately, no one was paying attention to this side, otherwise they would have been
seen clearly.
Yuehai didn't think so much. She exerted strength with her feet, hooked her right
hand on the roof of the car, and turned over to the roof of the train with a quick step.
Looking at the train getting closer and closer to the ground, Yuehai slightly touched
the train with her left hand, and looked at the other person. Agatha, who was halfway
in the carriage, laughed softly.

"Reciprocity is reciprocated."

All things are perishable.

boom! !

The moment Tsukumi touched the train with his left hand, the huge object turned into
a cannonball and rushed towards Agatha's carriage with a terrifying sonic boom.

Agatha's expression remained unchanged but she didn't make any move. The
cannonball-like carriage hit the other half of the carriage, causing a deafening
explosion in the sky.

Yuehai frowned without relaxing at all, murmuring in her mouth

"Level 3 magic, the sigh of the wind girl."

A huge yet gentle invisible wind enveloped Yue Hai. The speed of her fall became
smaller and smaller as the wind force buffered her. Finally, Yue Hai jumped lightly
and landed safely on the ground. .

The train in the sky had already been broken into pieces, but it could not have any
impact on the agile students.
"Has it disappeared...?"

Yuehai murmured to herself. When she shot the train towards Agatha, she found that
the other party suddenly disappeared without a trace like a phantom at the most
critical moment.

Is it some kind of unique magic? !

"[Old Lion]..." Yue Hai whispered softly to his mouth. They still haven't understood
the purpose of this organization. They attacked themselves for no reason. Aren't they
afraid of being watched by the Discipline Committee? Up?

"Then, I'm afraid Dragon Slayer is also an old lion."

When Tsukiumi thought this, he didn't care whether the so-called Agatha would
appear again. He changed his feet and headed towards the 17th School District.

Dragon Slaughter finally figured out the opponent's style of play. It was probably an
existence similar to a word spirit, but it was not targeting the human body but a word
spirit that targeted the weather or the sky. In other words, the person in front of him
was called Agatha. The girl has the ability to control the weather, and every kind of
weather can be used to kill people.

It sounds scary, but when it comes to Dragon Slayer, it's a little immature. Just the
medium that comes out of his mouth is already the biggest shortcoming.

The words are spiritual, the words are followed by the law, and every word has
absolute realization.
However, just like the state of Kong Shiding, the word spirit master can usually only
take advantage in the early stage. However, as warriors and magicians become
stronger and stronger, their immunity to the word spirit will become higher and
higher, so the word spirit master will become stronger and stronger. The spirit later
turned to controlling dead objects, that is, stone guardians like Constantine, who gave
an inanimate object a short-term vitality and became very powerful.

Knowing this, dealing with Agatha is very simple.


Dragon Tu thought about it for a long time, and finally felt that it was more
comfortable to crush him forcefully. After all, she had been chased by the opponent
for several rounds. If she didn't regain some face, she would not be Dragon Tu.

"Boxing skills, Xinyi!"

Dragon Butcher retracted his hands, and a huge inner garment spread out. All
external attacks could not break this barrier, so Dragon Butcher finally had his hand
free, and slowly stretched out his right fist, and the blue fighting energy on his body
suddenly It exploded, and then gathered around the dragon slayer's arm in circles, and
finally flowed into her fist.

"Boxing skills, one body enters the soul."

The coercion suddenly spread, with Dragon Slaughter as the center, the earth quickly
shattered, and even sank ten centimeters downward.

Then, with his fighting spirit completely saturated, Long Tu unleashed this punch.
With astonishing power, it swept away the stones and debris on the ground,
completely shattering the defense put up by Agatha not far away, and finally hit the

However, this girl should have been completely hit by this punch, but for some
unknown reason, her body gradually twisted, turned into a phantom, and disappeared
from the sight of the dragon slayer.

Long Tu put his hands to his waist and exhaled slightly, then frowned and couldn't
help thinking.

Has it disappeared? . . . . .

The other party's strange disappearance puzzled Long Tu, but she coldly turned her
gaze to the senior students who were secretly watching not far away.

Of course, Dizzi and Konstantin initially 'bullied' the seniors and called them
mothers. However, when Agatha appeared again, a big battle broke out between the
two sides. Unfortunately, the battle broke out too violently, and Fengji was eventually
defeated. The committee was still alarmed, but Agatha also disappeared in front of
the two Dizis. The committee personnel first detained everyone, and only after
watching the video recordings of the camera stones set up throughout Clothes Street,
they Dizi and Kang Shiding were released, and the seniors who had been beaten with
bruises and swollen faces could only be kept in a closed cell for ten days. After all, it
was the seniors who took action on this matter first, even if Dizi and the two resisted.
No matter how exaggerated it is, in the end the responsibility will all belong to the
party that strikes first.
Because the Discipline Committee doesn't care about the rules or your reasons. It's
wrong to strike first. If you don't strike first, can people hit you back? Will the
damage on this street still happen? Therefore, even if Diz destroyed the entire Clothes
Street, as long as the other party was the one who made the first move, then the other
party must be solely responsible for this responsibility.

Counterattack Issue 222

By the time Dizzi and Constantine came out, Elena and Elena had already gone back.
Although it was a mistake for them not to take care of them during the process,
everyone was happy that everything was safe and sound.
Just when Diz and Konstantin wanted to go back to their respective dormitories,
Dragon Slaughter's magic frequency suddenly came over.

"Diz, where are you? I heard that you were arrested by the Discipline Committee?"

"It's just a small matter, we just came out."

"Are you still over there at Clothes Street?" Long Tu asked, and Diz nodded.

"Well, we just came out of the Discipline Committee branch on Yishang Street.
What's going on? Is there anything important?" Dizi couldn't help but be confused
when he heard Long Tu's angry words.

Long Tu said

"Wait there, we will come right away."

After Long Tu finished speaking, he hung up the magic voice.

Diz looked at the Magic Sound Stone in his hand and fell into deep thought. Kang
Shiding on the side was equally puzzled and couldn't help but ask

"What's wrong?"

"The Dragon Slayer is coming."

"Long, is this the eldest sister of Dragon Slayer? What is she doing here?" Kang
Shiding now felt an inexplicable sense of awe towards Dragon Slayer. This starting
point was actually the same as Tire's, most of them were afraid of that little fist.

Dizi shook his head. Although the Dragon Slaughter's tone was annoyed, it was not
directed at him or Kang Shiding. There were other people, and the words were not so
anxious. From these points alone, the matter should not be unimaginable. So bad.

When it was close to the afternoon, Dragon Slaughter, Tier and others all gathered
together. Dizi was a little surprised when he saw the sudden appearance of these three
people, and then his face became calm. He looked at Kang Shiding and went to greet
him. .

"How about it, you guys."

Long Tu asked briefly. Kang Shiding was better at speaking, so he answered first.

"I met a group of inexplicable students. The first dozen seniors were not very strong.
Then a girl named Agatha appeared. She has the ability of a spiritual master, and her
attainments should be higher than mine."

"Agatha..." Dragon Butcher murmured in a low voice, which made Yuehai and Tyr
also fall into silence.

"What? Are you also being attacked?" Kang Shiding couldn't help but guess when he
saw the expressions of the three of them. Yuehai nodded slightly and answered

"Yes, I also met a girl named Agatha when I was riding the flying train. She smashed
the flying train in half with a meteorite."

"Broken in half?!" Kang Shiding couldn't help but gasped. This was simply the
behavior of a madman, and it couldn't be considered a terrorist attack.

"How many people died?"

"The person is not dead, and I don't know what tricks the woman used. She and I
were the only two people in the train at that time."

Yuehai was still confused about this, and continued to mutter in confusion.

"The other party seemed to say it was some kind of mirage weather."

"Mirage..." Long Tu repeated the word, seeing Yue Hai and others looking at him in
confusion, so he said

"It's just a virtual image created by the refraction and total reflection of light. But
didn't you use your senses to detect the moon sea at the time?"

"No, at that time I just thought these were real people. When I realized it, the train
was already empty." Yuehai shook his head and said, this was the truth. At that time,
the only person he saw when he looked back was Agatha.
Long Tu held his chin, his pupils narrowed slightly, and he suddenly asked

"Can you figure out when you met this girl Agatha?"

"It should be around 10:20 here." Kang Shiding glanced at the time display on the
Demonic Shadow Stone and replied in a deep voice. Yuehai recalled that when he
walked out of the Temple of the Gods, he also subconsciously glanced at the
Demonic Shadow Stone. Shadow Stone, based on the short time after boarding the
flying train, it is speculated

"Probably around ten-twenty too."

Long Tu saw that the two people were almost at the same time, and then she also

"It's like 10:20 here, too. Where are you, Tyr?"

Tyr raised his eyebrows and shrugged.

"I haven't encountered it here."

Even if we encounter it, it only takes a few seconds and is nothing to mention.

So, after comparing the three times, everyone discovered something was wrong.

"Isn't this Agatha the same person?"

"What did you encounter?"

"Holding a princess umbrella, with long wavy orange hair, and then talking very
strangely, shivering." Yuehai had the hardest time understanding Agatha's words.
Basically, she didn't understand a word from the beginning to the end. Long Tu
responded softly after hearing this.

"My appearance is almost the same, and my speech is also weird. It's just that I often
speak in a garbled voice, which makes people feel extremely irritated."

"What is the pitter-patter?"

"It's Xiaoyu's voice," Long Tu replied uncertainly. After integrating everyone's

words, he pondered for a while before saying.

"This woman is from the [Old Lion], and she is a master. Judging from the school
uniform, she should be a third-year student. It is really puzzling that this woman
Agatha appears in these three places. The most important thing is their purpose. What
is it again?"

When Dizi heard the word "purpose", he couldn't help but speak after hesitating.

"I heard from the seniors who made trouble before that it seems that a certain [boss]
wants to take us to a [place]."

"This [Boss] can be defined as the leader of [Old Lion]. Moreover, the most
important thing is that the other party has made such a big fuss and the Discipline
Committee has not come forward. This makes me very curious about what the old
Lion will do. There are so many benefits over there." What the Dragon Butcher said
was quite reasonable. If the battle between Diz and Agatha hadn't caused too much
trouble later, and it was in an area like Clothes Street, the Discipline Committee had
no choice but to come forward, otherwise he would probably have fought with
Agatha. It was the same with Long Tu, even if the fight was dark, no one would

"But then I arrested another senior. Because he seemed to be the most courageous
among the gang, I beat him a few times and vomited out everything I knew."

Long Tu's words sent shivers down everyone's spine, and they secretly cursed in their
hearts: Big Sister, your punch is enough to make people remember. That senior who
could withstand your punches for several times before confessing is enough to be
considered a tough guy.

Of course, no one would say these words, and Long Tu didn’t pay attention to their
looks, and said to himself.

"The name of this senior is Zhou Zhanguo. He is a Suzaku man. He only knows that
the boss who hired them is called [Fengdou]. He is a scary man covered in tattoos.
Although he is wearing a school uniform, he does not look like a student at all. Love
Gesha is also a member of the [Lengtou] organization. Although her level is not as
high as [Lengtou], she is still very scary. You should have heard that woman Agatha
said that she is one of the [Old Lions] A member of the [Lazuli Eleven], the boss of
this Lazuli Eleven is [Lengdou]. You can probably judge the strength of this [Lazuli
Eleven] just from Agatha's strength, but I People don’t like being slapped, so they
swallow the broken teeth into their stomachs. I don’t know what you think.”
Issue 223 Understanding
As soon as Long Tu said these words, everyone was silent. Only Diz maintained an
indifferent attitude. Others said they wanted to fight, so he would fight more crazily
than anyone else. Others said they wanted to investigate for a while first. Time, then
Dizi would not do anything reckless, that is, blowing in the wind, but the blowing in
the wind is a bit fierce, and if he cannot control it for a moment, it will turn into a
At this time, Constantine first said
"I don't recommend that everyone go looking for trouble. First of all, we are freshmen
and can be considered a vulnerable group compared to them. If it is an individual's
behavior, this breath must be taken out. But now if it develops to an organizational
level problem, Then it’s not time to act on impulse.”

"You said I was acting on impulse?!" Long Tu raised his eyebrows, which made
Kang Shiding wave his hands quickly.

"Why, how could it be possible? Sister, what you say is always right. However,
wouldn't we fall into their trap if we go there so rashly?" Seeing everyone's
confusion, Kang Shiding continued.

"Think about it, did the girl named Agatha fight with all her strength against us?
Obviously not, this is nothing more than a detection of strength. So if we really look
for it, I'm afraid we will fall into the trap that has already been set for us. The most
important thing about our good encirclement is that we don’t understand them at all.”

"..." Yue Hai was silent. If it were her before, she would probably sneer and kill her
directly. If someone comes to kill her and doesn't eradicate it, will it be over in the
future? Now, because of the president's words, she became more cautious. That's
right, not everything can be solved by force. If you rush over without knowing the
specific number and location of the opponent, you will probably be killed in one fell
swoop. Yue Hai has already experienced this once.

Therefore, Yuehai shook his head

"I agree with Kang Shiding. [Old Lion] is not an organization that we can shake yet,
but I will contact the student union about this matter. I am afraid that the previous
incident of the flying train exploding in the air will come to me soon. Just enough to

"[Old Lion]" Long Tu murmured. Although he was unwilling to let them go like this,
Kang Shiding was right. He rushed over without knowing the enemy's situation
unless he could crush them with his own strength. Otherwise, they would most likely
be caught in one fell swoop.

However, Long Tu was still unwilling, and he had an idea and murmured:

"Perhaps, asking Damiyala will give you some information."

Since Damiyala knows the president, she should have some understanding of some of
the criticisms of the academy. What's more, Damiyala is a descendant of the Convicts
and is extremely intelligent. I'm afraid there will be another explanation from her
mouth. .

"So, is this [Old Lion] the reason why you called me out?"

Damiyala made a sound of displeasure. At this time, Tier Yuehai, Tiz Konstantin,
Dragon Slayer Damiyala and others were sitting in a cafe in Clothes Street. The
empire-style cafe had Elegant decoration design, black and white as the background,
and a light fragrance permeating the clean hall. Six people sat on seats near the floor-
to-ceiling glass. Looking out, they can see the passers-by walking back and forth on
the street. .

Constantir and others couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when they heard
Damiyala's words, because Damiyala happened to be practicing in a quiet room when
they were hit with the magic sound stone. It was naturally not a big deal to be
disturbed by the magic sound stone in an absolutely quiet environment. Things that
make people happy.

However, Long Tu didn’t take it seriously and shrugged.

"You must know something, old lion."

"I know, but I don't want to tell you."

"You!" Long Tu pointed at Damiyala and was about to curse, but Yue Hai next to her
pulled the corner of her skirt, which made her speechless and couldn't help but retract
her index finger. Damiyala sneered, poured all the sugar packets in front of her into
the coffee, and then started shaking it with a small spoon. Listening to the clinking
sound in the cup, Damiyala supported her chin with her other hand and pressed it
against the cup. On the desktop, I couldn’t help but say

"beg me."

"Oh~ Damiyala, you are so fat and brave!" Long Tu wanted to twist her sleeves to
show her anger, but unfortunately she was wearing short sleeves, so she had to
pretend to do it for a while and slapped her little hand on the table. ! Everyone was
shocked and their coffee overflowed, except for Damiyala's cup, which was still
shaking with the spoon.

"Let me tell you this, I know the old lion better than Angel. She is currently fighting
in the wild of Mulberry Forest and can't come back, so the only one who can ask is
me. If you don't want to know, then forget it. ”

"You big-breasted monster..."

Long Tu's face was gloomy, but Yue Hai beside him kept tugging on Long Tu's skirt.

"Stop pulling! Your skirt is about to be pulled to the floor!" Long Tu yelled at Yue
Hai in a vented tone. Yue Hai quickly let go and raised his hands with an extremely
innocent look.

The dragon slayer snorted, then looked back at Damiyala, took a deep breath, and
kept doing nothing.

"That, please, please, please... you."

"Ah~~~Ah? What did you say? I can't hear you." Damiyala put her ear to the side and
asked in an exaggerated tone. The dragon slayer had no choice but to speak again.

"Just, just beg, please."

"Ah~~~~~~~~Ah?? Miss Dragon Slayer, please speak louder." Damiyala brought her
ears closer. Dragon Slayer grabbed her skirt with both hands, her face was a little red,
and she took a deep breath. Speak again in one breath

"Please, tell me the information."

"I won't tell you." Damiyala replied immediately, which caused confusion to appear
on the dragon slayer's face. The blush that had gradually dissipated was replaced by
an even redder anger. However, Damiyala continued to say

"Of course that's a lie. I will keep my promise and tell you."

As soon as these words came out, the dragon slaughterer who was about to explode
was once again suppressed. He felt unspeakably uncomfortable all over his body, and
his face turned red and blue for a while, which made the three Tiers sitting opposite
couldn't help but find it funny. , maybe Damiyala is the only one who can cure
Dragon Slayer.

Damiyala slowly picked up the coffee that had been mixed with sugar evenly, put it
to her mouth very elegantly and took a sip, then put down the cup and said

"[Old Lion] is a code name. The organizer is one of the four lions, which is the origin
of the name Lion. Although this organization is newly established, it has a history of
five years. This is different from those that have existed for a long time. The Blue
Sky Club and Dark Night Dance Club are indeed considered emerging forces, so
most of the targets they target are freshmen."

"That's what you say, but why do they want to snipe us? And it's not the first time this
kind of thing has been done, so why can they get away with it?" Kang Shiding's
question is extremely pertinent, and this is what everyone wants to ask first. Let's not
talk about why the Discipline Committee turned a blind eye to this matter. It is
puzzling to just attack them for no reason.

Damiyala shrugged and replied.

"Let's answer the first question first. The reason why I want to snipe you is actually
very simple, that is, to absorb fresh blood."
Return the 224th issue!
"Absorb fresh blood?" Everyone couldn't help but look at each other, and Long Tu
frowned even more. Thinking about the violent actions of those people before, she
couldn't help but question

"Are you sure they are not suppressing newcomers?"

"Suppression is of course necessary, because the newcomers in Avalon are all
arrogant. If this arrogance is not frustrated, how can we command you." Damiyala
said quite pertinently, and then she frowned slightly and looked at her hands. of
coffee, I couldn't help but open another bag of sugar, poured it all in, and shook it
again with a small spoon.

"The [Eleven Lazuli Branch] is led by [The Limelight] in the [Old Lion]
organization. The eleven branches are not eleven people. Don't misunderstand this.
This Limelight is what I said before, [Old Lion] One of the four tallest cadres, the
largest one is Lion Head, which is composed of Fengtou, Wutou and Dragon Head.
Among these guys, Lion Head is in his seventh year, while the other three are in their
fourth year. You all know that in the fourth year of the Golden Age, the three leaders
in the limelight are all masters among masters. If you go there with your strength, I
am afraid that the only result will be annihilation of the whole army. So what Kang
Shiding said is very right. I don’t know their details. When you are strong, you
cannot act rashly.

I have some impressions of this Agatha, and she should be one of the [Eleven Lazuli
Branches], but after all, she is a small person, and I will not deliberately write down
the specific information about her movements. "

Little people. . . . . .

To be honest, Agatha alone made them feel very weird, and they didn't know how
popular that golden age was.

Damiyala seemed to see Tyr's confusion and said casually

"Remember the last time Angel mentioned that you met Vanas from the Golden Age,
Tyr couldn't help but was speechless. Although he knew that everyone would know
about the scandal of being hanged, hearing it from Damiyala's mouth still made him
quite depressed.

Damiyala didn't care about Tyr's feelings and just kept talking.

"Just compare her with Vanas. That limelight is 30% weaker than her."

Three, three percent? . . . . .

Tier thought for a while, 30%. . . . . It seems that you may not be able to win
even if you open your [mind’s eye]. . . . . .

In fact, without actually fighting, it would be difficult for Tire to know whether he
could defeat the opponent with his own trump cards. However, Vanas was so
impressed by him that it should be said that he would soon become his own obstacle.
If he did not defeat that woman for a day, , Tyr couldn't raise his head in front of her
for a day.

"Vanas? Is he that leader in the golden age?" Long Tu folded his arms and couldn't
help asking in a slightly old-fashioned way. Kang Shiding opposite him nodded. He
knew these celebrities' information very well.

"Now the Golden Age has dominated the entire Avalon Academy. Among them,
Caesar is the uncrowned king, and Vanas is a strong man who can fight against
Caesar. Although I have never heard of the character Liangdou, it is obviously the
same A strong person, in fact, as long as he hears that the other person is a student in
the golden age of the fourth year, then it is correct to regard them as the strength of
the seventh year."
Repeatedly emphasizing the power of the Golden Age, this is the voice that Yuehai
has heard almost to death recently. She has been in Avalon for almost a month, and
the name of the Golden Age has been completely imprinted in her mind, especially
after being killed by that Valon. After Nas was defeated, Yuehai took the initiative to
investigate. In short, even from the current Yuehai's point of view, this golden age is

"Then the second question is, why can they get away with it? In fact, the president
once mentioned this matter inadvertently. Although he did not explain it to me in
detail, I can probably deduce from the few words that this old lion should work with
the Discipline Committee There is some relationship.”

Although Damiyala's answer was surprising, it felt to be expected.

After all, Dragon Slaughter, Yue Hai, Diz and others made such a fuss at the
beginning that not even a single member of the Discipline Committee came out. How
could Avalon be so negligent in discipline? There was only one reason, and that was
that he had been established early.

Moreover, this established relationship is not afraid of being investigated by the


In Yuehai's mind, the Chairman of the Discipline Committee, Panalope, who wore no
makeup but exuded a natural charm, suddenly appeared in Yuehai's mind.

This woman seems to be at odds with the chairman. The two were at odds with each
other from the beginning. Although the chairman must have higher authority than the
chairman, he may not be able to deal with her. That's why the old lion covered by the
chairman is like this. Arrogant and domineering.
only. . . . . .

Yue Hai always felt that the president seemed to have seen through all the situations.

And she has to play an unknown chess piece in these complicated situations.

Damiyala went on to say

"Anyway, there is no need for Yuehai to talk about this matter. I will say hello to Ku.
Although she can't eradicate the old lion, there should be no problem in letting them
tie their hands and feet. You dragon slayers don't even think about it. To repay this
slap, even if we really want to repay it, we will have to wait until the third or fourth
year. By that time, strong people such as Lion Head and the Wind have graduated,
and we have become stronger, so it is not difficult to control everything."


"To be honest, it's very unpleasant."

Faced with Damiyala's kind words, the dragon slayer remained silent for a while
before speaking out.

And these words were exactly what Yuehai thought.

Very unhappy.

Why did he slap himself in the face and tell them to shut up? Why did he have to wait
for those strong people to graduate and disappear, and then go and take away their
lair like a villain.
Coward, so cowardly.

"Dragon Slayer, what do you want to do?" Damiyala frowned slightly, her face
becoming serious.

However, this petite girl stood up from her seat with a whoosh, and clapped her right
hand to her left palm.



Damiyala was speechless this time. After talking for a long time, it was of no use.
This child was too straight-tempered and could not tolerate a little sand in his eyes.

At this time, Tyr also stood up

"I support you!" Anyway, with Damiyala's information, they are no longer novices
who have no idea how to deal with the enemy. They can fight!

"Classmate Tier! Why are you joining in the fun!" Although Damiyala's words were
still crisp and elegant, her eyes clearly wanted to eat Tier alive, which made the
black-haired young master shrink back.

At this time, Diz also laughed loudly.

"Since you are all going, why not add me as well."

"Diz, you..."
Faced with Diz's strong participation, Damiyala knew that this muddy water would
definitely be unstoppable, and for this reason, she had to join in.

After some discussion, Damiyala finally made the decision and said

"Since you want to regain this face so much, then I have to maximize the benefits for
you. First, we have to gather all the people we know well."

Damiyala took out a piece of white paper and a black pen from the storage ring at
some point, and started writing rustlingly.
Plan 225
"Me, Yue Hai, Ye Xi, Dragon Slaughter, Krad, Diz, Konstantin, Tyr, that's about
them. As for Elena and Kalida, I don't recommend that they come out together."
Damia La wrote the names of all the eight people in the group on the paper. As for
Angel, Neluke and others, they were still fighting in the Mulberry Forest, so there
was really no way to gather more people.

"Today I will let Kalida stay in Elena's dormitory, so that the two of us can have
company." Yuehai said lightly. Kalida slept with Yuehai on the first night after
coming out. Although Yuehai Hai is a pure man with an extremely pure heart, but he
really can't think of anything else when faced with a girl who trembles even when she

Therefore, it is obviously unrealistic for Kalida to sleep alone. Since Elena is the
person closest to her, she might as well sleep there today.

"Okay, then you can call classmates Ye Xi and Claude over. With these two here, the
overall strength can be improved a lot."
Damiyala said cautiously, which made Tyr feel a little cold, and the woman in front
of him saw the slightly raised eyebrow.

"I know that you may be the strongest among all the members now, but do you dare
to guarantee that you can fight against the old lion by yourself?"

Tyr quickly shook his head. Facing Damiyala, he really couldn't bring himself to
compete with her. This was not a matter of strength, but of atmosphere!

Seeing that Tier was timid, Damiyala immediately started drawing on the paper

"I'll think about it here. You contact Clad and Ye Xi first."


By the time Krader arrived, it was getting close to dusk. He only heard that Yuehai
wanted him to come over quickly, and it was also a coffee shop. He thought it was
somewhat similar to the legendary date, but he saw a group of six people in this
coffee shop. In such a posture, he suddenly became extremely disappointed. But
seeing everyone's solemn expressions, Krad immediately gathered his thoughts and
strode over.

"whats the matter?"

"We were attacked by [Old Lion]."

Yuehai looked at Krad and couldn't help but said. This sentence made Krad's eyes
widen and his brows furrowed.

"Has Yuehai been attacked too?"

"Hmm..." Yue Hai nodded briefly, but Kang Shiding on the other side fanned the
flames and said

"Yes, Yuehai was alone on the flying train at that time. The members of [Old Lion]
directly blew the train into two halves. If it weren't for Yuehai's third-level magic
with wind attribute, which is extremely difficult to learn, the sigh of the wind girl
would , I’m afraid I’m really going to be thrown to death.”

As soon as these words came out, a terrifying pressure spread throughout the coffee

However, all passers-by and students only felt inexplicable pressure, but they did not
know who released it.

Only the dragon slayer's pupils shrank, looking at the blond knight standing in front
of the table in disbelief.

"Have you learned how to feel involved?"

This sentence immediately shocked everyone, and even the students not far away
who heard it looked in awe.

Krad's expression did not slow down at all because of Dragon Slaughter's words, and
was as gloomy as water.

"Who attacked Yuehai?"

"Um, there's a girl named Agatha in the old lion."

Considine was affected by Krad's coercion and quickly answered. Krad's eyes
showed murderous intent, and the person who attacked Yuehai must be [evil]! Then
there is no need for him to be merciful.

Although Yuehai was very touched that Krad cared so much for her, she still asked in

"Well, Master Claude, have you really learned to be empathetic?"

"That's right." Clad saw Yuehai asking, and the terrifying pressure from before
immediately dissipated, and he said with a rather happy expression.

"Because I felt Scarlet's emotion up close at that time, I studied it silently for two
days after I went back, and finally understood the emotion this morning. It's a pity
that my current use of emotion is worse than that of Dragon Slayer-san. .”

"Just call me Dragon Slayer. We are all brothers who will go to the battlefield
together later, so don't be polite."

"Go to the battlefield? Okay!!" Krad narrowed his eyes slightly. This is definitely
good news for him. As long as it is someone he considers evil, Krad will not have the
slightest mercy!

"Brother..." Damiyala had black lines on her head. She didn't want to be called a
brother, and she didn't know where Long Tu learned this rough temperament from.
Although she dealt with women's matters in her daily life, She is very delicate. If you
don't count Long Tu's temperament, she is actually a good woman who can work in
the kitchen or in the hall. It's a pity that she is a little short, has a bad temper, and has
a chest, haha.

On the other hand, Yue Hai, although her appearance is impeccable and she is
undoubtedly the most beautiful woman in Avalon College and one of the best in the
entire empire, she is often careless in doing things. Not to mention whether she can
cook by herself or even clean the room. Although he looks clumsy and unexpectedly
cute, compared with Dragon Slayer, the feeling between the two seems too

When the sunset completely dyed Avalon red, Ye Xi walked into the cafe. She saw
seven people waiting for her, her face was a little stunned, and she couldn't help but
speed up her steps, and walked in front of everyone.

"Sorry, something was delayed."

"It's okay, sit here."

Damiyala patted the place on her left hand, Ye Xi nodded slightly and sat down.

As soon as she sat down, a wave of warmth suddenly rushed towards Damiyala. She
raised her brows and looked at Ye Xi and couldn't help but say

"Ye Xi, have you been doing high-intensity physical training before?"

"Yes." Ye Xi nodded slightly, which surprised Yue Hai, because this white-haired
girl started training in the morning. After training for a whole day, she simply didn't
take her own life seriously. If you are not careful, you will be doomed.
Dizi also frowned slightly. Among them, if they wanted to train hard, he was
probably the only one besides Ye Xi. But he knew what priorities meant, so he
couldn't help but say

"Strength is extremely easy to break, so you must know how to relax in everything. A
sword that has been tempered thousands of times also needs to be cooled by clean
water. If you continue to practice with such high intensity, you will only go in the
opposite direction."

"I know." Ye Xi nodded slightly, but he didn't look like he was listening. Dizi
shrugged, it seemed that he was talking too much.

Damiyala frowned slightly. She was concerned about Ye Xi's matter, so she should
deal with the current matters first.

"Then everyone is here, let's start the combat meeting."

Everyone nodded solemnly.

"Ye Xi may not be aware of the current situation, because I didn't think you would
refuse, so I called you over without saying anything."

"It's okay, just tell me." Ye Xi shook her head. Although she was indifferent to
outsiders, she took matters into consideration when it came to acquaintances. This
was very similar to Tier.
Extra: Six Dragons Slaying Chapter

Dragon Slaying Chapter

The huge ship slowly sailed into the ocean, and the endless blue water and blue sky
made me feel confused.

Looking at the distant continent outside the window, I sighed secretly.

Perhaps, I will never return to the nylon paradise in this life.

My hometown is also a nightmare that makes me fall into despair. I feel reluctant to
leave but at the same time I want to stay away from this land of right and wrong.

"The Holy High Church..."

I couldn't help muttering viciously to myself, grabbing the guardrail with my little
hands and twisting the hard iron sheet.

He raised his little hand, as tender as a baby, and looked at the five rings on it, anger
gradually welling up in his heart.

"Long Mian! I will never let you go."

Just saying this person's name makes me furious. If he can stand in front of me, I will
smash his head with my fists at all costs!

This is not nonsense, this is fact.

I must have a very scary expression on my face now.

There was a faint protest in my stomach, I snorted slightly, turned around and went to
look for food.

How can you be angry if you can't even fill your stomach?

I heard that this ship is at the ocean level, and it can face the demigod-level Kraken
without any damage. Naturally, to be worthy of the title of this ship, the facilities
inside are also all-inclusive. As long as you can afford to pay, then what? You can get
all the delicious food.

"Boss! Give me a portion of all the meat!"

I yelled this habitually. When the busy boss saw that I was so wealthy, he didn't greet
me with a smile. Instead, he frowned and spoke in a deep voice.

"Call me chef, don't call me a tacky title like boss."

I nodded. Even though he said this, his hands and feet were very nimble. Before long,
my table was filled with meat. Everything looked so tempting. My stomach became
more anxious, and saliva started to come out of my mouth.
secretion. . . . . . Then the aroma hit my face, and what was even more
concerning was the fresh looks in the eyes of the passengers around me.

This feeling of being watched as a monkey show made me very unhappy. I frowned,
and my feelings were immediately released, exploding towards the entire restaurant.

The terrifying coercion immediately made the passengers watching the show fall to
the ground one by one, bang bang bang, no matter they were women or men, I
showed no mercy to them. I enjoyed watching every one of these people.

"Young man, you are a little impulsive."

The boss, who was still cooking calmly, blew his curvy beard and raised his head
slightly to look at me. His eyes were full of wisdom. . . . . .

I'm too lazy to blame him. This kind of guy who seems to be pretending to be
mysterious at first glance has always selectively ignored him.

"Hey! Little girl, your reaction is too cold. After all, this master is also a master."

The boss was obviously a little unhappy. I felt that my lack of reaction seemed
impolite, so I nodded.


"Oh what is it! Girl, I am very unhappy when you talk like this."

Even though the boss keeps changing his names, I still think his cooking skills are
pretty good. These dishes can be considered a top choice even in the most high-end
restaurants, but the environment is a bit worse and the quality of the people around
him is not that good. Sample.

"Hey, little guy, just say something to me."

"Who's that little guy?" The boss's title became more and more exaggerated. I stood
up from the chair and patted the table to show my momentum. However, this reaction
did not make the boss timid. smiled.
"Little girl, listen to the advice of your elders and be open-minded about everything."

"I've always been very open-minded. Boss, why do you talk so much nonsense?"

"Don't call me boss, call me chef!"

"But you are the only one here, boss."

"What's wrong with one person? One person is also an army, and one person can also
become a disaster. We alone are a powerful team of chefs, and me is the greatest


I'd better continue eating. I've been busy avoiding their eyes all morning. Now that I
finally got on the boat, I naturally wanted to have a full meal.

Faced with my indifferent behavior, the boss lowered his shoulders, then took off the
tall chef hat on his head, and said with self-deprecation.

"Oh, no one would be interested in what a fugitive like me has to say..."

"Fugitive?" I raised my eyebrows slightly and looked at the other person's shiny bald
head, which actually had a lifelike phoenix tattooed on it.

"Phoenix head?"

"Oh? You actually know me?" Huangtou's eyes lit up. He looked at me in front of
him, his brows gradually wrinkled, and his unsightly bald head tilted slightly, as if he
was thinking about something.
"It feels so familiar...Have we known each other before?"

I couldn't help but be speechless. It's no wonder that my old friends may not be able
to see my current embarrassed appearance.

"I am a dragon... Oh~ call me Dragon Slayer, can't you see?"

What qualifications do I have to say my name now? If I haven't gotten rid of the
anger in my heart for a day, what reason do I have to use this name again.

"Dragon Slayer...I see, you are a dragon..."

"Stop talking nonsense, just call me Dragon Slayer from now on."

"Okay, okay, okay, I didn't expect you to be like this, a big girl, being hunted down
by them, you're shrinking."

"Who has shrunk! I think your brain has shrunk!" This guy Huangtou can't speak
clearly every time. I'm already very unhappy that I've become smaller. It's better for
this guy to shout out directly. It seems that he wants to become smaller. This desolate

"I said why did you escape here?"

"It's not a matter of your brother Long Tu. As a result, I took away the Defisan
family's lair and ran away directly to Gabriel."

"Where are you going Gabriel?"

"Hehe, I heard that the people of the Suzaku Empire are very beautiful. Let's go and
harm a few hundred of them for fun."

"You are a bad guy who wants to be bad to the end, but it's best not to take action just
because you have some strength. Gabriel's laws are quite strict."

"Hey! Dear little sister, do you think I am this kind of person? Don't worry, I always
like to be gentle and use my charm to conquer the opponent. At most, I can be a
heartless person and will not do that kind of heartless thing. Things." Huangtou knew
that I resented my friends doing dirty things just because they had some strength, so
he would comfort me on the surface.

I don't know how to actually do it.

"Anyway, it will take us two or three years to go to Gabriel Continent. Let's take care
of each other. Judging from your miserable appearance, I guess your strength is no
longer there."

"It's not just one out of a hundred!" I sighed secretly, and then looked out the
window. The passengers around me who had been stunned by my reaction were only
now slowly waking up, and they all looked at me with fear in their eyes.

fair enough. . . . . .

Anyway, now I don't need to have a good relationship with strangers.

Dragon Slaying Chapter [To be continued]

Preparation for Issue 226
"The first thing we need to know is the enemy we are about to face now and its
specific organization."
Damiyala said while checking the Demonic Shadow Stone in her hand.

"The informant who was previously placed inside Avalon told me the specific
location of this [Old Lion]. Let's talk about it in detail now."

This sentence made the talkative Kang Shiding raise his eyebrows and said with a
little freshness.

"Damiara, it turns out you have spies in Avalon. How many people are there?"

"If I tell you, then the heir will not be me but you." Damiyala looked at the other
party with a sly smile, which made Konstantin twitch the corners of his mouth, and
scratched his head in embarrassment. Scratch your head.

"You continue."

Damiyala didn't care either and continued:

"The official location of this [Old Lion] is that its headquarters is in the Sixth School
District, and there are three branches in total. Among them, the organization led by
[Headless] is in the Seventh School District, and [Dragon Head] is in the Eighth
School District. [Lengtou] is the ninth one..."

"Just do [Lengfeng]! It happens to be over here in the Ninth School District. Now go
over and smash some of his branches!" Long Tu slapped his little hand on the table,
and the coffee immediately flew out again, making the waiter scramble. Although he
was thinking Helpless but unable to show it at all.

"Wait, listen to me first, are you so impatient because you are short of men?"
Damiyala's casual teasing made Long Tu's throat hoarse, and he clenched his fist and
almost swung it out, but Yue Hai still worked tirelessly. Behind the dragon slayer
was pulling her skirt.

Long Tu snorted coldly and had no choice but to retract his fists, and lay on the sofa
with his arms folded in depression.

The others looked at each other and had no choice but to smile helplessly. Clad even
said "Sorry to trouble you" to the waitress. The handsome face and noble
temperament immediately made the waitress's cheeks blush.

"No, no, that's how it should be."

After saying that, he trotted away shyly.

After watching this, Kang Shiding couldn't help but beat his chest and feet, and
wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Oh my god, why do you let me get acquainted with this kind of ruthless friend? This
is my lifelong misfortune!"

Diz on the other side also patted Krad on the shoulder.

"With the emperor's daughter and the princess, and that so-and-so~ why do you still
like to sow seeds everywhere? It's your fault, Krad."

Clad blinked his eyes and looked at Yuehai innocently. Yuehai also blinked his eyes.
Although he didn't know why Clad looked at him, a smile should be enough, so
Yuehai tilted his head slightly and gave it to Clad. A big smile.

Clad couldn't help but pat his chest. Sure enough, Yuehai still believed in him. She
was different from those women who were jealous at will.

No, if you're not jealous, doesn't it mean it's not interesting to you at all?

After realizing this, Krader couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

Ye Xi couldn't quite see the situation in front of him clearly, and kept studying it with
the coffee in his hand. This was a very rare thing in the Suzaku Empire, just like the
people of the Empire used chopsticks to eat. This was a cultural difference.

However, Ye Xi still took a sip out of curiosity.

so bitter!

It was so painful that my whole body was shaking.

but. . . . . .

After thinking about it, I feel that there is some other flavor in the bitterness.

It seems like there is no need to add sugar.

So Ye Xi held the cup and drank coffee while blankly watching the others bickering.

"Okay! Can we finish this matter today?" Damiyala's voice rose slightly, and her
majesty with a hint of charisma immediately shocked everyone. Even the dragon
slayer was too lazy to argue with the other party. After all, she was also for Think
about the whole group.

"It seems that everyone should agree with Dragon Slaughter's choice, so the target is
the [Lazuli Eleven] led by Liang Feng. But to be honest, with our lineup, if we are
unlucky, we may be completely beaten. "

"How will you know if you don't try it! From what you said, it's probably the one
that's more powerful."

The dragon slayer couldn't help but ask, while Tyr on the side spoke in a deep voice.

"I'm here to block the limelight. You guys have taken over the entire branch!"

"Okay! I like your character Tier. You are absolutely unambiguous when it's time to

"That is!"

"Can you two idiots stop standing up and lowering the IQ level of the group? Let's
talk serious words here." Damiyala poured a basin of cold water down, which
immediately silenced Tier and Longslayer. After looking at each other, they had to sit
down. Come down and be quiet.

Damiyala sighed slightly, held her forehead and said

"The problem is with this [Eleven Lazuli Branch], of which Agatha is supposed to be
a member. The new blood they have absorbed recently has very weird and powerful
abilities, so the one in this branch should be the most unstable among the three
branches. of."

Damiyala then started drawing with a black pen on another piece of white paper.

"Damiala, you are a painter who can be said to be a painter with a soul. You have
completely exposed your ugly heart."

The dragon slayer snickered, which caused the black pen in Damiyala's hand to
freeze. If she were a warrior, the pen might have been broken into pieces by now.

"Little sister Dragon Slayer, do you want to listen anymore? Have you forgotten the
shame of crying and begging me to tell you the information just now?"

"Who is crying and begging you?!"

"In short, we have to be careful about these people from the [Eleven Lazuli Branch].
Other seniors can ignore it. I will also learn from Teacher Yongye. I wonder if you
noticed her when you were fighting Agatha. Iconic features?”

Damiyala's sudden question shocked Tier and others, and then they fell into deep

Iconic features. . . . . .

"That princess umbrella?" Tier asked tentatively

"No, this may just be her own preference." Damiyala replied, and then looked at
Constantine. The brother crossed his arms, raised his brows when Damiyala looked at
him, and spoke decisively.

"Big breasts!" Tier nodded in agreement, but Damiyala showed an indifferent look.

"You will be expelled from the ancestral home of Mobius in the future. I don't know
you." These words immediately made Konstantin's face turn pale, and he cried for his
father and mother and begged Damiyala to show his respect.
Damiyala didn't bother to argue with Kang Shiding, and immediately looked at Diz.

"Probably casual clothes."

"That's right, among the most popular organizations, only the [Lazuli Eleven] can
wear casual clothes. This is also a special reward that shows the personality of a
strong person. The most important thing to explain in such detail is to let you know
who should be careful and who should be careful. Please note that although I don’t
know much about this organization, it is obviously not a wise choice to break in
through the gate.”

Damiyala's words made the dragon slayer unhappy. He slapped the table again, stood
up and said

"I entered through the gate today! If I don't slap it in the face a few times, I won't be
able to sleep even if I go back to sleep!"
Attack No. 227
"..." Damiyala held her forehead and shook her head. Long Tu's remarks were not in
the manner of discussing with them. She simply looked like she was going to do it
Although it could be seen from the side that this incident made Long Tu very
unhappy. It might have been uncomfortable to be slapped inexplicably, but he didn't
use his brain at all, so he could only be slapped back and forth twice more.


Damiyala clenched her right hand slightly, tapped the table with her index and middle
fingers, and glanced at everyone.
"In the past, the opponents you encountered were less than or equal to your strength,
so you could defeat them with full confidence every time. But this time it is different.
We are at a disadvantage! Even if they didn't expect that we would sneak attack that
night , but even if we have the right time, place, and right people, we can get this out,
or even take away the branch led by [The Limelight], there is only about 37% of us,
30% of us, and 70% of them will successfully attack us. retreat."

"Sister, we are leaving soon. Can you please stop saying such depressing words?"
Long Tu couldn't bear to listen anymore and couldn't help complaining. Damiyala
paused and ignored Long Tu's next words.

"My plan is very simple. Make up the identity of their organization and destroy it
from the inside out. This can not only increase the chaos to the highest level, but also
use the crowd to hide myself. Next, let's see how we can sneak into it
reasonably. .........................


Before Damiyala could finish her words, the sound of slamming on the table
suddenly interrupted her words.

The Dragon Slaughter's face darkened and he said no more. He glanced at Damiyala
and then shook his head.

"Tyr, let's go."

Tyr nodded slightly apologetically to Damiyala, picked up the [Tyrant] sword and
[The Possessor] sword that had been put aside, and followed the dragon slayer slowly
out of the cafe.
Before Kang Shiding and others could react, Yue Hai also stood up. Krad wanted to
stop him, but his words turned into actions, and he walked side by side with Yue Hai
and walked out.

Damiyala watched them leave, the black pen in her hand trembled slightly, and she
sighed secretly.

"What simple-minded kids."

"Isn't it time at this age to do things that you won't regret?" Diz smiled faintly and
stood up as well.

"What you did is not wrong, but your concept is wrong."

After saying that, Diz also left the cafe.

Ye Xi said nothing, but she trusted Yuehai and Damiyala more. If she really had to
choose carefully, she would prefer Yuehai, but Damiyala's calmness made Ye Xi
choose to stay.

Damiyala sighed again, shrugged, put the pen and paper back into the storage ring,
and said helplessly to Ye Xi

"Let this place be given to those who can shoulder the burden, and we will do our

This was also the most helpless speech. He had said so much before, and it was also
to persuade them to be careful of the enemy, and to provide intelligence. But when it
came to the most critical part, the Dragon Slayer suddenly crossed the river and
burned the bridge, and directly killed him. Damiyala has been excluded from the core
figures. Since the Wisdom Faction cannot be used, we can only look at the
performance of Tyr Dragon Slayer Krad and the others this time.

After saying that, Damiyala left with Ye Xi. Kang Shiding blinked. He indeed felt
that Long Tu and others were too arbitrary. It was a pity that those who moved their
mouths could never defeat those who shook their fists. It was really difficult to say a
few words. To change the mind of Sister Longslayer and make her obey other
people's orders? Unless she didn't care about this matter at all, no one could change
Dragon Slayer's decision.

Unfortunately, three to five, this situation forced Kang Shiding and others to give up
thinking and instead wave their limbs directly.

Seeing that everyone had taken a stand, Kang Shiding also stood up and was about to
walk out when the waitress from before trotted over and said with a smile

"Sir, please settle the bill. The total is twenty points."

"Huh?" Kang Shiding was stunned. It took him a while to realize what he was doing.
Looking at the people who had disappeared, he couldn't help gritting his teeth.

"You bastards! The points must be shared equally!!"

As night falls, the old lion is still active tonight. The branch located in the ninth
school district belongs to the "Eleven Lazuli Branch" led by "Lengdou".

This organization was established on the edge of the Ninth School District, very close
to the Eighth School District.
The building where the Qingjin 11th Branch is located is the most eye-catching
building in the entire edge area. However, this building is mostly rented to other
people. The real hiding place is in the basement. Although it cannot be said to be very
hidden, it is better than the eye-catching one. It's better to live in a building and be
harassed by retaliatory students.

The basement is also divided into three floors. The first underground floor is a space
used by ordinary members of the entire branch. The second underground floor is for
the core cadres of the "Eleven Lazuli Branch". The third underground floor becomes
the location of "The Limelight".

"How about it? How many people did the boss specify?"

A man with rose tattoos all over his body delicately trims his nails. Although this
action is extremely charming, the posture lying on the big bed is equally graceful, but
it is a pity that this is a strong man with eight-pack abs!

His lips were covered with thick lipstick, and there were four buckles hanging on
each side of his ears. His questioning voice was even more delicate.

Although the scene in front of her was like this, the girl standing in front of her still
didn't change her expression. She held the princess umbrella in her hand and spoke

"Loosely loose, loosely loose..."

Repeating these words, the girl said again

"The strength is not weak. There is one person who I am no match for."
"Oh? Which one?" Fengtou was still looking at his fingers. Although the manicured
nails already looked extremely smooth, he was still polishing them tirelessly.

"Little Tyr?"

"No, it's a girl named Yue Hai." The girl holding the princess umbrella answered
immediately, which made Fengtou pause in his hands and slightly raised his head to
look at her.

"Yuehai? How strong can a vase like that be?"

The words that seemed like questions left the girl with no way to explain, so she
could only answer intuitively.

"I can't think of a way to defeat her. Her speed, reflexes and aggressiveness are very
high. If we fight head-on, I will lose."

There was no cover-up at all, which made the limelight even more serious. After all,
there were not many second- and third-year students who could defeat Agatha, but
now they jumped out of the moon sea. Coupled with the previous intelligence, this
Tier is probably a tough one. idea, so they [Old Lion] were only prepared to test the
dragon slayer and others, but Tire was only doing surveillance from a distance.

"I know, thank you for your hard work, Agatha."

"No, everything is for adults."

"Well, it's all for the boss." Fengtou and Agatha immediately showed expressions of
reverence when they talked about that adult. However, before their emotions were
over, the entire basement suddenly shook violently. Everyone was surprised and
could only hear the roar of Todoroki. With a sound, the ceiling of the basement
Issue 228: The Beast of Blessing
The huge explosion brought the conversation between the two to an abrupt end. Feng
Tou frowned slightly and winked at Agatha. The curly-haired girl bowed slightly and
disappeared from Feng Tou's sight like a phantom.

Long Tu clapped his little hands, looked at the large hole with a radius of ten meters
under his feet, and breathed a sigh of relief.


The other companions who followed had speechless expressions. Although Tier was
used to the opponent's attack-first-attack style, the others were not used to it. Before
they had time to prepare, a big hole was opened under their feet by the opponent.

At this moment, Damiyala regretted leading this reckless woman!


The shattering of the floor on the first floor means that countless gravel will be
scattered on the underground floor. Some students who were unable to dodge were
caught off guard and their heads were smashed with blood. But after all, they were
seniors in the second and third grades, so it was not enough. As a result, they would
be seriously injured, but by the time they reacted, a petite figure had already landed
with great power!
boom! !

She grabbed the two students' heads with both hands and slammed them to the
ground. The floor made of gravel suddenly shattered, and the two students also lost

She slowly let go, her eyes were filled with murderous intent, and her fists were
clenched. The next moment, seven other figures descended, and at the same time,
Long Tu spoke calmly with a cold voice.


As soon as these words were spoken, the entire space suddenly condensed into a
series of transparent sword bodies, and the number was increasing. In just a moment,
it had reached the point of making people's scalp numb.

Tyr's momentum gradually increased, and the sword in his hand suddenly thrust
towards the ground.

Heavenly Sword Yixin, third form.

Like the sky.

If the greeting gift is not big enough, it will be difficult to stir up a scene. Tier knew
very well, so he had no intention of hiding his strength from the beginning.

Swish, brush, brush! !

Countless sword bodies began to scatter in all directions, and the terrifying meteor-
like moves immediately caused these members to flee in a hurry without any
intention of resisting. This is Tier now. The moves he unleashes can make ordinary
people think twice just by being serious. The third grader felt hopeless.


Suddenly a roar spread out from the crowd, and the sword that was supposed to be
invincible was actually blocked at this moment.

Bang bang!

Huge vibrations came from the ground at this moment, the basement was gradually
illuminated, and a huge tiger appeared in everyone's field of vision. The pressure of
the king of beasts suddenly spread to the entire audience, and the third move shot
down Most of the sword body was blown away by the tiger's claws. The members of
the Old Lion all expressed sincere surprise when they saw it, but Tier raised his
eyebrows slightly. Although the third move was blocked by the opponent, he didn't
care at all.

"Bold! Do you know where this is!"

At this time, a man wearing animal skin appeared on the head of the huge lion.
Constantine could not help but frown slightly when he saw it.

"Be careful, this person is the powerful [Beast of Blessing] Ramarak in the third year.
And judging from Damiyala's description, he should be a member of the [Eleven
Lazuli Branch]."

"Blessed beast, beast tamer?" Dragon Butcher's expression remained unchanged, and
Kang Shiding on the side shrugged and said.
"Leave this to me first. I'm afraid this first level is the weakest. Just stay here and fool


Dragon Tu made an extremely decisive decision, and regardless of other people's

opinions, he smashed his fist against the floor again, and the cracks immediately
collapsed. The next moment, a large hole with a radius of about twenty meters
suddenly appeared. Tier and others looked at each other quite. I am speechless, this
has gone beyond cutting first and playing later to the level of going my own way. It is
not an exaggeration to call it willful, but it is a pity that no one here will protest.

When Dragon Slayer Tier and his party landed on the second floor, Constantine, who
was still on the first floor, looked at the hundreds of students in front of him, the huge
tiger, and Lamalak with a ferocious face, and he couldn't help but reveal a hint of
forced smile

"At least hold on for ten minutes."

"Get out!" Lamalak shouted, and then the huge tiger walked straight towards
Konstantin with heavy steps.

"Get down!!" Kang Shiding stared, and the power of the spirit of speech spread out
immediately. An inexplicable pressure was exerted on the tiger, causing it to stagnate.
However, it could not completely stop the giant beast.

Kang Shiding's face darkened. Sure enough, the tiger's level had exceeded the limit of
his speech spirit.
In this case, it will be difficult to deal with it.

At this moment, a melodious song came, and a transparent jellyfish suddenly

appeared in front of the tiger. The tiger wanted to grab it and tear it apart, but found
that the elasticity of the jellyfish was even more amazing than imagined, and it
actually broke the whole jellyfish. The body bounced back.

Kang Shiding was stunned for a moment. Looking at the girl singing behind him, his
eyes gradually widened.


Damiyala slightly raised her eyes, and although she was still singing a beautiful song,
she looked very disgusted with Constantine. This made the bohemian young man
hold his breath in his chest, but he was helpless. After all, he was a powerful figure in
the family. It only takes a matter of minutes to crush him. When he was a child, he
had seen a lot of Damiyala's tricks. Although Konstantin looked like he could laugh
off everything, he really couldn't laugh in front of Damiyala. stand up.

Lamarak frowned, and the muscular body immediately jumped off the tiger's head.

"You actually dare to break into the chassis of [Eleven Lazuli Branches]. It seems
that you are impatient!"

After saying that, he slapped his thick arm on the floor, and the huge force
immediately shattered the entire stone slab.

Just hearing him yell "The beast is coming", an even bigger Rhino Newton suddenly
"What is this?!" Konstantin was surprised and stepped back. Damiyala narrowed her
eyes slightly, stopped singing, and whispered

"Unique magic."

"Unique magic?! But this man is not a warrior... A practitioner of both magic and
martial arts?!" Kang Shiding, who immediately reacted, saw the huge rhinoceros
rushing over in an instant, and couldn't help but speak again.


The rhinoceros hesitated and almost fell. Damiyala sang at the same time. A small
white snake floated in the void and rushed towards the rhinoceros as fast as lightning.
It suddenly stretched when the rhinoceros was about to stabilize its body. The body
turned its two front legs several times and tied them together. The rhinoceros could
not move under its feet, so it was crushed by the inertia of its own running and fell

The ground cracked again. Fortunately, the floor was strong enough, otherwise the
entire underground floor would have collapsed with just such a swing.

[Beast of Blessing] Ramalac's face was gloomy, and he couldn't help but growl when
he looked at the two people in front of him.

"You bastards!"

After Long Tu and others landed, the view of the second underground floor suddenly
expanded again. Compared with the dense crowd on the first floor, there was no one
here, and the steps under their feet could be heard.

"No one?" Long Tu frowned. If there really was no one, then she would stop
The 229th Issue of Limelight
At this moment, an elegant man wearing a white robe suddenly appeared. He had a
strong bookish aura, and the expression on his face was extremely peaceful. It was
hard to imagine that he would be the same as [Eleven Lazuli Branches], who was so
sinful. Organizations are involved.

"You should be the ones Agatha attacked during the day."

The man's tone was light, not like asking, but more like self-affirmation. He glanced
at everyone, opened the folding fan in his hand with a snap, and slightly raised the
corners of his mouth.

"I didn't expect that you would be unable to restrain yourself and come over that

"Are they from the eleventh branch of Qingjin again?" Yuehai's voice reached the
ears of Clad and others, but Kang Shiding and Damiyala, who knew the news best, all
chose to stay up there. The true situation is not yet known. Easy to say.

"Why does he care so much? I'm just here to cause trouble today. Do you think I can
do whatever I want with my power? How can I swallow this tone without making you
pay some price?"

After Long Tu finished speaking, his fists had already been clenched, and he didn't
even bother to ask the opponent's name before launching an offensive.
The man did not dodge or dodge, and Long Tu immediately punched the opponent.
The force hit the opponent's chest with full force, causing him to vomit blood and his
face suddenly turned pale. It was just the result of falling down with one blow. But it
gave everyone a bad feeling.

"Ahem, classmate, you hurt me."

The man's eyes suddenly showed fierceness. Although Long Tu's punch did not use
all his strength, it could still seriously injure a weak magician. However, it seemed
that the injury was exactly what the man wanted. .

Not only Tire, but also Claddiz and others were surprised by the man in front of
them. The loser who was obviously injured with one punch showed a strange smile at
this time.

Just when everyone was confused, only Ye Xi felt something unusual. Before he
could even say anything, he suddenly jumped to the first floor. That swift gesture
made the injured man stunned, but I can’t control that much anymore.

If he continues to linger, not to mention the white-haired girl, even these people will
have to react.

His white palms were gently touching the ground, and the cold touch made him
tremble all over. The next moment, a black and white light suddenly spread out,
illuminating the entire space in just the blink of an eye.

"Unique magic, chess game."

Buzz buzz.
In the blink of an eye, everyone's feet were suddenly divided into squares, and an
invisible force of restraint enveloped them all.

"This is..." Long Tu felt exhausted all over, and the powerful force that bound him
felt unbreakable. The same was true for everyone else. The man in the white robe
spat out another breath. Blood, he suddenly smiled, which was completely
inconsistent with his previous impression of elegance. He covered his chest and
slowly stood up, saying arrogantly.

"My unique magic can only be activated by being hurt by others, and the more
serious the injury, the stronger the binding force will be. You, a group of newborn
calves who are not afraid of tigers, do you really think that you can come wherever
you want? It’s really unbelievable.”

Tier was speechless when he heard this. Why do they always like to explain all their
moves when they talk? Although they look very powerful, can't they just prescribe
the right medicine? Telling your secret skills to the enemy is a stupid mistake.

Tyr shrugged slightly, not bothering to argue with the other party. Since the Dragon
Slaughter was talking about causing trouble, there was no need to negotiate with

So his whole body shook slightly, and the [chess game] that had previously had a
strong binding force was shattered in an instant. The man's smile suddenly froze, and
before his mind could react, Tier's figure had already appeared in front of him.

Everything can be strong.

With a single punch hitting the man's abdomen, the [chess game] suddenly dissipated,
and the man who was so arrogant before also lost consciousness.
No one was surprised. Although they didn't know how Tier cracked the [chess game],
they all had their own cracking methods. Ye Xi, who had previously been uncertain
about the game, also fell down at this moment. Seeing that the matter had been
resolved, his expression changed. Change and slowly walk into the team.

"I thought I could try the use of Sensing, but it's a pity that Tyr is too strong now, and
it's really difficult for ordinary people to restrain him." Krad said lightly with a smile.
Others were also quite helpless. Now Tyr He is simply a human-shaped cannonball.
There seems to be nothing that can stop him wherever he goes. It's just that others
don't know it, but Dragon Slaughter knows that although Tire's strength has increased
dramatically now, he is probably still using the ability to break the barrier to solve
this [chess game]. innate skills.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from the underground. The roar that
seemed to come from the abyss shocked everyone.

"How dare you come to your door? It seems that your dominance during the
freshman period made you forget that the sky is high and the earth is high."

Everyone looked solemn at this moment, and the charming male voice spoke again

"Others, please don't take action. No matter what happens, it's still you who will lose.
Leave it to me this time."

"Yes." A neat voice of respect echoed in the space at this time. When Long Tu and
others reacted, they found six students in casual clothes bowing slightly, showing
respect for the previous voice.

"When were they there?" Tire couldn't help but wonder, Krader answered on the side
"One of them may be a magician with the ability to become invisible. This can make
the man from before suddenly appear."

Tier nodded slightly. Although the invisibility seemed scary, it could be clearly
detected using perception, so the people of the Eleven Lazuli Branch did not dare to
approach rashly.

In fact, the people of the Eleven Blue and Gold Branch did not take Tier and others
seriously at all. If they were willing, they could have swarmed up and dealt them an
unprepared blow.

The man who started the [Chess Game] was indeed enough to catch Tier and the
others. Even if the other party had a way to break free, this man also had many back-
ups. It was a pity that he encountered Tier, who didn't play his cards according to the
routine at all. Opponent, directly eliminate [Chess Game] using talent skills.

The man on the third floor underground, [Lengdou], has a very simple idea. He does
not think that the members of the 11th team of Green Gold will lose to these
freshmen, but if he is not careful, he may be injured, which is very important to him.
It is said to be very uneconomical.

Therefore, you can crush it without any damage by doing it yourself. This way, you
don’t need to waste time and effort, but you can also get the same results. Wouldn’t
everyone be happy?

He let out a slight breath and sat up from the soft pink bed. The silky silk slipped
from his body, revealing a body covered with rose tattoos. He looked at himself in the
mirror and couldn't help but blush on his face. , with his arms wrapped around him,
looking extremely intoxicated, and then he turned his attention to a school uniform
beside him
The spiritual impact of the 230th issue
The next moment, a man wearing a female school uniform [Lengdou] appeared in
front of everyone. His calm posture immediately shocked Tier and others. More than
just shock, it was simply a shock to their hearts. Looking at a burly man Wearing
women's clothes and looking coquettish, this is obviously not a mental shock that
ordinary people can bear. Even the dragon slayer's face is also pale, and he looks like
he is about to vomit if he is not careful.

"Is this, is this [the limelight]?" Clad's face looked equally good. He glanced at the
companions around him and found that the others had also suffered a lot of mental
damage. He couldn't help but gasped.

"As expected of the enemy leader, this move is really powerful!"

No, this is obviously the enemy leader's bad taste, Tier secretly cursed, but the visual
impact of this bad taste is too strong, even the calmest Ye Xi also took several steps
back, obviously disgusted Not light.

"Oh~ are you also conquered by my beauty? Today's young people just can't hold
their breath~"

As soon as Feng Dong said these words, Long Tu immediately covered his cherry
mouth and almost vomited.

"Don't be shy~ Don't worry, little girl, I only like men~ So, if anyone is caught by me
in a while, they will have to suffer a small punishment~"

Tyr's old face twitched and he couldn't help but take a step back. Compared with the
crisis of life and death, a stronger sense of crisis suddenly filled his heart. Not only
Tyr, but also Clad Diez and others also felt an unusual feeling. Aversion to cold.

Even Kang Shiding, who was still fighting on the ground floor, felt an inexplicable
coldness, which penetrated from the soles of his feet into his bone marrow and finally
hit the top of his head. Goosebumps appeared all over his body, and he almost
misread Yan Ling with a shiver in his mouth.

"Are you the pervert who is in the limelight?"

When Long Tu finally regained his composure, he immediately questioned the other
party bluntly. However, Liang Du held his chest indifferently and spoke calmly.

"Guess, guess~"

"I, I, oh, I'll go!" Long Tu seemed to be a ignited bomb. At this moment, it finally
exploded under the opponent's provocative gaze. The members were also livid.
Although they respected the limelight, it was only respect based on strength. As for
those special hobbies, it was really hard to compliment them.

Dragon Slaughter strode forward, and Tyr followed closely behind. I am afraid that
dealing with Liliu can no longer be measured by one-on-one. The opponent is a
strong man from the golden age. If he is not careful, he will most likely be defeated
by each one. So at this time, rushing in is the best way to deal with it.

Tire's move immediately made others react. Krad held the lightsaber in his hand, and
the light yellow light was like the soft morning sun. However, when Krad moved and
clenched his hand suddenly, the lightsaber suddenly erupted. There was a strong aura,
and the originally soft light also became dazzling, as if nothing could resist this
Diz did not follow closely, but took a sudden step forward, and the three formation
seals suddenly appeared.

"The secret of the Sanction Formation, five seconds."

It is the strongest killing move right from the start. Facing a character like Liang Fou,
he does not need to test at all, as long as he gives his best, it is the best choice!

In the end, Ye Xi suddenly took a step back behind Dizi, and his whole body
gradually became illusory, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Dragon Slayer clenched her small fists, and she would not recklessly attack at close
range when facing a strong enemy. This would only allow the opponent to seize the
opportunity to defeat her in one fell swoop, so she chose to punch the opponent in the
air when she was more than ten meters away. , although the fist with explosive
energy is not as fast and ferocious as Scarlet's, it has a more sophisticated technique,
compressing the air so that the fist will speed up with each burst of energy, and the
distance is more than ten meters. The speed is so fast that you can't even blink!

By the time he reacted, the force of his fist had already descended on Feng Dong.


It bombarded the burly man with terrifying power, but this seemingly fatal blow did
not make the other party waver at all.

"The little girl has some strength~ It's a pity that in front of my beautiful body, all
these tricks are of no use~"

Fengdou tossed his long hair in ecstasy, and just as he was about to speak again, Tyr's
[Tyrant] sword had already slashed forward.

An inexplicable premonition made Fengtou step down and avoid Tire's attack. Krad
on the other side faced him, and the lightsaber turned into a stream of light and
slashed down towards Fengtou. The burly man did not dodge this time. He hid, and
stretched out his right hand to hold the opponent's lightsaber. Just as he was about to
crush it in one fell swoop, Yuehai's figure appeared behind Fengtou at some point,
and [Shan Shui]'s unique sword roar brought Yuehai's dance. This made this attack
unusual. Fengtou raised his eyebrows and dodged again without warning.

"Are you Yue Hai? This little girl has a lot of potential. It's a pity that she lacks
combat experience."

When Fengtou said this, Dragon Slaughter had already attacked again, making a fist
with his right hand, and the blue fighting spirit turned into a roaring lion, and swung
it out with majestic momentum.

Liang Du's face remained the same, and he punched out the same way. The
seemingly ordinary blow neutralized Long Tu's punch, and the roaring lion even

Just when it was opening and closing, Ye Xi's figure suddenly sprang out from the
dark corner. The space under his feet was compressed, and his body suddenly turned
into a strong wind. The entire space shook at this moment.

The shadow flashed.

Ye Xi's eyes radiated with murderous intent, and the short blade in his hand slid
through the void, and he was about to take down the target in one fell swoop.
But Liangdou suddenly turned around at this moment and smiled strangely at Ye Xi.

Ye Xi's pupils shrank, but the burst of power couldn't stop her. She saw the
opponent's body suddenly turned slightly to one side, and the originally huge target
was stunned by her.

Krader watched clearly from the side, and his expression finally became serious.

This man's every dodge only requires extremely small adjustments, but just such a
sideways turn or a change of steps can make all attacks miss. From this alone, you
can see that this man is worthy of the [Golden Age] name.

"Five seconds! Punish the Saint!!"

At this moment, Diz's roar came from behind them. Everyone's pupils shrank and
they immediately scattered. The next moment, two angels with light rushed towards
the wind, and hymns surrounded them. Under this, it seems that the next step is to
punish the limelight!

"Lightsaber style~ Boy~ your butt looks very perky~"

As soon as the voice fell, the two angels had already issued sanctions, and the entire
space was suddenly filled with bright and dazzling light. Everyone narrowed their
eyes and stared at the figure in the center of the light.
Issue 231 Word Spirit and Sound Spirit
When the light dissipated, I thought it would cause some damage to the opponent, but
the figure that emerged from the light was actually naked and posing in an extremely
enchanting pose.

"Yeah~ This little brother is really impatient~~"

Feng Tou's charming voice once again gave everyone present a fatal blow. They
thought that this time they would definitely be hurt, but they didn't expect that they
would be severely traumatized by him.

Diz's brows also twitched. The other person's appearance was really hard to get his
blood boiling. At the critical moment, he was naked and ogling him. It was simply
mental pollution. For the first time, Diz had the urge to run away from the battle.

It has to be said that Lamalak is a strong man who has experienced hundreds of
battles. He can dodge and attack very skillfully when facing the sound spiritual
master Damiyala and the speech spiritual master Konstantin.

As a result, the two Kang Shiding on the other side seemed to be in danger, especially
since there were a group of students watching them. Regardless of the lack of
strength of these second- and third-year seniors, in fact, they could also do the same
to the two Kang Shiding by skimming the formation. It poses quite a threat. After all,
they are just magicians and cannot protect themselves with fighting spirit. Moreover,
the word spirit master and the sound spirit master are still aliens among magicians.
After all, they will not learn more magic, like Kang Shi. Ding's thinking is more
flexible, so he has a wide range of knowledge, and can cast some second- and third-
level magic, while Damiyala specializes in music and spirits, and almost doesn't care
about magic.

In fact, as the heir of the [Convict] clan, Damiyala does not have high requirements in
terms of strength. This is a position that only requires the use of brains, and strength
is only secondary.
"This is not good. This Lamalak is even scarier than imagined." Constant frowned,
facing Lamalak's boxing skills as a warrior and the monsters and beasts summoned to
attack in turn, even with the cooperation of Dammy Yara was equally powerless.

Damiyala nodded slightly. In terms of strength, Ramarak not only has experienced
experience, but also has quick reactions, and even has beast-like intuition. Such a
strong man would probably be replaced by Dizhara. It's hard to say whether De and
others can be defeated.

"My suggestion is to retreat." Damiyala said, but Konstantin shook his head.

"I just said what I said. What kind of man is he if he can't even hold on for five
minutes? I don't want to defeat him, but at least I have to hold on until the last

"..." Damiyala was silent and couldn't help but sigh slightly as she looked at
Kangsidine's back.

"Constant, when did you become so stupid?"

"I'm stupid and I'm proud. If you're not happy, you can be a smart person yourself."
Constantine waved his hand and walked towards Lamalak, hundreds of students and
several huge beasts.

Damiyala, who stayed where she was, frowned slightly, and she just sighed. There
was no need for the other party to say such angry words. . . . . .

Konstantin knew that his power of speaking spirit was limited, and it was useless
against strong men. Lamalak was the best example. He could almost break the
shackles of speaking spirit without affecting his movements at all, so instead of being
beaten like this The opponent is consuming magic power little by little, so why not
give it a go with all your strength!

Having made up his mind, Kang Shiding reached into the void with his right hand,
and the power of countless wind elements began to gather.

"Render the sky! Wind Guard."

As the chanting ended, the power of the spirit of words suddenly dropped. Just like
before, Kang Shiding used the power of the spirit of words to give life to the stone
and became a stone man guard. Now he uses the power of the spirit of words to give
life to the air again, becoming a man wrapped in the wind. The elements are like
tornado-like wind guards!

However, just creating the Wind Guard has already made Kang Shiding mentally
exhausted, his body functions declining rapidly, and he is breathing heavily. It is
obvious that the feeling of having most of his magic power taken away in an instant
is not good.

But the arrow is on the string and must be fired at this time!

Facing Lamalak's offensive, he must make a corresponding counterattack!

"Wind Guard, smash everything in sight!"

The order was given again, and the guard, who was like a small tornado, immediately
came to life and flew through the air with a strong furious wind.

The strong force of the wind caused those students who were caught off guard to lose
their feet and were immediately lifted off the ground. At the same time, the wind
guard shot out sharp wind blades from its body, which were not only fast but also

Lamalak frowned. This wind guard was indeed powerful, but in fact, as long as the
controller was defeated, everything would be solved naturally.

He pressed his right hand to the ground, and a black cheetah of normal size appeared.
Lamalak turned over and shouted loudly. The cheetah was as fast as lightning,
turning into a black stream of light and rushing towards Konstantin. go.

How could Considine not know Lamalak's thoughts? He deliberately left a loophole
for the opponent to get in. Otherwise, with Lamalak's power, it would be difficult for
Considine to use normal means to compete with the opponent.

I saw Lamarak riding the cheetah to nearly ten meters away from Constantine. A
giant hand made of stone suddenly stretched out from the ground and grabbed the
black cheetah. With a little force, blood suddenly spattered and the hand was pulled.
Malak frowned, and immediately jumped up to avoid the attack of the giant stone
hand. However, the next moment, another giant stone hand suddenly sprang out from
the ground, and was about to catch Ramak, but the opponent's big hand moved
toward With a snap of the void, a huge eagle suddenly appeared.

Lamalak, who should have been unable to avoid it in the air, used the body of the
eagle to once again avoid the desperate grasp of the giant hand.

Kang Shiding's face darkened, and his body became extremely weak. Although the
stone guard was not a complete version, it still drained him of the remaining magic
power. His feet softened, and he suddenly knelt on the ground.

Looking at Lamalak who landed safely not far away, he couldn't help but sigh

Sure enough, we still can’t win.

Although Kang Shiding only wanted to delay time, if he could choose victory, he
would naturally go for it, but it was a pity that the opponent was much stronger than
he imagined.

Just when the situation was over, a song came out, and Constantine's expression did
not change. Of course he knew that Damiyala had not evacuated, but it was too evil
to help until now.

As the song came to mind, a flaming phoenix floated in the void, burning the air and
making it tremble. Lamalak felt the blazing temperature but did not choose to retreat.
Instead, his momentum surged and he took a big step. , holding a spear in his hand
and throwing it towards the phoenix.

The spear with the sound of breaking through the air penetrated Phoenix's body, but it
was unable to do any harm to the holy beast made of flames.

"I see, is this your trump card?"

Constantine looked at the phoenix flapping its wings of fire, and couldn't help but
look at Damiyala, who was staring at Lamalak without saying a word.
Issue 232 Apology
Lamalak frowned. This phoenix was indeed very troublesome. Unlike his beast, this
phoenix was no longer a living thing, but an illusory thing belonging to the elements.
He could not use the expertise of the trainer to deal with this kind of phoenix. 'thing'

However, this does not mean that Lamalak will back down. Since the beasts cannot
be tamed, then hunting them is a very simple choice. When the beast tamers tame the
monsters, they also know how to kill them.

On the other side, Tire and others were in trouble. The man in front of them, Li
Limei, had great strength under his exaggerated performance. Just from the previous
fight, one could see how good the opponent was. Tire glanced at everyone. At this
time, he should let the strongest one attack to see if he could force the limelight to the
point where he could reveal his flaws. .

Tyr pulled out the sword [The Demonic One] with his left hand, turned his body with
his feet, and with a lightning-like refraction, he suddenly appeared in front of

Feng Tou's pupils shrank. Although he had heard that this young man was very
powerful, he didn't expect such an unexpected speed. Without waiting for Feng Tou
to react, Tier slashed the demon with his left hand, and the tyrant with his right
slashed furiously. With a cross, Feng Tou was the target. The center converged, but
the opponent's feet lightly touched, and he immediately withdrew from the attack
range of the double blades. How could Tier let him escape? His body flashed again,
this time he was only one meter away from the opponent, and it was already too late
for Liangdou to escape! However, this burly man raised the corner of his mouth and
moved forward instead of retreating. His right hand was about to touch Tyr's body.

Five body folds!

Tier's pupils shrank and he immediately retreated. Seeing that his right hand had not
touched the other person's chest, the Fengdou glared at Tier resentfully and licked his
index finger with his tongue, which looked creepy.
Others were also in disbelief. Although Tire had a slight upper hand before, why was
the situation reversed by the opponent's random move in the blink of an eye. Only
Long Tu knew this.

Because this is the gap in combat experience, no matter how powerful Tire's
movement and martial arts are, his experience is really insufficient. Liang Dong's
casual step back was not to temporarily avoid the edge, but to wait for Tire to get
closer and fight. People who are not experienced enough would think that Liang Tou
is afraid of his attack, so he should pursue the victory and get close to the opponent
immediately. However, Liang Tou is already ready to counterattack. If not for Tier's
special movement, Fei Tou would have defeated Tier before!

The only person present who could see through this was probably Dragon Slaughter.
Even Ye Xi was also confused. Tier's face was solemn. He only thought that the other
party was hiding his strength, but he never thought that Liang Tou had unknowingly
laid a trap for him. .

"Let's go together. This time we must push the limelight to the point of no retreat.
Tier will only be tricked by him."

Long Tu spoke immediately, his body and mind were flowing, and he rushed out the
next moment. Just when others were about to rush forward, a majestic voice suddenly
echoed throughout the basement.

"That's it for now."

There is dragon power in this voice, which is stronger than the pressure of Waltz and
Dragon Slaughter. Just at the first impression, everyone immediately thinks of the
nylon man.
The owner of this voice definitely comes from the Great Nylon Kingdom, and the
pressure just like needles can make others feel it firsthand.

Everyone stopped their offensive at this moment, and even Liang Dong's playful look
before disappeared, replaced by caution.

"Dragon head, is there something wrong?"

As soon as Feng Tou finished speaking, a child who looked to be no more than six or
seven years old appeared in everyone's field of vision. The terrifying coercion
emanated from this child's body.

Tier and others looked at it and were extremely surprised, and their expressions
became even more solemn, because Fengtou had previously called it [Dragon Head].

The leader of one of the four old Lion cadres.

It's just that this dragon head is countless times smaller than expected. The immature
face combined with the mature expression makes people laugh no matter how they
look at it.

"Humph!" Longtou looked at Fengtou and snorted coldly, and then spoke calmly.

"Agatha, why don't you come out?"

The girl who was called suddenly appeared from the void. The beautiful girl holding
the princess umbrella now had a child's slap mark on her fair face. The red mark on
her face looked extremely eye-catching.
Just from the size comparison, it can be seen that this was obviously fanned by the
dragon head not long ago, but why the dragon head did this is extremely puzzling.

"Hurry up and apologize to others!"

Dragon Head's sudden words immediately made everyone startled, and Agatha's face
turned pale, with unwillingness in her eyes.

"Do you want to die?" Dragon Head's threatening words finally moved Agatha. She
bowed slightly to Tire and others and said coldly.


"Is this an apology?" Longtou frowned, raised his foot and kicked the opponent's calf.
Agatha was in pain and knelt on the ground.

"Do you want me to teach you how to apologize?"

The dragon's head once again spoke harshly, and Agatha immediately gave up. With
an expressionless face, she knelt on the ground and knocked her head to the floor.

"It was all my arbitrary actions during the day. I'm really sorry for causing trouble to
my juniors."


this. . . . . . What happened to this 180-degree reversal? Not to mention Tyr,

even the Dragon Slaughter didn't know how to deal with it. The six of them looked at
me and I looked at you. The two sides were in a stalemate.
There was a chill on Feng Tou's face. After all, Agatha was his subordinate. Although
Long Tou was at the same level as him, it was extremely impolite to humiliate his
subordinates in front of him.

It's just that the limelight is clear. It's definitely not a trivial matter for the leader to do
such a thing. Naturally, he won't fight with his will and protect Agatha at this time.

"You see, the culprit has already apologized. How about letting this matter be written

Long Tou looked at Long Tu. Although they were both Nylons, there was no
intimacy between them. At this moment, Long Tu felt like he punched the air. He
tried his best but couldn't hit anything. The most important thing was that he had
already made an apology gesture, and no one on his side was hurt. , this alone can
make both sides take a step back. The most important thing is that the leader is here
now. If they really want to fight, they are obviously not strong enough. The limelight
alone is enough for them to spend all their efforts. Now there is another leader, and
they will fight again. The situation will be complicated and confusing going forward.

At this time, Damiyala, who was on the underground floor, swung away the phoenix
suspended in the air and breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that she finally arrived in

Seeing Damiyala's appearance, Constantine raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but

"You didn't do anything again without us knowing."

Damiyala smiled and said nothing, glanced at Lamalak, and then walked upstairs
Issue 233: Grudges
Lamalak felt the unusual sound and pressure of the dragon head, and his whole
momentum suddenly weakened. With a wave of his right hand, several huge
monsters behind him immediately disappeared. He watched Damiyala and Konstantin
leave with a gloomy expression, coldly He hummed and returned to his guard room.
The other students looked at each other and didn't know what to do.

Long Tu on the second underground floor felt indescribably uncomfortable. He was

supposed to cause a scene but at this moment they unexpectedly apologized. How
could this be accepted?

"I would like to ask why Miss Agatha attacked Tsukiumi and the others."

At this time, Krad stood up and said. He frowned slightly and looked at the girl
kneeling in front of him without any mercy. This woman almost killed Yue Hai. If it
were outside the academy, Krad would never hesitate to take action. There is only
good and evil in his eyes. No matter whether he is a man or a woman, once he is
identified as evil and crooked by Krad, he will never show mercy.

Longtou's immature face was slightly gloomy. Now that he had lowered his face and
apologized, he had given these freshmen a lot of face. It was better for them to just
slap their noses on their faces.

Longtou clenched his fist slightly, then slowly loosened it, and said rather unhappily.

"She made everything on her own initiative. When the time comes, we will hand it
over to the disciplinary committee. Such terrorist attacks must not be tolerated."

What Longtou said was righteous, and Agatha had no intention of defending herself.
Dragon Slaughter and the others looked at each other, so what more could they ask
It was just that the anger in Long Tu's heart couldn't come out. Looking at Agatha
and the two top officials kneeling on the ground, he couldn't help but say

"Remember, if you want to touch people like us in the future, first think about
whether you can afford it. Don't regret it when your old nest is taken away."

Long Tu is not alarmist, this is her real thought. Although one person in the limelight
can already control them, this gap is only a matter of time. Long Tu has great
confidence that he can surpass it within a year. The limelight right now.

This sentence made Longtou twitch his brows and his veins bulged slightly, but the
strong restraint still made him choose to remain silent.

Long Tu snorted coldly, turned around and walked towards the underground level.

Yue Hai, Ye Xi and others naturally followed closely behind. Only Krad gave Agatha
a deep look, a look that seemed to freeze to the bone, making Agatha's whole body
tremble. Fengtou and Longtou also frowned, but Krader made no other move.
Instead, he glanced at everyone in the room again, and then followed the footsteps of
the last person and disappeared to the second underground floor.

"Oh~~~Oh my gosh~~~He is such a handsome guy that makes my heart skip a beat.
What should I do if I like him so much~~~~" Fengtou held his sharp face with both
hands and twisted his thick body from side to side. Waist, this makes the already
gloomy face of Longtou become even gloomier.

"Why are you so angry in the wind? This time you kicked the iron plate!"

"Iron plate?" Fengtou murmured to himself, then clapped his hands, bent down
slightly and said

"Actually, I already knew it."

"Can you please speak more normally? There is no normal person in the Eleven
Lazuli Branch, and the guy who fell on the ground is considered your subordinate? Is
this what you trained for being lazy and pretending to be fainted?"

As soon as Longtou finished speaking, the elegant man who had previously used
[Chess Game] immediately got up and scratched his cheek with a fan as if nothing
was wrong.

"Master Longtou knows everything, but the boss in the limelight said, if you can't
beat it, just pretend to be dead. I really can't handle the lineup just now."

"Step back, step back, thank you for your hard work~ I will reward you well when I
go back~" Feng Tou's charming eyes immediately made this elegant man tremble,
and he stepped back with a wry smile.

Longtou's expression did not slow down at all, and he said again

"What do you know? President Ku has warned the boss before that we cannot move
these people."

"President Ku~ I thought he was at the level of General Secretary Zamiya, but I didn't
expect that their relationship is greater than imagined. So what did the boss say?"

Fengtou was obviously a little surprised when he heard the name of the president.
Although they are the top cadres and can call the wind and rain, in fact, in front of the
student union president, they are just weak birds. They can die if they are pinched

"The boss said to let them go for the time being. This year, President Ku will be in his
sixth year. When he graduates in his seventh year and the president is re-elected, our
old lion will become a powerful force comparable to the [Blue Sky Club]. "

Long Tou seemed to have seen a bright future, with a hint of a child's smile on his
immature face. Feng Tou couldn't bear it anymore, he spread his arms and
immediately embraced Long Tou in his arms.

The members of the Eleven Lazuli Branch looked at a nymphomaniac man holding a
little boy with pale faces. This scene was simply unforgettable.

"You guy..." Longtou clenched his fists, his face turned from red to purple, from
purple to black, and finally punched him.

"Damiara, it's definitely you who said this."

Walking on the street illuminated by street lights, among Tire's group, Constantine
was the first to speak. This question was exactly what the others wanted to ask.
Damiyala shrugged.

"This is a second-hand preparation. If I really want you to fight with Liangtou, you
might be able to win, but what about the leading one that follows? Do you know that
the branch of Liangtou and the branch of Liangtou are very close to each other? One
is the Eighth School District and the other is the Ninth School District. They seem to
be very far away, but in fact they are both located on the edge of the school district.
The distance between the two is only a few minutes for a strong person."
These words made everyone fall into silence. In fact, they all knew that they only
acted so impulsively under the instigation of Dragon Slaughter.

But if they do it, they do it, and they have no regrets. If they let the old students bully
them and then remain silent and do nothing, it is obviously because they are afraid of
them. Even if the old lions don’t come to harass them in the future, there will be
others. The upperclassmen think they are easy to bully.

Long Tu crossed his arms and said rather gloomily.

"Damiara, the reason why they apologized so quickly is probably because the
president came forward, right?"

"..." Damiyala still smiled and said nothing. It was obvious that she did not want to
explain this matter. The Dragon Slaughter felt even more depressed, scratched her
head and said

"A place like the academy is really troublesome. Even though we are almost the same
age, there is still a gap in grades."

"It should be said that this is the characteristic of the academy." Diz interjected
lightly at this time. Although others did not show it, they also quite agreed. The
difference between the academy and those elite training camps in kingdoms and
principalities is this grade system. And the pressure to rebound in learning and
competition with each other.

Avalon is the representative of all colleges. When geniuses come here, they either
accelerate destruction or accelerate growth.
Issue 234 is back
It was completely dark when she returned to the dormitory. Because she came back
earlier than expected, Kalida did not go to Elena's dormitory.

Looking at the thunder elf curled up on the bed and already asleep, Yuehai couldn't
help scratching her hair. She didn't know what the president was thinking, insisting
on assigning this elf to her, not to mention that she didn't know how to take care of
others. , the most important thing is that their races are different. Although there is a
diligent elf like Elena who can choose, she has to throw it to herself.

It can only be said that Elena and Kalida were all owed by her in her previous life,
otherwise why would there be twists and turns every time she met the elves.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head, thinking that there was no use in thinking so

Everyone could still see Long Tu's depressed look, but no one dared to talk to her at
this time. This girl was not nagging, and her shoes flew off without even taking a
shower. Her petite body fell down on the soft bed, and she threw herself onto the soft
bed. Lifting the quilt, the whole person was covered in it. Yue Hai took a closer look
and saw that the appearance looked like a caterpillar, which made people laugh.

Damiyala also secretly laughed next to her, looked at Yuehai and said softly

"Would you like to take a shower together?"

"Um... You should go first." Although Yuehai found this suggestion very tempting,
Damiyala's personality was sometimes too naughty, and Yuehai was afraid to take a
bath with her until the end. Will escape in embarrassment.

"Don't be afraid, this time I just want to take a bath and chat." Damiyala smiled
knowingly, holding Yue Hai's palm with her delicate hand, looking extremely
intimate. Yue Hai raised her brows and thought to herself, "You didn't come to me to
take a shower out of pure motives before."

In order to prove that her words were more authentic, Damiyala couldn't help but pull
Ye Xi and said

"Then why don't Ye Xi come too?"

"..." Ye Xi, who was just about to sit on the bed, paused, looked at Yuehai and then at
Damiyala, and then nodded.

"I have no opinion."

"Look, Ye Xi, who is so shy, doesn't have any objections. What are you afraid of?"
Damiyala shook Yuehai's little hand, which made her shake it a few times.

This opinion is quite tempting, but she can't just let Damiyala do it at will, otherwise
she can find any excuse to make herself compromise in the future. How can she deny
Damiyala's opinion in the future, so the moon is deep Taking a breath, his eyes
returned to normal, and he said solemnly

"I'll put the water in."

"By the way, I haven't seen Yakumo Xiaoqi missing him recently." The door opened,
and Kang Shiding said casually as soon as he entered. Tier nodded slightly, after all,
she is so beautiful. . . . . . Boy, it really makes people feel lingering, and it is
very eye-catching no matter how many times you watch it.
Krader didn't have so many thoughts. He walked to his bed, breathed a sigh of relief,
then looked at Constantine and asked

"Constant, did you take notes in your last magic class?"

"Copied, what's wrong?" Kang Shiding asked doubtfully. After all, the magic course
is the most complicated of all courses. Whether it is the transformation of elements,
the use of magic, or the familiarity of spells, one must be proficient in everything. .

Krader took out his notes and said

"I happened to be taking a swordsmanship class that time. Lend me the notes to

Kang Shiding raised his eyebrows, took out the brown notebook from the storage ring
and threw it away.

"It's really hard for you to practice both magic and martial arts. If you specialize in
one, you can't fall behind in the other."

Krader took the note and couldn't help but smile when listening to Constantine's

"So if a person who becomes a dual cultivator of magic and martial arts doesn't have
great perseverance, he generally won't be able to go far."

It is true that magic and martial arts practitioners are rare, but this does not mean that
there are few people who possess both magic power and fighting spirit, but that there
are very few strong people who have obtained these two powers and can continue to
go forward.

Tire couldn't help but chuckle after hearing this, looked at Krad and said

"You are simply bragging about yourself, our sunny and upright young master
[Sword] from Group B, Class 9."

When Krader heard this, he immediately smiled back.

"Young master [Ji] is too modest."

"Who is gay, young master! You are gay!" Tier became very angry when he heard
this title. Kang Shiding laughed out loud next to him. He probably remembered the
rumors in the team, which made him laugh again. For a while.

"Tear, your title is absolutely appropriate. Even if you deny it in every possible way,
how can I not see the fiery heart hidden in your heart?"

"Why do I have a fiery heart?" Tier's question not only did not stop Constance, but
made him even more energetic.

"Let me ask you, is Xiaoqi good-looking?"

"Good-looking" Tier replied decisively without any hesitation.

"Is he a man?"


"Then tell me, do you like this type of girl?"

"Yeah, not bad..."

"Look at you, you exposed your gay heart after just a few questions. Your concept
has gradually changed from liking women to the point where you can accept beautiful
boys." What Kang Shiding said is right. Quite pertinent, Krad who was listening on
the side smiled faintly.

Tyr was not happy to hear this.

"I guess most men wouldn't refuse someone like Xiao Qi. Just ask Claude. It depends
on whether he is tempted or not when someone throws himself into his arms."

Tyr looked at Krad, but the other person suddenly lowered his head and started to
pick up his notes, as if he had completely distanced himself from Tyr.

"Look at you, you want to impose your own views on other people. From here on,
you have become wrong. And following this trend, you will first find beautiful boys
acceptable, and then slowly change Well, as long as you look good, everything else
doesn’t matter. In the end, you will be pressed to the ground by Uncle Hei, and you
will enjoy it very much."

Constant's words immediately made Tire's body covered with goosebumps. He

couldn't help but stretched out his fist, hit the opponent's chest, and said disgustingly.

"Your final evolution span was too big! What did you do in the middle to finally
accept Uncle Hei's setting?!"

"You're gay now and everyone knows it!"

"Don't make it look like I want to hide it on purpose!" Tire was really unable to
refute. Constantine was so capable that his thinking circuit just couldn't keep up.

However, at this moment, Tire's face suddenly turned red, as if a volcano was about
to erupt, which made Constantine feel an ominous premonition.

At the next moment, Tire suddenly spurted out nosebleeds, and he didn't know
whether it was intentional or not, but he turned his face completely towards
Constantine, turning his face red!

Tyr covered his nose in embarrassment and slightly stretched out his right hand.

"Hug, I'm sorry, it happened too suddenly and I couldn't control it for a while."

Kang Shiding wiped his face covered with blood and calmly shook his head.

"It's okay, I understand."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tire spurted out nosebleeds again and shot it on
Constantine's face.

I saw the other person covering his face and falling to the ground screaming.

"Ah!! My eyes!!"

Tyr "...."
Issue 235: On the Correct Way to Take a Bath
Yuehai, who was immersed in the bathtub, could not enjoy the usual comfort of being
wrapped in warmth at this time, because the scene in front of her made it difficult for
her to enter a state of enjoyment. Rather, if she could be indifferent to the scenery in
front of her, then she could It can be regarded as reaching a state of being an expert.

"What's wrong Yue Hai? You just took a bath and your face turned red."

Damiyala tucked the wet light blue hair that stuck to her face behind her ears, and
looked at Yuehai with a smile.

Yuehai's entire body was submerged in the water, with only the part above the nose
exposed. He looked at his nose and heart, trying to enter a meditative state.

It's a pity that Tier's reaction has completely exposed Yuehai's psychology. She is not
a person who can calm down. She just uses Tier as a container to make herself appear
calmer on Yuehai's side. .

"By the way, Yuehai, your hair is so beautiful, but why do you have to wash it
together every time?"

Damiyala's words made Yuehai quite confused, and she didn't dare to raise her eyes
upward, although looking at the reflection in the water was enough to make her think.

"Shouldn't you wash your hair together in the shower?"

"Of course you have to wash your hair first and tie it with a shower cap, and then
wash your body." Damiyala looked at Yue Hai in a strange way, which made the
other party raise his eyebrows and couldn't help but say

"This is too troublesome." She always puts on the hot water, pulls off her clothes and
skirts, goes directly into the water, soaks for about an hour, cleans herself briefly, and
then uses a dry steaming technique to dry her hair directly and wear it. Putting on
pajamas and going to bed, the process is actually no different from that of Tier.
Except for some parts that need attention, everything else is almost the same.

Damiyara stretched out her fingers to the sea of moon and shook her head.

"It seems that although our classmate Tsukiumi is beautiful, she does not have the
care and self-consciousness that a beautiful woman should have."

No, even though Yuehai knows that she is a beauty, she will never be self-conscious
about it. Rather, it would be better to let a grown man have the self-consciousness
about being a woman. This is an extraordinary perversion! She couldn't help but think
of the super transvestite and pervert from the afternoon, the limelight, a strong man
who was superior in every sense of the word.

Seeing Yue Hai's disapproving look, Damiyala immediately smiled and pointed at Ye
Xi next to her.

"Look at Ye Xi, her bathing habits are better than yours."

Yue Hai's eyes narrowed slightly. In her memory, Ye Xi didn't seem to take a shower
recently. . . . . . After all, the other party always came back very late from
exercising and fell asleep as soon as he came back. Although Ye Xi still had a faint
body fragrance on his body, it was still clear whether Yue Hai had taken a bath or

Facing Damiyala's guidance, Yue Hai could only raise her right eye slightly. At this
time, the white-haired girl wrapped in a bath towel was sitting in front of the mirror
outside the bath. The half-person-sized square mirror reflected Ye Xi's graceful
beauty. The figure was completely reflected, and although there was no expression on
his face, it was not that kind of indifference. Ye Xi, who saw Yue Hai's sight in the
mirror, paused slightly and combed his right hand with white hair, and then said
Action resumed once again.

"First, comb your hair."

Damiyala next to him said calmly

Yue Hai looked at Ye Xi combing her short white shoulder-length hair up and down,
and couldn't help but wonder, what's the use of doing this?

"Then wash your hair."

Damiyala seemed to be directing Ye Xi's actions. When he finished speaking, Ye Xi

had already started to wash his hair. After waiting for a while, he used hot water to
dry the shampoo.

"Yuehai, I guess you just used dry steaming to evaporate all the water stuck on your
hair, right?" Damiyala's guess was very correct. Yuehai even doubted whether the
other party was with her every time she took a shower. Peeping at yourself in the

Seeing Yuehai's surprised look, Damiyala smiled even more

"Female magicians who find it troublesome will basically do this, but it can indeed
shorten the bath time a lot, but it will also make the hair quality worse."

"What will happen if the hair quality deteriorates?"

"You'll become bald!"

"..." Well, it seems scarier than imagined. Yuehai was actually startled by Damiyala's
words. She thought about herself being bald and being pointed at by students on the
street. As expected, even if I am mentally male, I can’t accept it!

"Of course, I'm lying to you." Damiyala's words were so urgent that Yue Hai almost
couldn't hold his breath back, and his eyes couldn't help but whiten.

"But poor hair quality will make it easy to get frizzy and split, and it will get stuck
when combing your hair. This is a fatal thing for us."

"Is there any?" In Yue Hai's memory, it seems that she has never encountered a
situation where her hair was stuck. Not to mention that there was no obstruction at
all. Doesn't this prove that her hair quality should be very good.

"Yes! So after washing your hair, put some conditioner on it."


It was another word that I had never heard of before. It should be something to
maintain hair, Yue Hai guessed. Ye Xi combed her white hair for a long time before
putting on the mesh hat.

"Then take a bath."

Damiyala's explanation made Ye Xi, who had been carefully preparing for bathing,
quite speechless. She sighed secretly, thinking that since Damiyala said so, she
should just cooperate with her.

Then he walked into the bathtub. Yuehai half-faced in the water and could clearly
feel that the water line had risen a bit. However, the bathtub was large enough for ten
people to enter. In fact, Yuehai and the three of them were still very generous.
"After this, it's time to take a shower. I think Ye Xi hasn't taken a shower for two
days, and there's probably a lot of dirt on her body." Damiyala's piercing eyes made
Ye Xi move a few steps back and lean in. Next to Yue Hai, he said rather fearfully

"I'll rub it myself."

"What are you afraid of? I won't eat you." Damiyala chuckled, which was completely
different from her image in school.

Seeing Damiyala looking at him, Tsukiumi also forced a smile while leaning against
the wall of the pool.

"I wash it myself too."

Seeing that the two of them were resolute, Damiyala stopped insisting and had no
choice but to continue.

“After that it’s body shaving.”

"..." Ye Xi blinked his eyes and then spoke calmly.

"Can't do it..."

Damiyala coughed dryly, as if nothing was wrong, and said again

"After that, use shower gel, and then after taking a bath, dry your hair. Remember to
dry your hair. Using dry steaming or other evil methods will only make you regret it
in the future. Afterwards, apply a facial mask and wipe Skin care products, secondary
hair care, body care and other small details all depend on personal preference.”
"It's so troublesome, I'd better just wash it with water." Yuehai played with her long
black hair floating in the water and murmured to herself, but Damiyala leaned over
and spoke with a half-smiling look.

"It seems that Tsukiumi-san must have a guardian when taking a bath in the future so
that he can take a bath properly."

"Oh?! Come on, I'll just listen to you. I still like someone when I'm taking a shower."
Yue Hai quickly retorted, but Damiyala's attitude did not allow others to refuse,
which made Yue Hai helpless. ���So much talk
Issue 236 Night Raid
After taking a bath, Yuehai, who was exhausted after being taught by Damiyala, fell
on his big bed. He took out the magic shadow stone and looked at the time and found
that it was already past ten o'clock. This was just for taking a bath. For more than two
hours, I felt that fighting against the limelight was not as tiring as this.


It's usually time to go to bed at this time. The students in Group B will be back
tomorrow, and there will be monthly exams and class competitions in a few days.
There are a lot of things waiting for them to do. Maybe they won't be able to go to
bed so early in the future. .

Therefore, leave the busyness of tomorrow to yourself tomorrow, and Yue Hai should
have a good sleep today.

While thinking about giving up on herself, Tsukiumi slowly closed her eyes.

However, at some point, there was a warmth on the right side of the abdomen. This
made Yuehai, who was gradually getting sleepy, quickly lower his head to check,
only to find that the elf girl with long purple hair hugging her waist was actually
coming from another bed. Fell asleep.

This posture. . . . . . Yuehai has trouble turning over. She likes to turn over
when sleeping, so she may not sleep well if she sleeps on her back.


Kalida, huh?

This is the last time that I will try my best to help you, Elena. I only hope that my
efforts will help you grow as well.

While feeling so emotional, Yuehai couldn't help but smile bitterly and shake his

She hasn't grown up yet, so what else can she ask of Elena, but at least she shouldn't
do life-threatening things all the time. She Yuehai doesn't have many lives left to

After sighing, Yue Hai only felt that her eyelids were getting heavier. Maybe it was
because Kalida hugging her like this gave her an inexplicable sense of security, or
maybe it was because she was really too tired. Close.

However, at this moment, Shasha's voice suddenly came to his ears.

When Yue Hai reacted, he also received a warmth on his left hand.

After feeling the familiar body fragrance, the hair on Yue Hai's body stood up, and
goosebumps fell all over his body like a frightened kitten.


A head of Dragon Butcher emerged from under Yue Hai's quilt and covered Yue
Hai's mouth with his small hands.

The pair of dragon eyes that emitted a faint light even at night looked straight at the
sea of the moon, and then said softly

"Quiet, everyone else is asleep."

"Yes." Yue Hai nodded very cooperatively. Then Long Tu took back his little hand
and stared at the other person. Yue Hai's whole body was horrified as he looked at
him. After a while, Long Tu spoke again.

"What did you do this morning?"

"Um, I'm going to see the gods." Yue Hai replied softly, but Dragon Slayer's
expression changed, and he stared at Yue Hai and said with a hint of reproach.

"Then how did you meet Tire?"

"Ah, ah~ Tyr~"

"What do you mean by your sudden realization? Did you say something to him that
shouldn't be said?" Long Tu's delicate face moved closer to Yue Hai, which made
Yue Hai move his head back a little and put the pillow He gave up part of it to Long
Tu, but this polite move did not give Long Tu any relief. He looked like he would be
eaten alive if he said the wrong thing.
Yuehai first brewed up the lines in his mind, and then slowly said it when he felt that
he had enough to deal with it.

"I didn't say anything."

"How did Tier know that?" The dragon slayer glared again, feeling like he was being
targeted by a wild beast. Yue Hai quickly answered without hesitation.

"What does Tyr know? Tell me, maybe I accidentally told it."

"That's it...that's it..." Long Tu's ears turned red and he stammered so hard that it was
hard to hear, so Yue Hai pretended not to understand at all and listened. said

"Dragon Slayer, what did you say?"

"It's just...little, underwear."

"What underwear?"

"Little bear, little bear underwear..."

"How could I say this?" Yue Hai looked incredulously, looking into Long Tu's eyes,
and the words "sincerity" were written on Yue Hai's face reflected in them.

"Dragon Slayer, do you think I'm that kind of person? This is a matter of personal
privacy. No matter how shameless Tier is, I won't say anything."

"Really, really?"

"Then, why did Tier blurt out, knowing so clearly, and still using this matter to
constantly mock me?"

Long Tu's words made Yue Hai's throat suddenly go hoarse. He looked back and
thought about it carefully. At that time, he wanted to comfort Long Tu not to worry
about the underwear, but he found that the more he wiped it, the darker it became,
and it almost caused the other party to go berserk. So at that time [Old The lion
appeared and accidentally saved his life, otherwise he would have been severely
beaten by Long Tu.

"I heard that his roommate, the man named Kang Shiding, often liked to peek at girls
changing clothes, and even once wanted to install a camera rock in the girls' locker
room. My intuition told me that this matter had nothing to do with him. "

"Oh~" Long Tu's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was already a hint of killing intent
in them. Yue Hai nodded seriously, but couldn't help but silently mourn in his heart.

Forgive my selfishness, Comrade Kang Shiding. In order not to be crippled by

Dragon Tu, I can only sell you.

At this time, Kang Shiding, who was far away in the boys' dormitory, felt a chill all
over his body in his sleep. After shivering, he wrapped the quilt tighter.

It's just that it's summer now. Although the dormitory building has a temperature
adjustment barrier, it still feels a bit hot in general. Kang Shiding covered himself so
tightly that he would be sweating all over the next day. Come.

On the other side, Long Tu finally let go of his aggressive aura, but he didn't leave for
a long time, but was contemplating something.

Yue Hai thought to himself, if you don't leave, there is a little one on my right. It
seems that he is deliberately not letting himself sleep well today. But after a while,
Long Tu said softly

"Yuehai, what do you think of Tier?"

"Handsome and unrestrained, thoughtful, majestic and domineering, and super

powerful, there is probably nothing else that stands out except these." Yue Hai heard
that Long Tu wanted to evaluate himself, so this nonsense must have not escaped. If
he continues Even if he doesn't praise himself, Yue Hai can't help but feel sorry for

Long Tu smiled faintly, thinking it was Yue Haikou Hu, and didn't care, so he
continued to speak.

"I always feel like you are very similar to Tyr."

This sentence made Yue Hai's heart skip a beat, but she knew that Long Tu had
advanced detection skills such as Sensing, so if she fell into a nervous state at this
time, some clues might be exposed, so she quickly He turned his attention to Tier,
trying to get Yuehai into a state of distraction. It was this quick wit that made Yue
Hai calm down in an instant. Long Tu wanted to use these words to see Yue Hai's
reaction, but found that the other party was not as surprised as he thought. From this,
he could judge the previous situation. Yuehai probably really doesn’t know Tyr.
Issue 237 Night Raid Part 2
"Actually, I just discovered that Tyr's martial arts skills are the same as mine. This
shouldn't be a coincidence." Yuehai knew that she should make it up at this time, but
she knew better that the more she made up, the bigger the flaws would be, so
pretending to have amnesia was a mistake. Make good choices.

"But I really have no memory of before, and I don't have any familiar feeling when
facing Tyr."

"...Maybe I'm too anxious."


"It's nothing. Go to bed early. Tomorrow is the last day of rest."


Although Yue Hai was a little concerned about what Long Tu said in the end, the
other party obviously didn't want to tell her. It should be said that although they had
interacted so much, they had never spoken about each other's life experiences. They
only knew that Long Tu came from the Great Nylon Kingdom and was a member of
the Yishinken style. I don't know the other descendants. I am even more simple. If I
ask anyone I meet, I will just say that I have lost my memory, or that I was born in
Duke Cyril's Palace. Anyway, Yuehai's current identity is, Yuehai. Hillier, using the
name Hillier is indeed legitimate.

As Long Tu returned to his bed, Yue Hai, who finally let go of his tense nerves,
immediately fell into a deep sleep. . . . . .

However, not long after, a soft touch suddenly woke her up. The familiar body
fragrance made Yuehai feel strange. Just when she was about to check who came, a
head popped out of the quilt with a whoosh.

The blood-red eyes radiated like gems under the moonlight, and the short white hair
still looked bright even if it was covered by the dark night. Yuehai was surprised why
the other party got into her quilt in the middle of the night, but she learned Yuehai
remained calm this time due to the lesson learned from the previous Dragon

"Ye Xi, what's the matter?"

"..." Ye Xi just looked at herself quietly, without any expressed emotions. This made
Yue Hai feel another kind of inexplicable panic. Why do people in the dormitory like
to go to her bed now? Lizuan, aren't you afraid of the heat in this summer?

And every time, I have to crawl into the quilt first, and only wait for myself to wake
up before my head comes out.

Seeing that Ye Xi was silent, Yue Hai felt a little nervous, but she was also excited.
She looked at each other impartially. The two looked at each other for a long time,
and then Ye Xi turned his head slightly.

Haha, I won.

Yuehai laughed childishly.

"Yuehai, you seem to have become stronger recently."

Ye Xi's cold words made Yue Hai's smile freeze and her heart beat again.

"I, I keep getting stronger, what's wrong?"

Yue Hai answered softly, but Ye Xi shook his head.

"What makes you strong is not your strength but the confidence in your every move."

The confidence in her gestures is precisely because she has become stronger. Yuehai
sighed secretly. If Mr. Cumming hadn't taught her so many things, she might still be
wondering how she could not be separated from them in terms of strength. worry.

Although Scarlet's incident had hit her self-confidence, and the president's vigilance
also made her realize.

Just what is the connection between Ye Xi suddenly saying this and getting into his
bed in the middle of the night?

Ye Xi seemed to see Yue Hai's confusion, and a trace of sadness gradually appeared
on his indifferent face.

"I want to become stronger, but I don't have this belief. My heart is not strong enough
to keep persisting."

Yue Hai raised her eyebrows, thinking about Ye Xi's crazy intensity of training
recently, and couldn't help but say

"Confidence is not something I can give you just by saying it. Most of the time, I
realize it myself. To put it more bluntly, when you stop worrying about your future,
then this self-confidence will naturally arise."

"Alas~" Ye Xi sighed rarely. She knew what Yue Hai said, but she couldn't do it no
matter what.

"God, when I hear this word, I feel nothing but reverence and despair."
When Ye Xi said these words, he also had a hint of helplessness, and it was this
helplessness that made Yue Hai feel the complexity inside.

It was only now that Yue Hai realized that, yes, her body could only last until she was
twenty-seven years old. If she could not become a god, she would have no choice but
to turn into powder and dissipate.

Who can be willing to live to the age of twenty-seven and end his life? Even a mortal
with no talent is absolutely impossible, but facing the abyss of gods, how can a
mortal cross it.

Perhaps after becoming a demigod, after thousands of years of accumulation, there

will be some opportunities to become a god, but Ye Xi, she only has ten years. To put
it more simply, Avalon is her last stop. If she does not have an amazing rise here, ,
then the result will become inevitable. . . . . .

Fighting against such huge despair, Ye Xi could still muster the courage to face
reality, which Yuehai thought she couldn't do.


Under such circumstances, Yue Hai couldn't think of anything that could comfort Ye
Xi. Rather, even comfort seemed pale and feeble.

"How about this, Ye Xi."

Yuehai didn't even think about it, looked at the other person and said suddenly

"Now I am at the peak of Qi He and you are at the top of Po Jun, so let me catch up
and surpass you. If I surpass you, you will confess your love to the ugliest man in the
world. What do you think?"


Ye Xi was stunned by Yue Hai's words, and then burst out laughing, but the laughter
did not come out, and his whole face was buried in the pillow, so Yue Hai couldn't
see it even if he wanted to.

After a while, Ye Xi raised his head again and said

"Yes, I promise you, but since I will be punished if I lose, then you will also be
punished if you lose."

"Oh? What is my punishment?"

"If you haven't surpassed me by the time I turn twenty-seven, then announce to the
public that you are recruiting a male harem."

"You are too poisonous!! Ye Xi, I am encouraging you in disguise!"

"If not, how could you really try your best to surpass me? Well, let's make a divine

"Ah? We still need to make a divine contract!"

"If you don't make a contract, it's just a verbal IOU, and it can't be taken seriously."

Ye Xi's serious character made Yue Hai suddenly feel as if he was being pulled into a
bottomless abyss. If he hadn't surpassed the other party at the age of twenty-seven
and announced a male harem to the public, Yue Hai would not dare to see that scene.

In this way, the two secretly made this ridiculous divine contract on the bed. After
chatting for a while, Ye Xi got out of the bed and returned to his bed.

Yuehai breathed a big sigh of relief. It was really nothing that he was asking for
trouble. If he hadn't said so many words just now, this kind of thing wouldn't have

When thinking this way, Yuehai felt even more tired. Kalida beside her had already
slept soundly. She yawned, looked at the time on the magic shadow stone, and found
that it was already one o'clock in the morning the next day, and she felt much tighter.
Get some sleep, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable to get up.

So Yue Hai put down the Demonic Shadow Stone and fell into a dream.

However, not long after, Yuehai woke up from her deep sleep with another kind of
warm softness.
Issue 237 Night Raid Part 3
After Yuehai woke up again, a head with long light blue hair emerged from the bed.
Although the clear eyes looked extremely beautiful and ethereal, Yuehai was woken
up again and again, and he was really very energetic. No, even if the person who gets
under the bed is a beautiful woman every time, it's a pity that as the same woman, I
always find it boring.

"Damiara, what do you want to do?"

The tired look on Yuehai's squinted eyes made Damiyala purse her lips, and then she
asked softly.
"Long Tu and Ye Xi both came to see you earlier, right?"

"Hmm~ What's wrong?" Yuehai felt like she was about to fall asleep at any moment,
but her confused look made Damiyala raise her eyebrows slightly, and her soft little
hands followed Yuehai's thighs to go deeper.

This moment suddenly made the sleepy Yuehai completely wake up, and he stretched
out his right hand to grab Damiyala's arm.

"Sister, what are you doing! Can you let me sleep well in the middle of the night?"

"Didn't I refresh your mind? Look at it now, do you feel particularly energetic?"
Damiyala's words made Yuehai angry and funny. She had been attacked by Sister
Leia once before, and that feeling was not It feels good.

"Anyway, you also know that I was woken up twice before. I hope that eldest sister,
you can quickly finish asking the questions that came to me in the middle of the night
and give me a good night."

"Okay, then let me ask you, what did Ye Xi just say to you?"

Damiyala's words made Yue Hai slightly raise her eyebrows, rest her head on the
pillow, and answered

"Ye Xi felt that it was too difficult to be promoted to a god despite his limited time,
so he came to ask me if there was any way to regain his confidence."

"Have faith...why do you want me to come to you?"

"I don't know, I just hope she can think clearly."


"Is that the problem?"

"There is one more." Damiyala replied quickly. Seeing Yuehai's look like she was
about to fall asleep again, Damiyala's free hand grabbed Yuehai's chest.

Yue Hai, whose chest was tight, was immediately frightened and her eyes widened.
Looking at Damiyala's evil smile, and then looking at the delicate hands that tightly
grasped her chest, she suddenly smiled tremblingly.

"Sister Mia, I'm not going to sleep anymore. Let's loosen my hand first and let's talk
slowly. How about that?"

"No, it feels good. I'm going to keep pinching until the end of the conversation."
After saying that, Damiyala pinched twice, which made Yue Hai tremble. This
feeling could not be found in Tier. He was stunned. Let Yuehai straighten up.

Seeing Yue Hai's behavior, Damiyala stopped making trouble, put away her smile,
and then spoke

"Can you tell me what the president told you a few days ago?"


"Yes, didn't she call you over alone? I want to know what she wants you to do."

"Um... not so good. It's really hard to talk about what the president told me." Yue Hai
said with some embarrassment. It was really hard to talk about this matter. After all,
when talking to the president at that time, Many of them were talking based on the
exposure of their own strength. If she told Damiyala about this matter, her wisdom
would not guarantee that she would find some clues between herself and Tier.
Therefore, it is reasonable to do so. I can't tell her anything long.

Damiyala seemed to see the determination in Yuehai's eyes, but she did not continue
to embarrass the other party. She released her hand holding her chest, smiled faintly,
and said

"It seems that President Ku is playing a big game..."

Big chess. . . . . .

Yuehai was puzzled. She only knew that the president wanted to make her a chess
piece, but she didn’t know what the chess game was like. But judging from
Damiyala’s words, although she was very interested, she was not It’s clear what the
president wants to do.

In short, after Damiyala simply asked two questions, she got out of the bed, smiled at
Yuehai again, and then slowly left.

Yue Hai breathed a sigh of relief, finally sending the last giant Buddha away, and
now he could have a good sleep.

So Yuehai closed her eyes in peace.

An hour passed.

Yuehai slowly opened her bloodshot eyes, wanting to cry but without tears.
can not fall asleep.

On the fourth day, Yuehai slept until noon. Dragon Slayer Damiyala and others also
knew that the other party tossed and turned in bed last night until early morning, so
they did not wake her up. Ye Xi went to exercise early in the morning. Dragon Slayer
Normally, she would stay in the dormitory to look at the Demonic Sound Stone and
read books, but she never saw any real exercises. Damiyala picked up the Demonic
Sound Stone at noon and went out. As for Kalida, Being dragged out by Elena to go
shopping again, Yue Hai was helpless and wanted to sleep a little longer, but when
she saw the two elves going out so casually, she couldn't let go, so she had to give
Kang Shiding and the others a magic sound stone. , this classmate who valued sex
over friends agreed again. Yuehai thought that [Old Lion] had already apologized to
them, so there should be no more troublemakers.

With this determination, Yue Hai covered herself with a quilt, imitating Long Tu's
twist into a caterpillar, buried her whole body in it and began to sleep soundly.

"Oh oh oh~~" Constantine's excited voice woke up Tier who was still in bed. He
wanted to sleep well, but when it got quiet over there, it started making noise again
for him, so he said unhappily. said

"Why are you making noise in broad daylight?"

"Tsukiumi-san just played the Magic Sound Stone with me, how can this make me
not excited!"
Constantine's look like a wild dog in heat in spring made Krad's face darken, and he
spoke before Tire.

"Then what?"

"Uh..." Only then did Constantine remember that Clad was also present. He shrank
his head in embarrassment. Seeing Clad's eyes that seemed to be looking at the
enemy, he immediately smiled and said quickly

"Klad, when Tsukiumi-san gave me the Magic Sound Stone earlier, he asked us to
take some time to protect Elena and Kalida. Of course, let me do this kind of chore,
right? But I changed my mind later. , Clad, if you want to understand Yuehai, why
not start with the people around her, like Kalida, is a better choice. If you can have a
good relationship with her, are you afraid that you won’t know what Yuehai does on
a daily basis?"


Clad's expression did not change at all, which made Constantine's smile freeze. He
glanced at Tire, who had quickly fallen asleep. He couldn't help but cursed secretly,
and then said to Clad again.

"Don't be like this, brother, we have known each other for so long, don't you still
know who I am?"

However, no matter how eloquent Konstantin was, Claude still stared at him without
any emotion, which made Konstantin extremely embarrassed. After a while, Claude

"Where are Elena and the others?" These words made Konstantin chuckle.
Issue 238 Shocking News
When Tyr woke up again, there was no one in the room. He rubbed his eyes, picked
up the Shadow Stone on the small table beside the bed, looked at the time, and found
that it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. He returned to the room this time. I
felt really full from sleep, but after sleeping for so long, I felt weak all over. I opened
the Shadow Stone channel at will, searched the satellite TV channels of the entire
Sikri Empire, and found that there were more than 5,000 in total, including Xili. Your
principality is inside.

With so many satellite TV stations, how does Demon Shadow Stone receive it?

Tier couldn't help but sigh. After thinking about Tianji God, one of the ten gods who
invented this magical prop, he felt even more powerful. He heard that this Tianji God
was close friends with Avalon's dean, the Holy King of Death, but he didn't know. If
there is a chance to meet him in the future, he must be a wise man.

Tier raised his eyebrows, looked at the Milik Kingdom TV under the Cyril
Principality TV, and clicked on it without thinking.

After clicking on the Kingdom of Milik, there were hundreds of sub-stations. Each of
these sub-stations was an area of the Kingdom of Milik. Tier did a rough search and
clicked on the one he had visited for the first time. Participate in the Sith City branch
of the mercenary mission.

This substation is currently broadcasting the recent news events in Sith City. Because
this is a place where merchants often circulate, the news is mostly related to
merchants. For Tier, there is nothing worth paying attention to.

When he was about to close the branch, the host of the broadcast was startled. He
looked at the virtual screen that suddenly popped up in front of him, glanced at it,
then immediately returned to his solemn expression and said quickly

"Just before, our Sith City branch received a piece of news, that is, the A-level
monster that was rampant in the Meteor Mountains near Sith City, with a bounty of
up to millions, [Pandora], was linked to two people three days ago. The two military-
level mercenaries, the emperor-level powerhouses [Lifna of Silver Spear] and [Tiger
Eye King], fought against each other. The result was that [Tiger Eye King] was on
the verge of death and [Lifna of Silver Spear] was slightly injured. The A-level
bounty leader [Pandora] was seriously injured and fled. Livna did not pursue the
victory in order to rescue [Tiger Eye King]. Unfortunately, it was a step too late in
the end. Just yesterday, [Tiger Eye King] died after the rescue failed. The emperor
has fallen."

When Tire heard the news, his heart skipped a beat. His hands couldn't help but grab
the sheets beside him, and his brows gradually furrowed.

Pandora, this haunting monster!

Neither emperor could kill it! Although Tyr saw the message on the Shadow Stone
showing that [Tiger Eye King] was only a low-ranking emperor, [Livna of the Silver
Spear] had the strength of a middle-ranking emperor and had been among military-
level mercenaries for decades. A veteran, she alone should be able to kill Pandora. I
am afraid there are more unknown secrets in this, but these are not what Tyr can
know, and he does not want to know.

But Pandora's death has always been a worry for him.

Just after waking up, his mood dropped to the lowest point. This was really
uncomfortable for Tier. However, the host in the Shadow Stone did not finish
speaking and continued to speak.
"Today, Master Tisca, the head of the Sith City Mercenary Division, said that he
would personally set out to kill the A-level bounty leader [Pandora]. On the other
hand, the official personnel guarding Sith City, as the emperor, The super-level
Marron will also go with Lord Tisca. This time the strength of the official and servant
team is several times stronger than before. [Pandora], who has always been a worry
in Sith City, will definitely be wiped out and give us peace. life."

After reading it, Tier couldn't help but think again. He didn't expect that Tisca would
also leave in person. . . . . . As the minister of the mercenary branch, she is a
strong person for the emperor, and she has a lot of experience. Although she has not
yet reached the level of emperor, she is still considered a leader among the emperors.
Even Tire is not She felt that she could fight Tisca, so if she went there in person,
Pandora would definitely be unable to escape, and this matter could be considered

Just when he was thinking this, Tyr's other Demonic Shadow Stone suddenly
vibrated. His face sank. Looking at the other Demonic Shadow Stone, he couldn't
help but stretched out his right hand. After holding it in his hand, he first took a deep
breath. After taking a breath, he firmly pressed the button to accept.

In the virtual screen that popped up, Pandora's ugly face suddenly appeared, and this
time its whole body was covered with wounds. It looked even more ferocious than
before. There was a fist-sized hole on its shoulder close to the heart that penetrated
the body. There are many moving granules in the hole that are slowly growing, but
there is a faint holy light reverberating inside, preventing those granules from
regenerating quickly.

"Hey! Tier, you look very healthy." Pandora's first words were like greeting an
acquaintance, but Tier's expression did not change at all. After this month, the name
Pandora The monster has gone from a being that struggled to even speak to a highly
intelligent creature that speaks fluently. The opportunity seems to be just a Shadow

Tyr actually thought that it was impossible for monsters to learn to be close to
humans in such a short period of time just because they had a Shadow Stone.
Otherwise, just by robbing a caravan, a bunch of monsters with wisdom comparable
to humans would be born. , but in fact it is not the case.

Then the problem lies with Pandora itself. It has extremely high learning ability, but
it did not have such a thing as the Shadow Stone in the past. Due to the problem of
vision, the improvement in wisdom is not obvious, but here After getting the Shadow
Stone by chance, Pandora began to display its amazing learning ability. In just one
month, it had reached the point where it could talk to Tyr.

"Did you read the news just now? The head of the mercenary branch in Sith City
wants to take action personally. We feel a lot of pressure."

Although Pandora said this, she didn't panic at all. Tyr looked at it coldly but said

"Are you still not talking? Tyr, you have to think carefully. Every time I force you to
speak, the cost is human life. Since you have not disposed of the Shadow Stone, it
proves that you still want to know our location. , correspondingly we will naturally
make you pay some price, otherwise, wouldn’t we suffer a lot? Hahahaha. However,
your increase in the bounty to one million this time really gives us a headache. In
fact, we We have fought against three teams of [army]-level mercenaries, and the
strongest among them is a seventh-level great magician. Unfortunately, we are lucky,
and we can survive every time."
The seventh-level great magician is equivalent to the middle-ranking emperor among
warriors. If he performs well, he is even more powerful than the upper-level emperor.
In fact, the magician himself is more powerful than the warrior, but their magic needs
to be chanted, and their physique is even worse. He is extremely weak, so every time
he fights a warrior if he gets close, he will most likely be defeated in one fell swoop!
Issue 239 Hunger
Pandora was able to escape from the seventh-level magician, and judging from the
tone of her voice, she encountered more than one person every time she fought. In
other words, at least someone like [Silver Spear] A combination like Livna] and
[Tiger King Eye].

Moreover, a seventh-level great magician is more powerful than a mid-level emperor

in some aspects.

However, Pandora is just a monster that has just evolved to the sixth level, and its
strength is comparable to that of a lower emperor. Such an existence, even if it has
wisdom comparable to humans, should not be able to escape and ascend to heaven

Obviously, Pandora still has many secrets that Tyr doesn't know about.

I just hope that the Tisca branch chief can eliminate them this time.

"It seems that I have to leave the Meteor Mountains. Otherwise, if those real human
warriors come after me, no matter how lucky I am, I will still die. Although we like
to play, we still cherish our lives."

Pandora's unexpected words made Tier stunned, and then he couldn't help but feel a
little anxious. If it really leaves here, it will be more difficult for Tisca and the others
to hunt down Pandora, and the instability factors in the future will also become more
and more difficult. Come more and more!

"Oh ~ Tyr, we can feel a hint of anxiety from your eyes. Although we can't see you,
the gaze you cast can let us feel it. You want to tell this information to that strong
human being, right? .”

Tier's pupils shrank. He was obviously calm and trying to slow down his emotions,
but he didn't expect that Pandora could still feel it in an instant. This has gone beyond
the so-called observation of words and colors, and has reached the sixth sense. the

But Tier did not weaken because of this, and spoke in a calm voice.

"Yes, since you will hit the Shadow Stone every time, you must be prepared to
expose your location and information."

"Hehehe, I really look forward to the day when I can meet you, Tyr."

Pandora's words revealed yearning, but Tier felt annoyed. He frowned slightly,
glanced at the back behind Pandora, and said

"I'm afraid you won't survive that day."

After saying that, Tyr closed the Demonic Shadow Stone, and then took out the
Demonic Sound Stone and called it to Tisca, the head of the mercenary branch in Sith

"Hello, Tisca Branch Chief."

"Tir? It seems that you have seen the news." Tisca obviously mentioned that Till
would call, so he guessed Till's purpose when he heard the other party's voice. Tier
himself was not a person who liked to be polite, so he said directly

"Chief of the Tisca Branch, the monster you are going to destroy has a Shadow Stone
in its hand. It has also seen the previous news."

"Do monsters watch the news..." Tisca put the two words together, but it made people
laugh. Tyr knew that this was unbelievable, but it was the fact.

"The monster named Pandora has intelligence that is no weaker than that of humans.
After seeing the news, it is now ready to escape."

These words once again stunned Tisca. Tyr could already feel Tisca's doubts just
from the magic sound stone.

"How did you know?"

Tisca asked this. Now that Tire had spoken to this point, it was hard to hide it, so he
told Tisca all about the previous rescue of Mr. Zach. Of course, the part about Happy
Eyes was mentioned. I chose to cover it up.

After listening, Tisca nodded slightly and said in disbelief.

"In other words, this monster almost possesses human intelligence at the fifth level?"



"Branch chief? What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?" Tier felt the suddenly quiet
atmosphere on the other side and couldn't help asking. However, there was no sound
from the other end. It took a long time before he spoke.

"Leave Pandora's matter to me, but you must remember not to mention it to anyone

"...Why is this?" Although Tire did not intend to tell anyone else, Tisca's stern
expression made Tire quite curious. Unfortunately, Tisca did not give an
explanation. , obviously this is something that Tyr should not know. Although he is
curious, he does not like to take risks for the sake of curiosity. Since Tisca does not
intend to explain, he will not delve deeper, as long as the result is Pandora forever. As
long as he disappears from this world, other things are of no real use to him.

Tyr hung up the Magic Sound Stone in his hand and sighed slightly while lying on
the big bed. His stomach also made an unsatisfactory sound at this moment, and a
feeling of powerlessness suddenly surged into his heart.

Anyway, let’s fill our stomachs first.

After putting on his clothes and trousers, Tier walked out of the room, thinking that it
had been a month since he came here, but he had never tried the escalator in the boys'
dormitory. It was said to be broken by someone before, so Tier thought that after all
this time, he should It was repaired, but after pressing it twice, he found that it was
still out for repair, which made him question the efficiency of his Avalon.

Although going down the stairs is not as strenuous as going up the stairs, after
walking back and forth for more than ten floors, coupled with my hungry stomach,
my head started to feel dizzy after this trip. It turns out that I am still a little weak.

If it were Yue Hai, he would probably be able to fly down as light as a swallow.
When I walked to the door of the dormitory, the dormitory administrator from the
guard room walked out. Seeing Tier's desperate look, he suddenly showed a big

"Young man, you look like you are about to die."

"Uh, uncle, I'm just hungry. By the way, uncle, the power elevator here hasn't been
repaired yet? It's really hard to go up and down the stairs every time." Tier leaned on
the handrail next to the wall and took a few breaths. But this sturdy man came over
and patted Tire's shoulder so hard that he almost fell to the ground.

"Young people, you should move your body more. Wasn't it possible to get by in
Avalon before when there was no power elevator? Just bear with it and get over it!"

Forehead. . . . . . In other words, this power elevator may not be

repairable. . . . . .

Tier felt that his face must be very ugly now, and he wanted to report it! Otherwise,
how could he have endured walking up and down dozens of flights of stairs for seven
whole school years!

But now, even if he was dissatisfied, Tier couldn't show it. After chatting with his
uncle for a few words, Tier walked out of the dormitory tremblingly.

As soon as he left the refrigeration-bound dormitory, Tier felt a strong sense of heat,
which made even his breathing feel as dull as being covered in a quilt.

I looked up at the sky. On such a sultry day, it must be raining heavily soon. Anyway,
I should fill my stomach first and think about other things after that. I remember that
there is a hotel near this dormitory area. Last time I was with Clara. De and others
had been there, and the taste was pretty good. After making up his mind, Tier couldn't
help but speed up and rush towards the destination.
Issue 240 Discovery
Tire, who was walking on the sweltering street, began to observe the surrounding
Speaking of which, although he has been to Avalon College for a month, he has never
seen the central [Heavenly Reincarnation Wheel]. Although it has a very strong
presence there, he always unconsciously puts it there. It forgets.

However, I heard that it is very troublesome for even third-year students to enter the
Reincarnation Wheel. Freshmen like them should settle down first. To be honest, Till
is not interested in this thing.

District 18 is the boys' dormitory area. In fact, there are many open commercial
streets here. Not all the people coming and going are students. Even teachers,
teaching assistants and relatives can move around freely outside.

It's not that far away from the hotel that Tier remembered going to. He quickly
arrived at the ferry. This is a very luxuriously decorated hotel with an extremely
complete menu. In order to attract customers, the dishes are carefully prepared. The
level of deliciousness is generally higher than that of the school cafeteria. Although
the school's food has already made Tier full of praise, the steak here is even more

This hotel also has a very nice name called "Lanham's Hymn". According to the
Constantine grapevine, Lanham is the lover of the hotel owner. The hotel owner is a
teaching assistant at Avalon College and she often has quarrels with her husband.
Contradictory. When I heard what Kang Shiding said, I remember that the plot of the
story was enough to finish a whole table of dishes. A few gossipy waiters also
stopped to listen and even communicated together, making their table more and more
people. It was simply It was like a story meeting, but what Kang Shiding said was
well-founded, and some waiters who knew a lot of inside stories also agreed with his
point of view, so it was obviously not groundless.

Tire was only focused on eating at that time. In fact, he basically didn’t listen to the
details of what Constantine said. Generally speaking, in order to anger her husband,
the boss opened this restaurant in Avalon with her husband’s salary. hotel, and
eventually lived happily with Lanham's lover. This cuckold's behavior is simply
admirable. The most important thing is that the boss's husband is an active teacher.
Not to mention his strength, just dealing with others should not lead to family
conflicts. Tier can only attribute the result to Feng The emperor is also a human being
and cannot control his emotions and desires.

However, this kind of family conflict between strong men is quite new after hearing
about it. Although they are extremely majestic and invincible in battle, they may be
very powerless in emotional matters. After all, being strong does not mean your IQ
and EQ. All financial intelligence has been improved, especially emotional
intelligence and financial intelligence. These two things may not be as powerful as
those of love masters and big businessmen even if they are compared to gods.

After thinking so much, Tier had already walked into the hotel. The interior was very
brightly decorated and had a cooling barrier. As soon as he entered, he breathed a
sigh of relief. He touched his back and found that sweat was already overflowing. ,
Sure enough, this kind of weather is really troublesome for him. There are so many
people inside, maybe they are all here to have afternoon tea. It is almost the end of
the month, is it really good for these students to eat steak and drink coffee here so

Of course, Tyr was able to be so leisurely because he had earned 3,000 points early.
Others were really a bit puzzling.

"Welcome, sir. Who are you?"

At this time, a beautiful receptionist bowed slightly to Tier, and her professional
smile made him nod in return.


"Okay, please come inside." After the receptionist said it, the receptionist
immediately took out the magic shadow stone and operated it. Tier didn't pay
attention. After walking a few steps, he saw a waiter in black clothes striding over. .

"Hello sir, the first floor is now full. Please move to the second floor. Thank you."

Forehead. . . . . .

His stomach started to feel unsatisfactory again, but Tier couldn't say anything. Since
people are here, they naturally have to do it to the end. They can't give up halfway
just because they climbed to the second floor.

After finally following the waiter up the stairs, the second floor is completely
transparent. It is surrounded not by walls but by huge floor-to-ceiling windows.
Sitting next to it while eating, you can clearly see the outside scenery.

However, at this time, a familiar figure suddenly attracted Tier's eyes.

These are big breasts comparable to Damiyala. . . . . . No, this slightly curly
blond hair looked very familiar to Tier. After staring at it for a while, the other party
seemed to notice Tier's gaze, so he turned his gaze.
After the two people's eyes met, Tire immediately moved away, while the blond girl
sitting by the window frowned slightly. Although the handsome guy in front of her
looked very strange, she always felt very similar to that person.

Tier tried not to turn his eyes away as much as possible, mentally wondering why the
girl Jinsili appeared in the boys' dormitory area. Was she on a date with her

Under the gossip of Kang Shiding, Tier was influenced by what he saw and heard.
Nowadays, it’s not too clear about affairs, dating, mistress, cuckoldry, cheating. It’s
just that Jinsili was too active when she came to the boys’ dormitory area. , doesn’t it
mean that girls are very passive?


You can't think about this matter, Tier said to the waiter after sitting at an empty

"Bring me a volcano steak, medium rare. We'll talk about the rest later."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waiter wrote a small invoice on the board and
handed it to Tier.

Last time I remembered that it was Kang Shiding who paid the bill, so he wasn't very
clear about this. After looking at the front and back, he probably went to the front
desk to pay after eating. He didn't care, and nodded to the waiter, who responded in
the same way. He bowed and was about to leave when suddenly a female voice came
from behind the waiter.
"Give me one of the same."

The waiter was a little stunned. He turned around and saw a beautiful girl with a hot
figure approaching. He couldn't help but look at Tier again, and then said

"Are you two together?"

Tier shrank his neck and was about to shake his head, but the blond girl Jinsili said

"We are together. There is another person coming later. Please ask her to come to this

"Yes, please wait a moment." The waiter bowed slightly and then withdrew.

At this time, the original melodious music in the hotel gradually turned into the tunes
only played at aristocratic gatherings. Jinsili seemed very satisfied with the design of
the hotel, so she smiled and nodded, and then sat down opposite Tier.

After being silent for a long time, Tier felt that his embarrassment had returned again.
However, when he looked up, he found that Kingsley was observing him intently.

The other party frowned slightly and asked immediately

"Do you know me? Are you 123?"

"How do I know you? What is 123? You have the wrong person." Tier responded
immediately, trying to keep himself calm.
Issue 241 Old Friends
"You're lying. If it were an ordinary person's reaction, if they saw a strange woman
approaching at this time, they would definitely ask her whereabouts and her name.
But you have been silent and there is something wrong in your mind." Jin Sili looked
straight at her. Looking at Tier, the figure of the other person was reflected in those
bright eyes, and it was obvious that Tier's identity had been determined.

Tier was obviously taken aback and couldn't help but shout in his heart, damn, could
he tell so many things with just one less sentence? Feelings are sometimes more
troublesome than talking.

"Then you acquiesced?"

"Just say something, classmate Jinsili." Tier felt that it was not a shameful matter. At
this time, repeatedly rejecting it seemed too guilty. Since Jinsili has confirmed his
identity, there is no point in being secretive. Just in vain.

Jinsili crossed her arms and her eyes widened slightly.

"Hmph~ You still remember my name."

I shouldn't be able to remember, but as Tsukiumi, I just met someone yesterday. If I

could forget about it just by turning around, that would be too forgetful.

Tier raised his brows and imitated Jinsili's posture, crossing his arms and crossing his
chest. Although he couldn't make the proud posture of Jinsili, he could still assume a
scrutinizing posture.

Jinsili, who was being stared at, frowned, patted the table and said

"What are you looking at!"

"Watch what you have to say."

"..." Tire's words made Kingsley slightly stunned, and then she looked at the other
person's face and said

"Is this your true face?"

"Make it look like I'm wearing a human skin mask. Explain your purpose of coming,
classmate Jinsili." Tier's words showed vigilance. After all, there should be no reason
for Jinsili to come to him again, and she just mentioned three people, so If we stay
like this, it will become a two-on-one situation. . . . . .

Kingsley, who clearly sensed Tire's vigilance, couldn't help but feel a little annoyed
and spoke to Tire.

"I just suddenly felt that your movements looked familiar, so I came to see if it was
the man in my memory."

"Yes, I am 123. My original name is Tier."

"Tyr... It seems that you are more powerful than last time." Jinsli didn't know where
she judged that Tyr had become more powerful, but he couldn't deny this. It would be
better to say that he is now The posture of sitting on a rocket has reached a height that
is difficult for ordinary freshmen to reach.

"But I am the one who wins in the end!"

Facing Jinsili's confident words, Tire raised his eyebrows. What stupid thing was this
big-breasted girl talking about? Let's not talk about who is stronger and who is
weaker. The key point is why should there be a winner or loser? Normally, Tire didn't
think he would have another chance to fight against the opponent.

After Jinsili said this, Tire began to look around, which made the blond girl sitting
opposite couldn't help but become annoyed again.

"Hey! Listen to me carefully!"

"No, I'm just looking for your boyfriend." Tier always felt that his seemingly intimate
conversation with the other party here would misunderstand the third person Jinsili
was waiting for, so it was better to take precautions for safety reasons, but this But
Jinsili was puzzled by the words, and she raised her brows and spoke.

"What boyfriend, what are you talking about?!"

"Isn't the person you're waiting for in the boys' dormitory area your boyfriend or

"You idiot! Do you think there are only men left in the boys' dormitory?"

"you mean......"

Before Tier finished speaking, a tall and upright figure walked slowly over, and his
dry and beautiful appearance made Tier's eyes shine.

"Second Miss, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"It's too late! Mo Qingting, are you going to make your young lady wait for an hour?"
Jinsili protested dissatisfiedly, but Mo Qingting, who was standing aside, could only
reply helplessly.
"We encountered some force majeure events before, so there was no other way."

"...You should be past the age of menstruation."

Kingsley's words made Tier, who was trying to pretend to be a passerby drinking tea,
spit out his words. His embarrassed look looked extremely funny.

Seeing that both of them turned their attention, Tier quickly took a napkin and wiped
it on the seat.

"You guys continue."

"Miss, this is..." Mo Qingting wanted to ask, but her eyes suddenly narrowed,
revealing a see-through smile.


"What, what hum! It's not what you imagined..." Jin Sili wanted to explain, but Mo
Qingting waved her hand and said

"I agree with everything the young lady does. As long as the other person is not
hostile to the family or has a bad attitude, it's fine if the young lady likes him."

"I told you it's not what you imagined!"

"What did I think about? Miss."

Jinsili was speechless. If she were to say this herself, wouldn't it be countless times
more embarrassing than Mo Qingting's opening her mouth? This bastard Mo
Qingting actually set a trap for herself!

A passer-by drinking tea with no idea of the meaning sat opposite and watched the
two bickering. He couldn't help but wonder why the steak was not ready yet, so he
ran away as soon as possible after finishing it!

"I see, is this Mr. 123 who pointed his sword at hundreds of millions of people at that
time?" Mo Qingting cupped her fists slightly towards Tier, obviously admiring his
courage, although the way he did it was a bit unflattering.

Tier learned to clasp his fists in return, but when he saw the other party suddenly
burst into laughter, he knew he had made the wrong gesture.

"This is the way Eastern martial artists greet each other. It's normal for people from
the Empire not to know." Jinsli next to her suddenly tried to smooth things over for
some reason, which made him feel even more embarrassed and scratched her My
head, I don't know how to react.

As soon as he finished speaking, the waiter in charge of delivering the food brought
the prepared steak. In the middle of the flaming dinner plate was a steak that exuded
crystal oil!

His stomach kept protesting as if it was pumping air. Without hesitation, Tier picked
up the knife and fork and began the wonderful eating stage.

Seeing how Tierna wanted to stuff a whole piece of steak into his stomach with his
hands, Kingsley couldn't help but snorted.

"What a tasteless way to eat."

I'm really sorry. Tier said that he once ate in a more embarrassing situation in the
Mulberry Burial Forest. This eating posture was all practiced at that time. He had to
eat slowly, otherwise he might be attacked by surprise. How could he live like this
now? comfortable.

In short, under Tyr's storm, the steak successfully filled his stomach. Although he
was not full yet, he finally regained some strength, which was much better than the
listless appearance before.

Jin Sili, on the other hand, had not even finished a fifth of the meal. Mo Qingting,
who was sitting on the other side, watched quietly but did not eat anything.

Tier couldn't help but ask the other party why he didn't eat. He felt that it was time to
retreat after satisfying his hunger. He was really not used to facing an inexplicably
powerful woman like Jin Silly here.

However, at this moment, Kang Shiding was chatting excitedly with several unknown
classmates, and then walked up.
Issue 242 You chase me

When Kang Shiding saw Tier sitting with Jinsili and Mo Qingting, he was slightly
stunned at first, and then showed a look of realization.


Hey, you're so big. Tier, who also saw Constance, couldn't help but cursed secretly,
what's this feeling of being misunderstood?

Several classmates around Kang Shiding also looked over here along his line of sight,
and stayed on Jin Sili and Mo Qingting for a while before saying.

"Constant, is this your friend?"

"No, I don't know such a friend who places more emphasis on sex than friends." The
righteous and awe-inspiring look of Kongsidin's words made Tier almost forget the
face of Kongsiding when he, as Yuehai, hit the magic sound stone at noon.

This bastard is actually beating him up right now!

The others were suddenly enlightened and looked at Tier with either envy or

After saying this, Kang Shiding took out the camera stone and took several pictures
of Tier, while saying

"But this scene is really rare. I will send it to Sister Longslayer later and see how she

"Constant, you bastard!" Tier slapped the table and was about to stand up to settle the
score with him, but Constant suddenly used the power of the spirit of speech.

"Acting cute!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an invisible force drove Tier into a posture that
looked very cute.


The whole place was silent for five seconds.

"It's so disgusting." Jinsili was the first to express her feelings. Kang Shiding turned
around and ran away. Tier's face was gloomy and his fists were clenched.

"It seems that you have forgotten the fear of being suppressed by me when you ran

"Running naked!" These words immediately made Jin Silly and the two of them raise
their eyebrows. Speaking of streaking, I am afraid that the entire Avalon knew about
the group of male students from Class 9 in the first year running naked. Only then did
they realize that it turned out that at that time Tyr was there too!

"See you two another day!"

After Tier said that, he rushed towards the first floor. Jinsili wanted to call out to the
other person, but she didn't know what reason to use, and finally let the other person
disappear from her sight.

Mo Qingting watched from the side and couldn't help but smile lightly.

"There is ample time."


Naturally, Constantine's speed was not as fast as Till's. Almost as soon as he appeared
on the street, Till used his incredible body skills to quickly approach the opponent.

Considine, who was running in front using the speed-doubling technique, looked
back and found that Tire's speed was another level faster than before. He quickly
turned and rushed into the alley.

Tier frowned slightly and turned in, but the figure of Constantine suddenly
disappeared. When he reacted, the guy had already appeared on the other side of the

Got fooled!

Tire frowned. As expected, in terms of familiarity with the terrain, he was no match
for Constance.

But it would be too cheap to let him go like this! This kind of cuckold who stabs
people in front of others should be eliminated with the hammer of justice!

Muffled thunder began to sound in the sky. Although it was just past two o'clock, the
dark clouds were gradually turning Avalon black, and heavy rain was coming, and it
would pour down at any time.

But the chase on the street was not over. Tire was indeed much faster than
Constantine. However, the other party was familiar with the terrain and could use the
spirit of speech to control passers-by to block his way. Tire was chased for a long
time, but he was It was very annoying, but I didn't expect this guy to be able to
escape so much. Judging from the difference in strength, he should have been caught
by him long ago.
“You bastard Constantine, you’re going to get escaped!”

"Then don't pursue me if you have the guts! I've sent all these pictures of you to
Sister Longslayer. A winner in life like you deserves a head-on attack!"

Constantine waved the camera stone in his hand while running away. Tyr was so
angry that he gritted his teeth. He was actually jealous that he was sitting with a
woman! Tyr was outraged by his narrow-mindedness. Why didn't he mess with
Krad? That young master is much stronger than me.

However, what Tire didn't know was that Clad was pursued by too many girls, so
even if Constantine was dissatisfied, he couldn't point the finger at the other party, so
he could only harass Tire, who was the weakest.

Tyr cursed secretly while chasing in his mind. Just when he was about to exert his
strength again, the magic sound stone in his pocket suddenly sounded. This made Tyr
tremble and he quickly took it out to connect it.

"Classmate Tier, it seems that you are having a great time today."

The voice of Dragon Slaughter came from the Demonic Sound Stone, and the faintly
sullen tone made Tier quickly say

"There is a misunderstanding here, I beg for an explanation!"

"No need, together with yesterday's unfinished accounts, it's a pleasure to pay off
everything. It seems that Kang Shiding is also there. Help me catch him and maybe I
can consider letting you die more comfortably."
Will he still die? ! Why do girls nowadays have to decide whether to live or die when
it comes to underwear-related matters?

"In short, just catch Kang Shiting, right?"

"That's right."

"Okay!" Dragon Slaughter's words made Tire more determined to catch Constantine.
After hanging up the magic sound stone, he worked harder and kept getting closer to

Feeling a strong determination behind him, Constantine quickly accelerated his

speed. Although he didn't know why Tier suddenly broke out, it was obvious that he
would not end well after being caught.

This feeling, like an intuition, lingered in his mind, as if something ominous was
about to happen.

School District 18 is a boys dormitory area. Most of the students here are male
students. Of course, some special stores are opened here because female students
often come here. Therefore, School District 18 is not all men as imagined. , although
it is much more deserted than other school districts, it is a residential area after all,
and most students will stay in the dormitory after returning.

Skipping one dormitory building after another, Kang Shiding was always able to rely
on his skillful shortcuts to avoid Tire's pursuit. The two of them chased each other for
more than half an hour without any results.
"Tyr, you're still chasing me!" Considine felt a lot of pressure. He didn't expect that
the other party's perseverance was deeper than he thought. However, Tirr didn't want
to chase. If he hadn't received the magic sound stone from Dragon Slayer, he might
have been killed. At this point, I won't continue to struggle. After all, it takes too
much energy. The steak I ate before was all in vain, and now my stomach starts to
feel hungry again.

"Who told you to send those pictures to Long Slayer! You are the one to blame!"

"It's all your own fault. It's obviously your attempt to get out of singleness!"

"You're the only one who's single!"

"I would be willing to be single, but it's a pity that there are very few people who like
me." Kang Shiding simply couldn't get enough of the grapes, sour grapes. This would
bring disaster to him, and he was really unlucky. Yes.

However, when he raised his head slightly, he realized that the flying train station
was very close at hand!

"Hahaha! Do you really think that I am leading you around blindly? Everyone must
abide by the order after entering the flying train station. Let's see how you catch me!"
Phase 243 Food Court

When Constantine dashed into the station, Tire had no choice but to walk in with a
gloomy face.

Constantine, who was waiting for him inside, smiled, stepped forward and lightly
punched Tyr in the chest.
"Look at you, you dare to do it even to gods, but in the end you were tricked by me."

"..." Tier didn't know how to answer, but Constantine's previous series of dodges and
actions really caught Tier by surprise, and he was finally caught by the opponent and
escaped to the flight station.

Absolute order is maintained inside the station. Once anyone dares to make trouble
inside, it will be regarded as provocation to the entire Avalon Academy. No one dares
to wear this high hat.

"Anyway, now that we've arrived at the station, why not go somewhere else to have

"Somewhere else?"

"For example, in the first school district, the food street is built there. It is an area
under the jurisdiction of the Culinary Arts Department and the Ingredients
Department. Basically, you can find everything you want to eat there, and the various
delicious dishes launched every day will definitely make you feast. "

Kang Shiding's words made Tier, who was already hungry, swallow his saliva
immediately, and his stomach screamed in dissatisfaction.

This reaction made Kang Shiding laugh, patted the other party on the shoulder and

"It seems that your stomach has agreed, then let's go!"

"Uh, but I promised the Dragon Slaughter that I would catch you..."
"...Don't worry about such trivial matters. How magnanimous is Sister Dragon
Slayer? Let's get down to business first!" Although Kang Shiding said this, the
melancholy at the beginning made Tier a little uneasy.

It's just that this food street is really very tempting. If you don't go there to see it now,
you won't know when it will be in the future.

By the time Constantine and Tire arrived at the first school district, heavy rain had
already begun to fall. Even so, it still did not stop the two from wanting delicious

The food street is not far from the station. After buying two umbrellas at the grocery
store next to the station, the two of them walked over.

Although the sky has become gloomy, the lights in the first school district are
extremely bright. The bright street lights and the lights of various storefronts
illuminate the entire food street, and the fragrance of various food is permeated in it.
Even if it is washed away by the rain, it is difficult to wash it away. Wash away the

"Let's go! I'll take you to satisfy your hunger first."

As he said this, Constantine winked at Tier, and the two of them walked quickly to a
small stall. Although it was raining heavily, the number of people on the street did
not become smaller because of this, but became more lively. There were already
many people at the stall. The student passers-by waited for a few minutes before it
was Tier and Constantine's turn.
"Boss, two hot forts."


"Reborg?" Tire raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but be confused. Constantine
snorted lightly, knowing that the other party was not clear, so he said

"This hot castle is the food created by the current ten gods [Tian Ji Shen] when he
was still a mortal in his early years."

"God of Heaven..." It is God of Heaven again. Whether it is the magic sound stone,
the power ladder, the camera stone, or the power car, they are all created by this god.
This is really a great god who benefits mankind, because With these props, people's
lifestyle will become so convenient.

Seeing that Tire was no stranger to the God of Heaven, Constantine did not explain it
to the God of Heaven himself, but continued to speak.

"This Hot Castle was the first step for His Majesty the God of Heaven to make a big
splash. At that time, he started with Hot Castle, obtained a large production patent in
the Suzaku Empire, and made a lot of money. He used this to develop outwards, and
then invented more All kinds of props, food, and terms eventually became a great
businessman. Later, His Majesty the God, who was a legend all his life, worked hard
in the Sikri Empire and the Graycliff Alliance, and even lived in the Nylon Kingdom.
After decades, and finally relying on his own opportunities and the support of
countless people, His Majesty Tianji God finally lit up and became a god, and then
took a big step forward and became one of the lofty gods of the ten places, with a
status in The Suzaku Empire can even be compared with the current emperor."

In the end, Kang Shiding still couldn't help but tell the legend of Tianji God in a
simple way. In fact, the bitterness and hardships in it are enough for the author to
write millions of words. It is simply the embodiment of the legend and it is not at all
Too much.

In fact, the nineteen holy kings and the ten gods of the earth, these nineteen powerful
men who can influence the entire Noah's world are not legends. They have all walked
on the edge of the knife and stood out in various intrigues and battles.

Constantine talked for a long time, and Tire could only listen beside him. He couldn't
get in the conversation at all. But just as the hot buns were finished, the boss handed
over two hot buns wrapped in tin foil, and Tier took them in his hands. I always feel
that it is several levels higher than steak. Is this kind of food really delicious?

Till ended up eating fifteen.

"Haha, it's delicious."

"This is definitely the best food I have ever tasted. It's a pity that the quantity is
limited, otherwise I could have eaten a hundred of them when I took them home!"

Tire's words made Constantine shrug his shoulders and said with a raised brow.

"There are other things to eat. I think you should save your stomach. Since we are at
the food court today, we will eat Sikri, Suzaku, Gray Cliff, Nylon Kingdom, Elf
Empire, Dwarf Empire, God Realm and other delicacies. Pay it all well."

Constant's words immediately made Tire interested again. Even though he had eaten
fifteen hot castles, he still didn't feel full.

"Wait, God Realm?"

"Yes, God Realm."

"Can we also eat delicacies from the God Realm?" Tier couldn't help but wonder,
isn't that place easily accessible to ordinary people? How could there be food flowing
out? However, Constantine also knew very clearly about this kind of thing. He
stretched out his finger and shook it at Tyr, and answered

"The God Realm is only called the God Realm because it is the first world to be born
and the Supreme God is in it. In fact, the gap in top strength between the God Realm
and Noah's World is not imagined. The two worlds are so huge, and the two worlds
can be said to be on the same level, so every ten years a group of exchange students
from the God Realm will come to learn from each other, and these delicacies of the
God Realm are naturally taught by them personally."

"Exchange students in the God Realm? Could it be that they are all gods?" "I told you
that the God Realm is not much different from the Noah's World. Naturally, there are
weak people, but people in the God Realm have wings, so they are very easy to

This was the first time Tier had heard of these things. He originally thought that the
divine world was filled with gods managing each world, but he did not expect that it
was actually very similar to Noah's world.

"Of course, in terms of grassroots strength, the God Realm is enough to sweep
through any world, so no one can shake its status."

This is true. After all, every time someone from the world below is promoted to a
god, the God Realm will immediately send out messengers to recruit talents.
Thinking about the sign of the God Realm, it is estimated that seven of the ten gods
may agree. As time goes by, As time goes by, the power of the God Realm will
become more and more terrifying.
End of issue 244
When Tyr and his wife arrived at a restaurant, three familiar figures appeared in front
of him.
The three of them were sitting at the dining table, carefully picking out the menus.
When they saw the sylph from Tyr out of the corner of their eyes, they immediately

"Lord Tyr! This way, this way!"

Can you worry about other people's eyes? Saying hello loudly like this will attract a
lot of people to watch.

Tier said no more, looked at each other with Constantine, and the two walked over
quickly. Unexpectedly, these two elves were so good at playing, and they actually
came to the food court. If Constantine hadn't told him about this place, Tier's eyes
were completely dark, and he didn't know what was going on.

When Tier sat down, he realized that the third figure was not Clad, but mentor

This strange combination made Tire puzzled. When Rachel saw Tire and Constantine
sitting down, she couldn't help saying hello.

"Hey! Are you two shopping?"

"Well, but why is the mentor here? And he happens to be with Elena and the others?"
Tier couldn't help but wonder. Rachel sighed slightly, lay on the seat and stretched
lazily before answering.
"It's really a coincidence that I came here, but after seeing Elena and Kalida, I wanted
to communicate. After all, Kalida is a newly transferred student, and the president
didn't explain the reason clearly to me."

So that's it. Tier nodded suddenly. Kalida's shift change was really unexpected. Not
many people actually knew the inside story of this matter, so even Rachel was just
following orders and didn't know the details. That’s why I thought of chatting after
meeting Kalida and the others.

It's a pity that Kalida doesn't like to communicate with other people. Even Rachel
doesn't say a word. Only Elena is smiling next to her. It's really a hard work for this
elf. No wonder she screamed when she saw her earlier. It was like the sound of hope
when seeing a life-saving straw.

"Did the instructor ask anything?" Tier was playing the role of an uninformed person
at this time. It stands to reason that Tier had no interference at all in Yuehai's matter,
so he must not let it slip when talking to Rachel. Something happened that shouldn't
be said.

Rachel shook her head

"No, Kalida's spirit is very fragile. She must have suffered a serious blow, and there
are countless wounds all over her body. She must have lived an inhuman life before."

Tyr said silently, how could it be easy to be with someone like Scarlet?

Rachel secretly sighed. She was not a kind person. If an elf was caught in this status,
most human countries would be bound by the slavery system. After all, the beauty of
elves is very outstanding, and even men are enough to seduce those with weird tastes.
Therefore, Rachel was not too surprised when she saw the wounds all over Kalida's
body. On the contrary, Elena was much purer than she imagined, and could even be
said to be a blank sheet of paper.

Dispelling these strange thoughts, Rachel then asked

"Since you are here too, let's eat together. I don't think there is a need to be so
secretive about Classmate Clad who is hiding on the other side."

Tilgan laughed, and then scanned around, but did not find Krad's figure, and did not
know where he was hiding.

Rachel smiled and pointed to the top. Tier understood immediately and stood up and
walked to the second floor. When he arrived on the second floor, he saw Clad sitting
alone by the window looking at the rainy scenery outside the window, his eyes
slightly lost in thought. What are you thinking about.

Krader, who felt the sight, cast his gaze towards him. When he found out that the
person coming was Tyr, he couldn't help but be confused.

"Tyr? What's wrong?" Krad was not surprised that Tire appeared here, but he was
confused as to why he found him.

"Teacher Rachel is downstairs and wants you to go down and have dinner together."
Tire pointed to the first floor, which made Clad slightly startled, then shook his head
and smiled.

"As expected of a mentor, I can't detect the other person even with my senses here."

"..." Tier had no choice but to respond with a shrug. If a mentor can allow a new
student to find traces, then either the mentor is too weak or the new student is too
powerful. Which of the two should be placed in Avalon? These are all things that are
difficult to accomplish, so it is almost impossible for Rachel to be discovered by
Krad, at least not now.

After Tire took Krad down, several people immediately raised the atmosphere to the
highest level under the leadership of Constantine's topic guide. During this period,
Tire also received the magic voice of Dragon Slayer and learned that Tire and others
actually went to go to the food. They were eating, drinking and having fun in the
street, which made Long Tu very angry, and finally hung up on Mo Yin unilaterally.

Tyr thought to himself that he should go and apologize to the Dragon Slayer the next
day, otherwise he would really have to be beaten severely to end the matter.

After finishing the dinner, Tire and his party wandered around the food street for a
long time, and did not go back until seven or eight in the evening.

They first sent Elena and Kalida back to the dormitory, and then Rachel said goodbye
to Tier and others and left. Finally, when the three of them returned to the dormitory
while chatting, they found that a delicate body had fallen asleep on the bed. , those
slender white legs made Tier and others mistakenly think that a woman had entered
the dormitory. After a closer look, they found out that it was Yakumo Xiaoqi who
had returned from the Mulberry Burial Forest. It seemed that she had been tired for
the past few days. It was broken, even if Kang Shiding and others spoke so loudly
before, they did not wake him up.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, so the dormitory was finally full

Tier, who was soaking in the bath, couldn't help but lament the events of the past few
days. It seemed that everything started with actual combat in the wild. Although Tier
also gained a lot of strength as a blessing in disguise, he was also tortured a lot these

The first month is almost over, Tier couldn't help but sigh. This month has been very
fulfilling, and it has even made him feel the ups and downs of life. Although his goal
now is to recover his memory, it is not bad to enjoy such a life.

Tyr looked at the dew-covered ceiling, and the warm feeling made him want to fall

Sure enough, bathing is the best thing.

Just like that, July came to an end, and those hard-working Group B students from
Class 9 finally returned with their miserable bodies.

However, although they looked embarrassed, their eyes were obviously different.

Long Tu told Yue Hai privately that these people must have gone through other
things, otherwise their eyes would not become so bright.

Yue Hai didn't think so, they were just a bunch of rabble, and she only recognized her

The end of July is the first monthly exam of this semester.

The minimum score for the assessment is 2000, and Class 9 is 3000. Not many
people can reach this score before the monthly exam, but it doesn't matter. The
monthly exam can give them a maximum of 700 in one go. This is the last chance.

Yue Hai and others had already saved up 3,000, so the seemingly thrilling monthly
exam that decided whether to stay or go had nothing to do with them.

In this way, other staff went to the relevant examination rooms to take the monthly
exams, while Yue Hai and others were studying by themselves in the Class B
classroom of Class 9. It was not a big deal before, but now when I looked at it, I
found that the empty classroom was really big, and they were still in it. Nothing

As a result, only Dragon Slayer Ye Xi and Damiyala knew about Yue Hai's
disappearance that day. Dragon Slayer also told Tier, who had a good relationship
with him. The scope was very small and no one was a big talker, so even if this
matter It didn't spread among their group.

In fact, Yue Hai didn't discuss the specific situation with Long Tu and the others in
depth, for fear of revealing his flaws.

At noon at the end of the month, the monthly exams were finally completed, and then
came the class competition, which was really troublesome.

The subject of the preliminary investigation was Class 13. This class did not have
enough unity and strong people, so it was not a difficult opponent. It was just that
they were afraid that Class 9 would be less united than Class 13. Think about Group
Z. The internal division has also led to the intensification of the conflict between the
T group and the S group. The Empire and the Suzaku people seem to be really
divided and become incompatible. This is only the first month, if they continue to
make trouble like this, who knows if something unpredictable will happen.

However, what Yuehai didn't expect was that the match between Class 9 and Class 13
turned out to be an overwhelming victory for Class 9. This was entirely due to the
efficiency and speed of Team B of Class 9. They were like a sharp blade, directly
stabbing Entering the enemy's key point, while Class 13 was still integrating students
scatteredly, Group B here had already set off, and the exchange of fire between the
two sides was almost overwhelming. This time, Yuehai Krad and the others did not
want to fall behind. With powerful people like them Most of the students can deal
with them. They are almost invincible in this small world. In the end, they arrived at
their base camp alive. First, they rushed into the enemy team of hundreds of people
and killed the five crystal protectors inside. Killing all the people, he then rushed out,
penetrated the entire army directly, and smashed the three crystals in front of them!

The entire class competition lasted four hours.

And three of these four hours were spent on the road.

This incident almost shocked the entire first year of Avalon. After all, Group B only
had a few people. Facing Class 13, there was a gap of dozens of times. Not to
mention the strength of unity, the opponent could defeat B with just one person and
one magic martial skill. The group was overwhelmed, but in fact, those who watched
the video all swallowed the words of disbelief. This time, let alone outsiders, even
Tier and others could not believe it. This was just like the last time in the
competition. Their performance is completely different from the two. Although they
have become the main fighting force in Group B, they attack with the flow. This
group of people has no leader, but they can make things perfect as if they are one
consciousness. In their eyes, the swarms of enemy students were like oncoming
waves, and the class turned into a blade. No matter how rough the sea water was, they
were still able to advance and retreat with ease in the end. Tier and the others
unknowingly followed Group B won the victory. The most important thing was that
the unity of the other class was not very good. Facing the aggressive Group B, they
almost collapsed at the first touch. They didn't even think about joining forces. They
just let others go first and watched coldly from the side. This kind of mentality is only
possible. This was the main reason why Class 13 failed to stop Group B in the end.

Just like that, July is over.

It is the second month of the first semester at Avalon.

The 245th Golden Contest
Finally, the first month of the first semester of Avalon's first year has come to an end.
This time, a total of 287 people dropped out of Class Nine.

Among them, Group Z and Group T accounted for 30% of the dropouts, while Group
B, where Tsukiumi was located,

No one dropped out and everyone passed.

This is something rarely seen in Class 9 and even the entire grade.

All ninety-eight members of their Group B reached 3000 points, which let everyone
know that the team that destroyed Class 13 like a sharp blade was not successful due
to luck.

Monday, August 1, 3097 in the Gabriel Calendar

Teacher No. 3 slowly walked in with a green-covered magic book as the morning
meeting bell rang as usual.

"Everyone is very nice."

This is the first time that Teacher No. 3 has praised everyone when he opens his
mouth. Obviously Teacher No. 3 is really satisfied with the performance of Group B
this time. Whether it is the results in the competition or the fact that no one failed in
the monthly exam, this teacher I felt relieved.

"However, this does not mean that you can sit back and relax. The college's points
will increase every month. This month's assessment points are 3,500, and we only
had a base assessment score of 3,000 last month due to special circumstances. In fact,
it was The monthly score was only 2,000, but this month it has directly increased by
1,500. You should have expected this kind of jump in points, and the pressure will be
increasing in the future."

Teacher No. 3's analysis was not wrong, which also caused the somewhat excited
students to be immediately hit the bottom again. Each of them looked heavy, but
what was different from before was that their heaviness was more determined.

Yuehai couldn't help but wonder, what did these people encounter in the forest when
they were away that made them change so much? Whether it was group cooperation
or perseverance, they had improved linearly, otherwise Yuehai and the others would
not have been able to continue. There is no one left behind in Group B.

Teacher No. 3 went on to say

"There is a long-term team competition and individual competition event this month
called the [Golden Competition]. If you are confident, you can sign up."

"Activity?" Nilu couldn't help but make a sound. However, although everyone was
confused, only her clear voice shouted out, which made everyone in the huge class
look at her.
Neluke immediately covered her mouth and winked playfully at Teacher No. 3.

The team leader shook his head and smiled, then put his palm on the desk. The magic
pattern suddenly lit up, and a bunch of words appeared on the screen behind him.

"First, let's talk about this team competition."

Everyone nodded, and Teacher No. 3 continued:

"After registration, there will be a form for the competition. Assuming that 5,000
groups of freshmen have signed up this time, the first audition will be held, that is,
one group will play against another, and 2,500 groups will be selected. , and then
compete again every few days to determine 1,250 people. Half of the people will be
eliminated in each competition. In the end, the top 100 will have varying degrees of
rewards. The top ten groups will be exempted from four Monthly points assessment
and other generous rewards.”

The four-month point assessment is free of charge!

This is a big temptation. You must know that the pressure on them to earn points is
already very high, and it will be easier for them to drop out later. If they can get the
first place and get all the semester points for free, then at least this semester they will
I can sit back and relax and devote myself wholeheartedly to learning.

"Then, for those who already have a group, please ask your captain to come and sign

As soon as Teacher No. 3 said this, the entire Group B immediately exploded. Some
were playing the magic sound stone, while others were talking and chatting. Tier and
Diz glanced at Krad together. There was no need to say anything more. For a
beautiful college life, come on!

So Krad strode down, and the Dragon Slaughter on the other side walked over
equally lightly. The two looked at each other and immediately smiled.

"If our Dragon Emperor team encounters us, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"We will not admit defeat." Krad replied, and then the two of them finished signing
up. Only then did the others finish their decisions and began to sign up for Teacher
No. 3 one after another. The weird team names one after another made Yue Hai
couldn't help but be speechless as he listened. What about [You are my heart and
soul, you are my medicine team], and the [I eat large intestine] team, and even
weirder names like [Your Father Before Dying] also made him confused. Tsukiumi
was quite speechless. It was better to use Krad's move, Sky Sword Isshin. Although
this was the name of her move, it was also good to use it in a team.

After about ten minutes, all registrations were completed. Teacher No. 3 pressed the
magic pattern again without saying a word, and the pictures on the screen behind him
suddenly changed.

"The following is an individual competition, which depends on your own strength.

The rules are the same as the previous team competition, but the loser will enter the
resurrection competition. Assume that 40,000 people sign up, 20,000 advance, and
the other 20,000 are The 10,000 players who won the rematch will then compete with
the 10,000 people who lost again among the 20,000 people who were promoted. At
this time, the 10,000 people who won the promotion can rest for a few days and wait
until another time. Ten thousand people were determined on one side, and the two
sides faced each other again, followed by five thousand people, two thousand five
hundred people, and so on."
So complicated

Yuehai understood the meaning. In short, it was troublesome. Even if he won, he

couldn't guarantee that he would have to fight the person who lost to him again. This
also prevented some students who had a strong confrontation in the early stage from
having no chance at all.

It makes sense, but it's too annoying.

Yue Hai said that if there is a group competition, it is enough to drink a bottle, but
individuals are exempted.

However, at this moment, Teacher No. 3 suddenly raised his voice and said

"This time, the higher-ups are paying special attention to the individual competition,
so the rewards will be very generous. Not to mention the rewards for the top 1,000,
the top 100 will be exempted from the four-month point assessment, and there will be
The gods personally select and accept disciples. The top ten will be exempted from
the six-month point assessment, and can choose a god in the academy to become their
disciple. The first place will be personally taught by His Majesty, the title-level god,
and can do whatever they want. Choose a sacred weapon in the academy to use and

Bang bang! !

Bang bang! !

The heart beats hard.

At this time, it would be best to describe it as heart-pounding. The right to use a
sacred weapon is her ultimate goal. Yuehai couldn't help but breathe quickly. She
looked at the black and white words written behind Teacher No. 3 and confirmed that
it was correct!

Then, as long as she can get first place, she can choose to use the sacred instrument
that restores memory.

Everything will be revealed, why his body is like this, why he has no memory, where
he comes from, who his parents are, and what he was like before.

All kinds of thoughts filled Yuehai's mind, causing her to tighten her hands.

Gotta get it.


The 246th issue of Teacher Mao’s Lesson Part 3
"So, those of you who want to sign up, let's get started."

As soon as Teacher No. 3 finished speaking, everyone rushed down immediately.

Their excited expressions seemed to treat Teacher No. 3 as a delicious cake, and
everyone was about to eat it with one paw.

"Come one by one, don't rush, order!"

Teacher No. 3's words are obviously very useful now. Yue Hai and others are wise
and do not rush down. Anyway, Teacher No. 3 will not run away. It is not too late to
wait until all students have signed up before going down.
"Are you going to Yuehai?" Damiyala couldn't help but asked from the side.

"Go." Yuehai's eyes were firm, and it was a look that determined to win, which made
Damiyala raise her eyebrows slightly.

"I won't go. I feel it will be very troublesome. Where is Ye Xi?"

"Well, it would be good to see the overall strength of the students."

Ye Xi nodded. Although he was still as deserted as usual, the light in his eyes was
very different from Yue Hai.

Finally, everyone asked each other in private. Basically, except for Damiyala, all
other acquaintances were ready to participate. However, the two elves, Kalida and
Elena, were a little insensitive. It would be better to say that Elena didn’t even
participate in the team competition. She didn't even want to participate. As Tyr, I
wanted to take her out and scold her for several hours.

The registration ended soon. After finishing the statistics, Teacher No. 3 nodded to

"In the final analysis, these activities are just supplements to stimulate your growth.
Don't forget your original intention of coming to the academy, and don't put the cart
before the horse. Then, let's break up the meeting."

After Teacher No. 3 finished speaking, he picked up the magic book and walked out.
Everyone immediately started talking. Think about it, the first hundred people have
the opportunity to become the disciples of the gods, the disciples of the gods! !
Becoming a demigod will definitely be easy at your fingertips, and the title of
disciple of a god will be respected by all princes and kingdoms outside, let alone
those small countries. This is so majestic and majestic.

Not long after we talked, the black night owl jumped into the classroom.

It only took two seconds for all the students to fall silent. No, it should be said that it
was silent. It was as quiet as death.

Yuehai looked left and right. All the students looked at Teacher Mao with solemn and
respectful expressions.

I couldn't help but feel confused, what happened to them? I have never seen these
people admire Yong Ye so much before.

However, as soon as Yong Ye came in, he said

"I just passed by a pond in the college and saw many goldfish."





Then what! !

After waiting for a long time, Yongye was stunned but did not continue, as if this
sentence was all his stories in the morning.

Not only Tsukiumi, but others were equally confused. Did they see a goldfish in the
pond this morning and then disappear? Is this something worth speaking out about?

Teacher Cat habitually scratched his right forearm with his left paw. This humane
move has made the students accustomed to it. After he finally solved the problem
after making a fuss for a long time, Yong Ye said

"I ate one."

So you ate it! !

Everyone can't help but have the urge to faint. What are you doing? What is Mr. Cat
doing this early in the morning? Are you going to tell us the principle of law of the

Teacher Cat took small steps, then jumped to the desk, looked at all the students and

"I'm full now"


The look in everyone's eyes now should be similar to that of the dead goldfish.

This kind of skill that can lower the atmosphere of the whole class to freezing point
in an instant is probably only possible by the cat teacher.

He burped again in a very humane manner, which made the students sure that he was
really full.

After another pause, the cat teacher finally spoke:

"Okay, then based on my actions, language, tone and expressions, what exactly did I
do today before coming to Group B?"

Teacher Cat's momentum suddenly increased. The majestic and nagging Yong Ye
came back again, but the questions he left for them were incredible.

"I don't want you to think about it. I'll take a look. Let's start with the idiot classmate
in the middle."

"Huh? Me?" Kang Shiding pointed his finger at himself in disbelief, and Teacher Cat
nodded impatiently.

"Who are you? I've called you that before. Don't pretend to be stupid, just say it

"Um...Teacher, you must not have taken a shower in the morning, otherwise you
wouldn't have scratched yourself with your paws before." Kang Shiding said this
after thinking for a long time, but the cat teacher slapped the cat's paws on the front
of the desk with a snap. On the baffle, he said rather unhappily.

"Nonsense, I took a milk bath today. If you don't believe me, come here and smell it.
If it smells a little bit, I will give you full points for practical assessment this

"Uh~ Then I can't think of it."

"Idiot classmates are idiots, come down."

Even though he was ridiculed by Yong Ye, Kang Shiding had no choice but to walk
to the central competition platform with a sigh.

"Okay, then the next one is yours, the classmate who seems to have no sense of

Everyone immediately looked over, but after one glance, they unconsciously looked
back at Teacher Cat.

"One thing I know is that today, teacher, you took a long detour, otherwise you
wouldn't have been able to see the pond behind the college."

"That's right, it's good to know a little bit. Sit down."

Yong Ye seemed quite satisfied and asked the classmate to sit down. Yue Hai
nodded. After thinking about it, it made sense. He was about to see what the student
looked like, but he couldn't remember that the person was sitting there. Where is it?

How strange.

"Okay, let's ask the one who looks smarter next, it's you, Gao Feng."

Teacher Cat immediately cast his gaze on Damiyala.

peak. . . . . .

Almost 90% of the class understood the origin of the title of Teacher Cat in an
It really is a peak.

Damiyala sighed helplessly, and finally stood up and said

"First of all, what the previous classmate said was that you took a detour and passed
the pond behind the college."

"That's right." Teacher Cat nodded.

"But there are no goldfish in the pond."

"Oh? How did you confirm it?"

"I confirmed it with a magic sound stone before."

"Haha, it's quite fast, so what does this prove?"

"Prove that teacher you said passing by a pond and seeing many goldfish are two
different places."

"Yeah, yes, yes, well, you probably understand everything. Yes, as a judge, you
should have corresponding wisdom. I will leave the next answers to others. Sit

The cat teacher was very satisfied. Damiyala basically hit the nail on the head. After
some chewing, they found that what the cat teacher had said before was indeed true.

"I just passed by a pond in the college and saw many goldfish."
The two seem to be related, but in fact they have nothing to do with each other!
Issue 247 [Poor] Young Master
"Then let me change the next person. Is there anyone who volunteers to come
forward? If you take the initiative to come forward and answer, I can give you fifty
Yong Ye's words immediately made everyone's eyes light up. A classmate
immediately raised his hand, as if he was afraid that others would snatch it from him.
Teacher Cat frowned and then raised his cat's paw.

"Say it."

The classmate quickly stood up and said with a hint of confidence

"Teacher Yong Ye, since this pond and the goldfish are separate, it means that the
goldfish have other places, and there are almost no places where goldfish can be
raised in the college, so the route that Teacher Yong Ye walked this morning is Can
clearly plan it out.”

Yong Ye raised his eyebrows and placed both cat paws on the book cover with

"Go on."

This classmate knew that what he said was definitely correct. He glanced at the
people around him in a showy manner and then spoke.

"I heard that Teacher Chakogawa, one of the thirteen teachers in Class Nine, likes to
feed goldfish very much, so he even opened a small pond in the office. Then Teacher
Yongye must have taken a long way to the pond behind the college and found that
inside There was no prey, and I was very hungry in the morning. I had an idea and
remembered that there were some good things in Teacher Mokogawa's small pond, so
I sneaked into her office, and then I saw the goldfish in it, and ate one at the same

"Oh? What's the basis for that?" Teacher Mao Mao frowned again, obviously a little
hurt by being mentioned. Although the student was smart, he didn't notice that
Teacher Mao Mao's expression became different, so he continued calmly and calmly.

"Teacher, when you first came in, you scratched your left paw with your right paw
first. This proves that your left paw has been soaked in water before. If you look
closely, you can find that your left paw is indeed a little wet."

"How do you know that if I scratch like this, I've been soaked in water?"

"Because teacher, you always like to scratch your right paw with your left paw, and
you have never done the opposite since we came here, so your behavior today
attracted me immediately."

The student's remarks immediately attracted everyone's attention. Even Tilkrad and
the others couldn't help but be surprised. Damiyala knew it well so she didn't appear
surprised, but she was quite surprised that there was such a person in the group.

"I didn't expect there to be a smart person like you in No. 3's team. Naturally, except
for Damiyala, but I'm curious how you guessed that I went to Asakugawa's office."

Teacher Cat asked a question again, but this classmate raised his lips and confidently
took out the magic shadow stone in his hand.

"I just confirmed with Teacher Chakogawa that a goldfish was lost in her small pond,
and the teacher's voice seemed very sad, so I couldn't bear to tell her the truth."

"You little bastard! How dare you plot against me!" Yong Ye became anxious now.
His soft cat paws patted the book cover and made a soft snapping sound, looking at
him fiercely.

However, this classmate shrugged innocently

"This, I just told the truth, and it also achieved the effect of verification. The teacher's
reaction is the most direct answer. So, teacher, can you give me fifty points?"

He bowed in a very gentlemanly manner, and the others couldn't help but want to
applaud. This reasoning was not earth-shattering, but it was well-founded and well-
founded. It was a rare sight to make this scary cat teacher feel defeated. .

It's a pity that this would have been the end of it for others.

But, is Yong Ye the kind of reasonable person? He is nothing but a cat.

So he clicked on the other person's personal information and read it out of his mouth.

"Yinfa-ryu...what the hell is your name? I'll deduct 100 points for openly provoking
the teacher."


Yinfa Liu was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what he was doing. He
slapped the table with his hands and was stunned.

"What are you doing? Do you have any opinions? How dare you openly question me?
Another 50 points will be deducted!"

Yong Ye's voice was fierce, which made Yin Faliu's face darken, and the corners of
his mouth twitched, but even if he had thousands of words in his heart, he couldn't
even say a single sentence at this time.

Forgive me for your sharp tongue, but the cat will slap you back.

When a scholar meets a soldier, it may not necessarily be clear that this is reasonable.
If you want to reason with an animal, wouldn't that be playing the piano to an ox?

At this time, the cat teacher was dedicated to showing off the rogue wildness that
belongs to the animal itself. His eyes were fierce, and he felt that the Yinfa Liu in
front of him was his prey. If he dared to say even a few words, he would make you
look good!

As a result, the atmosphere became deadlocked. It wasn't until a minute later that
Teacher Cat coughed and spoke calmly.

"I've lost my composure, but Yinfaliu students can't escape the death penalty. This
time, I will be exempted from class points, and other punishments will not be

This made Yinfa Liu feel slightly relieved. In short, it was a good thing that he didn't
deduct so many points.

Otherwise, his basic points, which are only 100 points on the first day of this month,
will be deducted by Teacher Mao Mao at 150 points, and he will directly become a
negative number. This is nonsense.

"Sit down, you're right."

Yongye finally agreed with Yinfaliu's answer, sighed secretly and then said

"So how many people here have thought of the final answer like this stupid

Erluzi classmate. . . . . . They didn't understand. All the students had black
lines on their heads. Yinfa Liu was even more speechless and could only shrug and
smile helplessly.

"I believe that no one can guess the result more than a cat's paw, so what are we
going to learn in this practical simulation? Does anyone know? Come on, Hua Vase,
tell me."

Yong Ye immediately looked at Yue Hai, which made the black-haired beauty twitch
her mouth, thinking about Teacher Cat, didn't you stop calling me Hua Vase
Classmate last time? I thought I finally got rid of this title, but why was it
immediately assigned to me?

But after thinking about it, Yuehai still stood up and said without saying a word

“Observation and reflection, and confirmation.”

"That's right." Teacher Yong Ye glanced at Yue Hai with satisfaction, motioned for
him to sit down, and then continued.

"What I want to teach you today is observation, thinking and confirmation. Without
observation, you are just blindly understanding the things in front of you. Without
thinking, you will not bring what you observe into the scene you see. And these
conditions Only by verifying it can it be completely true. This is how it is in actual
combat. A person's strength may be high or low. If you don't observe, you won't
know whether your opponent is strong or weak. If you don't think, you won't know
how to make the most correct move. And when you have everything planned out, it’s
not enough. In the end, you have to prove it. Without this step, even if you measure
your opponent’s measurements, it’s of no use.”

These words immediately made the students laugh secretly. Teacher Cat would
sometimes make a few hilarious jokes out of nowhere. In such a serious occasion,
even the jokes that had no punchline would make the students quite amused.
Issue 248 Miscellaneous Talks
When Teacher Maomao finished class, everyone immediately broke out into a heated
discussion. Although Yong Ye's every lecture was very exciting, what is more
noteworthy this time is the gold competition. This is an event that everyone can
participate in and have the opportunity to do. , if you can really get a ranking, not to
mention being favored by the divine teacher, even if you can get some good national
weapons, it will be a worthwhile trip.

Of course Yuehai is also concerned about this matter, the first place can use a sacred
weapon! This directly brought her goal countless times closer, as if it was within

As long as she works hard enough, there is no one among the new students worth
fearing, not even Waltz!

"Hey! What are you thinking about?" Liya suddenly appeared behind Yue Hai and
patted her shoulder gently. Her beautiful face appeared from behind with a curious
look and she looked extremely beautiful.
"You can't be thinking about men."

"Sister Leah, get out of class has just ended. Why should I think about men when I
have nothing to do?"

Yue Hai was quite speechless and slowly sat back down in her seat, while Leah
leaned over and spoke softly.

"Do you want to know what we encountered in the Mulberry Forest this time?"

"Um..." To be honest, Yuehai was actually not very curious about this matter
anymore, but Leah showed a look of 'Ask me quickly', which made Yuehai really
couldn't bear to refuse, so she brought asked with doubts

"What did you hit?"

"A tide of beasts!" Leah's words immediately made Yue Hai tremble, and she
couldn't help but say in shock.

"Tide of Beasts?!"

"Yes, but fortunately Teacher Yongye protected us, and everyone worked together to
resist many difficulties. Finally, when rescue came, no one walked out of the
Mulberry Burial Forest without death."

Leah seemed to say this easily, but Yuehai could feel the deep sense of depression
when she heard it. The fear of being dominated by the beast tide would cast a shadow
for the rest of her life if she was not careful.
It’s no wonder that their eyes were different when they came out. It was obviously
the eyes they had after going through great life and death horrors, and their unity was
higher than before. Yuehai looked around and talked to each other lively without any
grudges. Students, she felt that the entire ninth class was not as harmonious as their
group B.

"Anyway, sister Liya is fine."

"Well, by the way, where were you all at that time? I'm really worried because I can't
see you." Sister Lia asked curiously. Yuehai was speechless. After thinking for a
moment, he had to answer.

"This is a task assigned by Teacher Yongye. We happened to be far away from the
beast tide at that time. The teacher didn't let us know the specific situation. If Sister
Lia wants to know, ask Teacher Yongye."

As soon as these words came out, Leah quickly shook her head and joked, asking her
to go find Teacher Yongye. Not to mention what kind of miserable end she would
get, she couldn't muster up the courage alone, so the problem was strangled in the
cradle, and It didn't get out.

After all, the incident of the fall of the gods was a secret of high-level contacts.
Although they were involved, they should not reveal it. Although the president had
not told him about this, Yuehai couldn't talk nonsense to others. There was no
guarantee that it would cause trouble.

"Oh oh oh! Tire! I feel like I'm burning!!" Considine expressed his excitement to Tire
next to him with an exaggerated tone and movements. Tire sat in his seat and looked
at Kong Shi with boredom. Ding couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at this look.
"Why is it burning? Human body spontaneously combusts?"

"It's not this burning! I'm talking about the gold competition! This is simply a big
event that makes people excited! Individuals who reach 100 points in the competition
can be exempted from four months of points assessment. How can we find this kind
of benefit in the future! The most important thing is His Majesty, the great Holy King
of Slayers, will also show up, and just to see a real person is worth it even if there are
no results!"

There is indeed some truth in what Constantine said, but Tire's goal is number one,
and no one can stop him.

It's a pity that the Yuehai side is too tied up. After all, as Tyr, although I have the
excuse of Mr. Cumming's teaching to increase my strength, the Yuehai side does not
have that. I can still do some tricks secretly. But she couldn't show it on the bright
side, otherwise Clad would be suspicious again, and she didn't want to cause any big
trouble again.

Therefore, although Tyr can use 100% of his strength, Yuehai can only use about

"It just so happens that I have recently developed a new trick. I believe I can
definitely show off my skills in the competition!" Constant looked confident. Tier
only hoped that the opponent would not be put into the loser's bracket in the first

"Where are you, Clad? How are you practicing Senshe?" Constantine looked at him
curiously. After all, both warriors and magicians are very eager for such things as
Senshe. Think about Scarlet's use of... It's hard to say who will win in the end if the
opponent doesn't feel She's crushing force.
Krader was sitting next to Tire, with a notebook on the table and a pen in his hand. If
it hadn't been for Constantine's question, Krader would still be deep in thought until

"Gainshe does not become strong overnight. Although I have a general understanding
of cultivation, it is slightly inferior to Scarlet or even Dragon Slayer. In short, let's
take it step by step." Krad is a very steady person, although He has a strong
competitive spirit but does not mess around with his own demands. Then he thought
that Ye Xi had gone too far. He exercised himself to exhaustion every day. When he
came back, he fell unconscious on the bed without even taking a shower. Regarding
human affairs, even if she went to take a shower, she would still fall asleep in the
bath. Yue Hai was really worried that this girl would drown in the bath water one

In short, she and Damiyala also talked a lot in private, and they may take some
measures recently to let Ye Xi take a break, otherwise he will be dragged down one
day. Just like what Diz said last time, rigidity is extremely easy to break.

At this time, Diz groaned from the seat on the other side of Tier, and then said lightly

"The experience is indeed unusual. Recently, I have also wanted to find opportunities
for breakthroughs, but it is always like looking at flowers in the fog and I can't see
them clearly."

Cradd listened and could only shrug.

"To be honest, feeling involved is completely based on feeling. I can't explain it

verbally. It's like although my left hand can move, I don't know the principle. Maybe
more powerful people can understand it, but at least in I can’t get an answer from my

"Haha, Clad, you don't have to explain like this. Talking too much will just seem like
a cover-up." Diz couldn't help but smile, which made Clad slightly startled, and then
shrugged. He also wanted Diz not to think that he was hiding something secretly. , In
fact, it was only after the battle with Scarlet that Krad realized the true meaning of
emotion. Perhaps it was more about talent and sudden inspiration.

At this time, the class bell rang and everyone returned to their seats.

But this time it was not other teachers who walked into the classroom, but instructor
The 249th Magic Lesson
When Rachel walked into the classroom of Group B, the whole place fell into silence.
After all, this was the boss of the entire Class 9, a terrifying figure who could drive
them to carry out painful punishments.

"Your magic class teacher is in a hurry today, so I will take over temporarily."

Rachel's light words produced a natural majesty. Yuehai raised her eyebrows.
Looking at Rachel on the podium, she couldn't help but think of the magic teacher
with big glasses, an old man with gray hair. Although he is old, his articulation is
clear and his speech is unambiguous. He can get to the point every time he explains.
Although he is not as impressive as Mr. Cat, he is still a respectable teacher.

Although the teacher is worried about something urgent, for now it is better to take
the class taught by the instructor himself first.

Rachel didn't ask them what the teacher taught them last time, but just said to herself
"The word magic comes from the divine world. There was magic first and then there
was magic. Demon is magic power, a source of power similar to elements but
between matter. And magic is magic. If you want to use these magic powers, How to
use it depends on this method. Combining the two and using the power of elements
between heaven and earth, magic comes into being." As soon as she finished
speaking, Rachel pressed her fingers on the magic pattern in front of the podium, and
the big one behind it A picture suddenly appeared on the screen, and next to the
picture was a series of numbers.

"Students, the picture on the left screen is a magician who uses his own magic power
to gather the power of thunder elements and then uses chanting spells to cast a
second-level magic, Thunder Bug. Look at the screen on the right again, above it It is
written as a formula for Level 2 magic, which is used by thunder bugs. It contains
30% of the magic power, 30% of the elemental power, and 40% of the spell."

When Rachel said this, she tapped her fingers on the desk a few times. After
everyone returned their attention, she continued:

"Why does magic take up more space than elemental power and magic? In fact, it is
because magic acts as a container, so there must be space to accommodate both. It is
not an exaggeration to say that magic is the driving force. The power of the elements
is the key to the qualitative change of the driving force. All three are indispensable.
The magic you usually perform may seem casual and simple, but in fact there is a lot
of knowledge involved."

Rachel came up with a bunch of insights that they had never heard of before, and the
formula for magic had never been seen before. The large numbers and some unique
symbols on it didn't look like something students could usually learn.

Rachel seemed to know what they were thinking, and then said
"This formula comes from the Magicians Association. If you have a chance in the
future, go to the Magicians Association and register an account. You will get
something unexpected. There are many magicians with special ideas among them. It
might be a kind of learning to follow them."

The Magician's Association? . . . . . Yuehai remembers that this is one of the

three major chain forces in Noah's world. The other two are the Blood Smoke
Warrior Hall and the Mercenary Headquarters. Judging from the name, it seems that
only the Blood Smoke Warrior Hall is private. , the other two companies sound like
they have a strong official flavor.

In this way, Rachel taught Group B a completely different magic course than before.
When it was about to end, Rachel changed the subject and suddenly said

"Then I've finished what I need to talk about in this class. I'll take advantage of the
fact that I still have some time to talk to you about recent events."

The latest thing?

Everyone looked at each other, looking very incomprehensible. Rachel was obviously
a little gloomy when she said this. She pointed her finger at the magic pattern and
pressed it. The picture on the screen behind her changed again, and what appeared
was a A young man with wounds all over his body.

"You all should be aware of the disputes in Group Z. This is what I am telling you.
What is shown on the screen now is Li Fengxian, a student from the Suzaku Empire
in Group Z. Although his life is out of danger now, he was already in danger when
the incident happened. If If he had been sent to the medical hospital later, there might
have been no cure."
These words made everyone's expressions become solemn, and they probably
guessed what Rachel was going to say.

"Do you know what your magic teacher did? As a member of the Suzaku Empire, he
naturally cannot calm down his anger when his grandson is beaten like this. He
should have reported it to the student union by now."

Report it to the student union, and the Disciplinary Committee will probably
intervene in the investigation. There will be a lot of trouble here. Rachel is obviously
having a headache with these things, but she said these words specifically not to
complain or complain, but It's a warning.

"I have been watching the performance of Group B. I have to say that the speed of
unity is faster than any team I have led before. In just one month, you have learned
how to position yourself in the team. Position, according to this momentum, I believe
you will achieve higher achievements, so as a negative teaching material, Group Z, I
hope you can take a warning and not become impulsive because of other people's

Everyone was silent. They did not expect that the situation in Group Z would become
so bad in just one month. Moreover, this dispute was an international issue involving
the two giants, the Sikri Empire and the Suzaku Empire. Rachel was It became
impossible to interfere too much with Princess Suzaku's affairs, but for this reason,
the conflicts in Group Z became more and more intense. Unbeknownst to Tier and
others, the first near-fatal accident occurred.

At this time, the bell ringing for the end of get out of class also came to mind. Rachel
sighed secretly and shook her head. She wanted to say something more, but in the end
she chose to leave.
Rachel's helplessness can be seen just from her movements. If she cannot interfere
too much in Group Z's affairs, then more bloodshed will only happen.

After class, the discussion in the classroom was even more lively than the last time.
There were not only voices discussing the competition, but also the disputes in Group
Z. People are like this, they like to hide in the auditorium where conflicts can never
be reached, and watch the comments with a cold eye. All kinds of interesting things
at the center of the contradiction.

Tier sighed secretly, and then stood up from his seat. He remembered that his next
class was the basic instruction of swordsmanship, and he had to go to the
swordsmanship field. Although there was still some time before class, it was better to
go there earlier than in a hurry. Well come.

The key is that you are not allowed to run in the school corridors. Once discovered,
you will be severely punished. I remember the last time that Kang Shiding did not
believe in evil and muttered to death. After running once, he was caught by the
teacher and hung on the building to show off. One noon, this typical negative
teaching material made the students in Class 9 calm down. No one would be stupid
enough to run in the corridor again.

It must be said that this move by Constantine served as a warning to many students,
sacrificing the individual to fulfill the greater self.
The 249th round is about to start
When Tyr arrived at the swordsmanship field, there were already dozens of people
waiting there. With the smooth yellow wooden floor as the background and
surrounded by a simple wall, the swordsmanship field could be used normally even
on rainy days. Although it is huge, it still has a roof. If you look at it from a distance,
it looks like a giant egg, which looks quite interesting.
Tier glanced around and found that Ye Xi was also here, but everyone else was busy
discussing swordsmanship or other things. However, Ye Xi was sitting in the corner,
dazed for who knows what.

Tier raised his eyebrows. Rather than talking to strangers, it was naturally better to
approach familiar people at this time. Although he did not have much communication
with Ye Xi, as Yue Hai, he knew that Ye Xi was not actually rejecting people.
Thousands of miles away, I just don't want to express it.

Taking a deep breath, Tier strode over.

Hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer to him, Ye Xi opened his eyes slightly
and took a look at the person. After realizing that it was Tier, he closed them again.

The corner of Tier's mouth twitched, and he felt that Ye Xi seemed to treat him with
more disdain than indifference, but this disdain was really unreasonable, and he didn't
know how to speak at all.

Anyway, Tier sat next to Ye Xi. The two were quiet for a long time before Tier

"Come to class?"

"Yeah." Ye Xi replied softly, obviously not wanting to communicate with him. Tier's
behavior of putting a hot face on a cold butt was really not an understandable move.

Tier also couldn't understand. He scratched the back of his left hand with his right
hand. Now in the summer, there are a lot of mosquitoes. Although there are no such
creatures in the dormitory, there will always be one or two outside that silently smack
him. of blood.

"Ah, that..." Tier wanted to say something more, but when it came to his mouth, there
was only silence.

Oops, Tier felt that his embarrassing disease had recurred. The last time he talked to
Angel, it was the same situation. These people who didn't like talking had to ask him,
who also didn't like to talk about topics, to take the initiative every time. , After
thinking for a long time, Tier felt that there was no need to be familiar with Ye Xi to
talk to him, so since the class hadn't started yet, he might as well say what he wanted
to say first.

"Ye Xi, let me ask you a question."

Ye Xi raised his eyelids when his name was called, with a trace of doubt in his blood-
red eyes. Tier smiled faintly and then continued.

"How can we maximize the benefits of Shenfa?"

This is a question that he has been thinking hard about recently. Tier always feels that
his speed is fast enough every time, but some experienced opponents can always
predict his refraction trajectory before he reaches it. The same was true when fighting
against Liangdou a few days ago. After thinking about it for a long time, I could only
think that it was because I failed to make full use of the convenience of body skills
and could not adapt to changes. At this time, the best choice was to find Ye Xi, who
is proficient in various body skills. Usually Tier I don’t know how to ask yet, but now
that I happen to be here, it would be too reserved not to take advantage of this great

Ye Xi gradually opened his eyes and waited until he completely turned his gaze to
Tier before answering.

"Your movement has no soul, and its trajectory is very easy to predict. That's the

This short sentence made Tier suddenly realize. However, when he realized it, his
expression could not help but darken. He had no soul. This was the second time he
heard it. The first time was from Vanas. What she said at that time still remains to
Tier now. It was vivid in his mind, but it was too general to have no soul. He didn't
understand the difference between the body method with soul and without soul at all.

Ye Xi seemed to notice Tier's confusion and spoke in a cold voice.

"If you don't know what soullessness is, then your body method must have no soul.
When you understand it, you won't have the current problem."

Tier nodded slightly. In fact, he seemed to understand how to cultivate a soul without
a soul. In fact, how many of the martial arts skills actually have a soul?

"You can ask the dragon slayer, she has very profound insights." Ye Xi said this, and
this sentence was obviously the conclusion, so that Tier could no longer disturb Ye
Xi's meditation.

Tier scratched his head. He was still in a state of vague understanding before, but
now after being baptized by Ye Xi's words, he suddenly found that he was even more
confused. Although he really didn't want to ask the Dragon Slayer for help, after all
People have helped him enough, but now it seems that he can only lower his head and
not be ashamed to ask.

Not long after, the basic instruction of swordsmanship began. This class was mostly
theory-based and supplemented by practical operations. Many people knew little
about their own swordsmanship, so it was perfect to learn basic instruction here, like
Ye Xi. In this way, she is a stalker, and her changeable body skills are the most
important, and her swordsmanship is only an auxiliary. However, if she wants to
improve her assassination efficiency, her own swordsmanship must be further

It is estimated that the recent persuasion by Damiyala and others to Ye Xi has had
some effect. Ye Xi's ability to calm down and receive swordsmanship instruction can
be regarded as a rest. Their good words and persuasion throughout the night were not
in vain.

Your body is yours after all. If you don’t cherish it, how can you survive?

Thinking of this, Tier couldn't help but look at the other person's white hair. The
white hair seemed to be injected with life and was as white as the natural skin. But it
was because of this whiteness that her life could only stop at the age of twenty-seven.

Everyone knows this matter, but no one will bring it up. Everyone actually
understands the reason why Ye Xi exercises so crazily. He will die at the age of
twenty-seven. If this kind of terrifying pressure is placed on Tier, He doesn't know if
he can maintain a peaceful life, he may do whatever it takes to become a god.

After all, no one wants to die so early.

What the future will be like will only be clear at that time. I only hope that it will be
the result I foresee.

In this way, the highly competitive college life went back three days. By August 4th,
the official start of the Golden Tournament, everyone was already looking forward to
it. They took out the magic shadow stones and watched Ava Long TV’s live
broadcast platform.

What appeared on the screen was a different girl than usual, the student council
president who always wore a confident smile, Ku.

"Hello everyone, I am the president of the student union, Ku. I think you should
know all the schedule of the Golden Tournament, so I will tell you something you
don't know. This competition lasts for three months, that is The competition will
continue until the end of the first semester of the first academic year, and students
who have not been eliminated during the competition will be able to enjoy the [right
to guarantee their studies], which means that you can advance to the second month
without being eliminated in the first month. So even if you don’t take the monthly
exam in the first month, you can still keep your student status without earning points,
so in order to enjoy a more relaxed college life, everyone should try their best to
show off their talents in the gold competition.”
Hidden Rules of Issue 250
These words immediately made the freshmen who were watching the Shadow Stone
even more eager to try. In this way, even if they did not get the ranking, as long as
they persisted until the second month, they would be spared a month of hard work to
earn points.

Tire and others are still in the academy. They have just finished the morning meeting
and they are all looking at the Shadow Stone. At this time, Class 9 can be said to be
silent. Everyone is carefully watching the opening ceremony of the Gold

"This kind of opening ceremony may be relatively simple, but in fact it seems simple
and artificial when you are all gathered together." The president sat on his office
chair and continued calmly.

"The first thing we have to do is the team competition. There are 9,921 groups
registered to participate in the competition this time, and each group must be full of 9
people. There are 1,03,488 freshmen, and the number of participants is 89,289. Note,
this time is golden. Only freshmen can participate in the competition. The individual
competition will start two days later. A total of 98,031 people have signed up for the
individual competition. Although I don’t know what those who did not participate in
the competition are thinking, but the opportunity was presented to me and I did not
fight for it. , it’s no wonder that he was left far behind in the future, I can only say
that he didn’t compete.

I have sent the specific form for the team competition to everyone's student ID cards.
If the person found competes with the opponent group during the corresponding time
period, the college system will monitor the entire process.

This golden competition is not unprecedented, but the rewards are unprecedented.
This is your first opportunity in the academy. It’s up to you whether you can seize it.
Now, I officially announce that the 21st golden competition has officially begun! "

As President Ku finished speaking, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath,
unable to hide their excitement. The next moment they immediately took out their
student ID cards and began to look up the form for the team competition.

When Till pulled out the forms of nearly 10,000 groups from the projection of his
student ID card, Till was dazzled by the dense data.

He checked quickly and finally found the four characters [Heavenly Sword Yixin] in
the small corner of the form.
However, when he glanced at the name of the opponent group, his face couldn't help
but become a little heavy.

【Dragon Leader】

No matter how you look at the name, it sounds like it is a group from Nylon Heaven.
If you take a closer look at the details of this group, you will find that more than half
of them are from Nylon Heaven, and there is also a familiar-looking guy among

"Frank..." Tier remembered that this man was the opponent he met in his first
personal competition. Because the impression of chattering was so unforgettable, he
immediately thought of Frank as soon as he saw Frank's appearance. got up.

I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. Just as Tire was sighing, Constance

couldn't help but look solemn and said to Tire, let's gather together to discuss how to
deal with this [Dragon Leader].


Tier nodded slightly. Although he believed that he would not lose to anyone, it was
difficult for him to defeat four hands with two fists, and there was no guarantee that
he would fall into the hands of these dragon men.

After the nine people including Kang Shiding, Yakumo Akatsuki, Krad, Tyr, Elena,
Sand Court Iron Sword, Feng Zhangui, Rose Butterfly, and Noah gathered together,
Kang Shiding took out his student ID card and signed [Dragon Leader] pointed out
the information and said
"Everyone must have seen that our first battle this time is with the Nylons. Their
power can be seen from the Waltz and Dragon Slayer. The most important thing is
that the Nylons have a dragon-like transformation that is different from ordinary
mortals. Once they are turned into dragons, People's physical functions will improve
linearly, and we will suffer big losses in many aspects."

What Considine said this time was extremely pertinent. Tire and others could not
help but nod slightly. In such a serious atmosphere, Considine said again

"Then let's take a look at the battle time. August 4th is today's 2:20 pm. The time is
not very tight. You just need to pay attention to this. But have you seen the rules
marked next to the time? .”

rule? Tire raised his brows and looked at the projection on the student ID card in
Constantine's hand, and found that there was indeed a line of rules that read,
"Competitors participating in the team competition are not allowed to compete for
three consecutive rounds." 】

Tier chewed on these words for a while and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.
There seemed to be something fishy in it. . . . . .

Only Krad and Shating Iron Sword were present who suddenly understood, while
everyone else was at a loss.

Kang Shiding didn’t show off, cleared his throat and continued:

"As you all know, the total number of people in the team competition is six, and there
are three reserve personnel. According to the rules, players are not allowed to
compete for three consecutive rounds. In other words, if Krad, Tyr, and Yakumo
Akatsuki, Six people including Sand Court Iron Sword, Elena and I will participate in
the competition. If we still use this lineup in the second round, we will only have
three remaining reserve personnel in the third round, which is not enough to replace
all participating players. If you come down, you will be disqualified."

"Wait a minute, why are you disqualified from the competition?" Elena asked in
confusion. Kang Shiding didn't think the other party was stupid, after all, this stupid
elf's head was always so hard to turn around.

"Because the rules say that contestants cannot participate in three consecutive rounds,
which means that at the end of the first round, we have to replace the three
participating players with the three backup players, and in the second round, we will
use these three players to replace them. People replace the three people who have not
been replaced before, only in this way can the group continue smoothly."

"Oh~" Elena nodded as if she understood, but still asked with some confusion.

"What's the point of doing this?"

"Prevent anyone among the nine from lying down and winning." At this time, Feng
Zhangui also understood and said with sudden enlightenment.

"This design is really bad. As a result, the three backup players must also play. The
desire to sit on the bench and receive ranking prizes is shattered."

"But, in that case, why not limit the total number of people in the group to six?
Wouldn't it be simpler? We must have nine people."

Although Elena's question was very silly, it was very intuitive, so the Rose Butterfly
on the side touched Elena's head and said
“If there are only six people, there won’t be a diverse team competition.”

"Yes." Kang Shiding nodded in agreement.

"Think about it, if we play against [Dragon Leader] this time and use the strongest
lineup, then three weaker reserves will have to be replaced in the next game. In this
way, the team will be weakened. Less, then what should we do if we encounter a
more troublesome existence than [Dragon Leader] in the second match?"

"This..." Elena was speechless. Kang Shiding chuckled, turned his eyes back to the
projection of the student ID card and said.

"So it is very important to choose the candidates for the competition at the beginning.
They should not be weak, but they should not be too strong."
Issue 251 at noon
"You all understand, right?" Damiyala said emphatically while looking at Dragon
Slaughter and the others.

"There are many mysteries hidden in this team competition. The replacement of
reserve personnel is to see the team changes and the cooperation of the personnel.
Similarly, it is also to prevent the top students from crushing other teams with one
blow. "

Damiyala's words suddenly made Yuehai and others suddenly realize that Damiyala
was thinking deeper than Konstantin. Although Konstantin was already very smart
and could detect the meaning of many rules that ordinary people could not detect, but
compared to A wise man like Damiyala is still far behind.

"By the way, have you watched the team in the first game?" Yuehai had previously
focused on Tyr, so things here were not comprehensive. Damiyala naturally
watched. , she nodded slightly, and then said

"The opponent in the next game is not a famous freshman. In terms of strength, it
should not be strong. However, our personnel configuration must still be carefully
considered. Long Tu and Diz must be separated, otherwise their strength will be
greatly reduced if they are substituted together. Less. We have made a clear
discussion here, and when the time comes, the game will be easier than others."

Damiyala's calm analysis made others unconsciously develop a sense of dependence,

as if all they had to do was follow Damiyala's words. This is also the unique talent of
people with charisma.

At noon, everyone either went to watch the games of other teams or went to the
cafeteria to eat. Tier trotted up to the Dragon Slaughter who was about to walk to the
cafeteria. He smiled. The look immediately made Long Tu push the opponent.

"What are you doing, smiling so obscenely?"

"I have something to ask you." Tier was pushed back two steps by the dragon slayer,
and then he came forward again. He no longer grumbled. It should be said that Tier
never thought about guests when he was talking to the dragon slayer. gas.

The dragon slayer was wondering what kind of wind Tier was blowing now, and
suddenly ran over to ask for advice.

So she looked at Tyr beside her and asked as she walked.

"Tell me what you're looking for."

"It's just a matter of movement." When Tier said this, he was immediately at a loss.
Although Ye Xi recommended Tier to ask the Dragon Slayer a few days ago, he still
didn't want to trouble him anymore, so he thought hard about this for several days.
Only in desperation did he find Long Tu.

When Long Tu heard the word "Shen Fa", his brows suddenly raised and he said
quite funny.

"Shouldn't you be a master of this body technique? Why did you come to me?"

"How can I be a master of Shenfa? I just rely on convenience, but I don't know
anything about it. I have been told twice in a row that my Shenfa has no soul!" Tier
said rather gloomily, with a resentful look on his face. Just like the yellow flower girl
hiding in the boudoir, Long Tu couldn't help but laugh.

"It seems that I have made progress. Now I know how to study."

"Then you have to be taught by someone to learn it. It's up to you whether the teacher
will teach you Long Tu." Tier bent down and leaned towards Long Tu with his whole
face. In the eyes of others, he looked like A young man chatting up children usually
makes people think he has evil intentions.

The dragon slayer laughed again, raised his little hand and pushed Tier's head away,
and then walked into the cafeteria.

Undaunted, Tyr followed.

At this time, the flow of people in the cafeteria was not as large as usual. Long Tu
chose the Nylon Paradise dish and started queuing up. Tier continued to stick to it
and smiled.
"How about it, just one sentence, choose one of [yes] or [good]."

"When did you become so oily?" Long Tu felt even more amused, but Tier could
only shrug helplessly. He became like this after all because he was brought up by
Kang Shiding, who played tricks in the dormitory all day long. Tier naturally learned
a little bit about his smooth-tongued manner.

"Anyway, you must promise me this, otherwise I will only improve my body skills
but not be able to use them reliably. In the end, I will be played by someone who is
slower than me."

"What you said makes sense, why don't you ask Teacher Yong Ye? That cat should
have a higher opinion than me." Long Tu's blaming words made Tier's heart sink, and
then he said

"Teacher Cat has a lot of things to do every day, so it's best if we don't disturb him."

"Yesterday, I saw him basking in the sun doing nothing on the roof of the building.
He didn't look like he was busy with everything."

"Well, anyway, I don't want to be pushed around anymore. If you really don't agree,
then I will do it myself."

"Don't be anxious." When she said this, the two dragon slayers had already finished
queuing up. Looking at the chef in front of them, she said calmly.

"Boss, two portions of all meat!"

"It's you little girl again! If you eat meat every day, are you not afraid of fat
accumulation and turning into a little fat woman in the future?" The boss wearing a
white chef's hat looked at Long Tu with displeasure, but his hands were extremely
neat. He took out an extra large plate and threw piles of meat dishes on it.

Tier looked on with astonishment, while some of the other students in the cafeteria
looked unsurprised, while others showed the same expression as Tier.

After all, Tyr has never eaten at this point, so he really didn't know that the dragon
slayer had such a big appetite!

I saw the dragon butcher easily holding the plate that was larger than his body and
throwing it towards Tier, who was so frightened that he quickly used the power of all
things to catch the plate.

The dragon slayer smiled at Tyr.

"This is yours."

After that, I got another platter of the same meat hodgepodge from the boss.

Tyr blinked and looked at the piles of greasy meat in his hands. Although his appetite
was greatly increased, this amount was probably too much.

The dragon slayer stared at the plate and winked at Tier, and then the two of them
walked towards a table of eight people.

The eight-person table was very large, but it could only place the two plates of Tier
and Long Tu. Long Tu sat down happily and couldn't help but swallow when looking
at the things on the plate. She suddenly showed a look He looked at Tier with a
wicked smile, which gave Tier, who was still confused before, an ominous
Just listening, Long Tu tapped the plate lightly with his fingers and said calmly.

"Let's make a bet. If you finish eating before me, I will listen to you all day long. If I
finish eating before you, the opposite will happen. What do you think?"

"What do you think? Don't tell me who can finish it first. Whether I can finish it or
not is a question. You obviously want me to quit before the difficulties!" Tier became
even more resentful this time, just like the resentful woman. The look on his face
made Long Tu even more amused, he laughed, and then said

"It's absolutely impossible for you to give up before you try. I'll teach you. Last time I
taught you a little bit of trouble, so big things happened to you. Maybe what I'll teach
you this time will wake you up to some side effects." Terrible forbidden technique."
Issue 252 starts the war
Did Dragon Slaughter treat him as a machine for making forbidden arts? In fact, it
was just a coincidence that Tyr learned a martial art. How could it become a
forbidden skill every time he learned it from Dragon Slayer?

"Sister Dragon Slayer, you see, I have learned my lesson now. I will definitely not
take risks. I also cherish my life."

Tyr tried his best to make his eyes look more sincere. The dragon slayer's brows
jumped, wondering when did Tyr learn what Constantine did, and how to show off to
a big sister...

"Then if you can't eat so much, I'll eat it alone."

After the dragon slayer finished speaking, he started to pick up the food from Tier
and started to eat it. Tier couldn't help but be speechless at the swift and fierce look.
He thought that his appetite was large enough, but in front of the Dragon Slaughter,
he was simply insignificant. There was no comparison between the two.

"Dragon Slayer, we are going to have a competition this afternoon, so you can just
say a few words first."

"Then you win first, and I'll tell you later."

Dragon Butcher put something into his mouth and spoke casually. Tyr was afraid that
Dragon Butcher would regret it, so he clapped his hands and said

"Okay! This is what you said!"

"Well, I said what I said, okay, just eat if you want, don't talk about it." Long Tu
replied casually, Tier looked at the table full of delicacies, although he couldn't eat
that much, but There’s always something to eat!

Two-twenty in the afternoon arrived unknowingly. Tier and others got ready, nodded
slightly to each other, and then walked out of the gate of Yusheng Building and
walked towards the nearby competition field.

This was the place where they came to the individual competition for the first time.
The simple room did not look so solemn, but now the atmosphere in the team could
be said to be the highest point.

The old man sitting outside the competition field was none other than Mr. Xun who
showed them the rules that day.
Mr. Xun opened his eyes slightly, glanced around the crowd, and said lightly

"Participate in the gold match?"

"Yes, Mr. Xun." Clad nodded politely. Mr. Xun closed his eyes and said casually.

"Go in, I don't need to teach you how to operate it."

Everyone nodded again, then looked at each other and walked in. Only Clad,
Constantine and Elena were left.

At 2:20, Tire sent out the application for the team competition, and the system began
to search for the target to fight against. After waiting for about half a minute, the
team on the other side also came online. With a buzz, everyone suddenly disappeared
into the competition field.

When Tyr's vision gradually became clearer, he saw a vast expanse of white land in
front of him. There were no trees or rivers, and even the sand and dust were without a
trace. Only the completely dead white land occupies most of the eyeballs, while the
sky is black. Even the sun does not exist, but the line of sight is extremely clear.
What this world reveals is an old state that has reached its end.

[The 101st battle of the team gold competition will be launched next, with Tianjian
Yixin facing off against the dragon leader. The winning rules are surrender and
annihilation to one person]

The system's emotionless voice gradually spread, and the winning rules were not
much different. The most important thing was the next battle with the Dragon Man.
[Invite the first Tyr and Orak to appear]

Tier couldn't help but be startled when he heard the sound of the system, and then
clenched his fists slightly! It's a huge advantage for him to be the first!

Constantine, who was watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but cheered.

"We're sure to win now! If Tyr comes on first, our advantage will basically snowball
and we can keep it going!"

Krad also nodded slightly. As long as Tire defeated the first player, the enemy would
face a two-on-one situation the second time they appeared, and the advantage would
be established like a mountain!

Tier in the small world nodded slightly to everyone, and Yakumo Xiaoqi even
stretched out his arm and punched Tier.

"Beat him!"

"Yes." Tyr nodded cautiously, then turned around and rushed toward the battlefield.
With the blessing of his body skills, Tyr's speed suddenly increased, and the
refraction looked like lightning.

In just a few seconds, Tyr saw a burly man coming straight towards him. He had an
aura with a trace of dragon power. It was easy to tell that he was a nylon. This race
that is naturally superior to others, if they were allowed to transform into dragons. It
would be very troublesome. Although Tire didn't think that the opponent would be
better than him, it was hard to say that he could block one of his attacks and hold on
until the second dragon appeared.
Therefore, before the other party fully values you, you should strike with thunder!

Everything is beneficial!

Tyr stretched out his finger, and the sword whistling sound that broke through the air
suddenly came from it!

The oncoming nylon man Orak's pupils shrank. Facing the imperial man who was
charging straight in front of him, he always felt an ominous premonition in his heart.
The most important thing was that since the opponent dared to fight head-on with the
nylon man who had the strongest defense, then He must have some confidence,
thinking so, Orak clenched the spear in his hand, slowed down slightly, and suddenly
his lower body sank suddenly, and his waist as thick as an old cow suddenly exerted
force, and the spear was actually aimed at Tyr at this moment. Instantly thrust out!

Tyr's brows jumped. The cautious nylon people actually gave up their best close
combat and chose to use spear attacks to gauge the opponent's strength.

It's a pity that Tyr didn't plan to parry when facing this shot. Instead, he completely
ignored the inertia of his body during high-speed action and deflected to the right,
dodging Orak's attack, and then deflected towards the opponent again!

"What!" Orak was shocked when he saw the ghost-like figure of the other party. He
was about to withdraw his spear to resist, but Tyr was one step faster than him!

The speed of the index finger in his hand did not slow down, and it immediately
landed on the opponent's chest. The seemingly ordinary point actually exploded with
terrifying power after hitting the opponent's body, causing Orak's chest to explode.
There was a big hole, and he vomited blood. The spear in his hand could not reach
the opponent, and finally fell to the ground under the helpless gaze.

The first nylon man, die!

Although Tyr caught the opponent by surprise and killed him without even having a
chance to transform into a dragon, this kind of rapid speed can only be achieved by
Tyr. Let alone others who can kill the opponent instantly, can they be forced to do
so? Orak's transformation is a problem.

The members of the dragon leader's team could see it clearly. Although Orak was not
the strongest dragon in their team, he was very cautious in doing things. However,
even so, he was still killed by the opponent. This only proves that the opponent is
more powerful than the opponent. Even more powerful than imagined.

It seems that they encountered a dark horse in the first game... I have to say that this
was a big blow to the Dragons leader who thought they could reach the semi-finals.

The leader of the red-haired dragon man crossed his arms and said with a gloomy

"You will turn into dragons as soon as you appear on the stage. The opponent is more
terrifying than we imagined. If we don't go all out, I'm afraid this game will be

The remaining three dragonmen nodded immediately, their previous relaxed

expressions gone, and after seeing Tier's performance, they were left with only
Issue 253 Accident
[Invite the second contestant, Rose Butterfly and Rafaam to come on stage. 】
After the system's voice fell, Meikui Zhidie's expression suddenly became solemn, he
drew out the knight's sword from his waist and rushed out.

On the other side, a dragon's roar suddenly erupted!

As the leader of the team, Rafaam turned into a dragon the first second he appeared
on the stage.

"Red Flame Dragon Man."

Rafaam's whole body was covered with red scales, and he flapped his dragon wings
on his back, and he immediately flew high into the sky.

He looked down at Tyr and clapped his hands fiercely. The next moment, red light
balls spread his hands.

And this ball of light actually grew bigger and bigger, and finally condensed to the
height of two Rafams.

"Innate skills, headaches."

The power of the draconic headgun was even more powerful than what Waltz had
thrown at that time. This draconian named Rafaam was much more powerful than the
previous Orak, and his leader could be seen just from his clothing. identity of.

Tyr narrowed his eyes slightly, put the sword in his right hand, exerted force, and
struck in one go!

The first move of Tianjian Yishin is to cut!

The white light blade was like an eagle roaring in the sky. It collided with the red ball
of light instantly with its fierce sword intent!

There was just a bang, and the white light turned out to be a head-cutting cannon,
heading straight towards Rafaam.

Rafaam's pupils shrank, he really didn't expect that the other party could split his
head in two while he was transformed into a dragon.

Sure enough, when this kind of competition comes, all kinds of monsters and
monsters come out!


Rafaam's pair of dragon claws suddenly swelled at this moment, as if they had turned
into real dragon claws, tearing towards the white blade with flames that seemed to
burn everything.

"Innate skill, Flame Dragon's Sky-Breaking Claw!"

The red flame pulled down by the dragon's claw was like a sword blade with
murderous intent. It showed no weakness at all when faced with the white light blade.
The collision between the two ended in Rafaam's victory!

Tyr stood on the ground and raised his brows. He didn't expect that he was quite
capable of fighting. He glanced at Rose Butterfly, who was about to catch up behind
him, and thought for a moment. If Rafaam was allowed to be Rose Butterfly's
opponent, he would most likely be beaten. It took seconds, so it was easy for this guy
to solve it by himself.

It's just that the red dragon man in the sky had a solemn look on his face. He thought
he would rush down with a more powerful momentum, but he suddenly turned
around and flew away. Looking at his posture, it seemed that he didn't intend to
confront Tyr at this moment.

Tier was not in a hurry to chase him. He had to fight until the end of his escape
anyway. Both of them would have the same result.

Seeing the other party go away, Meikuizhidie couldn't help but feel anxious, and
looked at Tier with a look of urgency.

"Why rush? Take your time. If you chase too closely, you will easily be
counterattacked by the opponent."

Tyr said, walking slowly towards the opponent's base camp. As long as they block
the opponent's base camp, they will kill one by one, and the dragon man who leads
the team will have no choice but to come back and try to join forces to deal with Tyr.

In fact, after Tyr figured out Rafaam's strength, the threat to the dragon leader was
not that huge. If I insist on saying so, at least based on Rafaam, plus the previous
example of Orak, The dragon leader is indeed much stronger than the ordinary team,
but it is much worse than the reborn Tyr.

"Come on, let me practice your skills today."

Tier calmly smiled at Rose Butterfly. The female mercenary who lacked confidence
felt nervous, but still nodded firmly. Her opponent was a dragon. If she was really
allowed to go one-on-one, the difference in strength would be unknown. Although
she was taught by Mr. Till, she was actually still very weak compared to him.

But this is inevitable, because the gentleman is a super genius who can shine in a
genius gathering place like Avalon. An unknown mercenary like himself has no
chance of surpassing even if he is personally taught by the gentleman.

Kang Shiding and others looked at the Shadow Stone outside the arena and couldn't
help but wonder.

"What is this guy Tier doing? He has to let go of his good advantage."

"..." Krad frowned slightly. Although Tire's calm attitude was good, underestimating
the opponent would also become a fatal mistake on the battlefield.

No matter how weak the opponent is, you should go all out. This is respect for the

Twenty seconds passed in this atmosphere, and the next moment, the system sound
came again

[Please invite the third person, Yakumo Xiaoqi and Louis. In fourth place, Shating
Iron Sword and Damo Da appeared. 】

Roar! ! !

As soon as the sound of the system fell, the dragon's roar echoed in the sky again.
The nylon man called Da Mo Da suddenly transformed, covered with green scales.
Although he didn't look as majestic as Rafaam, he still had an air of energy. With an
unrivaled pressure, those piercing dragon eyes stared straight ahead!

The other Louis was the only contestant in the team who was not a nylon man. His
cunning smile made Tire frown slightly as he gradually walked from a distance.
Yakumo Xiaoqi and Shating Iron Sword looked at each other. The two of them would
not relax because of Tyr's strength. Their speed increased and they ran straight
towards the opposite base camp.

Tire glanced at the flame dragon Rafaam who was gradually flying over to the right,
and slightly raised his lips. Sure enough, as long as he got close to the opponent's
base camp, even if he didn't chase him, the opponent would take the initiative to get

However, the next moment, Louis, who had been laughing evilly, suddenly burst out
with a black breath, and Rafaam, who was getting closer, suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha! Be honest with me, Imperial!"

"Unique magic, absolute prison."

The man with a sinister smile instantly threw his black aura at Tier, and a feeling that
seemed to solidify the space enveloped Tier's heart. The next moment, the black aura
began to surround him, then slowly solidified, and finally became It became a black

Tier stood in it and touched it slightly with his hand, but was bounced back by the
black aura on the prison.

It doesn't seem like a barrier.

Tier made a judgment in his heart, then looked at Rose Sunflower Butterfly and said

"Hurry up and join Yakumo Xiaoqi and the others."

These words immediately made the female mercenary panic. She didn't expect that
Mr. Till, who was in a deserted place, would be trapped by the opponent's unique
magic at this time!

Following Tyr's order, Rose Butterfly immediately turned around and ran away, but
how could Da Moda let the other party come and leave as he pleased.

The green dragon man let out an offensive roar, fanned the dragon wings behind him
and sprinted towards the back of Rose Butterfly. The speed of the two was almost
incomparable. In just a few seconds, the distance was shortened to ten meters!

But how could Rose Butterfly sit still and wait for death? She frowned and quickly
slashed back with the long sword in her hand. A pale white blade of light flew out at
this moment.

Da Mo didn't expect that the other party would suddenly attack him, and he couldn't
stop himself. He had no choice but to cross his hands to block. The white light blade
struck Da Mo Da's arm, and blood suddenly spurted out!
Issue 254 vs Dragon Man!
Da Mo felt the pain from the wound on his arm, and he couldn't help but be more
cautious when he looked at the female mercenary in front of him. Although it's just a
skin injury. But being able to break through his dragon scales and cause certain
obstacles is already something surprising. Nylon people are naturally extremely
defensive, and coupled with the re-strengthening of body functions after becoming
dragon people, generally It is very difficult for Pojun-level to inflict skin injuries on

It seems that the black-haired boy is not the only one who is scary in this team, the
other team members should not be underestimated either.
Then, while your own Louis can still block the terrifying black-haired boy, the most
important thing is to kill all the other members of the opponent first. Only in this way
can they join forces in the end to defeat the black-haired boy. .

Tier raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that Rose Sunflower Butterfly had
made some progress during his absence. Although this sword attack had flaws, it
focused on speed, catching the opponent off guard, and ultimately causing some
obstacles. He no longer tested the cage. Instead, he stuck the sword on the ground and
sat down on the spot, as if he no longer struggled.

In fact, Till just wanted to see how others were doing.

Rose Butterfly continued to retreat. Yakumo Xiaoqi and Shating Iron Sword were
equally fast, and the distance between the two sides quickly narrowed. However, how
could Rafaam, the leader, let the other party meet up? The dragon claws stretched out
toward Rose Butterfly. a little.

A line of flames as thick as a red index finger suddenly shot out. The Butterfly of
Rose Kwai didn't turn around but knew that something must be coming towards her
quickly from behind. The hairs all over her body stood up, and at the most critical
moment, it rolled to the right, dangerously. And narrowly dodged the blow.

Rafaam, who was flying in the air, did not expect that the opponent would suddenly
dodge. He knew that this battle could not last long. It was best to kill all the other
contestants within the specified time. Otherwise, he would wait for the Suzaku man
of his own. Once the magic is over, they will be defeated by the black-haired boy one
by one.

With this thought, Rafaam spread his wings and flapped his wings suddenly, as fast
as lightning, and the dragon claws under his feet suddenly pressed down with an
indestructible momentum!

Meikuizhidie was shocked, the terrifying dragon power was getting closer and closer,
but she could no longer spare the energy to dodge. Seeing that the opponent's claws
were about to tear her into pieces, a black shield actually appeared at this moment. ,
standing in front of Meikui Zhidie.

Rafaam's dragon claws bombarded down, but they still failed to destroy the black
shield. When all the power was released, the red dragon man immediately took a few
steps back and took a closer look. What kind of shield was this? It was just a
qualitative change of dark elements. That’s all.

He glanced around and looked at Yakumo Xiaoqi, who was coming quickly from not
far away, and his eyes suddenly sank.

Here comes another troublesome magician.

The strange black shield previously was obviously released by this beautiful girl.

Yakumo Xiaoqi's face was solemn. Rafaam gave him a very heavy feeling. Just
getting close to him made him feel as if he was walking in the mud. Waves of dragon
power kept bombarding him like a provocation. He was a truly strong man. A unique

Sure enough, even among them freshmen, the gap is still very huge.

But even so, there are many people who are more powerful than Rafaam, and Tire,
who was previously foolishly locked in a cage, is one of them.

The dark elements on his body began to rotate, getting faster and faster, and finally
left Yakumo Xiaoqi's body and flew towards Rafaam like an arrow from a string.

However, the dragon man with red scales didn't care. The dragon claws stretched out
and crushed the flying dark elements directly, which was unable to cause any harm to

However, the Flame Dragon Man felt his palms heat up. When he took a look back,
he found that his palms had many lines that emitted purple light.

"Magic pattern!"

Rafaam reacted immediately, but Yakumo Xiaoqi on the other side was already
ready. He was thinking silently in his heart. The invisible power suddenly gathered in
Rafaam's palm. In the end, his palm was like a huge boulder pressing on it, with a
bang. With a sound, the whole person fell to the ground with the palm with the magic
pattern, and the earth cracked. The Rose Butterfly took advantage of the moment and
quickly retreated to try to join Yakumo Xiaoqi, but the green dragon man of Damoda
did not make any move. Relaxed, seeing his boss Rafaam being attacked, he
immediately exerted force on his feet, and the huge dragon claw was like a hammer,
hitting the female mercenary without any skill at all.

At this moment, the female mercenary's eyes flashed fiercely, and she stopped
retreating. She immediately turned around and swung the long sword in her hand
quickly with an astonishing sword intent.

The first move of the Heavenly Sword is to cut.

The huge white light blade turned into a soaring bird in the sky, streaking across the
void, and rushed towards Da Mo Da with unstoppable power.

The green dragon man felt the sharp aura, but he did not dodge. If he retreated at this
time, the offensive would be interrupted. As the three opponents merged, they were
two against three. Although their individual strength was It seems that they still have
the upper hand, but they cannot be unstoppable. If time delays and the black-haired
boy appears, they will be the ones who die.

After all, even his own boss, Rafaam, couldn't do anything about the black-haired

While thinking this, Damo's dragon claws became sharper and collided with the white
bird with a sound of breaking through the air.

Tyr was sitting in the cage, watching the battle progress quite comfortably, and found
that although Rose Kui Zhidie imitated his Heavenly Sword Yishin, he added some
of his own ideas. The white light emitted by the first move The blade turned into a
flying bird in her hand, and its speed was even faster, but its power was much
smaller. However, judging from Meikui Zhidie's past swordsmanship, it was
understandable that she wanted to be defeated quickly.

This is probably what Mr. Cumming meant when he said that the Heavenly Sword
Yishin can be transformed into different martial arts in everyone's hands.

In this case, when Kamin suddenly said this to himself, did he expect that Tier would
spread the martial arts of Tianjian Yishin?

But now that I think about it, I really let him down by teaching the martial arts skills
that Mr. Cumming personally taught me to others so casually. It seems that it would
be best to hold the three of them in the future, but I can't let them do the same. Word
got out.

The white flying bird failed to smash Da Moda's dragon claws. Although the green
dragon man was still injured, this was simply negligible for Da Moda, who was
physically strong.

After Da Moda smashed the first move, he strode forward and suddenly approached
Mei Kui Zhidie. The huge dragon claw was about to strike down, but at this time, an
equally strong figure blocked Mei Kui Zhidie's path. In front of him, he took a closer
look and saw the belatedly arriving Sand Court Iron Sword. At this time, he raised the
giant sword and collided with the opponent's dragon claws, and dazzling sparks broke
out between the two!
Issue 255 Downside
Shating Iron Sword frowned slightly. As soon as he touched the opponent's dragon
claw, he felt a huge pressure that was different from usual. It was a bombardment like
a mountain falling! Da MoDa also realized that the strength of the middle-aged man
in front of him was not as good as his own. He smiled ferociously, opened his eyes
wide, and when he roared, his hands suddenly exerted force and he actually knelt
down on one knee with the Iron Sword of Shating.

Seeing the situation, Meikui Zhidie quickly used his sword to rescue him. However,
how could Da Mo Da not know that the female mercenary would come back to kill
him again? I saw him freeing up another dragon claw, and tearing it towards the void
towards the Rose Butterfly. The five claw marks seemed to become actual blades,
rushing towards the opponent with an intricate trajectory!

Meikui Zhidie was shocked. She didn't expect that Da Mo Da was suppressing the
Iron Sword of Shating while also guarding herself. When she was about to take
action, the opponent struck first and was faster than her!
Is this the gap between the strong? In terms of experience alone, she has already lost
a lot. This Da Mo Da seems to be burly and reckless, but in fact he is thoughtful and
extremely experienced in combat. He can be regarded as a leader among the new

Rose Kui Zhidie knew that he could not resist, and was unwilling to do so, but he
could only dodge. Da Mo Da, who was in the air, immediately focused all his
attention on the Iron Sword of the Sand Courtyard, and huge pressure was exerted
from the dragon claw again, which made Zhong Zhong The young man felt like the
world was about to collapse at this moment! The ground he stepped on cracked with
him as the center. His original half-kneeling posture almost made him fall to the
ground. But if he was really suppressed by Da Mo Da and fell to the ground, he
would be defeated in the end! Therefore, even if we risk our lives, we must block this

"Oh oh oh!!" As the Sand Court Iron Sword roared, power began to be transmitted to
the limbs and bones, and his hands exerted force again. This middle-aged mercenary
actually restored the completely defeated situation to 10%!

Da Moda, who thought he was sure of victory, his face darkened, and his dragon
claws pressed harder. Although Da Moda looked serious and focused on the surface,
in fact, he was still thinking in his heart that it seemed a bit inappropriate for this
middle-aged uncle to wear a school uniform. At the same time, he was still scanning
the surroundings. It is said that he can see all directions, listen to all directions, and
make rational analysis in impulsive battles. He will advance when he needs to go
forward and retreat when he needs to retreat. This is also the most critical factor in his
growth to this day!

However, Shating Iron Sword saw that Da Mo Da had completely underestimated

him, and suddenly exerted force all over his body, and a weakening force suddenly

The stream of divine subjugation descends from heaven!

The reason why he showed weakness before was because he was preparing to
explode at this moment!

Da Mo suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness, and the power that had completely
suppressed the Iron Sword of Shating gradually receded. Then, the Iron Sword of
Shating that had been holding on underneath finally burst out with a real cry, and his
face turned red. Slowly stood up!


boom! !

The unique explosion of the God Advent bloomed on Da Mo Da's dragon claws and
the big sword of the Sand Court Iron Sword. Coupled with the feeling of
powerlessness that reduced the strength of the green dragon man, this explosion
actually directly blew Da Mo Da away and retreated. It took dozens of steps to
stabilize his body, and he was clutching his chest, obviously not feeling very well.

The Iron Sword of the Sand Courtyard had a deep look in its eyes. This was much
scarier than imagined. Sure enough, nylon people are all monsters. Even nylon people
who are not good at fighting can gain powerful physical abilities after transforming
into dragons. Ordinary humans simply cannot compare with.

Da MoDa was even more surprised. The middle-aged man in front of him actually
used some unknown martial arts, which actually made him feel weak. Moreover, the
opponent just caught the opportunity and knocked him back in one fell swoop. He
really didn't expect that the random people in this team Everyone who comes out has
weird abilities and martial arts. Not to mention crushing him like the black-haired
boy, but just his collision with the Sand Court Iron Sword can make him suffer a
hidden loss. See how scary the other person is.

These people are not weaklings. Although they are much weaker than him in fighting
spirit and physical functions, their terrifying sword skills and weird sword skills alone
are enough to label them as strong. , the most important thing is that Meikui Zhidie
and Shating Iron Sword were once mercenaries, they were all people who had fought
against monsters and experienced life and death crises. They were not afraid of death,
so they could face danger more calmly, even if the enemy in front of them was They
have to be several times stronger than themselves. As long as they are not absolutely
without resistance, there will definitely be a way to turn defeat into victory. This
belief has always been filled in their minds, allowing them to gradually grow from
young and weak, until now they are as if they are strong. But this idea has never

Rafaam felt the crisis. This crisis did not lie with these people, but with the black-
haired boy who sat in the cage and watched the battle calmly. He did not react in any
way because his partner was attacked, but only looked at him with a scrutinizing
gaze. Keep watching, the inexplicable sense of oppression made Rafaam frown. This
was the first time in his life that his hair stood on end just by being looked at by his
peers. This was both a shame and a wake-up call for him. He also felt I feel excited.
Sure enough, it is right to take the boat for more than two years to come to Avalon.
There are many talented people here. This is where he can show his talents!

That's what he thought, but he still had to get through the difficulty in front of him.
The power of the magic pattern in his hand gradually disappeared. He looked at
Yakumo Xiaoqi and the other two mercenaries, and knew that it would be impossible
to defeat them individually.
Then, crush it!

As the boss of the dragon people, Rafaam's strength is not as terrifying as Waltz, but
he is still the best. Every move carries a powerful dragon power, and even Yakumo
Xiaoqi cannot confront him head-on.

"Retreat!" Yakumo Xiaoqi frowned and led the two of them to retreat quickly. How
could the Flame Dragon let them get away easily? The Dragon Wing Pu Fan rushed
towards the three of them with huge pressure, but was caught halfway. A sudden
black shield blocked his line of sight. Just as Rafaam was about to lift himself up and
fly over, his head suddenly hit the same black shield. Then six shields condensed up,
down, left, and back, and they were pieced together in an instant. , Yakumo Xiaoqi's
eyes widened, and he began to chant

Blackpool House!

boom! In this way, Rafaam was trapped tightly. However, before Yakumo Xiaoqi
could make the next move, a red dragon claw suddenly broke out from the black

"Little tricks!"

Rafaam sneered, and the dragon's claw shook violently, shattering the entire Black
Pond House, and rushed towards Yakumo Xiaoqi without saying a word!

The seemingly all-powerful silver-haired "girl" showed shock. The opponent was
stronger than he thought. Even the Black Pond House, his most powerful defense,
could not stop the opponent at all. In this way, Rafaam was unstoppable. If you don't
move, this situation that should have been an advantage will be reversed!
New tricks in issue 256
Tier sighed secretly when he saw the situation. He didn't expect that Rafaam was
much stronger than he thought. He didn't use all his strength when he faced him
before, but now he was stronger against Yakumo Xiaoqi and others who were even
weaker. It was even better than before. It can be seen that the other party really
wanted to defeat everyone on their side, and finally united with other dragons to
besiege them.
This is indeed a good method. In fact, when Rafaam and others see Tire's strength,
this is the only way to have the possibility of victory. Going to fight Tire alone will
only lead to death.

Tier stood up and watched Rafaam defeat Yakumo Akatsuki step by step. He couldn't
help but sigh inwardly. He also wanted to see what kind of strength Feng Zhangui
and Noah would burst out in a crisis situation, but he couldn't help but sigh. It's a pity
that if they continue to watch with cold eyes, their entire army will be wiped out
before the fifth player appears.

Everything is beneficial.

Tyr folded his fingers into a sword, and the sharpness made everyone feel like a thorn
in their backs. When they looked back, they found that Tyr could easily chop the cage
into pieces with just one command!

The Suzaku man who used his unique magic suddenly spurted out blood, knelt on the
ground extremely pale, and then fainted.

When Damoda and Rafam met, their faces changed drastically. They really didn't
expect that even the absolute prison could not restrain this black-haired boy. Could it
be that they just wanted to see the performance of their teammates before they didn't
take action? Of? !
They didn't realize until now that they had become a touchstone. When the black-
haired boy's teammates were hurt, they finally chose to take action!

Tyr did not delay at all. If this unique magical prison was not as strong as imagined,
otherwise it would be difficult to say whether he could win the game if he was really
trapped. This was indeed his carelessness. Yes, a team competition. Everyone should
take care of each other, not just one person. He has committed the mistake of
arrogance again, this is the third time.

Once he has power, he inflates his ego, which makes him feel childish when he thinks
about it. It's a pity that Tyr can't change this bad habit.

When he thought this, his body was reflected in front of Rafaam like lightning, and
the sword in his hand suddenly struck straight down!

So fast!

Rafaam's pupils shrank, and his huge body quickly retreated. However, Tire was not
only faster in movement, but also faster in drawing out his sword. Before the flame
dragon man could even take a step back, the long sword had already been slashed
down, and blood suddenly flew out. And out!


Rafaam roared loudly, his muscles tensed up, and he stopped the bleeding in the next
moment. The flames on his body burned and the wounds were completely fused!
Then without any hesitation, Rafaam turned his right hand into a claw and launched a
Tyr did not expect that Rafaam would suddenly counterattack when he had the
intention to retreat. Such unexpected actions can often achieve very good results.
Unfortunately, in Tyr's eyes, the ferocious posture of the flame dragon man was not It
can't be the slightest threat!

Till's foot slightly moved, and Tyr's body suddenly refracted, and the giant flaming
claw flew into the air, but cut five huge chasms into the white earth, glowing with
blood-red flames, just like a volcano erupting!

Tire thought about how Rafaam obviously had excellent attack strength. Even the
waltz before his transformation was not as ferocious as Rafaam's, but his use of
power seemed extremely simple, just like Tire a few months ago. Likewise, one can
only mechanically reduce ten levels with one force.

However, it is undeniable that even if Tire could see through Rafaam's movements
and offensive, he still could not give the opponent a fatal blow. After all, the dragon-
like Rafaam not only had improved physical functions, but also had an extremely
strong defense. It's scary, with such a desperate style of play, he can drag Tire into the
water with just one careless move.

[Please, the fifth Feng Zhangui and Lei Dan appear. 】

The fifth one is Feng Zhangui, who has always had little presence in the team, but he
always stands by Tier and will consider him in every action.

Lei Dan on the other side, perhaps watching the situation more thoroughly from a
distance, roared and immediately transformed into a cyan dragon and shouted
towards Da Mo.

"Kill them while the boss can still block it!"

Only then did Damoda realize that although Boss Rafaam could hold back the black-
haired boy, it did not mean that he could defeat the opponent. If the black-haired boy
finally won, then the weaker dragons like them would have to be slaughtered by the
opponent. share.

Therefore, at this time, you should control the situation and wipe out all enemy

Da Moda moved again, and Lei Dan spread his wings and flew in the air at a speed
that was much faster than Feng Zhangui, and arrived at the battlefield in just a few

Yakumo Xiaoqi An said, two dragons are not that easy to deal with!

Then, you can only try new tricks.

"Xiaodie, brother Tiejian, help me block them, give me ten seconds!"

"Okay!!" The Iron Sword of Shating reacted so quickly. Facing the figure that was
approaching like a collapse of the sky, it actually swung the giant sword again, and
with a roar that broke through the air, it collided with the opponent's dragon claws.

boom! !

The huge explosion weakened Da Moda's dragon claw, which greatly reduced its
power. Therefore, Da Moda was cut back by the opponent's sword. However, the
Sand Court Iron Sword also made his chest feel uncomfortable due to the shock of
the dragon claw, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood. out.
Behind the Iron Sword of the Sand Court, Rose Butterfly suddenly rushed out. It was
a perfect cooperation that could only be demonstrated after working together
hundreds of times. The big sword retreated, and then, the thin sword soared up,
sharper, faster, and more powerful!

Da Mo's pupils shrank, and he didn't expect that the other party would actually thrust
out a sword at this juncture. The rhythm was just right, and even Tier, who was not
far away, couldn't help but want to applaud when he saw it from the corner of his


A roar like a giant dragon came from Da Mo Da's mouth. His muscles all swelled,
and dragon scales covered his body like a living creature. In just a moment, green
scales covered his whole body! The rapier that followed made a 'dang' sound and
bounced back!

Rose Kui Zhi Die's tiger's mouth suddenly cracked and blood spilled out, but he
couldn't care about it in his heart. Looking at the demon-like Da Mo Da, he couldn't
help but frown. Such a defense would be difficult to deal with without using the
Heaven Sword Yishin, but using the Heaven Sword Sword Isshin needs time. This Da
Mo Da seems to be a reckless charge, but in fact he is meticulous and extremely
cautious. Once he suffers a loss, he will not suffer a second time. Isshin will
definitely be dodged by him if he uses the Heavenly Sword, but it is just a waste of
effort. .

Da Moda sneered. He was a Mountain Scale Dragon. Although he was not as

powerful as Boss Rafam's Red Flame Dragon, his defensive power was the best
among the dragons. It would be difficult for a mere mortal Gabriel to break through
this armor. Idiot's dream.

However, just as he was thinking this, a black object appeared in front of his eyes!
Issue 257 Frank is back!
Yakumo is an ancient family in the Suzaku Empire. The reason for its prosperity is
not the number of gods or other nepotism, but the use of magic that is unique in the


The dark element can be commanded like an arm. After special magic
transformation, the dark element can be transformed into various forms. Now
Yakumo Xiaoqi can only solidify the dark element and use the extremely hard
advantage to interact with people. Against the enemy, this is ultimately just a
delaying tactic. If there is no spear to kill the enemy, no matter how strong the shield
is, death will only happen sooner or later.

Aware of this, Yakumo Xiaoqi conducted some hard training after enrolling in
school. After experiencing the last beast tide incident, Yakumo Xiaoqi finally
understood another use of the black pool.

Spear form.

Attack mode.

The black object that appeared in front of Da Mo Da immediately changed its shape
like a living thing, and finally turned into a black spear!

The spear was completely black, with countless dark elements flashing around it, and
the light elements were even more afraid to avoid it. Without waiting for the
opponent to react, Yakumo Xiaoqi waved his delicate hand, and the black spear
suspended in the void suddenly rushed down!

Da Moda narrowed his eyes slightly. The power of this spear that gathered the power
of many dark elements was indeed terrifying, but the attack line was obvious, and the
speed was not very fast. It was worse than the white bird chopped off by the female
mercenary before. Slow down a little. Although he doesn't dare to take such a move
head-on, he can easily dodge it!

However, just when Da Mo was about to dodge, the black spear suddenly turned into
dust and turned into countless dark elements that dispersed.

Da Mo Dazheng was curious about the other party's plot, but suddenly there was a
cold feeling behind his back. He only heard a "sound" and a black long sword
penetrated from the back to the chest!


Da Mo's pupils shrank, his dragon claws slowly raised and he held the black long
sword with an expression of disbelief, while Yakumo Xiaoqi not far away sneered
and murmured in a way that no one could hear.

"Do you really think that the shape of a spear is what a spear looks like?"

When the black pool changes to attack mode, any dark element existing in the world
will become a sharp blade. However, Yakumo Akatsuki's abilities are limited, and
this style is only in the experiment and cannot be used too powerfully, so Da Mo's
success was also due to surprise.

Yakumo Akatsuki is not the kind of fool who is stupid enough to explain his tricks to
others, nor does he think that the overall situation is determined. As long as the
opponent is still alive in front of him, then he cannot take it lightly!

Explosive form!

I saw that the black long sword inserted into the chest of the green dragon man was
gradually expanding, and the posture was obviously about to explode!

Da Moda's face was gloomy, and all the muscles in his body were tense to the limit at
this moment. The shiny scales were like cast steel. Even if the black sword exploded
from the inside of the body, it was actually blocked by the scales that grew and
spread into the body. Although he suffered extremely heavy damage, he still failed to
kill Da Mo Da!

Meikui Zhidie has quick eyes and quick hands. When he saw Da Mo Da in desperate
situation, he quickly took a stance with the knight's sword in his hand, and then
slashed out!

The first move of the Heavenly Sword Yishin was replaced by a white flying bird,
with a sharp cry, and it slashed towards Damo who was very close at hand!

Da Mo Da was already at the end of his road. When he saw the white bird rushing
towards him, his eyes suddenly revealed,

crazy! !

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

Beyond the roar of the dragon, the roar like an ancient demon vividly displayed the
ferocity of the green dragon man. He stretched out his dragon claws, and the earth
trembled at this time. Countless white earth flew up and condensed under his dragon
claws. Go up and swing out suddenly with the last strength!

boom! !

The flying bird screamed and destroyed the earth and rocks on the dragon's claws.
However, it was still unable to hit the big one behind. The green dragon man who
thought he could hold on until his companion Lei Dan came found a figure reflected
in front of him.

The huge broad-bladed sword was like a guillotine, severing from the scene where he
was looking up!

Blood suddenly splashed!

The one who was stained with the blood of the dragon was the Iron Sword of the
Sand Court.

"Damn it!!" Lei Dan, who was flying in the air, had a gloomy look on his face, while
Rafaam on the other side was also shocked. He didn't expect that Da Mo Da would be
defeated by a much weaker ordinary person after transforming into a dragon. , this is
almost impossible.

Tire knocked back Rafaam with a sword, glanced at Yakumo Xiaoqi and others from
the corner of his eyes, and the silver-haired beauty also looked at him, and extended a
thumbs up very generously, which made Tire unconscious. He raised the corners of
his mouth and said lightly

"My companions cannot be crushed by the so-called dragon people."

"Hmph! It's just three people who barely defeated one person. How can you be
confident? I'll let you know that in the eyes of dragon people, all ordinary people are
a defective race!" After Rafam said this, he suddenly shouted loudly.

"I am substituting the captain's order! Replace Louis with Frank!!"

[The Dragon Leader, the fourth contestant Louis exchanges with the sixth contestant
Frank. At this point, the Dragon Leader has no chance to exchange. 】

As soon as he finished speaking, the black-haired Suzaku man who had used his
unique magic to trap Tier suddenly disappeared, and then a burly nylon man with a
sharp face appeared, Frank!

"Hahaha! As long as I come on stage, all crises will be nothing to mention in my


Frank put his hands on his hips and laughed, while Lei Dan, who was flying in front,
suddenly cursed.

"You idiot! Stop being so stupid and join forces with me to deal with them!"

"Hahaha, since you beg me so sincerely, why not help you with mercy? But such a
weak person still has me use my strength to crush him. This is simply a kind of
passive humiliation and torture. Nine out of ten things in the world are unsatisfactory,
but there are very few like me. Being powerful is also a sin. I think, if I have another
chance to be born again, I hope that I can be born in a world. In a barren mountain
village, only in a difficult environment can I lower my supreme strength, and only in
this way can the warriors at the same time find a little bit of self-confidence. The
world is so cruel..."
"Fuck you!!! Are you going to do it anymore!!" Lei Dan finally couldn't stand it
anymore. He felt that he was already furious before he even had a confrontation with
the enemy. Not to mention him, even Rafaam The veins were also bulging out, and
he fought even harder with Tire, and he seemed to be extremely helpless towards

After Frank struck a pose again, he laughed coldly.

"Then, let the dance that belongs to me, Mr. Frank, begin!!"

After Frank finished speaking, his body quickly became huge, covered with countless
dragon scales, and appeared in everyone's eyes like a hill. Without saying a word, he
quickly gathered a red ball of light in his hand, and with dragon power, he directed
towards Yakumo Xiaoqi. Wait for someone to throw it away!
The 258th Issue of Dragon Man’s Benefit!
Before Yakumo Xiaoqi and the others could breathe a sigh of relief after just
defeating Da Mo Da, Frank's direct red ball of light was already close at hand, which
made him frown. He raised his hands and a black shield immediately condensed out. .

boom! The ball of light that hit the shield made a loud roar like a volcanic eruption.
Yakumo Xiaoqi gritted his teeth to resist, but he still couldn't completely stop it. The
escaping power lifted the three of them away, and his chest felt so tight that he almost
vomited blood.

Lei Dan, who was flying in front, saw that Yakumo Xiaoqi was weak, and
immediately seized the opportunity to fly down. The long spear in his hand broke
through the layers of air. The powerful pressure suddenly caused the entire land to
begin to collapse.

Yakumo Akatsuki half-knelt on the ground, showing reluctance, gritted his teeth and
stretched out his right hand, and the triple black shield immediately appeared.


Lei Dan shouted loudly, and the spear became sharper. He flapped his wings behind
his back and pressed down quickly. The spear head penetrated the first shield in an
instant, and the second shield in half a second, and in just one second. The third side
is overwhelming and unstoppable!

The power of the dragon people has not been truly reflected until now!

Constantine, Krader and others looked at the fighting fists in the Shadow Stone from
the sidelines and couldn't help clenching their fists. The Dragon Man was too
powerful, and the previous Frank and this Lei Dan were much more powerful than
the previous Damo. Now in Eight When Yun Xiaoqi and the three of them were all
exhausted, the situation was naturally one-sided.

"Hold on..." Kang Shiding gradually tightened his grip on the Shadow Stone and
couldn't stop mumbling to himself.

However, the spear was still pressing down. Facing the gradually enlarging sharp
point, Yakumo Xiaoqi did not choose to give up, but faced the danger rationally. A
group of black elements appeared around him, and suddenly hit Yakumo Xiaoqi.
Come and knock him away, but the weak magician's physique was hurt by this, and
he couldn't stop swallowing a mouthful of blood in his mouth.

But because of this, Lei Dan dodged his fatal shot!

The green dragon man frowned slightly, pulled out his spear from the broken ground,
and continued to stab Yakumo Xiaoqi, but suddenly, a black shadow flashed in front
of him!

Blood immediately splattered from his chest.


Lei Dan spoke in surprise. When he took a closer look, he found that the owner of the
black shadow was actually a young man with a golden hedgehog hair. From the
appearance, he looked like a gangster on the street, but his eyes shrouded in gloom
Let Lei Dan know that this is a ferocious wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Wind Slayer Ghost!"

Yakumo Xiaoqi couldn't help but shout out. Thank God for coming at this time.
Otherwise, if Lei Dan stabbed him again, he might be the first one to fall here.

Feng Zhangui nodded slightly, but his eyes never moved away. His eyes were filled
with the figure of the dragon man.

The two of them didn't say much. Feng Zhangui also knew that at this time, there was
no possibility of compromise except for you to die or for me to die. Before the
stupidest dragon man arrived, the four of them worked together to kill Lei Dan. Not a
bad choice.

But how could Lei Dan be killed so easily? As a Green Winged Dragon, he was one
of the fastest in flying in the sky. How could he fail in the face of these weaklings
who couldn't even fly!

The pain in his chest made him understand that he had underestimated the enemy
before. If he had been vigilant, there would not be any scars even if the sword struck
his body.

Yakumo Xiaoqi stood up from the ground with difficulty and glanced at the Rose Kui
Butterfly and Sha Ting Iron Sword, who were already ready to go. At the moment,
only the four of them had a chance to defeat the Blue Winged Dragon Lei Dan, just
Feng Zhan. The ghosts alone are always powerless and must unite as
one. . . . . .

Everyone knows this. Feng Zhangui, Sha Ting Iron Sword, and Rose Kui Zhidie once
did extremely dangerous missions together as high-level mercenaries. Not only did
they cooperate perfectly, but they could also see it in one look. See what to do next.

Now they have only one goal!

Risk your life to besiege Lei Dan! Only by killing Frank's stupid dragon before it
comes over can we have a chance to annihilate all the dragons except Rafaam. If
Frank and Lei Dan join forces, the difficulty will not be as simple as one plus one.

How could Lei Dan not know what they were thinking? He didn't want to
underestimate the enemy, but the lineup of four people in front of him was indeed a
little worse than him, but he was naturally cautious. If he was careless, he might risk
his life here. , so it is better to retreat under the current situation.

However, Lei Dan had just had this idea when the figure of Feng Zhangui had
already appeared in front of him. Lei Dan's pupils shrank and he took half a step
back, feeling inexplicably shocked.

Isn't this weird movement technique the same as that of the black-haired boy from
before? However, compared to that black-haired boy, Feng Zhangui's fire level is
obviously much different. However, even so, he still feels a little difficult to react.
This can also This indirectly explains how terrifying the movement skills that the
black-haired boy displayed at that time were.

Boss Rafaam was actually fighting against this kind of monster, which made him
admire Rafaam even more, and he also felt a lot more worried.

After thinking about it, Lei Dan's hand did not fall at all. He turned the spear in his
hand, and with a click, a white light suddenly broke through the void. Feng Zhangui's
pupils shrank and he immediately retreated, but half of his face was still stained red
with blood.

"Wind Slayer Ghost!"

"It's okay!" Feng Zhangui staggered back a few steps, and blood kept spilling out. A
closer look revealed that even his eyeballs were cut. Looking back, he found that
what Lei Dan was holding was actually a long spear. The thin sword drawn from the
middle, although this method is not considered sinister, it is inferior and makes
people feel disdainful.

Feng Zhangui felt dizzy and felt a little uncomfortable just after a few seconds.
Looking at Lei Dan who gradually showed a sneer in front of him, he couldn't help
but feel enlightened.


This gun not only contains a thin sword, but the sword is also poisonous!

The dizziness turned into pain, which shot straight from the brain to the spine and
then tumbled to the limbs. The Feng Zhangui roared out and shouted at everyone.
"I have been poisoned!!"

Immediately, they rushed towards Lei Dan regardless of their lives. The others
reacted very quickly. They knew that Feng Zhangui was about to die soon and were
afraid of leaving immediately, so they followed Feng Zhangui and launched a general
attack on Lei Dan!

Lei Dan's sneer remained unchanged, he really thought that they dragon people could
only do reckless things. This stalker's profession was spread from the Nylon
Kingdom, and in terms of the many methods, they must be the leader of the Nylon

Faced with Feng Zhangui's fearless attack and the three people behind him who were
ready to attack, Lei Dan chose his original idea and avoided the edge for the time
being. He had no need to confront these people head-on. Although Frank was a fool, ,
but the strength is extremely amazing, and the talent is also the best in the evaluation
of Boss Rafam, so instead of joining forces to deal with these people, they must be
easy to pick up, why bother to support it alone, if you are not careful, you may be
defeated by them. superior!
The 259th issue breaks out
However, Lei Dan felt a tingling sensation behind his back, and an inexplicable crisis
came to his mind. He didn't even have time to turn around to confirm, and
subconsciously dodged. But just a moment after dodging, a black long sword quickly
swiped. However, if Lei Dan slowed down for half a beat, or turned around to check,
he would be pierced by this black sword.


Yakumo Xiaoqi couldn't help but was speechless. He didn't expect that Lei Dan's
reaction was so sensitive, several times better than the previous one. However, he
was not discouraged. With a wave of his finger, the black sword immediately turned
around and attacked Lei Dan again. Go, and Feng Zhangui, who followed closely
behind, burst out his final strength and slashed out with the black sword at the same

Lei Dan couldn't help but be speechless. Without this black sword, he could easily fly
to high altitudes before. No matter how cunning and cunning these people were, they
still couldn't attack him in the sky. But now the opponent was already in front of him.
If he still wanted to make a desperate move, If you retreat, it is very likely that the
opponent will seize the opportunity and you will never be able to evacuate.


Lei Dan swung out a sword. The sword carried the power of the wind element, and
the sound of breaking through the air could not be heard. But even so, Feng Zhangui
still did not flinch. The dagger in his hand turned into a stream of light. With the
indomitable momentum, it turned out to be hard. He ate the blow alive and then
swung his sword towards Lei Dan's face.

This sword should not be able to kill Lei Dan, but Feng Zhangui, who was at the end
of his crossbow, let out a hysterical cry.

"Heavenly Sword Isshin!!"


The four words Tianjian Yixin immediately caught Tier's attention. He looked at the
white blade of light that Feng Zhangui slashed out when he finally died, and the
corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.
Each of these guys has achieved something.

Lei Dan's pupils shrank. He didn't expect that a mere stalker could actually slash out
with such sharp sword energy. He lifted the other half of the gun sheath with his left
hand to resist. With a bang, his whole body was immediately ejected, and blood
flowed from his face at the same time. splash.

Before he could fully recover, Yakumo Akatsuki's black sharp sword struck again.
Lei Dan vaguely raised his arms to block, and the long sword immediately penetrated
his two crossed forearms, just as he was about to As he headed towards his head, the
muscles in his arms suddenly tightened, and he actually clamped the black sword
with his muscles at this moment!

Yakumo Xiaoqi was extremely surprised. This sword composed of black pool magic
was as powerful as a weapon. He had only seen Dizi clamp Ye Xi's weapon with his
muscles, but he did not expect that this person could also do the same. To this extent.

This shows how far Lei Dan's body functions have been strengthened!

Explosive form.

Shocked in his heart, Yakumo Xiaoqi's fighting thoughts never stopped. The muscles
of his arms clamped the black sword, but at this moment, the black sword body
suddenly expanded, and the next moment there was a loud explosion, and the power
of countless dark elements Flying like a torrential rain, Lei Dan's body was blown
back a few steps again, and he was half-kneeling on the ground.

His hands fell vertically weakly, and blood dripped onto the white ground.

The words "Leidan" are not just words of flattery, but come from the heart. None of
these individuals, except Yakumo Xiaoqi, can pose a threat to him, but before, he had
some intention of retreat in his heart. The opponent seized the opportunity and was
injured to this extent. It has to be said that the opponent is indeed strong. This
strength is not reflected in the strength on the surface, but includes perseverance,
experience, courage, cooperation, and ruthlessness!

So, Da Mo Da is defeated unjustly.

But, but.

Yakumo Xiaoqi and others thought that the opponent was defeated, and when they
were about to let out a slight breath from their chests, there was a bang, and an even
greater dragon power emanated from Lei Dan's body, and a strong wind suddenly
rolled up around him. In the end, it turned into a tornado!

But I haven't used my true strength yet.

Yue Hai frowned. She was sitting in the classroom of Group B, clasping her hands.
This behavior made Damiyala next to her very concerned. After observing secretly
for a while, she asked

"Yuehai, are you worried?"


"Ah, oh, Damiyala, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? You have such an expression that you want me to ask you what's
wrong." Damiyara stretched out her index finger and tapped Yuehai's head, which
made Yuehai, whose brows were slightly furrowed, relax immediately.

"Well, it's something on my mind, not really. Anyway, I'm thinking about something
very important right now."

Yuehai rubbed her temples with both hands, looking like she was extremely troubled.
Why doesn’t Damiyala remember what exhausting things Yuehai had done before?

Ye Xi on the other side was bored. He threw half of his body on the table with a snap,
his chin resting on the table, looking like he was about to fall asleep at any moment.

Yue Hai wondered why Ye Xi was not used to sitting peacefully in the classroom
because she often exercised. This should be what students call ADHD in children.
Although Ye Xi is not a child, she does not have it. Move less.

Not to mention here, Tire was caught in a fierce battle. Rafaam exchanged lives for
lives every time, which made him very annoyed. Although he had the advantage in
speed, the opponent's full-range attack methods But he had no way to start. This guy
called the Red Flame Dragon Man really had two skills.

Damiyala looked at her student ID card, and then said to the others

"It's almost time, we should go to the competition."

"Okay!" Long Tu stood up immediately and clapped his right fist towards his left
hand. His eagerness to try immediately made everyone's momentum increase a lot.

After Damiyala and the others left, the other students began to talk about it. After all,
the two most optimistic groups in their Group B were the [Dragon Emperor] led by
Dragon Slayer and the [Sky Sword Isshin] led by Krad. 】, let alone coordination
issues, the gap between the two lineups alone can be seen. The name of Dragon
Slayer has long been spread throughout Class 9. Who doesn’t know who has a bad
temper? He can be eaten in the cafeteria at noon every day. It was hard not to
remember the lunch for more than a dozen people, and there were many people who
made trouble for her, but there was never anyone who could not get punched by the
dragon slayer.

On the other side, Krader, the young master of [Sword], was graceful and polite, and
his chivalry spirit brought his charm to the fullest. How many girls called him the
lover of their dreams, and how many men had to gnash their teeth secretly.

Besides, this [Gay] young master, Tyr, is also second to none in terms of strength.
Ever since he took off his mask, his temperament has suddenly become that of one of
the four young masters. It’s a pity that he is [Gay].

And Diz, who belongs to the [Dragon Emperor] group, is even more uncontroversial.
He is called the [Crazy] Master because of the emotions he bursts out every time he
gets into a battle. His crazy look is like an evil dragon who is not afraid of death. , no
matter who sees him, he will be very timid. So far, no one in Class 9 has dared to
challenge Dizi.

In fact, Tier and others didn't know that every time they left, a large group of people
would talk about them behind their backs with envy or jealousy.
End of Issue 260
Lei Dan erupted again, and the earth began to shatter with him as the center,
exploded, and collapsed. There was a faint sound of dragon roars. His body became
larger, his wings spread out, and the tornado wind suddenly flew in all directions,
eventually carrying A huge dragon-man wrapped in scales appeared in front of
everyone with a terrifying dragon power.

This is a green dragon man who is four meters tall. His eyes are blood-red, and his
mouth has turned into a ferocious mouth like a dragon. Drops of transparent mucus
are entangled between his sharp teeth, and his throat is full of blood. Zhong Geng
made a rumbling sound. If his body hadn't been similar to that of a human being,
everyone would have even suspected that he had turned into a giant dragon!

Kang Shiding, who was outside the arena, couldn't help but slap his leg in shock.

"Damn it! This guy has a second transformation?!"

Krader never relaxed his eyebrows on one side. He glanced at Constance, then turned
to the Shadow Stone and explained lightly.

"Nylon people can transform into dragons once they reach adulthood. However, this
is only the first step to activate the dragon bloodline. Some people with strong
bloodlines or profound attainments can develop the second step of the bloodline, half-
dragon transformation."

"Half-dragon transformation...Does this second stage transformation have any special

effects?" Kang Shiding seemed to be very excited, and at this time, Feng Zhangui
also walked out of the arena in frustration. When he came out, he was already at the
end of his strength after being poisoned by Lei Dan, and then he was killed by a
sword. Now that he came out was not unexpected.

"Sorry, I came out first..."

"Brother Feng Zhangui is so awesome!" Seeing that Feng Zhangui was so frustrated,
Elena quickly came over to cheer him up, which made Feng Zhangui regain his


"Really, that heroic look just now was so awesome!"

"Hahaha, it's nothing actually. I did it as soon as my brain got hot. If this happened in
reality, I don't know where I would hide." Feng Zhangui scratched his head modestly,
but the smile on his face But the previous haze was swept away, Kang Shiding
punched the opponent hard in the chest and said with a smile

"Thank you for your hard work, you are just a little weaker than me this time."

"Hahaha, then try to be better than you next time."

"What a beautiful thought!"

boom! !

Before the chat between the three of them was over, their attention was immediately
attracted by the loud noise in the Demonic Shadow Stone. Lei Dan actually sprayed
out terrifying wind elemental energy from his mouth, and a green shock as high as a
person was bombarded on the ground. Then a terrifying power suddenly erupted.
Almost a single energy body was enough to destroy all living things within a radius
of dozens of meters. The three Iron Swordsmen in Sand Courtyard managed to avoid
the attack, but their opponents seemed to have no restrictions. Spit out a wind
element again.
With the invisible air, the whole world seemed to be twisted. Facing the attack,
Yakumo Xiaoqi felt uncomfortable breathing, and the surrounding air seemed to have
been taken away. After the second stage of Leidan transformation, his strength was
stronger than before. More terrifying and weird!

Tyr frowned and tried to rescue him, but Rafaam here became even more violent.

"If you have time to worry about others, why not worry about yourself first!!"

Rafaam's dragon roar shakes the sky. Although he is not as talented as Lei Dan to
transform into a half-dragon, he is still stronger than Lei Dan. Otherwise, this boss
would have changed hands.

The flames became more intense. Although Tire could dodge easily, he could never
escape the opponent's attack range. This Rafaam was very experienced. Although
there was a huge gap in strength between the two, it was because of his fear of death
and his experience in hundreds of battles that he was able to defeat the two. People do
not show one-sided tendencies.


Tier said in a deep voice, he saw Lei Dan's power in his eyes, and if this continued, it
would be really hard to tell who would win and who would lose in the end.

Although he really wanted to retain his strength and wanted to wait until the
individual competition to use some of his methods, looking at the current situation, it
seemed that he had to take action.

Heavenly Sword Yixin, third form.

boom! ! ! Bang bang bang bang!

Like the sky

At this moment, the sky was blocked by countless sword bodies. In just an instant,
dense sword energy bodies appeared behind Tier!

Rafaam's pupils shrank, but his reaction was incredibly fast. At this time, the Red
Flame Dragon Man did not retreat in a hurry, but attacked quickly. Only in this way
would the other party dare not approach the caster. Shoot down the sword body,
otherwise even if you shoot him to death, there is no guarantee that these sword
bodies will hit Tyr who is very close to him!

This decision can be said to be the most correct choice today. Even if you hesitate
about the other methods, the result will be doomed!

Tyr didn't expect this dragon man to be so flexible. He gritted his teeth, pulled out the
sword [The Possessor] with his left hand and swung it towards Rafaam.

Divine flow, break the boundary!

In the past, the barrier was only as high as one person, but now in Tyr's hands, it can
be as high as a waterfall. The transparent blade that cuts straight down from the sky
brings endless weakening power to the approaching Ra. At this moment, Fam's whole
body seemed to be supporting a huge boulder. The pressure increased sharply, and his
muscles weakened in an instant, as if he would be exhausted in a short time.

The frightened Rafaam immediately retreated, and Tyr, who saw the right moment,
swung the [Tyrant] sword in his right hand downwards, and countless sword bodies
suddenly fell like a torrential rain!

Rafaam's face was gloomy, and the flames all over his body surged again, but Tire
did not give him a chance to resist, and the first move of the Heavenly Sword Isshin
was instantly executed!

Rafaam has tasted this huge white light blade before, and it is irresistible! However,
once you dodge, you will face endless sword bodies. It is obvious that you will die
anyway, so why not try your best on this sword!


Rafam's whole body was wrapped in fire, and the bloody dragon claws suddenly
swung out, dealing a fatal blow to the light blade!

boom! !

The light blade cut off Rafaam's dragon claws without any accident, blood spurted
out, and his body also flew out like a kite with broken strings, followed by countless
sword bodies!

Looking at the sword blade getting closer and closer to him, Rafaam narrowed his
eyes slightly, it seemed that this was the end. . . . . .

I obviously wanted to get into the top ten, but I didn't expect to hit the wall here.

However, it is not a worthwhile trip to fight against such a powerful person of the
same generation!

At this moment, I thought the sword would penetrate my chest!

A huge figure appeared in front of Rafaam. The muscular back looked like a hill.
After looking closely, he realized that the owner of the figure was actually Frank.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

Frank let out a deafening roar, and his dragon claws kept smashing the sword bodies
flying down from the sky. However, every fragmentation of the sword body would be
accompanied by an explosion of sword energy. The terrifying power could even
injure the dragon man. , it didn’t take long for Frank’s body to be stained red with

"Get up! Boss Rafaam!"

Even though Frank was covered in bruises, the movements of his hands did not slow
down at all. When his name was called, the pupils of the Red Flame Dragon Man
who fell to the ground suddenly shrank!
End of issue 261
Rafaam, who was shocked by Frank's voice, suddenly woke up. He stood up. In order
to prevent Frank from being more seriously injured, he also took a step forward and
stretched out the other dragon claw that had not been severed to resist. That endless
sword body.

Tyr looked at the struggle of the two dragons with no expression on his face. They
were just using mantis arms as chariots. If he hadn't tried to hide his power before, he
would have defeated them long ago.

Lei Dan on the other side was even more terrifying. The slower Sand Court Iron
Sword received a fatal blow. His whole body was penetrated and he immediately left
the scene. Such a bloody scene made Tire's breathing become rapid. If in reality If his
comrade was killed like this, he would definitely be angry!

But at this moment, Tier suddenly said

"Exchange the Rose Butterfly for Noah!"

[The first contestant of Tianjian Yishin, Mei Kuizhidie, exchanges with the sixth
contestant Noah. At this point, Tianjian Yishin will no longer have the opportunity to
exchange. 】

The sound of the system fell, Rose Butterfly disappeared with a stunned expression,
and Noah was immediately teleported.

In such a harsh environment, his thin body seemed to be blown away by the strong
wind at any time, but after seeing the whole situation clearly, he did not show any
timidity. Noah pulled out his knight's sword and pointed it at not far away. The green
half-dragon who looked like an ancient demon suddenly exerted force on his feet,
mustered up the courage in his heart and bones, and attacked the enemy! !

Yakumo Xiaoqi found it difficult to understand. Noah was obviously so young, and
his strength was only that of a high-ranking man. Faced with this dragon, he could
only die, so why should he be exchanged at this time? But he didn't know that this
The exchange was actually something Noah had discussed with Tire before he
entered the competition.

Because he has to face powerful forces and fill himself with the power of fear and
despair. Only when he can face difficulties with this kind of power can he become
stronger quickly. He is just a high-ranking and gentle young man. Last month, the
3,000 If Tier, Krad, Yakumo Xiaoqi, Kang Shiding and others hadn't led him to
constantly score points, I'm afraid he would have given up by then. The gap in
strength is not terrible, but the mental decline is the most terrible. What's scary is that
this month will be the height of 3,500 points. This is an area that is almost
insurmountable and untouchable for him, but now Noah has enough confidence to get
3,500 points before the end of this month.

because of him

No longer afraid of the barriers standing in front of you! !

There was no shouting, no roaring, and no roaring. Noah's eyes showed

determination, which made Tire seem to see his determination to keep climbing even
though he was very weak!

boom! !

A wind elemental energy body was ejected from Lei Dan's mouth again, and the
strong wind tore the earth apart. Noah, who was rushing forward, collided head-on
with the strong wind, but he did not flinch. Even though his whole body was shaking,
the knight commander in his hand I couldn't hold the sword tightly, but my steps
didn't slow down at all, and I faced the difficulties! Only in this way can we break
through from the cowardly self we once were! !

"You've done a great job, Noah."

Tyr saw Noah's performance, which is what a brave man possesses. Even Tyr would
probably not be able to raise his head in the face of a strong man dozens of times
stronger than himself.

So, it has been done very well.

Then, it's time to bring this game to an end.

The black figure appeared in front of Noah in just the blink of an eye, helping him
block the strong wind and gravel.

Tier turned around and glanced slightly at the astonished young man, he spoke softly

"Look, Noah, this is the strong one."

After Tier finished speaking, the tyrant sword in his right hand slowly rose up, and
then suddenly slashed down.

The white light blade immediately cut through the strong wind, slashed through the
wind element energy body that followed, and drove straight in to split Lei Dan in
two, split the earth, flattened the mountains, tore the clouds in the sky, and roared to
the sky. A mark that will never be erased!

puff! !

Blood spurted out from Lei Dan's body, and his pupils shrank. Only now did he
realize that he had been split into two

"This is impossible......"

All things are possible.

Tyr gradually came to believe this truth.

Nothing is impossible.
As long as its hypothesis exists, it must be possible to establish it.

Noah stared blankly at the whole earth being cut in half by Tyr, and he couldn't help
but clench his hands. This was the power he wanted, the power to control himself, not
just for his family, for his father, and for everything. !

On the other side, Frank and Rafaam were also unable to withstand the attacks, and
gradually showed signs of decline under the attacks of those sword bodies. In the end,
although they were covered with bruises and blocked all the sword bodies, it was
obvious that they had reached the end of their strength.

Rafaam gave a wry smile. This was good, because it allowed him to fully see the gap
between himself and the other party. However, Frank was different. Even though he
was covered in blood and his feet could no longer move, he still stretched out his
right hand and pointed with his index finger. Looking at Tire in the distance

"Tyr, this is the second time we have fought, but I, Mr. Frank, tell you! There is no
way we will lose in the third fight. Remember this, remember it!!"

It was the first time that Rafaam was so excited when he saw Frank. He used to be
carefree and carefree, and he looked like the sky is falling but I am not surprised.
Obviously, the black-haired boy in front of him had had a fight with Frank before. ,
I’m afraid I’ll lose the same, and losing twice in a row will definitely not be easy for

Tyr's face was expressionless, and he didn't even turn his eyes away. He was just an
insignificant person, and he, Tyr, didn't need to care about it at all.

After his thoughts fell, Tire swung his sword casually, and the white light blade with
extremely strong sword energy immediately killed Rafaam and Frank. At this point,
the entire army led by the Dragon Man was annihilated!

[Dragon Man leads the annihilation, the 101st team competition, Tianjian Yishin

As the system's voice fell, the small world suddenly disappeared from everyone's
eyes, and then Tier and others reappeared in the simple house in the competition

Tier, Yakumo Xiaoqi and Noah looked at each other, smiled and nodded.

"Get out."


Pushing open the door, the dazzling sunlight shines in. Tire slowly walks out,
followed by the other two. Constance, who is outside, is the first to rush over and
gives Tire a symbolic punch.

"You're such a harm, the dragons and people are all made of tofu in your hands."

"It's not bad, that Rafam is very strong and has more experience than me." Tier had to
praise the red flame dragon Rafam. Although there was some gap in strength, overall
he was better than him. I was much more powerful, but he just used his holy skills to
crush me.

For example, Yakumo Xiaoqi let out a big sigh of relief. This time he was
shouldering the second main force of the people. He didn't know how much pressure
he had to face those dragons, especially when he faced Rafaam before. He thought
that the other party would kill him with one claw, but looking at the scene of Tyr
killing him and killing a chicken, this feeling of disparity made Yakumo Xiaoqi feel a
little depressed.
Issue 262 is easily solved
When Yue Hai and others came to the competition field, it was already four o'clock
in the afternoon. It was very late in the summer night, so the sky was still like noon at
this time.

"Speaking of which, is it really okay to let Kalida play?"

Yuehai couldn't help but ask, because Katsura Touhi didn't want to participate in the
team competition and individual competition, so the number of people was not
enough, so he had to add Kalida when registering. Damiyala was about to explain,
but Kalida who was following Yuehai Lida pulled Yuehai's skirt.

Yue Hai turned around in confusion, and Kalida shook her head slightly, indicating
that it didn't matter.

This made her startled, and then she recalled that Kalida's invisible shield with strong
defense might indeed play a very important role in the team.

Since I don’t hate it, I’ll join in together.

"So this time our opponent is not very strong, but the personnel configuration must be
balanced. The team participating this time is Dragon Slayer, Neluke, Angel, Leah, Ye
Xi and me. And the rest It is Diz, Yuehai and Kalida. Kalida may not have
experienced many team competitions, so she will take care of it this time. This kind
of staffing can also ensure that there is a strong person in the team every time. Main

Everyone nodded slightly, so Yuehai would have to sit on the bench for the first
game. That was fine. Being with Diz always made people feel more at ease.

"Then others come in with me." Damiyala walked into the arena room first, followed
closely by the dragon slayer who complained dissatisfiedly.

"Who is the captain, you big-breasted monster!"

The others smiled helplessly and followed in one after another.

Tsukiumi immediately opened the Shadow Stone and entered Damiyala's student
number, and a forest appeared in the Shadow Stone.

Diz raised his eyebrows

"A jungle world? Such a place is more beneficial to Ye Xi."

Yuehai nodded slightly. As a stalker, what he likes most is to hide where the enemy
cannot see. Although a truly powerful stalker can hide in a blind spot that is invisible
to others even in the plains, such a jungle is more convenient and luckier. If it's good,
Ye Xi might be able to get five in a row!

Kalida was smaller and struggled to see the Demonic Shadow Stone in Yue Hai's
hand. Yue Hai raised his brows upon seeing this, and slowly lowered his hand to a
level where Kalida could look down.

Of course, Diz couldn't be so shameless as to surround Yuehai and watch non-stop.

He casually found a seat outside the arena and opened the Shadow Stone to take a

As expected, the first person to appear was Ye Xi. She almost disappeared the
moment she stepped into the jungle. Her skillful figure was like a jungle cheetah. She
would launch a ferocious attack when encountering her prey.

The opponent appeared silently. After entering the jungle, he was killed by Ye Xi
without making a sound. If the system hadn't prompted the opponent to die, no one
else might have known what was going on inside. The second person on the opposite
side learned the lesson and didn't rush in. Instead, they waited until the third and
fourth people came out before joining them together.

However, not long after, the voices of the second, third, and fourth players dying
were immediately heard. The fifth player, who was the captain, immediately
surrendered. While surrendering, he complained, "This is just a game. You can watch
how people die." No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm so unlucky, I've hit the wall. "Judging from the sound,
the captain is still very positive and optimistic. He has not been depressed because of
this. He only hopes that he will not encounter a strong team like them again in the

Compared with the hardships in Tire, here it was as easy as taking a leisurely stroll.
The second, third, and fourth people had not even fully entered the woods before Ye
Xi had already defeated the others. This was so fast. It is unimaginable, and the
strength is much stronger than last time. Yue Hai visually estimated that it is easy for
him to defeat Ye Xi now, but it is very difficult to defeat her. This is the gap in

By the time Damiyala and others came out, only ten minutes had passed, and five or
six minutes had been spent waiting. In fact, the fighting time was very short, and
everyone was so nervous in vain.
"I heard that Tire seems to have encountered a strong enemy." Dragon Slaughter said
this. Damiyala nodded slightly. After all, they were all acquaintances. When checking
the battle table, she also glanced at the team of Krad and others.

"The dragons lead the field. Almost all of the lineup is dragons, and Rafaam is also a
well-known freshman in Class 19. Although Tire is already very powerful, there is no
guarantee that everyone else will be defeated. After all, the rules of the team
competition are It means annihilating the opponent to one person. In other words, as
long as only Tyr is left, it can be considered a victory!"

Damiyala's words made the others slightly startled. They were all annihilated to one
person. They had only heard the word annihilate before, but they didn't expect that
the meaning was not what they imagined.

Damiyala saw that the others were confused, so she patiently said:

“This is actually a hidden rule.

Kill them all down to one person, think about how much meaning this contains, why
should one person be left behind, because this is a team competition. The purpose of
the team competition is teamwork. If Tyr's strength is 9, the others are 2, and the
dragon leader is 5, Tyr can easily kill five dragons with only 5 strength. However, if
these five dragons Take two of them to entangle Tier, and then use the remaining
three to kill the remaining teammates with only 2. Then it will be easy to cause the
team to be completely wiped out, leaving only Tier. In this way, no matter how
powerful Tier is, , the rules are there, then he has to protect his teammates while
attacking the enemy with all his strength, otherwise they will be completely
destroyed. There must be many teams that have noticed this. A group like the Dragon
Leader, which is full of stupid dragons, probably would not have thought of this. "
"What do you mean!!" Dragon Butcher was not happy when he heard this. This
stupid dragon man brought her into the mix.

Damiyala ignored it, then took out her student ID card and said

"The next opponent is [Black Gunner]. There are strong enemies in this team, but it
won't start until six days, so we have enough time to prepare. And two days later it
happens to be the individual competition. Anyway, I won't participate. Here you go
Come on, it's okay." Damiyala shrugged, and the others looked at each other. Except
for Damiyala and Kalida, who were not participating in the individual competition,
the rest of the team were either curious or wanted to see the momentum. There are
very few people who are talented and strong like Yuehai and are purposeful. In short,
there are very few people who do not participate in the gold competition. Moreover,
Yuehai always has a hunch that the individual competition is not as simple as
imagined. After all, the team competition has also produced many things. New tricks,
if Damiyala hadn't been careful, it might have been unclear how they lost.

I just hope that with this opportunity, I can get the first place and get the right to use
the holy weapon. Then, all the mysteries will be solved!
Break for the 263rd issue
Naturally, Constantine also realized the purpose of the previous rules later, and he
quickly explained it to the others. In this way, there was no need for Tier to tell them,
but there were really many hidden rules in it, and there were so many teams. , it is
estimated that many people have suffered a lot because of these rules.

I don’t know what will happen in the individual competition. Just hearing the
promotion rules of the individual competition is already very troublesome. If other
hidden rules are added, it will be difficult for Tier to maintain the overwhelming
If it were just a competition of strength, he would not be afraid of anyone, but now
when it comes to using his brain, he thinks that he is not as flexible as Konstantin
Damiala and others. In fact, after what happened with the president, Tyr felt that his
brain was running out, and it would be better to just punch the dragon slayer if he was
as unhappy as he was.

Speaking of dragon slaying, Tyr immediately remembered something. He

immediately took out the Demonic Shadow Stone and hit it. After the other party
took it, he couldn't help but ask


"I want to ask about Shenfa."

"Ah? Ask Ye Xi about this, she is an expert."

"But didn't you say before that you would teach me after this experience?"

"Who said that? Which ear did you hear? Do you have any evidence?" Tier was
speechless because Dragon Slaughter was such a rogue. He couldn't come up with
any reason to refute the other party. This woman was indeed invincible in the world
when she was rogue. . . . . . .

Tier thought about it for a long time and realized that it was useless to be stubborn to
someone like Long Tu. If he got annoyed, he might get punched by her, so it was
better to use rules to restrain him.

"Then you should set a time for me."

"Why are you always looking for me? It's really hard for me to teach you body
skills." Dragon Slaughter replied, which made Tire twitch the corner of his mouth
and tighten his grip on the Demonic Shadow Stone in his hand.

"How about this, this time, our two teams, as long as we can persist longer than you,
teach me the movement skills, how about it?"

"Then we must have persisted longer, no, we will naturally take first place!" Long Tu
was confident, but unshakable determination came from the other end of the voice,
which made Long Tu sigh again

"Avalon College, there are so many seniors and seniors, why do they insist on me?"

"Because you are recommended by Ye Xi, you can be recognized by someone like
her, and you and I are no strangers, so I will naturally look for you. The key is to find
other people. First, they may not have such high attainments in body skills. Second, I
We’re not very familiar with the other people, so why bother making both parties
unhappy in the end.”

What Tyr said made sense, but even so, it still failed to impress the dragon slayer. It
was just that it was really uncomfortable to be haunted by Tyr all the time. It would
be more convenient to make a verbal agreement and then meet up and act

"Forget it, let's see who lasts longer. We don't want to lose the second game then."

"That should be what I said to you." Tier retorted decently, and then hung up the
magic sound stone. He knew that the Dragon Slayer was perfunctory with him, but it
didn't matter, the time was still long, as long as he kept betting with the other party. ,
he wins every time, and over time Dragon Slaughter will naturally be unable to bear
this kind of long-term blow, so he agrees to Tyr.
"Let's go, have a good meal today, everyone has worked hard." Kang Shiding
chuckled and touched Noah's head. Noah didn't dislike it. He still recalled Till's
shocking sword earlier, but... ��That kind of talent is his ultimate goal!

Time gradually entered the dusk, and the team battle of the Golden Tournament
finally came to an end. Some people were happy and some were worried. The most
unfair thing among them was the deceptive rule of annihilating all to one person. The
team that thought it was bound to win was defeated because others were defeated. I
don’t know how many people left the show.

Yuehai also felt funny when she heard the news. If Damiyala hadn't told them, she
might not have known about it until now, and she didn't know who came up with this

At dusk, Ye Xi once again went to exercise elsewhere. Damiyala also chose to find a
quiet room to meditate, while Long Tu went to the restaurant alone to prepare for a
big fight. Yuehai rejected Long Tu's invitation. He took Kalida back to the dormitory.

Although it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, it was not time to eat yet. Being
so anxious to eat and starving at night would be more than worth the gain. Of course,
people with astonishing appetites like Long Tu were exceptions. In fact, Yue Hai was
very curious about how Long Tu used that small stomach bag to pack so much food.
Is it a different-dimensional stomach?

After returning to the dormitory, Yue Hai sat beside the bed and couldn't help but
breathed a sigh of relief. Although as Yue Hai, he didn't move any hands, but Tier
had a big battle. It was not physically strenuous, but Still very tired mentally.

Kalida sat next to him and remained speechless, but the look of relying on her like a
puppy made Yuehai sigh again. Although Elena would take her out every time she
was free, But in fact, her condition has not improved. She still has to wrap her arms
around her in difficult sleeping positions every night, which makes it impossible for
Yuehai to perform the comfortable 360-degree tumbling sleep method.

"Carida, how are you feeling now?"


A hoarse voice came from Dufa's throat. This was obviously the reason why she had
barely spoken all day long. Although she didn't look like a very talkative elf, she
always said nothing and looked depressed. The unhappy look always makes people
think that the other party still has something to worry about. Yuehai is not the kind of
person who can speak eloquently. When faced with the troubles of girls, she has no
other better solution than violence. Method, of course, Khalida cannot use violence in
this situation, but when she is about to let the other party speak, Yuehai is afraid that
talking about Scarlet will irritate her, so it will be very embarrassing here.

. . . . . . Yuehai felt that she had suffered from embarrassment

again. . . . . .

Salad Salad. . . . . .

When thinking this way, Yuehai found that the ends of his long black hair were
curled by Kalida's little finger. That subtle movement made Yuehai couldn't help but
want to laugh.

"What, do you like my hair?"

What I have to admit is that Yuehai's hair is indeed very smooth. It is extremely soft
and smooth, almost to the point where it can make Damiyala jealous even if it is not
maintained at all.

Kalida was shocked when she heard Yuehai's voice, but she did not let go of her
fingers, but slowly continued to spin them.

"Yes." Kalida nodded slightly.

"Then comb my hair. I just left the Duke's Palace. No one has combed my hair since I
left Sister Leia."

Yue Hai stood up after saying this, walked to the dressing table, and sat down in front
of the mirror. She also wanted to guide Kalida to do more meaningful things. Since
Kalida likes to do her hair, she should comb it accordingly. A haircut might also be a
good idea.
Issue 264 Relief
"Come here, come here." Yuehai greeted the little girl who was still hesitating beside
the bed, and smiled. Such a scene made Kalida lose her mind in her eyes. As if
guided by some inexplicable feeling, Kalida walked slowly towards Yuehai. Come,

Yue Hai picked up the wooden comb on the dressing table and handed it to Kalida
gently. The thunder elf looked at the comb with doubtful eyes and then slightly raised
his head to look at Yue Hai.

Yuehai pointed at her hair and smiled.

"Use this to comb my hair."

"This..." Kalida hesitated, her brows changed, and she asked puzzledly.
"Won't it hurt you?"

"Hehehe, why is the comb hurting me? Don't worry." After Yuehai finished speaking,
he turned his head to face the mirror, with his long black and shiny hair facing the
thunder elf.

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