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Trịnh Khôi Nguyên_SS180845

- Walmart's Vision: Walmart has a vision of providing low-cost goods and services to customers
while aiming to create opportunities for people globally.
- Actual Reputation with Employees: Historically, Walmart has faced criticism for its labor
practices, including low wages and limited employee benefits. Some employees have expressed
concerns about working conditions, job security, and opportunities for advancement. Walmart
has made efforts to address these issues, such as increasing the minimum wage for its
employees and providing more training opportunities. However, opinions on these changes
vary, and some critics argue that more improvements are needed.
- Local Communities: Walmart's impact on local communities has been a topic of debate. On one
hand, the company provides jobs and affordable goods, which can benefit communities. On the
other hand, there are concerns about the impact of large-scale retail operations on small
businesses and local economies. Walmart has been involved in various charitable initiatives and
community projects to address some of these concerns, but the overall perception varies based
on individual experiences.
- Analyzing the Gap:

+ Employee Relations: Gap: There may be a gap between Walmart's vision of providing
opportunities and the actual experiences of some employees who feel they are not adequately
compensated or supported. Steps taken: Walmart has implemented changes, such as wage
increases, but the effectiveness of these measures in addressing employee concerns may need
ongoing evaluation.

+ Local Community Impact:

 Gap: The impact of Walmart on local communities can be viewed differently. Although their
vision revolves around having the best prices for customers, the reality can be controversial over
environmental issues, working conditions and community interactions.
 Steps taken: Walmart has engaged in community initiatives, but ongoing dialogue and
collaboration with local stakeholders may be necessary to bridge the gap.

+ Sustainability and Social Responsibility:

 Gap: Walmart's vision includes a commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

Evaluating the actual impact and progress in these areas can help identify any gap between
vision and reality.

 Steps taken: Walmart has taken steps to improve sustainability practices, such as setting
environmental goals and working towards zero waste. However, ongoing scrutiny and
transparency are essential.


Walmart Image Improvement Communication Campaign Plan

1. Strategic Intent:

 Objective: Enhance Walmart's corporate image by addressing concerns raised by employees and
improving relations with local communities.

 Target Audience: Employees, local communities, and the general public.

 KPIs: Increased employee satisfaction, positive community engagement, improved public


2. Themed Message:

 Central Theme: "Empowering Communities, Empowering People"

Message Elements:

 Community Empowerment: Showcase Walmart's commitment to being a responsible corporate

citizen by investing in local communities. Highlight community development initiatives,
partnerships, and contributions.

 Employee Empowerment: Emphasize Walmart's dedication to the growth and well-being of its
employees. Feature success stories, career advancement programs, and testimonials from
employees about their positive experiences working at Walmart.

 Sustainability: Integrate sustainability as a core component of the theme. Illustrate Walmart's

efforts to reduce its environmental impact, promote sustainable practices, and contribute to a
greener future.

3. Themed Message in Action:

 Tagline: "Building Better Futures, Together."

 Visual Representation:

 Engaging visuals of vibrant communities benefitting from Walmart's investments.

 Organize training sessions on how to communicate and handle problems to make a

good impression on customers and people around

 Images and videos showcasing employee achievements, career growth, and


 Graphics representing Walmart's sustainability initiatives, such as renewable energy and

waste reduction.

4. Main Message Style:

 Tone and Voice: A Harmonious Blend of Warmth and Professionalism

 Internal Employee Communications:

Leadership Messages: Personalized messages from leadership expressing gratitude, commitment, and a
shared vision for employee success and well-being. The tone should be empathetic, acknowledging
challenges and expressing a genuine desire for improvement.
Employee Spotlights: Feature articles and videos showcasing individual employee success stories,
emphasizing personal and professional growth within the company. Use an encouraging and celebratory
tone to highlight achievements.

Training and Development Communications: Clearly communicate the company's commitment to

employee development through accessible training programs. There are specific regulations for
increasing salaries and bonuses to encourage employees, if employees make positive contributions


1. Employee Engagement Scores: Measure changes in employee engagement through surveys or

feedback mechanisms.

2. Employee Retention Rates: Track the percentage of employees who choose to stay with

3. Participation in Training Programs: Measure the number of employees participating in career

development and training initiatives.

4. Internal Communication Effectiveness: Assess the impact of internal communications through

feedback and open dialogue.

 Community Engagement Communications:

Local Community Partnerships: Craft narratives that highlight Walmart's collaborative efforts with local
organizations. Use a community-centric tone to showcase shared goals and the positive impact on the
community. Include quotes and testimonials from community leaders.

Sustainability Initiatives: Clearly articulate Walmart's dedication to sustainability through detailed, yet
accessible, messaging. Use a responsible and forward-looking tone to convey the company's
commitment to environmental stewardship. Share success stories and milestones.


1. Community Satisfaction Surveys: Collect feedback from local communities through surveys to
gauge satisfaction.

2. Number of Local Partnerships: Track the quantity and quality of new partnerships established
with local organizations.

3. Community Event Participation: Measure attendance and participation in Walmart-sponsored

community events.

4. Media Coverage Sentiment: Monitor media coverage and analyze sentiment related to
Walmart's community initiatives.
 General Public Communications:

Press Releases and Announcements: Draft press releases with a balance of professionalism and
relatability. Clearly communicate Walmart's commitment to positive change, using language that
emphasizes accountability and transparency. Include key statistics and highlights to bolster credibility.

Social Media Campaigns: Craft social media content with a friendly and engaging tone. Utilize
storytelling techniques to humanize the brand and connect with a broad audience. Encourage user-
generated content that aligns with the campaign theme.


1. Brand Sentiment Analysis: Utilize social listening tools to measure changes in public sentiment
towards Walmart.

2. Media Impressions: Track the reach and impressions of positive media coverage generated by
the campaign.

3. Social Media Engagement: Monitor likes, shares, comments, and overall engagement on social
media platforms.

4. Brand Recognition Surveys: Conduct surveys to assess changes in public perception and brand

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