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Modeling flows through underground point water source passing through different soil layers of different porosities near to the vadose zone B.Tech Project Report Submitted by Gandi Venkata Sujay Prabhat (B20ME029) Under the Supervision of Anand Krishnan Plappally Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur November,2024 CONTENTS Details, Abstract 1. Introduction 1.1 Objective 1.2 Mathematical Models 1.3 Analysis of parameters and material properties 2. Work done 2.1 Methodology 2.2 Implementation 2.3 Theoretical/Experimental work 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 Results 3.1.1 Subsurface Drainage 3.1.2 Subsurface Irrigation 3.2 Discussion 4, Conclusion Appendix References Abstract This study delves into the intricate dynamies of water flow through underground point water sources and various soil layers with different porosities, particularly in the vicinity of the vadose zone. A fundamental study of groundwater flow principles, coupled with the application of appropriate mathematical and numerical models, is essential for understanding and optimizing water movement in agricultural landscapes. The research explores the practical implications of this knowledge in farming practices, emphasizing the pivotal role played by tile drainage systems in mitigating challenges such as waterlogging, salinity, and soil conservation. By understanding the velocity and pressure variations in the subsurface region, especially during the transition from saturated to unsaturated zones, additional forces like capillary and absorptive forces come into play. This intricate interplay influences pressure dynamics as water moves away from the souree, impacting agricultural productivity. In conclusion, this study contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the principles governing water flow in the vadose zone, providing valuable insights for sustainable agricultural practices. The application of this knowledge, coupled with efficient drainage systems and strategic planting practices, holds significant promise in addressing challenges related to waterlogging, salinity, and soil conservation in agricultural landscapes. 1. Introduction 1.1 Objective Modeling the flow of water through underground point water sources and various soil layers with different porosities near the vadose zone involves understanding the principles of groundwater flow and utilizing appropriate mathematical and numerical models 1.2 Mathematical Models: a. Dar La Darey's Law is a simplified equation that describes steady-state, saturated flow through porous media. It assumes that the soil is fully saturated and the moisture content is constant. It is given by: Q= © where: Q is the volumetric flow rate, © Kis the hydraulic conductivity, © Ais the cross-sectional area perpendicular to flow, © Ahis the head difference, © ALis the distance of flow. kA Ah/AL b. Richards Equation: Richard's equation extends Darcy's Law to account for unsaturated flow in the vadose zone. It considers water content as a function of pressure head: ae/at =V-(K(@)vh) © where: 0 is the volumetric water content, © tis time, © K(®) is the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, © his the pressure head. 1.3Analysis of parameters and material properties To initiate these simulations, it becomes imperative to define and incorporate key material properties that govern water movement in porous media. Parameters such as porosity and hydraulic conductivity play pivotal roles in shaping the behavior of groundwater flow. The determination of these parameters is achieved through a combination of experimental techniques, notably Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry and soil core analysis. Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry serves as a crucial tool for quantifying porosity, providing insights into the void spaces within the soil structure. This experimental method involves the intrusion of mereury into the soil under controlled conditions, allowing for the precise measurement of pore size distribution and overall porosity. Simultaneously, soil core analysis contributes to the characterization of hydraulic conductivity, enabling us to understand how water moves through the soil matrix under varying conditions. The other important parameters that are included in our model are: Intrinsi permeability is a property that characterizes the ability of a porous medium, such as soil, to transmit fluids under the influence of a pressure gradient. It is independent of the fluid’s properties (like density and viscosity). Dynamic viseosity in a subsurface model represents a fluid’s resistance to flow within soil or porous media. It quantifies the internal friction of the fluid, impacting how fluids move through the subsurface environment, a crucial factor when studying groundwater flow Table. The assumed parameters taken from Radcliffe and Simunek (2010). Parameter jmbol_Loamy Sand SSPV__Cruse Residual moisture content (omens) «== O0ST OHO Selurated moisture content (cm!cm’) oat 042 042 Saturated hydraulic concutvly (on h'} Ky 14.59 0.0068 00068 Shape parameter 1 (1/om) a 0.128 0.000008 0.000006 ‘Shape parameter 2 N 288 1313 Shape paremeter3 L 05: 05 05) The coupling of advanced simulations with experimental data sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of how these models contribute to addressing challenges such as waterlogging, salinity, and soil conservation in agricultural landscapes. 2. Work done 2.1 Methodology When agricultural- lands are faced with Water Logging due to over irrigating, poor drainage or salinity build -up as a result of water quality or soil chemistry conditions, artificial drainage is one solution. The need for drainage in any agricultural situation should be coordinated with the source of water supply and the types of crops grown. The subsurface drainage is used in dry areas to maintain soil moisture content.This technology was designed to provide micro irrigation for plantation agriculture. Water seeps out slowly from pipes laid out near the root zone along with water soluble nutrients added to it. Clay tile drainage is a sustainable, durable solution for plantation agriculture in arid regions . It is manufactured by local potters and is 100% biodegradable after its lifetime. The choice of clay as a material for drainage tiles aligns with its dual functionality. Beyond facilitating water drainage to prevent waterlogging, clay's ability to retain moisture becomes crucial in arid climates. Waterlogging One condition that can be alleviated by installation of a drainage system is the problem of waterlogging. Waterlogging occurs when the root zone of the plant becomes fully saturated. Water in the soils displaces air and obstructs the exchange of gases between the soil and the air. Therefore, the soil oxygen content is reduced, Due to the lack of oxygen, organic matter cannot decompose aerobically and anaerobic processes set in. Salinity A second condition that can be corrected through proper drainage is that of salinity build-up. Salinity is a severe problem in arid agricultural lands. Due to high evaporation rates, the concentration of salts in water supplies are higher in these climates than in humid climates. When there is poor drainage and a high water table, capillary tension continually lifts groundwater to the surface, replacing the water removed from the surface by evapotranspiration.. Thereby, salis in the groundwater are lifted to the surface and deposited sometimes forming a crusty layer. If the water table is lowered sufficiently with a drainage system, the capillary fringe will no longer reach the surface and the rising of salts can be controlled. 2.2 Implementation The surface drainage is described by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers as "the removal of excess water from the soil surface in time to prevent damage to crops and to keep water away from ponding on the surface” (ASAE 1979). The term surface drainage applies to situations where overland flow is the major component of the exeess-water movement to major drains or natural streams. The technique normally involves the excavation of open trenches/drains. It can also include the construction of broad-based ridges or beds, as grassed waterways, with water being discharged through the depressions between ridges. Surface drainage is most commonly employed in heavier soils where infiltration is slow and excess rainfall cannot percolate freely through the soil profile to the water table. The technique has also been applied in more permeable soils to de-water areas having a shallow groundwater table. It is the most important drainage technique usually practiced in humid and sub- humid zones. but we also use it in arid regions to obtain micro irrigation. In arid regions, where water scarcity is a significant concern, surface drainage takes on an additional role as a component of micro-irrigation systems. The slow movement of water across the soil surface ensures targeted delivery to the root zones of plants. 2.3 Theoretical/Experimental work The design and installation of a field-scale subsurface drainage system are crucial components of this experimental phase. The clay tiles are carefully positioned at varying depths below the soil surface, considering factors such as soil type, topography, and water table dynamics. but we can use the model we have designed to verify it before actually placing it in soil. We designed the model in comsol multiphysics based on both Darcy’s law and Richard’s equation. While using Darcy’s law we assume the soil is completely saturated and moisture content is constant as in case of flooding. Whereas Richard’s equation allows us to study the vadose zone assuming unsaturated soil with variable moisture content. We have done multiple case studies using our model and the obtained results are similar to the experimental results. The subsurface flow is a complex phenomena that is affected by multiple factors like porosity, hydraulic conductivity and density of soil and other factors. While studying the subsurface flow in vadose zones we used Richard's equation van Genuchten-Mualem retention model, which is commonly used to describe the relationship between soil water content (0), soil matric potential (y), and the parameters a, n, and 1. This model is used to characterize the water retention properties of unsaturated soils It is expressed as: 8(y) = Or + (Os - Or) / [CL + (a * Iyl)*n) 1] © Where: 0(y) is the volumetric water content as a function of matric potential y. © 6r is the residual water content (the water content at a very negative matric potential, close to saturation). Os is the saturated water content (the maximum water content). © isa scaling parameter related to the air-entry value. © nis the curve shape parameter (typically between 1 and 3). © Lis an empirical parameter related to the slope of the curve. We have used the values from Table 1 for our modeling based on the soil type and other parameters like hydraulic conductivity obtained by soil core analysis. We start by designing the geometry in comsol multiphysics and add material to each domain and fill the parameters of each material. We chose the study we want to use for our model and used the experimental data to fill the parameters of it and we built the mesh. We can use either user-defined mesh or phy: controlled mesh and simulate our model for different case studies with correct initial values so that our model will converge. 3. Results and Di 3.1 Results 3.1.1 Subsurface Drainage: While studying the subsurface drainage in flooded regions we assume the soil is completely saturated(soil particles are temporarily or permanently filled with water) so we can use Darcy’s law to study such cases. When we place a porous pipe under the soil in a region where the top of soil acts as water inlet the flow of water into the subsurface follows a certain pattern. We can observe the streamlines below. Here we have considered a heterogeneous subsurface system with varying soil porosities, including a pond with a uniform vertical velocity of 0.005 m/s. A porous pipe with 45% porosity is buried within one of the soil layers, The porosities of soil layers are 50%, 45% and 36% respectively. Experimental result: Flow Though Porous Media This is the experimental result by Prof Gary Sands from the University of Minnesota. Simulated Results: Fig 1. Streamline of Darey’s Subsurface drainage If we assume that the soil is not completely saturated we can verify it by Rehard’s equation. in case of Richard’s equation the results obtained are: Fig 2. Streamline of Richard”’s Subsurface drainage 3.1.2 Subsurface Irrigation: In case of subsurface drainage for irrigation the pipe acts as an inlet and water will be flowing through the pipe into the soil. The streamlines looks like this : Fig 3. Streamline of Richard’s Subsurface irrigation model, Here we did a case study by considering different hydraulic conductivity for each layer of soil and also with variable porosities. CASE 1 a. The saturated hydraulic conductivity for each layer © 0-10 em ~ 3.98 em/hr © 11-30 em - 3 em/hr © 30-95 em- 2.54em/hr © 96-170 cm , 0.01em/hr CASE 2 b. The saturated hydraulic conductivity for each layer © 0-10 em - 3.98 em/hr © 11-30 em - 3 em/hr © 30-65 cm- 2.54cm/hr © 66-170 cm , 0.01em/hr The pipe is placed at a fixed depth of 95 cm from the top layer of soil. Here we can observe the contour pressure and velocity plots of the two cases. Fig 4. Case 1 Pressure contour Fig 5. Case 2 Pressure contour Fig 6. Case 1 Velocity Field Fig 7. Case 2 Velocity Field 3.2 Discussions From the above results we can observe the simulated results were similar with the experimental results for subsurface drainage models. The streamlines show how the water flows into a porous pipe. From this we can get an accurate idea of depth and distance at which the porous pipes need to be placed inside the soil. In subsurface irrigation models from fig.4 and fig.5 we can observe how the pressure in a particular domain is varying. we can observe that the pressure increases when we go far away from the pipe. When water goes from saturated zone to unsaturated zone we get due to this the pressure is low near the pipe and increases as we move away from it. additional forces like capillary force, absorptive forces ete. The pressure is high when we place the pipe in soil which has more hydraulic conductivity. Also from the velocity field in fig.6 and fig.7 we can observe how the water tends to flow to regions where hydraulic conductivity is high. From this we can say the hydraulic conductivity is a function of the soil's water content because the capacity of soil to transmit water changes as it becomes more or less saturated. We usually need to place the pipe in regions of high hydraulic conductivity for subsurfa rrigation models. 4. Conclusion The implementation of subsurface drainage and irrigation models using Darcy's Law and Richards Equation provides valuable insights. Simulated results closely align with experimental findings, demonstrating the effectiveness of the models in understanding water flow patterns. The study reveals the significance of placing porous pipes in regions with high hydraulic conductivity for optimal subsurface irrigation and provides visualization of subsurface drainage. The experiment's results can inform decisions related to the design and engineering of similar systems. It can help engineers optimize pipe placement, size, and materials for specific applications. Comparing the experimental results to numerical models can help validate the accuracy of the modeling approach. In conclusion, this study contributes essential knowledge for sustainable water management in agriculture, providing a robust foundation for addressing challenges and optimizing productivity in varying environmental conditions. The insights gained from the integration of theoretical principles, experimental data, and simulation models hold promise for shaping the future of water resource management in agricultural landscapes. Appendix Parameters oil Properties Property Variabl| Value | Uni Density tho 1500 kg/m* (Dynamic viscosity mu _|89e-4 _|Pas Porosity epsilon [0361 Permeability kappa...10°-8 [mi Pipe properties » Property Variable Value Unit &Z Dynamic viscosity mu 89e-4 Pas Z (Density mo 970 kg/m Porosity ension 0451 Permeability kappa. 105 om While designing the model these are the additional material properties that need to be considered along with the parameters of the mathematical model. Here the Dynamic viscosity parameter is of the fluid. When designing subsurface models we combine the study of mathematical models with fluid flow physics. The permeability mentioned above is intrinsic permeability; it is a property that characterizes the ability of a porous medium, such as soil, to transmit fluids under the influence of a pressure gradient. It is independent of the fluid's properties. References: 1, SUKHADEO RADHAKISAN KALE, COMPARISON OF AGRICULTURAL DRAINAGE DESIGN TECHNIQUES 2. Kenneth M. Strzepek John L. Wilson David H. Marks, “PLANNING AND DESIGN OF AGRICULTURAL DRAINAGE UNDER UNCERTAINTY: A DYNAMIC MULTI-LEVEL APPROACH? July 1982 3. P. Jakhar, L, Dave, M. Ahmad, H. Rathore, N. Gehlot, S. Gupta, R. Satankar, A. Nighojkar and A. Plappallya, “Controlled porosity based sub-surface porous vessel (SSPV) structures for irrigating organic farms of fruits and vegetables 4, /dairy/managing-wet-soils types-of-subsurt #h9-2

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