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Dr Steven Greer's Lost Century Screening: Key

Recently, a screening of Dr.Steven Greer's latest documentary, "The Lost Century," took
place.During the screening, Dr.Greer mentioned some intriguing information about the Rendle Forest
incident and the communication between extraterrestrial beings and officers.This article aims to
present the salient information from the transcript without filler.

Background of the Author

● The author has been involved in the film business since the age of 15.
● Worked on films such as Dune and Conan the Destroyer.
● Collaborated with Max Evy on a documentary called "The Sleeper Must Awaken" and a new
book on the David Lynch movie "Dune".

Experiences with Extraordinary Beings

● The author started having dreams involving three Master Teachers, experiencing an
overwhelming sense of love.
● Over a period of two months, the author repeatedly dreamed about these beings.
● Later, the author had out-of-body experiences and encountered these beings in their astral
● Further spiritual experiences included visiting other dimensions, being fed by beings, and
experiencing deep emotional connections to the beauty of creation.

Writing and Publishing Journey

● While in a heightened spiritual state, the author was instructed to write extensively without
● As a result, a four-part book series called "The Autobiography of an Extraterrestrial Saga"
was created.
● The author's study of contactee cases and interactions with hybrids formed the basis of the

Understanding Different Extraterrestrial Species

● Grays: Known for abductions, can vary in size and appearance.
● Zeta Humans: A positive variant of the Gray species, possess a human-style body.
● Other Extraterrestrial Races: Individuals should be judged rather than entire races.
● Exploration of various cases revealed commonalities in ET visits and intentions on Earth.
This detailed article provides key insights from the transcript of Dr.Steven Greer's Lost Century
screening.The experiences and knowledge shared by the author shed light on the nature of
extraterrestrial encounters and the need to judge individuals rather than entire races.By delving into
contactee cases and writing a four-part book series, the author offers a comprehensive
understanding of different extraterrestrial species.

Understanding Alien Races

In this article, we will explore various alien races and their characteristics.We will discuss encounters
with different species, their physical traits, and their interactions with humans.By understanding
these races, we can expand our knowledge of extraterrestrial life and the mysteries surrounding it.

Military Complex Encounters

● Hall and his experience with tall whites and greys
● Human guard between the two species
● Tall whites' protectiveness towards their children
● Greys' lack of control over their children
● Telepathic hypnosis used by negative Greys
● Travis Walton's experience with overcoming telepathic hypnosis

The Betty and Barney Hill Case

● Encounter with four-feet tall beings with large eyes and extra joints
● Identification of the beings as from Zeta reticuli
● Significance of Betty's dress and its donation to a university

Zeta Humans
● Mostly from cetus with some from Zeta reticuli
● Physical characteristics including bulbous heads and small stature
● Similarity between Zeta humans and ebens

Benevolent Snake-like Beings

● Snake-like races living in the inner Earth
● Historical and cultural significance of snakes
● Possible presence of snake DNA in hybrid beings

The Cosmic Law and Starseeds

● Belief in cosmic law among various alien races
● Starseeds' connection to specific star nations
● Characteristics carried by starseeds from their origin

Reverse Engineering and Free Energy

● Circo team's journey to the planet CCO and technological advancements
● Link to Dr.
● Greer's "The Lost Century" and the concept of free energyValian Thor's message to
President Eisenhower

Abduction and Encounters

● Personal experience of witnessing an alien being in the forest
● Photographic evidence of interdimensional goggles and mantis-like beings
● Mantis beings' role during abductions and their enigmatic nature
● Method of communication through telepathy and shared experiences

By delving into the realms of these alien races, we can gain a deeper understanding of the vast
universe and the diverse forms of life that exist within it.

The Universe and its Various Extraterrestrial Races

This article provides an overview of different extraterrestrial races and their unique characteristics
and abilities.

Mantis Beings
● Mantis beings participate in multidimensional programs and have cities made of light
● They use the fourth, fifth, sixth dimensions, and the astral world to build their spaceships.
● Their ships are made with DNA, and only individuals with that specific DNA can operate
● Some of their ships are controlled telepathically, while others require the use of specific

Regalian Beings
● Regalian beings have unique physical features, such as a triangular head, pointed ears, and
square shoulders tapering to a thin waist.
● They communicate through chirps and grunts, but can converse in English through a special
● They possess advanced technology in their ships, including magnetic and electrostatic
fluxors, and fuel storage containing free electricity.
● Reptilians are known to secretly rule planets, exploiting their resources and enslaving the
● They create hybrid races for various purposes, including as warriors and manipulable beings.
● There are both negative and positive reptilian races.
● Reptilians can alter human DNA and manipulate thought patterns.

● Hybrids come into being through the injection of extraterrestrial consciousness into the
fertilized egg, typically from star seed parents.
● They may receive overlays of advanced consciousness to raise the global consciousness.
● Hybrids can also be created through genetic experimentation and DNA exchanges.

Cesani Race
● Cesani beings are future descendants of humans who mutated into Grays to survive after
losing their dimension.
● They crossbred with humans to create hybrids to ensure their culture's continuation.
● Daryl Anka channels Bashar, a Cesani being, and provides valuable insights into their race.

These are just a few of the many extraterrestrial races present in the universe.Each race has its own
unique characteristics, abilities, and agendas, shaping the vast cosmic landscape.

Hybrid Races and Inner Earth Dwellers

In this article, we will explore various hybrid races and inner Earth dwellers.These races play a role
in raising consciousness and promoting unity in our world.We will discuss their characteristics,
origins, and their contributions to the overall cosmic society.

Hybrid Races
● The Ma: Small Grays
● The Mazani: Taller Grays
● The Sani: Half-human, half-gray beings
● The Shel: Slightly more human-looking beings
● The Yaya L: Very human-like beings
● The Salia: Earth humans becoming the hybrid race
● The Anu Pet: Blending of all six hybrid races in 1,000 years (yet to happen)

Inner Earth Dwellers: Agartha

Agartha is an advanced society located beneath the Earth's surface.It is governed by ancient elders
and councils.The capital of Agartha is Shambala the Greater, located beneath the Himalayas.Other
notable cities include Posid, the Atlantic capital beneath Brazil's masso plateau, and Telos, the
Lamian capital beneath Mount Shasta in Northern California.

Agarthan Network
The Agarthan network is unified under a governing council consisting of ancient elders.They
possess vast knowledge and work towards the preservation and protection of Life throughout

Valiant Thor
Valiant Thor, a created being, remains on Earth to oversee the ascension process.His ship is
stationed at Lake Me.He serves as the overseer of our sector of the universe alongside other
angelic-core beings and fully conscious beings.

Octarians and Andromedans

Octarians, hailing from the Uras and Buot Tas constellations, and Andromedans play crucial roles in
the raising of consciousness.They serve as master teachers, counselors, and protectors of Life
throughout creation.

Other Human-Like Races

There are various other human-like races present in the universe:

● Apuans: Indistinguishable from Earth humans, but with unique physical characteristics due to
their liquid diet
● Castilians: Similar in appearance to Earth humans, involved in agricultural missions

These hybrid races and inner Earth dwellers contribute to the expansion of consciousness and unity
in our world.Their diverse characteristics and origins serve as a reminder of the vastness of the
universe and the potential for growth and cooperation among its inhabitants.

This article provides detailed information about extraterrestrial beings and their activities on Earth.It
explores the training and mission of star seeds, the characteristics and technology of their crafts,
and the importance of raising spiritual consciousness.

Star Seeds
● Star seeds are beings from different regions in space who come to Earth to learn the
language and customs of the country where they will live.
● Their mission involves securing regular jobs, making friends, and revealing themselves to
like-minded individuals.
● One notable star seed, named Valar V.D., was stationed in Italy and formed groups to
educate people about their mission.
● Star seeds maintain 300 bases on Earth and study planetary conditions.

Astral Crafts
● The star seed crafts, known as Asell or astral craft, are steel gray in color and have eight
magnetic motors.
● These crafts travel along invisible streams, adjusting their speed and capable of exceeding
the speed of light.
● Their main job is to eliminate asteroids and other objects in their path using a disintegrating
ray or charge particle beam.

● Pleadians are Nordic-appearing beings originally from the L system.
● They encompass different colors, including blue and Asian races.
● Pleadians are tall, spiritually advanced, and use 100% of their brain capacity.
● They practice a unified field of trust, truth, and unconditional love.

Star Seed Alignment

● Star Seed Alignment, led by Tron in the book series, teaches upcoming star seeds about
their races, colors, creeds, religions, and expected learning experiences on Earth.
● These star seeds, embodying different traits, eventually become mighty messengers with the
mission to raise consciousness on a global scale.

In conclusion, individuals are encouraged to focus on raising their spiritual vibrations, staying
positive, and working on self-improvement.By embodying kindness, being present, and avoiding
negative news, it is believed that humanity can elevate consciousness and move towards a better

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