A T Gowri Business and Law

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ossiGuMENT B.ComHens.)

Spna Can aetum Ahe dge and cloim relund

G) Yes, Sona
Qs Uhe machina was clelecbive tom th stast
whon tt puchase
(i) The law applicab heu is "Corditisn ho
meachantabildy (3ec Ie(2)|, Lohich Ik gvds
stnlz» hat lhi qucs
bought by dtiptisn (whdku hu ib mamlactunen e
moe).Bi is an implicd Conditiar lhabE Dha eooo
Cowla be o meckantake qualt

) Yes, Brists Can secoves tk eyods by "slopage

n tvonait" becaue djay hs a
Unale l pay. btome insolvent ane
(i) Stspage in tvanait is applic hue, On wnpaid seller
may encibe his aight to stap gpodks and tansit,
chein osition, and utain ustlh LCives the

Buye Carmot
geta ord itle lhe
uns he puichases h
unas epds
ts h owne
thu ek er whd Sells peso) Lohe
thum undex
k authoii w l h lhi ensent
cf the ewneR
Th pincpl s boxed he olewing
mportant Latin maxin,'Nemo dat quod menhabe
ohich means that no ene Can e what hu has
e t goE,: but thua ae exceptios
net this oule,
And Sala by menchartabla agertSec 2a): s eme
them. hub, koshy Cannot Su balan whs buys
h Ca beed tauh. odny Suilt of agent is
oHssiGumeNT BComCHens.)

()Yes, Sona Can aekum lhe fidge and claim nehund

as he machne was clelecbive
Qs . tke stait
whon E u s puchased
i) Tke aw applicabl huu is Conditiom has to
mechantabila (Sec Ie(:)| , Lohich stalis hatk qoocls-
bought by oltiption (whelu he is manlactunen by
mee), Bu is n implied Conditien lhal h tonels
Coulel be o mechantable ualtg
) Yes, Bist Can ecoves dh Coods by
"Sloppage a Spoeds
n tvanaiE" because day has a bècome
Unade lo pay. irsoNent ad
)Stopmge. in translt ia appliio haue, an wiaid selle
may ecibe his nght o stap pods and
neain position, and hansit,
utain ustil "ha AeCeives te
Hul piee.
Buyea Camot get a
goud tite A lz
unss he puichases th qpols om epds Lohe
s h Owne thu e er
whd sells them undes
k authoui o wh h Comvent of Ahe ownes.
The prinopl io based m h plowng
ipovtant Lattn maxin,Nemo dat qod Merhale
which means that no pre Can Give what he has
net got,. but thu ame excepti this
and Sale bymenchatnkla agent Sec 2)]: s one
o tham.Thub, koshy Cannot Su Balan ohd buys
k Co ood bal5. odny Suit of k agent is0
oan entent, buyer should be
or whatE he buys : epenaibl
must Caureklly'examlna
epods hot he purchases, oncd it is hs olub
thab tha produet ill fuifll his meedds
1f ke poquet tums eut s be dekective Bi
Qve up he buyeis Standods.The selles Conrot
be held spenaibL.
The Sellea Camot Pooyiola h buye
l b a Specitte proquct uness the buye epiLsses
his Mee and then ih t Seller knoina betiau
hw enhidence, then tke Selle respensiu .
Cae s net fraud ,and h bua pur hases tha 9ed
hus 0eLtten , k sellen CamotE be Suad.
This ula knawn, asDoctine of CaveatE Enplov"
eT E a byea beuare.

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