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Ava Howgate

Mr. Smith

Junior Literature and Composition

September 2nd 2023

An American

To some, being an American is just being born into a country and living their lives as is,

but to others, being an American is a dream and a privilege they would do anything to have. The

summer reading novel Behold the Dreamers values this topic; it demonstrates what it is to be an

American through different sets of eyes. As a result of reading this novel, I was able to

recognize what it means to be an American through dramatically different characters and lives.

Jeden and Neni, are immigrants who are trying to earn their United States citizenship from

Cameroon, Africa.We are faced with many challenges because of their immigrant status. The

novel tells the story of their journey to live out the American dream and how, through time, the

reality of their own American dream becomes a reality.. Behold the Dreamers tells the story of a

typical American family that Jeden and Neni work for. Jeden works as a cab driver for the

Edwards family and Neni works at their summer home. When first coming to America, the

American dream to many was a symbol of freedom and building an identity for themselves.. I

found a quote that backs this up from Behold the Dreamers. “You are talking to me as if I am

somebody, and I am sitting in the seat, feeling as if I am somebody". stated Jeden. Having an

American identity is viewed differently from perspectives, as this quote shows us.. This quote

also shows how the little things American citizens take for granted every day can be a blessing
to people who do not get these simple day-to-day advantages. In contrast, in the novel Behold the

Dreamers, the narrative also follows the Edwards family. They are a wealthy family living in

New York. This is a different perspective on the American dream. Jeden and Neni both work

for the family and witness the different views they have on life based on the privileges they were

born without having to work and fight for them. Before coming to America, non-Americans may

have a one-sided view of the American dream, but once coming to America, the American dream

becomes a more obtainable reality. A quote that represents this is "And for the very first time in

her life, she had a dream besides marriage and motherhood: to become a pharmacist like the ones

everyone respected in Limbe because they handed out health and happiness in pill bottles.”Neni

found a purpose beyond the televised American dream after entering America. She wanted to

help others; this is a common thing that happens after actually living in America. To be an

American is a broad conception that is personalized based on one's values and beliefs. The

American dream has changed throughout time due to many coming to the realization that the

American dream is a more broad concept, and can be shaped towards your dreams and your


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