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Lifelines of National



Best Handwritten Notes

Made With
FFoJ:÷7= Padhai Ak Mazza

Movement of Goods and services can be 00cm three important
domains of Our Earth ie Land water and air Based on these
, ,

transport can also be classified into the land ,

water and air

transport Let's discuss them in detail

India has one of the
largest road networks in the world ,
aggregating to about 54.7 Lakh km • The growing

importance of road transport over nail transport is given below

1 .

The construction cost of roads is much lower than that of

railway lines .

Roads harder locations that cannot be done by the

2. can Cover more
Roads of be traverse the
3- can
negotiate higher Gradients slopes and can Easily built -
in mountains such as

4. Road transport is Economical

5. Also provides door -

to -
door service

6- Road transport provides links between railway stations ,

air and seaports

In India roads classified the following six classes according to their capacity
are in

1) Golden Quadrilateral Super Highways

🛣 Toronto
E:÷fJ Padhai Ak Mazza

Golden Quadrilateral network of India 's four top metropolitan cities

is a
Highways connecting , namely Delhi ,

Chcenai Mumbai .
These Highway projects are
being implemented by the national Highway Authority of India


2) National Highways 🛣
The national Highways are a network of trunk roads that are laid and maintained by Central Public works

Department CCPWDJ

The Historical Sher -

Shah Suri Mang is called 🛣
National Highway No -1 ,
Between Delhi and Amritsar

3) State Highways
Roads state different district Headquarters
linking a capital with are known as State Highways These<

are constructed and maintained by the State Public Works Department CPWD ]

4) District Roads
These roads connect the district Headquarters with other places of the district These roads are

maintained by Zila Parishad

5) Other Roads
Rural Roads ,
which link rural areas and villages 🛣
with towns are classified Under this category These

roads received special impetus under the Pradhan Manti Grameen Sadak Yojana

6) Border Roads
Border Roads Organisation Constructs and maintains roads in the bordering areas of the Country This

Organisation was Established in 1960 for the development of the roads of strategic importance in north -

Eastern Border Areas

Roads be classified the basics of the type of material for their construction
can also on
qsed such as

1. Metalled roads :
may be made of cement ,
Concncatc OR Even bitumen of coal These are all weather Roads

2. Un metalled roads : Go out of use in rainy season made up of mud ,

soil etc

Railways are the principal mode of transportation for
carrying huge
loads and bulky Goods for long
and short Distances in India

Railways have become more important in India's Economy However , nail transport suffers from certain

problems as well are mentioned below

1. Construction of bridges is Required across rivers wide beds for lying down the railway lines .

2- On
hilly terrains of the peninsular regions are also unfavourable for the Construction of railway lines

3. The mountains unfavourable for the construction of railway

Himalayan regions are also lines due to
elevation points in the surface sparse population and lack of Economic opportunities

4 It is difficult to lay railway lines on sandy plains


Padhai Ak Mazza

Pipelines network uses pipes , Usually underground ,

to transport and distribute fluids
Mainly used to transport
water crude Oil Petroleum products and natural fertilizer factories and big thermal plants
, , gas , power .

Solids can be transported through a

piplmc when Converted Into

There are ] important networks of pipelines transportation in the


1- From field CUPS

Oil in upper Assam to Kanpur
2 From
Salaya in Gujrat to Jalandhar in Punjab
3 From Hanna in
Gujrat to Jagdish pun in CUP)
the of suitable for bulky
Waterways are cheapest means transport They are most
carrying heavy and Goods . It is

a fuel-efficient and Environment friendly mode of transport

The National Waterways in India are

NW No -1 .
The Ganga river between Allahabad and Haldia ( 1620 Km)

0 NW . No -2 -

Brahmaputra river between Sadiya and Dhubri ( 891km )

0 NW -
No -3 -
The West -
Coast Canal in Kerala Cliottapunma -
Kollam , Udyogamandul and Champ akka canals -20s )

° NW No U
Specified Strcches of Godavari and Krishna along with Kakinada Puducherry stretch of canals
- -

( 1078km)
0 NW -
No -5 -

Specified Strcchcs of river Brahmani along with Matai river ,

delta channels of Mahanadi and

Brahmani rivers and East Coast Canal ( 588km)

Major Sea Ports

India 's trade with foreign countries is carried from the points There are 2
major and 200 notified non

major [ Minor 1 Intermediate] ports in India

Here are the list of ports in India !


1 .
Kandla in Kach chh was the first port to be developed After Independence
• It is also known as the

2. Mumbai spacious natural

is the biggest port with a and well -

Marmagao port CGOA) is the premiere iron ore
Exporting port in india .

4. located
Mangalore port ,
in Karnataka caters to the Export of Iron one .

5 .
Koch Chi is the Extreme South -
western port located at the Entrance

of a
6 Tuticorin port is situated at the Extreme south -

7 Chennai is one of the oldest anti fecal ports of India
Padhai Ak Mazza

8 Visakhapatnam is the deepest landlocked and we , -

protected port

9 Paradwip port located in Odisha specialises in the Export of iron one


10 Kolkata is an inland riverine port

11 Haldia Kolkata it
port was developed as a
subsidiary to port to Reduce pressure on
Airways tE3⇐.Iy
Padhai Ak Mazza

The airways is the fastest ,

most comfortable and prestigious mode of transport Air travel has made

access Easier to the terrain areas like High mountains dreary deserts dense forests and long oceans

The air transport was nationalised in 1953 AM India provides domestic and international


Pawan hans
🫠 Helicopters Ltd .

provides helicopter services to 011 and Natural Gas Corporation


The major means of communication in India are television ,
radio press films etc

The Indian postal network is the largest in the world .

It handles parcels as well as personal written


0 First class mail is Airlifted between stations covering both land and aim

◦ Second class mail includes book packets registered newspapers and periodicals They are carried by surface mail

covering land and water transport

India has one of the largest telecom networks in Asia this subscriber trunk dialling facilities all over India have made possible by
integrating the development in space technology with the communication technology

Mass communication provides entertainment and creates national

among people about various
and policies It includes radio ,
, newspapers , magazines ,
books and films

India Radio Channel C Akash want ) broadcasts a

variety of
programmes in national , regional and local


Doordarshan /
the national television Channel is one of the largest terrestrial networks in the world

International Trade
The Exchange of goods states and countries Referred trade Trade between two countries
among people ,
is to as

is called international trade

Balance of trade

Export and import are the components of trade . The balance of trade of a
country is the difference

between its Export and import

When the value of Export increases then the value of import it is called a favourable balance of trade

When the value of import increases then the value of Export it is called a unfavourable balance of trade
The Commodities Exported from India are gems and Jewellery ,
Chemicals and related products
agriculture and allied products etc

The Commodities Imported to India are crude oil ,

base metals ,
Electronic Items , machinery , Agriculture and allied


Tourism as trade
More than 15 million people are directly engage in tourism industry tourism in India:

◦ Promotes national integration

0 Provides support to locals

0 Helps in development of international understanding about Indian culture and


Foreign tourist visit India for heritage tourism eco tourism adventure tourism cultural tourism medical tourism and business
tourism 📝
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Bro ught to Yo u By

E: 7% Padhai Ak Mazza

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