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Construction of 03 x Nos PEB Sheds and Office Area (GF+FF) for Plot No.

56,57 & 58 at Special Economic Zone, Hattar - KPK

IPC'S and Workdone Summary (Building wise)

Civil & Plumbing

PEB Sheds: works of Offices
Gable = 1 PEB Civil Works Building including Electrical wroks Received Amount
SNO. Description IPC Amount Mono= 2 excluding PEB Foundation (Shed and Office (Againt each IPC
Sheds (GF+FF) Area Area Total

114,023,955 52,555,041 54,670,413 33,588,708 254,838,117

1 IPC # 01 8,709,121 8,709,121 0 8,709,121 6,419,223

2 IPC # 02 9,059,668 0 9,059,669 9,059,669 6,677,601

3 IPC # 03 14,748,900 8,709,121 6,039,779 14,748,900 10,870,956

4 (Mobilization Advance) 0 0 15,750,000

5 (Mobilization Advance) 0 0 15,750,000

6 IPC # 04 6,934,234 1,666,934 5,267,300 6,934,234 5,737,252

7 IPC # 05 18,442,117 18,442,117 18,442,117 16,136,852

8 IPC # 06 6,533,628 0 6,533,628 6,533,628 5,405,800

9 IPC # 07 22,484,830 22,484,830 0 22,484,830 20,348,771

10 IPC # 08 22,484,830 22,484,830 0 22,484,830 20,348,771

11 IPC # 09 20,457,452 0 7,883,256 12,574,195 20,457,451 1,278,392

12 IPC # 10 18,603,159 18,603,159 0 18,603,159 1,178,875

13 IPC # 11 7,883,256 0 7,883,256 0 7,883,256 6,561,872

14 IPC # 12 10,220,378 10,220,378 0 10,220,378 9,300,544

15 IPC # 13 11,529,414 11,529,414 11,529,414 10,376,472

Total Received Amount (PKR) 103,764,729 33,184,754 35,874,205 5,267,300 178,090,988 152,141,381

Balance / Remaing Amount (PKR) 10,259,226 19,370,287 18,796,208 28,321,408 76,747,129

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