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Dr Usman Ali, NUST College of E&ME

DC Machines
• Types
– Generators that convert mechanical energy to dc
electric energy
– Motors that convert dc electric energy to
mechanical energy
Simplest rotating dc machine
• The rotating part of this machine is called the rotor,
and the stationary part is called the stator. The
magnetic field for the machine is supplied by the
magnetic north and south poles
Induced voltages
Induced voltage in loop

Segment ab

Segment cb
Segment dc

Segment ad
Total induced
Output voltage
Induced voltages
• Alternative form of equation
Induced Voltages
• Induced Voltages in any real machine will
depend on the three factors:
• 1. The flux in the machine
• 2. Speed of rotation
• 3. A constant representing the construction of
the machine
Getting DC Voltage out of the
Rotating Loop
• Two semicircular conducting segments are
added to the end of the loop, and two fixed
contacts are set up at an angle such that at
the instant when the voltage in the loop is
zero, the contacts short-circuit the two
segments every time the voltage of the loop
switches direction, the contacts also switch
connections, and the output of the contacts is
always built up in the same way
• The process is known as commutation
Getting DC Voltage
out of the Rotating
DC Motor principle
• The Induced Torque in the Rotating Loop
Cross section view
Induced Torque
• The force on a segment of the loop is given by

• the torque on the segment is given by

• Segment ab: the current from the battery is

directed out of the page. The magnetic field
under the pole face is pointing radially out of
the rotor, so the force on the wire is given by
Induced Torque
• Torque in segment ab:

• Segment bc. In segment be, the current from

the battery is flowing from the upper left to
the lower right in the picture. The force
induced on the wire is given by
Induced Torque
• Segment cd: the current from the battery is
directed into the page. The magnetic field
under the pole face is pointing radially into
the rotor, so the force on the wire is given by

• Torque:
Induced Torque
• Segment da: the current from the battery is
flowing from the upper left to the lower right
in the picture. The force induced on the wire is
given by
Induced Torque
• The resulting total induced torque on the loop
is given by
Induced Torque
• Torque in any real machine will depend on
three factors:
• 1. The flux in the machine
• 2. The current in the machine
• 3. A constant representing the construction of
the machine
Power flow and losses in
dc machines
• The efficiency of a dc machine is defined by
the equation
The Losses in DC Machines
• The losses that occur in dc machines can be
divided into five basic categories:
• 1. Electrical or copper losses (IIR losses)
• 2. Brush losses
• 3. Core losses
• 4. Mechanical losses
• 5. Stray load losses
Electrical or copper losses
• The copper losses for the armature and field
windings are given by
Brush losses
• The brush drop loss is the power lost across
the contact potential at the brushes of the
machine. It is give n by the equation
Other losses
• Core losses
– The core losses are the hysteresis losses and eddy
current losses occurring in the metal of the motor
• Mechanical losses
– There are two basic types of mechanical losses:
friction and windage. Friction losses are losses
caused by the friction of the bearings in the
machine, while windage losses are caused by the
friction between the moving parts of the machine
and the air inside the motor's casing.
• Stray losses: All the losses other then above
The End


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