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A. fill in the blanks with suitable verbs!

1. A bird can fly because it has a couple of wings.

2. A monkey can climb a tree to eat fruit.
3. Anita can sing a song. She is a singer.
4. My father can drive a car.
5. Bill gates is a computer programmer. He is able
to make Aplications or softwares and programs for Computers.
6. Reni is a professional dancer. She is able to dance.
7. Mr. Mustofa is an English teacher. Can speak English fluently.
8. Sinta can not do /finish math homework. It’s difficult for her.
9. Robert has a guitar but he can’t play it well.
10. A jaguar is capable to run as fast as a motorcyle.

B. Complete the following dialogue with the words/phrases

Zahra : Will you (11) come to my birthday party, Rizky?
Rizky : (12) Certainly. When will your party be held,Zahra?
Zahra : It (13) will be held on August 12, 2019.
Rizky : Okay, I will come with a surprise.
Zahra : What do you mean a surprise?
Rizky : I’ll give you (14) a special gift. But I can’t tell you now.
Zahra : Really? I am not patient to wait it.
Rizky : Okay Zahra, (15) thanks for your invitation.
Zahra : Your welcome Rizky.
C. Rearrange following dialogue into a good one!

16. Fikri : d. Hi, Najma. Can you play a piano?

17. Najma : a. Hello, Fikri. Yes, I can

18. Fikri : f. Great! Would you please teach me?

19. Najma : c. Sure. I would. When can I teach you?

20. Fikri : e. Please come to my house on Sunday morning.

21 Najma : b. Okay I will come

D. Based on the dialogue on C, please answer the questions


22. Who can play a piano?

23. Can Fikri play a piano?

24. Will Najma come to Fikri’s house?

25. When will Najma come to Fikri’s house?


25.Sunday morning

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