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ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHONITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:_411__ NAME:_Clearing & Grubbing DESCRIPTION: Consists of the clearing & grubbing, removal and disposal of ull surface objects, trees, stumps, roots and other protruding obstructions within the designated areas ¢ xcept objects that are designated to remain in place or are to be removed under other activities or items. EQUIPMENT MANPOWER JOB TITLE DESCRIPTION, LL Dozer 200 - 250 FWHP 1 Construction Foreman I al 1 2 Equipment Operator M1 Helpes 1 Laborers I Mand Toolo: Bush Knives, Sawe, Shovel, Pick MATERIAL UNIT_OF_MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 0.8 - 1.0 Hectares per standard performance day Norte: ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:_4L2A_ NAME:_Common Excavation & Embankment — Scraper DESCRIPTION: Consists of all excavation, Uther ti Lustyn, unclassified and rock excevation. ‘The excavation and removal of all earth and other materials required for the con- struction of roadways and their appurtenances, including the transportation and tho deposit or disposal of unsuitable and surplus material and the proper mixing, placing and compaction of the suitable material that has been excavated. RESOURCES: onal MANPOWER a DESCRIPTION, JOB TITLE 3 Tractor Seraper 15-20 M3 1 Construction Foreman II 1 Dozer 200-300 FWHP an Equipment Operator IL % Motor Uraaer~ _ 120-190 FWwHP a Equipment Operator It 2 Roller Compactor 15000-17000 Kg T Helper I or Equivalent 1 Water Tanker 12000-14000 Ltr MATERIALS — ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF_MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 1000-1200 M3 per standard performance day (W/3 Scrapers) 400 M3 per additional scraper NOTES: * as necessary wT TREES coomplichmont ie appropriste far larger aeraners (0.¢. 15-20 M13) the rate should be decreased proportionately for smaller scrapers. FTHINPIAM TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NG:_2125 NAME:_Common Excavation & Embankment_Dozer DESCRIPTION: Consists of all excavation, other than borrow, unclassified and rock excavation. The exeavation and removal of all carth and other matezials reyuired fur the enstruction of roadways and their appurtenances, including the proper mixing, placing and com- paction of the suitable material that has been excavated. es RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT MANPOWER DESCRIPTION NO. JOB_TMLE 3 Dozer 200-300 FWHP 1 Construction Foreman I 2 Blotor Grader 120-150 FWHP 3 Equipment Operator I 2 Roller Compactor 15000-17000 5 Equipment Operator 111 Kg or Hyuivalent & Helper I 1 “Water Tanker — 12000-14000 Ltr MATERIALS ia ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 1000-1200 Ni3 per standard performance day 350-400 M3 per additional dozer NOTES. * as necessary ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD actiiTY NO:_413A_ NAME__Borrow Excavation & Embankment - Scraper DESCRIPTION: Conviute of furnivhing, ouncportating, placing und compacting material required for embankment in excess of that obtained from roadway and other excavation, and incidental work. RESOURCES: MANPOWER EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION $08 TITLE vaper 15-20 M3 1 Construction Foreman IL 1 200-300 FWHP 3 Equipment Operator I1 2 Motor Grader 120-150 FWHP 6 Equipment Operator Ii 2 Roller Compactor 15000-17000 Kg or Equivalent ” Helper I VWater Tanker 12000-14000 Ltrs MATERIALS. iTEM_NO. OESCRIPTION UNIT_OF_MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE_OF_ACCOMPLISHMENT: 1000-1200 MY per standard performance day (W/3 scrapers) 400 M4 por additional scraper NOTES: as necessary . the Rate of Accomplishment is appropriate for larger scrapers (c.g. 15-20 M3) the Fate shuuls be decieased propurtivnalely fr sueller serapers ETHIOPIAN TRANSPOAT CANSTRIICTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:_di3h NAME_Borrow Hauling 0 DESCRIPTION: Consists of the transport of borrow material from the area of original production to the lesation of ombaniment placing or final woe. RESOURCES: armen MANPOWER NO. DESCRIPTION NO. JOB TITLE 1 Front End Loader 2.5 M3 st Equipment Operator II * Dump Truck 7.0 MS 1 Equipment Operator III Helper I MATERIALS. im ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF_MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE_OF_ACCOMPLISHMENT: See Table A (to be compatible with embankment placing) NOTES. { See attached. I (CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD CONTINUED) ACTIVITY NAME: _Borrow Hauling Notes: * The appropriate number of dump trucks and necessary operators is determined after the location and quantity of barrow embankment material and the haul distance are identified. Use Table A for the computations. Table A is based upon a 7 M3 iruek capacity, proauenvity snoula ve aajusted accordingly. Refer to activiuies 417 & 412 when necessary. ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD acTiiy No_414__ wame._Rock Excavation DESCRIPTION: The excavation from the roadway of boulders one (1) cubie meter in volume or greater and all rock ledges, bedded deposits, and conglomerate deposits so firmly cemented as to present all the characteristics of ruck and which would normally be removed by drilling and blasting. EQUIPMENT ‘MANPOWER NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Air Compressor — 15-20 M3/Minute 3 Jack Hammer 1 1 z 3 JOB TE Quarry Foreman Equipment Operator II Stationary Equip. Op. 1 Powderinan Helper 1 Laborer 1 Dozer w/Ripper 200-300 FWHP wagon vrnir Hand Tools: Sledge Hammers, Picks Blasting Machine ete. MATERIALS DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Dynamite (No. ) box 10 Blasting Caps (No.) each 100 Bits @ Drills? No. & Size RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 250-350 M3 per standard performance day NOTES: * as necessary © short life consumable item and has significant cost; 54 of cost of tool string/day. CTHIOMAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NG: 415A _ NAME,_Unclassified Excavation & Embankment-Scrapers. DESCRIPTION: Consists of the excavation of earth, rock & all other materials encountered of whatever nature & the transportation , deposit « compaction or disposal uf suLtt material not being removed under other earthwork activities included in the design and speeifications. 408 TIME Tractor Scraper 15-20M Construction Foreman IL Dozer 200-300 FWHP Equipment Operator II Motor Grader 120-150 FWHP Equipment Operator III Koller Compactor 19vuU-17UUU KU Stationary Equip.op.1 Water Tanker 12000-14000 Ltrs Helper I Air Compressor 15-20M3/Minute Laborer I Jack Hammer MATERIALS, DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Dynamite (No. )box 5 Blasting Caps (No. each 100 Jack Hammer (No. each. Bits & Drills No. & Size RATE _OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 900-1000 M3 per standard performance day (w/3 scrapers) 300 M3 per additional scraper NOTES: *as necessary FTHIQPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD Consists of the excavation of earth, rock and all other materials not included in Rock or Common Lxteavation and the troneportation, deposit and the compaction or disposal of such material. NO. DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE 3 Dozer w/ripper 200-300 FWHP Construction Foreman I] 2 Motor Grader 120-150 FWHP Equipment Operator II Roller Compaction 15000-17000 Kx Equipment Operator III or Equivalent Water Tanker 12000-14000 Ltr Stationary Equip.Op.1 1*Air Compressor 10 M3 /Minute Helper I 3ack ammer Laborer 1 ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED 40 Dynamite (No, ) box 41 Blasting Caps No.) each Jack Hammer No. & Size Bits & Drills AATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 900-1000 M3. per standard performance day 300 M3 per additional dozer NOTES: * as necessary ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:_i16__ NAME:_Overhaul & Embankment IPTION: Consists of the authorized hauling in excess of the free-haul distance or outside tne designated grading section of any material included in Common Excavation and Unelus: sified Excavation excepting borrow and foundation fill. - EQUIPMENT MANPOWER a ee MO 20B_TMLE 3 Tractor Seraper 15-20 M3 Construction Foreman UL 1 Dozer 200-300 FWHP Equipment Operator 11 2 Mutur Grader 130 150 FWHP Equipment Qperator TT 2 Roller Compactor 15000-17000 Kg. Helper 1 or Equivalent 1 ‘Mater Tanker 12000-14000 Ltr co MATERIALS UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT AEQUIRED RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 700 M3-KM per standard performance day (W/3 scrapers) 250 M3-KM_ per additional scraper. Average haul distance 500 meters NOTES: * us necessary the Rate of Accomplishment is appropriate for larger scrapers (e.g. 15-20 M) the rate should be decreased proportionately for smaller scrapers ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:_di7 NAME Embankment Placing DESCRIPTION: Consists uf Lie watesing, wiaing and compacting of embankment materials net included in other earthwork activities. MANPOWER DESCRIPTION NO. JOB TILE 2 Motor Grader 120-150 FWHP 1 Construction Foreman 1 2 Roller Compactor 15000-17000 Kg * Equipment Operator II or Eauivalent 2 Eauipment Operator 11 1 Water Tanker 12000-14000 Ltr o Helper I (TERIAL ITEM. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 1000-1200 M3 per standard performance day 500 M3 per additional motor grader ures: * as necessary Refer to activities 413B and 421 as necessary ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTIIORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:_418__ NAME,_Roadbed Preparation - Gravel Roads, DESCRIPTION: For previously constructed gravel surtace, roadbed preparation consists of searifying, blading and shaping of the existing roadbed, cleaning and recon ditioning of ditches, and shaping shoulders according to the plans and speci- fications EQUIPMENT No. DESCRIPTION Motor Grader 120-150 FWHP Steel Wheel Roller 8-10 Ton or Equivalent 1*Water Tanker 12000-14000 Ltr 1* Dozer 140-200 FWHP. Hand Tools: Shovels; Picks MATERIALS DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE Select Material ° M3 RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 0.3-0.5 KM per standard performance day NOTES: * as necessary © should not bo costed in tho daily ooet ealoulation MANPOWER JOB TITLE Construction Foreman 1 Equipment Operator 11 Equipment Operator II] Helper 1 Laborer I AMOUNT REQUIRED as required ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTNUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD AcTIVITY NO:_419A_ wame:_Roadbed Preparation-Asphalt Road with Buse DESCRIPTION: Yor pecviously constructed uspiadl surfaces rusdbed preparacion consists of ie repair and replacement of base course material, pot-hole repair, surface repair and the cleaning and conditioning of ditches and the shaping of shoulders accor- ding to the plans and specifications EQUIPMENT 1 Motor Grader 120-150 FWHP Construction Foreman 1 2 Steel Wheel Roller 6-8 Ton Equipment Operator IL 1 Avoter Tanker 12000-14000 Ltr Equipment Operator HI L Dozer, 140-200 FWHP. Helper 1 Hand Tools: Wheel barrows, shovels, picks Laborer I MATERIALS, ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT _OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED 15 ase Material Mo fas required 06 Bituminous premix m3 as required 21 Select Material m3 as required RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 0. 0.5 KM per standard performance day** NOTES: * as conditions require we Mopondont upon tho amount af base course ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:_479B_ MAME:_Roadbed Preparation- Asphalt Roads DESCRIPTION: Tor previously constructed aephalt ourface, roadbed preparation vonoivte of pot hole repair, surface repair and the clearing and the cleaning and reconditioning of ditehes, and the shaping of shoulders according to the plans und specifications. EQUIPMENT MANPOWER xo, DESCRIPTION No. 408 _TME 1 Motor Grader 120-150 FWHP 1 Construction Foreman I 2 Steel Wheel Roller 6-8 Ton 2 Kquipment Operator IT 1 Dover 140-200 FWHP 28 Eauipment Operator II] Hand Tools: Wheel Barrows, Shovels ,Picks 10 Laborer 1 MATERIALS DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Aggregates m3 as required Bituminous Premix Ms as required Soloct (ehld.) Matoxial Ma ae roquived RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 0.4 0.5 KM per standard performance day Notes: A dueut is used as conditions require. ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD 421A yawe:_Select Material Production Cunsiots of the excavation and otockpiling of coloot materials ax devignated by the design plans or identified by the project manager. RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT MANPOWER _o DESCRIPTION No, J0B_TME 1 Dozer wiripper 200-300 FWHP 1 Equipment Operator UT a Helper 1 MATERIALS om ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 600-800 M3 per standard performance day NOTES: ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHONITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD activity No:_#218_ wame._Boxrow Material Production DESCRIPTION: Consists of the excavation and stock piling of borrow material, as designated by the plans or as identified by the project manager. EQUIPMENT oom DESCRIPTION, 1 Dozer w/ripper 200-300 FWHP RATE_OF_ ACCOMPLISHMENT: 400- 600 M3 per standard performance day MANPOWER 208 TT Equipment Operator IIL Helper 1 OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD activimy No:_#22__ NAME._Quarry Rock Production DESCRIPTION: Consicts of tho drilling, blasting and remavel of mole material from the designated quarry locations. Removal does not include the transportation of the quarry rock to the crusher site or stock pile area. DESCRIPTION No. JOB TITLE 2 Air Compressor 15-20 M3/Minute 1 Quarry Forema 2 Wagon Drill 1 Stationary Equip. Op.T 1 Dozer 200-300 FWHP 1 Powderman Hand Tools: Sledge Hammers, Picks 1 Operator II 1 Helper I 20 Laborer I 1 Labor Foreman MATERIALS, ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF_MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED 39 Dynamite No. (ox) 15-20 40 Blasting Caps No. (euch) 250 Bits; Drills, ete. No. & Size 80 RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 300-500 M3 per standard performance day NOTES: ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUGTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD name._Quarry Rock Hauling Cousists uf the transport of quarry rock from tho area of the original quarry, to the crusher or stockpile site, as appropriate. RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT MANPOWER xo DESCRIPTION NO, 308 TITLE, 1 Traxcavator-Loader 29-2.5M3 a: Operator II i * Dump Truck ams Hi Operator II ay Helper 1 MATERIALS, ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF_MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: See Table A 300 M3 per standard performance day ( to be compatible with crusher production) NOTES: e Attached {CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE. STANDARD . CONTINUED] ACTIVITY NAME; Quarry Rock Hauling id wo: 223 * The appropriate number of dump trucks and necessary operwiors are deteruined after the location and quantity of quarry rock and the haul distance are identified . tone: half KM ussumed) Use Table A for the computations. ‘Table A is based upon a 7 M3 truck capacity, productivity should be adjusted accordingly. ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTIIORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD azay ACTIVITY NO: 4254426 yaMe:__Rock Crushing-Conerete, Base & Surface Agpreyute DESCRIPTION: Consists of the rushing of quarry rock at the crusher site. Aggregate size is as specified by the plans and specifications. RESOURCES: 1 Crusher Plant * 1 Material Production Super. Traxcavator or 2.0-2.5 M3 1 Operator Il Front Pnd Loader 2 Stationary Equip.Op. Meehanie 11 Electrician II 1 1 1 Helper 1 0 Laborer t MATERIALS. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Quarry Rock M3 as required RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: Crusher Capacity Base Aj Surface Agger. Concrete Aggr. 75 Ton T2015) 65-75, 70-80 150 Ton 350-400 220-250 230-260 NOTES: “us required + only one (1) Stationary Equipment Operator is necessary + no electrician is necessary ETINOPIAN TRANEPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD activy No__427_ wame:_Screching Plant Operation DESCRIPTION: Cunsisis uf the operations acvoeiuted with the separation af aggregate into the specified sizes as designated in the design plans or by the project manager. ‘RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT MANPOWER a DESCRIPTION, ay 308 _TITLE 1 Screening Plant 100 MTH 1 Equipment Operator III 1 Front End Loader 1 Stationary Equip. Oper. 1 or Dozer 22.5 Me I Helper 1 140 FWHP 5 Laborer IL MATERIALS ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED 16 Aggregates as appropriate ua as required RATE OF ACCOMPUSHMENT: 400-430 M3 per standard performance day NOTES: * as available ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD acmiry wo:_228 Stockpiling Aggregate) Crushed Material NAME" DESCRIPTION: Consists of the operutions necessary to pile the crushed aggregates from the ccusher site to the site of temporary storage until required for final use EQUIPMENT MANPOWER No. DESCRIPTION 408 TITLE 1 Front End Loader Equipment Operator I * Dump Trucks Equipment Operator Lt Helper 1 MATERIALS DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE OF _ACCOMPLISHME 400-500 M3 per standard performance day* Nuits: See attached. {CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD CONTINUED) ACTIVITY NAME: Stockpiling Aggregate NOTES: he appropriate number of dump trucks und necessary operators * The appropriate number of dump trucks and necessery operators ¥ are calculated, dependent upon the volume of material being handled und the haul cistance Use Table A for the computations. Table A is based upon 7 MS truck eapacity, productivity should he adjnsted acrawdingly ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ‘ACTIVITY NO:_422__ NAME:_Base Course Material Mixing DESCRIPTION: Consists uf Le operations necessary for the watering and mixing of base course material to the proper specifications for base course placing. EQUIPMENT MANPOWER a DeSereTION 408 TE 1 Front end Loader 2-2.5 M3 Equipment Operator III 2 Water Tanker 12000-14000 Ltr Equipment Operator IL Helper I MATEMIALS, DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF_MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED ws 750 ltr 150,000 Aggregates Walter RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 700 3-800 v3 per standard performance day* NOTES: * compatible with amount required for base course placing. v material and climate depenaent ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTUONITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD 431 yame:_Select Material Hauling (Subbase) Pee Consists of the loading, transportation and dumping of voloct (enhhase) material, as designated by the Project Manager, from the area of production or stockpile to the site of subbase placing. RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT MANPOWER a 408 TE 1 Front end Toader 1 Equipment Operator 11 * Dump Truck * Equipment Operator IL 1 Helper 1 MATERIALS _ ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE_OF_ACCOMPLSHMENT: See Table A. 8000 M3 x KM per standard performance day. (to balance w /select material placing see activity 432) ‘NOTES: See attached. | (CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD . CONTINUED! ACTIVITY NAME: sioloat Motowinl Wauling (Suhbanay NOs NOTES: * The appropriate number of dump trucks and associated operators and helpers are determined after the location and quantity of select material is identified, and the averuge haul distance is catablished (10 KM assumed). Use Table 4 fo the computations. Table A is based upon a 7 M3 truck capacity, productivity should be adjusted accordingly. ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ¢ ACTIVITY NO:__132__ NAME:__Seledt Material Placing (Subbase) DESCRIPTION: Consists of the operations of spreading, watering, mixing, grading ana compacting of select material subbase at the site of subbase construction. Each larger of select material should not execed 15 centimeters. RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT (MANPOWER No. DESCRIPTION ‘NO. J08_ TITLE 4 Roller 8-10 Tons i Construction Foreman Il 2 Motor Grader 120-150 FWHP 6* Equipment Operator IL 2eWater Tanker 12000-14000 Ltr z Equipment operwtor 111 4 Uelper 1 10 Laborer I MATERIALS, ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED OF _ACPNMPLISHBAENT: 600-800 M3 per standard performance day NOTES: # as reqnined ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD acvivmy wo._*93___ yawe_B2S° Hauling DESCRIPTION: Consists of the loading. transportation and dumping of base material. as designated by project manager from the area of production or stock pile to the site of buse placing or the required site. RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT NO. DESCRIPTIOE 1 Front End Loader 2-2,5 M3 1 Equipment Operator IIT + Dump Trucks TMS * Equipment Operator 11 1 Helper 1 MATERIALS mm {TEM_NO. OESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE_OF ACCOMPUSHMENT: 8000 M3 x KM per standard performance day (to balance with base material placing see Activity 434 A) NOTES: Sec attached. (CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD .enamTiMniEM ACTIVITY NAME: Jase Hauling 000 | NOTES: * The appropriate number of dump trucks and necessary operators are determined ‘iffer the location and quantity of base material and the haul distance are identified (10. KM assumed). Use Table A for the computations. Table A is based upon a 7M3 trnol capacity, productivity should be adjucted necordingty. ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTHUGTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:__434A_ NAME_Hase Placing-Grader DESCRIPTION: Consists of the operatious uf mixing, spreading aud compacuag of base macertal necessary for proper base construction in accordance with plans and speci fications. EQUIPMENT MANPOWER DESCRIPTION, 208 TITLE 3 Vibrating Roller 8-10 Ton 1 Construction Foreman 11 2 Motor Grader 120-180 FWHP 5* Equipment Operator 11 2 Water Tanker 12000-14000 Ltr 2 Equipment Operator II ae Helper 1 MATERIALS ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED 13 Base Material RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 600-800 M5 per standard performance day NOT tas required for constant and proper mixing #tmust he esloulated fhe euch road way design. FTHINPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:_a2an_ NAME: Base Placing-Paver DESCRIPTION: Consists uf he vperatiuns uf spreading aud compacting previously uiaed base: material as necessary for proper base construction in accordance with the plans and specifications. NO. DESCRIPTION me 3 Vibrating Rollers 8-10 Ton Construction Foreman IT 1 Paver Equipment Operator I 1 Maton ‘Tanker tao9-1an00 Te Equipment Operator if Helper 1 Hand Tools: Rakes. Wheel Barrows, Laborer | Shovels, Picks MATERIALS. UNIT_OF MEASURE RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMEN] 600-800 M3 per standard performance day juired for constant and proper mixing ** must be calculated for each roadway design ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:_i37___ NAME:_Prime Cout Application DESCRIPTION: Consists of all operations necessary to apply a low-viscosity uquld biLumlnvus material directly on the surface of the base upon which a bituminous material is placed. The bituminous material is applied with distributor and allowed to penetrate und oure. RESOURCES: 1 Asphalt Distributor 6000 Ltrs 2 Operator I 1 Stationary Heater a Stationary Equip.Op- 11 1 Power Broom Helper I Hand Tools: Brooms Shovels 1 2 1 Water Tanker 12000-14000 Ltrs 6 Laborer | 1 Construction Foreman I MATERIALS DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF_MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Asphalt MC30 Liter: RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: *** 7000-8000 M2 per standard performance day NOTES: See attached. (CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD - CONTINUED! Prime Coat Application material necessitates being "cut-back" the higher viscosity material. + as necessary *** Activity dependent on activity 439 y no:_437 When applying material otner than MC/30 as the prime coat, a higher viscosity before use, this entails, the heating of ETHIOPIAN TRANSFORT CONSTRUGTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD activmy No_4384 Crushed Aggregate Hauling we eee DESCRIPTION: Cyusisis uf Une loading, transportation and dumping of erushed aggregate matorial from the area of production of stockpile to the sile of surface treatment application. EQUIPMENT ‘MANPOWER No. DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE 1 Front Bnd Loader 2-2,5 M3 2 Equipment Operator 11 Dump Truck 7M, Equipment Operator 11 Helper I MATERIALS DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF_MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Crushed Aggregate us See Rate of a4 inch minus: Accomplishment: 3/8 inch minus AATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 800-1000 M3 x KM of 3/4 inch minus for Ist surface treatment 400-500 M3 x KM of 3/8 inch minus for 2nd surface treatment Computihte with the waniirements for activities No. 439 and No NOTES: See attached, (CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANOARD -- CONTINUED) aAcTiTY WAME: Crushed Aggregate Hauline-Surface Treatment ____NO:_438A_ * ‘The appropriate number of dump trucks and necessary operators is determined after the location and quantity of surface treatment aggregate(s) and the haul distance are identified (1OKM asanmed) Use Table A for the computations. Table A is based upon a 7 M9 truck capacity, productivity shuld be adjusted accordingly. ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD AcmivTy No_#388__wame_Crushed Aggregate Hauling-Asphalt or Cold Mix DESCRIPTION: Guusisia Uf Lhe loading, transporting and dumping of the cola mixt mat onial on the site of cold mix placing . RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT MANPOWER xo. nesrrierinw, 4oR_ THE 1 Front end Loader 2-2,5 M3 Equipment Operator IL 12 Dump Truck* Me Equipment Operator iL Helper 1 MATERIALS, DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Crushed Aggregate Metric, Ton See Rate of Accom. Premixed Aggregate «nisy TE_OF_ACCOMPLISHMENT: Approximately 3000 M3 x KM per standard performance day-see activity no. 446. The exact amounts must be calculated from the specified mix design NOTES: See attached. (CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE. STANDARD - CONTINUED! te Hauling-Asphalt or Cold mix vo, 4388 + The apprpriate number of dump trucks and necessary operators is determined after loeation and quantity of aggregate(s) and the haul distance are identified (10KM assumed). Use Table A for the computations. ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTAUCTION AUTHONITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:__239__ NAME:__Asphalt First Surface Treatment DESCRIPTION: Consists of aul operstions necessary to apply @ bituminous binder over ine primed surface and the spreading and rolling of aggregate material over the bituminous binder in compliance with the plans and specifications. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION 1 TITLE Asphalt Distributor 5000-6000 Ltr Power Broom Slatonery Heater — Luuuu Ltr Aggregate Spreader 3-3.5 M width Pneumatic Tire Roller 8-10 Ton Steel Wheal Roller 6 Tan Hand Tools: Forks, Wheel Barrow, Shovels, Brooms Construction Foreman IT Equipment Operator Il Equipment operator 1 Stationary Equip.Op. 1 Helper 1 Laborer | MATERIALS. ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED 08, Asphalt C3000 Lirs/KM. 10,000 1 “4 Aggregate: 3/4 inch minus M3/KM 100 1 RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 6000-7000 M2 per standard performance day NOTES: 1 Treatment - Apply MC3000 at a rate of 1.2-1.5 Ltr /M? - Spread 3/4 ineh minue aggregate at 16 a2 1kg/M! * When required ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD activity No:_440__ WAME:_Asphalt Second Surface Treatment DESCRIFTION: Consists oF all operations necessary to apply a pituminous oinaer over tne existing surface and the spreading and rolling of aggregate material over the bituminous. EQUIPMENT MANPOWER no ESCAIPTION. xO sna TIE 1 Asphalt Distributor 5000-6000 Ltr 1 1@ower Broom 5 1 Stationary Heater Tannn Tite 1s 1 2 o Construction Foreman It Equipment Operator II Reuipment Operator 1 Stationary Equip. Op. I Helper I Laborer I 1 Aggregate Spreader 3-3.5 M width 2 Pneumatic Tire Roller 8-10 Ton 1 Steel Wheel Roller 6 Ton Hand Tools: Forks, Wheel Barrow, Shovels, Brooms MATERIALS DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Asphalt MC3000 Ltrs 5600 Ageregate: 3/8 inch minus = M% 50 RATE_OF_ACCOMPLISHMENT: 6000-7000 M2 per standard performance day NOTES: a A z 2nd Treatment-Apply MC3000 at a rate of 0.5-0.8 && /m' “Spread 3/8 inch minuo at 8 10%gs/M? * when required T CTINOPAN TRANGPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD activity Nox_4!1__wame._22ck Coat Application DESCRIPTION: For previously conctruction seadway , aansiets af all operations necessary to apply a light bituminous coating upon an existing pavement surface to prepare the surface for further resurfacing work. RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT MANPOWER Ma. DESCRIPTION, JOB TITLE 1 Asphalt Distributor 5000-6000 Ltr Construction Foreman I Power Broom Equipment Operator I Hand Tools: Breemo, Shovel Fquipment Operator 1 Helper I Laborer 1 DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Asphalt RC70 Ler 2000 RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: per standard performance day * RCT0 is recommended “* when reyuired ETHIOMAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD activ wo._222__ yame._Batch Plant Operation DESCRIPTION: Coneicte of ull the operations nenessary ta lad and blend the specified aggregates and bituminous matorials to be hot mixed in the bateh plant according to design plans and specification: ‘RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT MANPOWER Mo DESCRIPTION, 2108 IME 1 Asphalt Plant 100 Ton/Hr. 1 Baten Plant Super. T 2 Front limd Loader 2-2.5M9 1 Mechanic IIL 1 Welding Machine a Blectmeian 1 1 Welder I 2 Equipment Operator IIL 5 Helper LL 10 Laborer I MATERIALS, TTEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT _OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED 03 Asphaltie Cement 85/100 Lie. 31500 06 Premixed Aggregates M3 300 RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 50-450 Metric Tons (300M w 1.5 MT/M3) per standard performance day. NOTES: ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHONITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:_443__ NAME:_Aspbalt Mix Hauling DESCRIPTION: Consists of the loading, transportation and dumping of asphalt mix material trom the bateh plant to the site of asphalt mix placing. EQUIPMENT MANPOWER xn DESCRIPTION No, op TME *Dump Trucks m3 Equipment Operator II MATERIALS. UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT _ REQUIRED RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 300 M8 per standard performance day (compatible with the Batch Plant production see Activity No. 442. NOTES: “he appropiate number of dump trucks and necessary operators is determined after the location and quantity of asphalt mix material and the haul distance are identified. Use Table A for the computations. ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD activiry No:_445___ wame._Cold Mix Preparation DESCRIPTION: Consists of the operations necessary to mix and stockpile the apprpriate bituminous eold-mix surfacing material as specified in the design plans or by the project manager. EQUIPMENT MANPOWER DESCRIPTION . JOB TITLE 2 Stationary Heater 10000 Ltr each Construction Foreman 1 1 Motor Grader 120-150 FWHP Stationary Equip. Op 1 Asphalt nstriputor DuUU-bUUU Ltr Equipment Uperator It Nand Tools: Forks, Wheel barrows, Equipment Operator III Shovels, Picks Helper 1 MATERIALS. DESCRIPTION, UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Asphalt MC 3000* Ltr 31500 Aggregate 3/4 inch minus us 300 RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 250 300 M3 per standard performance day NULES: * weather dependent © the standard specifications calls for 3.5-7.0% by weight of dry aggregate exact mixture proportions must be determined from the mix design. ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD cry wo! wame_A2pRalt Mx Pleeing DESCRIPTION: Consists of the operations of spreading and compacting the asphaltic canerate mix material at the site of surface placement. ‘The thickness of each layer should be according to the design plans and specifications. RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT MANPOWER No. DESCRIPTION. J08_TMLE 1 Asphaltic Finisher-Paver 3.7 M width 1 Construction Foreman Il 1 Pneumatic Tire Roller 8-10 Ton 1+ Equipment Operator | 3 Steel Wheel KoLer 10 Fon a Equipment Operator II 1 Power Broom 1 Equipment Operator III LAvater Tanker 10000-12000 Ltr 2 Helper 1 6 Laborer I MATERIALS, ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE ‘AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT] 4000. 5000 M® per standard performance day (300M3 = 600 LM » 7 centimeters loose thickness) *as necessary ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD activmy wo-_446__ wame_old-mix Hauling DESCRIPTION: Consists of the loading, transportation and dumping of the Cold-mix material to the site of Cold-mix placing. EQUIPMENT MANPOWER No. DESCRIPTION cy JOB TITLE 1 Front Bnd Loader 2-2.5 M3 1 Equipment Operator ILI * Dump Truck aM . Equipment Operator IT 1 Helper | MATERIALS ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE _OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 1250-300 M3 per standard performance day (compatible with the Cold-mix production see activity No. 445 NOTES: Sea altached (CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD CONTINUED} ACTIVITY MAME: __Cold-mix Hauling Od * The appropriate number of dump trucks and neeessary operators is determined After the Toeation and quantity of Cold-mix material and the haul distance azc lentified. Use Table A for the computations, Fable A is based upon a 7M3 truck capacity, productivity should be adjusted accordingly. ETIOPIAN TRANEPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD aememy we!47__ wame_Coldmix Placing DESCRIPTION: Consists of all operations noosssary to sprosd and compact the appropriate bituminous roadmix surfacing material at the construction. EQUIPMENT MANPOWER Mo DESCRI Jog TITLE 2 Pneumatic Tire Roller 8-10 Ton Construction Foreman! 2 Steel Wheel Roller 8-10 Ton Equipment Operator II 2 Grader 120-150 EWHP ‘Equipment Uperator It Hand Tools: Shovels, Picks, Forks Helper | Laborer I MATEMALS, DESCRIPTION, UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: Be ae 300 M3 per standard performance day ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY No:_248___ NAME:_Seal_Coat Application. DESCRIPTION: Consists of the operations necessary tor tne application of vituutisiUs ueteriat , with or without aggregate, placed on a bituminous surface to seul cracks and to waterproof the existing surface. EQUIPMENT MANPOWER No. DESCRIPTION 208 TITLE 1 Asphalt Distributor 5000-6000 Ltr Construetion Foreman 1 1 Stationary Heater 10000 Ltr Equipment Operator 1 1 Aggregate Spreader 3-3.5 M width Equipment Operator I 1 Power Broom Stationary Equip.Op- 1 Hand Tools: Brooms, Shovels Helper I Laborer I MATERIALS ITeM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED 0 Asphalt MC 3000 Tie Suu 12 Cover Aggregate or Sand M3 35 RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 7000-8000 M2 per standard performance day* NOTES: “dupendent upon design plano and opecifications ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD acrivrry wo:_2°!__ wame,_Structural Excavation-Minor DESCRIPTION: Consists of the necessary operations to complete the excavation and preparsdtion of the foundation for the proposed minor drainage structure as designated in the plans and specifications. 1 Front pnd Loader 2-2.5 M3 Hand Tools: Shovels, Picks, Wheel barrows ITEM_NO. AATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 40-50 M3 per standard performance day NOTES: MANPOWER ine TITLE Mason Foreman Equipment Operator IIT Helper Laborer I UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED CTINOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTAUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY Nox_*52__ wame:_Pipe Production DESCRIPTION: Consicte of the operations nesescary to preduse vonerete pipe momhore (af al sizes as required) for pipe culvert construction. Includes the preparation of forms and the mixing, placing and vibrating of the concrete. RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT MANPOWER No. DESCRIPTION Ne 408 TITLE 1 Conerete Mixer 1/8 M3 2 Mason I 1 Conerete Vibrator 1 Stationary Equip.Op 1 15 Pipe Molds 2 Barsetterl Hand Tools: Mason's tools; Shovels 3 Helper Picks, Wheel barrows, Water Buckets 15 Laborer I MATERIALS * ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Conerete us 3.5 52-58 Reinforcement Steel KG 450 RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: *“ 15 pipes per standard performance day Project dependent-actual Ve les must be calculated notes” See attuched (CONSTRUCTION. PERFORMANCE STANDARD -. CONTINUED) ACTIVITY NAME:Pipe Production 88 NOTES: * Volumes are based on a 36 inch diameter pipe. ** ‘The proper number and size of pipe molas 1s project dependent. The proper number of each size must be determined by the project manager besed upon the work program work load and the average rate of accomplishment. ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT GONETRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD acrwry No:_!°3__ yame._Vibe Instaliation DESCRIPTION: Consists of all the operations necessary for the proper installation of culvert pipe ai the designated site of construction including the placement and bedding of the culvert pipe and the backfilling and compaction of material. (Does not inelude hewdwall or wingwall construction, ) RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT MANPOWER . esrauerin No. 308 TIME 1 Front End Loader 2-2.5 M3 i Mason Foreman 1 Hand Tamper 2 Mason I 1 Platbed Trucle 1 Eyuipurent Opersor 11 1 Equipment Operator II 10 Laborer I MAIEHIALS {TEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Mortar us 0.02 Class 'C' Bedding M3 2 Concrete (Cradle when m3 za required) RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 10 Pipes per standard performance day NOTES: CTINGPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ‘acivrry wo._2°4__ wawe:_Class_"A" Conerete ~ Minor OESCRIFTION: Consiete of ull tho oporations neressary far the mixing. placing. vibrating and curing of Cluss "A" Conerete work in accordance with the design plans and specifications , associated with the construction of Slab Culverts and Box Culverts. EQUIPMENT wo DESCRIPTION. JOB TITLE 1 Conerete Mixer 1/ M9 Mason Foreman 2 Concrete Vibrator Carpenter II 1 Stationary Water 3000 Ltr 2 Bar Setter | Tanker Carpenter I Laborer 1 MATERIALS, DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Portland Cement Aggregate 3 10 RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 3-10 M? per standard performance day NOTES: ETHIOPUAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:_i55AuB NAME_Reinforcement Stcel-Minor DESCRIPTION: Conaiote of all the operations necessary for the proper bending. shaping and placement of the reinforcement steel as necessary for all concrete work for pipe production, slab culverts, box culverts. EQUIPMENT MANPOWER NO. DESCRIPTION No. 108 ME 1 Steel-eutter 1 Barsetter II 1 Barbending Jig 2 Barsetter 1 10 Laborers I 1 Helper I MATERIALS TEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF_MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED 5255 reinforcing bar KG (appropriate size) 200/ 250 binding wire RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 200-250 Kg. per standard performance day NOTES: ETHIOPIAN TRANGPONT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD activity no: 256 Name.__Class_"B" Masonry-Minor DESCRIPTION: Consicte nf aM operations necoseary for tho placing of Claco "2 Maconry Stones including the mixing and placing of mortar as designated in the plans and specifications. RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT MANPOWER DESCRIPTION NO. 4oR_Tme ae aM 1 Mason Foreman Front End Loader 1,-2.0 M3 10 Masons T i Stationary Water Tanker 3000 Ltr 1 Carpenter II 15 Laborer [ 10 Labor IT MATCIIALS ITEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Mortar Ms 3 Masonry Stone m3 10 RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 6 W'3— 8M per standard performance day ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION aurTunnITy CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY No:_157__ NANE:_Formwork-Minor DESCRIPTION: Consists of all the operations necessary ta eamplote the erection and diomanteling of the formwork for all the concrete work as required for minor structures. RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT NO. DESCRIFTION . J 1 Flat bed Truck Carpenter Foreman 1 Hand Tools: Saws, Hammers, Shovels Carpenter 1 Laborer | Equipment Operator II MATERIALS DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Lumber nS Nails Ke. Eucalvptus Poles No. RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 4-5 M2 per standard performance day. NOTES: : ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD 498 WAME._Class "C"" Conerete ~ Minor Consists of all the operations necessary for the mixing. placing, vibrating and curing of Class "C" concrete work in accordance with the design plans and specifications for minor structures. EQUIPMENT ‘MANPOWER NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Conerete Mixer 1/4 M3 2 Concrete Vibrator 1 Stationary Water Tanker 3000 Ltr JOB TITLE Mason Foreman Carpenter II Mason 1 Carpenter 1 Laborer I MATFRIALS DESCRIPTION, UNIT_OF_MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Concrete ua & 10 RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 8-10 M3 per standard performance day Nott ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION auTHnarry CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:_461__ NAME:__Structural Exeavation-Major DESCRIPTION: Conolots of the neccesary operations ty cumplele Une excavation and preparation of the foundation or bed, including the backfill as designated in the plans and specifications. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION E Construction Foreman {1 Front End Loader 2-2.5 M3 Equipment Operator Lil Compresear 17 M3 /Min k Hammer Stationary Equip. Op 1 Water Pump Helper 1 Hand tools: Picks, Shovels Laborer I Laborer II MATERIALS DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 80- 100 M1 per standard performance day. NOTES: ETHIOPIAN TRANSPONT GONSTAUGTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD acvivTy we_!57___ ae:_£005¢ Riprap Placing DESCRIPTION: Consists af the proper placement of lonse riprap stone as designated by the m plans and specifications. TITLE 1 Traxeavator Labor Foreman Operator Ii Laborer 1 Helper 1 MATERIALS, DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE Quarry rock m3 RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 40-50 M1? per standard performance day ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:_4g _ NAME:_Rack Crushing - Hridge Brigade DESCRIPTION: Consists of quarry rock crushing at the crusher site tor priage construction by the Bridge Brigade(s). Aggregate size is as specified by the design plans and specifications. ‘RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT Oe DESCRIPTION, Mi. 1 Crusher Plant 15 Tons, 1 Front End Loader 2-2.5 M3 | Equipment Operator III > Stationary Rewip Op 1 2 Helper 1 10 Laborers I MATERIALS STEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF_MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED 38 Rock ua 25- 30 RATE OF 25- 30 M3 per standard performance day for conerete aggregate NOTES: ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:__47L__ NAME.__Paved Waterway-Grouted DESCRIPTION: Coupists uf all uperations necessary fur Une paving uf ditches, yutiees, splays and other designated waterway channels with rubble and grouted rubble in accordance with the plans and specifications. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION 1 Stationary Water Tanker 2000 Ltr. Mason I Hand ‘Tools: Mason Tools; Shovels Mason [ Pick Axes. Buckets. Sledge Hammers Laborer 111 Wheel barrows. Laborer 1 MATERIALS, DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Quarry rock us Mortar M3 RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 15-20 Mi” per standard performance day NOTES: CTIIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ‘activiry no:__3?2___yame._Detour Construction DESCRIPTION: Conciete of all operations nosessary for the conetruction of adequate detour roadway as necessary to support the simultaneous continuation of the highway construction and the existing traffic flow. NO, IPTION 1 Dozer 140-200 FWHP Equipment Operator 11 | Motor Grader 125 FWHP 2 Equipment Operator LI Iayater Tanker 12000-14000 Ltr Helper 1 1 Roller Compactor 15-17 Ton OF _MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE_OF_ACCOMPLISHMENT: 00-750 LM per standard performance day ‘NOTES: * as required; as terrain dictates heavier equipment may be requized. ERWOPIAN TRANSPORT GONETRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD activmy wo:_273___wame._Furrow Ditching DESCRIPTION: Consists of all aperations necessary for the excavation of furrow ditches as specified by the design plans or as designated by the project manager. RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT (MANPOWER ry DESCRIETION 108 IME 1 Dozer w/angle Blade 90-140 FWHP Labor Foreman Hand Tools: Picks, Shovels Equipment Operatoril uelper 1 Laborer I MATEMIALS, DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 400-— 500 LM per standard performance day. NoTES: ETHIOPIAN TRANEPORT CONSTUGTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD Rolling (Compacting) of the aperation af milling nat incited in athor activities far the eampaotion of embankments, roadbeds, special subbase, buse course, cold mix and the original ground, in accordance with the specifications. EQUIPMENT Nn. NESCRIPTI Jo 3 Roller (Vibrating) 8-10 Ton Operator I 1Miater Tanker 12000-14000 Ltr Helper 1 1*Pnuematic Tire Roller 8-10 Ton MAIEHIALS DESCRIPTION UNIT OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED 800 M3 per standard performance day NOTES: # ag required hy the construction ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD activity no:_?75__ aMe_Underdrain Installation DESCRIPTION: Consists of all the operations necessary for the proper excavation of trenches leveling, placement of underdrain in the designated location with the specified material in accordance with the plan EQUIPMENT DESCRIFTION Tools: Level, Shovels, Pick axes 2 15 MATERIALS DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED 15 CM Perforated Lal 20 Underdrain pipe Granular Back{ill a3 10 RATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 15-20 1M per standard performance day NOTES: ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ‘AcTiviTY No:_270A_ wame:_Pile Placement - Bored DESCRIPTION: Consists of all the operations, necessary for the boring, placing of easing(s), the cutting, bending tieing and placing of reinforcement steel and the pouring of conerete in accordance with the plans and specification . RESOURCES: EQUIPMENT NOL DESCRIPTION 1 Driving Rig 1 Concrete Mixer 1/4 M3 1 Bar Cutter 1 Dump Pruck TMs 1 Loader 2,-2.5 M3 Superintendent 1 Stationary Equip.Op 1 uipment Qperator III Equibment Operator Mason 1 Mason Foreman Bar Bender IL Laborert oun ig MATERIALS. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Slave A Concrete rm ae per quantity Reinforcement Stéel Casing RATE_OF_ACCOMPLISHMENT: 1 pile cach 6 meter length per standard performance day. NOTES: ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD IAGTVNTY 78 MARNE al Davi tis iene te DESCRIPTION: Consists of the operation necessary for the driving ot the required piles in accordance with the plans and specifications. wo, NESCRIPTION 1* Pile privingrig 10000 Kg-m Superintendent 1 1 Crane 20 Ton Equipment Operator IIL Laborer £ MATERIALS DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED 6 meter piles each 2 RATE _OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 2 piles of 6 meter each per standard performance day; see Activities 62,63 for class *A' conereto NOTES: Asouming 5 meter free full and 2000 kg Diesel Pile hammes ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUGTION AUTIIONITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD acrwmry No.7 nawe:_!l#nd-laid Rock Embankment DESCRIPTION: Conciete of the placement of rock by hand Iahar in arcandance with the specifications & in conformity with lines, grades & dimensions shown within the plans. RESOURCES: SQUIPMENT MANPOWER a DESCRIPTION J08_TmE Hand Tools: Shovels, Pick Axes, Wheel He Labor Foreman II Barrows 20* Laborer II MATERIALS ITEM_NO, DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED RATE_OF_ACCOMPLISHMENT: 30-40 wi per standard performance day NOTES: workload dependent ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY NO:_i7__ NAME:_Bridve Bailing (Concrete) DESCRIPTION: Consists of tne operations necessary to property construct tne requirea bridge railing as specified in the plans and specifications MANPOWER NO. DESCRIPTION 208 TITLE 1 Stationary Water Tanker 2000 Its 1 Mason Foreman I 1 Bar Cutter 2 Nason I 1 Ram oman aie 5 Canpentor IL Hand Tools: Mason's tools i Carpenter's tools, shovels 7 rea - wheel barrows F MATERALE (TEM_NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF_MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Class "A" concrete ue as per design Reinforcement Steel Ky Form Work Lumber Ml nails Kg RATE _OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 5 LM per standard performance day nun ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD ACTIVITY No:_462__ NAME__Class "A" Concrete - Mafor DESCRIPTION: Consists af all the operations nooeccary for the mixing, placing, vibrating and curing of Class "A" Concrete work in accordanee with the design plans and specifications, associated with the construction of bridges. EQUIPMENT MANPOWER NO, DESCRIPTION 208 TLE 2 Conerete Mixer 1/2 M3 Mason Foreman I 4 Vibrator Carpenter Foreman 1 Il Water Tanker 12000-14000 Ltr Barsetter II Mason I Carpenter 1 Laborers 1 DESCRIPTION UNIT -OF_MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Concrete m3 40(2 spans) RATE_OF_ ACCOMPLISHMENT: 30- 40/M 3 per standard performance day NUIES: ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD actiry wo_483_ wame__Reinforcement Steel - Major DESCRIPTION: Consists of all the uperativus necessary fer the propor bending. shaping and placement of the reinforcement steel as necessary for all concrete work involved in major structure construction. MANPOWER JOB TITLE Steel Cutter Barsetter Il Barbending sig Besetter I Cutung roren Laborer 1 Stationary Equip. Op. 1 MATERIALS DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Reinforcement Kg. 400- 500 Steel Binding wire AATE_OF_ACCOMPLISHMENT: 400-500 Kg. per performance NOTES: ETHIOPIAN TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE STANDARD actiry wo-_’S4___ wanae._lass "B" Masonry - Major DESCRIPTION: Consists of all the operations necessary for the placing of Class "B" Masonry Stones including the mixing and placing of mortar as designated in the plans and specifications. NO. DESCRIPTION im JOB TITLE 1 Dump Truck 7M Mason Foreman 1 Front End Loader 1,5-20 M3 Mason, 1 Water 1ruck 12000 Zar Lalwcee 1 1 Conerete Mixer 1/413 i Operator IL Operator II Stationary Eauip.Op Carpenter I Helper I a Laborer IIL DESCRIPTION UNIT_OF MEASURE AMOUNT REQUIRED Mortar M3 7 Masonary Stone m3 25 RATE_OF ACCOMPLISHMENT: 1520 MS per standard performance day. JOTES:

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