My Ideal City - Documentos de Google

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My ideal city, my ideal city would be somewhere where people can be fully relaxed there is
no need of dressing formal for going to job or you can just rent a horse and ride for the city
without being taxed or troubled, whoever gets in trouble or is in search of them is taxed or
gets exiled from the city he decides.You are not supposed to tip but if you are doing so it can
even be a 2% tip for the waiter. You are expected to bring a gift when going to someone’s
birthday but if you don’t you will not be seen badly. In this city we have the custom to
celebrate August 10 which is the international day of laziness like his name says it you don’t
go to work neither school no company or institution works that day, it’s just you making
whatever you want and also the city gives free Wi-fi to whoever is resident in here. In this
city is not the custom to address someone very formally a handshake is OK or even just a
Hi. People usually have the custom to take a lot of pictures. They can even ask you if you
want them to take you a picture and it’s polite to accept but if you decline it must be gentile
like sorry I’m in a hurry or maybe next time. Using public transportation isn’t something you
should worry about it’s really easy the addresses are in a billboard so you just have to read
where you want to go and the bus or metro you have to take or just ask someone how get to
the address, everyone here is polite so you don’t have to worry about them not responding.
When going to someone’s party you aren’t expected to arrive early if you do so it’s because
you’re prepared to talk a lot with the host while the others guests arrive if you don’t want to
talk you should arrive up to 15 -20 min late. In the city when 7 april arrives it’s the custom to
invite someone you found interesting in a restaurant, your office, your school or even your
local store to a dinner in your house or apartment people can even ask you to go to their
home when walking down the street. In carnaval is the tradition to go outside and have fun
with all the people nearby your street with eggs, oil, flour, carnival foam and more.

That’s my ideal city

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