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Name: Oluwadiya Oyindamola Titilope

Matric no: 22/2482

Department: MBBS
Level: 200

RELM 206 Assignment: Was the Holocaust Event, a Natural or Moral


Holocaust was the genocide of European Jews that was done by the
Nazi Germans headed by Adolf Hitler. For it to classify as natural evil
it would mean that some calamity such as earthquake, tornado,
tsunami, etc. was responsible for the mass genocide, but this was not
the case.

Holocaust was a willful action taken by the Germans to exterminate

the Jews as Hitler had described them as a ‘race tuberculosis’ of a
people and the end goal was to get rid of them all. The Jews
underwent many atrocious acts including reduced rations during the
war, forced into giving up many of their personal belongings, having
their access to public transportation taken from them, being forced to
wear the Star of David on their outermost garments whenever they
were to go out, forced to leave their houses, forced labour and
deportations, killing centres, also known as extermination camps,
many Jews were killed up to 160000 and above. All these and more
were done by humans, it wasn’t done by an agent that cannot be
controlled by humans hand. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis willfully did
this which is why the Holocaust cannot be classified as anything but
moral evil.

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