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Welcome my name is Martin Braessas and this is fire kit. You got 3 gimmicks of different sizes.

big, one medium, one small. You also got a piece of blu tac that later I will tell you the use of it.
The big gimmick matches exactly with a dollar shell, the medium one with a half dollar shell and
the small one we will use it without a shell. Later we will understand what is it for. Depend on
what gimmick we will use, we can produce bigger or smaller fires. Let´s see what this is about.

To rehearse with Fire Kit we will need lighter fluid and a lighter. We will only put a few drops of
lighter fluid on the gimmick to moisten it. Once moistened, we can leave it prepared for several
minutes and then we can use it. We put it on the finger palm, light it and then because of how the
gimmick is made of, the flame will grow higher and we will only feel a slight heat on the palm. So
we can have the fire there for a long time, but just a few seconds is enough. If we close our hand it
will extinguish and we can produce the object we want. I repeat, from the finger palm I light it and
closing the hand we extinguish the fire. Now we must play with the element, throwing it until we
feel comfortable with it.

In this section, we will see different ways of grabbing fire with our hand using different objects:
the classic one will be the use of a lighter, but the most suitable is not that the lighter goes to the
hand but the hand goes to the lighter. It is very different having an object on the palm of our hand
and then doing that work where the lighter goes to the hand than having the lighter and then the
hand goes to the fire. It is very different. Because this way it is perceived that we need to reach
that position where the secret is, so, it is better to convey that we are going to grab the fire. One
will be only with the lighter, one nicer can be with a candle. The candle allows us to keep the light
of it without having it in our hand. We can light it, produce a coin, do the shuttle pass, produce
another one. Later we will see those routines, but a practical option when we don't have candles is
using a zipo lighter. Because we can keep the light without the necessity of holding it. We need to
hold the typical lighter. The zipo fulfil the same function of the candle without producing this cute
smoke haha. An interesting detail: we can also use a lighter from the audience. I mean, we can ask
for a lighter, we can ask the person to light it and we will grab the fire from their hand.

Small gimmick

We start to see the applications of the small gimmick. We must add the blu tac in this way. We
detach it and make a Little ball, then we put it from the metalic side. we are ready to add fire kit to
any object we see in the table or any object you want. For example, a chocolate coin. We put it,
we stick it and now the gimmick is added to the chocolate coin We just need to drop a few lighter
fluid droplets and then we are ready to produce chocolate coin from the fire. Finger palm, fire, fire
in the hand and then will appear the cchocolate coin. We can add it to any object of the table. For
example, a dice, with blu tac sticked to it. Finger palm, fire, blow and then the dice appear. Or tic
tacs, you attach it, finger palm, fire, you see the fire, blow and then tic tac will appear or even a
bill. Finger palm, fire, blow, and then the note appear. It is interesting because when we unfold it,
the fire kit stays on the other side and the note wont burn. Use your imagination with the objects
you want. What about a routine where a card is choosen and then it disappears and then appears
from the fire? Think about it. One of my favourites is when you grab any coin of any country and
then add the small gimmick to one of them. This will allow us to have the stack of coins palmed
and light it, we can have them for a long time because it not burns and when we turn them, all the
coins will appear and the gimmick will be stuck to one of them. We will see how to change this
coin with the gimmick for a regular one.

Routines explanation

For this musical routine we will use a dollar coin, a dollar shell and the big fire kit. This allow us to
be under the shell and it is seen as a coin. The set up will be the regular coin on the left hand and
the fire kit plus the shell on the right hand in finger palm. The hand that grabs the common coin
comes with the lighter using the concept of magic wand and when I light the candle I leave the
lighter. With the other hand I will make the gesture of grabbing the fire and when I turn the hand
the coin will appear, shuttle pass and I will show the coin on both sides. With the gesture of
leaving the coin over the table, I turn the fire kit, this must be done as I leave the coin. Another
way is doing the shuttle pass in this way. I have the fire kit turned, for the second coin I will
introduce a variant, I will grab the fire, but I throw it from hand to hand and as it falls I turn the fire
kit and the fire is extinguished. Now in the gesture of showing the coin I drop the gimmick and as I
show the shell with the other hand I simply let fall the gimmick on the lap. If you don't have a lap,
you can take the lighter and get rid of the gimmick. I just drop it and now I´m ready to vanish a
coin in a very clean way. Take the coin, the shell and when making the gesture of grabbing the
coin, introduce the shell in the coin, vanish the first coin, then play with the coin and the shell and
for that coin you finger palm the coin and you drop it on the lap. This is perfect for a musical
routine because you wont hear any noise and it disappears. If you don't want to lap I fingerpalm
and when you grab the candle I repeat the concept of the magic wand and I vanish it.

For the production of the 4 coins we will use 4 half dollar coins, the medium gimmick and a half
dollar shell. We must remember that the medium gimmick fits perfect with the half dollar shell.
The sequence is: drop some lighter fluid droplets over the gimmick, take 3 coins, the gimmick with
the shell over them, and an extra coin that will be in the same hand of the lighter. Fire, grab the
fire with the hand, turn the coins and produce 4 coins, remember that as we drop the lighter we
already have a coin hidden in the other hand. We just palm the gimmick coin with the fire kit as
we make the gesture of passing the coins from one hand to the other. We hold the fire kit and the
shell, and as we hold the extra coin of the lighter in the other hand, we can show 4 clean coins. For
cleaning the gimmick coin I just have to take the lighter and we are clean with 4 half dollar coins.

Variant of the 4 coins production . in this case we will take the half dollar shell but we attach the
small gimmick in one side of the shell, this sounds strange but you will understand later. So, I have
4 half dollar coins, one that I put the shell over it with the small gimmick on one side of the coin.
This allow us to have the 4 coins in one hand and the other hand empty. A bit of lighter fluid over
the gimmick, and the performance will be the following: the 4 coins in finger palm with the shell
on top and the gimmick with blu tac over the shell. Light the fire, appear the 4 coins, but the
interesting thing is that because the 4 coins are in one hand, I can show clearly the hand as I leave
the lighter, and in the making of that gesture throw them from hand to hand. You only see 4 coins
before and 4 after because I hold the shell with the attached gimmick and I can take the lighter to
finish clean . In this versión, the advantage is that you show the empty hand before doing the pass
and you see the four coins before and after.

Fire ball

I´m going to explain the manipulation of the fire balls. This are very easy to make. It is only any
wooden ball with a hole in it. In that hole we put cotton or any similar thing that absorbs lighter
fluid well. We are going to put lighter fluid there, and holding the ball palm we light fire and we
will see fire. We don't burn because the fire goes from the inside of the ball and then it goes up. If
we just blow we extinguish the fire and we produce the ball. In the performance I used a flash
string and the the string is lighted from the candle. The string is conected to the hole and then
light the ball. For the production of the 2 ball we just need to attach a small piece of flash paper
with blu tac or double tape to hold it. We don't need much

So we palm both balls. You can light it in several ways, with a candle a lighter, a match. We will get
to this situacion: a ball lighted in the right hand and in the left hand a palmed ball with flash. When
we touch this piece of flash with the fire it will be a flash and the ball appeared and instantly I will
blow and show the ball of the right hand. Of course if you want you can use a shell also in these
balls and produce more balls.

The fire goes up so you can stand like this a lot of time. To extinguish you just blow and you show

Final words

Before leaving, I would like to give you final recommendations. We must remember that the use of
fire kit implies fire so we must be careful. When you rehearse at first do it without fire. Place the
objects, do the techniques and the routines but without lighting it. Once we rehearse it a lot, just
then light it. Let´s do it slowly, first a few droplets of lighter fluid to have a small flame, and then
gradually use more. Keep in mind that if you throw lighter fluid it can fall in other places, besides
the gimmck. On the hand or on the pad. These ones if they have contact with fire, they can light.
So you have to be extremely careful. Finally I hope that you enjoyed it as much as me and I surely
you will imagine a lot of new ideas. I hope this will trigger your own routines and if we meet
someday, it will be a pleasure to talk about your ideas. My name is Martin Braessas and I hope this
would be useful for you. Until next time Friends.

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