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RADA College
Debre Birhan Campus

Name:-Nakachew Bashu Bushen

(PhD, in Business Administration)
Tele (Cell phone) 0917-80-00-34
(At Working hrs)
E-mail :-
 Any Communication Via Telegram Shall not be
accepted for this course purpose.

 Introducing Yourself
 Name:
 A Brief Background about:-
 Schooling
 Work Experience (if any)
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 1

1. Class attendance is mandatory at least

80% of the classes. (Any student who may
not attend the class at least 80% of the
classes without getting prior permission or
failed to submit legitimate evidence on
time will not allowed to set for Final exam )
2.You are required to be active participate
in class discussion ( this is an important
way to learn and insightful comments are
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Cont’d…..Rule of the class

3. Whenever you are in the class,
Please either switch off or make it
silent your Mobile phone

Nakachew Bashu Bushen

(Ph.D, in Business Administration) 4
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 2


 Continues Assessment …………………….50%
 Assignment……………..…..…....20%
 Mid Exam………..……………...…30%
Final Exam………….…………………………...50%
Total final grad weight……………………….100%
Each eligible student will be provided the
course outline and e-book at the end of each
chapter via your representative.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute



Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 3

 At the end of this chapter, you are

expected to have a good understanding of:
 The definition of strategy and strategic
Management ;
 Level at which strategy operates;
 What strategic decision making involves ?
 What the process of strategic management
 What Hierarchy of strategic intents are;
 Basic component of strategy formulation.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

• “Without a strategy, an organization is

like a ship without a rudder, going around
in a circles. It is like a tramp, it has no
place to go”
-J. Ross and K.Michael,2011

• "It is not the strongest of the genus that

survive, nor the most intelligent, but the
one most responsive to change.”
• -Charles Darwin,1992
• “Plans are less important than planning”
• -Dale Mc Conkey,2008
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute 8

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 4

Strategy is a key concept in the strategic

management field. This concept derived
from the Greek words ―Strategos‖, which
means the skill of planning the movements
of armies in a battle or war to destroy
enemies. The word strategy, therefor, mean
the art of the general or leadership or
Generalship in the military sense.

Management uses this old military

concept to associate the activities of a
General’s with those of an organization’s
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

What does “strategy” mean in

business ?

Nakachew Bashu Bushen

(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute 10

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 5

Although strategy is a buzzword it does

lack of a universally accepted definition.
Therefore, in different contexts and to
different people, strategy means different
things. In the most broad and general
context strategy would be defined as a
plan of action.
The Oxford Dictionary defines strategy as:
1) A plan that is intended to achieve a
particular purpose.
2) The process of planning something or
putting a plan into operation in a skillful way:
marketing strategy. 11
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Strategy is ― The determination of

the basic long-term goals and
objectives of an enterprise and
the adaptation of the course of
action and the allocation of
resources necessary for carrying
out these goals.‖
Alfred D. Chandler (1962)

Nakachew Bashu Bushen

(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 6

Strategy is ― The pattern of objectives,

purpose, goal, and the major policies and
plans for achieving these goals stated in
such a way so as to define what business
the company is in or is to be and the kind
of company it is or is to be ―
Kenneth Andrews (1965)
Strategy is ― A unified, Comprehensives
and integrated plan designed to assure that
the basic objectives of the enterprise are
achieved‖ William F Glueck (1972)
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

According to M.Porter : ―Strategy is the

act of aligning a company and its
environment. That environments, as well
as the firm’s own capabilities are
subject to change ―. (Porter ,1991: 97)

―Strategy is a key concept in the

strategic management field. it concerns
planning the deployment of resources to
achieve certain objectives ―
(Kotler, Berger and Bickhoff, 2015).
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 7

Strategies are a means or a road-map

by which organizational long-term
objectives will be achieved.

Strategies are potential action that

require top management decision and
large amount of firm’s resource.

Strategies affect long-term

organizational prosperity and it is
future orientation .
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

A strategy consists of an interrelated

set of questions :
1.What is our present situation?
 How are the Business
environment and industry
conditions ?
 How is Firm’s financial and
competitive capabilities?
 Where will we be active ?
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 8

2. Where do we want to go from here?

 Creating a vision for the firm’s future
3.How are we going to get there?
 What will be our speed and sequence
of move?
 How will we win in the market place?
 How will we obtain our return ?
 Crafting an action plan that will get
us there?
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

What is strategy about?

 Strategy is all about “How”
How to outcompete rivals?
How to respond to economic and
market conditions and growth
How to manage functional pieces of the
How to improve the firm’s financial and
market performance?
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 9

Why do strategic plan?

A firm does strategy:-
To improve its financial performance.
To strengthen its competitive
To gain a sustainable competitive
advantage over its market rivals.
To create distinctive strategy:
Can yield above-average profits.
Makes competition difficult for rivals.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Strategic management is a set of

managerial decisions and actions which
determine the long-term performance of
the company. (Tseng, Hung, 2014; candemi, Zalluhoglu, 2013;
asan, soyer, 2009; altiok, 2011; senturk, 2012; chou et al., 2014).

Strategic management is the concept of

enterprise management ability to
maneuver properly the forces acting
between the environment and its strength
with which it outcompetes its rivals.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 10

Strategic management can be defined as the

art and science of formulating, implementing,
and evaluating cross-functional decisions that
enable an organization to achieve its
The term strategic management is used to
refer to:
 Strategic thinking ,
 Strategies formulation,
 Strategies Implementation, and
 Strategies Evaluation
Nakachew Bashu Bushen 21
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Strategic management is a set of managerial

decisions and actions that are undertaken in
the processes of Strategic thinking, strategic
formulation, strategy implementation and
strategy evaluation.
4.1)Strategic thinking :
Identifying an organization’s external
opportunities and threats,
Determining internal strengths and
Developing a vision and/or mission,
Establishing long-term objectives,
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 11

1. Evaluate current performance results.

2. Review corporate governance.
3. Scan and assess the external
4. Scan and assess the internal corporate
5. Analyze strategic (SWOT) factors.
6. Generate, evaluate, and select the best
alternative strategy.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

The hierarchy level of strategy is dependent upon

the size of the firm. For example large firms, there
are actually four levels of strategies:
 Corporate Level
 Business Level
 Functional Level and
 Operational Level
Strategy formulation, implementation, and
evaluation is not just a task for top executives alone
rather it is also a task of , middle and lower-level
managers too, must be involved in the strategic
management process to the extent possible. Or It can
be done at the above four hierarchical levels in a
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
large organization: (Ph.D, in Business Administration) 24
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 12

Nakachew Bashu Bushen

(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute


Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 13

Corporate Strategy addresses issues

related to three fundamental questions.
 In what business we will be in or
would compete ?
 How can we, as a corporate partners,
add value to our various line of
business ?
 How will diversification or our entry
into industry help us to compete in our
other industries ?
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Example at Corporate level Strategy-

formulation issues includes:-
Deciding :-
What new businesses to enter ?
Which industries should the firm
compete in ?
 What businesses to abandon?
How to allocate resources?
Whether to expand operations or
diversify business?
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 14

Whether to enter international markets or

focus on domestic market?,
Whether to merge or form a joint
How to avoid a hostile takeover?
 How to improve the competitive position
and profitability of all its various business
units ?
Which business units should be provided
the highest priorities in terms of resource
allocation and investments ? etc.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

It is important to note that all persons

responsible for strategic planning at the
various levels has to participate and
understand the strategies. Because it will
ensure :
Creates smooth communication and team
Enables effective coordination,
Enhance commitment
Unified direction of resource diversion
while avoiding inconsistency, inefficiency,
and miscommunication.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 15

Nakachew Bashu Bushen

(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

The distinguishing characteristic of strategic

management is its emphasis on strategic
decision making.
As organizations grow larger and more
complex, with more uncertain environments,
Decisions become increasingly complicated
and difficult to make.
―Due to the fact that decision making is
often complex and can be influenced by a
large number of factors, there is no universal
technique to make the right decision‖.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen (Lee et al., 1999).
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 16

Strategic decisions deal with the long-run

future of an entire organization.
It has three characteristics:
1.Rare: Strategic decisions are unusual and
typically have no precedent to follow..
2.Consequential: Strategic decisions commit
substantial resources and demand a
great deal of commitment from people at
all levels.
3.Directive: Strategic decisions set precedents
for lesser decisions and future actions
throughout an organization.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

According to Henry Mintzberg, the four

most typical approaches, or modes of
strategic decision making are

Entrepreneurial Adaptive


Nakachew Bashu Bushen

(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 17

i) Entrepreneurial mode:
 Strategy is made by one powerful
 The focus is on opportunities; problems
are secondary..
 Strategy is guided by the founder’s own
vision of direction and is exemplified by
large, bold decisions.
 The dominant goal is growth of the
Eg:-, founded by Jeff Bezos, is an
example of this mode of strategic decision
making. The company reflected Bezos’ vision of
using the Internet to Market books and more.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

ii) Adaptive mode: Sometimes referred to as

―muddling through,‖
 This decision-making mode is
characterized by reactive solutions to
existing problems, rather than a proactive
search for new opportunities.
 Much bargaining goes on concerning
priorities of objectives.
 Strategy is fragmented and is developed
to move a corporation forward
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 18

iii) Planning mode:

This decision-making mode involves
the systematic gathering of
appropriate information for situation
analysis, the generation of feasible
alternative strategies, and the rational
selection of the most appropriate
It includes both the proactive search for
new opportunities and the reactive
solution of existing problems.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

iv) Logical instrumentalism :

 A fourth decision-making mode can be viewed as a
synthesis or a mixture of the planning, adaptive,
and, to a lesser extent the entrepreneurial modes.
 In this mode, top management has a reasonably
clear idea of the corporation’s mission and
objectives, and goals
 In the development of strategies this approach
encourage an interactive process incrementally
when it is important to build consensus although
the mission and objectives are set, the strategy is
allowed to emerge out of debate, discussion, and
 This approach appears to be useful when the
Nakachew Bashu Bushen is changing rapidly or dynamic.
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 19

An organization exhibits strategic

intent when it relentlessly pursues
an ambitious strategic objective,
concentrating the full force of its
resources and competitive actions
on achieving that objective.

Nakachew Bashu Bushen

(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

1) Developing a Strategic Vision:

 Vision statement answer ― What do
we want to become?‖

 Delineates management’s future

aspirations for the business to its

 Provides direction—“where we are

Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute 40

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 20

Sets out the compelling

rationale (strategic soundness)
for the firm’s direction.

 Uses distinctive and specific

language to set the firm apart
from its rivals.

 With out execution Vision is

just an other words of illusion.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

1. Good visions are inspiring and

exciting and focused.
2. Good visions are competitive, clear
(concise) and desirable .
3. Good visions are challenging, future
oriented and flexible.
4. Good vision foster risk-taking and
experimentation and also feasible.
5. Good vision foster long term
thinking .
6. Good vision represent integrity.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute 42

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 21

Some times vision statement may

backfire and erode a company’s
1) If the walk doesn’t match the talk.
2) Irrelevance.

3) Too much focus leads to missed

4) An ideal future irreconciled with
the present
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

The Dos The Don’ts

Graphic Don’t be vague or incomplete

Directional Don’t dwell on the present.

Focused Don’t use overly broad

Flexible Not a once-and-for-all-time
pronouncement .
Feasible Don’t be generic.

Indicate why the Don’t rely on superlatives

directional path makes only.
good business sense.
Make it memorable. Don’t run on and on.

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 22

 Reflection

What are the possible

benefits of having a
good vision?


Fosters employee commitment to implement

the firm’s chosen strategic objectives.
A company may know in advance ―what it is
to be ―.
Helps in creation of a common identity and
shared sense of purpose.
Foster risk-taking and experimentation and
Forster long term thinking
Motivates, informs, and inspires internal and
external stakeholders.
Demonstrates top management support for
the firm’s future strategic direction and
competitive efforts. Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 23

Put the vision in writing and distribute


Hold meetings to personally explain

the vision and its rationale.

Create a memorable slogan that

captures the essence of the vision.

Emphasize the positive payoffs for

making the vision happen
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

 The process of formulating strategic vision involves

answering the following sets of questions:
1. What changes are occurring in the Market Arena and
what implications do these changes have for the
2. What new or different customer needs should we be
moving to satisfy?
3. What new or different buyers segment should we be
concentrating on?
4. What new geographic or product market should we be
5. What should the company’s business make up look like
in in strategic plan time horizon ? (example in five years?)
Then after try to decide What kind of company should we
try toNakachew
become?Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 24

― Empower people through great software-

any time, any place and on any device‖
Microsoft corporation
 ―To become a world-class commercial bank
by the year 2025.―
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.
―To be Best-in-Class Bank in Africa.‖
Dashen Bank , In Ethiopia
“Aspires to be ranked among the top ten pre-
eminent African graduate and research
universities in 2023. ―
Addis Ababa University
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Mission is ―the essential purpose of an

organization, concerning particularly
why it is in existence, the nature of the
business it is in, the customer it seeks to
satisfy ― Thompson (1997)

It indicates ―what an organization is ―

and ―why it exists‖.

It encompasses both the purpose of the

company as well as the basis of
competition and competitive advantage.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute 50

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 25

The Mission Statement:

Uses specific language to give the firm
its own unique identity.

Describes the firms’ present business

scope and purpose—“who we are, what
we do, and why we are here.”
Should focus on describing the
organization’s business, not on
“making a profit” or ―earning a profit‖
is an objective not a mission.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

 Identifies the firm’s product or services.

 Specifies the buyer needs it seeks to
 Identifies the customer groups or markets it
is trying to serve.
 The resource and the technology it is
deploying in trying to pleasing its
 Sets the firm apart from its rivals.
 Clarifies the firm’s business to stakeholders.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 26

1) It should be feasible.
2) It should be precise.
3) It should be clear .
4) It should be motivating.
5) It should be distinctive.
6) It should indicate major
components of strategies.
7) It should indicate how objectives
are to be accomplished.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute


Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 27

Core Values
Are the beliefs, traits, and behavioral
norms that employees are expected to
display in conducting the firm ’ s
business and in pursuing its strategic
vision and mission.
Become an integral part of the firm’s
culture and business principles and
practice that guide the conduct of its
Matched with the firm ’ s vision,
mission, and strategy contribute to the
firm’s business success.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Objective: A statement of intended outcomes

that is focused and time-specific (that is,
achievable in a specified time frame).
(Mc.David and Howthrorn, 2006)
The Purposes of Setting Objectives:
 To convert the vision and mission into
performance targets.
 To focus efforts and align actions throughout
the organization.
 To serve as measures for tracking a firm’s
performance and progress.
 To provide motivation and inspire employees to
greater levels of effort.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 28

Breaks down performance targets for each of the

organization’s separate units..
Setting strategic objectives transforms the
strategic vision into specific performance targets.
Fosters setting performance targets that support
achievement of firm-wide strategic and financial
Extends the top-down objective-setting process
to all organizational levels.
Setting strategic objective is a key element of
 crafting strategy.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

 Strategic objectives
Result oriented and Challenging.
Time bounded.
Yardstick for rewards and
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 29

Is your objective Specific?

 If you have a specific objective, you should
be able to answer the following six questions:
1) What: What do you want to accomplish?
2) Why: What are the reasons, purpose or
benefits of accomplishing the objective?
3) Who: Who is involved? Who are the
4) Where: Where is it going to happen?
5) Which: Which attributes are important?
(Requirements and constraints; risk and
protective factors).
6) When: To be accomplished?
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Is your objective measurable?

 If your objectives are specific and measurable,
you should be able to establish concrete
criteria for measuring progress toward the
attainment of each.
 How will you know when it is accomplished?
 What indicators will you look for to measure
progress and success?
 Are data to measure your progress and
success readily available? Or do you need to
develop new measures, e.g., surveys, focus
groups, etc…?
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 30

Is your objective attainable?

 Setting objectives requires careful
assessment and understanding of the
capabilities of the organizational resources..
 Do you have sufficient financial capacity to
accomplish your objective?
 Do you have personnel with sufficient abilities
and skills to accomplish your objective
(including evaluation)?
 Do you have sufficient time to accomplish
your objective?
 What other types of resources do you need to
attain your objective (i.e, technology, space,
equipment, etc…)? Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Is your objective result-oriented and

Ultimately, your objectives should help you
achieve your major project goal(s).
Is it worthwhile?
Is this the right time?
Does this align with other efforts /
Objectives that are misaligned with the
mission and goals of an enterprise will only
result in confusion, misdirection, and waste
of valuable organizational resources.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 31

Is your objective time-bound?

Objectives should have starting points,
ending points, and fixed durations.
Each objective must have a stated time
limit within which it must be accomplished.
 When will you achieve this objective?
 When will you undertake activities to
achieve our objective?
 When can you expect to see some short-
term outcomes?
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

 Goal 1: Within two years after the coaching program for at-
risk youth at Menlik High School is established, the dropout
rate of high school students will fall below 1% at grades 10,
11, & 12.
 Objective 1.1: As a result of the program attendance rates at
Result- Time-
Menlik High School will be Specific?
at 100%. Measurabl
Attainable? oriented/ Bound?
e? Relevant?
 As a result of the program Yes Yes (X) Yes Yes (X) Yes
attendance rates at Menlik
High School will be at 100%.
No, revise No, No, revise No, revise No, revise
(X) revise (X) (X)
 Attendance rates at Menlik Yes Yes (X) Yes (X) Yes (X) Yes (X)
High School will exceed 97%
one year after the
apprenticeship/ coaching No, revise No, No, revise No, revise No, revise
program is established. (X) revise

 Attendance rates for at-risk Yes (X) Yes (X) Yes (X) Yes (X) Yes (X)
youth at Menlik High School at
grades 10, 11, & 12 will exceed
97% one year after the No, revise No, No, revise No, revise No, revise
apprenticeship/ coaching revise
program is established.


Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 32

1) Short-Term Objectives:
Focus attention on quarterly and
annual performance improvements
to satisfy near-term shareholder
2) Long-Term Objectives:
Force consideration of what to do
now to achieve optimal long-term
performance. Stand as a barrier to
an undue focus on short-term
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

1) Financial Objectives:
 Communicate top management’s targets
for financial performance.
 Are focused internally on the firm ’ s
operations and activities
2) Strategic Objectives:
 Are related to a firm’s marketing standing
and competitive vitality.
 Are focused externally on competition vis-
à-vis the firm’s rivals.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 33

 Good financial performance is not enough

Current financial results are lagging indicators
of past decisions and actions which may not
translate into a stronger competitive capability
for delivering better financial results in the
future. But,
 Setting and achieving stretch strategic
objectives signals a firm’s growth in both
competitiveness and strength in the
 Good strategic performance is a leading
indicator of a firm’s increasing capability to
deliver improved future financial performance.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Setting stretch objectives promotes better

company performance because stretch
 Push a firm to be more inventive.
 Increase the urgency for improving
financial performance and competitive
 Cause the firm to be more intentional and
focused in its actions.
 Act to prevent self-satisfied easygoing
and easy achievement of ho-hum
performance outcomes.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 34

3.3 ) Strategy implementation

Strategy Implementation requires a
firm to establish annual objectives,
devise policies, revision of
organizational structure; establishing
suitable working system ; motivate
employees, and allocation of
resources to identified prioritized area
so that formulated strategies can be

Nakachew Bashu Bushen

(Ph.D, in Business Administration)
© 1999 The Balanced Scorecard Collaborative and Robert S. Kaplan. All rights reserved. 69
International Leadership Institute

 A balanced scorecard measures a

firm’s optimal performance by:
Placing a balanced emphasis on
achieving both financial and strategic
 The application of Balanced
scorecard avoiding tracking only
financial performance and overlooking
the importance of measuring whether
a firm is strengthening its
competitiveness and market position.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration) 70
International Leadership Institute

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 35

The Balanced Scorecard is a framework designed to

translate an organization’s mission and vision statements
and overall business strategy into specific, quantifiable
goals and objectives and to monitor the organization’s
performance in terms of achieving these goals.
 The customer area looks at customer satisfaction and retention.
 Learning and growth explore the effectiveness of management
in terms of measures of employee satisfaction and retention and
information system performance.
 The internal area looks at production and innovation, measuring
performance in terms of maximizing profit from current products
and following indicators for future productivity.
 Finally, financial performance, the most traditionally used
performance indicator, includes assessments of measures such
as operating costs and return-on-investment.
Nakachew Bashu Bushen
(Ph.D, in Business Administration)71
International Leadership Institute

 How do customers see us? (Customer perspective)

Can we continue to improve  What must we excel at?

and create value?
(Internal perspective)

How do we look to shareholders?


Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 36

The Balanced Scorecard Focuses on Factors that

Create Long-Term Value
Traditional financial reports look backward
 Reflect only the past: spending incurred and revenues earned
 Do not measure creation or destruction of future economic value
The Balanced Scorecard identifies the factors that create long-term
economic value in an organization, for example:
 Customer Focus: satisfy, retain and acquire customers in targeted
 Business Processes: deliver the value proposition to targeted
• Innovative products and services
• High-quality, flexible, and responsive operating processes
• Excellent post-sales support Customers

 Organizational Learning & Growth:

Processes People
• Develop skilled, motivated employees;
• Provide access to strategic information
• Align individuals and teams to business unit objectives
. Nakachew Bashu Bushen
© 1999 The Balanced Scorecard Collaborative and Robert S. Kaplan. All rights reserved.
(Ph.D, in Business Administration) 73
International Leadership Institute

The Four Perspectives Apply to Mission Driven

As Well As Profit Driven Organizations
Profit Driven Mission Driven

 What must we do to satisfy our Financial  What must we do to satisfy our

shareholders? Perspective financial contributors?

 What are our fiscal obligations?

 What do our customers expect Customer  Who is our customer?

from us? Perspective
 What do our customers expect
from us?
 What internal processes must
we excel at to satisfy our Internal  What internal processes must we
shareholder and customer? Perspective excel at to satisfy our fiscal
obligations, our customers and
the requirements of our mission?

 How must our people learn and Learning & Growth  How must our people learn and
develop skills to respond to Perspective develop skills to respond to
these and future challenges? these and future challenges?

Answering these questions is the first step to develop a Balanced

© 1999 The Balanced Scorecard Collaborative and Robert S. Kaplan. All rights reserved. 74

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 37

Translating Vision and Strategy: Four

Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives
“To succeed
how should
we appear
to our


“To achieve
Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives our Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives
our vision, shareholders
how should Vision and and
we appear to Strategy customers,
our what
customers?” business
must we
excel at?”


Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives
“To achieve
our vision,
how will we
sustain our
ability to
change and

© 1999 The Balanced Scorecard Collaborative and Robert S. Kaplan. All rights reserved. 75

The Balanced Scorecard Framework Is Readily Adapted to

Non-Profit and Government Organizations

The Mission

"If we succeed, how ‖To achieve our vision,

will we look to our how must we look to
financial donors?‖ our customers?‖

―To satisfy our customers,

financial donors and mission,
what business processes
must we excel at?"

―To achieve our vision, how

must our people learn,
communicate, and work

The Mission, rather than the financial / shareholder

objectives, drives the organization’s strategy

© 1999 The Balanced Scorecard Collaborative and Robert S. Kaplan. All rights reserved. 76

Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 38

Thank you for your attention!!!!!



Nakachew Bashu (PhD) Internatioal

Leadership Institute 39

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