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LESSON 1: THE HUMAN PERSON appear at any point in your life and can affect your

FLOURISHING IN TERMS OF SCIENCE AND mood and overall quality of life.

Phenomenology- is commonly described as the
Key aspects of human flourishing in terms of study of phenomena as they manifest in our
science and technology experience, of the way we perceive and understand
phenomena, and of the meaning phenomena have
*Health and medicine in our subjective experience.
*Education and knowledge access Ex: interviewing families and parents, talking to
*Economic prosperity kids, and looking for patterns in a message.
*Environmental sustainability
*Social connectivity Heideggers' definition of technology
*Personal empowerment
*Cultural and artistic expression ● 1st "Technology is a means to an end"
*Global Collaboration (Instrumental definition).
- We should remember that technology is a
Philosophy means to an end, a tool, and we should
- The study of general and fundamental understand how to implement it for our
problems concerning matters such as benefit while mitigating its risks and
existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind vulnerabilities if inappropriately used.
and language.
● 2nd "Technology is a human activity”
Branches of Philosophy (Anthropological definition).
- Technological developers
Natural philosophy - Ethical views
• Philosophical study of nature and the physical - It can be harmful
universe that was dominant before the - He concedes that this definition is correct
development of modern science. that it describes technology accurately but it
Moral philosophy does not go far enough for Heidegger's
•Rational study of the meaning and justification of purposes.
moral claims. - Our everyday understanding of technology,
• A moral claim evaluates the rightness or that is, has blind spots that prevent us from
wrongness of an action or a person's character. understanding more fully our relationship
Metaphysics with technology. Even our attempts to
•It concerns existence and the nature of things that maintain control over technology, to master
exist it so that it doesn't destroy us, are informed
Concerns the nature of, and relations among, the by our "instrumental conception" of what
things that exist. technology is. As Heidegger observes, "The
will to mastery becomes all the more urgent
MARTIN HEIDEGGER (1889-1996) the more technology threatens to slip from
● German philosopher human control"
● Work is associated with phenomenology - Casuality
and existentialism.
Existentialism- is the philosophical belief we are Questions concerning Technology
each responsible for creating purpose or meaning - The enframing of technology is destiny.
in our own lives. - Still the enframing is a disclosure.
Existential crisis- is a recurring pattern of thoughts - It involves human beings, therefore harbors
regarding your identity, purpose in life, and legacy, the possibility of saving power.
among other things. Existential questions may - We don’t know what is reality
- This also means access to a pleasant life,
Aristotles' four causes (Consality) an engaged or good life and a meaningful
1. Causa Materialis or the Material life.
Cause (-silver)
● made from
2. Causa Formalis or the Formal Human flourishing requires the development of
Cause (-form or shape) attributes and social and personal level that exhibit
● what is the nature for character strength and virtues are commonly
● Ex: shape pf the chair agreed in different cultures.
3. Cuasa Finalis or the Final
Cause (-the purpose) Aristotle
● ex: to find a sit- chair - There is an end of all the actions that we
4. Causa Efficiens or the Efficient perform which we desire for itself
Cause (-agent: silversmith) - purpose
● ex: who made the chair - Flourishing is the greatest good of human
endeavors and that toward which all actions
Technology brings forth as well, and it is a aim.
revealing - He presented the various popular
- Modern technology as a challenging forth- conceptions of the best life for human
very aggressive in its activity. beings;
- The revealing always happens on our own (1) a philosophical life,
terms as everything is on demand. (2) life of pleasure and
- Modern technology as the age of switches, (3) a life of political activity
standing reserve and stockpiling for its own
sake. Happiness is “doing well” and” living well”. It is a
ENFRAMING: WAY OF REVEALING IN pleasant state of mind.
● Calculative thinking Eudaimonia
● Meditative ● (n.) lit. "human flourishing"; a contented
state of being happy and healthy and
The danger of non stop revealing prosperous
- Spiritual ● In moral philosophy, eudaimonia is used to
- Ex. Microchip- elon musk refer to the right actions as those that result
- Bka we forget our creator in the well-being of an individual.
- We should balance
The society in the face of science and technology ● Identifies that the eudaimonia life is the life
- moral ethics on how we use technology in a of pleasure and maintains that the life of
good way or bad way pleasure coincides with the life of virtue.
● His view is not more of how happiness can
be defined but more on theory about the
Continuation of Lesson 1:THE HUMAN PERSON real source to experience it.
● Virtues such as self-control, justice ,
Human flourishing courage, wisdom, piety and related qualities
- an endeavor to achieve self-actualization of mind and soul are absolutely crucial if a
and fulfillment within the context of a larger person is to lead a good and happy life.
community of individuals.
Plato Stories
● Eudaimonia depends on virtue which is - The lesson in the content of the material
depicted as the most crucial and the Inspire and achieve
dominant constituent of eudaimonia. - Ex. Material: Books & documentaries
Pyrrho Parenting
● founder of Pyrrhonism, a school of - influence to child development support to
philosophical skepticism that places the their child
attainment of ataraxia as a state of Brain development
equanimity) as a way to achieve - Information you gathered in life
● Pyrrhonist practice is for the purpose of Lesson 3: Good Life
achieving epoch
Mark Manson- what is happiness for you
It has been discussed that human beings are
endowed with innate abilities and characteristics
Human Flourishing that let him sustain his function
and to survive in the given environment.

Good life
- People have different ideas of what
constitutes a good life.
- Wrong pursuits may lead to tragic
- People want to be healthy, but many
consume junk food
- Most things that taste good are probably
bad for you.
- Most things that give you thrill are probably
bad for you too.
- kindness, empathy, compassion, and more.
- "All human activities aim at some good.
- big role in human flourishing
Every art and human inquiry, and similarly
- Positive or optimistic character will have
every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at
better relationship
some good; and for this reason the good
has been rightly declared as that at which
- The experience in the surroundings
all things aim."
Being good
- give impact to the well being
- Character and relationship
- Ex. Balanced diet, meditation- which will
- Entails nurturing character and fostering
have healthy lifestyle
Being right - Do unto others as you would have them do
- Based on conscience, feeling of guilt and unto you.
self approach Heidegger
- Own consciousness of function and survival - Living an authentic life means living with
deep acceptance of the facticity of death
Four pillars of good life resulting in a life lived.
● Health
● Wealth Holistic Approach
● Love - good people, good community and world
● Happiness peace = good life
● Happiness becomes one's ultimate purpose - form of philosophical monism which holds
in life. that matter is the fundamental substance in
● Happiness is not guided by a philosophy of nature, and that all things, including mental
life informed by general principles of aspects and consciousness are results of
meaning, spirituality and virtue. material interactions.
❑ The first materialists were the atomists in
Nicomachean Ethics and Modern Concepts Ancient Greece.
Eudaimonia- Eu-good, daimon-spirit= good life ❑ Democritus and Leucippus led a school whose
Good life- happiness and virtue primary belief is that the world is made up of and is
Virtue- intellectual and moral controlled by the tiny invisible units in the world
called atomos or seeds.
THE HAPPINESS PURSUIT ❑ Atomos simply comes together randomly to form
- Everybody wants more happiness and the things in the world.
success. Classification of Materialism
- It’s good to know how to optimize happiness 1. Naïve materialism- the unquestioned and
and success. unquestioning belief in the primacy of the physical
- There is a wide agreement that happiness is universe, often despite strong available evidence to
the greatest human good. the contrary.
RISK FACTORS 2. Dialectical materialism- is a way of
• The pursuit of happiness becomes one’s ultimate understanding reality; whether thoughts, emotions,
purpose in life. or the material world.
• The pursuit of happiness is not guided by a 3. Metaphysical materialism- is a philosophical
philosophy of life informed by general principles of approach that argues that all philosophical,
meaning, spirituality and virtue. emotional, mental, and conscious states are a
result from the material/physical world.
Golden rule

Confucius- What you do not want done to yourself,

do not do to others. Hedonism
- argues that the pursuit of pleasure and
Aristotle intrinsic goods are the primary or most
- We should behave to others as we wish important goals of human life
others to behave to us. - A hedonist strives to maximize net pleasure
Buddhism (pleasure minus pain) but when having
- Hurt not others with that which pains thyself. finally gained that pleasure, happiness
remains stationary.
Christianity - "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we
- School of thought led by Epicurus.
- The stoics espoused the idea that to No one can deny the fact that SCIENCE and
generate happiness, one must learn to TECHNOLOGY has a PROFOUND impact on how
distance oneself and be apathetic. modern man thinks and appreciates matter. It can
- The path to happiness for humans is found be concretely seen in the present conditions of man
in accepting this moment as it presents in the society. The desire to feel satisfaction of
itself, by not allowing ourselves to be research and development through genetic
controlled by our desire for pleasure, or our engineering, cloning and the likes opened endless
fear of pain. doors for skeptics.
- The belief in the existence of the Supreme (TIMBREZA, 2013)
Being or Deities On the other hand, man's varied ethical foundations
- Describes the classical conception of God. may also differentiate the idea of good life. Some
- The ultimate basis of happiness is the may define it through attaining pleasure
communication with God. (hedonism); others may relate it to peace of mind
Monotheism through minimizing desires and passions () and
- Christianity,Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, some views are based on professing moderate
Zoroastrianism. pleasure, which for them, "anything that is taken in
Humanism excess is bad" (epicureanism)
- A school of thought espouses the freedom
of man to carve his own destiny and to The Good Life is a Balance Life
legislate his own laws, free from the ✓ A single-minded pursuit is not always beneficial.
shackles of a God that monitors and ✓ Active engagement needs to be balanced by
controls. rest.
- Is a philosophical and ethical stance that ✓ Exclusive love needs to be balanced by greater
emphasizes the value and agency of human love.
beings, individually and collectively ✓ Achievement needs to be balanced by
- Refers to monotheistic life stance centered acceptance.
on human agency and looking to science ✓ Self-transcendence needs to be balanced by fair
rather than revelation from a supernatural treatment.
source to understand the world No one can deny the fact that science and
technology has a profound impact on how modern
Disillusion- King Solomon realized the vanity of man thinks and appreciates matter. It can be
success long, long ago: The world will never be concretely seen in the present conditions of man in
enough: “The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the society. The desire to feel satisfaction of
the ear filled with hearing”( Eccl.1:8) research and development through genetic
➢ It takes more and more to reach the same level engineering, cloning and the likes opened endless
of happiness- addiction, money etc. doors for skeptics.
➢ Nothing in this world can fill the spiritual vacuum
within us.
➢ Dreams are often broken when reality strikes. Lesson 4: Human Technology


➢ Bad things happen to good people - From the Latin word "humanitas" which
➢ Reversal of fortune means "human nature, kindness."
➢ For some people, most days are bad days. - A virtue associated with basic ethics of
(poverty) altruism derived from human condition
- According to Confucius, humanity is a" love - According to a 2010 Nielsen survey, we
of people", if you want to make a stand, help send and receive text messages 3, 339
others make a stand times a month.
The Human Robot Interaction - An estimated 99% of all species that ever
● Today, in the era of present technology, existed on earth are already extinct.
robotics has become a big part of our - There are different ways in which human
collective lives. species could become extinct: Primarily, by
● Robots are utilized for their knowledge, transforming or evolving into one or more
exactness and interminable vitality to species or by merely dying out without any
perform assignments consistently and replacement or continuation.
profitably, that when performed by people - Our species has survived earthquakes,
tends to create flaws. volcanic eruptions, typhoons and other
● For instance, Al robots have already started natural phenomena for tens of thousands of
an enormous job in improving waste years.
administration and finding distinctive - Nowadays, one of the utmost extinction
approaches to handle the waste issue risks arises from human activity.
endured by most developing nations like - For instance, Advances in biotechnology
India. might make it possible to design new
● Indeed, the robot age has arrived. viruses that combine the easy contagion
● The possibility of robots may bring to most and mutability of the influenza virus
minds the possibility of androids like T-800 • A dreadful pandemic with high virulence and
in the movie "Terminator". a 100% mortality rate among infected individuals
● The vast majority of us are not able to could possibly terminate human species.
understand that a lot of robots exist in the • Additionally, an all-out nuclear war between
most basic forms today; they are not so Russia and the United States might be an example
much android but rather more like industrial of a global catastrophe that would be unlikely to
tools or equipment. result in extinction.
● This implies the world would be prepared for
more smart intelligence to be utilized in Recurrent collapse
day-to-day applications. - This means that the human condition will
reach a kind of status, either instantly or
The impact of Technology in Human Health after undergoing one or more cycles of
- Technology has crept into every corner of collapse regeneration.
our lives, from obsessive texting to checking - Human civilization may endure catastrophes
emails more often. that prevent it from moving beyond a certain
- Most of us absorb three times more level of advancement.
information everyday compared with 50 - It also requires a carefully calibrated
years ago. homeostatic mechanism that possesses the
- According to University of California level of civilization restricted within a
researchers, we spend 12 hours in front of relatively narrow interval.
TV and computers at home.
- Multitasking participants had more difficulty Plateau
filtering out irrelevant information than those - A plateau is a flat, elevated landform that
focusing on one task at a time. rises sharply above the surrounding area on
- Teens, however, are emotionally more at least one side.
vulnerable to the effects of rampant texting - The Technology Plateau essentially comes
and online sharing. up as an interesting look into the future
- Thinking that a technology will plateau 3. Distributed Additive Manufacture
seems short sighted and dismissive of 4. Artificial Intelligence Driven Automation
history. 5. Neuromorphic Computing and Computing
- A plateau implies that no progress will ever beyond turning limit
be possible again in that field. 6. Quantum Computing and Control
- These innovations allowed for more 7. Nanosatellites and Space Exploration
advancement in the realm of graphics which 8. Internet to Brain Net
is closely related to the needs and wants of 9. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
the commercialist consumer society as 10. Brain Mapping and brain Uploading
response to these increasing
advancements. Lesson 5: Why the future doesn’t need us
- Now, in this day and age, we are shifting
more forward to more cores - from the four Christian Lou’s Lange- Technology is a useful
cores that dominated these past 2 servant but a dangerous matter.
generations (8.5 years) to hex cores and
beyond. ● Human interests on technology allows them
to expand the range of human experiences.
Advantage of Technology ● These are qualified experiences and what’s
● Life has become easy through science and more, they can share these experiences
technology. with other human beings, injecting
● Traveling has become faster than before. technology into their lives, thus, the future of
● Communicating becomes easier, faster and technology is based on HOW THE HUMAN
cheaper it also increase the standard of WILL USE IT.
● Man became advanced. ● Lewis argued that humanity, so called
● The impossible has become possible due to power over nature “turns out to be a power
the progress in science and technology. exercised by some men over other men with
Nature as its instrument’.
Disadvantage of Technology ● He feared that modernism and its ability to
● Humans had misused the technology and explain away everything but “nature “would
used it for damaging purposes. leave us emptied of humanity
● By the use of technology, man is doing ● All that would be left is our animal instincts.
illegal things. The choice we have to see humanity as a
● New technology like mobile phones are complex combination of both material and
generating bad consequences for children. spiritual components or else to be reduced
● By means of modern technology, terrorists to machines made of meat ruled by other
use it for destructive purposes. machines with nothing other than natural
● Many illnesses are created due to the impulses to guide them. He also warned us
development of atomic energy and atom of a society that has explained away every
bombs. mystery, and the danger of what he calls
● Modern technology like nuclear energy has “man-molders which will be armed with the
not only affected other creatures. powers of an Omni-competent state and
● Natural beauty is decreasing due to the irresistible scientific technique.
development of modern technology. ● ​Jacques Ellul warns that as technological
capabilities grow, they results in countless
Technology trends means to accomplish tasks than ever
1. Biological Engineering and Bio-Economy before. The more dependent we become on
2. Molecular Manufacturing and Self- technology, the more it conforms our
replicating Systems
behavior to its requirements rather than vice collaborative robots or cobots,( intended for
versa. direct human robot interaction within shared
● ​William Gibson, who coined the term space), construction robots ( robotic arm
“cyberspace”, has said the ‘the future is and robotic exoskeleton), agricultural
here”- it’s just not evenly distributed”. Some robots ( closely linked to the concept of
of the important changes in the future will AI-assisted precision agriculture and drone
come not from a new technology, but from a usage), medical robots ( da Vinci Surgical
large number of people having access to System and Hospi), kitchen automation (
something that already exists (Scharre, Rotimatic, flatbreads baking, Frobot, frozen
2017). yogurts), Robot combat for sport,
domestic robots ( Roomba vacuums the
Three possible scenarios near in the future- by carpets), nanobots (Kinesin uses protein
Francis Fukuyama domain dynamics in nanoscales to walk
along a microtubule) and swarm robotics
1st- Genetically enhanced intelligence or the (disaster rescue missions, target localization
prospect of living longer lives free from genetic and tracking, simultaneous localization and
disease. mapping, cooperative environment
2nd- Advance in stem cell research might soon monitoring and convoy protection).
allow us to regenerate any tissue in the body.
3rd - the widespread use of psychotropic drugs like
Prozac and Ritalin that can make everyone happy Types of robotics
without the side effects of the drugs.
● Pre-Programmed Robots ( operate in a
21st century technologies controlled environment where they do
simple, monotonous tasks)
Genetic Engineering ● Humanoid robots ( robots that look like and/
- is the process by which an organisms’ or mimic human behavior-Sophia),
genetic material is altered or manipulated so ● Autonomous Robots ( operate
that the organism will have specific independently of human operators,
characteristics. ● Teleoperated Robots (mechanical robots
- It has been applied in numerous fields controlled by humans)
including research, medicine, industrial, ● Augmenting Robots (either enhance current
biotechnology and agriculture. human capabilities or replace the
- It can be used in Cloning, Genetically capabilities a human may have lost)
Modified Organisms (GMOs), Gene therapy
Robotics - is the study and manipulation of atomic or
- Is an interdisciplinary research area at the molecular scale to improve or even
interface of computer revolutionize many technology and industry
- science and engineering. It involves the sectors
conception, design, Artificial Intelligence
- manufacture and operation of robots. - “machines” that respond to stimulation
● Characteristics of Robots: Robots all consist consistent with traditional responses from
of some sort of mechanical construction, humans, given the capacity for
Robots need electrical components that contemplation, judgment and intention
control and power the machinery. - Alan Turing established the fundamental
● Applications: military robots ( to search, goal and vision of artificial intelligence. It is
rescue and attack), industrial robots ( IBM the attempt to replicate or simulate human
keyboard manufacturing factory in Texas), intelligence in machines.
- Norvig and Russell defined Artificial 2. Robot butlers
Intelligence in four approaches: Thinking 3. Flying cars
rationally, thinking humanly, acting rationally 4. Space tourism
and acting humanly. 5. Colonization of other planets
- It is being used in health care, energy 6. Wearable screens
development, finance, transportation, 7. 3D printed Food and Metal
aviation and telecommunications. 8. 5G-6G connectivity
- It includes autonomous vehicles such as 9. Re-engineering and Recycling
drones and self-driving cars, playing games 10.High-rise farms
such as chess or Go, search engines such 11.Lab-grown meats
as Google search, online assistants such as 12.Robot soldiers
Siri, image recognition in photographs, 13.Roads over rivers and seas
predicting flight delays and medical 14.Holography
diagnosis. 15.Body implants prosthesis
- Methods and Goals in AI: The symbolic ( or
top-down) approach seeks to replicate According to Nick Bostrom (2004), there are four
intelligence by analyzing cognition future scenarios for the humanity and technology
independent of the biological structure of
the brain in terms of the processing of 1. The extinction scenario
symbolic labels. and the connectionist ( 2. The recurrent collapse scenario
bottom-up) approach- involves creating 3. The plateau scenario
artificial neural networks in imitation of the 4. The cumulative probability of post humanity
brain’s structure.

a. Hearing colors/hearing at arm's length

b. Eye-camera/smart contact lens/eyeball
jewelry implant.
c. Human compass
d. Password pill
e. Electronic throats tattoo
f. Interaction with devices
g. Robots arm/ controlling wheelchair
h. Bionic limb
i. Artificial vision system
j. Terminator arm/ titan arm
k. USB finger/ Mind Uploading

Potential Societal Risk

➢Devaluation of humanity
➢Decrease in demand of human labor
➢High costs of creation
➢Ethical issues
➢Social isolation
➢Environmental Problems

Emerging Technology
1. Electric/ self-driving cars

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