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By Mary Josephine Gigax

It is my own variation of a peyote donut. It’s not hard since, for the 2 and 4 color ones,
you pick up the color you just came out of- like Cellini.
1. You string 40, 15/0 beads in the middle of a 4' line and tie it into a ring and slip thru
3 or 4 beads from the knot.
2. Wrap the other end of the line in a small card to keep it out of the way.
3. Begin peyote where the first side of the line comes out of the ring - one more rows
of 15/0, 3 rows of 11/0 and 3 rows of 8/0. - Don't forget to step up at the end of each row!
4. Weave the line thru a few beads of the last two rows of the 8/0s coming out of one
of the beads in the last row.
5. On the back side unwrap the second 1/2 of the line and work two more rows of 15/0,
3 rows of 11/0 and 3 rows of 8/0.
6. Wrap about 18" of yarn or cord around the inside of the wheel to give it volume.
7. Close the wheel with a 6/0 bead between the pairs of 8/0 beads that meet at the
outside edge of the wheel going thru an 8/0 bead on alternating sides as you go around
the outside. It will look like a zigzag with the 6/0 beads sitting at alternating angles.
8. When you arrive back at the first 6/0 bead slip thru the first 8/0 that you went thru
when you began the zigzag. Now zigzag thru the 6/0s and the opposite 8/0s of the one
you went thru the first time around. Continue past where you started and go around thru
the top rows and also weave the other end of the line thru the 6/0s and 8/0s in the
opposite direction until all the beads line up in neat rows. Tie off in any manner that hides
the ends.
- This Peyote works best with a somewhat loose tension. You can use combinations of
2, 4, 8 or 10 different colors - any even division of 40. When you start the ring just string
2 of each color; those being your rows 1 and 2 of the peyote.

This file is not to be shared outside of the Cellini Peyote Freaks group.

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