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A Prospective Trial: Handsfree Thermoregulated
Bipolar Radiofrequency for Face and Neck Contouring
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Erez Dayan, MD*


Anne Chapas, MD† Background: The use of radiofrequency in aesthetic surgery has evolved significantly
Joseph Marte, MD‡ since it was first introduced in the early 2000s. Nonexcisional correction of the lower
Christopher Chia, MD‡ one-third of the face and neck has long been a challenging problem. The purpose of
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Spero Theodorou, MD‡ this prospective study was to assess the safety and efficacy of the first handsfree ther-
moregulated bipolar radiofrequency device for face and neck contouring.
Methods: This prospective multicenter (New York, Nevada) IRB-approved study
evaluated healthy candidates who desired noninvasive correction of their lower
face and neck laxity. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate safety and
soft tissue remodeling pretreatment and at 1-, 3-, and 6-months post last treat-
ment. Assessment was made using blinded evaluators, 3D photographic analysis
(Quantificare, France), and volumetric measurements. Investigator and subject
assessments were obtained using a 0-4 point Likert scale.
Results: A total of 34 patients completed both the cheek and chin applicator treat-
ment series. Average age of patients was 38 (STD 3.4), BMI 27 (STD 2.2), aver-
age Baker Face & Neck classification 2.6 (STD 1.1), and average Fitzpatrick type
2.4 (STD 1.2). Mean treatment time was 41 min (STD 3.5) with a temperature
of 42°C–43°C. Patient discomfort data were statistically very low based on t-test
analysis. Satisfaction metrics measured at 1- and 3-month follow-up demonstrated
a significant change in subject skin appearance, subject overall satisfaction, and
investigator improvement perception. More patients were satisfied at the 3-month
follow-up compared with the 1-month follow-up for all three measures. Volumetric
data demonstrated an average change of −3.2 cm3 (STD ±1.2 cm3) per side for the
cheek applicator and −4.1 (STD ±2.3) for the submental applicator. Of note there
were cases where volume increases were noted that were believed to be related to
soft tissue contraction.
Conclusions: This is the first prospective study to evaluate a handsfree thermo-
regulated bipolar radiofrequency device for face and neck contouring. This
device demonstrates a significant advance in the control and delivery of radiofre-
quency for aesthetic purposes. With a favorable safety and comfort profile, this
device is able to concentrate thermal energy consistently at a depth that allows
for fibroseptal network tightening to improve lower third of face and submental
soft tissue contraction. (Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2022;10:e4194; doi: 10.1097/
GOX.0000000000004194; Published online 28 March 2022.)

INTRODUCTION industry for noninvasive and minimally invasive facial aes-

The multifactorial etiology of facial aging and increas- thetics continues to grow at an all-time high, with a cur-
ing demand for noninvasive and minimally invasive treat- rent estimated market size of 19 billion USD in 2019. This
ments have led to development of various modalities to includes treatments such as skin resurfacing (chemical
address the components of the aging face.1,2 As a result, peels, lasers, microneedling), energy-based devices (radio-
frequency, ultrasound), suspension methods (threads),
From the *Avance Plastic Surgery Institute, Reno/Tahoe, Nev.;
†New York, N.Y.; and ‡bodySCULPT, Union Derm, New York, N.Y. Disclosure: Dr. Dayan is a consultant at InMode,
Received for publication July 6, 2021; accepted January 4, 2022. Codeveloper at, and receives book royal-
ties from Thieme. Dr. Chapas, Chia, and Theodorou are con-
Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health,
sultants at InMode. Dr. Marte has no financial interest to
Inc. on behalf of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This
declare in relation to the content of this article.
is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0
(CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the
work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in Related Digital Media are available in the full-text ver-
any way or used commercially without permission from the journal. sion of the article on
DOI: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000004194 1
PRS Global Open • 2022

and volumizing methods (biologic and nonbiologic

fillers).3–13 Takeaways
Our current method of aesthetic facial analysis system- Question: How does radiofrequency produce soft tissue
atically divides the face into horizontal thirds to identify contraction?
and treat the predictable changes that occur per facial Findings: This prospective study demonstrated safety
region. Among the most challenging areas to correct has and efficacy of a handsfree noninvasive bipolar radiofre-
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been the lower face and neck. As opposed to the upper quency device in soft tissue contraction of the lower face
thirds of the face where volume deflation is a primary tar- and submental area. Consistent with previous studies,
get for correction, the lower third of the face and neck acquisition of temperatures (42°C–43°C) for the duration
requires correction of soft tissue laxity and descent (jowls of the treatments produce soft tissue contraction by stimu-
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and submental region), which has long been an elusive lation of neocollagenesis and elastin reorganization.
goal for the noninvasive or minimally invasive technolo-
Meaning: Noninvasive bipolar radiofrequency can achieve
gies.14,15 In fact, even traditional excisional surgery (ie,
safe and effective soft tissue contraction of the lower one-
facelift/necklift) is often challenging due to the tendency
third of the face and neck.
for recurrent laxity in these areas postoperatively.16
Numerous energy-based technologies have devel-
oped to address aesthetic concerns in the lower third of
the face and neck, including laser, cryolypolysis, high- settings, time of treatment, and inherent conductive prop-
intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), and radiofrequency erties of the tissue.
(RF).17–24 Over the past 20 years, RF has emerged as a safe The purpose of this study was to prospectively evaluate
and efficacious method to produce soft tissue contrac- the first “hands free” thermoregulated noninvasive bipo-
tion through thermal energy.3,5,14,15,25–29 Today’s RF devices lar radiofrequency technology (EVOKE; InMode, Lake
allow for closely regulated delivery of electrical currents Forest, Calif.) specifically intended to target lower one-
to achieve precise thermal effect in accordance with third of the face soft tissue laxity. (Fig. 1) To our knowl-
Ohm’s law (energy = current2 × impedance × time).14,15 edge, this is the first device designed to provide soft tissue
As RF is applied to different tissue types (ie, muscle, fat, contraction through noninvasive bipolar radiofrequency
skin), the inherent resistance or impedance leads to gen- in an automated delivery process.
eration of thermal energy. Tissues with higher imped-
ance (ie, dermis, fibroseptal networks, fat) generate more METHODS
heat than tissues with lower impedance (muscle). Once This multicenter prospective study was IRB approved
target temperatures are acquired and maintained, RF and complied with the Declaration of Helsinki. Subjects
has been shown to achieve soft tissue remodeling by two were healthy adults between the ages of 36–75 years
mechanisms: (1) cleavage of hydrogen bonds in the col- with visible signs of facial aging, seeking skin tightening
lagen triple helix structure, leading to immediate fibril treatments. Three centers conducted this study (New
denaturation and contraction/thickening of collagen, York, N.Y. & Reno/Tahoe, Nev.) with the goal of enroll-
and (2) a wound healing cascade is triggered to induce ing 10–20 subjects per site. Exclusion criteria included
neocollagenesis, angiogenesis, and elastogenesis, lead- any type of electrical implant (pacemaker, defibrilla-
ing to long-term soft tissue contraction.14,15 Clinical and tor), permanent implant in the treatment areas (metal
animal studies have both shown that after 10 minutes of plates, silicone implants, screws), current or history of
exposure to temperatures of 39°C–43°C, the amount of skin cancer, immune compromise, history of skin disor-
collagen increases from approximately 15% to 20% after ders (keloids, wound healing conditions), 6 months post
a 3-month follow-up period.30 Other studies have similarly any skin treatment (filler, microneedling, laser), or use
shown through electron microscopy that collagen fibrils of isotretinoin.
had a greater diameter after RF treatment.31 In addition, The primary objective of this study was to evaluate
Northern blot analysis has confirmed microinflamma- soft tissue remodeling pretreatment and at 1-, 3-, and
tory stimulation of fibroblasts and other substances that 6-months post last treatment. This was assessed using
enhance dermal structure.31 RF has not only been proved blinded evaluators (objective plastic surgeons not famil-
effective for skin tightening, but it has also been shown to iar with the device/study), 3D photographic analysis
trigger apoptosis in adipocytes.32 (Quantificare, France), and volumetric measurements.
Today’s aesthetic RF devices have advanced signifi- Investigator and subject assessments were obtained using
cantly over the first FDA approved RF device for facial a 0-4 point Likert scale at the 1-, 3-, and 6-month follow-
wrinkle reduction in 2004 (ThermaCool, Thermage, Inc., up visits. Baker Face & Neck classification was also utilized
Hayward, Calif.).33 The major advance has not only been in to classify patients (Fig 2). Adverse events and treatment
the RF energy delivery method itself but in depth, control, discomfort were closely monitored after each treatment.
and consistency of energy delivery. The balance between The treatment discomfort metrics were chin discomfort
temperatures that trigger a nonablative wound healing and cheek discomfort at each of the three treatments.
response to remodel collagen as opposed to ablating col- The six subject satisfaction metrics were measured on an
lagen is relatively narrow.14,15,29 The depth and degree of 11-point scale, where 0 = most comfortable, and 10 = most
energy transferred depends on several factors, including uncomfortable. The follow-up visit satisfaction metrics
the size and configuration of the treatment device, energy were (1) subject skin appearance evaluation, (2) subject

Dayan et al. • Handsfree Face and Neck Contouring
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Fig 1. Evoke Bipolar noninvasive radiofrequency device. A, Cheek applicator. B, Chin applicator.

overall satisfaction, and (3) investigator improvement of respondents reported no or very low chin or cheek dis-
rating. Because follow-up visits occurred twice (1-month comfort as a result of the procedure. In general, the dis-
follow-up and 3-month follow-up), there were six satisfac- comfort rate improved at each successive treatment. The
tion metrics in all. These six metrics were measured along discomfort was rated on a 1–10 point Likert scale, with
the same scale, where 0 = no change, and 4 = significantly 0 being no discomfort and 10 being maximal discomfort
marked improvement. (Table 1).
Next, these values were tested inferentially, utilizing a
one-sample t test against a hypothesized mean. Note that
RESULTS given the above distributions are skewed toward zero, the
This study was composed of 40 patients (n = 40) who Wilcoxon signed-rank test was conducted in addition.
completed all treatments, of which 34 participants com- The conclusions were the same, given the means and
pleted at least one follow-up visit. All subjects sought medians were closely aligned. Thus, only the one-sample
noninvasive treatment for facial aging and were in satis- t test results will be reported. First, a cutoff/test value
factory health. Patient demographics included an average of 5 was utilized, as 5 represented the middle value of
age of 38 (STD 3.4), BMI 27 (STD 2.2), average Baker the scale. For all three time points for chin and cheek
Face & Neck classification of 2.6 (STD 1.1), and average measures, the observed means were statistically signifi-
Fitzpatrick type 2.4 (STD 1.2) All patients were treated cantly different. That is, participants evaluated their chin
with both the cheek and chin applicators. Mean treatment and cheek discomfort well below the middle of the scale
parameters include temperature of 42°C–43°C for a mean (moderate discomfort), indicating low discomfort with
duration of 41 min (STD 3.5). the procedures. Decreasing the test value to be 2 (the
Given the nature of this study, the treatment results first quartile cutoff value, a low discomfort level) largely
were reported both descriptively and inferentially. tells the same story, though not all comparisons are sta-
Starting first with the descriptive results, the vast majority tistically different from one another. That is, treatment

Fig. 2. Baker face and neck classification.

PRS Global Open • 2022

Table 1. Chin and Cheek Discomfort Metrics at Each Treatment Interval

Chin Cheek
Discomfort Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3 Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3
0 52.5% 59.5% 65.7% 53.8% 54.1% 70.6%
1 7.5% 8.1% 8.6% 15.4% 16.2% 14.7%
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2 17.5% 10.8% 11.4% 7.7% 10.8% 2.9%

3 7.5% 8.1% 0.0% 7.7% 8.1% 5.9%
4 2.5% 2.7% 2.9% 5.1% 5.4% 2.9%
5 7.5% 5.4% 5.7% 5.1% 5.4% 2.9%
6 2.5% 2.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
7 2.5% 2.7% 5.7% 2.6% 0.0% 0.0%
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8 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.6% 0.0% 0.0%

1 of the chin discomfort evaluation did not differ from significant change compared with those who reported
a hypothesized cutoff value of 2 (though it was near the no change, by a large plurality. There is also anecdotal
0.05 P-value threshold, indicating marginal significance); evidence to suggest more people were satisfied at the
thus, the discomfort caused by this treatment can be con- 3-month follow-up compared with the 1-month follow-up
sidered low. The time 2 and 3 chin discomfort evaluations for all three measures.
were below a P-value of 0.05, indicating the discomfort One-sample t-tests against hypothesized means were
levels were considered very low. The other three cheek conducted for the following nine comparisons. The one-
discomfort evaluations were nearly identical. The mean sample t-test results were consistent with the descriptive
difference for the first evaluation was marginally different statistics results. The hypothesized mean value used in
from the hypothesized value of 2, indicating the discom- this series of tests was 0, as 0 represented no change. Each
fort caused by this procedure was considered low. For the of the nine tests was significant, indicating that for each
second and third treatments, the mean differences were metric, at all three time points, there was an observed
significantly lower than 2, indicating the discomfort in improvement compared with the hypothesized baseline
these visits was considered very low. The following table (no change). Another one-sample t-test was conducted
demonstrates the means, t scores, degrees of freedom, using the hypothesized mean value of 0.5; all tests were
and P-values of the size tests utilizing the cutoff values of also statistically significant, which indicates that all met-
2 and 5 (Table 2). rics were better compared with even a slight change. In
other words, subjects at all time points and for all mea-
Post-treatment Satisfaction and Evaluation Metrics surements reported larger improvements compared with
As previously mentioned, the satisfaction metrics, mea- minor improvement. The following table represents the
sured at 1-month follow-up and 3-month follow-up, were one-sample t-test results for the hypothesized comparison
(1) subject skin appearance evaluation, (2) subject overall value of 0.5 (Table 4).
satisfaction, and (3) investigator improvement rating, all The analysis of volumetric data obtained from our
along the same scale. The majority of respondents/inves- imaging software (Quantificare, France) provided valu-
tigators identified some to significant change compared able insights to soft tissue changes resulting from this
with no change; thus, the descriptive statistics are reported treatment. The research grade camera used digitally gen-
(Table 3), accordingly. That is, at 1-month, 3-month, and erates volumetric changes (Fig. 3). The RF technology
6-month follow-up, subject skin appearance, subject over- used in this study produced two effects seen on the volu-
all satisfaction, and investigator improvement percep- metric imaging: (1) soft tissue contraction and (2) adipose
tion were in agreement; more people reported some to remodeling. The average volume changes from the initial

Table 2. One-Sample t-test Statistics Results

Measure t df P Mean Mean Difference
Test value = 2
T1 chin discomfort −1.816 39 0.08 1.44 −0.563
T2 chin discomfort −2.273 36 0.03 1.27 −0.73
T3 chin discomfort −2.587 34 0.01 1.11 −0.886
T1 cheek discomfort −1.919 38 0.06 1.37 −0.628
T2 cheek discomfort −3.519 36 0.001 1.11 −0.892
T3 cheek discomfort −6.181 33 <0.001 0.65 −1.353
Test value = 5
T1 chin discomfort −11.504 39 <0.001 1.44 −3.563
T2 chin discomfort −11.617 36 <0.001 1.27 −3.73
T3 chin discomfort −11.347 34 <0.001 1.11 −3.886
T1 cheek discomfort −11.082 38 <0.001 1.37 −3.628
T2 cheek discomfort −15.355 36 <0.001 1.11 −3.892
T3 cheek discomfort −19.885 33 <0.001 0.65 −4.353

Dayan et al. • Handsfree Face and Neck Contouring

Table 3. Post-treatment Satisfaction and Evaluation Metrics

Measure n % No Change % Some to Significant Change
1MFU sub skin appearance 33 33.3% 66.7%
3MFU sub skin appearance 26 19.2% 80.8%
6MFU sub skin appearance 14 21.4% 78.6%
1MFU sub overall sat 33 24.2% 75.8%
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3MFU sub overall sat 26 15.4% 84.6%

6MFU sub overall sat 15 20.0% 80.0%
1MFU invest improve 31 35.5% 64.5%
3MFU invest improve 27 33.3% 66.7%
6MFU invest improve 14 35.7% 64.3%
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treatment to 6-month follow-up were −3.2 cm3 (STD ±1.2) the submental headpiece has three applicators, with each
per side for the cheek applicator and −4.1 (STD ±2.3) for applicator comprising three electrodes (Fig. 1). The bipo-
the submental applicator. Interestingly, there were cases lar RF travels directionally from the central electrode to
where volume increases were noted (Fig. 4). Although outer electrodes to achieve a volumetric bulk heating at
this could be due to weight gain, analysis of the images approximately a 4-mm depth, which impacts fibroseptal
indicates that that contraction of the soft tissue envelope networks between the superficial musculoaponeurotic
caused the imaging software to identify a volume increase system and dermal layers. Intervening thermostats were
rather than soft tissue contraction. engineered between the electrodes to be in contact with
In all, there is significant evidence to suggest this non- the skin and achieve real-time and responsive tempera-
invasive RF treatment is effective from treatment to treat- ture monitoring (Fig. 5). As opposed to other RF devices,
ment (by way of the chin and cheek discomfort measures) surface cooling is not necessary due to the tight ther-
and 1-, 3-, and 6-month follow-up (by way of the subject mal control, and depth of heat achieved with this device
skin appearance, subject overall satisfaction, and investi- configuration. The purpose of this configuration was to
gator improvement rate). The descriptive statistics results maximally impact fibroseptal network contraction, which
largely align with the results of the one-sample t-tests. has been shown to be more effective than only subder-
mal heating. The deep heating effect further allows for a
wider gradient of volumetric heat to be applied. The elec-
DISCUSSION trode size and coverage area also allows for bulk heating
The noninvasive thermoregulated bipolar radiofre- of the entire anatomic subunit. Rather than prior devices
quency device evaluated in this study represents significant that claim a “lift” effect, it has become clear that RF does
development in the delivery and control of RF energy. As not induce “lift,” but rather soft tissue contraction. Thus,
opposed to prior RF devices, this is the first device to pro- a wider treatment area is required to achieve a clinically
vide a handsfree treatment modality. This means that the impactful effect.
device could be placed on the patient, pre-set to target Traditionally, noninvasive energy-based aesthetic
temperatures, and activated, not requiring manual pro- devices have produced modest results due to the limited
vider application. The device automatically reaches target amount of energy that can be delivered safely at the der-
temperature within 1–2 minutes and regulates electro- mal/subdermal level without causing ablative injury to the
magnetic current delivery to achieve the predetermined skin surface. Without precise temperature control, prede-
temperature settings consistently throughout the treat- cessor devices either were “underpowered” and caused a
ment. This feature eliminates user variability previously few complications with limited to no results, or conversely
seen with other manual RF deliver methods, leading to the devices were “overpowered” and led to unacceptable
inconsistent energy delivery and outcomes.3,5,14,25 percentage of thermal injuries. Radiofrequency micronee-
Another unique feature is the use of deep bipolar RF dling devices were a partial solution to this by bypassing
energy, which reaches 4-mm depth and targets the lower the skin level and delivering deeper RF energy; however,
one-third of the face and submental laxity through two most of these devices had energy concentrated between
separate components (cheek and submental). Each side the needle tips, thus not volumetrically heating the soft
of the cheek headpiece contains four applicators, and tissue envelope.

Table 4. One-Sample t-test Statistics Results (Test Value = 0.5)

Measure t df P Mean Mean Difference
1MFU skin appearance 3.04 32 0.01 1.06 0.56
1MFU overall sat 4.56 32 0.00 1.64 1.14
1MFU invest improvement 2.72 30 0.01 0.94 0.44
3MFU skin appearance 4.41 25 0.00 1.39 0.88
3MFU overall sat 4.64 25 0.00 1.77 1.27
3MFU invest improvement 2.99 26 0.01 1.07 0.57
6MFU skin appearance 2.96 13 0.01 1.29 0.79
6MFU overall sat 2.28 14 0.04 1.07 0.57
6MFU invest improvement 2.14 13 0.05 1.07 0.57

PRS Global Open • 2022

Fig. 4. Increased volumetric assessment due to soft tissue contraction.

Fig 3. Volumetric image analysis (Quantificare, France).

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Dayan et al. • Handsfree Face and Neck Contouring

37% of the surgical facelift.35 Peterson et al36 also studied

objective measurements of mechanical skin properties
and demonstrated a statistically significant improvement
(5%–12% decrease in Young’s modulus and 10%–16%
decrease in retraction time), as well as 1.42 grade improve-
ment on the Fitzpatrick scale for wrinkles, and 0.66 on
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the Alexiades scale for skin laxity, increasing to 1.57 and

0.70 improvement at 6 months.36 Patient satisfaction was
noted to be “very high” for more than 90% of patients.36
Multiple other studies have corroborated these findings
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by showing efficacy of nonablative multisource RF as a

single modality for face/body contouring.37–39 Similar to
the findings of Mulholland and Hruza et al, this technol-
ogy allows for thermal stimulation from an “inside-out-
side” method, directing the heat gradient from 4 mm of
depth toward the dermis.10 The patient comfort and 1-,
3-, and 6-month follow-up measurements utilized in this
study (subject skin appearance, subject overall satisfac-
tion, and investigator improvement rate) all are statisti-
Fig. 5. Thermostats between electrodes. cally consistent with this explanation. The 3D volumetric
data obtained in this study demonstrate that the soft tis-
sue contraction effect of the RF supercedes volume loss.
The aesthetic application of radiofrequency energy One consideration that arises with the use of this tech-
delivery stimulates neocollagenesis functions through an nology is the possibility that RF will impact adipocyte
Arrhenius time versus temperature relationship (Fig. 6). viability and lead to undesireable volume loss. This is of
Studies suggest that for millisecond exposures, the shrink- concern, as modern aesthetics aims to revolumize facial
age temperature is above 85°C, whereas for exposures fat compartments that decrease with age. However, our
for several seconds, the shrinkage temperature is in the volumetric data demonstrate that some volume loss in the
range of 60°C–65°C.31,34 For every 5°C decrease in tem- lower one-third of the face is aesthetically desirable, espe-
perature, a 10× increase in time is required to achieve a cially when combined with a more significant soft tissue
comparable collagen contraction.31,34 Although the “ideal contraction (Figs. 7, 8). (See figure, Supplemental Digital
time” has been elusive, it has been well established that Content 1, which displays (A) before and (B) after results
using lower temperatures (fluence) for a longer period EVOKE (InMode, Lake Forest, Calif.). http://links.lww.
of time is more effective at collagen stimulation, rather com/PRSGO/B967.)
than using higher temperatures and shorter time.14,15,29 There were a number of limitations to this study.
Further, it has been postulated that lower temperatures Although this study was appropriately powered for statisti-
may additionally stimulate fibroblasts to form collagen. cal analysis, there were only 34 patients who completed
Seo et al compared facial soft tissue laxity improvements the entire study follow-up period. We would have pre-
with RF versus surgical facelift using blinded grading of ferred a larger sample size to obtain more information on
photographs.35 They demonstrated a 49% improvement the efficacy of this treatment on various age brackets to
in skin laxity relative to baseline for the surgical facelift better ascertain expectations for treatment and who is the
compared with 16% for bipolar RF. Further the mean lax- ideal candidate. The volumetric data obtained by the 3D
ity improvement form a single bipolar RF treatment was camera system used did not account for soft tissue laxity,
and data may have been confounded by changes in soft
tissue laxity that may skew volume readings. It also would
have been preferable to exclude patients who had any pro-
cedure on their faces/neck in the past as some patients
may have had lingering effects (ie, filler) that would have
confounded the effect of RF alone. Also, there are more
objective scales that are currently being applied to future
prospective studies, including the Fitzpatrick wrinkle
scale and Alexiades skin laxity scale as well as surface area
This is the first prospective study to evaluate a hands-
free thermoregulated bipolar radiofrequency device for
face and neck contouring. This device demonstrates a sig-
nificant advance in the control and delivery of radiofre-
quency for aesthetic purposes. With a favorable safety and
comfort profile, this device is able to concentrate thermal
Fig. 6. Arrhenius time versus temperature relationship. energy consistently at a depth that allows for fibroseptal

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Fig. 7. A 52-year-old female patient before (A) and after (B) Evoke treatment.

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