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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Business Administration
Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Technical University

Submitted by
Varsha Yadav
MBA ( 2020-2022)
Roll No: 2011310700037
Under the Guidance of
Mr. Saurabh Shukla

I undersigned, hereby declare that the summer internship project titled “A

ADVISOR” submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of Degree of Master
of Business Administration of A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University
is a bonafide record of work done by me under the guidance of Mr.Saurabh
Shukla . This report has not previously formed the basis for the award of any
degree, diploma, or similar title of any University.

Date: Varsha Yadav


I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind
support and help of many individuals. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

I am highly indebted to Mr. Saurabh Shukla for her guidance and constant supervision as
well as for providing necessary information regarding the project and also for her support
in completing the project.

I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to industry persons for giving me such attention
and time.

This is to certify that the report titled “A STUDY TO UNDERSTAND THE ONBOARDING
PROCESS AT CSA ADVISOR” being submitted by Varsha Yadav, Roll No. 201131070003
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of
Business Administration, is a bonafide record of the project work done by Varsha
Yadav of Master of Business Administration , Allenhouse Institute Of Management.

Mr.Saurabh Shukla Dr.Bhagwan Jagwani

Head of Department Director

The project titled “A Study to understand the on boarding procedure at CSA ADVISOR” was
conducted to understand the ongoing process of welcoming new candidate on board by the HR
Department of CSA ADVISOR. The study and project were more focused on the joining
process. It explains how the new hires are required to fill in the formality which varies in cases
of Head office, Branch and other transfer cases. It further tells about the importance of
onboarding and the procedure of documents verification.

This Summer Internship report is intended to study about the Joining process of new employees
at CSA ADVISOR. The onboarding process helps new hired employees to adjust to the
performance and social aspects of their jobs so they can be efficient, productive and are majorly
able to contribute to the organization.

When an employee joins an organization, it is essential to provide the employee with a positive
joining experience. Therefore, an onboarding plan prior to their joining is to be prepared.
As a part of my 2 month internship, I was a part of the Joining team which was responsible for
conducting and fulfilling joining formalities of new candidates.
This report will include the procedure of joining at CSA ADVISOR.
Table of Content

Chapter Particular(s) Page


Introduction 1-25
2 Literature Review 26-27
Research Methodology 28-30
Data Analysis 31-32
Conclusion 33-34
Chapter 35-37
Recommendations and Limitations



The term human resource was coined in the early 1900's, and it became widespread in the
1960's, to describe people who work for the organization. In short, Human Resources or HR is
the company's department responsible for finding, evaluating, hiring, and training job applicants,
and managing employee benefit programs.

HR plays a very important role in helping companies cope with the rapidly changing situation
and the great need for quality employees.

Human resources are a group of people who form employees of an organization, business,
industry or economy.

In simple terms, the HR (Human Resources) department is the team responsible for managing
the health cycle of employees.

The labour department (labour department) of the organization performs human resource
management, overseeing various aspects of employment, such as compliance with labour law
and employment standards, negotiations, employee benefits management, organizing staff files
for future reference documents, and other aspects of employment (also known as talent
acquisition) and dismissals. They serve as a link between the management of the organisation.
A human resources manager has various functions in a campany:

• Determine the needs of the staff.

• Determine whether to use temporary staff or hire employees to fill these needs.
Determine do's & don'ts.
• Recruit the best employees
• Train employees and upgrade their learning knowledge.
• Supervise the work.
• Evaluate the work.
• Establish 'Discipline work culture' in the organization.
• Avoid politics in the office.
• Apply 'HR Software' for the ease of work in the organization.
• Manage employee relations. If there are unions, perform collective bargaining.
• Prepare employee records and personal policies.

• Manage employee payroll, benefits, and compensation.

• Ensure equal opportunities.
• Deal with discrimination.
• Deal with performance issues.
• Ensure that human resources practices conform to various regulations.

• Motivate employees.
• Mediate disputes.
• Disseminate information to the organization to achieve its growth.

Managers need to improve their interpersonal skills in order to be successful.

Human resource (HR) is the division of business that is responsible for finding, evaluating,
hiring and training job applicants, and managing employee benefit programs. HR plays an
important role in helping companies cope with the rapidly changing business environment and
the great need for high-quality employees in the 21st century.

The presence of an HR department is essential to any business, regardless of the size of the
organization. The Department of Labor is tasked with increasing the productivity of the
workforce and protecting the company from any potential conflicts between employees. HR
obligations include compensation and benefits, hiring, shooting, and knowing of any laws that
may affect the company and its employees.

There are a lot of roles which the HR perform in an organization. Let’s look at the major roles
carried out by the HR department;

Selector: the HR department is responsible for recruiting new talents into an organization. The
HR should verify the applicant and make sure he fit in for the position and go with the flow of
the organization.

Trainer: HR is responsible for giving initial training for the new recruits. This includes giving
awareness about their job, making them understand about the company policies etc.

Moderator: the HR will be the moderator between the company and the employee. Any matter
of the employee or the company shall be passed to both the parties via the HR channel only.

Organizer: the HR is responsible for organizing various programs associated with an


Leader: HR is responsible for creating a positive influence among the employees and the
company through his/her smart work.

In case of any problem situation which arises from the employee side the HR should find out
about the problem, know what the employee is going through and motivate him. These all are
the roles carried out by the HR department. For the proper development of an organization, the
employee organization channel should be transparent and threat free. For making this happen the
HR department’s assistance is very much needed.

There are a lot of important responsibilities which the HR department has to carry out for the
smooth functioning of an organization. Let’s go through the main responsibilities of the HR


One of the major responsibilities of the HR department. Recruiting new talents to an

organization is a strenuous task. This has to be carried out without space for any errors also. The
various steps in the recruitment process include finding out the openings, sort out applicants,
invite them for the interview and select the most suitable applicant.


Another responsibility of the HR department is the training given for the new employee. The HR
should make sure that the new recruit is undergoing proper training without flaws and he is
developing his skill set through proper training. The HR should have a proper follow up of the
new recruit until he is ready to face the job front confidently.
Employee development

Human resource development is also one of the key functions of the Department of Labor.
Employee development can be achieved through a variety of strategies such as metrics that give
the employee a sense of identity, knowledge of his or her weaknesses and strengths and
transform it into a complete, effective workforce communication that narrows the
communication gap between the employee and the organization. develop the enthusiasm of its
work. An obligation was therefore made to develop the staff of the Department of Labour to
preserve the work culture.

This is a very important responsibility of the HR department because only when a nice work
culture is maintained in the office productive work will be ensured from the side of the
employees. To make this happen fun-filled and friendly environment can be introduced in the
office and the HR department can show some good attitude which will surely promote a good
working culture.

Resolving problems

When some problems arise between the employee and the organization it is the responsibility of
the HR department to resolve these problems and find a proper solution for it. Same is the case
when conflict arises in between employees.

Knowledge about legal formalities

The HR should have some basic knowledge about the basic legal employee laws like labor law,
tax law, working hours, minimum wages, no discrimination policies etc. this is an important
responsibility since the office rules and regulations, pay scale, leaves etc. should be formulated
strictly obeying these laws.

‘HRM is the management of employees with an emphasis on those employees as assets of the
business.’ Here, employees are referred to as employees. The goal is to use employees
effectively, reduce risk and maximize profits in investment.

Human resource management is a wise and effective way of managing people in a company or
organization as they help their business gain a competitive advantage. It is designed to enhance
employee performance by serving the purpose of the employer's strategy. It’s a habit of
managing people to get better performance.HRM is the work of an organization that manages
everything that pertains to its people.

Human Resource Management is essential to any organization, and it is more than just hiring and
firing employees.Human Resource Management focuses on hiring, directing, and managing
human assets and developing strategic plans for the future.

Human resource management is also a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing

people and the workplace culture and environment. We have done well, empowering employees
to contribute effectively and efficiently to the overall management of the company and to the
achievement of the goals and objectives of the organization.Members of the department provide
the information, tools needed, training, administrative services, training, legal and administrative
advice, and the management of the talent management needed by the entire organization to
function effectively.
HRM employees have an integral part of ensuring that the organization has shared goals, vision,
and values and provides a good reason why employees want to work for their organization. These
elements can inspire and help employees feel like they are part of something bigger.

Additional HRM-sponsored activities may include staff and community members. They are
general trainers and staff who talk about giving, employee engagement activities, and events
involving staff families.

HRM services are also performed by personnel managers who are directly responsible for the
involvement, contribution, and productivity of their reporting staff. In a fully integrated talent
management system, managers play a key role and manage the hiring process. They are also
responsible for the continued development and retention of senior staff.

HRM deviates from traditional, administrative and marketing roles, which are increasingly
marginalized. The HRM function is now expected to add value to staffing and ensure that the
recommended and implemented programs have an impact on the business in a measurable
positive way.

Employees working for HRM should also help keep their employer and company safe from
legal and labor unrest. They must take a proactive approach to work for all organizers:
customers, managers, owners, managers, employees and shareholders. HRM is a management
function that assists managers to recruit, select, train and develop members of the organization.
HRM is concerned about the status of people in organizations. The following forms the core
of HRM-
• HRM Involves Application of Management Services and Policies. Functions and policies

are used to acquire, develop, maintain and remunerate employees in the organization.
• Employee Decision Resolving should be Consolidated. Decisions on various aspects of
staff must be consistent with other personnel (HR) decisions.
• Decisions Contribute to the Good Work of the Organization. The efficiency of the

organization will lead to improved customer service in the form of high quality products that are
offered at reasonable cost.
• HRM services are not limited to Business Structures but also to non-business

organizations such as education, health care, entertainment and more.

The range of HRM is really huge. All major roles in an employee's working life - from the time
he or she joins the organization until he or she leaves the organization are subject to HRM
guidance. Major HRM activities include HR planning, job analysis, job creation, staffing,
employment and high pay, employee motivation, employee care, industrial relations and HRM
prospects. The scope of Human Resource Management extends to:

All decisions, strategies, objects, policies, practices, practices, duties, duties and
procedures relating to the management of persons as employees in any type of organization
All human-related values in their employment relationship, and all emerging dynamics.

The role of HRM is to plan, develop and manage policies and programs designed to make full
use of trade unions. That is the part of management that deals with people at work and their
relationships within businesses.
Its objectives are:
(a) effective use of personnel,
(b) desirable working relationships between all members of organizations, and
(c) the full development of the individual. Human resources operate primarily as
administrative and operational

HR professionals have an all-encompassing role. They need to have a thorough knowledge of

the organization and its difficulties as well as its difficulties. The main goal for every HR person
should be to improve communication between the employee and the organization because the
employee's commitment to the organization is important .


Also known as organizational integration, boarding refers to the process by which new
employers acquire knowledge, skills, character, culture to have a positive impact on the
organization. It is a process that helps employees familiarize themselves with the products,
services and much more about the organization in which they will work.
The purpose of the Onboarding process is to build a long-term relationship between the
organization and its employees while approving the decision of the candidate to join the
Every business is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach to companies to handle the
entry process for candidates. As shown by the Human Resource Management Association,
"Entry is a process in which new employers become familiar with all aspects of their work
quickly and easily, and learn the KSA and the behaviors needed to function effectively within
the organization."
HR is not a problem for the success of the company’s boarding process; every senior manager
must participate in this process from the first stage. Companies should do a wider boarding
process rather than take it lightly. This step can help to improve the integration of candidates into
a complete system. Entry programs are usually managed by departmental human resources or
training departments. These programs can include a variety of training-related activities
including workshops, formal classes, informal training, exercises and tests. The length of time
required to perform the boarding process can change and a number of factors including company
size, industry and job performance can serve as variables.

The boarding process works for two major company purposes. With the help of the boarding
process organizations can quickly train their newly hired employees to produce and at the same
time contribute to their first perception of the organization they have just agreed to work for.
These first impressions are important in building and developing relationships, as mentioned
above, employer-employee relationships.

Employee ride is the process of introducing new employees into your business. It usually
involves taking the necessary steps to ensure that new employees are accepted into their new
role, have a full understanding of the company and its work, and have clear expectations about
the responsibilities of their role.
From start to finish, there are a few steps you should take to ensure that your new employer gets
the best first impression you can have before, during and after starting their new role. Some of
these steps include job allocation, pre-equipment, their first day schedule and planning for them
with any resources they need to complete their task.

Staff rides are not a one-size-fits-all process. They should start from the assignment and
continue to pass and pass their exam period. By putting more emphasis on your employee riding
strategy, you can ensure that your new employers feel empowered and motivated to start on the
right foot.

Employee boarding procedures are more than just what the first day looks like and making sure
they do their paperwork. It is an opportunity to remind new employees why they have accepted
the application, what they should look forward to and what the company will do to protect their

It also plays an important role in protecting the company in a number of ways. Here are five
reasons why staff travel is important:

• Profit reduction - The estimated cost of filling a vacancy varies between 30-150% of
your salary.Regardless of the size of your business, this value is significant. But you can
prevent employee flexibility with appropriate measures in place. Now more than ever,
employees will not stay with the company if they are unhappy. As a result, employers need
to take advantage of every opportunity to ensure the well-being of their employees. And
what better place to start than before their first date.

• Make the right first image - the first impression is everything. Even before the offer

goes into the candidates' email inbox with the proper boarding process, there is a chance to
make a first impression. New employees who feel their first date is well-planned may feel
immediately involved with their new team and new role. They forget to plan their first date,
and they may feel unwanted, forgotten, or regretted taking the gift. And it’s a good time to
integrate corporate culture and make it stand out from your first impression.

• Helps to enrich company culture - Company culture is a factor in which baptismal

candidates decide where they want to work. But the company culture that stays in the face
of the company’s category about us will not keep the new job for long. It should guide the
tone of your boarding process and help guide the prices you share for your new rental.
• It is also important as a business that the employer is in line with the company's culture.

• Encourages communication between employees - New employers need to communicate

with their team and manager immediately on the first day (if not already). By encouraging
networking, you can ensure full and engaging production that will make new hiring faster
with their new role faster. Failure to promote communication between employees and new
appointments may feel isolated and uncomfortable, barring them from the light of their new

• Empowering new employees - The ride process that focuses on new appointments and

makes them feel comfortable empowers new team members and excites them about their
future. Each new job brings the potential for success and success. Losing the power of new
hire by wrong ride is a missed opportunity.

Rides need to be well-planned and operational in order to be successful. Below are six steps you
can take to begin the process of preparation for adoption.

Recruitment of new staff

Whether you own a coffee shop, a dental practice or a swimming school, the hiring process is

As we all know the COVID epidemic is changing the way we live around the
world. Before that Covid performance parameters are completely different and
after Covid there is a big difference in our operating style pattern. Every industry,
every sector, business suffered during the COVID era. Some of them are
completely closed, some of them work hard and some of them do well. It depends
on the strategies they use to survive on COVID.

Same As HR- The Department of human resource is also changing its operating
system and operating style. Many organizations have allowed their employees to
work from home. Even in the fields of education, the school, and the colleges
where young children attend, they probably got their education. We have all
embraced the change of survivors. We are all fighting for our place of residence to
embrace all forms of subsistence.

As all employees work remotely (in their homes), HR work has grown
exponentially. In addition to managing the day-to-day running of staff,
Employment, Selection and Deployment of staff is also done on-
Therefore, Visible Employee Access is Required at the moment.

Now the question arises as to how you will board your new hire when their first
day of office is away from their office and home? How are you going to give them
induction training, how are you going to introduce them to your team members?
How do you include them so that there is a strong bond between the new employee
and the Company and they can understand your Company's Culture and-

1. Company Introduction
When your new employee joins the company, they feel confident on their first date
and when they know they will be included in the e-induces so their difficulty
increases so in this case HR needs to have a lot of experience with them. There
should be a separate conference room where HR needs to offer online, let them
know about team members, and keep them informed of policies and procedures.
The employee should feel comfortable.

2. Welcome to email
A welcome email should be sent to the employee by marking all other participants
in the bcc where the appropriate welcome note should be present for the employee
to feel happy. Welcome messages from the CEO, HR or Team Manager can be
stated in the welcome email.
Team Introduction or a visual introduction with appropriate team members is also
very important as it is part of the Presentation. When the whole office operates
remotely so it is necessary that a face-toface presentation should be there. The
introduction should be directly related to Zoom or Microsoft Team etc. Everyone
should get to know each other face to face.

3. Website-

Use your expertise to make the ride process as smooth as possible. We suggest that
you create a website for your policies and procedures that your new employer can
refer to when needed. As part of your previous boarding process, you can email
them a link to this site, which they can use in their spare time.

4. Reviewing Company Culture-

Your Company Culture will make a big difference whether the person you join will
stay in your company or not or leave early. This is an HR function where the proper
representation of the Company Procedure must have the feel of the employee. It's all
about making your new job feel special and welcome, don't be left behind.

Apart from this the HR staff needs to ensure that at the time of joining the job the A
Detailed Company Manual needs to be offered the job on the first day of joining.
During the eboardbook unregistered board may be provided to employees to hear
contact with the Company.
Lack of presence and face-to-face contact at work should not be a barrier to
accepting new appointments. Although many remote workers are just beginning to
get home, preparation and ordering may help them to speed up. The more you
prepare, the better. Here is our short list of good rides to hire managers to try.
1. Change the board board content to material
A well-prepared HR team will already have a defined boarding process in place.
However, that process will be designed in line with the concept of physical presence
in the workplace.
Your remote riding content needs to be set up for remote and visible employees.
Whether you are learning to create employee riding videos or using a slideshow,
you will need to decide what your virtual ride package will contain.
Welcome Pack
When a new group member joins, they are usually given a welcome pack
containing important documents. You can still offer this as part of your virtual ride
process. However, you will need to make sure it is re-packaged into a digital
E-Learning Instructions
When new team members start, I may not know how to use the tools and programs
you use. There are two ways to deal with this. First create an instructional video.
That will guide them through the tools, resources, and business plans they need to
know about.
2. Create Visual Presentation

We've already mentioned how important it is to turn your ride presentation into a
reality. That doesn't mean you can't talk to new employers about their roles. But
you still need to create a visual presentation to explain what is required of them in
their new role.
That first encounter with the company will be a big part of the first day of work.
Therefore, you need to ensure that the same value is given to the visual
presentation as personal. For example, if you ride in a group of active members,
especially many remote vendors on the same day, consider having group
presentations that will add a sense of belonging.

3. Schedule a call before the date of joining

Personnel management can put great pressure on new employees. This is why it is so
important that the HR team reaches out to new employees before they start. This is
one of the best pre-ride options that gives HR a chance
About Company-


(CSA ADVISOR) is one of the leading players in the Indian financial services
space, engaged in the investment as well as financial services. CSA ADVISOR is a
key player in both retail and institutional segments. Our strength has been to
continuously innovate and reinvent ourselves with strong digital footprint. The
company is a leading player in the broking industry. The company provide
execution, advisory and research service across products like equity, F&O,
Commodity & Currency and Mutual Funds, AIF and PMS. The company is actively
engaged into selling of all the investment products in the market and is working
closely with banks, AMCs and other financial institution.


of the finest organizations in India dealing in financial services. It provides advisory
services to clients in order to help meet challenges and understand the opportunities
that arise in the Global & Indian Financial Market.
The prime objects of CSA ADVISOR are:

▪ CSA ADVISOR plays a key in both Retail and Institutional segments.

▪ As a part of CSA ADVISOR, our clients are provided with advice related to
financial services including equity, commodity & currency, F&O, mutual funds,
AIF and PMS.
▪ Guide and help clients to ensure their wealth investment decision with us comes
out to be fruitful.

Our strengths leave a remarkable digital footprint in designing and developing

development strategies that will ultimately help our clients. In addition to financial
services the CSA advisor also includes investment planning and is a leading
competitor in the Broking industry. Our vision is not bound by any limit; our
mission is to spread our services around the world.

Details of internship-

Description - Interns must recruit a minimum of 20 candidates who are interested in

joining CSA Management Pvt Ltd.

Task 1-

Responsibilities :

⚫ Overseeing the hiring process, which includes coordinating job posts,

reviewing resumes, and performing reference checks.
⚫ Task Duration - 15 to 20 days.
⚫ performance status was weekly updated in the Team’s excel sheet.

Task 2-

Description - those candidates who qualified the first task, were given 4
options to choose from as the main activity for their second task.

◼ Interviewing

◼ Offer letter management

◼ Certificate management 4. DMS (Data Management Service)

Responsibilities :

• Preparing or updating employment records related to hiring, promoting

and terminating.
• Explaining Human Resources policies, procedures , laws and standards
to new and existing employees.
• Informing job applicants of job
duties,responsibilities,benefits,schedules,working conditions, promotion
opportunities etc.
• Task duration - Totally depended on the intern's choice.
Apply form provided by the company-

CSA ADVISOR provides an apply form to their interns and ask them to make that
form fill by the candidates who wants to apply for the job.

Here is the form:-


The purpose of this study is to understand the on boarding procedure that takes place
at CSA ADVISOR. An on boarding program is a very important stage which helps
the newly hired or transferred employees to develop the required skills, knowledge
and behaviours to become valuable contributors to an organization.

The aim of the Onboarding process is to build up a long-term relationship between

the organization and its workers while endorsing the candidate’s decision of joining
the company.

The onboarding process serves two major purposes for the company. With the help
of the onboarding process organizations can quickly train their freshly hired staff to
be productive and simultaneously influence their first impressions of the
organization they have just agreed to work for.

Kammeyer- Mueller &Wanberg, 2003: The purpose of on boarding is not solely

about exchanging information, but the process is extremely important for
determining retention rates and commitment of employees towards the
organization. Employees who are absolutely clear about their job, they tend to
experience more positivity towards the organization which indicates the positive
relationship between job role clarity and organization commitment.

Stein & Christiansen (2010, 24): Onboarding brings a lot of experience for the
new hires that tend to synthesize as per the experience and responds within the first
year of employment, but only the few that are managed by centralized HR

Little (2015): An effective onboarding must give the feeling of confirmation to the
new hires to of becoming a contributing member of the organization in the shortest
period, while engaging the employee to enhance productivity and improve the
opportunity for the company to retain the employee. Kauhanen (2010, 151):
Onboarding helps the employee to know his or her working community, work place
and actual work, which includes knowing the organization’s business idea, vision,
mission, values and practices.
This also includes understanding or knowing other people, such as new colleagues,
customers and other important stakeholders. Work guidance means receiving an
induction to the new job role and expectations related to the new role.



• To understand the joining process at CSA ADVISOR.

• To understand the various methods of onboarding.
• To analyse the various aspects involved in the Onboarding

Research Design-

The report will be based on qualitative research. Qualitative research involves

collecting and analysing non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or audio) to
understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It can be used to gather in-depth
insights into a problem or generate new ideas for research .
Data sources are-: Primary and Secondary data.


• The primary data is collected from a source of origin where the data
is generated.
• Primary data means first-hand information collected by an
• It is collected for the first time.
• It is original and more reliable.
In this report, the primary source is observation. The joining procedure at CSA
ADVISOR is observed closely for 2 month.


• Secondary data refers to second-hand information.

• It is not originally collected and rather obtained from already
published or unpublished sources.

For this study, in order to have a proper understanding of the onboarding

procedure a depth study was done from the various sources such as internet, a lot of
data is collected from the official website of CSA ADVISOR and the articles from
various search engines like Google.
Scope of the study

⚫ The research was design to contact new recruits and collect data regarding
the Onboarding process.

⚫ The study is an attempt to determine the effectiveness of the Onboarding

program at the organisation.

⚫ To analyze current recruitment and selection procedure of tareeqa global

solution Consultant.

⚫ To recommend some suggestions based on findings and weaknesses of

selection and recruitment procedure of tareeqa global solution Consultant.


On boarding a candidate is one of the most important procedures that HR takes

well care of. When a new candidate joins the company, he/she comes across
various feelings and expectation from the organization and its working

The very first day in the new office is always filled with curiosity, nervousness,
questions, joy and confusion. Therefore, it is important the new employee is made
comfortable within the environment. The person who is responsible for on
boarding new joiners plays a very important role.


is one of the leading players in the Indian financial services space, engaged in the
investment as well as financial services.
CSA ADVISOR is a key player in both retail and institutional segments.

When an employee joins the company, it is important to provide a positive joining

experience to the new employee.

The Talent Acquisition team of CSA ADVISOR handles the recruitment part and
conducts interviews to find potential candidates for the available vacancy in the
organization. If the candidate is selected, a prejoining verification of the employee
conducted. It includes the verification of the previous or one before the previous
company the employee was working for.

The rest is handled by the on boarding team. CSA ADVISOR is a key player in
both retail and institutional segments. The person who is responsible for on
boarding new joiners plays a very important role

Human Resource department is mainly responsible for various responsibilities, out

of which, welcoming the new employee on board is the most important.
It is essential for the people of the HR department to make the right environment
for people to work in a manner to gain optimum utilization of resources within
limited time. As an intern on my duration 2 month internship at CSA ADVISOR
India, I was able to get as much exposure as possible. As an intern I was not
permitted to use the software for seeking approvals from the concerned reporting
heads during the joining process but I was allowed to assist and was given
responsibility to complete the manual process only.

Following are the points that I observed from my internship-

• There are around 15-20 total joining every day at CSA ADVISOR.
There is comparatively more manual work in the joining process.
• For verifying documents of the employees, a pre and post joining
verification takes place by an outsource company.
• Formal Induction sessions by HR are delayed frequently.

• There is no biasness.
• CSA ADVISOR has a very well

• corporate environment.


As an intern it is hard to give any commendation with slight working knowledge but I
have tried my best to give best recommendations to improve the Recruitment and
Selection procedures of CSA ADVISOR..

There should be proper formal induction sessions even when it is just for few
numbers of new employees.

• Employee Engagement Activities should be considered.

• Implementation of digitization should be on priority.
• The joining formalities should also be digitized.
• Temporary Ids to be provided to the interns for better understanding of the

• Should be reduced pressure: To decrease pressure there need more

manpower to track their purposeful work. They cannot make sure that all
the code of behavior is followed by the employees because of huge force of
recruitment. So enough manpower is needed to decrease pressure

• As an intern, usage of SAP for seeking approvals from reporting head was not

• Interns were not allowed to go through any data because of confidentiality

• Managing Director is the sole specialist approve finally for any business or
functional choice. Only after receiving authorization from the Managing Director,
HR Division starts all their functioning as per technique.

• Current HR management always talks to include line managerin HR Practices.

involves both HR manager, line managers in theirrecruitment and selection

• HR Division of Consultant doesn’t contact with those interviewees who failed in

their recruitment and selection processes.

• Human Resource division organize Training program for final candidates.

• They cannot make sure that all the code of behavior is followed by the


2. Company Profile

3. Decenzo, David, A., Robbins Stephen. P., Fundamentals of Human


Management, 8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2002.

4. Braun, S.A. (1995). Helping Managers become effective job interviewers’

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5. Herbert, Heneman, G., Timothy, Judge, A., staffing organization; 5th

Edition, McGraw-Hills Inc.

6. Belcourt, M, &McBey, K, (2004). Strategic Human Resource Planning.

7. Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D., & Wanberg, C. R. (2003). Unwrapping the

Organizational Entry Process: Disentangling Multiple Antecedents and
Their Pathways toAdjustment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 779-

8. Stein,
M., & Christiansen, L. (2010). Successful onboarding: strategies to
unlock hidden value in the organization. New York: McGraw-Hill
Professional. 41, 673-679.

9. Little, S. 2015. What is Employee Onboarding -- And Why You Need It?
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12. Helsinki. 15
Recruitment and Selection Procedure of CSA

Recruitment philosophy

CSA ADVISOR typically train inner staffing but when essential rises they go
outside enrolment to sealup the jobs.
CSA ADVISOR continuously adores to rent folks for extensive old-fashioned of
while, Company bounce more importance them who needs to grow encouraged
to mid places.
The company nation of CSA ADVISOR is to indulgence workers with surprising
underling not overalloperative. Calm they method a household and they
consume a adjacent oath which persuades them to labor as squad.

CSA ADVISOR has two kinds of recruitment:

Yearly staffing: This is complete every time, rendering to the HR strategy.

Need-based employments: This is complete once there is an unexpected job.

Style of Employment

CSA ADVISOR has three kinds of service to encounter the uppermost

instruction of the gratification equal of its Business. These are:
• Filled Time
• Placement Programs for Scholars
Recruitment Sources:

typically indorses from indoors and outdoors the association. But as well people
from interior and outside sources.

The outside sources are:

• Outside company
• Contestants and other administrations

The internal sources are:

• Company’s own website.

• Placement consultants.
• Employee reference
• From internship student

Recruitment Procedures of CSA ADVISOR

Forms of Recruitment: Here are two procedures of employments, specifically-

interior staffing and outside staffing. Interior employment is the procedures of
recognizing and drawing interviewees mid entities now property job with party.
On the other indicator, outdoor employment is the processes ascertaining and
attention-grab occupation aspirants from freestanding cluster.
In CSA ADVISOR, when position is shaped or convert unfilled, it principal efforts to
plug the site inside. There is no appropriate heart entrant, the HRD verves for
separate employment.
Recruitment Channel

CSA ADVISOR employees their workforces over binary intermediate and

persons are:

Inner Recruitment Channel: Current workforces are a significant cause of

employees. When for authorizations, preferment or for cross occupation
broadcasts, interior applicants now – distinguish the relaxed body and partake
aspect material about its official policies. In detail for CSA ADVISOR this class of
staffing is appropriated residence lone by singular resolve knowledgeable
member enrolment. For the inside employment CSA ADVISOR principally tail
bolted employment policy.
For inner recruitment sources are:

• Job Spin
• Skill Lists

Job Rotation: CSA ADVISOR receipts fresh staffs from current staffs through
occupation gyration. Society requirements multitask folks consequently they
make situation of persons additional division. They enchantment ready the
callings, necessities of work and expression in I beg yourpardon system to
spread over.
Skill Inventories: Done HRIS, CSA ADVISOR becomes correct operative’s
requirement gen for available site from current workers. This body retains
folder wherever completely kinds of factual of all workers are kept back.
They requirement innovative member they major realize the catalogue from
where they get substantial and transportation newfangled personnel as their
must. They novice for cutting-edge spot in that incident they good turn
educated societies witha virtuous familiarity and dedicated requirement.
Outside Recruitment Channel: Occasionally job wants something additional
that can be satisfied over interior sources. Such bags the HR subdivision has
to expression exterior the body and for CSA ADVISOR employment of
supervision trainees’ captain or several subordinate level department is done
complete this system.
A overall mixture three ways monitored for outside staffing in the CSA ADVISOR
which happens straight or ramblingly for dissimilar equal of employment.
These are-

• Publicizing
• Operative appointments Ambulatory CV

Advertising: Fresh graduates, the major technique that CSA ADVISOR shadows the
ad process, destined for employing determinations. They bounce the billboard the
alleged English and Hindi identifications. They use connected publicity by gmail for
enlisting candidates. For connected staffing, the candidates become Following
Amount that is a only amount which is mechanically shaped by the Online
Systemat the time of CV application.
Employee Referrals: Worker referrals events are monitored through CSA ADVISOR
mostly for the entrance equal employees, supervision apprentices it not in
rehearsal. It monitors this events when present workers denote unique novel
worker and the new single reflected to be additional decision. For place of
subordinate equal applicants this rehearsal is monitored occasionally.
Walking CV Walks in are occupation searchers who influence at the HR section in
hunt of an occupation and succumb their CV’s. Occasionally they are invited to
whole a request form to control their welfares and aptitudes. These applications
are kept in a lively file until an suitable opening arises at the Pro Info. These
happen mostly for admission occupations or votive job, for the employment of
organization apprentice this procedures are not rummage- sale.
Recruitment and Selection policy of CSA ADVISOR

CSA ADVISOR follows some rule. Recruitment and selection rules are simple. But
the effect of those policies can be problematic. These policies are given below:
• CSA ADVISOR recruitment strategy is to rental the exact nice of people at the
true place, selecting them done an actual procedures from pool of applicants
in the job marketplace.
• CSA ADVISOR recruitment and selection has liberty from all political and
other outsiders’ pressure.
• The competency and high superiority performance of the whole organization
shall be confirmed by the effective recruitment and selection.

• Those people who are experience more 6 or 9 years the company are more
flexible for those candidate.
• CSA ADVISOR follows the overhead strategies in the time of human resource
planning and recruiting new employment.

Definition of Selection

Though most staffs do not usage such a sumptuous broadcast expedient, all staffs
put candidates finished an assortment events. The assortment procedures is a
sequence of exact ladders used to choose which workers must be borrowed. The
procedures instigates when staffs apply for employ and tops with the engagement
result. Employing & collection are mutual and called the pay role in countless HR
divisions. In a huge HR section, the pay meaning is the charge of the hire manager.
In a reduced division, the HR director grips these responsibilities.
Service is frequently the main aim for the department’s being, meanwhile the
assortment events is dominant to the HR purpose.

Selection Procedures of CSA ADVISOR

The Corporation controls a very thorough and effectual selection actions to ensure
that only the very best contenders are accessible to our customers. The actions is
full below and vintages entrants with the true fit, so that our customers can
befittingly make their plan in arrangement with plan timelines. Different kinds of
assortment movements are labelled in below.
Receipt of Application: This the chief assortment phase to joint Pro Info.
Applicants whichever send their CVs in request for a careful job, or they send
uninvited CVs for any suitable place. There is a case in forward-facing of the HR
disunion where alarmed creature drip their uninvited CV. The HR dissection
assembles job tenders in incongruity of each one work post. In situation of paper
posters, the interviewees are specified at minimum 4 weeks to rub on. After a
precise period, all and every one work is bolted for rub on.
Sorting out Applications: Next stage is little list of CVs. Habitually the HR
dissection is tied up in the tiny entry. But HR detachment may indicator
completed this footstep to the own disunions to apart from time. To novice
educated Establishments, CVs could be under rheostat out from the assembly of
unsought CVs conventional. Another opportunity is to discovery out
knowledgeable and capable Companies in extra Companies. Once potential
applicants are therefore create out, they are telephoned and christened for
Informing Applicants: After petite record of the CV and taking the apt applicants,
HR separation alert the contender over telephone about on paper test or
interview. For on paper tests, the Company matters confess cards finished carrier
amenities seven to ten days earlier to the examination.
Written Test: The service test is usually ability examination which trials applicants
verbal‟skill, arithmetic ability, cerebral capacity. Normally Pro Info revenue on
paper test for pass near site like Apprentice secondary and for MT level. Former
IBA/BIBM takes the in black and bleached trial on behalf of Pro Info.
Interview: Pro Info takes a conference board containing of HR specialists and top
equal organization to manner bias free and even talk congregation. For selecting
MT s essentially‟DMD, MD and Crown of HR demeanor talk summit. For
recruiting knowledgeable experts numerous consultations may be focused.
Final Approval by Competent Authority: Afterward the meeting gathering the
contender are assessed by the meeting board. The organization team chooses
which one will be designated. After that “offer communication” is completed for
the contender. Once the applicants obtain the “offer communication”, they are
assumed the “Selection letter”. Disallowed applicants are not well-versed.
Joining and Placement: When the interviewee accepted bodily checked are given
the connection and assignment letter. The afresh employed staffs are demanded
to bang their individual connection place within one week.

Intern Recruitment

CSA ADVISOR bids practicum plans to persons who near to get student. They
bounce a coincidental to get complex with their company setting to learn and
involvement worklife. All three months they rental nearly 40 interns from varied
HRD brand the offer of appointment with separate, organization and take the
agreement from the concerned departmental cranium and dwelling the hostage

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